Canned green peas for a nursing mother. Is it possible to have pea soups while breastfeeding a baby?

With the birth of a baby, the diet of a young mother changes significantly. Immediately after giving birth, most women exclude many foods from their diet in order to avoid health problems for the baby with the first arrival of milk. A newborn baby has a very loose bowels, the microflora of which is not yet fully formed. Therefore, many substances can harm the baby’s digestion.

Highly allergenic vegetables and fruits are introduced with caution. Some legumes, including peas, may also be banned. To decide whether it is possible pea soup at breastfeeding, it is necessary to carefully understand the composition of a product such as peas.

The characteristics of most food products have been carefully studied. Peas are considered a “heavy” food even for an adult organism, but with imagination and necessary knowledge You can use it to prepare a huge variety of dishes that will only bring benefits.

Peas contain a lot nutrients, so necessary for a young mother during breastfeeding. A sufficient supply of all nutritional components ensures not only the production of full-fledged breast milk, but also wellness nursing mother.

  1. Amino acid composition. Peas contain full complex essential amino acids. This composition forms a complete protein that can compete with proteins of animal origin. The digestibility of pea protein is 98%. Essential amino acids must enter the mother's body in increased quantities. The rate of growth and development depends on how high-quality proteins the baby receives.
  2. Tryptophan. An amino acid necessary for the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness. At first, young mothers are burdened with a lot of daily responsibilities for caring for a newborn, and good mood in this case it won't hurt.
  3. Vitamin and mineral composition. Rich Content vitamins and minerals makes peas a valuable product. When producing milk, the body uses a lot of nutrients to provide good nutrition baby. Of particular note is the selenium content, which has powerful antioxidant properties.

What benefits does pea soup bring to a young mother breastfeeding her newborn:

  • saturates the body with valuable substances;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • reduces the risk of developing oncological diseases;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • gives strength and energy to the young mother.

Among the unpleasant properties, it can be noted that after eating pea soup, many experience digestive discomfort. The new mother may also be worried increased gas formation, however, this is individual, and often no problems are observed.

In this regard, you may come across the statement that the baby will also be tormented by colic and gas. However, it is not. Flatulence in the mother's body occurs as a result of the breakdown of special proteins during digestion. But individual amino acids already enter the blood, from which breast milk proteins are formed in the breast during lactation, which are necessary for the proper growth of the baby.

The only thing that can happen after eating pea soup is an allergic reaction in the baby. But this risk is present when introducing any product into the mother’s menu. Just watching the child is enough.

If no undesirable consequences does not arise, the young mother should not deny herself and can, with a clear conscience, allow herself a portion of the aromatic dish. Frequently including pea soup in your diet will bring only one benefit.

Thus, doubts about whether pea soups can be consumed while breastfeeding are not justified. It is possible and necessary, but it is better to wait until the baby is 3 months old.

How to choose quality peas

When looking at the shelves of peas in a store, it is not always easy to decide which product to prefer. What to consider:

  1. Peas can be whole or crushed. Most brands offer split kernels. This product cooks faster and gives the finished soup a velvety consistency and delicate taste.
  2. Choose better variety bright yellow color. This product will produce aromatic and tasty dish.
  3. The peas should be dry, but not overdried. This deficiency is indicated white coating on the surface of the nucleoli.
  4. The packaging must not contain foreign inclusions.
  5. It would be useful to pay attention to the production date. It is advisable to choose the freshest product.

Many varieties behave completely differently when cooked. Some boil into porridge after just 20 minutes, while others remain hard even after 3 hours of cooking. It is not always possible to find out in advance what variety the manufacturer is offering. Therefore, to be safe, it is recommended to soak the peas in water for at least 5 hours. Be sure to rinse it before soaking.

There are a number of tips to increase the cooking speed. Many housewives refill several times cold water during the cooking process of peas. As a result, cooking time is reduced. Sometimes a pinch is added baking soda And vegetable oil, which also helps reduce cooking time.

If you plan to prepare porridge or puree soup, it is better to first grind the kernels in a coffee grinder. After this treatment, they will absorb water faster, and the dish will cook much faster.

Every housewife has many favorite recipes. various dishes, including pea soup. Its benefits are beyond doubt. And if a young mother loves this dish, she shouldn’t deny herself it.

Creating a menu for a nursing mother requires a special approach. To successfully breastfeed, you need to include a wide variety of foods in your diet. This approach will provide the woman’s body, weakened by pregnancy and childbirth, with all the necessary substances and will allow her to recover as quickly as possible.

