New Year competitions for children 12. What kind of animal? Individual and group games

Games and competitions

  1. Competition "Drumroll" (Category "Competitions Year of the Rabbit")Everyone knows that hares are excellent drummers. Instead of a drum, they use a stump, beating the shot with their front paws. Several players - "rabbits" - participate in the competition. Each person is given a “stump” - an ordinary chair or stool. Assignment: “drum with your front paws” the motive of a famous song, which the audience will have to guess. Whichever rabbit can more accurately convey the motive of the song wins the competition. If it is difficult to identify the winner or to extend

) Competition "Kangaroo".

Which team will jump faster with a ball between its legs?

Two inflated balloons.

4) Competition "Crooked path, or foggy glasses."

Draw a winding path on the floor with chalk or stretch cords. Who will walk along the line faster, looking at it through binoculars with the side that reduces the image.

Two binoculars.
Chalk or rope.

5) Competition "Best Driver".

Who can pull the machine to him faster by winding the cord around a Chinese stick (or pencil).

2 ropes, Chinese chopsticks at one end, a machine at the other end, or (we have) 2 sandals.

6) Warm-up "I bet!"

1. I bet you can’t step over the pencil. I'll put it on the floor and you won't step over it!!!
How to win an argument? Place the pencil on the floor flat against the wall.

2. I bet you won’t budge me, even if we stand on the same newspaper opposite each other.
Solution: the newspaper is placed on the threshold of the door so that when you close the door, you end up on the side where the door does not open.

3. Bet I can jump higher than the refrigerator?
Solution: jump 10 cm and say that you jumped higher, since the refrigerator cannot jump at all.

7) Competition "Namesake of the Christmas tree."

Participants are invited to name the namesake of the beautiful Christmas tree. Fir-tree, spruce, spruce forest, spruce - the root "ate". Remember the names that have this root.

Elena, Elisha, Elizaveta, Savelius, Ophelia, Elizar, Ninel, Stella, Melanya, Pavel, Bella, Nelly, Pantelei, Angelina , Anzhelika, Heliy, Feliks, V elyami, Pel ageya, etc.
Parents helped.

Templates (see appendix№4 ).
Answers (see Appendix
№4b ).

8) Competition "Snow Globe Racing".

Jump at speed on a children's ball with horns.

Balls with horns.

9) Competition “Shake off the stuck snow from your friend.”

Who can quickly remove as many clothespins as possible from his friend while blindfolded?

Blindfolds (airplane goggles).

Sit on an opaque bag containing candies. Feel how many candies are under you.

Opaque package.

11) Competition "Do you know the alphabet?"

Line up for speed according to the first letter in the name, then according to the first letter in the last name.

Competition options:

 Line up by shoe size (from largest to smallest.

 Line up according to the birthday numbers (from 1st to 31st), you can also suggest lining up according to the month of birth.

 Arrange according to eye (hair) color from lightest to darkest, etc.

12) Competition "Snowballs".

Scatter paper on the floor. Each child must crumple 1 snowball from it and throw it into the basket. Which team will have more snowballs in the basket?

Option: one of the team can catch snowballs thrown to him by members of his team with a bucket.

2 buckets.

13) Competition "What's in Santa Claus's bag?"

Give the children the task of naming as many winter-themed words starting with “C” as possible. Show pictures out of the bag.

Snowflake, snow, icicles, snowfall, snowballs, snowman, snowdrift, snowmobile, snowmobile, sled, sleigh, cold, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus...

See Attachment №5

14) Competition "Unite!"

The leader gives the command: “Unite in twos.” All players must instantly find a partner and hold hands. Without allowing the players to come to their senses, the leader commands: “Unite in threes.” The leader’s commands follow one after another: “Four people, five, six…”.
“Everyone in a common circle,” the leader commands, and all players form a large round dance.

You can hold a competition with music or clapping.

15) Competition "Frosty Breath".

Two participants blow their snowflake off the table (from one end to the other). But in the end, we can say that the one who blew later won, because... he has “frosty breath,” and the snowflake is frozen to the table.

2 snowflakes from napkins

16) Competition "Clean up Morozka's hut."

Which team will be the fastest to collect matches scattered on the floor into their box?

2 boxes of matches.

17) Competition "Intellectual Mosaic".

See Attachment №6

18) Competition "Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat".

Participants in the game will have to portray scammers from the fairy tale “The Golden Key”. Two pairs are called. One in each pair is the fox Alice, the other is the cat Basilio. “Alice the Fox” bends one leg at the knee and, holding it with her hand, together with “Basilio the Cat”, who is blindfolded, hugging each other and covering a given distance. Which team is faster?

Eye patches (glasses).

19) Competition "Guess the object."

Wearing thick mittens and blindfolded, you need to determine by touch what kind of object you gave.

Thick mittens.
Items for guessing (spoon, fork, watch, key on a keychain, camera, stopwatch...).

20) Competition "Telegram to Santa Claus".

Who walks to school every day in a cheerful troop?
- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
- Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class?
- It's me, ...
- Who is not afraid of frost and flies like a bird on skates?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you, when you grow up, will become an astronaut?
- It's me, ...
- Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you, so good, wore galoshes to sunbathe?
- It's me, ...
- Who completes their homework on time?
- It's me, ...
- How many of you keep your books, pens and notebooks in order?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you walks on the pavement with your head upside down?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you, I want to know, has an “A” in diligence?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you comes to class an hour late?
- It's me, ...

The first one to guess the riddle will start the game:

Our silver dagger
I stayed at home for a while.
We wanted to raise it
And he ran to the threshold!

(In case both guessed right at the same time, or no one guessed right, there are more riddles)

Two snub-nosed girlfriends
They didn't leave each other behind.
Both are running through the snow,
Both songs are sung
Both ribbons in the snow
They leave it running.

Friends have waited for winter;
They run along the river, sliding.
Ice is cut like knives
Performing turns.

