Dwarf Pekingese description. The Dwarf Pekingese is an adorable lap dog. Reasons for the “delamination” of the Pekingese breed

Aristocratic habits, a look filled with superiority, manners worthy of a lord - all these are characteristics of the breed called the Royal Pekingese. This animal has always been distinguished by its reserved behavior, and was even considered sacred in its homeland - China.

The offender of this creature faced the death penalty, so highly did the owners value their smart and loyal pets. And the ownership of representatives of this breed was the exclusive prerogative of members of the imperial dynasty of China, such a dog was so rare and inviolable in those days.

Many representatives of their breed were awarded honorary titles and titles, and Emperor Ling Ti even elevated his favorites to the titles of wives, nobles and guardians of the imperial chambers. It was believed that such dogs are endowed with high intelligence and intuition, which has been proven in practice more than once.

For example, there is evidence of Pekingese successfully riding horses. At the same time, the reins of power were in the pet’s teeth, and to illuminate the path of the highest persons, torches were attached to the backs of small dogs.

There was a case when the Pekingese prevented a coup d'état preparing to begin in the palace. Their insight and keen hearing were able to catch the sounds of weapons preparing to point their sting at the emperor.

Since such an animal lends itself well to training, the crowned persons used their ringing bark as a warning of their appearance, a signal to bow their heads and other actions performed by their subjects.

The Chinese seriously considered the Pekingese to be the fruit of the love of a lion and a monkey, who took on the best traits of his father’s courage, courage and dignity, as well as his mother’s cheerful disposition. The imperial Fu-ling puppies were breastfed by slaves, and their external resemblance to a lion placed the Pekingese among the sacred animals of Buddhism.

Later, from a sacred symbol of Buddhists, the dog moves into the ranks of fashionable attributes, and the smallest representatives are matched to the color of the outfits of royalty, and are taken with them on walks and receptions. The breed was able to maintain its individuality only thanks to its zealous approach to blood purity and the ban on unauthorized crossings.

The breeding process was carried out under the close supervision of the keepers and educators of boudoir dogs, and the course of pregnancy and childbirth was monitored by canine doctors, who were supported by a whole staff.

One of the legends associated with the spread of the breed outside of China talks about the export of representatives of the breed from the country by Lord John Hay. During the Anglo-French attack on China, 5 dogs of different sexes were found in the imperial boudoir and taken to England.

One of the trophy dogs was presented to the queen, and history received a portrait of the dog, named Lootie. Queen Victoria was so fascinated by this animal that she began to breed the breed, giving it its own name, and after 38 years the first club of Pekingese lovers was founded in England.

Here the first standards of beauty and proportionality of appearance are announced, and the optimal weight of the dog is adopted, corresponding to the ideal of 6.2 kg.

After the Chinese Revolution, which followed the death of the Empress, all Pekingese were destroyed in the country. This was explained by the reluctance to transfer the sacred animal into the hands of ordinary people who would desecrate the shrine.

So this species disappeared in its homeland, continuing to exist in England and Ireland. It was from there that the breed was brought to us, which has taken root perfectly in the everyday realities of ordinary people.

Best friend

Many breeders will agree that such a dog senses the mood of the owner. Her short muzzle is sad with him and smiles when she hears positive notes in her voice. Even his gait reveals the mood of this four-legged companion - he sways and seems to limp when he is calm or upset about something, and flies like mad when he is played with and given attention.

The Pekingese has a strong attachment to its owner; it is very difficult to endure the period of separation, sometimes accompanied by a complete refusal to eat and drink. It is endowed with good health in all aspects, except for the organs of vision, here the owner can expect troubles in the form of cataracts and inflammation of the tear ducts, conjunctivitis and fungal infections.

Due to the shortened muzzle, the Pekingese cannot provide itself with complete heat exchange, so it is not advisable to keep the dog in hot conditions: this is fraught with attacks of suffocation and the development of respiratory diseases. If the species is short-haired, then it is just as susceptible to shedding as its more shaggy relatives, and such a dog should be brushed daily and bathed no more than once a month.

