Which calcium supplement is better absorbed by the body? The best calcium supplements: how to choose

Calcium is important for optimal bone health throughout life. The heart, muscles, and nerves also need this element. In the human body, whose weight is 70 kg, calcium contains more than 1.7 kg, and although its role in the formation of the bone skeleton is traditionally considered important, it is an indispensable participant in the processes of metabolism, blood coagulation, exocytosis and muscle contraction. It is involved in hormonal and neurotransmitter synthesis, so the human body’s need for it always exists, although it is determined by age factors and gender. In the female body, calcium plays a special role, and the need for it is determined by different life periods.

Calcium for women its role

The alkaline earth soft metal, silvery-white in color, like other chemical elements in this group, is active and rarely occurs in nature in free form. It is the third most common metal in the environment (after aluminum and iron) and can be found in 400 minerals.

It occupies an important place in human activity as a building material of various configurations. Humanity uses limestone, marble and gypsum for its own needs. Calcium plays an important role in maintaining and preserving women’s health.

One of the most well-known functions of this microelement in the body is still its participation in the formation of bone tissue. Almost every adult has the necessary medical knowledge in this regard, and is vaccinated from childhood.

Everyone knows that the health of bones, teeth, and hair depends on calcium, not always realizing how important this function is and how regularly it is observed in the body. Approximately 20 percent of bone tissue is renewed every year, old cells break down, and this microelement is vital for the formation of new ones.

As soon as there is a deficiency of building material during the synthesis of new cells, it is extracted from all segments where calcium is contained. Hence, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, pathological condition of bones, cartilage tissue and teeth.

But this is not the only role of soft metal, as can be clearly seen in the example of the female body. In women of different ages, calcium is:

  • Contraction of muscle tissue, including smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and the muscular corset of the spine;
  • Transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system;
  • Regulation of osmosis, blood pressure and intracellular turgor;
  • The permeability of membranes through which essential nutrients are transported;
  • Hormonal synthesis and reproduction of certain enzymes;
  • Blood clotting, an indicator of which is extremely important during the menstrual cycle;
  • Construction of a new organism during gestation;
  • Safe passage of menopause, during which the ability to maintain the natural balance of an essential microelement is lost;
  • Prevention of osteoporosis and sufficient bone strength and flexibility during various processes associated with pregnancy.

A woman is intended by nature to reproduce the human race, and this is associated not only with hormonal characteristics and life cycles, but also with the individuality of her anatomical and physiological structure. Therefore, a lack of calcium in a woman manifests itself in painful symptoms, affecting not only her appearance, but also the presence of chronic and systemic diseases.

The daily calcium requirement varies depending on age. For:

For children under 18 years of age, this norm is 1300 mg per day;

For adults from 19 to 50 years old – 1000 mg;

For women over 50 years old – 120 mg.

Lack of calcium in women: symptoms and causes

Diagnosis of calcium deficiency can be based on a multiple set of signs, and some of them are characteristic of this specific condition. A lack of an essential microelement is indicated by symptoms that are immediately visible to a professional eye. If a woman gets tired quickly, is irritable and nervous, her hair is dry and brittle, despite all efforts, her nails are peeling, her teeth are bad and she often gets sick – we can absolutely talk about a lack of calcium.

At this stage, more serious symptoms begin to progress in the form of heart failure, a tendency to increased bone fragility and permanent injuries, the appearance of seizures, numbness, prolonged periods and hypersensitivity to cold. Each symptom individually does not indicate a specific disease, but when put together, the signs of a deficiency of this important element are obvious.

Such a negative phenomenon can develop for various reasons, of which several main groups can be distinguished:

  • Physiological (improper and irrational nutrition, lack of element in drinking water, addiction to stimulating drinks and smoking);
  • Pathological (diseases of internal organs of various etiologies, individual indigestibility of lactose, rickets, hormonal imbalance (lack of the required amount of estrogens);
  • Excess or deficiency of certain substances in the body or increased need for them;
  • Age-related features or cycles associated with reproductive function;
  • Taking medications that have the ability to enhance the removal of calcium from the body.

Calcium deficiency negatively affects a woman’s well-being, appearance and health, but its excess is no less harmful. Therefore, treatment of calcium deficiency is carried out not only with the help of medications, but also under the supervision of a doctor and in compliance with an appropriate dietary regimen.

Calcium deficiency can occur during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is very important during these periods that the woman receives a sufficient amount of this element, the daily norm of which during such periods ranges from 1000 mg to 1300 mg. As soon as the child is weaned, the calcium level in the body is restored.

