Beautiful breed cats. The most beautiful cat breeds: is it possible to find the best of the best? Photo gallery: color options for Thai cats

There are more than 250 cat breeds in the world, and they are all unique in their own way. Freedom-loving and calm, wayward and patient, affectionate and fluffy, big and small - so different in appearance and character that it is impossible to compare them with each other even approximately. But the most important thing is that for their owners they are the smartest, most beautiful and beloved. Below is a selection of the most interesting species cats that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Very unusual cats, fully corresponding to the status of “the most beautiful”. Their main distinctive feature- short legs, giving them a resemblance to dachshunds. The breed originated as a result of a spontaneous mutation approximately in the 30s of the last century. In the CIS countries, munchkins began to appear after 2001. Cats are very active, talkative, intelligent and trainable. With the proper approach and patience on the part of the owners, they can even carry out voice commands.

It is considered one of the oldest long-haired breeds. Visually similar to Persian cats, but is much more compact in size, slimmer and quicker in temperament.

They often have different eyes - one is usually blue, the other has a green or amber-yellow tint. They are very sociable and loyal, and also know how to quickly adapt to a change of residence. Purebred Angoras are rare in the post-Soviet space due to indiscriminate crossing with other breeds.

American Curl

American Curls are included in the category of the most beautiful cats in the world because of their unusual ears, as if turned inside out. A photo of a cat named Shulamith at one time flew halfway around the world, and in 1983 the breed was officially recognized in the USA. It is noteworthy that the “horns” of newborn kittens begin to curl only after 10 days of life. The nature of the pets is lively, inquisitive and very active. Are different good health and are quite unpretentious in care.

The breed "branched off" from Siamese cats, appearing in Europe and America around same time- 1884-1890 At the beginning of the 20th century, bobtails were brought to Russia, subsequently spreading throughout the territory former USSR. They are still not recognized by felinology, but are actively selected, crossing with individuals brought from Vietnam, China, Laos and other countries of Southeast Asia. Cats are distinguished by liveliness of character, curiosity, fertility and longevity. It is not uncommon for pets to live up to 20-25 years and even give birth when they are already old.

It is not difficult to guess which country is the birthplace of the animal - this is evident from the name of the breed. Brought to the USA after 1976, where a standard was developed for it. The cat itself belongs to the category of short-haired and is quite small in size. Its average weight varies between 2-3 kg. The coat is soft and silky to the touch, dense in structure, usually white. A very graceful, active and cheerful cat. A constant favorite of children, supporting them in all active games. Singapura kittens can easily be called the most beautiful among other smooth-haired breeds because of their touching and touching appearance.

One of the most recognizable and beautiful breeds in the world, especially popular in European countries (Norway, Italy, Czech Republic, Sweden). Its origin is associated with the oldest aboriginal cat of Russia, which dates back to the period of life of the Proto-Slavic Ant tribes. Mentions of the Russian Blue are found in chronicles of the 16th century, including those describing the life of Peter I, who kept cats of this breed at court. Subsequently, the “baton” of love for graceful and flexible animals was taken over by Catherine II, who presented purebred kittens as gifts to foreign guests.

It was bred by crossing the Asian leopard cat with a number of other breeds: Burmese, American Shorthair, Abyssinian, etc. The result is smart, hardy and active animals that, despite their rather impressive size (up to 8 kg), feel great in a home environment. The Bengal cat is completely devoted to its owner, is not aggressive and does not tolerate loneliness well. To the status of “the most beautiful,” Bengalis can also add the status of the most savvy. They easily master the science of opening interior and entrance doors, turning on/off lights and even flushing the toilet.

Selectively bred in the USA on the basis of the shorthaired Manx cat. The date of birth of the breed is considered to be 1960. The Cymric's extraordinary appearance is given by the absence of a tail, as well as expressive cheekbones and large round eyes. You can find a lot on the Internet beautiful photos These cats come in a variety of colors, from white and cream to silver-smoky and black. The animals are very obedient, playful in nature and love to bathe. Thanks to their powerful hind legs, they easily climb to any height, possessing excellent jumping ability.

