Which cat is better to have in a regular apartment? The best cat breed for children: how to choose an animal for a child

Today there are more than 200 officially registered cat breeds. In addition to purebred animals, a variety of mestizos appear annually, which often combine unique qualities. How to choose a cat breed for an apartment among such a variety and be sure that you are right is a very controversial issue. Maybe, The best way- this is to clearly define 2-3 basic requirements, and navigate the rest intuitively.

Advice: try not to put the cat’s appearance at the forefront, you have a responsible step ahead and living together with an animal that has character and skills...it is these characteristics that need to be taken into account first.

Statistically, almost twice as many people live in apartments more cats than dogs. There are two main reasons: cats tolerate loneliness better and do not need to be walked. The cat is more suitable for the role the perfect pet for the owner with a busy work schedule.

Probably all breeds are suitable for living in an apartment, except for the first generations of hybrids with wild cats. Such four-legged animals should be kept in a separate room (room), preferably with an enclosure. Naturally, there are breeds that are more adapted to living in an apartment than others, but considering this characteristic separately is not entirely correct. When choosing a breed, try to take into account the following nuances:

  • Stress resistance– the ability to quickly adapt to living conditions, endure loneliness, noise, strangers etc.
  • Necessary level physical activity – if you have a busy schedule, you shouldn’t get a very active cat...or you should get two at once active cats- at your discretion.
  • How calm and friendly are representatives of the breed? people's attitude. If you are choosing a cat for a child, you need to pay attention to this characteristic Special attention.
  • Fastidiousness in care– a long-haired cat is more troublesome to keep than a short-haired one, and this is obvious. However, the length of the coat is far from the main aspect of care; some cats need regular ear cleaning, nail trimming, and condition monitoring. respiratory tract and skin.

So, the best cat breed for an apartment is individual indicator and it depends only on your lifestyle. If you like to invite guests, a quiet cat will not suit you, and if there is a dog in the house, then a sissy cat will feel uncomfortable.

Choosing joy for your home

Best breed – favorite breed (mongrel cat)

If you are not a breeder and you do not have any special requirements, the ideal option is a four-legged dog rescued from the street or a shelter. With mongrel animals, you can't count on a certain character or skill, but you can be sure that the pet will remember your kindness for the rest of its life. Let's not lie, among mongrel cats quite “harmful” with difficult character, but only they can boast a number of advantages:

  • Most of the "nobles" unpretentious in feeding and are not inclined to food allergies.
  • Developed intelligence– in the absence of a sharp mind and innate cunning, a cat cannot survive on the street.
  • Hunting Skills- majority purebred cats do not hunt, but outbred tailed animals successfully exterminate pests.
  • Good health and a good gene pool provided by natural selection.

Outbred animals (those without a pedigree) cannot be bred, therefore, in the interests of maintaining health, it is recommended that animals be spayed and neutered at a young age.

Canadian finx

Probably one of the most desirable breeds for an apartment. The reason for its popularity is obvious; Sphinxes have no fur. The breed was developed by selecting representatives with genetic mutations. The fact is that even outbred cats rarely give birth to hairless or “velor” kittens.

The appearance of the Sphinx created a sensation among cat lovers. It must be said that the Sphinxes had many fans, but there were also people who did not understand the beauty of hairless cats. Most people who don't like Sphynxes change their minds when they stroke the cat's soft, velor, unusually hot back.

This is interesting! The appearance of Sphinxes is often compared to that of an alien; there is even an alien version of the origin of the breed.

Hairless cats do not have a completely feline character. Most of them are incapable of aggression, become very attached to their owner and behave a little like a dog.. Sphynx dogs can be taught tricks, tolerate walks in a harness well, and quickly establish contact with other animals. The breed is not talkative, which is important for apartment living.

Hairless cats are odorless and relatively easy to keep. Compared to other breeds, Sphinxes are calmer during the heat period, cats do not scream too loudly, and cats hardly mark. With balanced feeding and a comfortable stay, representatives of the breed rarely get sick or cause inconvenience.

Note! In addition to the Canadian Sphynx, hairless breeds include the very rare Bambino, Ukrainian Levkoy, Don and St. Petersburg Sphynxes.

British cat

One of the most common breeds, bred in England through interbreed matings between aboriginal representatives of cats and Persian cats, already known at that time. Purpose of breeding new breed was concluded in obtaining an apartment version of a cat, unpretentious in care and without obvious health problems.