For many people, peas increase gas production, which means it can cause bloating in a breastfed baby’s tummy and cause painful colic. Does a nursing mother really need to give up delicious, healthy and beloved pea soup? First things first.

Healthy and tasty pea soup

Peas contain many amino acids, among them the essential ones - lysine and cystine. Cystine is especially important for good lactation. It helps produce the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for milk production.

The hormone lysine fights viruses in the body. It copes well with herpes and helps the body resist ARVI.

In addition, lysine helps to absorb calcium from the blood, transporting it to bone tissue. Mothers experience calcium deficiency very often. Both during breastfeeding and after completion of lactation. The amino acid lysine helps prevent osteoporosis and keep teeth healthy.

It is also worth eating peas because this legume vegetable contains B6 (pyridoxine). This vitamin helps break down amino acids and participates in their synthesis. Just one of the reasons for the appearance of such unpleasant disease dermatitis is caused by a deficiency of the vitamin pyridoxine. If the body lacks vitamin B6, a nursing mother may experience cramps.

Peas also contain selenium, which is called a longevity microelement. Selenium performs very important functions in the human body:

  • increases immunity;
  • is a strong antioxidant;
  • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • prevents and even stops the development of malignant tumor processes;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • protects the body from intoxication;
  • helps solve the problem of infertility;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems;
  • reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes;
  • improves the condition of skin, nails and hair.

Peas contain so much selenium that great content microelement allows us to call pea soup a strong anti-carcinogenic agent. After all, selenium protects cells from the development of tumors, prevents the aging of the body, and removes foreign substances.

As a result, we can state: pea soup is very useful for mother and baby who is breastfed.

When can a mother introduce peas into her diet?

Some pediatric therapists allow mothers during breastfeeding to introduce pea soup into their diet already in the 2nd month of the baby’s life.

But in most cases it is very controversial point. The digestive system of a two-month-old baby is not yet ready for such experiments. The components that peas contain will be transferred to the baby through milk during breastfeeding. The process of assimilating them can be either painful or, on the contrary, pass without flatulence. This depends on the degree of development of the baby’s enzymatic system. As a rule, at two months it is not yet sufficiently formed in the child. Only individual reaction the baby will tell you about the product exact time. Therefore, it is best not to rush.

When can pea soup diversify the menu of a nursing mother?
Not earlier than in the last ten days of the baby’s 3rd month of life.

How to enter it into the menu correctly?

There are several rules that the mother of a breastfed baby should follow so that pea soup does not cause harm:

  • You can try peas for the first time starting with a single dose - a few boiled peas or a couple of spoons of soup. After this, you need to observe the baby’s reaction all day;
  • If the child feels well after pea soup, a gentle version of this dish is introduced into the nursing mother’s menu, but no more than 2 times a week.

Recipe for delicious pea soup for nursing mothers

You will need:

  • 200 grams of dried peas;
  • 250 grams chicken fillet(or beef);
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • greens (celery or parsley);
  • salt.


  1. pour peas cold water at night;
  2. rinse thoroughly in running water and add 1.5 liters of cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil;
  3. after boiling, cook over low heat for 2–3 hours until soft, drain the resulting broth;
  4. pour chicken meat with 2 liters of cold water and cook the broth until the meat is ready, then remove the meat and cut into portions;
  5. after the meat has been removed, peel the onion and carrots, chop them into slices, cut the potatoes into cubes, cook all the vegetables in the broth for about 20 minutes until the potatoes are soft;
  6. add already cooked peas, salt to taste and herbs to the vegetables, cook the soup for another 2 minutes;
  7. Cool the soup prepared in this way and beat with a blender until pureed;
  8. It is recommended to first place the vegetables and peas into the blender with a slotted spoon, and then add the remaining broth in parts while blending;
  9. Cream of pea soup should be served with pieces of meat and crispy croutons.

Video: dietary pea soup in a slow cooker

For mothers of older children, a video recipe for tender and natural pea soup in a slow cooker is perfect.

You, of course, know that during breastfeeding you should not eat spicy, bitter, smoked and salty foods, as well as foods that increase gas formation in the intestines. But are first courses with legumes included in the prohibited list? What danger do they pose? Can I eat pea soup while breastfeeding?