The tail is shorter than the ear,
Quick habits.
I rush as fast as I can,
For the holiday without looking back.
Who is he, guess!
Well, of course, (bunny)

And now, friends, let's play
An interesting game:
What we decorate the Christmas tree with,
I'll call the kids.
Listen carefully
And be sure to answer
If we tell you correctly,
Say “Yes” in response.
Well, what if suddenly it’s wrong,
Feel free to say “No!”

Multi-colored firecrackers?
- Blankets and pillows?
- Folding beds and cribs?
- Marmalades, chocolates?
- Glass balls?
- Are the chairs wooden?
- Teddy bears?
- Primers and books?
- Are the beads multi-colored?
- Are the garlands light?
- Snow made from white cotton wool?
- Satchels and briefcases?
- Shoes and boots?
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- Are the candies shiny?
- Are tigers real?
- Are the cones golden?
- Are the stars radiant?

5-6 grade

Suddenly the lights go out and the Fairy girl appears.
Presenter - Who are you?
Fairy: - I am a Fairy, well, not quite a fairy yet. In general, I was sent to you for internship.
Fairy Song
"Leaves are yellow"

Can't live in this world, can't live in this world
No miracles, no miracles.
Everyone manifests into this, everyone manifests into this
Interest, interest.
On New Year's Eve, everyone especially wants miracles.
I will do miracles for you today
I will apply my skill and effort
So that your cherished wishes come true

Magic we studied, magic we studied
Witchcraft, witchcraft
I'll show you in this room, I'll show you in this room
Magic, magic

Presenter: - Where is the direction?
Fairy: - Here it is. And he hands over the paper.
Presenter: - A 2nd year student of the School of Miracles and Magic is sent to your holiday to undergo an internship.
Presenter: - So you can do miracles.
Fairy: - Yeah, well, if it works out.
Presenter: - What could she order? -: - Come on Snowflakes.
Fairy: - I'll try now. He casts a spell.

4 snowflakes appear on the stage (boys in disguise - breasts made of balloons)

Song of snowflakes "(Such snowfall, such snowfall:") Or other music

Such a snowflake, such a snowflake
You'll never see again
Let's dance, let's dance
Let's dance like in previous years

Invite! You invite us
Let the waltz spin here
Hug! You will hug us
We were created for you

Today the gypsies came to congratulate you and tell fortunes! Meet!!!

Song of the Gypsies “What can I say...”

Days fly, centuries fly by
A new century is on the threshold
What awaits us in the third millennium
Every person wants to know
Arriving at your place for the evening today
We will tell anyone the secret
What does the New Year's threshold hide?
And what more years to expect?

This is how people are made
want to know, want to know
want to know what will happen

We'll spread the truthful cards
We'll tell you the whole path by hand
Can't be found in any "Guarantor"
Those laws that apply here
There is a fixed fee for services
Dear, gild the handle
One hundred rubles or a few bucks
Can't you find it?

Well what can I say, what can I say
This is how people are made
They want to know, they want to know
They want to know what will happen

Father Frost:
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Congratulations to all the children!
Congratulations to all guests!
I visited you a year ago,
I'm very happy to see everyone!
May this New Year
Will bring a lot of happiness!
Come on, give me the answer
Aren't you bored here, kids?
I love someone who is cheerful.
I'm Grandfather Frost!
If someone hangs his nose,
Let him raise his nose higher!

Snow Maiden:
To your holiday tree
We came from afar.
The two of us walked for quite a long time
Through the ice, through the snow.
All the days passed without knowing laziness,
We didn't go astray.
Then they sat on deer...
Then - in a minibus.
We were in villages, cities,
We visited schools and kindergartens.
We congratulated each other
Happy New Year to all the guys.

Father Frost:
We almost got lost
On the way we lost our way.
It's good that the telegram
They handed it right into our hands...

Snow Maiden:
Are we really not late? -
After all, you can't be late,
If they are waiting in an elegant hall
Our best friends.
Our journey ends here,
And we are together
This Glorious New Year
Let's meet with honor.

Father Frost:
In honor of this event
We are the beauty of the forest
Let's say two magic words
(Repeat them after me)!
May it be on Christmas trees all over the world
The lights will sparkle!
Let's say together, three - four:
"Shine Christmas tree!"

Snow Maiden:
The music is loud
He orders us to enter the round dance!
Take your friends' hands,
Let's dance with them!
May we have fun
On New Year's birthday

Father Frost:
You sang songs, you danced,
They even showed me a fairy tale
But the gifts are out of the bag
Not dismantled yet.
They can't wait for gifts
New Year's poem!

(Children they recite poems, and grandfather gives them candy)

Father Frost:
Now it's time to part,
But don't be upset!
Go home
Surprises await you there too!

( For the competition you will need plastic buckets (or baskets or bags). The number of buckets is equal to the number of participants. You will also need many, many snowballs. Snowballs can be made from cotton wool, white fabric and thread. You can use table tennis balls instead of snowballs.)

Holding a competition: Participants are given buckets. Then the presenter dumps all the snowballs on the floor and explains the task to the players: collect as many snowballs as possible into their buckets. The game continues until all the snowballs have been collected. The winner is the one who collects the most snowballs in his bucket.

Competition "Children's New Year's Crossword"

When you want to keep your children busy with something calm, a New Year's crossword puzzle from Santa Claus will come to the rescue.

1 Grandfather has a granddaughter, Father Frost,
Not Tanya, not Lena and not even Rose,
Not Alya and not Shurochka...
Her name is…

2 What is the name of the magic stick
Santa Claus?

3 THIS will be received by the one who solves
the whole crossword.

4 What is the name of the bag
Santa Claus?

5 When there is frost and cold in winter,
Both the pond and the puddle are covered with it.

1 Children have them,
They're dashing me down the mountain!
And Egorka and Oksanka
They're rolling along the path...

2 These painted chains
Children glue from paper.

3 If you pull the rope,
It shoots loudly, like a rifle,
And to the top a bright fountain,
For guests and gifts,
Confetti will rush
On a path unknown to us.
This holiday girlfriend
It's called.....
4 What is the name of the snow mountain?
5 Last month of the year?
6 I ride faster than the wind,
"" Clack-clack, "" - I knock my hooves,
I scream loudly "yoke"
Sit on your back and I'll give you a ride!

