Collie - dog breed, tips, secrets, recommendations. Collie (Scottish Sheepdog): a kind shepherdess or an elegant aristocrat Verbal model of a collie dog

The Scottish Sheepdog is a dog that once herded flocks in the highlands of Scotland, today it has become an excellent companion and the star of the most famous exhibitions. Indeed, collies have an amazing character and gorgeous appearance. What do future owners of this beautiful dog need to know?

Scotland is considered the homeland of these dogs, where they quite successfully herded flocks of sheep. Their ancestors were more modest in size and most often had black fur. According to experts, they came to southern England along with nomadic tribes. Subsequently, breeding activities were aimed at further developing their herding abilities. They managed not only sheep, but also goats and pigs.

Collies received their further development thanks to the fact that Queen Victoria turned her attention to the dogs, and she brought several representatives of the breed to England. Here they quickly gained popularity, and many dog ​​breeders became interested in breeding them.

In 1860, this dog was presented at an exhibition as a universal Scottish Sheepdog. In the late 80s, collies came to the United States, and in 1986, the first club for fans of this breed was opened here.

Description of the collie breed

The Scottish Shepherd is a strong, active, beautiful dog with a harmonious physique. The body should not be rough, loose, and the standard Special attention pays attention to the ratio of proportions:

  • Head the collie's is elongated, dry, narrowed; when viewed in profile, it is wedge-shaped. If it resembles the head of a greyhound, then this is considered a defect. The occipital tubercle and brow ridges are weakly defined.
  • The skull is flattened, with flat cheekbones and a weakly defined transition from the frontal region to the muzzle.
  • Back The nose is rounded, the lobe is large, with black pigmentation.
  • The mouth is equipped with large, white teeth that create a scissor bite.
  • Eyes small, almond-shaped, set slightly slanting. The expression “sweetish” is tricky. The iris is dark brown; in marbled collies, heterochromia is possible; the iris may have bluish or white inclusions.

The dog of this breed moves softly and gracefully. The coat is abundant, with a luxurious collar and feathering. In general, Scottish Shepherds look elegant and pleasant.

According to the standard, height males at the withers range from 56 to 61 cm, and females - from 51 to 56 cm. Body weight is not strictly regulated, but the minimum weight dogs 18 kg, maximum – 30 kg. Among the different varieties of collies, the long-haired representatives are the most common.

Coat and colors of the Scots

The collie's coat has two layers, the guard hair is elongated, straight, and hard. And the undercoat is abundant and dense. In the area of ​​the muzzle, tips of the ears and limbs, the coat is very short. There are three types of colors in Scottish Sheepdogs:

Collie character

Scottish Sheepdogs long time They lived side by side with humans, but for a long time they fully performed shepherd’s work. Today this is not required of them, and collies have quickly retrained as companion dogs and excellent family dogs.

Like other shepherds, Scots are extremely intelligent and responsive; very often they understand immediately what their owner expects from them. Collies are on the list of the most trainable breeds, and if a person needs an intelligent four-legged friend who will perfectly follow commands, then collie- this is what you need.

Collies are not aggressive, they are people-oriented. Therefore, if the owner is not ready to shower his pet with attention and affection, then you should not get a collie. Due to lack of communication, dogs of this breed can develop destructive behavior.

Longhaired Scots need stability and do not like noisy events. When excited, dogs can bark loudly for a long time. All herding breeds, including collies, cannot live without intense physical activity, so their walking requires spacious areas where the pet can frolic without a leash.

A collie can be taken into a family with children; the dog will not harm the baby, and the grown-up child will become a friend and playmate for him. Scots also find a common language with other pets, including cats.

How to train a collie?

High intelligence, quick wit and curiosity are the qualities that are necessary for excellent learning ability; the collie has all this to the fullest. They are very inquisitive and observant. But the dog's abilities alone are not enough to get good results. The owner will be required proper organization process, he must become a leader and friend for the pet, find an approach.

The dog can learn the basic basic commands - “ ”, “ ”, etc. at home, and even a teenager can teach him. It is recommended to begin training, raising your pet, and accustoming it to hygiene procedures as soon as the puppy gets comfortable in its new home. But usually the baby gets used to new conditions within 2-3 days.

It is important for a collie to constantly learn and be challenged, otherwise the pet may become uncontrollable, capricious and stubborn for any reason. As soon as the new pet adapts and gets used to its name, it is necessary to start socializing it. The puppy must communicate with its own kind, participate in joint games, learn proper behavior on the street. This will help avoid further difficulties when the dog grows up.

For training, it is advisable to select a separate area; the environment should be calm and familiar. If inexperienced owner wants to participate with his four-legged friend in competitions or wants to teach him more complex skills, in addition to basic commands, then it is better to turn to professionals for help for these purposes.

The main rule of training is consistency; you cannot give your pet many commands at once. You always need to be persistent, patient, it is important to encourage your pet in a timely manner and not be stingy with praise if he deserves it. The Scots do not tolerate pressure, so rough treatment and physical punishment will not only fail, but will make them worse.

Caring for Longhaired Collies

The first thing that future owners think about is the difficulty of caring for the luxurious coat of a collie. But the owners refute this opinion - their coat needs attention, but no more than that of other long-haired herding breeds.

These dogs shed, and this process usually occurs in spring period. In addition, the coat of shepherd dogs is an indicator of health: increased shedding can begin due to stress, after childbirth, against the background of various diseases, during the rut, or due to poor nutrition.

The Scotsman will have to be brushed regularly, and during seasonal shedding, this should be done daily. Otherwise, tangles may appear. But such a dog does not require haircuts, trimming and other hairdressing services. At proper care The dog will not shed except once a year. For this, the pet must be properly fed, combed and walked for a long time.

