What kind of dog to get for a child and how to do it correctly. What kind of dog should I get for a child in an apartment or a private house? The best dog breeds for children

Any dog, even the tiniest one, is first and foremost a dog, therefore, regardless of size, it requires regular walking, training, timely examination by a veterinarian and vaccination. Keeping an apartment without walking cannot be called humane: the animal needs fresh impressions, needs communication and exercise stress. Without training and walks, any dog ​​can become aggressive and start causing mischief.

In principle, every dog ​​can be kept in an apartment, but some breeds require such physical activity that the owners will have to spend several hours daily exercising the dog. Therefore, it is best for both humans and animals to choose as a pet a breed that has been kept indoors for many generations and feels great as an apartment dog.

And finally, a piece of advice - be careful when choosing a puppy!

  • Observe how the parents behave and the conditions in which they are kept.
  • Assess your strength - can you walk for a long time with a large active dog, or is it better to opt for a smaller and less active dog?
  • Don't choose a very popular breed just because it's trendy. Evaluate whether you can, for example, walk several hours a day with a fleet-footed and active husky?
  • You shouldn't buy a puppy if you like it exclusively appearance dogs at the exhibition. First, consider whether you have the time to care for the coat and the money for professional dog groomers.
  • Before buying a dog, be sure to go to the forum dedicated to the breed you are interested in, read real reviews owners, find out all the features of keeping and raising a puppy.

"Whoever says you can't buy happiness has never bought a puppy."

So, the moment came when your child began to ask for a dog, trying to appease you with the most incredible promises: “I will study with straight A’s!”, “I will look after him!” - all possible exhortations, if only you get the coveted dog. And you seem to have already given up, and you don’t mind, but you still can’t decide what breed of dog to buy. Let's try together to find out the best dog breeds for children that will not just be your child's best friend, but will become a full-fledged member of your family without causing much trouble.

A very important point when purchasing a dog for your family is the age of your child. Professionals advise not to purchase an animal for children under 6-7 years of age.

  • Firstly, such a baby will not yet be able to care for his pet, and all responsibility will fall on you
  • Secondly, at this age the child does not yet understand that an animal is a living being, and you need to behave appropriately with it.

After 6 years, many children are already able to feed their dog on their own and care for it at home. Of course, it is better for an adult to take the dog out for a walk, because the baby may not be able to hold the dog if something interests it.

Best breeds dogs for children aged 6-7 years will be small dogs with a non-conflict character. It is advisable to get larger and more serious breeds when the child is 12 or more years old. This is due to the need for serious education of the dog, which Small child, alas, will not be able to give to a dog that is much larger than himself.

How does a dog affect a child?

Children's doctors and psychologists unanimously note that the appearance of an animal in the house has a very beneficial effect on the development of a child: he quickly learns a sense of responsibility for his actions.

Agree, such an experience is difficult to get with plush toys, but with a living creature, which you will have to look after willy-nilly, it’s easy. In addition, the animal socializes children, making them less withdrawn and more sociable.

Also, don’t forget about this important point, how happy your child is from communicating with a four-legged friend. No toys or gadgets can give a child the sensations and impressions that he can easily get from playing with his dog.

What size dog is best to buy?

If we talk about dog breeds and their compatibility with children, then contrary to popular belief, small dog breeds for children are by no means the best choice. The thing is that small dogs are more prone to aggression and defending their rights, while medium-sized dogs and large breeds– more calm and loyal.

Small breeds will be one of the best dog options for an apartment and children, only if you approach their upbringing responsibly. And, of course, it’s worth teaching your child how to handle a new animal, because small dog It’s easier to cause injuries through negligence.

Otherwise, such dogs will become an excellent family member, plus - they live longer than large dogs, which means that your pet will delight you with its presence longer.

Medium dog breeds are the best choice for older children: anywhere from 10-12 years old. Dogs such as spaniels or retrievers are very good-natured and loyal, although they also need to be trained from a very young age.

Due to their size, they will be able to accompany your children in active games, and you do not have to worry about the child accidentally stepping on his pet. If we choose a dog breed for a child who wants to run with his pet and throw a ball to him, then medium breeds are best suited for these purposes.

It is best to get large dogs for a child who has reached a conscious age, that is, from about 12-15 years old. This is due to the weight of the dog - not every adult is able to hold it on a leash. big dog, let alone children.