Contest « Smeshinka"

The presenter (better if it is one of the adults) gives all the players funny nicknames that are in some way related to the New Year: flashlight, snowman, garland, snowflake, firecracker, toy, Christmas tree etc. Children stand in a circle, and the leader inside the circle moves from one player to another and asks each of them various questions. The catch is that players must answer any question with the nicknames given to them. You can inflect the word and add prepositions to it if necessary.
Dialogues between players and presenters might look something like this:
- What is your name?
- Snowflake.
- What holiday are we celebrating today?
- Snowman.
- Where do you study?
- In a snowdrift!
- How do we decorate the New Year tree?

What's on your nose?

What about in your mouth?


The presenter’s task is to select questions in such a way that the answers are as unexpected and funny as possible. The players' task is not to laugh while answering questions or listening to others' answers. The one who laughs leaves the game and gives the presenter a forfeit. The most “persistent and serious” ones win. The presenter rewards them and then plays forfeits.

Contest"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Presenter: who will run forward to the Christmas tree and be the first to shout loudly “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” …».

Competition “Going to the forest for a Christmas tree...”
Presenter: Baba Yaga and Kikimora, after training in the forest, came up with a new competition for themselves. Since they already know where they can get a beautiful Christmas tree for the New Year, they decided: whoever dresses first gets the right to cut down or decorate the tree there.
You have to dress warmly to go into the forest. Each participant runs through a hoop, runs to a chair, puts on one thing and runs back (winter clothes are prepared on the chair according to the number of people in the team)

Competition "New Year's words"

In 2 minutes, on a piece of paper, write words on the topic: “New Year” (which team writes the most words).

Competition game “Disguise”

If I say “path”, everyone needs to stop and take each other’s shoulders, when I say “snowdrift”, you raise your hands up, and when I say “snowflake”, you show snowflakes with your hands. (Which team will have the most guys left).

Competition "Dance"

All players stand in pairs and cling to each other with their hands. The presenter hands out plastic Christmas tree decorations and turns on the music. When dancing, couples hold a toy with their foreheads. The couple that survives until the end wins (you can take balloons instead of toys)

Competition “Name Santa Claus in other countries”

Who will answer the question:

What is the name of Santa Claus

In hot African countries?

Although it sounds a little strange...

It's time to give a little hint...

He's called Grandfather... (It's hot.)

And which of you will tell me here,

What are we called in America?

Neither Winnie the Pooh nor Mickey Mouse!

They call us Santa... (Klaus!)

Well, in France, friends,

How clever do I call myself?

Be brave, be brave, mademoiselle!

They call us Per... (Noel!)

And in Scandinavia the people

I connected the New Year with an animal.

I'll admit, I'm a little angry

That they have Santa Claus... (Goat!)

Competition "Make a Word"

“Strange” words are written on the board. The letters in them must be rearranged so that the word ceases to be “strange”.
Ople - (field)
Rwanya - (January)
Lauzi - (street)
Badus - (fate)
Clerosa - (mirror

Competition "Flint"

In the dungeon where the flint and money were hidden and where the soldier descended, there were three dogs. They were sure that anyone who entered the dungeon was superfluous. In this competition, participants must identify the odd one out of four given words. The presenter reads out four words, and the first two participants from both teams must name what they think is the extra word. After which the words are read out for the second pair of participants, etc.

Word options (extra in brackets):

    Milk river. Apple tree, Pechka, Baba Yaga (negative hero).

    Christopher Robin, White Rabbit, Troubadour, Kid. (The white rabbit is not a person.)

    Pan Blueberry, Count Cherry, Grape, Leek (not a berry).

    Artemon, Tortilla, Pierrot, Malvina (Tortilla is not a doll).

    “Ole-Lukoie”, “The Cat Who Walked By Itself”, “Mowgli”, “Rikki-Tiki-Tavi”. (“Ole-Lukoje” is not the author of Kipling.)

    “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “Aibolit”, “Twelve Months”, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”. (“Twelve months” is not a poem.)

    Ellie, Stella, Gingema, Bastinda. (Ellie is not a sorceress.)

    “Seven Simeons”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “Seven Underground Kings”. (“The Tale of the Dead Princess” - in verse.)

Competition "Santa Claus" (for parents)

Parents on the teams are invited to participate in the competition. They have to guess the names of New Year's grandfathers in different countries. One is selected from the proposed options.

    Pere Noel? (Norway,France , Spain.)

    Tosigami? (Japan , China, Italy.)

    Vainakhteman? (India, Türkiye,Austria .)

    Julemand? (Belgium, Poland,Norway .)

    Santa Claus? (Iraq, Ethiopia,USA .)

Competition “Through the Mouth of a Baby” (for parents)

One adult player from each team participates in the competition. The game conditions are similar to the television program of the same name. If the word is guessed on the first try, the player receives 5 points. Each following hint deprives the participant of one point:

1. I really like this thing.
2. It causes a lot of trouble for adults.
3. Once she had a hare mask inside with an elastic band.
4. It looks like a grenade.
5. She has a rope to hold on to. (Firecracker )

1. They come in different colors.
2. Our entire floor was covered with them.
3. One day they got confused in my mother’s head, and she couldn’t get them out.
4. They are like snowflakes, falling and falling.
5. My dad makes them with a hole punch. (Confetti )

1. This is something so long.
2. My mother decorated my suit with this.
3. It is so colorful and shiny.
4. It can be easily torn.
5. It is made from paper. (Serpentine )

1. When I was little, I never heard them.
2. They are only in Moscow.
3. And at this time everyone gets up and clinks their glasses.
4. They are always shown on TV.
5. Actually, they have arrows. (Chimes )

1. My dad says that they could set the house on fire.
2. I have a whole pack of them.
3. People walk down the street with them and wave their hands.
4. You can’t hang them on the Christmas tree, but some people do it.
5. They burn and throw sparks. (Sparklers )

1. I tried it once while my mother wasn’t looking.
2. And we had it in the sideboard for six months.
3. First there is “bang-bang”, and then “p-sh-sh”.
4. The most important thing is to make sure that it doesn’t run away.
5. And our traffic jam almost broke the mirror. (Champagne )

Now repeat with us!