Collies are clean, their fur repels dirt. Therefore, dogs are not bathed often - 2-3 times a year. Dogs take a long time to dry, so it is advisable to blot the fur with a terry towel and you can use a hair dryer. It is important to avoid leaving a pet with wet fur in a draft.

If the dog belongs to the show class, and the owner is determined to exhibit his pet, then he will have to learn some grooming skills. You can seek advice or the services of a professional. The breeder from whom the puppy was purchased can give good advice.

How to feed a collie?

Scottish Shepherds are not fussy eaters, but owners need to pay attention to what their dog eats. The following schedule should be applied to puppies:

  • babies up to 2 months are fed 5-6 times a day;
  • 3-4 month old puppies are fed 4-5 meals a day;
  • by 8 months the puppy should eat 3 times;
  • By the age of one and a half years, the pet eats like an adult - 2 times.

The owner has two options - feed the pet commercial food or natural food. In the first case, it is important to choose the appropriate diet High Quality, suitable for large or medium breeds. It is necessary to take into account that collies are long-haired dogs, which means that all the necessary additives must be present in the food.

At natural feeding The owner needs to select the right products that meet the needs of the dog’s body. The following products should not be on the menu:

  • potato;
  • raw eggs, especially whites;
  • raw river fish;
  • high fat foods;
  • chicken and pork bones;
  • pasta;
  • bakery.

The basis of a dog’s diet is meat, it should be lean veal, beef, rabbit, turkey. Your pet will benefit most from raw product. The dog is given fish no more than 2 times a week; it should be sea fish, boiled or steamed. Cereals are given daily, mixed with meat and vegetable ingredients. Fresh herbs and vegetable oil can be used as additives.

Small puppies can be given milk, but from 3 months it should be replaced with dairy products– cottage cheese, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt. Important - this food should not contain sugar or artificial additives. You cannot give your puppy food from your table! The dog quickly turns into a beggar. In addition, such food will harm the animal’s body.

Health Features of Scottish Sheepdogs

If you look at the overall picture, collies have excellent health. However, among them there are individuals suffering from serious genetic ailments:

  • deafness;
  • blindness (representatives of the breed with a marbled color suffer);
  • eye abnormalities.

In addition, Scottish Shepherds are quite large dogs, therefore, there is a risk of developing joint and bone diseases - dysplasia, chronic dislocations, subluxations, loss of joint mobility. Collies suffer from intolerance to certain medications, so if they need to be taken, the veterinarian must order a series of tests.

Collie photo

Video about collie

How much does a longhaired collie puppy cost?

First of all, the owner needs to decide - does he need an elite puppy with excellent standard qualities, who can be a champion of exhibitions and an enviable producer, or is a companion dog and friend enough? Naturally, in the first case the price tag will be significantly higher.

But even when choosing a four-legged friend who does not claim a title, you should take into account that scammers often sell funny mixed-breed toddlers, passing them off as purebred Scottish Shepherds. No, a dog of unclean blood can become a wonderful pet, but you can buy such a baby for free.

When purchasing a puppy with a pedigree, you should know that the price can vary from 12,000 to 30,000 rubles - depending on the class to which the baby belongs, the title of his parents and other characteristics.

The Scottish Shepherd is not just a beautiful dog with a proud posture and a chic fur coat. Such a pet very quickly becomes the favorite of the whole family, finds a common language with everyone, and responds with devotion and love to a kind attitude. But collies are not for the lazy; if such a dog appears in the house, then it is necessary to give it what it needs.

Collie kennels

  • Moscow region
  • St. Petersburg

The Collie is a long-haired or short-haired dog breed native to Scotland. The collie dog breed looks very cute on the outside, but on the inside it has the character of a shepherd dog with keen intelligence. This breed is popularly called Scottish Shepherds. We can talk endlessly about collies, as they are very smart and organized dogs. For the first time, many people learned about their existence from the series about the famous red-haired Lassie. By the way, the role of Lassie was played by a male, since males have thicker and more luxuriant fur even during molting.

Previously, dogs of this breed were bred to guard herds of animals and look after them. The characteristics of the breed say that collies are working dogs, so it is optimal to bring them into a large family for some help. In appearance, the small collie can be a good guide dog for older people or a nanny for children. Thanks to crossing with Irish setters, the collie has such an elongated and narrow muzzle.

With each passing decade, more and more breeders learned about collies and expressed a desire to breed this breed. As a result, the standard was established only in 1895, and the dog breed received the official name: smooth and long-haired collie. Scottish collies became popular overnight; bringing them into your home was considered a sign of good taste.

How much does a collie puppy cost?

The price for collie puppies starts at an average of 20 thousand rubles. The collie breed is not cheap, because it is difficult to breed such dogs, and there are not many qualified kennels. The cost is also influenced by factors such as the sex of the animal, the level of the nursery and the presence of a pedigree. How much a specific puppy costs must be checked with the nursery workers. For private owners, the price for puppies will be much lower, but it is most often not possible to verify the authenticity of the breed, much less look at the pedigree. Instead of a purebred pet, they can slip in a cross between breeds. To find a reputable seller, you need to look at various nurseries.

It is also worth considering that females are more expensive than males, because the latter are used exclusively for mating, while girls are able to bear offspring.

Description of the breed

Collie puppies can be short-haired or long-haired. Most often, long-haired pets are adopted. This variety has smooth, long and voluminous fur. The difference between short-haired dogs is that the hair is much shorter, and the pets themselves have an active temperament. Many owners of short-haired collies notice that their pets have different tones in their voices.

The collie breed has several varieties:

Collie appearance

Each breed has a slightly different appearance in color and size. The first representatives bred were larger in size than today's dogs. On average, the height at the withers of pets is 51 - 61 cm. A male is always taller than a female and weighs up to 30 kg. The male has a stronger physique compared to the female. The average weight of a female is 25 kg. The wedge-shaped head appears narrow when viewed from above. Cheeks and cheekbones are elastic. Teeth are straight and neat, with correct bite. The nose is black and small. The pet has expressive eyes that are almond-shaped or longitudinal in shape.