The Imperial Pekingese may have hereditary problems with the heart valve, so you should not subject it to intense physical activity.

Experts do not recommend having such a dog for families with small children. Such a dog is not capable of offending them, but will always be in a struggle for the attention of the owner, since the memory of generations has embedded in him a huge ego that does not tolerate competition.

He will sulk and be offended when children are held in his arms instead. Show with all your appearance and behavior that he is not happy with you, but is ready to give you another chance to leave the children and finally take care of the most important person in the house - his beloved Pekingese.

The Dwarf Pekingese is a small lap dog that attracts attention with its majestic royal appearance, large expressive eyes and luxurious coat.

The head of the mini breed is wide and quite massive compared to the dog’s body. The skull has disproportionate shapes.

The area of ​​transition from the muzzle towards the frontal bone is very pronounced. The bridge of the nose is slightly recessed into the skull. The dog's muzzle somewhat resembles that of a monkey.

The Pekingese's ears are turned forward and hang in a relaxed state. The fur and mane of the animal deserve special attention, thanks to which the miniature dog resembles a lion.

  • The weight of an adult Pekingese (over 8 months) is comparatively less than the body weight of a standard breed, and is about 3 kg.

The animal's paws are quite powerful, despite their small size, and the pads are flat in shape. Long hair can be seen between the toes that are in the ball. The dog's hind legs are slightly smaller than the front legs and point forward.

  • The eyes of Mini Pekingese are round and slightly protruding with a characteristic dark brown tint.

Different countries have their own requirements for the weight of the animal: in England, miniature dogs should weigh no more than 3.18 kg, and on the North American continent (in the USA and Canada) - 2.71 kg. In other respects, dwarf Pekingese are practically no different from their large “brothers”.

Care and nutrition


Particular attention should be paid to the animal's fur. To keep it shiny, silky and healthy, it is necessary to provide proper and regular care.

After a meal, it is imperative to brush the fur on the Pekingese's face, and after each walk in the fresh air, thoroughly clean the paws and belly.

It is recommended to systematically comb your pet's fur to prevent tangles from forming. The dog should be bathed in warm water, and a special shampoo for long-haired dogs should be used as the main detergent.

After water treatments, you need to dry the animal's fur well (it is advisable to use a hairdryer for this purpose) and comb it out carefully.

Only daily brushing will keep the mini breed's coat in excellent condition. Particular attention must be paid to the pet's eyes. Caring for them involves daily cleaning of various contaminants and dust. A soft handkerchief is usually used for this.

It is not recommended to wipe your eyes with cotton swabs, as there is a risk of irritation of the cornea. A typical problem for dwarf Pekingese is eyeball prolapse, so when grooming your pet, you need to ensure that the eyes remain protruding evenly.

If you find even a slight discrepancy, it is better not to wait for the situation to worsen, but to seek help from a veterinarian.

To clean the ears, special products for animals are used that are capable of dissolving accumulations of wax. For this purpose, you can use a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.


The teeth of mini Pekingese also need proper and constant care - after eating, be sure to look into the animal’s mouth and examine the oral cavity for pieces of food stuck between the incisors.

If your pet spends most of its time at home, then its nails need to be trimmed regularly to avoid ingrown nails.

When caring for a pet, all procedures are important, but you should try to spend a little more time on the eyes. Comprehensive eye hygiene includes daily wiping with a damp swab or soft cloth.

In the presence of characteristic purulent discharge, antibiotic-based products must be used. If you don’t know what exactly to buy at a pet pharmacy, then seek advice from a specialist.

How to feed

The diet of mini Pekingese should be balanced. As an option, you can buy your beloved pet a special food that contains the necessary groups of vitamins, amino acids and beneficial microelements in sufficient quantities.

You can feed your dog homemade food, but in this case you need to create the right menu. The dog's diet should consist of half boiled meat and offal.

It must also contain fresh vegetables and cereals (buckwheat, rice and others) in equal proportions. You can diversify the menu with fresh fruits.

Character and intelligence

Dwarf dogs have a sense of self-esteem, so if you inadvertently offend your pet, do not expect that he will be able to quickly forget the offense.