But more dogs are calm about squeezing and playing, unless, of course, it causes them pain. Besides big dog is an impressive guard for your child, and few will dare to approach such a dog if the owner does not allow it.

Training and proper upbringing will help the child to fully control even the most massive dog. This means that when answering the question of which breed of dog for children is right for your child, you should not immediately weed out large dogs - they may be an ideal option in some cases.

What breeds are best for children?

If you are looking for dog breeds for an apartment and children, then among small dogs we can recommend Spitz, miniature poodles, Chihuahuas, as well as miniature pinschers and dachshunds.

All these dogs are very cute and beautiful, and besides, they don’t take up much space. This will not cause you any trouble even with the most limited living space - such a dog will only need a small sleeping mat and small bowls. As for caring for such breeds, it is not difficult: due to the size of your pet, even brushing during shedding will not cause much trouble.

If we take into account the average breeds of dogs for children, photos of which are presented here, then we can recommend getting a spaniel, border collie, terrier, retriever, Welsh corgi, or beagle.

All of these breeds are relatively small, will not take up much space, and are perfect for a small apartment. At first, you will need to get used to the fact that there is a new tenant in the house, but the calm and non-conflict nature of these breeds will very quickly make you love the dog with all your heart.

If you are determined to get a large dog, then we can advise you to choose a Dalmatian, Doberman, Collie, or Shepherd. When trained correctly, these dogs are very obedient and will never harm your child, even to the detriment of themselves.

But the now popular huskies, huskies and malamutes are dogs with complex characters, and therefore they need steady hand owner. A child is unlikely to cope with such a dog, besides, they recognize only one owner, and consider the rest of the family members to be their equals. To keep such large dogs you need a lot of space, so if you have a small apartment, it is better to refuse to have such a pet and choose a smaller breed. But if the area allows, then the big dog will become true friend for you and your child.

Well, what if the child-friendly dog ​​breed you have your eye on is too expensive? What to do if you want a dog, but purebred puppy not enough funds? In this case, you can simply get yourself a puppy without any breed, an ordinary mongrel. We assure you that the child will be delighted with such a gift, and you will get an endlessly grateful pet. Mongrel dogs no worse than purebred dogs, and such a dog will certainly be very loyal and loving.

Rating of the best dog breeds for children

Let's sum it up and determine the top dog breeds that are ideal for children. Let's divide them into 4 groups: small, medium, large, and also highlight special group– hypoallergenic dog breeds.

Small dog breeds

Although it is generally accepted that small dogs are more aggressive towards children than their larger relatives, even among the small representatives of the canine world there are several breeds that get along well with children and can become their faithful friend in the future. long years. Of particular note are such breeds as pug, dachshund, miniature poodle and Welsh Corgis (or Pembrokes).

All these small representatives of the dog world react very restrainedly to children’s pranks, which means you don’t have to worry about your pet biting a child for taking it in the wrong way, or accidentally hurting him. Most likely, the dog will simply run away to avoid such a fate.

Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)

These cute and funny dogs are actually great companions for your child. These small dogs are originally from Wales, and according to legend, they were received by people as a gift from fairies, who used them as sled dogs. That is why on the back of all Welsh Corgis you can see a kind of saddle mark formed by hair.

Up to 25 cm tall and weighing up to 12 kg, these cute creatures are always ready to play with the child, devoting most of their time to active games and running around. This will give the child the opportunity not only to communicate with a living being, but also to receive additional physical activity.

Welsh Corgis are unpretentious in their maintenance: they eat any food, and are quite neat and clean in the house. However, there is a nuance - during seasonal molting, these dogs change their entire coat. You need to be prepared for the fact that in addition to walks, you will also need regular brushing. Otherwise, these dogs are a complete bundle of positivity and energy, and your child will definitely have fun and interesting with such a friend.

Miniature Poodle

Another name for the breed is toy poodle, from the English toy. Essentially a toy poodle, a play dog. Initially, this breed was bred as a hunting dog, but over time it turned out that poodles have a remarkable intelligence and ability to train. Today, these cute dogs can be found in almost any circus - they are capable of tricks that other dogs cannot even dream of.

Toy poodles are great for keeping in a family with children - they perceive small child like a friend and spend all their time with him. Also, this dog is almost ideal for keeping in an apartment - they do not require special care and do not take up much space.