The eye color is brown, but the blue merle coat color is blue. Pets have big ears triangular shape, half standing. If the animal is in a calm state, then the ears are spread to the sides; if it is attentive, the ears are turned forward. The body is developed, strong, rectangular in shape. The breed standard states that the pet's body should be full of muscle, but not too thin or fat.

The Collie pet has an oval-shaped chest. His back is slightly raised and strong. From birth, a collie puppy has soft paws, with the front paws standing straight and the rear paws stretched out. The joints are strong and can withstand the load and considerable weight of the animal. The tail is straight, with a slight slope at the very tip. The tail is decorated with lush hair.


Collie puppies have a generous and thick coat. Previously, various things were knitted from the wool of collie dogs. In the last century, toys were made from it. There is a dense down on the dog's skin that protects it from damage. The hair is hard and straight. The shortest hair is on the face, paws and ears. Copious amounts of hair are present on the neck, chest, upper legs and tail. There should be long hair between the paw pads. Color may vary.

The most common colors in collies are:

  • sable - brown or yellow tan with the presence of a basic white color;
  • mahogany - from wheat to red-brown with a basic white color;
  • tricolor - white, black and mahogany colors are divided throughout the body;
  • blue merle - White color basic, tan with a black or blue tint without a pronounced pattern.

In some cases, a longitudinal mark on the muzzle from the back of the nose to the forehead is allowed. You can see the collie breed in more detail in the photo or video.

Please note that standard collie colors include white covering the area under the chin, neck, paws and tip of the tail.

You can choose a nickname based on the color of the collie's coat. For example, Brown, Black, Ugolek and the like.

Pet Personality

The collie's character is full of cheerfulness. Kind and obedient dogs capable of becoming children's and adults' best friends. The Scottish Collie is always energetic, he prefers walks and active games. Suitable for living in your own home, because this way the pet can often go for a walk. An animal feels free and calm in its home. It is optimal to bring a dog into a large family so that both the children and the dog do not get bored.

The collie, like the French shepherd, was intended to guard the herd.

Breeds such as the French, Australian Shepherd or Collie will become suitable for humans best friend. For this to happen, you should constantly talk to your pet, tell him how valuable and loved he is.

Collie has a reserved and balanced character. It is difficult to make the breed emotional or aggressive. It is suitable for keeping in the same house with other pets. The pet will be friends with other dogs and cats, even of the opposite sex.

The collie also has some protective traits in its character. Pets can protect their owner, but most likely they will not rush into a fight. Collies will simply stay at a distance and control the situation.

Collie dog all characteristics of the breed

My pet: Collie

Collie. Grandmother and granddaughter playing

Collie on a walk

When protecting the owner, dogs prefer not to get into a fight first. If a collie lives with a large family, then all its members are friends for the dog, and she will be happy with everyone without exception. The breed has vulnerabilities: This is pathological attachment. Animals choose one owner and cannot be alone for long.

Pets suffer from lack of communication and games. They imitate people. This breed is so smart and quick-witted that its representatives remember the actions of the owner and can knock dust out of the rug, bring a floor rag or a garbage bag. They treat strangers neutrally, feel normal in the company of strangers, show interest and activity.

Collie training

Pet training should begin from birth so that the dog understands and follows various commands. You can train a collie yourself, as representatives of this breed are good, smart and quick-witted dogs. You can teach them to take obstacles, give paw, sit, stay, lie down and many other dog commands. Kids will love helping train the pet.

Animals are considered the standard species in obedience and speed of learning. A tailed friend will easily master an introductory training course or dog sport. Modern representatives of the breed have the same herding instincts and skills as the old Russian animals.

How to properly keep a collie dog breed

Collies feel comfortable in private homes. You can organize in your home doghouse in the form of a small house for the animal to develop its territory. You need to take them outside as often as possible, because these are free-spirited dogs that feel cramped in a closed apartment. The breed needs physical exercise, so the dog needs to be exercised and trained regularly. You should wear a muzzle when walking.

Caring for a collie dog is a sensitive matter and requires a lot of time. The pet has lush fur that can form tangles. To prevent this from happening, it is imperative to include combing the coat in your daily care.

You need to purchase a rubber brush with soft teeth and brush your pet every day. Grooming during shedding means preparing your pet for new coat, as the old one will come off in clumps. Shedding occurs 2 times a year, and those who already have a dog know that there will be hair all over the house, so it is recommended to wash the floors every day and remove fallen hairs. Taking care of the fur in the summer is a little more difficult, since outdoors all sorts of burrs and other grass cling to the long wool. It is optimal to swim only in warm time years, since thick and dense wool takes a long time to dry.

To prevent your dog from getting its fur dirty during walks, it is recommended to wear special clothing for animals, which will keep you warm in cold weather and prevent the fur from getting dirty.

Particular attention must be paid to the pet's eyes. It is optimal to examine your eyes as often as possible in order to notice possible problems or deterioration of vision in time.

To prevent chips and plaque on your teeth, you need to periodically take your dog for professional teeth cleaning. You should take your pet to the vet once every 6 months or as needed if you notice changes in the behavior of your tailed friend.


The collie's diet should consist of high quality products high in vitamins. It is strictly forbidden to feed the animal from the table, as such food is unsuitable for animals. The fact is that many dishes contain increased amount salt, sugar, spices or oil, these products should not be given to your pet.

It is important not to overfeed collies, as obesity has a negative impact on the dog's health. You can feed both natural food and balanced and ready-made food.

Ready-made dog food is divided into subtypes, and you can choose food taking into account the dog’s age, gender, coat length, taste preferences and other characteristics of the dog’s body. Ready-made feeds contain the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth and health of the animal. For variety, you can alternate between dry and wet food. The first time you need to give a little food to see how the pet reacts to the new food.