Every woman, having become a mother, tries to give her child all the best. Everyone knows that breast milk - best food for the baby. In order not to spoil this wonderful dish, mommy tries to eat only acceptable products, largely limiting the needs of your body.

Let's look to the past

Pea soup was invented a long time ago. Where this happened has not yet been determined. Peas have spread widely throughout the globe, and soup made from them has become a national treasure in many countries around the world.

  • It is known that in Athens, pea stew with meat was sold on the streets back in the 3rd century BC.
  • In Great Britain, the product has been known since the times of the Roman Empire; it gained particular popularity among sailors in the navy.
  • In Germany, such soup is a signature dish; smoked meats and meat are usually added to it.
  • The Netherlands is famous for its thick green pea stew with celery and green onions.
  • In Sweden and Finland they eat lean pea soup.
  • Slavic peoples - Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians - love to add potatoes and meat to the broth.

In old Rus' there was a belief that pea soup could cure infertility. Doctors and physicians often gave this decoction to desperate women. For some, this remedy (or faith in it) really helped, and a healthy and strong baby appeared in the family.

It must be said that in modern world The soup has not lost its relevance; it is still a favorite delicacy of many families. Children and adults love it for its mild taste and pleasant aroma. But can nursing mothers eat the dish? Will the enzymes contained in peas harm the baby? After all, they enter the blood during lactation.

Benefits of peas

So, the main ingredient of the dish is peas. By itself, this legume plant has a mass beneficial properties:

  • Contains amino acids that promote the development of the body (cystine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan).
  • Peas contain selenium, which is often used as medicine for nursing mothers.
  • A broth based on steamed peas is used to improve lactation.
  • The vegetable contains vitamin B6, which helps the body break down amino acids.
  • Peas significantly improve the immune system.
  • It improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.
  • Legumes can prevent intoxication of the body.
  • Increases the efficiency of the endocrine and nervous systems.

All of the above properties affect not only the body of the nursing mother, but also the baby, which is why this is a big plus.

Given all the positive arguments, you may wonder why many people do not recommend pea soup while breastfeeding. The answer actually lies on the surface. After all, all the advantages relate to a single-component pea dish - stew, and not to the first course familiar to many.

Cons of the product

  • Many housewives prefer to put fatty and sometimes smoked meat into the broth, making it very difficult for the body.
  • Abuse of spices leads to the fact that from a healthy soup we get poison for ourselves and the child.
  • Pediatricians cannot rule out the possibility that the child is allergic to the enzymes contained in the soup.

Dry peas are a safer food for a nursing woman, as the likelihood of spoilage of the product is minimized. If we use it for food green pea, and especially canned, then you need to be very careful. Most poisonings occur precisely due to the consumption of low-quality or spoiled vegetables.

Pea soup for nursing mothers

We offer a recipe diet soup, which is suitable for a woman who is breastfeeding.

You will need:

  • Dry or green frozen peas - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Dill, parsley - 100 g;
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Water - 2-3 tbsp.


  1. Wash and soak the peas (if using a dry product).
  2. Add beans to boiling water.
  3. After 20 minutes, add the onion.
  4. At the end of cooking (after 40-50 minutes), add the fried butter carrot.
  5. Remove from the stove and add herbs.
  6. Let the soup brew.
  7. Serve pea soup with crackers, toast or croutons.

The question of whether a nursing mother can eat pea soup can be answered positively, but the pea dish should be of a dietary nature, without smoked meat and spicy seasonings.

Pea soup recipe: video

When can a mother eat a bowl of soup during breastfeeding?

We offer a special system for introducing peas into the diet of a nursing mother:

  1. It is preferable to treat a young mother with pea soup while breastfeeding when the baby is 3 months old, at which time the nursing mother can enjoy a full portion of hot stew.
  2. To begin with, for the first time we recommend trying a little one-ingredient pea puree or steamed peas - this will eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction in your baby.
  3. Afterwards, it is customary to allow the soup to be eaten little by little, preferably in the first half of the day.
  4. Now that there is no reaction from the baby, you can safely eat homemade broth.

Peas are a legume and it undoubtedly causes excessive gas formation in the intestines, but here we are talking, first of all, about the body of a nursing mother. The baby's tummy may react with bloating to a new product, but this is not a direct dependence. Legumes consumed by a nursing mother do not necessarily cause colic in the baby.

Let's summarize: pea soup is not at all dangerous for a woman during breastfeeding; on the contrary, it contains a huge number of beneficial properties. In order to preserve the entire spectrum positive characteristics pea soup, you need to prepare it correctly.

