Summary of an English lesson for young children (2–3 years old) “My toys

English for children from 1 year old is not very similar to a lesson in the usual sense. English classes for children are mostly English-language “dramatizations” with a short plot, poetic stories, English songs, funny pictures and interesting drawings and crafts. At the same time, no foreign words, including new ones, are translated into Russian for the baby. The child should become interested in a language that is incomprehensible to him and, immersing himself in an English-speaking environment, listen and absorb. Often very young students first simply listen, listen and listen to the teacher’s English speech, and then begin to produce entire constructions.

In order for the child to immediately get involved in the process of the educational game, the child can be accompanied by a parent at the Polyglot Center. As soon as the student finds contact with the teacher and stops losing his mom or dad, he can independently remain in English lessons for the little ones.

Age characteristics

English language courses for kids are divided into several subtypes. Teachers work with children from one to two years old in the presence of parents. In addition to learning foreign languages, special attention is paid to early development. In his work, the teacher uses finger games, outdoor tasks that encourage children to act, and learns short poems and songs with his students. One of the accessible and effective ways to present information is watching cartoons in English. The main task of the teacher is to interest children, to make them want to learn the language and develop. The teacher works to prepare the child for a more intensive course, teaching him to recognize and understand foreign speech on an intuitive level.

The English language program for children from 2 years old is aimed at ensuring that the child speaks as early as possible. With regular attendance, children develop perfect pronunciation and no grammatical errors. This level combines tasks for the little ones and is the basis for regular learning. The teacher still devotes a lot of time to games, but the children are already more at the table, carrying out creative assignments. A competent approach allows you to increase your child’s vocabulary several times over the course of a year. The structure of classes includes songs, dances, short poems and nursery rhymes.

Teaching English to children 2-3 years old

Based on materials from the portal “Super Simple Learning”

It is important to understand that children 2-3 years old have a very small vocabulary in any language. At this age they are usually just starting to speak in sentences. In teaching such young children, you need to focus not on producing speech, but on understanding it. You will want to involve children in activities that are interesting, meaningful to them, and filled with new information. Don't force them to talk. They will speak as soon as they are ready. We offer a lesson plan for children in this age group.

Knock Knock!

Have the children line up and knock on the door before entering. This will be a signal to switch to a new type of activity. If the children are talking, ask any simple question like “What is your name?” To make sure you are understood, point to yourself and say, “My name is _____.” Then repeat the question: “What is your name?” If the child is non-verbal, in a bad mood (perhaps just woke up), or is new, a friendly “Hello, come in!” or clap your palm. Background music will help create a warm atmosphere in class.

Getting comfortable

Plan the activity so that when the children come in, they should be interested and forget about all their possible problems. Ideally, this should be a tactile activity that requires listening rather than speaking.



Print and cut out the set. You can also make the set yourself from colored paper. Laminate it, attach paper clips to the mouths of the fish and make “fishing rods” from soft wooden sticks, a magnet, rope or thread. When the children sit down, draw their attention to the fish and their different colors: “Look, a blue fish!” There’s a yellow fish!” Teach children to fish by saying: “I am going to catch a yellow fish!” Give everyone a fishing rod and teach them how to use it carefully. Say: “Let’s catch a yellow/green/blue fish!” This is enough to repeat the names of the colors. If you're just starting to learn colors, explain each one in detail. Keep fishing until you catch all the fish. Count and collect them, asking about each color separately: “Can I have the yellow fish, please?”, “Can I have all the blue fish, please?”. Don't worry if your children don't understand you at first. When they bring you their fish, say the names of the colors: “Ooh, a blue fish” and thank the child.


Buy fluffy colored craft pom poms and a few colored containers or baskets. Place pompoms around the office. Let the kids come in and play with them, then ask them to help assemble them. Sort by color: Place pom poms of a certain color in a container of the same color. Count the pompoms. Children 2-3 years old love to sort and put away, so you can mix any objects (buttons, straws) and repeat the game over and over again.