Adult British cats are large and heavy, but they are a muscular cat with a harmonious build. The British are loved for their roundness, bright eyes and cute cheeks. By the way, the cheeks of cats are much more developed. British cats are famous for their noble printed coat, blue color. The breed standard specifies only one color, but Lately breeders started active work on expanding the color palette and recognizing the expanded standard.

Cats count moderately active, mobile with a balanced character. The experience of the owners proves that the British tend to become very attached to their owners. In relation to children, representatives of the breed are very affectionate and patient. Representatives of the breed can boast of strong nervous system and stress resistance.

Representatives of the breed do not require complex care, minus the demanding nutrition. Many British prone to food allergies with consequences in the form of skin diseases.

Scottish cat (fold and straight)

From the moment of their breeding until recently, Scottish cats were considered separate breed. A certain external similarity with British cats led to the fact that dishonest breeders often crossed animals different breeds. Today, as a result of this chaotic activity, the question of uniting the breeds into one – the British one – has been raised head on.

Straight-eared Scottish cats Very similar to the British, folds have only one difference - curved ear cartilages. The highlight of the breed is the result of a genetic mutation. According to breeding rules, mating of two Scottish Folds is strictly prohibited, but since such manipulation allows you to increase the number of fold kittens in a litter, dishonest breeders often resort to it.

Most cats born from fold bribes disabled from birth, Although inexperienced owner cats may not notice any abnormalities. If you decide to buy Scottish kitten fold, opt for babies with confirmed breed value (with a pedigree), otherwise you are taking a big risk.

Purebred Scottish cats belong to healthy breeds. Many owners note very a good appetite pets In terms of character, Scottish cats are almost no different from British cats; they are active, sociable and not too active.

Like British cats, Scots are not very picky about grooming, but need balanced diet . With a food allergy, the cat suffers from itching, which can lead to scratching and formation of purulent wounds. Metis are prone to problems with bones, spine, joints, work hormonal system, in particular, are prone to diabetes.

Maine Coon

A breed that is not suitable for a small apartment, since in adulthood cats weigh about 10 kilograms, cats are slightly smaller, usually up to 8 kilograms. The history of the breed stretches from America, where the ancestors of Maine Coons were called raccoon cats.

The appearance of Maine Coons is probably their main trump card. Against the backdrop of power and nobility, representatives of the breed enchant with their bewitching grace. In adult individuals, tassels are developed on the ears, like a lynx, the tail is pubescent and looks very heavy, and cats have well-developed withers and mane. Despite their solid dimensions, representatives of the breed, by nature, remain teenagers until 4–5 years of age. Due to their late maturation, Maine Coons are bred rarely and late, which explains the price and rarity of kittens.

From the outside, the Maine Coon may seem dangerous, since its claws are highly developed and, hypothetically, such a cat could inflict serious injuries. In fact, purebred representatives of the breed are distinguished by true kindness, they are polite with adults, affectionate with children, and forgiving if someone behaves intrusively. IN adolescence, Maine Coons easily learn tricks and are accustomed to a harness. Such large cats need a lot of space and love to walk outside, but walking on their own is dangerous for them. Despite their external power, Maine Coon fighters are mediocre.

This is interesting! Maine Coons do not cause trouble by meowing, but they do purr constantly.

Your pet will need several beds located in convenient places, since Maine Coons tend to sleep wherever they can (even if it’s uncomfortable). During the period of active growth and throughout life, representatives of the breed need an enhanced but balanced diet. The four-legged animal needs to be given enough time, and childhood, the cat needs to be trained to play independently.

Exotic Shorthair (exotic)

A cat breed beloved by many, with a very interesting appearance. Such original quadrupeds were bred by crossing Persian cats and native quadrupeds from America. Thanks to the stronger genes of American aboriginal cats, Exotics have short hair, which is undoubtedly convenient for apartment living.

Note! Externally, the shorthaired exotic differs from the extreme Persian only in its long hair.

Exotic shorthair cats are very intelligent, sociable, gentle and responsive. Unlike the Persian, exotics are more active, curious and playful. Another undoubted advantage is high stress resistance. Exotic shorthair cats quickly become accustomed to people, even as adults. In terms of care, there is no problem with exotics special problems if the cat is healthy. Representatives of the breed need a balanced diet and are prone to respiratory ailments and ophthalmological problems.

Persian cat

One of the most famous breeds in the world. The four-legged animals were bred in Asia and attracted the world's attention for their luxurious fur and very docile nature. Persian, this is no exaggeration, ideal breed cats for an apartment if you are ready to provide your pet with decent care and nutrition.