Animals are very smart and quick-witted, and do not hide the fact that they are confident in their own irresistibility. Pekingese are sophisticated natures, and therefore are in dire need of love and affection.

Without constant attention, dogs lose interest in the world around them, which can be seen in their sad eyes and depressed mood. Mini breeds are distinguished by a pronounced sense of pride and will not tolerate a derogatory attitude towards themselves.

Pekingese prefer to lead a measured lifestyle. Very often a dog can be found lying down somewhere in a cozy place with an arrogant and thoughtful expression in its eyes.

In some cases, especially when it comes to personal belongings, pets show unprecedented stubbornness and even selfishness.

It is these qualities of a dog that interfere with the training process - teaching even simple commands is often not easy. But small Pekingese are peace-loving creatures, and with the right approach it is always possible to come to an agreement with them.

Dog ailments

Pekingese are most often prone to developing ophthalmic diseases, which is explained by the characteristic structure of the eyeballs. The list of common pathologies is worth noting:

  • eversion of eyelids;
  • punctures in the cornea;
  • cataracts.

Diseases of the respiratory organs often make themselves known, which is due to the specific structure of the animal’s muzzle. In winter, pets are often susceptible to diseases such as laryngitis, bronchitis and tracheitis.

Warning symptoms to look out for include a dry nose, intermittent cough and a characteristic whistling sound when breathing.

One of the inventions of people trying to get rich from dogs is wishful thinking. Thus, breeders come up with more and more new breeds of decorative dogs in order to sell these specimens at a higher price. The situation is the same with the Pekingese, or rather their variety, the dwarf Pekingese.

Does it really exist and how does it differ from the standard breed? Let's look at the description of the mini dog and the features of having one at home.

Briefly about the breed

Both the Royal and Standard Pekingese are considered to have originated in China. Lying on the soft pillows of the emperors, the dogs behaved like royalty. Pekingese have been awarded the following names: the dog of the Heavenly Emperor, as well as the titled person of kings.

There is even a legend about the love of a monkey and a lion, supposedly the Pekingese is the fruit of their “romantic relationship.” Naturally, any normal person thinks this is funny, but if you look closely, the Pekingese really has a facial expression like a monkey, and the spiritual qualities of a proud and independent lion, a brave heart and courage.

There are many legends about this sacred animal from Beijing; it is also known that dogs with such a physique and a flattened wide muzzle existed 2 thousand years ago. Pekingese were also used as watchmen and warned of military operations and any rustle, sensing danger. They also accompanied emperors to audiences, barking at courtiers to bow to the emperor.

How did the mini Pekingese appear? It was difficult for the court ladies to care for a large representative of the breed, so the royal nobility decided to start reproducing a new subspecies - a very tiny one.

In fact, small specimens were found in litters of standard large representatives of the breed. Even during the reign of Manchu, a tiny mini Pekingese appeared, no more than 3 kg in size, although the standard ones reached 5 kg. These mini dogs became an adornment for the ladies of the court, also called “muff dogs” or sleeve dogs. Women wore them everywhere, and kept warm thanks to the fluffy fur of the dogs, placing them in the sleeve of a kimono.

These babies are not always in excellent health, and in general, mini Pekingese are a defective breed and are currently not allowed for exhibitions. Retailers try to sell their beauties at a higher price, but you must remember that these are scammers.

A standard for these babies is currently being developed in the UK; it is known that the weight should be no more than 3 kg, and in Canada and the USA it is considered to be no more than 2.7 kg.

A careful selection of such “defective” Pekingese dogs is carried out, since their skeletal system is not always developed correctly; if there are deviations, the puppies are not allowed for sale at all.

Real dwarf Pekingese are absolutely healthy and, according to the description, completely match the usual standard ones, the only difference is height and weight. And they live up to 14-15 years, completely sharing all the sorrows and happy moments with the owner.