Excess calcium in a woman's body symptoms

Excess calcium can lead to equally negative symptoms, which over time manifest themselves in the form of specific signs characteristic of hypercalcemia. They contribute to the development of the following diseases:

The level of calcium in the female body must be maintained, because both excess and deficiency can lead to negative manifestations. In no case should calcium-containing medications be taken on a self-prescribed basis, without the approval of a doctor and dosage adjustment depending on the individual condition.

Vitamins with calcium for women

While diet is the best way to get calcium, calcium supplements may be an option if you don't have enough calcium in your diet or if it's hard to absorb for some reason.

There are many drugs to treat calcium deficiency, but you need to choose medications based on their characteristics. The doctor takes into account not only the content of pure calcium in a particular medicine, but also selects the required type:

  • Single drug (calcium is contained in the form of salt);
  • Combined with vitamin D, (which aids absorption and synthesis), and other minerals;
  • Multivitamins, which are taken as a preventative measure and contain several minerals and vitamins.

The choice of the necessary medicine is made taking into account the needs, diseases or condition of the body.

Which calcium is best for women to take?

In supplements, calcium comes in various types of compounds. Depending on this, the content of mineral calcium is different. Calcium can be presented as:

Calcium carbonate (40% calcium);

Calcium citrate (21% calcium);

Calcium gluconate (9% calcium);

Calcium lactate (13% calcium).

It is most often found in supplements in the form of carbonate and citrate. Calcium carbonate supplements are the cheapest.

In addition, some calcium supplements contain vitamins and other minerals. For example, some supplements may also contain vitamin D or magnesium. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the form of calcium and what other additional elements are present. This is important if there are problems associated with calcium deficiency or the supplement will be taken as part of a healthy diet.

It is better for women to take calcium-containing medications indicated for their illness. If the body lacks only this trace element, then calcium carbonate, citrate, gluconate or lactate is better. The combination medicine also takes into account the need for other components, and multivitamins are usually used for preventive purposes.

Vitamins for women under 40 years old

Until the age of 40, a woman needs to take multivitamins or vitamin complexes, depending on her individual condition. During pregnancy and lactation, it is better to refrain from taking chemical drugs, and compensate for the deficiency with a proper diet.

Vitamins for women after 45 years

During menopause, the female body better absorbs powdered calcium, so a single drug is predominantly prescribed, which is recommended to be combined with milk and diet food. However, during this period there is often a deficiency of vitamin D, so doctors often recommend combination drugs that give a double effect (popular ones are Calcium D3 Nycomed, Kalcemin).

Calcium supplements for the prevention of osteoporosis

To prevent osteoporosis, you can buy Calcium D3, Vitrum Calcium and Natekal D3 in every pharmacy, but before that you should definitely consult with a therapist and orthopedist. They may have other recommendations.

Foods containing the maximum amount of calcium

There are many foods that women can eat to replenish their calcium stores. These products include:

Ice cream

Calcium is also found in dark leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach.

A large amount of calcium is contained in dairy products, and the higher the percentage of fat, the less this element it contains. For example, 100 grams of milk with a fat content of up to 3.5% contains 120 mg of calcium, and in skim milk its amount reaches 125 mg. 100 grams of sour cream contains only 80 mg of calcium.

Among vegetable crops, the largest amount of calcium is found in basil (252 mg per 100 grams), parsley takes second place (245 mg per 100 grams), followed by white cabbage, watercress, etc.

A large amount of calcium is found in sesame (780 mg per 100 grams), soybeans (240 mg per 100 grams), and beans (194 mg per 100 grams).

A large amount of calcium is found in seasonings such as cinnamon, thyme, rosemary, and cloves. Molasses is a good source of calcium. Many weight loss diets use it instead of sugar.


The article provides a list of popular calcium supplements, indicating prices and key features. Let's look at the main aspects that you need to pay attention to when choosing the best calcium supplement for yourself. Those who completely trust their intuition and are confident in the accuracy of their choice can safely go straight to the drug table.


A small educational program before choosing a calcium supplement

We won’t go into anatomy, we’ll just get to know what grows where and where. It will be easier to read the instructions for the drugs and understand why a certain aledronic acid is beating a certain osteoclast to death.

Bone consists of organic and inorganic parts. Organic is represented mainly by collagen fibers - ossein. Inorganic - from hydroxyapatite (a compound of calcium and phosphorus), inorganic magnesium salts and other elements. 98% of our calcium is concentrated in the bones.