The average weight of an adult dog of this breed is up to 5-6 kg, and its height is up to 25 cm. By choosing this breed as a pet for a child, you are almost guaranteed to get a smart, cheerful and restless pet.


What association do we have when we mention pugs? These are funny and smart dogs that have been used as decorative pets. This breed appeared in China, but quickly spread throughout the world. For a long time It was fashionable among noble people to have several pugs at once.

The average lifespan of these dogs is about 15 years. By getting a child such a dog, you are giving him a friend who will be with him for many years and teach him to take care of others. Thanks to their good-natured nature and excellent trainability, pugs are well suited for small apartments.

Medium dog breeds

All medium-sized dogs are more or less suitable for families with children. But I would like to focus on three representatives: the cocker spaniel, the beagle and the Labrador retriever.

Labrador Retriever

You cannot find a better dog for a child than a Labrador Retriever! This statement has long become an axiom, because Labradors behave like adult puppies all their lives. They love to play, run, jump, have fun - everything that the child offers him. Run after the ball? - OK! Just running back and forth across the grass? - Especially!

Cheerful and intelligent retrievers will become an excellent friend to your child, and besides, they will not create any difficulties, because their maintenance does not require special conditions. Only occasionally do they need to be combed and walked several times a day. These are all the conditions necessary for a loyal and cheerful friend to appear in your family.


Unsurpassed hunters, perfect as a companion for children - all this is about beagles. These are medium-sized dogs with a height at the withers of about 35 cm. Thanks to their intelligence, beagles learn quickly and instantly understand what is wanted from them. Cheerful and lively - this is how you can briefly describe this breed. They are highly trainable, and therefore even an 8-9 year old child can be their owner.

In terms of care, these smooth-haired dogs are not at all demanding and will not cause trouble when kept in urban conditions.

American Cocker Spaniel

Agile and good-natured American cocker A spaniel will be an excellent friend to a child of any age. Thanks to its character, the spaniel will definitely make friends with all family members, becoming an integral part of it.

The breed is purely hunting, however, due to its kind and flexible nature, Lately Cocker Spaniels are increasingly being adopted as companion dogs. These dogs love it very much active games, and are capable of spending hours playing outdoors with your children. Due to their small size, spaniels get along well in an apartment, requiring only brushing and care for their long ears.

Large dog breeds

Large dogs are best suited for teenage children, if only for the reason that a small child will not be able to keep such a dog on a leash. Thanks to his calm character and poise, of all large breeds It is worth highlighting those that will fit perfectly into a family with children. These are the Irish Setter, Newfoundland, and Giant Schnauzer. In our opinion, these large dog breeds are the most suitable to become your child's reliable companion.

Giant Schnauzer

This German breed dogs, which were created to help shepherds. For these purposes, the smartest and quickest dogs were selected, thanks to which Giant Schnauzers can boast of excellent trainability and a sharp mind. These qualities have allowed them to earn a reputation as calm, balanced and reasonable dogs - they will always stand guard over your baby and will never harm him.

This breed is perfect for keeping in a country house or a large apartment, but it is worth considering that Rizens love long walks. In addition, you will need a set of tools to care for their thick coat. Otherwise, this is a great dog for your child.


The Newfoundland is a very popular breed originally from Canada, where they were used as working assistance dogs. Thanks to the harsh climate, dogs have acquired thick hair and abundant undercoat, which makes caring for them a little troublesome. However, this is offset by the kindest character and flexible disposition - best qualities that a dog should have for a family with children.

Huge giants are calm and balanced, and therefore you don’t have to worry about your child - he will be safe as long as his pet is next to him.

However, due to the size of the dog, keeping it in an apartment presents a certain difficulty - the dog will take up a lot of space and will not be comfortable in a cramped room. If you have a private house– don’t hesitate to buy such a friend for your child.

Irish Setter

The Irish Setter, which is tall on its paws, does not seem massive - it is hunting dog who loves to run and frolic. Thanks to their intelligence, setters often become part of a family with children, because the dog understands that children are foolish and do not pose any threat. Your child can play with this dog for hours, and the pet will always be happy to have fun.

The long coat of these beauties will require care, and you will also have to put up with the need for long walks. But by putting up with these little things, you will give your children a great friend who will not leave their side for a minute.