Representatives of the breed are well built, muscular, harmonious and very graceful. The coat is long, luxurious, elongated at the withers and tail. A small, slightly depressed nose and huge, expressive eyes give the cat a special charm. In terms of colors, the breed standard is almost unlimited, but the contrasting tabby, Himalayan and color point are considered the rarest.

Persian cats the most calm and homely in the truest sense of the word. The breed was originally bred as pet, spoiled, not deprived of care, attention and love. The four-legged animals are distinguished by their affectionate nature and absolute trust in their owner. Representatives of the breed quickly become attached to the family, sincerely love people, and treat all members very kindly.

The intelligence of the Persians is also amazing; they are able to analyze the situation for a long time and accept their own, most often right decisions. A big plus of the breed - This is complete adaptation to living in an apartment. Most Persian cats will not agree to walk outside, even if their freedom is unlimited. If you like to walk cats, the kitten needs to be accustomed to a harness and outdoors. early childhood(immediately after receiving vaccination).

If you don't like brushing cats, the Persian is not for you. Many people find the process of caring for their pet's coat calming, which is why representatives of the breed are so popular. Your pet's coat needs to be brushed thoroughly every day! If a cat does not receive proper care, it becomes covered in tangles, and this is not only unsightly, it is painful. Persian cats shed a lot of hair when they shed, even if you groom them every day. Some representatives of the breed snore in their sleep and are prone to breathing problems, this is explained by the structure of the skull.

Important! It is better to buy a Persian cat kitten only from trusted breeders recommended by your friends.

Cornish Rex

The first impression is not deceiving, the Cornish Rex is oriental cat, one might say, one of the interpretations of the Orientals. The birthplace of the breed is in England, which is not surprising; the breeders of this country have always strived for a kind of perfection in the cat's appearance.

The Cornish Rex stands out among its relatives with its short, very pleasant to the touch, plush and wavy hair. Representatives of the breed also have wavy mustaches. The quadrupeds are built very harmoniously, despite their high legs and developed muscles. When on the move, the Cornish Rex is graceful and very confident. TO distinctive features This includes the elongated shape of the head and the very impressive size of the ears. Due to the short hair, the Cornish Rex's tail looks very thin, and due to the pet's sociability, it constantly wriggles and bends in a funny way.

Note! Cornish Rexes do not shed, do not sweat, do not smell and when proper care do not leave any traces of sebum.

If you live in a one-room apartment and for this reason alone cannot get a dog, choose a Cornish Rex. This cat has truly a dog's devotion and somewhat of a character. The Cornish Rex quickly becomes attached to its owner and tolerates the change of owner extremely painfully.. Representatives of the breed get along with dogs and other animals without any problems. In relation to children, Cornish Rexes are patient and affectionate; towards strangers, they are a little distrustful.

The Cornish Rex is a very intelligent, intellectually demanding breed. Four-legged animals learn commands well, are happy to walk on a leash, and have fun with interactive toys. Against the backdrop of mobility and curiosity, Cornish Rexes are unobtrusive and if the pet sees that the owner is not in the mood or time to play, he simply observes everyday life.

Probably the biggest plus of the breed is its unpretentiousness. At correct selection diet, cats eat well, are not picky, and tolerate consistency in their diet well. There is only one caveat - the pet must have conditions for leisure, otherwise it will eat out of boredom and gain weight.


Oddly enough, such calm cats are descendants of Siamese, which have a very lively disposition. However, when bred, the character of the Siamese was no secret. Therefore, many specially selected, most flexible Persian cats took part in breeding work. Some experts still do not recognize that Siamese cats and Ragdolls are relatives and believe that the latter's docile nature is the result of a gene mutation.

The calmness, complaisance and obedience of the representatives of the breed are so unshakable that groups of breeders have struggled to overcome this feature. the fact is that when Ragdolls appeared in Europe, a myth was born about the fearlessness of these four-legged animals and their inability to feel pain. Behavioral studies have shown that the phlegmatism of the breed's representatives in some way conflicts with the survival instinct - the strongest instinct of any creature.

Note! According to the breed standard, the Ragdoll is far from phlegmatic, but affectionate, flexible, demanding of communication, calm and intelligent.