Of the representatives of bone tissue cells, we will be interested in osteoblasts and osteoclasts. The function of osteoblasts is to create hydroxyapatites. The function of osteoblasts is to destroy them. The simultaneous activity of these cells ensures constant renewal of bone tissue. Thanks to this, the fabric retains its original properties and adapts to the needs of the body.

Weightlifters have higher bone mass and bone mineralization than the average person. A person who does not burden himself with regular physical activity will have the opposite situation.

What is not in demand in the body will gradually be put up for auction. And believe me, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus will scatter throughout the organs like hot cakes.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to my skeleton for the support that he has provided me all this time.

Prevention of osteoporosis also involves regular physical activity. Create a load on the skeleton, show the body that you need a strong and durable frame. Without feasible physical exercise, there is little point in taking even the best and most effective calcium supplements. It is illogical to have a strong skeletal system that can withstand even the most unfortunate fall without fractures, when in everyday life you do not burden yourself with loads heavier than a backpack or bag.

What to look for when choosing a calcium supplement

Instructions for reading the instructions. A small educational program with emphasis to give a little idea of ​​what benefits we can get.

  1. Impact on osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Some create, others destroy. Normally, with adequate physical activity, these processes proceed at the same speed. In about 10 years, we will not meet a single familiar hydroxyapatite; we will be greeted by renewed generations, ready to endure and overcome stress with renewed vigor.

    In the description of calcium preparations, we can often encounter statements that some substance severely oppresses and inhibits osteoclasts, preventing them from carrying out their destructive activities. At the same time, it does not in any way affect the creative work of osteoblasts.

    It sounds good if you don’t focus on the disruption of bone tissue renewal processes. What if it happens that in 10 years we will not meet new generations of structural elements of bone, ready in orderly rows to perform their functions of support and protection. Before us will appear a shabby, seen a lot, “heavily used” a skeleton that has lost its former flexibility and elasticity.

  2. A list of macro- and microelements that it is desirable to see in the composition of the drug. So, we write down a shopping list for preparing the dish “ordinary human bone”: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Season all this generously with vitamins, proteins and garnish with physical activity to taste.
    If the body receives calcium and magnesium, but there is not enough phosphorus or vitamin D3, the incoming elements will be dispersed to other organs. Calcium and magnesium will not wait for tomorrow, when you add the missing ingredients to your body with breakfast. The dish will be spoiled, but the goodness will not be wasted - your heart or nervous system will thank you.
  3. Secret secret. If for some reason it is not possible to take a combination drug, then when choosing between calcium, magnesium, vitamin D3, choose magnesium. It plays a leading role in building bone mass.

  4. Direct effect on the functioning of parathyroid hormone (parathyroid hormone).
    We will not be mistaken if we assume that this substance is somehow connected with calcium metabolism in the body. Parathyroid hormone, among other things, controls the concentration of calcium in the blood, a vital sign. If the concentration drops, the hormone tries to return it to normal using all legal and not so legal means.

    This agent stimulates the activity of osteoclasts in order to destroy hydroxyapatites to obtain calcium. Stimulates the formation of the active form of vitamin D3, which increases calcium uptake in the gastrointestinal tract and reduces excretion by the kidneys. If there is insufficient intake of calcium from food, the skeletal system becomes the main source.

    Some drugs, as a bonus, inhibit the functioning of this hormone.

    The best way to prevent parathyroid hormone from becoming active is to provide the body with the right amount of calcium every day. This will ensure the maintenance of acid-base balance, adequate blood clotting, proper metabolism, hormone production, etc. Do not drive the body into a corner by leaving the skeletal system as the only source of calcium.

  5. Calcitriol, cholecalciferol, alfacalcidol, aledronic acid and other popular phraseological units from the bird's vocabulary, which can be found in the “composition” section.
    Calcitriol is the active form of vitamin D3. Active in regulating phosphate and calcium metabolism in the body. Plays the role of a conscientious caretaker, stores useful elements for a rainy day, increasing bone mass. Accordingly, in order to increase calcitriol, attention should be paid to drugs with cholecalciferol (vitamin D3).
    Alfacalcidol, an analogue of vitamin D3, has a less significant effect on the metabolism of phosphate and calcium, but has a superior effect on the activity of parathyroid hormone. It is valuable because it puts less strain on the kidneys and stays in the blood longer.
    Aledronic acid- a representative of bisphosphonates (this explains everything, yes). It is used in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, bone metastases, primary hyperparathyroidism and other diseases. Slows down the work of osteoclasts and promotes their destruction.