Description and selection of a puppy

Lion dog is also the name of the Pekingese. His character is stubborn and proud, but having gotten used to one owner, the Pekingese will do anything to save his life. As a puppy, he plays actively with children and loves to travel outside with his owner. The Pekingese cannot be offended, but it must be brought up moderately strictly, and the sooner the better.

The same cannot be said about dogs bought secondhand - they don’t even have documentation.

Look at the sanitary conditions in the nursery; for weakened puppies, this is a scourge that affects their further physiological development and psyche. If the kennel is clean, this will definitely have the best effect on the puppy.

When should you buy puppies? At the age of 8 months. And it's not a joke! Because there is a high probability that his height is truly dwarf. But you may not be able to see a 2-month-old puppy without knowing what size it will grow to be. Some breeders do not know which puppy was born in the litter. And you don’t know whether the dwarf Pekingese will give birth to the same puppy. Therefore, it is better not to make plans for breeding.

The Pekingese is a royal breed of dog, which previously could only be owned by members of the family of the Chinese Emperor, and for stealing an imperial dog they could even be subject to the death penalty.

Breed characteristics

Origin story

This breed was bred in China more than two hundred years ago, and even the name of this breed comes from the word Beijing, which is the historical homeland of the Pekingese. The Chinese Pekingese, Pug and Japanese Chin all descended from the same ancestor - the wide-faced Toy, and are often compared to a breed such as the Pinscher. They came to Europe only after the capture of the Summer Palace in Beijing in 1860 by the British. The Pekingese brought to England in its modern form is usually called the English Pekingese.

Description of the Pekingese breed

Throughout their development, the Pekingese has changed a lot; the modern Pekingese is significantly different from the ancient Chinese favorite. This breed has a fairly compact size and short stature. The weight of an adult dog for males is from 3 to 5 kg, for females - from 3.5 to 6 kg.

Dogs of this breed are long-lived. Life expectancy ranges from 14 to 20 years.

  1. Wool These dogs most often have long and medium fur, however, smooth-haired ones are also found. The quality of the coat of such dogs is affected not only by the litter in which they were born, but also by their balanced feeding. Shedding occurs on average twice a year. How to wash and care for the coat during this period become key issues.
  1. Muzzle quite wide and short, has a fold and a strong, wide lower jaw. But the standard does not stipulate the shape of the fold on the muzzle; many experts believe that it can be absolutely anything: either continuous or intermittent. The only condition is that the fold should look harmonious with the entire front part of the muzzle, which means it should not be thick or heavy enough.
  1. Breed standards have very strict rules about the tail. The length of the tail, its position and shape are very important here. If the tail is set high, fits quite tightly to the back of the animal, and, slightly bent, is lowered to the side, then it ideally corresponds to the international standard.
  1. Ears should be small and heart-shaped. The hair on the ears is usually long and gives the appearance of floppy ears with woolen tassels.
  2. Eyes dark brown. The whites of the eyes are most often invisible. Eyes that are too dark and white are considered incorrect.
  3. Teeth smooth, white and shiny. They are small in size and close tightly. Chess cutters are not rejected. A change of teeth usually occurs when a pet exits puppyhood and does not repeat throughout the animal’s life.
  4. The loin is quite a bit narrower than the back. The withers are muscular, pronounced and have well-developed muscles. The shoulder blades are most often set obliquely. They do not stick out and fit snugly to the back. The back itself is flat and long. The croup is slightly sloping and not very wide (cannot be wider than the loin). The stomach is elastic and toned.
  5. Paws usually quite large and oval. The front legs are slightly larger than the hind legs.


The main feature of the Pekingese breed is that there are all the color options that exist in the dog world with the exception of the liver color. In addition, this is the only dog ​​breed in the world that can give birth to an albino.

  1. The most classic colors are red and fawn. Dogs with this color are usually the majority. This color is distinguished by its brightness and does not fade.
  2. Black and white colors are also quite common. These colors have become increasingly preferred in recent years.
  3. Mixed breed and black and white are rarer. Such colors are considered more expensive and elite, they are valued higher at exhibitions, and mating with dogs of such colors is not carried out with ordinary red and black dogs. Such care in selecting candidates for mating is not carried out in vain, because this is what determines what the puppy from the litter looks like later.