Hypoallergenic dog breeds

If your child is susceptible allergic manifestations, then you shouldn’t risk getting a dog at random. Once children see a dog, they will no longer be able to part with it, and allergies are no joke. For such cases, it would be best to choose a breed with hypoallergenic properties, of which there are actually a lot. Among them are all types of schnauzers, poodles, Scotch terriers, Irish Spaniel, Airedale Terrier, Chinese Crested, Puli, Bichon Frize and others.

West Highland White Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers also get along very well with children.

Due to the special structure of the coat, all these dog breeds have virtually no flaking skin, and therefore they almost never cause allergic reactions, which means a child with allergies will also be able to get a dog, and at the same time get a reliable and selfless friend.

children: better not worth it

allergy: the breed is hypoallergenic (hereinafter it means that the dog very rarely causes allergies)


This baby with rich bushy eyebrows, bulging lower lip, a beard and a proudly held head will suit people with good feeling humor. The lap dog is the oldest breed. small breeds. It was originally created for hunting rodents. She cannot be kept with cats, but for those who lack company, she is perfect.

Which dogs are best for children? Border Terrier


gets along well with children of any age

allergy: hypoallergenic dog breed (rarely causes allergies)

apartment: suitable for a small apartment

Very affectionate, affectionate, good dogs. Calm and balanced. They are friends with pets. They love communication and long walks.

Yorkshire Terrier

children: great, especially for girls

allergy: The breed is hypoallergenic (rarely causes allergies)

apartment: suitable for a small apartment (the dog tolerates trips, hotels, flights well)

Yorkies have been the most sought after breed for many years. They are like living toys that you can dress up and carry under your armpit. They will give a sea of ​​tenderness and love to their owners. And, despite their miniature size, Yorkies - smart dogs. 6 reasons to get a dog.

Pomeranian Spitz

children: dogs love children very much

allergy: The breed is not suitable for those who suffer from allergies

apartment: the best dog breed for an apartment (lapdog, easy to travel with).

An ideal dog for home. It is unpretentious, easily adapts to changes and does not need constant training (the dog can learn basic commands already at 5 months). Very obedient and one of the the smartest dog breeds. And with her haircut she looks like a teddy bear.

Shih Tzu

children: best dogs for kids

allergy: The breed is not suitable for those who suffer from allergies, but does not have the characteristic dog smell

apartment: suitable for a small apartment

Cheerful optimists, protectors and loyal friends who love to play. They will be ideal companions for those who lack communication and good company for children and teenagers. Also suitable for living in a large family. However, it is important to raise a Shih Tzu correctly, otherwise the dog will grow up wayward and difficult to control. The dog is easy to train and quickly learns to follow commands.

Bichon Frize


Excellent contact with children

allergy: hypoallergenic dogs (almost no shedding and no smell)

apartment: suitable for a small apartment

White snow ball, cheerful and playful. Bichons are smart, flexible and fearless. They cannot stand rudeness and punishment; you need to be patient with them. After all, dogs are not aggressive at all, but, on the contrary, are very affectionate and gentle. Bichons love to have their hair cut and be photographed, they even know how to smile!

Coton de Tulear

children: treats children very well

allergy: The breed does not shed, so it can be kept by people prone to allergies to wool


The Coton de Tulear was bred to create the perfect dog-friend and companion. And her main features are a good disposition, playfulness, and friendliness. The dog becomes very attached to both its owner and his family. This is an extremely intelligent animal, the dog is so sociable that it is ready to spend its time anywhere and however it wants, just to be with its owners.


children: treats children very well

allergy: dogs rarely cause allergies

apartment: suitable for small apartment conditions

The small fragile dog loves to communicate, sit in your arms and be cuddled. She has no seasonal shedding and almost no dog smell. Dogs are very enthusiastic about the presence of small children, other dogs and even cats, especially if they were raised with them. However, it is worth supervising when playing with your child, because... the dog is very nimble, and some games for it can end in injury. She would never do anything bad, but a child might accidentally harm her.


children: loves children very much

allergy: There are no allergies to wool

apartment: suitable for small apartment conditions

This is the smallest dog in the world, so devoted to its owner that sometimes it is jealous of everyone else. However, Chihuahuas are not evil or intrusive; they adore their family, including children, and are ready to endure anything from them. But they are wary of strangers. Chihuahuas are smart and neat, and have an excellent memory. They get along well with cats and other dog breeds, however, they often become leaders, despite their miniature size.


allergy: leads the list of dogs, not causing allergies

apartment: suitable for a small apartment, but requires frequent walks

The breed is energetic, independent and naturally intelligent. A close emotional connection quickly forms between dog and owner, and often owner and dog become fast friends. But Basenjis are suspicious and unfriendly towards strangers, and they also do not tolerate other pets. The dog is very interesting and unusual. So, one of the features is that the Basenji cannot bark at all, but only makes a gurgling sound if it doesn’t like something. Small size, lack of odor, hair falling out and barking are its advantages over other breeds. Some Basenjis can sing!