List of calcium preparations with prices and descriptions

Name Prices ($) Short description
Rocaltrol (Switzerland / Hoffmann-La Roche) 8.83 — 21.98$ Calcitriol is a derivative of vitamin D3. It increases calcium absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Reduces calcium loss through the kidneys.
Actively participates in the processes of bone tissue formation. Suppresses the secretion of parathyroid hormone.
Ossein-hydroxyapatite compound
Osteogenon (France / Pierre Fabre) 9.42 — 18.75$ The inorganic component of the drug contains calcium and phosphorus in the form of hydroxyapatite, which are necessary for the reconstruction of bone tissue.
The organic component (ossein) inhibits the work of cells that destroy bone tissue (osteoclasts) and stimulates the work of bone-forming cells (osteoblasts).
Alpha D3‑Teva (Germany / Teva) 1.67 – 14.17$ The effect of the drug is due to the fact that it contains alfacalcidol, which is converted into calcitriol in the liver. Which in every possible way promotes the accumulation of calcium, increasing its supply and reducing the loss of the element.
Oksidevit (India / Panacea Biotek) 3.23 – 6.28$
Alfadol (Denmark / Leo Pharmaceutical Products) 6.55 – 9.82$
Alfacalcidol + calcium carbonate
Alfadol-Sa (India / Panacea Biotek) 4.8 — 10.52$ The effect of the calcitriol precursor is enhanced by the addition of an inorganic source of calcium in the form of carbonate.
Alfacalcidol + aledronic acid
Tevabon (Germany / Teva) 8.5 — 46.53$ Aledronic acid included in the composition inhibits the activity and causes self-destruction of osteoclasts, but does not increase the rate of bone tissue restoration.
Calcium chelate + magnesium + phosphorus + cholecalciferol
(USA/NSP) 20.52$ The composition contains chelated forms of calcium and magnesium, which increases the bioavailability of the elements. The elements are selected in the optimal ratio necessary for the restoration of bone tissue in the presence of vitamin D3. The formula is enhanced with a plant synergist - alfalfa.
Calcium carbonate + cholecalciferol (vitamin D3)
Natemille (Italy / Italfarmaco) 9.15 – 12.58$ Contains a source of calcium in the form of inorganic carbonate. Vitamin D3 controls calcium-phosphorus metabolism, increases the absorption and retention of calcium and phosphorus in the body.
Complivit Calcium-D3(Russia / Pharmstandard) 0.83 – 20.42$
Natekal D3 (Italy / Italfarmaco) 4.4 – 10.45$
Calcium-D3 Nycomed(~11 countries / Takeda) 2.67 — 15.32$
Calcium with vitamin D3 Vitrum(USA / Unipharm) 6 – 13.87$
Coral calcium + magnesium
(USA/NSP) 32.87$ It is a crushed powder made from corals that were mined from the sea near the Japanese Ryukyu Islands. Corals are 20-28% calcium and 10-14% magnesium. The resulting ratio of 2 to 1 is optimal for increasing bone mineralization. Among other things, it has pronounced alkalizing properties.
Calcium carbonate + calcium lactogluconate
Calcium – Sandoz forte(France / Novartis) 4.92 — 35$ Effervescent tablets provide an additional source of calcium in the form of two calcium salts: lactogluconate and carbonate. When the tablet dissolves, we get a drink with an orange scent.
Calcium carbonate + cholecalciferol + aledronic acid
Ostalon Calcium-D(Hungary / Gedeon Richter) 9.17 — 15.75$ The drug combines the properties of aledronic acid and vitamin D3. Their action is supported by inorganic calcium in the form of carbonate.
Preparations containing additional microelements
Vitrum Osteomag (USA / Unipharm) 5$ The basis of the drug is calcium carbonate and cholecalciferol. Added oxides of copper, zinc and magnesium, sodium borate, manganese sulfate. The addition of microelements improves the body's metabolic processes.
Osteokea (UK/Vitabiotics) 4.17 - 12.15$ Calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, cholecalciferol. Also included is zinc in sulfate form
(USA/NSP) 28.60$ Vitamins D3, B12 and B6, C; calcium chelate, phosphate and citrate; chelate and magnesium oxide; phosphorus; zinc oxide; gluconates of iron, copper and potassium; manganese and boron chelates; betaine hydrochloride, beta-carotene.

Strengthening synergistic plants: cones and stems of horsetail, papaya fruit concentrate and pineapple juice, parsley leaves, licorice root extract and valerian.