It so happens that for many years, dogs of this breed sat in the arms of royalty, and in modern times they refuse to accept any other status. As a rule, Pekingese are not very fussy and are not intrusive. They have excellent control over the surrounding situation and always feel when they want to play with them, immediately becoming playful and mischievous, and, on the contrary, they understand when the owner is tired. Very friendly and forgiving towards people, but at the same time brave and reckless in relationships with other dogs.

Dogs of this breed are also distinguished by their sensitivity, but they never bark unless necessary. In addition, Pekingese do not need long walks; half an hour twice a day will be enough. These dogs are very energetic and have good health. They can get along well with small children, but only if they treat them with respect and do not claim the pet’s personal space.

But despite their innate pride, dogs of this breed can be very sensitive and need constant attention from their owners. They cannot stand being shouted at or treated rudely; they may also be prone to jealousy, and if there are other pets in the house, they may begin to aggressively compete with them, seeking the attention of their owners. But, despite their unusual character, they are great for both experienced breeders and beginners.

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Pekingese are very friendly and peaceful, their upbringing and training usually does not cause any difficulties. But training these dogs will require a lot of patience from the owners. Although they have a fairly unobtrusive and flexible character, stubbornness is also their main trait, which is very clearly manifested when puppies are taught to use a leash.

Dogs of this breed can also be trained at home. To get a guaranteed result, it is better to start training from puppyhood and practice daily until the animal begins to follow commands automatically. Sometimes you come across puppies with a particularly stubborn character, and if the owners do not know how to raise such puppies, then it is better to send them to special kennel clubs for training.

Very fluffy and long hair is not only the main advantage of this dog breed, but also the main drawback in their care. They shed frequently, and their fur will need to be groomed constantly.

Grooming is roughly the same as grooming for all long-haired dogs. The main conditions for a well-groomed coat are regular combing and cleaning. The dog should be combed along the body with massage brushes, and behind the ears with small-toothed combs.

You should not bathe more than once a year unless necessary. If your dog tends to get dirty too often, you can use a special dry shampoo. The eyes are washed with ordinary damp cotton swabs. Also, you should regularly wipe the folds above the nose and ears with dry wipes or cotton wool. It is extremely contraindicated to wet a dog's ears to avoid water getting in and causing deafness.

IMPORTANT! If the animal’s ears turn red or have abundant dark discharge, this may indicate the beginning of an inflammatory process.


The following diseases are common:

  • intervertebral disc disease;
  • urolithiasis;
  • heart valve diseases;
  • adenomas of the perianal glands;
  • ventricular septal defects;
  • skin diseases.

IMPORTANT! Pekingese are very gentle animals; at the first symptoms listed above, it is recommended to immediately contact a veterinary clinic and not self-medicate your pet.

In addition, vaccination is a very important component of the health of this dog breed; all vaccinations must always be completed on time.

Also, these dogs tend to tolerate anesthesia poorly; it is better to avoid putting the animal under anesthesia if possible.

What to feed

One of the most popular questions from new owners is what to feed the puppy? How to determine which food is right for him? What content should an ideal diet have? A dog’s nutrition directly affects its health and coat condition; the animal’s diet should always be as balanced as possible.

A dog's diet should always include:

  • saturated proteins (such as processed meats and eggs);
  • fast and slow carbohydrates (fruits, greens, various types of cereals).

The inclusion of ready-made store-bought super premium food into the animal’s diet is also very welcome.

These feeds usually include:

  • different types of meat and animal proteins;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • useful herbs.

There are minimal carbohydrates in premium food. Such food promotes the dog’s activity and maintains its health, since it contains ideally balanced proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins that the Pekingese needs.


Pekingese photo

Professional breeders and people with basic knowledge of cynology read with bated breath “marketing” advertisements for the sale of supposedly elite puppies. Royal Pekingese, Super Micro Mini Toy Terrier, Staffordshires with voluminous heads and other dogs endowed with incredible characteristics have flooded online marketplaces. In fact, most of the four-legged animals decorated with epithets are puppies from outbred producers, which one really wants to sell... and at a higher price.