Health of the collie breed

Collie dogs live on average 14 - 15 years. If kept healthy and taken to the vet, collies will live long and happy lives. Among the common diseases, puppies are often exposed to canine distemper and enteritis. To prevent your dog from contracting bacteria, you should take your pet for mandatory vaccinations. Before vaccination, you must keep the dog in strict quarantine.

Animals can become infected coli or bacteria e colli. The rod-shaped bacteria e collie are common in the lower intestines of many warm-blooded animals. Transmission of e collie occurs through the fecal or oral route. It is also often transmitted due to poor hygiene of prepared food or through contaminated food. If food has had contact with manure and is not washed well, then the dogs have an increased chance of catching collie. In 2009, scientists announced that they had invented a vaccine against these bacteria.

Ectopic ureter - hereditary disease, which is accompanied by an abnormal structure of the genitourinary system. The pathology results in the animal being unable to hold in urine.

Yeast dermatitis is also not uncommon in the collie breed. It is manifested by the hyperactivity of microorganisms that are on the skin. This disease is a consequence of weakened immunity.

Pemphigus mainly affects older dogs. With this disease, the immune system begins to attack the pet's skin.

Vitiligo is an acquired disease of an idiopathic nature. Vitiligo manifests itself in the fact that the dog's skin color changes or hair may begin to fall out. It is impossible to predict the appearance of vitiligo. Effective treatment There is no cure for this disease yet.

The most common diseases of the collie breed are related to the eyes. This is primarily an inversion of the eyelid, which can be congenital or acquired. It manifests itself in the fact that the pet’s mucous membranes of the eyes are irritated. If the problem is not detected in time, the animal’s vision will deteriorate. It is not difficult to treat ectropion or entropion of the eyelid, and the problem is solved with minor surgical intervention.

Sometimes it happens that a collie has a lot of extra eyelashes, but most often this problem does not cause discomfort to the animal. IN in rare cases Excess eyelashes can grow into the skin of the eyelids and cause discomfort. The problem is solved by removing unnecessary ones. note that eye diseases can equally affect both eyes and it is impossible to predict which one to start treatment with first.

Congenital diseases also occur in the collie breed. Sometimes abnormal development occurs even in the embryonic state. You should consult your veterinarian for detailed advice regarding any diseases.

Collie is the personification of canine beauty, devotion, intelligence and goodwill. This interesting breed has become a symbol of sincere friendship between man and dog.

Security qualities
Protective qualities
Attitude towards children

History of the breed

The history of the Collie or Shetland Sheepdog abounds reliable facts, and at the same time, it has not yet been possible to find out for certain the origin of this dog.

The first mention of the Scottish Sheepdog dates back to the 14th century and belongs to the poet J. Chaucer. Then representatives of this breed were described in the books “ English dogs", "History of Quadrupeds" and in the "Encyclopedia Britannica of Dogs". Everywhere they talk about collies as a herding breed with long hair of black or black and white color.

The origin of the collie has at least two opposing versions. According to one of them, the ancestors of collies were brought to Northern Europe by Roman legionnaires; according to another, Britain already had its own herding dogs by that time. Most likely, both Old English Sheepdogs and dogs of conquerors and migrating peoples were involved in the formation of the breed.

Herding dogs were especially common in the Highlands, a mountainous region between England and Scotland. An interesting difference between collies and other herding dogs - the lack of aggression - is explained by the fact that wolves were exterminated in the British Isles long ago. Therefore, the main task of the collie was the ability to herd sheep so that they did not stray from the flock.

This skill is so entrenched in the breed that even modern collies really don’t like it when people walking with them move away from each other. According to their concepts, everyone should walk together in a “pack,” and they vigilantly monitor this, driving everyone together by barking.

Interestingly, the first popularizer of the breed was Queen Victoria of England. She took notice of herding dogs in 1860 and brought them to Windsor Castle. From this moment on, the development of the collie as a companion dog can be traced. For this purpose, the most spectacular representatives with thick hair were selected. Dogs that continued to be used as shepherds were called .

The collie breed was first presented at an exhibition in 1860, and 21 years later it was published official standard breeds The first collies were black and black and white, and only thanks to targeted breeding work a variety of colors appeared: red, sable and harlequin. The first collies were distinguished by a rougher physique and head structure. Modern elegance comes from the addition of Russian greyhound blood.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, collies became popular dogs in other countries: they were exported to the USA, Russia, Australia and New Zealand. At the same time, breed clubs were created in the USA and Europe that were actively involved in breeding work, and in Australia the collie was mainly used as a shepherd on sheep farms. In Russia, and then in the Soviet Union, collies gained enormous popularity as dogs; they participated in military operations during Russo-Japanese War as orderlies. During the Great Patriotic War collies delivered secret messages and looked for mines.

Collie General
During the war years, Collie Dick helped discover 12,000 mines, including a huge landmine near the Pavlovsk Palace in Leningrad. He was wounded three times, lived to an old age and was buried with military honors.

Cheerful disposition and kind heart

The versatile abilities are explained by the character of the Scottish Shepherd. These good-natured dogs are devoted to their owner and adapt to his lifestyle. With athletes, they become active participants in competitions and fast runners. You can participate in various active sports with them. In families with children, collies take on the functions of a caring nanny, a cheerful friend and a protector for children. For people leading a quiet lifestyle, they become excellent walking companions and understanding friends.

Collies try to avoid conflicts with strangers and other animals, but if necessary they can give a worthy rebuff to the enemy. Modern collies exhibit excellent guarding, detection and herding abilities, and are an excellent companion for humans. After a special course, training becomes professional for the blind.