Petit Brabançon (griffon)

children: love very much

allergy: rarely causes allergies

apartment: suitable for small apartment conditions, you can train them to wear a diaper and skip walks

Funny dogs with a cute face, rich and expressive facial expressions, good-natured and playful nature. They get along easily with other animals, including cats. They love to play and kiss. They are very attached to their owner, so they cannot be left alone for a long time. Brabant dogs are considered obedient, easy-to-train intellectuals who perfectly understand the mood and intonation of their owner.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

children: great at finding contact

allergy: not suitable for allergy sufferers

apartment: suitable for small apartment conditions

Gentlemen have a kind, shy and gentle character. They are affectionate, flexible and easy to train, they understand everything at a glance and do not like aggression. They try to please everyone around them and are quite calm, patient and playful, so they will fit well into a large family.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi and Cardigan

children: loves children very much

allergy: not suitable for allergy sufferers

apartment: even in a small apartment they feel quite comfortable

The oldest herding dog, which is generally not characterized by aggression. Therefore, you cannot shout at her, but you must treat her with the same respect as she treats you. Welsh Corgis are very smart, have a sense of humor, excellent intelligence and even intuition. They do not bother their owners at the wrong time. They sense intonation and mood, are very tactful and patient.

Jack Russell Terrier

children: not suitable for toddlers, but loves to play with older children, so suitable for boys

allergy: not suitable for people with allergies

apartment: suitable for a small apartment

This is a battery-powered dog that will never let you get bored. They are always ready to play and run, but at home they behave calmly. Dogs are attentive and smart, cunning and inquisitive. The Jack Russell doesn't like strangers. He will protect you both on a walk and in the apartment, but is not aggressive, but rather very active. Jack is a good watchdog, despite his small size. Also, the dog cannot resist small animals, rodents and cats. They are prey. And, of course, the most charming feature of the breed is the ability to stand on hind legs, begging for treats or apologizing for mischief.


children: love children very much


apartment: feel good in a small apartment

Charming, funny and touching pugs love both children and old people. Always ready to play, participate in all family activities, sleep and eat. Pugs, however, often snore and do not tolerate heat well, but they are able to give a lot of emotions and true love. The dogs are not aggressive at all, their intelligence is well developed, they are quite obedient and get along well with all the inhabitants of the house. By the way, pugs tend to accumulate in the apartment. Where they have one, very often a second appears, and then a third.

Labrador Retriever

children: no one loves children more than labradors

allergy: not suitable for people with allergies

apartment: large breed, but feels comfortable in a small apartment

They are real beauties, very smart and loyal. Labradors are optimists, they enjoy every minute, infecting everyone around them with positive emotions. They can lift your spirits and support you on difficult days. The dog is very sincere, not aggressive, so it will fit perfectly into a family of any composition.

French Bulldog

children: love children very much

allergy: not suitable for people with allergies

apartment: feel good in a small apartment

Affectionate bulldogs love to play pranks and chase cats. They adore kids, there is not a drop of anger or aggression in them. Frenchies, like pugs, snore and do not do well in the heat, but they are so charming that you can forgive them any shortcomings.

What should you feed these dogs? Rating the best feed— https://zen-top.ru/top-10-luchshih-kormov-dlya-sobak/ . Choose your favorite four-legged pets for health!

So, you have finally decided to add another addition to your family. It doesn’t matter whether your child has asked for a new friend or it’s simply time to realize your old dream: in any case, this is a very important step. The main thing to remember is that a dog is not a piece of furniture or a fashionable toy. When you are planning to take home a dog, you are taking a step into the future, because it can become important part your life for the next 10-15 years. Agree that such an action requires a balanced approach.

Why a dog is good for a child

Photo: PuppiesAreProzac

When can you get a dog for children?

A picture familiar to many: a child, clinging to the sleeve of his mother (father, grandmother...), begs to buy him a dog, promising at the same time to walk, feed, clean, walk, etc.