A phenomenal breed of short-legged cats that have been compared to basset hounds, dachshunds and even kangaroos. The last comparison is due to the fact that Munchkin tends to climb hind legs and stand in a column for quite a long time. Munchkins are very attentive, curious and often amaze their owners with their level of intelligence.

Note! Quadrupeds differ in the length of their fur, but it is always velvety and very soft to the touch.

By nature, representatives of the breed are very affectionate, responsive and flexible. munchkins very attached to owners, sometimes even too much. For example, Munchkin owners say that until the pet grew up, he followed him everywhere, even to the bathroom and toilet, and if you closed the door in front of his nose, the ward began to worry and seriously panic. For some owners, it is very important that the cat does not climb everywhere, and Munchkin fully meets this requirement; due to his physique, he simply cannot jump high. By the way, on their claws, on a porous surface, these cats can rise quite high.

Munchkin not quite suited to being alone for long periods of time, but representatives of the breed tolerate travel and changes of environment very well. Four-legged animals love to walk on a leash and the attention of strangers, believe me, many will not be able to pass by such a pet without emotions. With appropriate upbringing, you can raise a Munchkin to be a full-fledged companion, and although the pet will not be able to bring you slippers, comfort you in grief or make you laugh on a gray day, it is quite capable.

Professional felinologists are confident that it is a stretch to call any cat calm, since this characteristic may depend both on the character of a particular individual and on the environment. For example, caring and calm owners will often have pets that are not fussy and friendly. Nevertheless, we can name a number of breeds that are considered the most calm and affectionate and are well suited for an apartment. They usually have a patient character, try not to bother their owners, are not aggressive towards children and get along easily with other animals. So which breeds best meet these criteria?

These cats are often considered ideal for keeping in an apartment, since they have a peaceful, calm character with a certain amount of phlegm, which becomes noticeable from an early age. The British do not like to bully, are friendly to all family members and do not require special care due to their short hair. The latter has a special structure, so this breed is often compared to a plush toy, and the variety of colors allows everyone to choose the ideal pet for themselves.

Prices for show-class British Shorthair kittens start from 14,000 rubles.

Translated from English name means “rag doll,” which well reflects the character of these animals: when you pick them up, they look like “purring rags.” Ragdolls are calm cats with increased patience and affection towards family members who do not like to be alone. They are distinguished by a good appetite without a tendency to obesity and ease of care. But you need to be extremely careful with these cats: they do not know how to group themselves when falling, so ragdolls cannot be thrown to the floor even from a height of human height. And when kept in an apartment, you should especially avoid open windows, even for residents of the first floors.

To become the owner of a ragdoll kitten from trusted breeders, you need to pay between 15-45 thousand rubles.

Shorthair exotics

This breed is the result of crossing American Shorthairs and Persian cats, has a calm and friendly character. Exotics are always devoted to their owner and are ready to obey him. Their huge advantage: the ability to calmly endure all the “molestations” of small children. In addition, exotics are different good health and unpretentiousness in caring for the coat: it is enough to comb it periodically.

For club exotic kittens, prices start from 15,000 rubles.

Cats of this breed are ideal for keeping in an apartment, especially for owners who work a lot and return home late in the evening. They do not need to be constantly squeezed and stroked, but at the same time they are ready to follow their owner everywhere and participate in active games and sleep in the same bed. But with strangers, representatives of the Russian Blue breed show increased caution. Russian Blues have an elegant, sophisticated appearance that does not require special care.

Prices for Russian Blue kittens start from 4,000 rubles, and in professional nurseries – from 23,000 rubles.

Thanks to the unusual appearance with tassels on the ears, the popularity of this breed has only been gaining momentum lately. Despite their impressive size, these pets have a balanced, calm character and easily fit into any family. They are ready to tolerate any children's antics, so they will be a friend to both the child and all family members.

Maine Coons are highly intelligent and very sociable, which is why they are often called cat dogs. It can be considered a kind of disadvantage big sizes, due to which they need more food (the number of bowel movements increases accordingly) and space for comfortable living.

You can buy a Maine Coon with a pedigree for a price starting from 15,000 rubles.

These fluffy blue-eyed pets have a moderately playful character: on the one hand, they are ready to take part in active games, on the other hand, they will not require attention if the owner cannot devote time to them.

Despite the fluffiness, the fur does not have a thick undercoat, so cats do not require special care: it is enough to brush them periodically so as not to collect hair throughout the apartment. The Burmese have good health And good immunity, which is a significant advantage of this calm breed.