Calcemin Advance(Bayer) 1.68 — 23.6$ There are Kalcemin and Kalcemin Advance. The Advance version has a higher content of substances, the addition of magnesium oxide and a higher cost. General: two calcium salts (carbonate and citrate), vitamin D3, copper and zinc oxides, sodium borate
Marine calcium biobalance(Russia/Ekomir) 68,5 — 110 The 5 varieties of this dietary supplement are characterized by a variety of composition variations. In the simplest version, the tablet contains calcium and vitamin C. The rest, in addition to these two substances, additionally include:
  • vitamin D3;
  • or zinc, magnesium, selenium;
  • or iodine;
  • or manganese, iron, copper.

Daily intake, indications for use and features of various forms of calcium

The daily calcium intake ranges from 800 to 1200 mg. Children, especially during periods of active growth, and women in the postmenopausal period need the maximum. With a normal diet, the average person receives 400 mg of calcium.

Indications for taking medications:

  • osteoporosis of any origin (postmenopausal, age-related, caused by hormonal therapy, immobilization, etc.);
  • used as a supplement in the treatment of osteomalacia and rickets;
  • with mild increased excitability of the neuromuscular system;
  • in cases where the need for calcium increases (pregnancy, breastfeeding, during periods of rapid growth in children, when playing sports);
  • as an addition to the treatment of allergic reactions;
  • decreased function of the parathyroid glands;
  • to improve the condition of hair, nails and skin;
  • prevention of pre- and postmenopausal bone demineralization in women;
  • during menopause.

Digestibility of various calcium compounds:

  • Inorganic forms are the worst absorbed. The bioavailability of such forms ranges from 10 to 20% according to various sources. Carbonate is most often found in tablets. One of the obvious advantages of such calcium supplements is that they are cheap.
  • Organic compounds. The bioavailability of such compounds is on average 2.5 times higher than that of carbonates. For example, for calcium chelate it exceeds 60%. The most common is citrate. For some, the higher price tag may spoil the impression of the higher effectiveness of such drugs.

Most common side effects: allergic reactions.

Main contraindications: individual intolerance, increased calcium levels in the blood and urine.

Important Patient Information:

  • The norm of calcium per day for an adult is from 800 to 1200 mg. The lower figure corresponds to the needs of young, healthy and active people. The upper standard is for rapidly growing teenagers, pregnant women and women over 50 years of age. If you regularly consume dairy products and other sources of calcium, this requirement can be halved. That is, to replenish calcium deficiency, its daily intake should not be less than 400-600 mg.
  • Please note that the amount of “elemental” or pure calcium should be noted on the drug label.
  • Magnesium and zinc have been proven effective in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Therefore, calcium supplements often include these trace elements.
  • To improve absorption, it is better to take calcium supplements with meals or immediately after meals.
  • Caffeine and alcohol impair calcium absorption. It is also undesirable to drink sweet carbonated drinks. The phosphorus they contain helps “wash out” calcium from teeth and bones.
  • Antibiotics of the tetracycline group, some anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant and laxative drugs interfere with the “work” of calcium preparations.
  • For some people, taking calcium supplements may cause stomach pain, constipation, or nausea. Some tablets are difficult to swallow due to their large size. Therefore, you can try different forms of drugs. For example, chewable or dissolvable tablets.
    Trade name of the drug Price range (Russia, rub.) Features of the drug that are important for the patient to know about
    Active substance: Ossein-hydroxyapatite compound
    Osteogenon(Pierre Fabre) 499-891 Contains components necessary for the synthesis of bone tissue: calcium, phosphorus, ossein. Contraindicated in severe renal failure, not used in children.
    Active substance: Calcitriol
    La Roche)
    539-752 Calcitriol is one of the most important active substances formed from vitamin D3. Promotes the absorption of calcium in the intestines and regulates bone mineralization. Indications for the use of the drug are osteoporosis, renal osteodystrophy in patients with chronic renal failure, some disorders of the parathyroid glands, and vitamin D-dependent rickets. It extremely rarely causes side effects; unpleasant symptoms can only be observed in case of accidental overdose. Contraindicated in case of hypervitaminosis D. Use in children from 3 years of age.
    Active substance: Alfacalcidol
    Alpha D3‑Teva(Teva)
    (Echo NPK)
    (Leo Pharmaceutical)
    It is a precursor to calcitriol. Increases the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestines, restores a positive calcium balance. Not only increases the mineralization of bone tissue, but also increases its elasticity by stimulating protein synthesis. This helps reduce the incidence of fractures. Significantly reduces the incidence of falls in older people. Indications are similar to those of calcitriol. May cause vomiting, heartburn, abdominal pain and a number of other side effects. Contraindicated in case of elevated levels of magnesium in the blood, hypervitaminosis D, in the first trimester of pregnancy, during breastfeeding and in children under 3 years of age.
    Active substance: Alfacalcidol + calcium carbonate
    Alfadol-Sa (Panacea Biotek) 217-439 A combined preparation of calcium and the active form of vitamin D3. Contraindicated in case of urolithiasis with the formation of calcium stones.
    Active substance: Calcium carbonate + colecalciferol
    Calcium-D3 Nycomed(Nycomed, Takeda)
    Calcium-D3 Nycomed forte
    (Nycomed, Takeda)
    Complivit Calcium-D3(Pharmstandard)
    Complivit Calcium-D3