Under no circumstances should you immediately give in to your child’s persuasion to get a dog. This decision requires a balanced approach

Return home, hold a “family council” and discuss the possibility of getting a dog with all members of your family.

Moreover, you will definitely need to discuss several obvious things that will affect every member of the household in one way or another. So:

Let's admit: we've exaggerated things a bit. Getting a dog is actually not that scary. Scary is when a living creature suddenly becomes unwanted in the house, turns into a burden, or finds itself thrown out onto the street.

It is very important to imagine the most likely difficulties in advance, and if fear of them does not allow you to get a dog, then it is better to refuse rash actions. It might be worth returning to the discussion of this issue in due course.

If you are not afraid of possible difficulties and you have firmly decided to get a puppy, then it is better, at the same family council, to divide the relevant responsibilities between family members, allocating the child a feasible, but obligatory part. For example, if his duties include walking the dog, then even occasionally he should be allowed to delegate his work to others only for truly good reasons.

Predicted participation of the child in raising the dog:

  • a child under 6 years old - the dog is definitely in the full care of the parents, the child only communicates and plays with the animal under the control of the elders;
  • 6-12 years old - the child can partially take care of the animal (at first just put a bowl of food, comb it, etc., and at an older age - walk it and participate in training);
  • over 12 years old - the child can be entrusted with most of the upbringing and care of the dog.

Of course, these limits are very approximate and depend not only on the age, but also on the psychology of the child, because even a ten-year-old child can enthusiastically devote all his free time to his beloved dog, competently training him, while it will be impossible to force a teenager to go out with the dog for a walk.

Don't forget that with large dog It can be difficult for an adult man to cope with either. If you are lucky enough to have such a giant, then you should not trust your child to walk him independently

An important issue is nutrition. Even if your little dog owner is old enough to feed his dog on his own, periodically check that portion sizes and frequency of feedings correspond to the prescribed standards, and that fresh and fresh food is always available to the dog. pure water. After all, it is often difficult for children to do routine work, and the price of an error or inattention is quite high.

What kind of dog can be for your child?

It is quite difficult to unambiguously form the image of an ideal dog: it is not for nothing that man has bred many breeds of dogs that differ from each other in appearance and temperament. But there are still a few details that you should pay attention to before a dog takes its place in a family with children.


A dog for a child should not be aggressive. Photo: nejcbole Of course, the main criteria for a “children’s dog” are friendliness and patience, but often a stern-looking guard who will never offend a child can also become a faithful friend. But if a dog shows signs of aggressiveness, it definitely does not belong next to a child.


Remember: dogs grow even faster than children. Before you know it, your miniature new pet will reach its natural size, so take this into account when choosing a breed (if you are adopting mongrel puppy, then there will be a certain element of surprise in the question of his future height and weight).

It is risky to take into a family with very young children as miniature dogs, and giant dogs: a three-year-old child can unintentionally injure a Chihuahua, and a grown-up Newfoundland can easily knock down a too-small owner with one random movement of his tail.

Male or female

Very individual choice. There is an opinion among dog handlers that bitches have a softer character, they are more gentle and affectionate, and are more strongly attached to their owner. Males usually look more impressive, and their health and psychological condition does not depend on the period of estrus and pregnancy.

In fact, the floor is yours future dog not so critical: in any case, with proper upbringing, she will become the very close friend you are looking for for yourself and your child.

Dog for child allergies

An allergy diagnosis does not necessarily become a barrier between a child and a dog. If your child is allergic, it is necessary to determine whether dog allergens are causing the reaction (this is determined in the laboratory through a blood test). If the analysis does not reveal a specific reaction to dog allergens, then you can still think about purchasing a puppy. Before doing this, be sure to consult with an allergist.

Hypoallergenic Chinese Crested Dog. Posted by SheltieBoy There are dog breeds that are considered hypoallergenic. This does not mean that all of them do not have hair (the fact that allergies develop specifically to dog hair is a common misconception), it’s just that such dogs are distinguished by environment fewer allergenic proteins.

In particular, the following breeds are considered hypoallergenic:

  • Bedlington Terrier
  • Miniature Poodle
  • Chinese Crested
  • Black Russian Terrier

Child protection dog

Most dogs tend to protect “their” people from a possible threat. Moreover, both a formidable Rottweiler and a miniature Pekingese can fearlessly rush at a perceived enemy - the size of the dog has no effect great influence on courage and desire to protect a loved one, but the effect produced on the offender may ultimately depend on it.