Collies have an active temperament, they are always ready to play and run, they react vividly to everything that happens around them, they are inquisitive, intelligent, quick-witted, easy to train and have an excellent memory. The breed also became famous thanks to its acting talent.

Who played the role of Lassie
The famous film about Lassie, based on the book by Eric Knight, created the image of a smart and devoted dog in the hearts of millions of people. The female role of Lassie was always played by collie boys. The first of them was called Pel, which translates as friend. Subsequent film adaptations about Lassie, of which there are 11 in total, starred Pal's descendants.

Breed standard: main characteristics

The Shetland Sheepdog has two varieties: long-haired collies and short-haired collies.

In our country, collies with long hair are better known. They are characterized by the following parameters:

  • harmonious addition
  • dry strong type of constitution
  • light noble movements
  • long narrow head
  • scissor bite
  • the eyes are almond-shaped, giving the expression of the muzzle a special cunning expression.

Coat colors come in: tricolor, red: from light to sable and merle. Particular importance is attached to white markings: for any color, a white collar is required, white socks or knee socks on the paws are desirable, white tip tail, as well as a white mark on the muzzle.

Collie ears are small, triangular in shape, with about 1/3 of the ear bent forward at the end. The tail is saber-shaped and hangs down when at rest.


The height of a male dog at the withers is from 56 to 61 centimeters. The height of the bitch at the withers ranges from 51 to 56 centimeters. Male weight ranges from 20 and a half kilograms to 29. The weight of the bitch is from 18 to 25 kilograms.

There is also a so-called American type collie. In America, dogs of this breed are larger in size, including a wider muzzle. There are many more colors recognized here, there are even white collies with small spots of any color on the body and head.

American albino
US President Calvin Coolidge had a completely white collie named Rob Roy.

Short-haired collies had their own standard much later: in 1974. This dog has common ancestors with its “furry” brothers, so they are similar to them in many ways. The FCI does not recognize the Shorthaired Collie as separate breed, therefore, their only distinguishing feature according to the standard is considered to be short, straight, tight-lying hair.

How to choose a collie puppy

If you have already decided that you only need a collie, then you need to decide on the purpose of purchasing it. If you want to make a friend for the soul, then you first need to pay attention to the health and character of the puppy.

If you have ambitious plans and are planning a show career for your pet, then you need to strictly evaluate compliance with the standard for identifying the slightest defect and study the pedigree of the puppy’s parents.

The main thing is health

In the first case, you can completely cope on your own Healthy puppy A collie at 8 weeks of age looks like this:

  • straight back
  • strong, even paws
  • the muzzle is not narrow, but rounded
  • Long neck
  • ears hang forward
  • the body has a roughly square format
  • scissor bite
  • developed coat

In 1904, when this breed was making waves all over the world, millionaire J.P. Morgan bought a US show champion collie for as much as $10,000. In today's money that's about $250,000.

Collies live well in an apartment if they are walked well and for a long time every day. Despite their thick coat, they tolerate heat well. Wool traps air under the fur and helps keep the dog cool. Collies have few health problems. They are susceptible to joint dysplasia and progressive retinal atrophy.

She should never be given a skin medicine called evermectin. The collie has a very high sensitivity to this medicine. Collies are loving and instinctively protective of children.

It is important for people to remember that the collie is a herding dog. Many herding dogs have problems with playing fetch and biting. This needs to be monitored.

Choosing the character of the Scottish Shepherd to your liking

It is known that even littermates can differ significantly from each other in character. There are puppies that are more fearful, more active, some have been distrustful of strangers since childhood, while others have friends all around them.

Of course, the formation of character largely depends on the patience and perseverance of the future owner, but still, many habits and habits are already laid down at the genetic level. There are a lot of methods and tests for choosing a puppy based on its character.

Experts have found that by 49 days of life, a dog’s intelligence is already sufficiently developed to be able to determine its future abilities. Therefore, from this age, tests can be carried out, which reveal the puppy’s ability to communicate with a person, follow him, dominate or obey. Already at this age, you can determine the ability to train, and also find out whether your dog will be afraid of heights and react painfully to every sound and touch, or whether this is a real Spartan who is not easily scared by anything.

Testing should be carried out in a calm environment, before eating, against the backdrop of impeccable health of the puppy. Tests for determining the personality of a collie puppy are the same as for other breeds. Put them into practice and you will learn a lot about the personalities of the puppies on offer.

Assessing the puppy's appearance

It is very advisable to look at both parents of the puppies, especially if you are purchasing a pet without a pedigree. It should be noted here that collie children are not at all similar to adult dogs of this breed, therefore, without deep knowledge of the standard, you can quite easily purchase a mixed breed or even a puppy that has the most distant relationship with a collie.

If you decide to buy a puppy for breeding, then it is better to take with you a specialist who is familiar with the slightest nuances of this breed. He will help you choose the future champion. Another option is to find a nursery with an impeccable reputation. A real breeder will never deceive the future owners of his puppies, because he is interested in ensuring that the best puppies from his dogs end up in show hands and continue the glory of their parents.

If you are very serious about finding a promising puppy, then you need to act purposefully: study the history of collie nurseries, visit exhibitions and look for future owners for your dog, and reserve in advance the right to choose the first puppy in the litter.

How to care for a collie's coat

The first thing that comes to mind when looking at a collie is its gorgeous coat. And immediately everyone has a question: caring for it probably requires a lot of time and effort from the owner. This guess is not far from the truth. Of course, wool requires special attention before exhibitions, but it also needs to be carefully looked after in everyday life. To do this, you need to purchase several combs at once: with fine teeth and a standard brush for combing wool.

Long hair needs to be combed, lifting it to reach the roots. Particular attention is paid to the areas behind the ears, chest, pants and tail, where tangles most often form. It is better to devote 15-20 minutes to this procedure every day than to then cut out clumps of hair that cannot be combed.