    Natekal D3(Italpharmaco)

    (Gedeon Richter)
    with vitamin D3

    The most famous combination of calcium and vitamin D3. Usually well tolerated. Only sometimes it can cause constipation, flatulence and other side effects from the digestive system. Contraindicated in the presence of hypervitaminosis D, severe renal failure, active tuberculosis and sarcoidosis. Specific drugs have their own age restrictions.

    Active substance: Calcium carbonate + calcium lactogluconate
    Sandoz forte
    230-490,2 Contains a high dose of rapidly soluble ionized calcium salts. This dosage form ensures adequate calcium intake into the body in the form of a tasty drink. To improve calcium absorption, it is recommended to combine this remedy with vitamin D supplements. It may cause a number of side effects. Contraindicated in case of urolithiasis and chronic renal failure.
    Active substance: Calcium carbonate + calciferol + magnesium oxide + zinc oxide +
    copper oxide + manganese sulfate + sodium borate

    195-418 Combined preparation with a high dosage of elemental calcium. Contains microelements that increase the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis. Sometimes it can cause constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, pain in the upper abdomen, and nausea. Contraindicated in cases of severe renal impairment, urolithiasis with the formation of calcium stones, and in children under 12 years of age.
    Active substance: Calcium carbonate + colecalciferol + magnesium hydroxide +
    zinc sulfate heptahydrate
    155-467,5 A combined drug that replenishes the deficiency of calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D. It is used mainly for preventive purposes, including during periods of intensive growth in childhood and adolescence and during active sports.
    Active substance: Calcium carbonate + calciferol + zinc oxide + copper oxide +
    manganese sulfate + sodium borate
    (Sagmel, Bayer)
    176-315 Replenishes the deficiency of microelements, calcium and vitamin D3, helps strengthen bones and joints. Sometimes it can cause nausea, vomiting, and flatulence. Contraindicated in case of urolithiasis.
    Active substance: Calcium carbonate + calcium citrate + calciferol + zinc oxide +
    Magnesium oxide + copper oxide + manganese sulfate + sodium borate
    Calcemin Advance
    (Sagmel, Bayer)
    215,9-476 Combined preparation with a high dose of elemental calcium. It is used for the prevention and complex treatment of osteoporosis in women during menopause and in people taking glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants for a long time. Can also be used to replenish calcium and micronutrient deficiencies in adolescents. Side effects and contraindications are the same as those of Kalcemin.
    Active substance: Calcium + magnesium + zinc + selenium + vitamin C
    biobalance calcium-magnesium-zinc-selenium
    (dietary supplement) (Ekomir)
    68,5-110 A dietary supplement to food, which is intended to prevent deficiency of minerals and vitamin C during prolonged work at the computer, increased fragility of nails and hair, excessive physical activity, atopic dermatitis, frequent colds, as well as when living in regions deficient in selenium.
    Active substance: Calcium + iodine + vitamin C
    Marine calcium biobalance calcium-iodine(dietary supplement) (Ekomir) 68,5-110 A biologically active food supplement that is recommended during the period of growth in children, during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, the postmenopausal period, rehabilitation after radiation exposure, with dysfunction or enlargement of the thyroid gland, living in large cities, in environmentally unfavorable areas, as well as in regions deficient in iodine.
    Active substance: Calcium + iron + manganese + copper + vitamin C
    biobalance calcium-iron-manganese-copper

    (dietary supplement) (Ekomir)
    68,5-110 A biologically active food supplement that is recommended for diseases and conditions caused by a deficiency of calcium, iron, manganese, and copper. It can be used for preventive purposes during heavy physical exertion, anemia, heavy and prolonged menstruation, multiple births, and when living in an area with a deficiency of iron, manganese, and copper.
    Active substance:
    Calcium + vitamin C