We know that Santa Claus is coming to us.

He will bring us gifts.

(Learn the text.

After the text has been repeated, it is proposed to replace words with movements and gestures.

The first words that are replaced are the words "we" and "us".

Instead of these words, everyone points to themselves.

With each new performance, there are fewer words and more gestures.

Instead of saying “Santa Claus,” everyone points to the door.

The word “walking” is replaced by walking in place.

The word “know” is to touch the forehead with the index finger.

The word "gifts" is a gesture depicting a large bag.

At the last execution, all words disappear, except prepositions

and the verb "will bring".

Suslova Natalya Viktorovna, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 named after. Admiral F.F. Ushakov, Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.
Description of material: The material will be of interest to primary school teachers and organizers of extracurricular activities.
Target: expanding students' knowledge about the history of the New Year.
- introduce New Year traditions in Rus' and other countries;
- create a festive and friendly atmosphere;
- develop cognitive activity, logical thinking, creativity and imagination of children;
- promote unity between children and parents;
- contribute to the preservation and enhancement of class traditions;
- cultivate respect for the past of the people and modern traditions.
Preparatory work:- preparing homework in groups on the topics: “Who is Santa Claus and how did this image arise”, “New Year’s traditions of the peoples of the world” in the form of a creative report;
- festive decoration of the classroom;
- students are divided into 2 teams: “Snowflakes” and “Ice”.

“New Year’s assortment” in elementary school

1 competition"Homework". Creative report of the groups.
1. (The prototype of Santa Claus is Saint Nicholas, a kind miracle worker and persecutor of evil. Once upon a time, priest Nicholas lived in the Turkish city of Mira. According to legend, he was a very kind man. So, one day he saved three sisters from a poor family by throwing them out the window their home is a bundle of gold.After the death of Nicholas, he was declared a saint, and soon believers from many countries of the world began to venerate him.
Everywhere the good old man is called differently: in Spain - Papa Noel, in England and America - Santa Claus, in France - Father January, in Germany - Mister Niemand (Nobody), in Cyprus - Vasily, and here - Father Frost .
The modern Santa Claus appeared in the United States as recently as 1822, when Clement Clarke Moore wrote the poem "The Parish of St. Nicholas." There is a magical Christmas night, and a chimney on the roof through which Santa Claus comes, and shoes or stockings by the fireplace, and a huge bag of toys.
Russian Father Frost - Grandfather Treskun - has pagan roots. This is a tough character. From November to March, Santa Claus was the master on earth, whom even the Sun feared. Santa Claus was married to the feisty Winter. Ancient people were afraid of natural phenomena because they could not explain them, and therefore they worshiped them. Father Frost has a granddaughter - Snegurochka. She is afraid of the sun, beautiful and a little sad. Modern Santa Claus lives in Veliky Ustyug, he answers letters from children).

2. (The New Year should be celebrated as cheerfully as possible for both children and adults. It is customary to give gifts and dance around the New Year tree. The day before, you should clear your home of unnecessary things and trash, thereby getting rid of old problems, troubles, and ailments. Enter the New a year is necessary, without fail wearing a new thing.
The tradition of throwing away old unnecessary things on New Year's Eve is also in Italy. Italians throw out trash ostentatiously through open windows.
In Vietnam, on New Year's Eve, families gather in parks, cook festive food and forget quarrels.
In Ancient China, it was a holiday for beggars, when anyone could enter the house and take what they needed. And if the owner of the house refuses him, then those around him will turn away from him. In modern China, New Year is a festival of lanterns. It occurs in January-February and is associated with the end of winter and the onset of spring. The light of lanterns bids farewell to cold and bad weather and welcomes warmth. Men perform the Dragon dance.
In Korea, young, beautifully dressed women perform board jumping.
There is another tradition - to celebrate New Year and Christmas at a smartly decorated Christmas tree. This custom is associated with the cult of greenery in ancient times, believing that it would bring health and happiness in the coming year)

2 competition"True False"
Is Santa Claus known to everyone?
Does he arrive at seven sharp?
Is Santa Claus a good old man?
Does he wear a fur coat and galoshes?
Is he friends with Snegurochka?
Did we go to the Christmas tree with you?
Did you carry two marks in your diaries?
Will Santa Claus come soon?
Will he bring gifts to everyone?
3 competition"Puzzles"
Who scattered the white snow,
Have you bound the river with strong ice?
With the blizzard and cold came...
What is her name?.. (winter)
The tablecloth is white
I dressed the whole world. (snow)
He pinches your cheeks
Bites the nose.
Certainly… (freezing)
On New Year's Eve he came to the house
Such a ruddy fat man.
But every day he lost weight
And finally he disappeared completely. (calendar)
What a beauty
How magnificently decorated...
Tell me who she is... (Christmas tree)
She grows upside down
Not in summer, but in winter.
But the sun will bake her,
She will cry and die. (icicle)
Bel, but not sugar,
There are no legs, but he walks. (snow)
Without boards, without axes,
The bridge across the river is ready.
Who is he? Shall we answer?
The bridge is like blue glass!
Slippery, fun, light! (ice)
What kind of stars are they through?
On a coat and on a scarf?
All through, cut-out,
And if you take it, there is water in your hand. (snowflake)
He sleeps in a den in winter
Under a huge pine tree.
And when spring comes
Wakes up from sleep. (bear)
4 competition“Snowflake” - cut for speed and beauty.
5 competition"New Year's menu." (make up names)
TROT – cake
RITSAKU - chicken
LASTA – salad
JONOEMORE – ice cream
TOSHKAKAR – potatoes
BARS – fish
POTCOM – compote
APUSTAK – cabbage
OTLETKA - cutlet
6 competition"Proverbs and sayings about winter."
7 competition"Experts"
- Was New Year always celebrated on January 1?
- What is snow? (frozen water vapor)
- Where is the pole of cold? (Antarctica)
- Name the winter months.
- Name winter sports.
- Name “winter” tales.
- Sing the most famous song about the Christmas tree
performed by a cat
performed by a robber
- What happened on February 31?
- Why do they buy a hat? (they don't give it for free)
8 competition"Confusion".
- On New Year's Eve before you overeat
He ate sweets and jam.
He lived on the roof, poor thing,
His name was... Cheburashka. (Carlson)
- He plays a little bit
For passers-by on an accordion.
Everyone knows a musician
His name is... Shapoklyak. (Crocodile Gena)
- He was a rain cloud,
I went home with Piglet.
And, of course, he loved honey
This is... Gena Crocodile. (Winnie the Pooh)
9 competition“Artist” - draw Santa Claus for the whole class with their eyes closed.
10 competition“Typesetter” - make words from the word SNOW Maiden
11 competition"Not really".
I'll tell the guys what they decorate the Christmas tree with.
Listen carefully and be sure to answer
If I tell you correctly, say “Yes” in response,
Well, if suddenly it’s not true, answer boldly “No.”