Advice: When choosing a future pet, clearly formulate your goals and questions about the puppy. If you like colorful descriptions, take it as a fact that you can be deceived... as the British say: “Just business” - nothing personal, just business.

Well, now to the point. The Pekingese breed of dwarf dog, beloved in wide circles, is surrounded by a stable demand for the purchase of puppies. One of the basic laws of economics says: “Demand creates supply.” This statement affects absolutely all areas of human activity, except that the elements are beyond his control. What happens when the demand for puppies increases? New breeders appear, they are not always professionals, and their dogs do not always have breeding value. Competition is artificially intensified in the market, “breeders” dump the prices of breeders... that is, they ask for a puppy not 100 conventional units, but 10.

This is interesting! The name Pekingese was given to the dogs in honor of the capital of China, Beijing.

Next, the buyer initiation mechanism is launched, that is, the breeders “roll out” the breeders with information about the origin of purebred sires. By the way, not many breeders will explain to the buyer what the difference is between a tailed dog with documents and an “amateur” bred dog. The motives for this behavior are quite simple - a responsible dog owner who values ​​the breed will not transfer (sell) promising puppies to a person who does not have even basic knowledge about breeding value. Breeders build their business taking advantage of the professionalism of breeders and the naivety of unenlightened buyers.

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Let's think about how you need to describe your not-so-good product in order to still sell it? First, let's study the demand by browsing the forums, compare prices, look at online markets and lastly, describe your product/puppies, since no one has done this before us...success is guaranteed! Agree, many will pay attention, for example, to the following description: “There are only 2000 puppies of breed X in the world, this unique dog is the result of the painstaking work of breeders, etc.” It already smells like an exclusive, and if the price is attractive... So, the new products in the same series include the royal and dwarf Pekingese. According to the generally accepted opinion, which is often defended to the point of “bloodshed”:

  • Royal Pekingese- a direct descendant of the dogs of the Chinese emperors. The status and respect of the “common people” for your person, that is, the owner, will be ensured. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?
  • Dwarf Pekingese is a four-legged animal whose ancestors are direct relatives of the dog that sat in the sleeve of the last reigning empress of China.

If your sense of humor allows you to perceive streams of distorted information, “twisted” to suit the situation, try writing/calling such “breeders” yourself. Perhaps you will be given the legend about the origin of the Pekingese from dragons at face value.

Important! Caring for a Royal Pekingese and a miniature dog is essentially identical. However, sleeve Pekingese are more prone to breed diseases, especially eyeball luxation and problems with the formation of vertebral discs.

Reasons for the “delamination” of the Pekingese breed

Now many of you are indignant, because Pekingese really differ in size, why such a “tirade”? Let's open the breed standard and read it carefully, the title says Pekingese No. 207 and not a single mention of “dwarfs” and “kings”. Next, we pay attention to the dimensions of the breed specified by the standard - only (!) the ideal weight is specified at 5.4 kg for females and 5 kg for males. That is, a dog that meets all the requirements of the standard, but weighs 2 kg, will also be recognized as a Pekingese. The lack of instructions on the desired height and minimum weight of adult dogs was the reason for the stratification of the breed into:

  • Imperial, Royal, Standard Pekingese– dogs at the ideal weight for the breed. If the standard is met, they are allowed to breed. A litter of two standard Pekingese may produce dwarf puppies.
  • Sleeve, mini, dwarf, toy Pekingese– the weight of an adult dog does not exceed 3.18 kg (in England 3.17 kg, in the USA and Canada 2.72 kg). Mini-bitches are not used in breeding work, since the birth of standard puppies will lead to the death of the mother. Males actively mate with standard females to produce dwarf, and therefore more expensive, litters. Mini dogs are not allowed for exhibitions, although in the USA, England and Canada the first step towards a career for sleeve Pekingese has been taken - amateur shows are held.

Important! The characteristics of the breed of dwarf and standard dogs are no different! There are also no differences in color or coat type! The only difference is the size.

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