Of dogs hunting breeds Rarely do they make good guards: such animals have been selected for centuries based on the principle of their appearance hunting instinct and instilled indifference to security functions

There are methods of training dogs to protect people (so-called bodyguard dogs). If you think that your child may be in danger, then canine specialists will help prepare a reliable guard friend for him. This doesn't mean you can just buy trained dog and assign it to your child: you will have to go to all training sessions with the four-legged cadet, learning to interact with him.

Excessive dog care has its downsides. Don't forget that dogs are often distrustful of strangers. If other people even accidentally suffer from the actions of a shaggy bodyguard, you will have to bear responsibility for it. For example: a dog may take another child’s attempt to catch up with its owner, slap him on the shoulder (“slap”), etc. as a threat. The dog can, without hesitation, rush to protect the “ward”, frightening or injuring the children. The situation is unpleasant and will not always be perceived adequately.

Small dogs for children

Often parents compromise with their child and allow him to have a small dog (Chihuahua, toy terrier, miniature pinscher, Chinese crested dog, etc.), hoping that its maintenance will be easier, including from a financial point of view. But don’t think that dwarf dogs differ from other dogs only in size.

Small breed dogs often have complex personalities. They are very characterized by slight excitability and even hysteria, but good nature (characteristic of their larger relatives) from miniature dogs not worth the wait. A child may benefit from a calm, patient dog.

Also dwarf dogs The body structure is quite fragile, so close contact with very young children can threaten the animal with injury.

If size still matters, consider candidates such as: Welsh corgi, dachshund, pug, miniature schnauzer, many terriers - they are quite miniature, but do not have the above-mentioned disadvantages.

Shelter dog

Taking home a dog from a shelter is one of the best examples humanity that you can give to your child. Moreover, it is beneficial even from a practical point of view:

  • you will receive the dog for free, minus a small donation to the shelter;
  • you can choose a pet from a variety of animals, different in size, color and other characteristics, because sometimes just one glance is enough to understand that this particular dog is yours;
  • Most likely, you will not find a truer friend anywhere: animals know how to value goodness;
  • It is often safer to adopt animals from a shelter than from would-be breeders, of which there are more and more of them—at a shelter, dogs at least undergo treatment and vaccinations.
Photo: Trinagil Even if you are determined to get yourself a dog of a certain breed, it makes sense to look at a shelter: unfortunately, people often betray their friends and the dog you need may be there. Yes, she will not have a pedigree, but do we choose our friends only by purity of origin?

The best dog breeds for children

In many ways, a dog’s attitude towards children is formed during its upbringing. Initially, every dog ​​can get along with a child, especially from childhood and with the proper attitude towards the animal. Best friend For a child, a mongrel can always become a mongrel, but each mongrel dog is individual and in puppyhood it is difficult to understand what exactly the character of the future adult dog will be.

It is believed that a number of breeds have genetically fixed qualities that make them ideal for keeping in families with children. From this point of view, we will evaluate several popular dog breeds.

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever. Photo: Brian Timmermeister He doesn’t just love children - he adores them with all his soul, nurses them, entertains them and never hurts them. Surprisingly friendly and energetic, it is one of the most popular breeds for keeping with children. If you decide to get a Labrador when your child is still very young, be careful - Labradors are very active and quite large. Such a cheerful bubbly simply does not know how to behave with restraint and, in a fit of expression of love, can accidentally demolish a little person.

MirSobak's conclusion: a wonderful dog for children, but it is better to get one when your baby is over 4 years old.

Golden Retriever (Golden Retriever)

Golden retriever. Photo: Dirk Vorderstraße Friendly, active, but balanced and reliable, always happy to serve the owner, for example, bring a wand or toy on command. But the care will not be limited to play: an intelligent dog evaluates the surrounding environment and is always ready to help in case of trouble. The entire owner’s family will be under supervision, including, of course, children, whom these dogs love very much.

Conclusion MirSobak: a wonderful dog for children of all ages.

Welsh Corgi

Welsh Corgi. Photo: luckyno3 are friendly, cheerful, active, people-oriented and fearless. An intelligent and quick-witted dog, despite its small size, is a shepherd dog and will gladly look after your children like a sponsored herd.

Conclusion MirSobak: perfect small dog for older children.