Finding a pair or putting together puzzles

Cut the pictures into two parts and arrange them around the office. Let the children help you find a match. At the same time, you can introduce vocabulary. For example, cut pictures in half from. Keep some halves for yourself, and place the other in your office. When the children come in, pretend that you are looking for your other half. The children will want to help, take the first half from you and find a match for it.


Teachers rarely take advantage of cleaning, but it is a great opportunity to talk about the topic. You can repeat the vocabulary by asking for this or that thing of a certain color, shape, or simply naming it. You can play the song “Clean Up! ” and show how things need to be put back in place. Children love to help, so the office will be clean very soon.


Make a “passport” for each child in the group. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher says: “Passports, please!” When children hold out their passports, invite them to say: “Here you are!” Count the passports together. With young children we always count (How many) and name colors (What colour?). Children come up one at a time and choose a sticker for their passport, answering the question: “What color do you want?” Passports remain on the teacher’s desk until the end of class. Use your passportSuper Simple, by printing it on thick paper.

Song “Hello”

Start each lesson with the song “Hello.” There are a lot of similar songs, but it’s better suited for small children“Hello, Hello” . It is cheerful and accompanied by clear gestures, which allows children to perform it confidently.

Active songs

Now is the time to let the kids get up and let out that pent-up energy. An active song will provide an opportunity to have fun and move around the office. Try it “ Walking Walking ,” “ Seven Steps ,” “ Count And Move ," or " We All Fall Down .” There is no need to take a new song for every lesson.Children calm down with familiar actions. They'll be as excited to sing and dance to “Walking Walking” the tenth time as they were the first or second time. No need to learn these songs, just turn them on and go!

Circle gathering time

Stand in a circle and hold hands. Create a large and small circle. Move around the circle quickly and slowly.Bend low, raise your arms high. Sing a songMake A Circle .” After this, the children sit down and are ready to listen. Remember that 2-3 year olds are just learning to play together with their peers, and circle games are great for bringing them together.

Introduction/repetition of vocabulary

Working in a circle is perfect for introducing or repeating lexical material: animals, food, emotions (happy, sad, angry). Whenever possible, try to show real objects. For example, when studying the topic “Toys”, children are more interested in seeing and touching real toys. However, it is not always possible to use real visual aids in the classroom. The replacement may be, but they need to be presented in an interesting way. You can hide them throughout the office and ask the children to help find them. You can slowly remove them from the colorful envelope orsurprise boxes . Think about how to generate interest.Never introduce vocabulary by simply looking at flashcards and doing exercises!

Working on lexical topics

After introducing vocabulary material, give children the opportunity to use or at least demonstrate understanding of the new words. They will help with this And . They will keep children interested and focused, while the teacher can use the target language in a productive way. For example, when studying emotions, try to draw different faces (Can you draw a happy/sad face?). Young children are still not good at drawing, but they will enjoy learning to use pencils.

Theme song

Sing a song related to the topic of the lesson. If you've studied emotions, try“ If You're Happy ” “ Five Little Pumpkins ” or “ Can You Make A Happy Face? ” . It’s better to play the song in the background in advance, then the children will get used to the melody and they will feel comfortable singing and dancing to it. Don't insist on speaking; it's okay if the children don't sing along. They enjoy listening by using gestures and dancing along. Very soon the children will begin to sing without any compulsion.

Reading time

Switch children's attention to reading with a song“ Please Sit Down And Storytime Music " WITH sing the song using signs and have the children sit down. The book should ideally contain the vocabulary of the lesson, but this is not necessary. Young children will be interested in any books with windows and three-dimensional drawings, for example: “Where’s Spot?”, “Where’s Maisy?”, “Good night, sweet butterflies.”


At the end of the lesson, give each child a stamp or a child stamp in their passport. Address the child by name and give him a choice: “Which one do you want?” “This one?” Returning your passport signals the end of the lesson. Children may be sad when they see the activity coming to an end, but stickers or stamps on their passports can help tide over any disappointment.

Song “Goodbye”

You can take any farewell song, but it will be more suitable for small children“ Bye Bye Goodbye ”. It works great with the songHello, Hello! and makes it possible to confidently end the lesson by saying: I can____.”