Multi-colored firecrackers?
Blankets and pillows?
Marmalades, chocolates?
Glass balls?
Are the chairs wooden?
Teddy bears?
Primers and books?
Are the beads multi-colored?
And the garlands are light?
Snow made from white cotton wool?
Satchels and briefcases?
Shoes and boots?
Cups, forks, spoons?
Are the candies shiny?
Are tigers real?
Are the cones golden?
Are the stars radiant?
12th competition "Games":
"Dancing with Balloons": tie a ball to your left leg, while dancing, burst your opponent’s ball with your right leg.
"Christmas tree": participants are blindfolded. Then they attach paper clips to them in a disorganized manner. Whoever removes all the paper clips the fastest wins.
"Sweet"- 2 teams. 1 player on the team unwraps the chocolate bar, bites off a piece, and passes it on. Who will eat faster?
13 competition“Draw the words in two cells”: horizon, cypress, gazelle, sail, tops, fiber.
Summarizing. Tea party.

New Year's competitions for children
Santa Claus without a nose is drawn on a large sheet of paper and hung on the wall. Make a nose out of plasticine, and the children take turns, blindfolded, trying to attach the nose in place. In a group of kids, the behavior of the driver usually causes wild, joyful laughter. It is recommended to photograph the results: a stack of funny photos will delight your child for a whole year!
Each child is given a “snowflake”, that is, a small ball of cotton wool. Children loosen their snowflakes and, at your signal, launch them into the air and begin to blow on them from below so that they stay in the air as long as possible. The most dexterous one wins.
They make several Christmas tree decorations from cotton wool (apples, pears, fish) with wire hooks and a fishing rod with the same hook. You need to use a fishing rod to hang all the toys on the Christmas tree, and then use the same fishing rod to remove them. The winner is the one who manages to do this in a set time, for example in two minutes. A fir branch mounted on a stand can serve as a Christmas tree.
There are different words in the hat; Children take turns taking out, reading and singing lines from songs where these words appear. Songs (and words) should be about winter and the New Year holiday (Christmas tree, round dance, frost, frost, snowflake, icicle, etc.).
Let the guys take turns listing everything that happens in the New Year: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snow, gifts, Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations, cake, needles, on the floor, lanterns, etc. The one who runs out of ideas is eliminated from the game, and the most persistent one wins. The child looks carefully at the tree for a minute (or any other prescribed time), and then turns away and lists in as much detail as possible what is hanging on it. The one who remembers the most wins. Of course, if the baby owner studied his Christmas tree in advance, or even decorated it himself, then his winnings will not be very fair: he probably shouldn’t compete.
As many toys as possible are put into Santa Claus's bag. Each child puts his hand in there, determines by touch what he caught there, and describes in detail. After everyone has taken a toy from the bag, you can announce that these are New Year's gifts (this, of course, is not improvisation; you must take care of the gifts in advance).
A rope is pulled, and various small prizes (toys, candies, etc.) are hung from it on strings. The participant is blindfolded and given scissors. He must go to the rope and cut off the prize he can. Then the next participant gets the scissors. And so on until the prizes run out (prepare more of them).
Equip children with scissors and sheets of paper (you can take napkins). The essence of the competition: cut out a snowflake from paper as quickly (and beautifully) as possible.
They play on the table, each “player” is the index and middle finger of one of the children, using a tangerine as a ball.
To play, you need two flannelgraphs (a board or frame with a flannel stretched over them measuring 100x70 cm) and parts of a Snowman figure cut out of paper and glued onto the flannel, a carrot nose, a broom, a hat (2 sets). Two people compete. Everyone tries to collect their Snowman as soon as possible.
Having run away from the Snowman (or Santa Claus), the children stop and, clapping their hands, say: “One-two-three! One-two-three! Well, quickly catch us!” When the text ends, everyone runs away. The snowman (Santa Claus) is catching up with the children.
Children, holding rattles in their hands, run scattered around the hall to cheerful music. When the music ends, the children stop and hide the rattles behind their backs. The fox (or another character participating in the game) is looking for rattles. She asks the children to show her first one hand, then the other. Children behind their backs transfer rattles from one hand to another, as if showing that there is nothing in their hand. The fox is surprised that the rattles have disappeared. The music plays again and the game repeats.
Children perform movements according to the text.
Bunnies scattered across the forest lawn.
These are the kind of bunnies, Bunnies are runners.
(Children-bunny run easily around the hall)
The bunnies sat in a circle,
They dig the root with their paw.
These are the bunnies
Bunnies are runners.
(“Bunnies” sit down and perform imitation movements according to the text)
Here is a fox running -
Red-haired sister.
Looking for where the bunnies are,
Bunnies are runners.
(The fox runs between the children, and when the song ends, she catches up with the kids)
The game involves 2 teams of 2 people. At the end of the hall there are 2 boxes for each team: one contains a disassembled Christmas tree, the other contains toys. The first participant must assemble the Christmas tree, the second must decorate it with toys. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Large felt boots are placed in front of the Christmas tree. Two children are playing. At a signal, they run around the tree from different sides. The winner is the one who runs around the Christmas tree faster and puts on felt boots.
2 stands are placed in front of the tree, large sheets with images of snowmen are attached to them. Two or more children participate. They are blindfolded. At the signal, children must reach the snowmen and put their nose to it (this could be a carrot). Other children help with words: left, right, lower, higher...
A bag is placed in front of the tree (it is divided into 2 parts, one of them has no bottom). Santa Claus calls children who want to ride in a sack. He puts the child in a sack and carries him around the tree. He places the other child in the part of the bag where there is no bottom. Santa Claus walks around the Christmas tree, and the child remains in place. Santa Claus returns and is “surprised.” The game repeats itself.
Several couples participate. Children stand opposite each other at a distance of approximately 4 meters. One child has an empty bucket, the other has a bag with a certain number of “snowballs” (tennis or rubber balls). At a signal, the child throws snowballs, and the partner tries to catch them with a bucket. The first couple to finish the game and collect the most snowballs wins.
The guys are asked to name 13 adjectives. For example: “fat”, “red-haired”, “hot”, “hungry”, “lethargic”, “dirty”... When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter takes out the text of the telegram and inserts into it the missing adjectives from the list.
Text of the telegram: "... Grandfather Frost! All... children are looking forward to your... arrival. New Year is the most... holiday of the year. We will sing for you... songs, dance... dances ! Finally... New Year is coming! I don't want to talk about... studying. We promise that we will only receive... grades. So, quickly open your... bag and give us... gifts . With respect to you... boys and... girls!"
You will get something like this: “Fat Grandfather Frost! All the red-haired children are looking forward to your warm arrival. New Year is the hungriest holiday of the year. etc.
Two children play. Snowballs made of cotton wool are scattered on the floor. The children are blindfolded and given a basket. At the signal, they begin to collect snowballs. The one who collects the most snowballs wins.