Therapeutic wool collie
Collie wool is unique in its properties, so it is actively used to create socks, hats, and belts. Products made from collie wool not only provide warmth, but also heal illnesses and relieve pain and tension.

Feeding Basics

You can feed your collie according to one of two schemes: ready-made dry and wet food or home-cooked dishes. The first option is preferable for busy people, but you need to remember that later it will not be easy to transfer the collie to another menu.

Many people unknowingly perceive feeding home-cooked food as a more economical option, because they think that scraps from their own table are suitable for this. But you need to think through the collie’s menu and prepare her nutritious food from quality products. Waste from slaughterhouses and unsold products from markets can pose serious dangers.

Of course, every owner can find an option that is acceptable to them by creating a more economical, but at the same time nutritious menu. For this, knowledge about and healthy products for collie.

List of useful products:

  • boiled beef meat
  • liver
  • boiled fish without bones, preferably sea fish
  • dairy
  • grain crops
  • vegetables
  • seaweed
  • herbal supplements from medicinal plants
  • yeast

List of harmful products:

  • raw river fish
  • tubular bones
  • raw pork and lard
  • peas
  • pearl barley
  • fried potatoes
  • sweets
  • flour products

Using these lists as a guide, you can make your own full menu your dog, which must include vitamins.

Where to buy a collie puppy. Price

Collies are no longer so often seen on the streets of cities in our country, but this does not mean that purchasing a puppy of this breed is associated with serious problems. There are a lot of options for where to buy a collie. Of course, the simplest answer to this question is to contact one of the nurseries, find out about the availability of puppies in it and discuss with the breeders the possibility of purchasing them. All well-known nurseries, the number of which amounts to several dozen in our country, have their own websites where you will find out all the details of interest. You can also send a request to a foreign collie nursery.

Less famous representatives of the breed can also be purchased from non-professional breeders who simply love collies. This option is known to everyone as a dog for the soul, and should not be discounted. After all, not all collie lovers want to participate in exhibitions, so they buy a puppy without a pedigree. Of course, there is some risk in this, and you need to adhere to the rules for choosing a puppy.

How much does a collie puppy cost?

The price of a puppy largely depends on the purpose of your purchase. A collie without a pedigree is worth from 6,000 to 10,000 rubles. Puppies from kennels usually cost from 15,000 and above. Even in the same litter, puppies often differ in price: some are defective in standard, which affects the price; others, on the contrary, have a rare color or other obvious advantages, which means they will be more expensive. Puppies that have been stranded without owners are also usually cheaper. There are also cases when a purebred puppy is given away for a nominal fee because it was bought and the child developed an allergy or there were other compelling reasons for urgent resale.

The Border Collie is a fairly popular breed of herding dog in our country and among foreign dog breeders, bred in the UK. Research conducted by specialists from a British university has proven that the border collie is the most clever dog among all breeds known today.

History of the origin of the breed

The first mention of the breed is just under 500 years old. It is generally accepted that the name of the breed was obtained due to the habitat represented by the border between the territories of England and Scotland. However, it is currently quite difficult to establish for certain the origin of the breed. The main version is based on the opinion that the ancestors of the Border crossed with local shepherd dogs, but were brought over by the Vikings.

This is interesting! Thanks to their very beautiful and thick coat, as well as their elongated, pretty muzzle, border collies had a very noble and aesthetic appearance, and Queen Victoria really liked them.

The first full description of the breed dates back to the very beginning of the nineteenth century. The animals took part in a kind of herding competition, the purpose of which was to select dogs with excellent working qualities, regardless of their external characteristics. Nevertheless, the exterior of the Broder Collie is quite interesting - the animal is extremely charming and cute, not too large. In 1976, the breed was recognized by the English Club, and twelve years later the Border Cauley was included in the FCI list.

Description, appearance of the border collie

The Border Collie is a very graceful dog, characterized by a well-proportioned build and a strong and strong frame. The height of males varies between 47.5-55.0 cm, and the height of females is 45.0-52.5 cm with a weight of 13.5 to 22.5 kg.

cover may have average length or short. In both cases, there is a well-developed and very dense undercoat, which serves as excellent protection for the animal in unfavorable climatic conditions. Standard coloring is characterized by a predominance of white color.

Breed standards

In accordance with FCI classification, the following standards have been established for the Border Collie breed:

  • a fairly wide skull with a not too pronounced occipital protuberance;
  • equal length of the skull and the front part of the muzzle, strong and tapering towards the nose;
  • there is a well-defined transition in the area from the frontal zone to the muzzle;
  • a nose with well-defined nostrils may be black, brown or slate in color;
  • widely spaced, most often Brown eyes, have an oval shape and moderate size;
  • ears are medium-sized, widely spaced, erect or semi-erect;
  • must be present strong teeth and well-developed jaws with an even and fairly beautiful scissor bite;
  • a strong and muscular neck has a slight curve and widens towards the shoulder blades;
  • body of athletic build, with well-springed ribs;
  • region chest deep and slightly wide;
  • the lumbar region is deep and muscular, not at all toned;
  • the back line has a smooth slope towards a slightly sloping, relatively long and wide, muscular croup;
  • the tail is set low, with good hair, without casting over the back area;
  • The forelimbs are characterized by a parallel arrangement and the presence of a strong, but not heavy skeleton;
  • wide and fairly muscular hind legs have a graceful curve at the caudal base;
  • The thigh area is long, deep and muscular, with good curvature knee joints and firmly set, powerful, low-set hocks;
  • paws are oval-shaped, with deep pads, with short and strong claws.

The movements are free, but soft, with a slight lifting of the paws, which creates the impression of a “sneaking” gait.

The topcoat hair is quite thick, with average hardness. There is a well-defined soft and very dense undercoat. An animal with a semi-long coat has a clearly defined mane, “panties” and a “fox tail”.