Some parts of the lesson remain the same throughout the weeks: greeting, movement song, passports, circle time, reading time and goodbye. To a certain extent, familiar actions are calming and make it easy to interact with children. In terms of speaking, it is useful to communicate with your child one-on-one while working with passports. Some aspects may change, but remain clear and familiar... different songs, different sorting material, different lexical topics.

Add variety to your activities from time to time. On the Internet you can find a lot of creative tasks for children of this age (for example, on the websitePinterest ). Sometimes you can forget about cards and devote all your time to creativity.

Be flexible! If the game doesn't work, feel free to move on to the next one. If it works, don't rush to finish it. It is not necessary to always strictly adhere to the lesson plan.

When teaching children 2-3 years old, remember that you are not only their first English teacher, but perhaps their first teacher in general. You have a great opportunity to develop a positive attitude not only towards the language, but also towards learning in general. Exercise easily and with pleasure!

For whom: for children from 1 to 2.5 years old who are starting to learn from scratch (beginner).
Course objectives: immerse the child in an English-speaking environment, teach him to perceive a new language and distinguish it from his native language, and distinguish the sounds of a foreign language. The child learns to build associations between words and surrounding objects and pictures.

Course Description

At an early age, children do not know how to concentrate on one action; they are very active and disobedient. For example, while the teacher is reading a book, the child plays without perceiving the information. Therefore, it is important to use the right approach to learning. The teacher’s task, first of all, is to create an environment in which English speech will constantly be heard; to captivate the child with games, singing, dancing, including language practice, to make English lessons understandable and interesting.

Parents play an important role in learning, especially at this age. They act as guides between the child and the teacher, so they must be in class and actively participate in the process, setting an example for the children - doing homework, repeating words and sounds during walks and games. The exercises can be simple: just scatter the toys around the room and ask the child in English to show where the bear or ball is; count the steps. This way children learn new information faster and achieve better results. After 6 months of classes, the child will learn to recognize sounds and actions, understand the meaning of songs, relate words to objects and begin to navigate the language.


The lesson is divided into three parts: warm-up, presentation and practice, each of which includes specific exercises lasting up to 10 minutes, so as not to lose the child's attention.

The exercises are aimed at developing speech, motor skills, creativity, musical perception and pronunciation through role-playing games, dancing, singing and drawing. We select materials from specialized textbooks, for example, Jolly Phonics, Get Ready and other professional literature. Sets of tasks lay the foundation for mastering reading and writing skills using technology that corresponds to the psychological characteristics of children under the age of 2.5 years.

By repeating sounds and words and associating them with pictures, letters and actions, children build a strong phonics foundation. They begin to read, write and speak a new language faster. This method has proven its success in practice.

All techniques and tasks are selected depending on the initial level of training and change during the process of studying the program.

Possible duration and formats of classes

For this age group, we recommend individual lessons lasting 45 to 90 minutes.
The format and intensity of the lessons are selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the child’s character and perception, which parents know best.

Children at an early age are in a period of active development, in particular the development of speech abilities. They all learn incredibly quickly, which is why we must provide them with every opportunity to explore our beautiful world. During this period, the child develops the ability to perceive and understand speech, the relationship of words with an object or action. Close contact between mother and child contributes to intensive learning of a foreign language at an early age. Through demonstration of different objects, games with them, thanks to the easiest possible poems and songs, we develop the child. As a result, the child gradually develops and remembers a foreign language as his native language.

Do not be afraid that your child will not immediately begin to repeat foreign words. This is due to this stage of development. Next, children will perceive vocabulary as something familiar and absolutely understandable. The main thing to remember is that you cannot mix words from different languages ​​in one sentence. That is why classes at Mortimer English Club for children are conducted exclusively in English.

English for Little Ones – English for children 2 years old

  • classes are held once a week, the duration of one lesson is from 45 minutes;
  • small groups, up to 6 people;
  • The presence of the mother in classes is mandatory, since learning is based on the interaction between parent and child.