Celebrating the New Year at school is a special event for every student, since for a child the school is a second home where he spends most of his time. New Year's competitions for children play a huge role in how the celebration will be. If they are mischievous and exciting, they are guaranteed to leave pleasant memories of the holiday and give the students a good mood.

New Year's competitions and games for children should be chosen with special care, because children of different ages study at school - these are first-graders and already quite independent teenagers from graduating classes. It should be both interesting and entertaining during New Year's competitions, and then the success of the event will be guaranteed.

New Year's games and competitions for primary school children

New Year's games and competitions for primary schoolchildren should be based on creativity, especially if these are New Year's competitions for first-graders who have recently begun attending school. These children have not yet learned enough material and are not fully accustomed to school.

Here is a selection of interesting New Year's competitions for first graders, which is perfect for all elementary school children.

The most beautiful snowflake

The teacher gives each child foil or a white sheet of paper and scissors. Assignment: cut out the most beautiful snowflake. The time to complete it is 10 minutes. While the children are working on their snowflakes, you can listen to songs on the appropriate theme or just some catchy music. The winner who cuts out the most beautiful snowflake will be chosen by the class by voting, and the three candidates for victory will be chosen by the class teacher. The winner must glue his snowflake to the glass window in the classroom.

Build a snowman

Students work in pairs with a deskmate. They are given a white sheet of paper, cotton wool, glue and multi-colored crayons or pencils. In 15 minutes, each pair must “blind” a snowman using these attributes. The winners of the competition are determined in the same way as in the previous one: first, the teacher will name the top three, and then the schoolchildren will independently vote for the best pair of children who created the most beautiful snowman.

Create a Christmas tree and decorate it with available materials

Children should be divided into three groups that will correspond to each row of students in the class. On the first desk of each row, place any green paper, paints, buttons, pencils, rain, cotton wool and other materials. After ten minutes, each row should demonstrate its Christmas tree. The winner is determined by the teacher or parents.

Find candy in the snow

This is a very interesting competition for schoolchildren, during which you can also take very original photographs as a souvenir. Two participants are selected from the class. One bowl filled with flour is placed in front of them. The candy without wrapper is hidden in flour in advance. Participants have their hands tied behind them, and they must carefully find the candy with their lips, then eat it. The winner will be the one who does it first.

Such New Year's competitions for children 7 years old are also interesting for older schoolchildren; you just need to select all the necessary accessories for them in advance.

New Year's competitions for children 10-11 years old at school

Children aged 10-11 years old often no longer believe in miracles, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, but they love gifts very much, so all New Year competitions for schoolchildren must be encouraged, albeit small, but with surprises, for example, the same set of sweets or New Year toys .

During the celebration, you can organize the following New Year's games and competitions for schoolchildren:

Guess the New Year's character

Several students dress up in colorful carnival costumes and learn poems distributed in advance by the teacher. Using the spoken lines and costume, the whole class must guess which character the student is portraying.

Show off your skills

Children should prepare a New Year-themed craft at home. This could be something created using sculpting, drawing, using techniques such as scrapbooking, decoupage, and so on. The teacher determines the ten best works, and then classmates use a secret vote to help determine the winner.

Hit a snowman with snowballs

For this New Year's competition, it is worth creating several snowmen in advance. They can be made of cardboard or foam. It is also worth taking care of snowballs - they can be made from plain paper, crumpled into a small circle. Participants in the competition must hit the snowman with snowballs in the shortest possible time so that he falls. Whoever completes the task first becomes the winner.

As you can see, there are many exciting New Year competitions for schoolchildren that children will definitely enjoy and can make the holiday unforgettable.

"Letter to Santa Claus"
Children must name 13 adjectives (for example, cold, lethargic, fat, etc.), the leader writes everything down and reads the letter to Santa Claus to the children, inserting the words in order:
"… Father Frost!
All the... children are looking forward to your... arrival.
The most... holiday of the year is New Year!
We will sing for you... a song and dance... a dance!
And then... New Year will come.
Let's say the same
We will only receive... ratings.
Hurry up and open... the bag and give us... gifts.
Sincerely... boys and... girls!”

“Who is faster for a walk?”
Two participants (more possible) put on as many clothes as possible in 30 seconds. They are given exactly the same sets of clothes, whoever is faster gets a prize.