The price of Burmese kittens from a nursery with a full set of documents ranges from 40-60 thousand rubles, while you can buy a pet from second-hand breeders for 12,000 rubles.

Although Sphynxes have a specific appearance that not everyone likes, they are one of the most tame breeds. They do not like loneliness and literally need warmth human hands, which is related to the features skin. In addition to its calm disposition, an important advantage of the breed is hypoallergenicity.

Canadian Sphynxes have a kind, peaceful character and will willingly communicate with anyone who is willing to pay attention to them, even if they are unfamiliar guests. Especially soft skin Sphynx cats require regular care and hygiene, so owners should be careful about the living conditions and feeding of these unusual cats.

You can purchase a “club” Sphynx kitten for a price starting from 20,000 rubles.

These cats are considered one of the most affectionate breeds and become attached to their owner with almost dog-like devotion. Despite the name “Siberian”, they are popular for keeping in apartments not only in Russia, but also in the world.

Siberian cats belong to large breeds, the weight of individual individuals can reach 15-18 kg. Of their main disadvantages, only labor-intensive care should be noted. It is caused by long and thick hair, which requires regular brushing to avoid tangles.

You can buy a show-class Siberian kitten at a price starting from 20,000 rubles, and from private individuals you can find offers starting from 3,000 rubles.

In most cases, purebred cats are very demanding in food and care, so think carefully before bringing them into your apartment.

Cats, regardless of breed, are wayward and freedom-loving creatures. In a gentle Abyssinian you can find a little arrogance, in the most affectionate British woman no, no, and there will be signs of stubbornness and savagery. Therefore, the family should think about which cat is best to have in the apartment.

To domestic cat not to turn into a harmful beast, it needs to create conditions that would be closer to its natural habitat: hunting grounds, space for climbing and games, secluded and safe corners for relaxation. Each cat goes through a period of socialization in a new home, during which time it is necessary to show special attention to it, talk to it, caress it, so that distrust and fearfulness do not become entrenched in it.

Pros and cons of domestic cats

People should decide with full responsibility whether to have a cat in an apartment. After all, she will need proper upbringing. Cats are good at home because:

  • Returning home after a tiring job that takes away moral strength, how pleasant any person will feel when a purring, affectionate creature greets him at the doorstep. It immediately removes the negative burden from the owner.
  • Science has long proven how domestic cats and cats can calm human nerves. They seem to create a favorable aura around themselves.
  • They are even believed to have the ability to heal. It has been noted that if any family member is feeling unwell or in pain, the cat will immediately sense it and begin “treatment.” She can lie down on a sore spot, begin to purr conscientiously, or massage with her paws. The person’s pain will subside unnoticeably.
  • Cats, like other animals, sense natural disasters in advance. If a natural disaster is about to rage soon, the cat will begin to worry and get nervous.

But cats also have some not-so-pleasant properties.

  • Cats are extremely capricious.
  • A serious problem for some people is an allergy to cat hair, and it can appear even in those people who have not previously suffered from it.
  • When a family starts a very little kitten, then the owners should know that they will have to spend a lot of time feeding him every day, since at first he eats very poorly.
  • Along with the kitten, you need to purchase a litter tray and some kind of litter so that there are no problems with this. The tray is installed in a suitable place, and the new tenant immediately sits on it “for familiarization.”
  • All cats need to have their claws sharpened. To prevent upholstered furniture from being used as a tool for this, you must first purchase a scratching board from a pet store.
  • During the period of lust, domestic cats try to mark all corners of the apartment accessible to them, as a result of which there will be a persistent smell of cat urine in it. The cat puts on performances 2-3 times a year in her own way: her incessant “songs” can make you go crazy. There are two options left here - either sterilize the animal or give it freedom of action.

Any pet requires care, love, affection and communication. If the owner does not have the opportunity to do this regularly and often travels on business, then it is better for him not to get a cat at all. And those who can afford to share love and affection with their pets will receive full of positive emotions and warmth from them.

Video about what kind of cat to have in an apartment

Approach to choosing a cat

When thinking about what kind of cat to get in your apartment, you should observe the kitten’s character traits:

how well does he tolerate a change of environment or moving;

calm or violent character of the baby;

how sociable he is and whether he is afraid of loneliness.

It should be borne in mind that you need to choose a kitten based on your own lifestyle. If the family is large and noisy, often receiving guests, then you should keep in mind that not all breeds of cats love chaos and noise; even a modest dinner with guests can turn into stress for them.