    Biologically active food supplements, which are recommended as a source of calcium during menopause and postmenopause, pregnancy and breastfeeding, increased need for calcium, osteopenia. Can be used during periods of intensive growth in children over 12 years of age, as well as for allergic conditions, diathesis, caries prevention and other diseases and conditions associated with a lack of micro- and macroelements.

    with vitamin C

    (dietary supplement) (Ekomir)
    Active substance: Calcium + vitamin C + colecalciferol
    biobalance with vitamins C and D3

    (dietary supplement) (Ekomir)

Calcium gluconate is one of the cheapest medications that helps strengthen the skeletal system. Calcium is a vital macronutrient. It helps normal bone formation, stabilizes the blood clotting process, and supports cardiac and nervous activity. Cheap Gluconate tablets improve muscle contractions in the same way as its more expensive counterparts and normalize tissue metabolism.

The drugs are taken by patients with myasthenia gravis and muscular dystrophy. It helps if bones become brittle due to calcium deficiency. These tablets are also prescribed for nephritis and increased vascular permeability. The medicine is also prescribed if certain allergic or skin diseases are diagnosed.

As a preventative measure, it is good for pregnant and lactating women. This medicine is especially useful during the postmenopausal period, when osteoporosis begins due to a catastrophic decrease in estrogen levels.

How to calculate dosage

In order for the medicine to be completely absorbed, it must be taken according to the instructions. One tablet of calcium gluconate contains 0.5 g of active ingredient.

Any pharmacy will explain that the tablets must be taken before meals. Single doses are calculated according to the age of the patients. It should be taken:

  • adults – 1-3 grams;
  • teenagers – 2-3.

For children, standard dosages according to the instructions are:

  • up to a year – 0.5g;
  • up to 4 years – 1g;
  • up to 6 – 1.5 g;
  • up to 9 – 2 years

The dosage during pregnancy and the frequency of doses is determined by the doctor. In some cases, pregnant women have a serious lack of calcium, and without treatment it leads to pathologies in the development of the fetus. Therefore, for prevention, it is advisable to use inexpensive and healthy calcium tablets.

Pros and cons

The medicine is also prescribed for excessively rapid calcium excretion. This happens with a chronic form of diarrhea, secondary hypocalcemia (after prolonged use of diuretics or glucocorticosteroids, as well as antiepileptic drugs). In addition, medications must be taken if a person has:

  • hypocalcemia;
  • disruptions in the passage of intramuscular nerve impulses;
  • the permeability of cell membranes increased.

The tablets will help with hypoparathyroidism, rickets, hyperphosphatemia. The use of Gluconate is indicated for:

  • various bleedings;
  • allergic diseases;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • relief of lead colic and eclampsia conditions.

It is part of complex therapy for parenchymal hepatitis, toxic liver damage, paroxysmal myoplegia of the hyperkalemic type. However, every effective remedy has contraindications. The drug is contraindicated in hypersensitive patients, as well as in cases of illness:

  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • nephrourolithiasis;
  • sarcoidosis.

Due to the effect on the cardiovascular system, simultaneous use with cardiac glycosides is prohibited.

Release forms

Each tablet of calcium gluconate contains 500 mg of active ingredient. There are also chewable tablets with the same dosage. This drug is produced by many companies, so a person has the opportunity to choose the tablets that suit him. Here are some manufacturers with a good reputation: Vial, LekT and B. Brown.

Cheap drug helped

Everyone decides for themselves whether to trust the opinion of the public, but as far as calcium glucanate is concerned, the verdict is unanimous.

Alina, 25 years old.

With his help I coped with postpartum problems and helped with calcium deficiency.

Tatyana, 41 years old.

I used it to make up for the deficiency that had arisen. Before this I used more expensive analogues. I didn't notice any difference! I recommend it - inexpensive and effective.

Elena, 32 years old.

The drug helped my baby when he started having allergies.

Calcium is one of the elements necessary for human health and functioning.

The lack of this element causes many disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and blood circulation, as a result of which the body is forced to redistribute calcium reserves, washing it out of bone tissue into the bloodstream.

As a result, an equally serious problem arises - bones become brittle and brittle, and the risk of severe fractures and diseases of the musculoskeletal system increases significantly.

Every person knows that calcium is found mainly in dairy products, and for healthy bones it is necessary to include milk and cottage cheese in the menu, but even their daily use cannot guarantee good absorption of the element.

There are several types of such medications: single-drug preparations (those that contain exclusively calcium, as well as calcium preparations with vitamin D and other microelements that promote the absorption of the element and have a beneficial effect on the health of the body.

The calcium needs of people at different ages differ significantly - children need 0.7-1 g of calcium per day, young people - 1.3 g, elderly - at least 1.2 g.