"Tigercat" belongs to the category of designer cats and was bred in America. With its appearance and habits, the animal resembles a wild predator, but at the same time it has kind hearted and loyal character. The breed received recognition only in 2007, after which the doors opened for it international competitions. The toyger's coat has a spotted or striped-spotted color, is soft to the touch and has a golden tint in bright light. It is not surprising that the breed is ranked among the most beautiful cats in the world. Today, only a few breeders living in the USA, Australia, Canada and the UK are engaged in breeding toygers.

One of the few breeds that was not created artificially. The first mention of it dates back to 1861. The ancestors of domesticated cats still live in North America. The harsh climate contributed to the fact that the animals “acquired” thick hair, a fluffy tail and a hardened, hardy body. The weight of adult individuals averages 8-10 kg. Possessing large dimensions and a predatory lynx-like appearance, upon closer examination the Mei-Cun turns out to be a good-natured, tactful and affectionate creature. They get along well with dogs, are not afraid of water, and willingly play different games and calmly accept strangers in the house.


The most “lazy” cat breed, bred in the early 60s by Californian breeders. Literally translated from in English like a “rag doll” and fully lives up to its name. Visually, the animals are similar to the closest brothers of the Persians, having long, silky hair reminiscent of rabbit fur. Cats are very phlegmatic, obedient and good-natured in nature. They easily get along with different pets and do not require special attention. They are perceived by children as a toy, allowing them to do whatever they want with them.

Official breed of Norway, recognized in 1977. Mentions of these cats are found in the chronicles of the Norwegian epic of the 18th century. Animals are distinguished by a flexible and strong body, long hair with a water-repellent undercoat, powerful paws and long legs. An adult male reaches a weight of up to 7 kg, and thanks to his voluminous “fur coat” he appears even more massive. Norwegians are very freedom-loving and, despite their domestication, remain wild hunters inside. They love active games and enjoy exploring new places in the house or garden.

Scottish Folds are the result of a natural mutation that appeals to many cat lovers. The date of birth of the breed is considered to be 1961, when it was born on one of the Scottish farms. unusual cat with small bent ears pressed to the head. Today, Scottish Folds are very popular all over the world, winning the sympathy of people with their good-natured and balanced character, the ability to easily get along with other pets, and ease of care.

Which breed to choose is a purely individual decision. It's important to surround pet with maximum care and attention, not forgetting the well-known saying - we are responsible for those we have tamed.

It is impossible not to love cats: gentle, wayward creatures are capable of winning the heart of every person. Even mongrel cats magnificent, especially in the eyes of their loving owners. Nevertheless, breeders are working to develop new breeds that amaze the imagination with their beauty and sophisticated appearance. Which cat is the most beautiful in the world? This will be discussed in the article.

Turkish Angora

The breed was created by breeders from Europe and America based on cats that were brought from a Turkish zoo in the mid-twentieth century. Until this moment, in Ankara, beautiful snow-white long-haired cats with multi-colored eyes were considered a national treasure: a program to protect these animals is still in effect.

The Turkish Angora cat is a beautiful small-sized animal. Cats have slanted eyes, and often come in different colors: blue and green.

Turkish Angoras are very sociable: they do not tolerate loneliness well and try to take an active part in people’s conversations. They are easy to train. For example, they can be taught to open doors or turn off lights. The Turkish Angora chooses one owner whom it loves most. The cat even presents the “chosen one” with various gifts, for example, some small objects found on the floor.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon cats originated from a population that lived on farms in the American state of Maine. These cats were famous for their rather impressive size and mouse-catching abilities. The furry inhabitants of farms attracted the attention of breeders because they resembled raccoons with their physique and luxurious tail. By the way, this is why the breed got its name: “Maine” is translated as Maine, and the word “coon” is the second half of the word “racoon”, that is, “raccoon”.