For young students, a set of auxiliary materials is provided, in which you will find: 3 books of the main course; A CD containing all the words, songs and poems being studied; A coloring book with activities and a very handy bag that kids love, with a picture of the characters from the Mortimer English Club curriculum.

Group and individual English lessons using Valeria Meshcheryakova's "I LOVE ENGLISH" method for children from 2 to 9 years old.

Most of us start learning English at school. We get good grades, go to universities and continue to learn the language there. But often, after graduating from university, we suddenly realize that we don’t know foreign speech at all. We decided to correct the situation!

It’s probably not easy to imagine that at five years old children know not only abcd, but also abcd. But in our club this is really the case. Children become acquainted with English from the age of two, and by school age they already have several hundred words in their linguistic baggage. But this is not the main thing. They remember entire expressions, not individual words. The ability to construct a sentence is more important than vocabulary itself...

During the club's classes, the leader speaks almost no Russian at all. With the help of games, songs and fairy-tale characters, children immerse themselves in the English language environment and feel comfortable. This helps you better understand English and not be afraid to speak a barely familiar language yourself. And these are completely ordinary children. During lessons, they learn to tell what they like to do in kindergarten, what they do on weekends, what the weather is like outside the window and what their favorite time of year is. For kids there is no problem what language to speak: Russian or English. The main thing is that they are understood. Some English teachers say that only a native speaker can get the pronunciation correct. But is the notorious pronunciation really that important? Or is it more important that language fulfills its applied function - to understand and be understood? After all, sometimes people cannot communicate with each other, even when they speak the same language! And the main thing is that the children understood that the language should not be crammed, it should be spoken.

The method gives excellent results, and most importantly, children simply fall in love with the English language and happily attend the club.

Both group and individual lessons are possible.

How is it possible - English for 2-year-old children if they still speak their native language poorly? The surprise of the parents is understandable - after all, their education was structured completely differently. At the children's club "Constellation" classes for children are conducted using the unique methodology of Valeria Meshcheryakova. Two years is the ideal age to start learning and immerse yourself in the amazing and magical world of Native English. The secret is simple: children don’t care what language they speak. After all, they are able to communicate even without words!

English for children 2-3 years old is not about grammar or cramming words. At this age, it is important not to miss the opportunity to learn through imprinting. Children have enormous memory reserves and easily remember words and expressions they hear. And they remember it for life. If in the future they do not use the acquired vocabulary, it simply becomes passive.

Why do we need English for 2 year olds? This is the basis, like:

  • check;
  • letter;
  • diploma

Bilingualism is not a unique, but an absolutely organic phenomenon for children. The main thing is the method by which the language is presented.

Children's English courses for children 2-3 years old in our club

We have created optimal conditions for the little guests of Constellation. Warm and cozy classrooms with a huge number of toys and Montessori materials are conducive to exciting communication. Each lesson lasts 30-45 minutes - children can study in groups or individually. Little ones who have not yet adapted to kindergarten can be accompanied by their parents during their first classes. However, English classes for 2-year-old children are so exciting that kids are simply eager to join their favorite group.

Methods of teaching English to 2-year-old children

Classes for the little ones – the zero level of the course, which is called ““I can sing”. Children learn all the material by ear. Learning takes place in a playful way. An English teacher is not a strict teacher, but a wizard who has prepared so many interesting things. Each lesson is a kind of theatrical performance. English for children 2 years old is the study of idioms, expressions and words. How should you greet? How to meet? Who came to visit the class - a bear, a bunny, a fox? The kids vying with each other answer - after all, the goal of the lessons is not just to listen and remember, but also to speak! And at this stage it doesn’t matter at all with what pronunciation. This is one of the key differences between the English method for 2-year-old children and standard teaching, in which children become disappointed in a foreign language because they cannot yet pronounce words correctly. And then they get bad grades at school.

There are no grades or strict teachers in our classes. Almost the entire lesson is taught in English, and at a high tempo of normal conversational speech. Games, songs and poems captivate the little ones so much that they happily share their knowledge with their parents. Want to know more about English classes for 2 year olds? Sign up for a free trial lesson!

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