Selecting cats by breed

Listed below are several cat breeds that generally make good companions. It is worth warning that cat breeds differ not only in their original appearance, but also in the character of their representatives. Regarding the latter, it is best to contact cat breeders to make the final choice.

Mongrel cats

They can give a completely unpredictable litter, in which, in addition to outbred ones, there may also appear purebred specimens with a variety of colors, paw lengths, fluffy or not. The only truth is that outbred kittens are usually friendly, not vindictive or aggressive. In addition, it is much easier to feed cats without a specific breed, and they get sick much less often.

Angora cats

They are very playful and cheerful. Their great advantage is their silence, since they are not too talkative. Angoras adapt well to a new environment, easily coming to an understanding with other animals and children. They have a rich coat with delicate down, which will inevitably settle on furniture and carpets.

American Curl

His ears have an unusual shape. Cats can have different colors, but the ears always give away the breed. Their coat is silky and medium fluffy. These are very good-natured and gentle creatures that are almost never aggressive or vindictive.

Abyssinian cats

With their mobility, they are akin to small children; their curiosity makes them poke their noses everywhere. Their short coat requires little maintenance. But if you have small children, it is better not to have them, since this cat is self-important and can scratch.

British shorthair cat

She adapts very well to new conditions and easily finds mutual language with other animals. Character british cat friendly and calm. A Briton should be chosen by those who want a little fluffy ball to curl up on their lap.

Persian cats

They are great for home life, because they have an affectionate and calm nature. But when deciding which cat is best to have in your apartment, you need to know that Persians do not like loneliness and need constant attention. They also require daily grooming to keep their fur from matting and matting. For those who like the character of the Persian, but do not have the skill and time to care for it, an exotic breed may be suitable, which is the short-haired counterparts of Persian cats.

Russian blue

The character of the Russian Blue cat is independent, but remains affectionate. In addition, she tolerates loneliness easily, so she is an excellent choice for single working people. These cats become attached to family members, but are wary of strangers. Their plush coats require minimal care.

Siamese cats

They are not very good in combination with children, as they have a vindictive and capricious character. Although they are not aggressive, they are easily excited, especially when curious children pull their tail or whiskers. Moreover it is very talkative cats, so people who are annoyed by frequent meowing are unlikely to be happy with Siamese.


The relaxed nature of Ragdolls is combined with a rather gentle character. This is the choice of those who need an affectionate, playful animal that does not require too onerous care. Cats of this breed adapt well to living in an apartment and become excellent friends.


The exquisite Oriental breed has an unusual body shape and face contours. They are slender and graceful, have long legs, noticeable protruding ears and an elongated nose, so they look a little like small dogs. They are affectionate, active, sociable, with a fairly flexible character. Like dogs, they can be taught to bring a toy mouse or ball to their owner. But these cats are sensitive to cold, so you cannot overcool them - you need to monitor the temperature in the house.

Show mercy - adopt a pet from a shelter

You can find kittens not only in nurseries, but also in shelters, where they and adult cats are waiting for loving homes. It is better for compassionate people to adopt not a kitten, which already has a greater chance of finding a happy family, but an adult animal. After all, everyone needs their own corner and a loving environment at any age.

After three years, the formation of the cat’s character is completed, but with the help of the nursery staff future owner will be able to choose an animal that will perfectly suit his lifestyle and character. For some, it seems important that a cat spend its entire life in their family, but there are also people who are ready to shelter a cat “with a history.” Typically, adult cats are calmer and only want to live out their lives among loving people in a warm house.

Do you like cats, and what breed do you prefer? Tell us about it in

Since ancient times, there has been no better neighbor for a person than a cat. She brings harmony to life and calms even with her very presence, she pleases and amuses, committing small pranks. The indoor cat is the most adapted animal. She easily gets accustomed to her place, to the toilet and lives quite a long time compared to other pets.

Which cat breeds are better?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. There are many factors influencing the choice. This behavior, color, character and much more. To decide which breed you should give preference to, you need to consider the features of the most popular ones.