For obvious reasons, during breastfeeding a woman has to limit herself in food. The use of certain foods while breastfeeding is not recommended, since allergenic or harmful substances can enter the baby's body through milk. Some women ask if a nursing mother can have pea soup? We will answer this question in this article.

As you know, all legumes increase gas formation in the intestines. Peas are no exception. It is precisely this characteristic that makes us think about whether it is worth consuming peas (in particular pea soup) during breastfeeding? After all, despite the danger of bloating in the mother and baby, it is very useful.

What are the benefits of peas?

Peas are rich in nutrients:

  • It contains a lot of lysine. Lysine has an anti-inflammatory effect. It increases the body's resistance various viruses. In addition, thanks to lysine, normal absorption of calcium by the human body is ensured, which is very important for women in postpartum period, as well as for their newborn babies.
  • Peas contain cystine, which has a beneficial effect on lactation in women by stimulating the production of oxytocin.
  • Peas are rich in vitamin B6, it takes part in the metabolism of amino acids. The lack of this vitamin affects a person’s skin: it becomes dry, dermatitis appears, spots on the lips, and bruises under the eyes. In children under one year old, with a lack of vitamin B6, cramps appear in the legs.
  • Peas contain a lot of selenium, which improves immunity and strengthens general health person.
  • Peas, like other legumes, are high in protein. Its composition is similar to meat.

From all of the above it is clear that all those useful material, which are contained in peas, are simply necessary for the body of a mother who has just given birth and her child. But there are some points to consider.

Peas in very in rare cases causes allergies. Therefore, its main drawback is different: after its use, increased gas formation and bloating are observed. In young children these processes cause intestinal colic. For this reason, mothers who are breastfeeding should stop drinking pea soup immediately after giving birth.

When can you eat pea soup while breastfeeding? The legume ban doesn't last forever. At approximately 3 months of the baby's life, the mother can try pea soup. And, if the baby reacts normally, it can be introduced into regular use.

Some women claim that they ate pea soup before 2-3 months after giving birth, and at the same time their children calmly tolerated their introduction to this product. Everything is explained individual characteristics each child individually. One child has a more developed enzyme system, while the other has a more sensitive and vulnerable body. The mother of a child who regularly suffers from colic is not recommended to eat pea soup until 3.5 - 4 months. It will be even better if she postpones this wonderful dish until the baby is 6 months old. And the mother of a healthy, calm baby can try introducing pea soup into her diet at 2 months.

Rules for introducing peas into mom’s menu:

  • For the first time, try no more than 1 teaspoon of simply boiled peas (not pea soup) in the first half of the day.
  • For 2 days, monitor your baby’s behavior: whether he has become restless, how he sleeps, whether he experiences pain in the tummy, whether he has constipation, etc. Any of listed symptoms will indicate the need to give up peas until the baby is 6 months old. If negative reaction did not respond, try a couple more times within a week boiled peas, doubling the dose. Then you can eat simple pea soup.
  • The dish must be prepared from dry cereals, because... fresh peas are less easily digested by the body.
  • For the first time, do not cook concentrated soup; there should not be a lot of peas.
  • Do not add smoked meats to the soup under any circumstances.
  • If the baby reacts normally to a pea dish, then it can be consumed during breastfeeding 1-2 times a week.
  • After six months of the baby’s life, fresh pea dishes can be introduced into the mother’s diet.


Simple pea soup recipe

Pea soup for a nursing mother can be prepared in different ways. Here is one of the good and simple recipes.

Ingredients: 200 grams of dried peas, 0.5 chicken breast, 4-5 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 3.5 liters of water, salt, bay leaf.

Preparation: Soak the peas in water overnight. In the morning, drain the water. Pour 1 liter of water over the peas and put on fire. After boiling, cook the peas over low heat for 40-60 minutes until they soften. At this time you need to cook the broth. Boil the meat in 2 liters of water. Remove the cooked meat from the pan and chop. Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes, grate the carrots, and chop the onion. Send all the vegetables to boil in the broth, add boiled peas to them. Salt the dish and cook until the vegetables are soft. Finally, you can turn the soup into a puree soup using a blender.