Irish Setter

Irish Setter. Photo: frame.fusion A very active, intelligent, affectionate and sociable dog with a spectacular appearance. She loves children madly and will be an excellent nanny for them.

MirSobak conclusion: an excellent choice for a family with children of any age, especially for people with active image life.

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard Photo: Thomas Hawk Just a mountain of good nature. This dog is traditionally considered an excellent family dog ​​and loves to play with children. Quiet, outwardly calm and even relaxed, the St. Bernard constantly monitors what is happening around him in order to intervene if necessary - children will be completely safe with him.

MirSobak's conclusion: if you do not live in a one-room apartment, and your child has grown enough to withstand the pressure of an 80-kilogram dog, then the St. Bernard will not disappoint your expectations.


Newfoundland. Photo: Matty Sides Another good-natured giant who rightly has a reputation as an excellent dog for children. Has everything for it necessary qualities: good-natured, patient and gentle with children, vigilantly watching over them.

MirSobak's conclusion: it is better to get one for an older child, but this limitation is associated only with the large size of the dog.


Pug. Photo: jllane Small dog, very kind, affectionate and affectionate. moderately active, but very smart, trainable and sociable.

Conclusion MirSobak: a wonderful dog for calm children (over 4 years old), which does not require long walks, but depends on communication with a person.


Beagle. Photo: Maskenfrei Fotografie Like most “hunters”, the beagle is cheerful, good-natured and active dog, who loves communication and games in a large company.

Conclusion MirSobak: a cheerful and energetic friend for active children over 4 years old.

American Cocker Spaniel

American Cocker Spaniel. Photo: Ryan Johnson Positive, charming, lively, American Cocker Spaniel excellent family dog, a wonderful friend for a child. This relatively small dog, despite its high decorative qualities, leads an active lifestyle.

MirSobak's conclusion: good dog for families with children of any age.

German Shepherd

German Shepherd. Photo: Nina`H A versatile dog that not only has excellent service qualities, but is also incredibly kind and affectionate with its family members. His high intelligence, recognized by all, makes him a wonderful friend and protector for the child.

MirSobak’s conclusion: when raised together, the “German” will patiently endure antics and protect the foolish child, and for middle-aged and older children he will fully reveal his wonderful qualities.


Collie. Photo: Ultra DM It is very difficult to mention all the qualities of a collie, among them: activity, affection, curiosity, intelligence and high ability to train, loyalty and playfulness. Scottish Sheepdogs they love children very much.

MirSobak's conclusion: you can get a collie at any time, the age of the child is not important, the main thing is to monitor his correct attitude towards the dog.

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier. Photo: Mike A miniature, energetic, smart and affectionate dog. Due to its small size and delicate structure, it is better to get one when the child is already aware of his actions and will not harm the pet.

MirSobak's conclusion: the Yorkie is a wonderful dog for children (for example, a teenage girl) and family. If you want a decorative dog, a “dwarf” breed, and your child is already 6 years old, get one Yorkshire Terrier, just keep in mind that their coat requires special, more frequent care.

Dogs less suitable for children

Let us repeat once again: the child should not have contact with aggressive dog. For the same reason, it is undesirable to have dogs that are not quite rightly called “fighting” dogs. Although these breeds were not originally intended to participate in dog fights, but were still selected for them due to the presence of certain qualities (for example, viciousness). In addition, some breeds simply cannot boast of patience or special love for children.

Of course, there are exceptions to any rule, but we still cannot advise having dogs of the following breeds for children under the age of 12:

This is a very controversial list. In fact, most dogs of these breeds can get along well with children: even if they do not allow themselves to be treated like a living toy, then, at least, will not show aggression or discontent towards the child. The whole point, as always, is in proper upbringing: it’s just that training such dogs will require much more time, effort and experience. Well, if our goal is to find the ideal dog for a child, wouldn’t it be better to choose a more suitable breed?

Whatever dog you choose in the end, you will have a difficult stage ahead – raising it. The innate qualities of an animal alone may not be enough to grow into an intelligent and devoted friend to children. Unfortunately, any dog ​​(even the most purebred) can be spoiled by incorrect and inconsistent attitude and training.
If everything is done correctly, the result will not be long in coming: you will get not only a smart pet, but also a loyal, reliable and sincere companion for your child, who will grow up with him, console him when he is sad and share his joys, and often become the reason for the fun.

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