  • Outbred cats. These animals, which cannot boast of their pedigree, are in no way inferior, and sometimes even superior, in intelligence, charm and beauty to their titled relatives. They are generally more resistant to various diseases, do not show aggression, are very affectionate and sociable. These are a wide variety of cats, differing from each other in color, coat length, and appearance. Such a friend can be found in any shelter for homeless animals or even on the street.
  • Angora breed. Playful and very cheerful cats easily adapt to unfamiliar surroundings and get along with other animals. Long hair adds to the hassle of cleaning.
  • British cat. For a home with small children, this the best option. Animals patiently and unrequitedly allow themselves to be squeezed, they are very calm and confident. They have very weak immunity, you should be careful about their health. Grooming is not burdensome.
  • Abyssinian cat. A very active and inquisitive person who demands to be treated with respect may even scratch. Therefore, this is not a very suitable option if there are children in the family. Short hair does not require special care.
  • The Siamese cat breed is also one of those animals that should not be kept in a home with a small child. They are capricious and do not tolerate familiarity when they are pulled by their mustache or tail.
  • Burmese cat. She is moderately active and inquisitive, has angelic patience, allowing children to do whatever they want with her. Absolutely not aggressive. Therefore, she is considered the best “nanny” among cats.
  • Scottish lop-eared. Cats of this breed are friendly and do not allow themselves to bite or scratch. But you can’t hold them in your arms for a long time, and they are also very shy.
  • Persian cats. Resembling little teddy bears, they bond very well with children. Thick coat requires regular brushing and special care.

There are many other breeds that are also worth considering as pets.

How to choose a kitten

When choosing a new tenant, you must take into account the lifestyle that the owners lead and the characteristics of the family. There are breeds of cats that cannot tolerate noise, turmoil, transportation in transport - all this causes them severe anxiety and panic. Therefore, you need to pay attention to what kind of character the kitten has - calm or mischievous, whether it tolerates a change of environment well, whether it is able to remain alone, etc.

Once upon a time there was a black cat

Black cats have always seemed like mystical creatures to people. Many myths, superstitions and legends have been created about them. In fact, these are very graceful, affectionate and playful animals that are not particularly different from cats of any other color.

A house cat is necessary not only to catch mice and rid the owners of their invasion. Possessing the strongest energy, it is able to influence people’s health, improve well-being, relieve pain, stress, normalize blood pressure, etc. And the black cat is especially distinguished by this. In a house where such an animal lives, the energy supply is much better. It is believed that a black cat brings prosperity and good luck to its owners.

Housewarming with a cat

Moving in ancient times, in addition to a change of place of residence, also meant the beginning of a new stage in life. And in order for it to be successful, it is necessary to receive the blessing of the gods. For this purpose, the cat was first launched in new house, acting as a victim for higher powers. There is another explanation for this custom. It is believed that animals perceive energy very well, so where the cat chooses a place, it is recommended to place a bed so that sleep is healthy and complete.

How to housetrain a cat

It will take some time for a cat to adapt to a new place. For some animals, a few days are enough, while for others it may take months. The cat should be placed in a secluded corner so that it is not disturbed by other pets. It is advisable to avoid noise, loud conversations, and do not force the cat to come out of its hiding place and pick it up.

The first signs that the animal has settled in and feels quite comfortable are the start of eating and using the litter tray. After this, you can start talking to her and even try playing with the ribbon in front of her nose. The main thing is not to grab the cat in your arms as soon as it comes out of its hiding place. Let him calmly walk around the room, exploring the territory. And only then you can give her the opportunity to explore the remaining possessions.

Several cats in the house

This situation, when there are many cats in the house, is quite acceptable, but only under one condition - each of them must have its own territory.

Otherwise, it may happen that when a new tenant appears, the old resident will begin to leave cat marks and, due to jealousy, will begin to move away from the owner. Enmity may arise between animals. And living several cats in a small room is a serious burden not only for them, but also for the owners. When two cats move into the house, you need to be on guard at first to prevent their aggressive behavior.

It is also problematic to keep animals of different ages and temperaments. If you add a young, playful and mischievous cat to an old or fearful cat, who will pester her with his games, her life will become simply unbearable. Vigilant owner supervision is simply necessary in order to prevent the tyranny of one animal in relation to another.

When a cat and a male cat live together at home, it is easy to predict how it might end. Therefore, if there is no interest in breeding kittens, care should be taken to avoid these undesirable consequences.

Like a cat and a dog

Before bringing a new pet into your home, you should pay attention to whether your cat or dog shows any signs of aggressiveness towards other animals. It may happen that hostility towards the new tenant will threaten his health and life. Animals are very sensitive and can immediately sense that someone else has taken their place in the house. A cat and a dog will need the same amount of affection and love from the owner so as not to feel deprived. Only then can their hatred and aggression towards each other be avoided.

But it also happens that some cats get along much better with dogs than with their relatives. They may well become inseparable friends who play and even sleep together.