The coat does not have a distinct odor and does not shed much during the molting process.. In the area of ​​the muzzle, ears, parts of the front and hind limbs, the coat must be short and extremely smooth.

Border Collie Personality

The Border Collie is a very fast and extremely energetic dog. The breed is characterized by receptivity, intelligence and insight, and requires constant physical and mental stress. He is wary of strangers, but in the family he is obedient, responsible and sensitive to everyone around him.

This is interesting! The Border Collie is the most suitable of all currently known breeds for agility and freestyle competitions.

Training a young dog should begin at about eight months. The animal is extremely devoted to its owner, very smart and easy to train from a fairly early age. Does not show timidity or unmotivated aggression. Has excellent instincts.


If the Border Collie is given good care, complete and balanced diet, as well as the required level of physical activity, starting from a very early age, then average duration The life of a pet is thirteen years, and sometimes more.

The breed is completely unpretentious in care. Such a four-legged pet will not cause trouble even for novice dog breeders.

Standard measures when keeping this breed at home include proper coat care, periodic bathing of the pet, trimming claws and other hygiene procedures, as well as creating an optimal diet.

Care and hygiene

Puppies need to be walked several times during the day, which will allow the animal not only to actively spend accumulated energy, but also help to accustom the four-legged pet to the daily toilet.

As necessary, you need to carefully clean the eyes and ears, accustoming the animal to these procedures from a very early age. Ear cleaning should be done very carefully, using a soft cloth and hygienic lotions.. Grooming in the form of combing is performed two to three times a week.

This event removes dead hair and stimulates the growth of new coat. For bathing, special conditioning shampoos are used, which must be selected correctly depending on the type of coat.

Diet – what to feed a border collie

Providing adequate nutrition for your border collie is an important step. home care breeds The diet must contain a sufficient amount of nutrients, as well as the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals for the growth and development of the animal. You cannot limit your dog’s access to fresh and clean water, especially if they are used for feeding. Daily food should consist of approximately 50% meat, fish and offal.

This is interesting! Feeding dogs of this breed does not differ in specific features, but should be guided by the physical activity of the animal and its age.

Formula-fed puppies must be provided with special milk formulas. A good result is achieved by using a homemade mixture consisting of eggs, sugar and milk with the addition of special vitamin and mineral complexes.

An adult animal needs to be fed a couple of times a day, which minimizes the risk of developing pathology of the digestive system. It should be remembered that proper digestion of the Border Collie directly depends on providing the pet with adequate nutrition. physical activity, as well as regular physical activity.

Diseases and breed defects

The breed is characterized by endurance and very good health. However, along with other breeds, border collies are also susceptible to some specific diseases unique to them, which can be presented:

  • epilepsy;
  • congenital deafness;
  • ocular abnormalities, including retinal atrophy;
  • osteochondritis dissecans;
  • increased susceptibility to drugs from the group of anesthetics;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • cancer diseases.

In order to maintain the health of a four-legged pet, the owner is obliged to provide the pet with regular veterinary examinations, as well as timely vaccinations against the most common diseases.

A special feature of the Border Collie breed is the genetic ability to perform the work of a shepherd, therefore animals sold by professional breeders are completely devoid of aggressiveness. Animals lacking independence or intelligence are culled.

World and national championships make it possible to actively identify animals suitable for use in further selection and breeding, so all serious breeders are interested in participating in such events.

Where to buy, what to look for

It is best to purchase a Border puppy from single-breed nurseries. An animal born in our country is in no way inferior in quality and all breed characteristics to puppies from foreign breeders.

IN last years The breed is usually classified as universal, so when choosing a puppy, you must be guided by the further purpose of the animal. You can purchase lively and active puppies as a companion dog and family friend.

Important! To participate in shows and exhibition events, it is advisable to buy a calmer animal with the most impressive exterior.

Border Collie dog price

The cost of a puppy depends on many factors, but the determining ones are the titles and regalia of the animal’s parents, its class, and the status of the kennel.

Pet-class puppies will not be able to participate in exhibitions and are not used for procreation, which is due to the presence of certain defects that do not affect the health of the animal.

The average cost of such a puppy starts from 15 thousand rubles. An animal belonging to the “breeding class” is most often purchased for the purpose of procreation. In any average nursery, puppies of this breed of breeding class cost at least 18-25 thousand rubles.

“Show class” puppies are especially highly valued. It is these animals that constantly participate in exhibitions and belong to the category of standard breed representatives. Purchasing a puppy of this class can cost a hefty sum, because the cost starts from 30-35 thousand rubles.

The Collie is a herding dog native to Scotland. Their second name is Scottish Sheepdog. Is different good health, moderate disposition, and very beautiful practical coat. The breed is valued for its lack of a specific dog smell; only after rain there are small notes. They are easy to train, remember commands for life, and love to turn the learning process into a game. Initially, collies herded sheep, it was a common working dog, but one day she was accidentally seen by the English Queen Victoria passing by while traveling in Scotland. She was fascinated by this long-faced dog and brought several dogs with her. So the collie moved from the working class to the royal mansions.


Characteristics of the Collie Breed

The standard specifies three colors:

  1. Tricolor;
  2. Marble;
  3. Sable and white.

For other characteristics:

  • Height – up to 65 cm for boys, and up to 60 cm for girls;
  • Weight – up to 35 kg;
  • Physical shape is excellent, muscles are developed, physical activity is required;
  • The shape of the muzzle is long, elongated;
  • Coat – long-haired or short-haired (the latter is more distrustful of strangers);
  • Life expectancy is up to 15 years.

A very social breed, it rarely barks; if it shows aggression, it is most likely just being played ineptly. They don't like loud sounds.

At first, you need to walk your dog only on a leash, because... they don’t really like changing their place of residence, and the dog may simply run away from you in search of the previous home where it was bought.