Video recipe for pea soup in a slow cooker

Let's sum it up

Pea soup is very tasty and healthy dish. Lactation is the period when you should use it with caution. this product. Due to its ability to cause increased flatulence, it is not recommended for nursing mothers under 3 months to eat it. When breastfeeding, it is advisable to cook soup from dry peas and in a lower concentration than in traditional recipes. Pea porridge It is not recommended for use until the newborn has reached 4-5 months (due to the strong concentration of peas).

Cereals and legumes are extremely beneficial foods for the human body. They improve performance gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system, promote the removal of cholesterol. Dishes prepared from these products have high nutritional value.

Reference. Cereals and legumes are rich in fiber, contain vitamins B, C, A, E, many useful microelements: iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, selenium, etc. They must be present in the diet of a nursing woman.

When breastfeeding, you can eat the following types of cereals and legumes:

From the first days after childbirth, a nursing mother’s diet can include buckwheat and rice cereals, oatmeal and pearl barley. Decoctions of rice and pearl barley are especially useful in postoperative period if the child was born by caesarean section.

Important! Oat and pearl barley contain gluten. This may cause allergic reactions in the child.

If they appear, these products should be removed from the menu. When the baby reaches three months, the mother’s diet can include bran, semolina and legumes.

In what form is it allowed to be used during breastfeeding?

Porridge is made from cereals. In the first months of a baby's life, porridge with water is especially useful., since dairy products are harder to digest and can cause allergic reactions in a child.

Cereals and legumes are added to soups, beans and lentils are good in salads and vegetable stews. Until the child reaches three months, it is better to limit the consumption of pilaf or eliminate it altogether, since the dish is prepared in a fatty broth with an abundance of various spices. This can affect the taste of the milk and cause colic in your baby.

Eating cereals and legumes is beneficial for an organism exhausted by pregnancy and childbirth. for several reasons:

  • stimulation of milk production;
  • increasing immunity;
  • removal of waste and toxins from the body;
  • strengthening bone tissue;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • increased hemoglobin;
  • reduction of glucose and cholesterol in the blood;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • work stabilization digestive system, restoration of intestinal microflora;
  • improvement of the condition of hair, teeth, nails, elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • figure restoration.

Porridge and green peas in a child’s diet

Before a child reaches three years of age, it is not recommended to introduce dishes made from dry mature legumes into his menu, as they are difficult to digest and can cause discomfort. But fresh green peas and green beans can be offered to a baby as early as eight months of age. They are boiled, ground, added to vegetable purees or soups. But they should be present on the child’s menu no more than twice a week. Green peas and beans do not cause allergies.

Many pediatricians recommend starting complementary feeding with cereals, especially if the baby has digestive problems. Fruits and vegetables irritate the mucous membranes and in this case it is generally not recommended to introduce them until the child is one year old.

You can buy ready-made cereals in stores for children up to one year old. They, as a rule, do not require cooking and have a crushed, homogeneous consistency, maximally adapted to the baby’s body. You can cook porridge from cereals and then puree it with a blender. In this case, complementary feeding should begin with dairy-free cereals so that they are easier to digest and do not cause allergies.

Note! When manifested allergic reactions, you need to remove porridge from the baby’s menu and offer the product to him again in 2-3 weeks.

Cereals and legumes replenish calcium deficiency and promote proper development bone tissue, strengthen cardiovascular and nervous system baby, normalize stool, increase immunity.

How dangerous is it for mother and baby?

  • Cereal porridges may be too heavy food for a baby and cause malfunctions in the fragile digestive system.
  • Millet, oatmeal contain glyodine, which can harm the baby's intestines.
  • Oat and semolina porridge contain a lot of gluten, which can cause allergic reactions.
  • Oatmeal is contraindicated for heart and kidney failure.
  • Rice and semolina contribute to excess weight gain.
  • Legumes increase gas formation and often cause bloating in the mother and colic in the child.
  • Individual food intolerance.

How to choose and what to pay attention to?

Cereals and legumes, like any new product, should be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother gradually. This is especially true for brightly colored cereals, peas, lentils, and beans. First, eat a small portion of the product and observe the child’s condition for a couple of days. In the case of legumes, a serving is literally 10-15 grains. If everything is good, then the product can be safely eaten.

You can eat cereals daily, legumes and semolina every day. in moderation 2-3 times a week. A nursing mother should take no more than two tablespoons of bran per day.

Cereals and legumes form the basis of a healthy balanced nutrition. Using them helps you stay in good shape. female body and helps children develop fully. In addition, the variety of cereals will expand the menu of a nursing mother and satisfy her taste needs.

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