When a cat and a dog live together in a house, you should also take care of the feeding process, which is noticeably different for these animals. A dog has the habit of eating everything that is put in its bowl, but a cat can go to its cup several times a day to have a little lunch. Therefore, if her dishes are in a place accessible to the dog, then it is unlikely that anything will remain there. The cat's bowl should be placed somewhere high so that the dog cannot reach it.

Proper nutrition for cats

The pet will be active, cheerful and energetic if it is provided good nutrition. Today we offer a huge selection of different ready-made feed for cats. It is important to purchase one that matches the age and energy expenditure of the animal. Under no circumstances should you mix food from different brands.

To walk or not to walk

To decide whether to let your cat out for a walk, you need to decide for yourself which relationship is preferable between you. And only then make a choice. If a cat lives in a house located on a busy street filled with moving vehicles, then for safety reasons it is not recommended to let the animal go for walks. And if the house is located outside the city or there is a large yard, then it is quite possible to send your pet for a walk.

A cat living at home becomes completely domestic. This life suits her quite well, especially if you open the window so you can breathe fresh air lying on the windowsill and admiring the birds.

A cat that is let out for a walk will never become completely domestic. She is forced to preserve her wild instincts when she is on the street, and may well bring them into the house. They manifest themselves in the fact that cats and kittens begin to mark their territory in the house. Moreover, this is typical even for castrated animals. In addition, there are many dangers on the street, including infectious diseases to which a cat may be exposed. For a house where children live, would be better suited option of keeping an animal without free range.

Don't forget about preventive vaccinations which must be done annually.

Lop-eared, muscular and almost weightless, naked and adorned with rich fur, striped, spotted, curly and blue-eyed, talkative and silent - which of them will become true friend? Deciding which breed to choose is not easy. After all, a small lump is not just a sofa decoration. The baby will soon turn into a graceful cat or a respectable cat, which should become a beloved and desired part of the family.

All breeds can be very roughly divided into three groups. However, we must not forget that a pet’s temperament is a cocktail of breed qualities, heredity, living conditions, upbringing and many other factors.

First group– sociable, talkative, even annoying cats. They are athletic and active and love to play. These are curious creatures, participants in all events taking place in the house. Such cats do not tolerate loneliness and rudeness, they want to be near a person around the clock and suffer if the owner deprives them of attention. For example, Siamese cat and a newborn baby is not the best option. A talkative oriental princess can disturb the baby with her meows, constantly waking him up or preventing him from falling asleep. A contact Abyssinian will get bored if the owner spends most of the day outside the home. Canadian Sphynx will feel lost if a loved one does not allow him to constantly sit on his lap, climb into his arms and sleep under the covers in the same bed. All rexes and sphinxes, orientals, and bengals can also be included in this group.

Second group– calm cats, balanced and self-confident. Such a pet will not worry if left alone all day, but in the evening it will definitely show respect to the person by coming for a portion of affection. They are moderately playful, not too noisy, sociable, but not inclined to intrude. Such cats and small children are a successful tandem. Strong nerves and healthy psyche suggest the absence of aggression even towards a sloppy child. These include Burmese, Siberians, Norwegian Forest, Russian Blues, and Curls.

Third group– self-sufficient and domineering cats, with a cool disposition and cannot tolerate neglect. As a rule, these are quite large cats, muscular, capable of standing up for themselves in any situation. They are sociable when they themselves want to be. Usually affectionate with only one family member. They endure loneliness with aristocratic calm, are not loud, and are not particularly playful in adulthood. These are not very suitable if parents are unable to control the baby’s behavior. This does not mean that the cat is dangerous, but the royal person may not tolerate attempts to test the strength of her whiskers. This group includes Maine Coons, Persians, Kuril Bobtails, and British cats.

Read also: Is it possible to give lard to a cat - all the pros and cons

Care and maintenance

Long-haired or hairless, curly or with a smooth coat - everyone’s personal preference. However, you should consider how much time the owner is willing to spend caring for the pet. Fifteen minutes daily seems like a small thing, but these minutes add up to hours and months, because the cat will live long years. Long hair requires daily combing; hairless Sphynx cats smell unpleasant if you do not bathe them once every two weeks. Short hair is easy to care for, but shedding twice a year is not a gift: the “needles” dig into the upholstery of furniture and cling to clothes.

Designer breeds often require special care. As a rule, the more natural a cat looks, the healthier it is.

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