Collie and baby

Collies love children very much and are undemanding in care, so they are great for inexperienced families for whom the handsome Scottish dog is their first choice. a pet in life.

Buying a puppy

Decide what purpose you want the dog for - for home and entertainment, or for exhibitions and championships. In the first case, you can buy a puppy from an advertisement, but it is advisable to study the reviews to be sure that you have not bought a mongrel puppy.

In the second case, you have only one way - to professional breeders, or to a nursery.

Collie puppies

There you will be introduced to the puppy’s parents, told about the dog’s habits and character, and given a pedigree. Of course, the puppy will be vaccinated, fed, and the kennel workers will tell you how to raise a new family member. In general, complete technical support.

Very young puppies

Buy a puppy at the age of 1.5 - 2 months, it is advisable to ask the breeder about the diet to which the dog is already accustomed. The ears should hang forward.

The price for a collie puppy varies between 15,000 rubles, it all depends on the pedigree, the length of the coat, its color, and the reputation of the seller.

Collie at home

The breed has a bad habit of chewing on everything and everywhere. In principle, all dogs experience the world this way, but in collies it manifests itself with manic zeal. It is believed that their teeth itch more than other breeds. Usually this goes away by the age of one year, but the owner should not calmly observe and prohibit the dog from gnawing, but the best option would be to buy toys special for this in a pet store.

Dog toys

There is no need to scold the dog, this will not help matters. You have to be persistent, moderately demanding, but without anger in your voice; collies are excellent at recognizing intonations. He should see you as an authoritative owner who commands respect, and not a tyrant who yells and hits you at the slightest offense.

But if the dog has too playful a character, then you will still have to resort to punishment. It is enough just to scold and lightly slap the rump so that the puppy understands everything. If it doesn’t help, hurt slightly, for example, lightly step on your back paw, this will help you get there faster. But these are extreme measures!

Aggression is not typical for the breed

It is very important to stop any moments of aggression in a dog from a very young age. If the collie bares its teeth at you and gets into a fighting stance, do not be afraid and do not leave, otherwise the dog will understand leadership in the family. You must confidently put the dog on his back and press him to the floor. The collie will calm down and feel a firm hand and the owner’s character, and will continue to think 10 times before growling at him. If, God forbid, the dog bites, be sure to hit lower jaw, so that the mouth slams shut with the clanging of teeth. This will be safe for her, but a painful lesson.

Appearance care

Nothing tricky - go over the fur a couple of times a month with a special combing brush, and when you hear a clicking sound on the floor, trim the nails. If you often walk, but your claws grind down on the asphalt by themselves, sometimes they still have time to grow back if you walk on soft lawn or snow.

During the seasons, collies are very fluffy

The wool is two-layer - the first layer consists of a warm undercoat, which will warm you in cold weather and prevent you from overheating in hot weather. On the outside there is a hard guard hair that does not tangle and has water- and dirt-repellent properties. The fluffier your pet, the more care it will require, because... fluffy hair is more prone to tangling.

Be prepared for seasonal shedding – your collie will “change” seasonally for winter and summer.

You need to start combing from the very beginning early childhood, teaching the dog to do this. First, move the brush in the direction of hair growth, then against it.

Dog scratchers

Sometimes you need to clean your ears cotton swab, soaked in a special lotion that is sold in pet stores. If the ear flap is overgrown with hair, and this is normal for a collie, then you need to carefully trim it with nail scissors. You can also use a special ear powder, which makes the coat brittle, and pull out the hair, but this is a somewhat painful and unpleasant procedure, and not every dog ​​will allow hair to grow in its ears.

Collie food

  • Puppy up to two months old - every 3 hours, i.e. about 6 times a day;
  • Puppy up to four months – 5 times a day;
  • Puppy up to eight months – 4 times a day;
  • Adolescents up to one and a half years old – 3 times a day;
  • Then - a couple of times a day.

The dog should have two bowls - one for food, the other for water. The water should always be clean, change it daily. The food bowl should be washed after each meal, or at least wiped with a napkin so that leftover food does not sour.

The dog's diet should not consist of:

  • Unripe or overripe vegetables and fruits;
  • River fish in any form;
  • Potatoes, pasta and flour products;
  • Fatty, smoked, fried food. There should be no food from our table at all;
  • Bird bones, they'll pierce digestive system dogs.

A couple of times a week you can give boiled sea fish (for example, cod), cereals with milk, vegetables, but the main diet is meat. While the puppy is very small, you can give minced meat, but over time, be sure to switch to pieces of meat. Starting at 7 months, you can give bones to scratch your teeth.

Hypoallergenic dog food

From childhood, teach children to eat at a certain time, do not allow them to ask for food. The dog is quite smart, it will quickly figure out that it is possible to arrange snacks, begging the kind owner for a piece of something tasty.

It is worth considering the breed’s enormous propensity for allergies to medications. Buying ready-made feed premium and super premium classes, make sure it is hypoallergenic, as in the photo above. After eating, the collie should lie quietly for a couple of hours to digest the food.

Intelligence of the breed

A very smart, quick-witted dog. In a number of countries it is used as a service by police officers. The ability to navigate the city and a good memory allow the collie to be used as a guide for blind people.

Dog training

During the Second World War, collie dogs were both orderlies, sappers, and messengers, almost on a par with.

Teaching commands begins at three months of age with the command “Sit.” In this case, the dog should already know its name and respond to it. Next, we move on to the commands “Lie down”, “Come to me”, and, of course, the command “Fu”.

Water treatments

Collies are not recommended to be washed in the bath. Water treatments with shampoo should be carried out a couple of times a year, when necessary. By nature, this is a clean breed that does not have a strong odor specific to dogs.

Love your four-legged friend, be moderately strict, but fair, and the dog will not let you be disappointed in yourself!

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

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