"Football with tangerines"
You need 2 teams, a table, a medium-sized tangerine. "Footballer's feet" are the index and middle fingers. You can mark the gate on the table. The goal of the game is to score as many goals as possible.

"Guess the melody"
Songs about the New Year are recorded on a cassette or disk. The presenter plays a short fragment of each song, and the children must guess the name.

One child on the team has a bag wide open. The rest should take turns throwing snowballs into it (they can be crumpled up from paper). The goal of the game is which team collects the most snowballs in a bag.

"A real musketeer!"
You will need two swords (better if they are made of foam rubber) and two figures; they are placed on the edge of the table. On command, the participant must take a step towards the table and, with the tip of the sword, hit the figure exactly (it should be small).

"The most accurate"
Inventory: two empty bottles, 2 handfuls of peas or dragees.
The player's hands should be at chest level. The goal is to get into the neck of the bottle with a pea. Whoever collects the most gets a prize.

"Hold the snowflake»
Inventory: Cotton wool.
Preparation: Lumps resembling a snowflake are made from cotton wool.
Hosted by Santa Claus.
Game: at the leader’s signal, the participants begin to blow from below onto the lump so that it flies like a snowflake. The task is to prevent the “snowflake” from falling.
Winner: the participant who keeps the “snowflake” in the air the longest.

“There are Christmas trees»
We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest there are different types of Christmas trees, wide, short, tall, thin.
Host - Santa Claus explains the rules:
Now if I say:
"high" - raise your hands up
“low” - squat and lower your arms
"wide" - make the circle wider
“thin” - make a circle narrower.
Now let's play! (Santa Claus plays, trying to confuse the children)

"Telegram to Santa Claus»
The guys are asked to name 13 adjectives: “fat”, “red-haired”, “hot”, “hungry”, “lethargic”, “dirty”, etc. When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter takes out the text of the telegram and inserts into it the missing adjectives from the list.
Telegram text:
"... Santa Claus!
All... the children are looking forward to your... arrival.
New Year is the most... holiday of the year.
We will sing for you... songs, dance... dances!
It's finally coming... New Year!
I don’t really want to talk about... studying.
We promise that we will only receive... grades.
So, quickly open your... bag and give us... gifts.
With respect to you... boys and... girls!"

"Christmas decorations»
The guys and I will play an interesting game:
I will tell the kids what we decorate the Christmas tree with.
Listen carefully and be sure to answer,
If we tell you correctly, say “Yes” in response.
Well, if suddenly it’s wrong, boldly say “No!”
- Multi-colored firecrackers?
- Blankets and pillows?
- Folding beds and cribs?
- Marmalades, chocolates?
- Glass balls?
- Are the chairs wooden?
- Teddy bears?
- Primers and books?
- Are the beads multi-colored?
- Are the garlands light?
- Snow made from white cotton wool?
- Satchels and briefcases?
- Shoes and boots?
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- Are the candies shiny?
- Are tigers real?
- Are the cones golden?
- Are the stars radiant?

“Dress up the Christmas tree»
They make several Christmas tree decorations from cotton wool (apples, pears, fish) with wire hooks and a fishing rod with the same hook. You need to use a fishing rod to hang all the toys on the Christmas tree, and then use the same fishing rod to remove them. The winner is the one who manages to do this in a set time, for example in two minutes. A fir branch mounted on a stand can serve as a Christmas tree.

In the game, the leader is chosen - the Snowman or Santa Claus. Having run away from the leader, the children stop and, clapping their hands, say: “One-two-three! One-two-three! Well, quickly catch us!” When the text ends, everyone runs away. The snowman (Santa Claus) is catching up with the children.

Redemption of New Year's prizes from Santa Claus's bag can be arranged as follows.
In a circle, both adults and children pass a specially prepared “snowball” - made of cotton wool or white fabric.
“Kom” is passed on and Santa Claus says:
We're all rolling a snowball,
We all count to five -
One two three four five -
Sing a song for you.
And read poetry for you.
You should dance a dance.
Let me tell you a riddle...
The person who redeems the prize leaves the circle, and the game continues.

The two tallest participants or two adults stand and join hands. They hold their hands up (like a mini round dance) and say:
“We’re so tired of the mice, they gnawed everything, ate everything. Let’s set up a mousetrap and catch all the mice.”
The remaining participants - mice - run between the hands of the catchers. At the last words, hands give up, the “mousetrap” slams shut, and whoever is caught joins the catchers. The mousetrap gets bigger and the game repeats. The last mouse wins.

“We answer in chorus»
A game of attentiveness. We answer yes or no. It turns out pretty funny.
Everyone knows Santa Claus, right?
He comes up with exactly that, right?
Santa Claus is a good old man, right?
Wears a hat and galoshes, right?
Santa Claus will come soon, right?
He will bring gifts, right?
The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right?
It was cut down with a double-barreled shotgun, right?
What grows on the Christmas tree? Bumps, right?
Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?
Well, our Christmas tree is beautiful, right?
There are red needles everywhere, right?
Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?
He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?
Well, the questions have been answered,
You all know about Santa Claus.
And this means the time has come,
Which all the kids are waiting for.
Let's call Santa Claus!

"Collect the potatoes»
Inventory: Baskets according to the number of participants, cubes, marbles, balls - an odd number.
Preparation: “potato” cubes, etc. are placed on the platform.
Game: Each player is given a basket and blindfolded. The task is to blindly collect as many “potatoes” as possible and put them in a basket.
Winner: The participant who collected the most potatoes.

"Dance with Hoops"»
Inventory: Hoops according to the number of participants.
Game: Several players are given a plastic (metal) hoop. The host - Santa Claus - gives different tasks to the participants of the game.
Game options:
a) Rotation of the hoop around the waist, neck, arm...
Winner: The participant whose hoop spins the longest.
b) Participants, on command, send the hoop forward in a straight line with their hand.
Winner: The participant whose hoop rolls the furthest.
c) Rotate the hoop around its axis using the fingers of one hand (like a top).
Winner: The participant whose hoop spins the longest.