Monopreparations containing only calcium salt

Medicines that contain exclusively calcium salts:

  • carbonate;
  • citrate;
  • lactate

Without additional additives, these drugs are popular due to their low cost and availability.

The disadvantage of their use is that this microelement is poorly absorbed by the body, and an overdose can cause serious side effects.

Calcium gluconate

The simplest drug, which is sold in every pharmacy and is used for hypocalcemia (calcium deficiency in the body), as well as to suppress allergic reactions.

When compared with other drugs, it has the lowest percentage of absorption (about 3%), and if taken incorrectly, it can contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

For this reason, calcium gluconate is most often used as part of complex therapy.

You will find instructions for using the drug L-thyroxine.

Calcium carbonate

Another common drug, which, with normal stomach acidity, is absorbed much better - by 17-22%, but with some gastrointestinal diseases, the degree of its absorption decreases to almost zero. As with calcium gluconate, it can cause side effects - constipation, flatulence, nausea and loss of appetite.

It is better to take calcium salts in their pure form in the evening or between meals, drinking plenty of acidic liquid.


Its main difference from regular calcium gluconate is that, thanks to additional ingredients, Vitacalcin dissolves better in water and is more quickly absorbed by the body. Indications, rules of administration and side effects of the drug are similar to those described above.

"Calcium Sandoz"

A medicine that contains a microelement in three forms at once: lactate, gluconate and carbonate.

In terms of pure calcium - about 500 mg per tablet.

Sandoz is convenient because it comes in the form of effervescent tablets, making it easy to use for diseases associated with calcium deficiency in children.

Before using drugs containing pure calcium salts, you should consult your doctor, since abuse of these drugs can cause hypercalcemia, a life-threatening condition.

Calcium and vitamins

The composition of such preparations includes different amounts of vitamins and microelements, from two or three to several dozen. Complex drugs bring more benefits to the body (compared to single drugs), but their cost is much higher.

Multivitamin preparations

The range of such drugs in modern pharmacies is very large, so you need to choose a complex based on the needs of your own body.

Most often they are produced for a certain category of consumers: children, pregnant women, those who are at risk for osteoporosis, etc.

Here are the most famous means:

  1. "Calcium + Vitamin C." A relatively inexpensive and effective remedy for the prevention of osteoporosis and other age-related disorders. In addition to calcium, the drug contains vitamin C, which is not synthesized by the human body, so replenishing its deficiency plays an important role. Available in the form of soluble tablets with a fruity aroma.
  2. "Vitrum". Drugs of this brand are considered one of the most popular on the modern market. In the Vitrum line you can find complexes for children and pregnant women, general strengthening products and beauty products (improving the condition of skin, hair and nails).
  3. Vitamax. The product contains calcium citrate and hydroxyapatite - forms that are best absorbed by the body, as well as additional elements including phosphorus, boron, zinc and chondroitite sulfate complex, designed specifically to strengthen bones and joints.

In addition to the above drugs, calcium is included in the vitamin complex “Multitabs” for children, “Prenatal” and “Elevit” for pregnant women, “Sana-Sol”, etc.

Due to anatomical features, women need more calcium than men, and in the life of the fair sex there are several periods when this element is vital (puberty, pregnancy, menopause).

Combination drugs

Combination products with calcium contain another important element for bone health - vitamin D (calcium and vitamin D preparations).

It promotes good absorption of calcium, protects bone tissue from destruction and prevents diseases such as rickets and osteoporosis.

List of products containing these two components:

  1. "Calcium-D3 Nycomed". A combination product that contains calcium and vitamin D3. This is one of the most effective and easy-to-use drugs - it comes in the form of chewable tablets with mint or orange flavor. Virtually no side effects.
  2. "Complivit Calcium D3". The components of the drug include calcium carbonate, cholecalciferol and vitamin D. It is available in the form of chewable tablets that can be taken from three years of age. Possible side effects include allergic reactions and gastrointestinal disorders.
  3. "Calcemin". Mineral-vitamin complex, which includes calcium carbonate and citrate, vitamin D and other beneficial substances. Available in capsule form, taken with meals in the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Popular combination drugs also include Natekal D3, which additionally contains magnesium, which is beneficial for heart function, and Ostalon Calcium-D with alendronic acid, a substance that slows down the destruction of bone tissue.

Taking medications containing calcium and other beneficial substances is the best way to prevent bone tissue diseases, but before choosing a remedy, you should consult your doctor and carefully study the list of contraindications and side effects.

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