"The Great Houdini»
Inventory: Ropes according to the number of participants
Presenter: Santa Claus.
Game: Participants have their hands tied behind their backs with a rope. At the leader’s signal, the players try to untie the ropes on themselves.
Winner: The first participant to free himself.

"Robin Hood»
Inventory: Ball or apple “basket” of hat, bucket, box, rings, stool, various items.
Game: presenter - Santa Claus offers several options:
a) The task is to knock down various objects standing at a distance on a stool with a ball.
b) The task is to throw a ball, an apple, etc. into the "basket" at a distance.
c) The task is to throw rings on the legs of an inverted stool.
Winner: The participant who completed the task better.

Inventory: 2 chess officers, fake swords made of rubber or foam rubber.
Preparation: Place a chess piece on the edge of the table.
Hosted by Santa Claus.
Game: Participants stand 2 meters from the table. The task is to lunge (step forward) at the leader’s command and hit the figure with a thrust.
Winner: The first participant to hit the figure.
Option: A duel between two participants.

"Crumple up the newspaper»
Inventory: Newspapers by number of participants.
Hosted by Santa Claus.
Game: An unfolded newspaper is placed on the floor in front of the players. The task is to crumple the newspaper at the presenter’s signal, trying to collect the entire sheet into a fist.
Winner: The participant who collects the newspaper into a ball the fastest.

"Newton's Law"»
Inventory: 2 bottles, 20 peas (can be pellets).
Hosted by Santa Claus.
Game: Two bottles are placed in front of two players, each is given 10 peas. The task is to, at the leader’s signal, without bending (arms at chest level), drop peas into the bottle from above.
Winner: The participant who puts the most peas into the bottle.

“Crush the ball with your foot»
Inventory: Balloons according to the number of players.
Hosted by Santa Claus.
Game: In front of the players, at a distance of 4-5 steps, a balloon is placed on the floor. The task is to, at the command of the leader, blindfolded, approach the ball and crush it with your foot.
Winner: The participant who crushes the ball.
It's funny if the balls are removed after tying.


Anyone can play, the number is limited only by space. All participants stand in a large circle, the leader is inside the circle. He throws a handkerchief or feather up. While the handkerchief or feather flies down, everyone should laugh out loud. The handkerchief (feather) reaches the floor - silence should fall. But it turns out that the funniest thing happens just when the object just touches the floor. You can take fun from the funniest ones: dance, tell a joke, and so on.

"The Snow Queen»
Inventory: Ice cubes.
Hosted by Santa Claus.
Game: participants take an ice cube. The task is who can melt the ice faster at the leader's command.
Winner: the participant who completes the task first.

Probably, many parents are concerned with the question: what to do with their children during the holiday? If you don't want your children to get bored, try playing fun games and holding a few competitions with them. The Land of Soviets offers New Year's competitions for school-age children.

Younger schoolchildren can already be offered slightly more complex competitions than preschoolers. At the same time, they still remain children who believe in fairy tales and sincerely enjoy the festive surroundings.


The presenter (better if it is one of the adults) gives all the players funny nicknames that are in some way related to the New Year: lantern, snowman, garland, snowflake, firecracker, etc. Children stand in a circle, and the leader is inside The circle moves from one player to another and asks each of them different questions. The catch is that players must answer any question with the nicknames given to them. You can inflect the word and add prepositions to it if necessary.

Dialogues between players and presenters might look something like this:

What is your name?
- Snowflake.
- What holiday are we celebrating today?
- Snowman.
- Where do you study?
- In a snowdrift!
- How do we decorate the New Year tree?

The presenter’s task is to select questions in such a way that the answers are as unexpected and funny as possible. The players' task is not to laugh while answering questions or listening to others' answers. The one who laughs leaves the game and gives the presenter a forfeit. The most “persistent and serious” ones win. The presenter rewards them and then plays forfeits.


This game is quite popular among both children and adults. It will help children express and develop their imagination and creativity. Who knows - maybe you will discover poetic talent in your child?

Prepare cards in advance with rhymes according to the number of players. Rhymes can be very simple, for example:

January - calendar
nose - frost
bright - gifts
grandfather - years old
year is coming

Give each player cards with rhymes and announce the task: in the allotted time you need to write a poem using the given rhymes. You can even have several - as long as you have enough time and imagination. When all the poems are ready, the authors read them out one by one, and then the best poem is selected.

If you are afraid that it will be difficult to determine the winner, or that those children whose poems did not win will be offended, you can come up with different nominations (according to the number of players) and separately award the most original poem, the most New Year's poem, the most productive poet, etc. In this case, not a single child will be left without gifts.

Dance or freeze

This competition is a team competition, it is best to conduct it with a large number of participants. Divide the children into two teams and place them in a line opposite each other. Music is played for each team in turn. The players' task is to dance. But the whole team must do one specific movement, and as synchronously as possible. When the music ends, a musical fragment is played for the second team, which dances its movements. Team movements should not be repeated.

The game continues until one of the teams “freezes”, unable to come up with the next move. The “frozen” team is considered a loser. The winners are given a prize (for example, candy or tangerines), and the losing team is given music again so that they can dance and “warm up.”

Find the spruce

This competition can be held both at a school party and at a New Year's party with the family. If there are a lot of children, divide them into several teams; if not, let everyone play for themselves. Each team or player is given a pen and a piece of paper. In the allotted time, you need to come up with as many words as possible that contain the syllable “fir”: April, drops, blizzard, pipe... Five to ten minutes will be enough, if given more time, the children may get bored.

The catch of the game is that most players will only remember words that end in “spruce,” especially if you give them just such an example at the beginning. And only the most perceptive will understand that the syllable “fir” can appear at the beginning or in the middle of a word, for example: gorge, dolphin, spruce forest, slacker, businesslike...

For each word invented, the team (or player) is awarded one point. The one who scores the most points wins. This player (or team) is awarded a sweet prize.

We hope that the New Year competitions and games for children we offer will help you entertain schoolchildren, making the holiday fun and interesting.

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