Despite their size, Maine Coons have a fairly easygoing disposition and get along well with people. Animals are extremely careful: they carefully avoid all obstacles. Maine Coons are very affectionate and affectionate, in addition, they have enough high level“cat intelligence”, amenable to training.

Abyssinian cats are the oldest in the world. The breed received its name in honor of the country of Abyssinia, which today bears the name Ethiopia. The first Abyssinian cats were brought to Europe by the British military. Abyssinian beauties have a beautiful ocher-golden color, although recently blue, chocolate and even lilac cats have been bred.

Some of them have tassels on their ears. Their fur is quite thin and short.

Abyssinian cats have a rather lively temperament. They are unusually curious and never tire of exploring their surroundings. The nature of cats combines independence and a love of communicating with people. Another positive feature of Abyssinian cats is their high resistance to stress. In addition, they get along easily with other cats and even dogs. But it is not recommended to keep Abyssinian cats alone: ​​the animal will begin to feel sad.

Unfortunately, Abyssinians are very susceptible to leukemia, so the owners of these animals are advised to carefully monitor the health of their pets and get all the necessary vaccinations on time.

Savannah cats are a cross between the common domestic cat and the serval. This breed appeared in the early 80s in America. The goal of the breeders was to create the largest domestic cats, whose coloring would resemble a leopard.

Savannah is a fairly large cat; the weight of an adult can reach 15 kg. The paws of representatives of the breed are quite long, the neck is elongated.

As for the character of cats, we can say that they harmoniously combine calmness and activity. Kittens easily adapt to new conditions, love to move and are not at all afraid of water. These cats need to be walked regularly so that they can frolic to their heart's content. fresh air. In addition, the Savannah becomes very attached to its owner: their devotion and love are compared to that of a dog.

By the way, the Savannah is the most expensive breed in the world. Such a kitten can cost from 150 thousand rubles.

Sphinxes are quite large group hairless cats. It was possible to breed such animals thanks to a mutation that leads to the absence of hair. True, sphinxes still have fur, but it more closely resembles the “fluff” on peaches. Of course, in natural conditions such representatives of the cat family do not survive.

According to legends, hairless cats existed back in the ancient Egypt, where they were considered sacred animals.

Sphinxes have a rather affectionate disposition. They are quite intelligent and easy to train. In addition, representatives of the breed have enough good memory. Before you get a charming Sphynx, you should think about the fact that they absolutely cannot stand loneliness: it will be quite difficult for the animal to endure being in an empty apartment. It is also worth remembering that due to the lack of fur, sphinxes have difficulty withstanding the cold. Care must be taken to ensure that the animal does not freeze in winter. You should arrange special warm beds and dress your pet in special clothes.

Russian Blue is one of the most popular cat breeds in the world. They are adored by breeders in Finland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. And this is not at all surprising: Russian Blues indeed have an unusually memorable appearance.

Their fur is plush to the touch and has a smoky blue color. In addition, the Russian Blue is not only the most beautiful, but also a very practical breed: the animals are excellent mousecatchers.

The character of Russian Blue cats is distinguished by their softness: they are very delicate and obedient. True, a cat can be stubborn from time to time. It is interesting that representatives of the breed are very sensitive to the intonations of human speech, being excellent and very calm companions.

However, the Russian Blue will not allow anyone to cuddle itself, not even its beloved owner. But these cats simply adore children. In the presence of kids, the Russian Blue will forget about its “high” origin and will happily play active games.

In addition, these cats never allow themselves to let out their claws when interacting with people, even if we are talking about fairly cruel treatment. Therefore, you simply cannot imagine a better pet for a large family.

Curls are cats with beautiful semi-long hair, which can have different colors. Most characteristic feature Curls have slightly curled ears. Such unusual ears appeared as a result of a random mutation, which was fixed by breeders.
Curls' eyes can come in a variety of colors and usually match the color of their coat.

Curls are quite cheerful, playful animals. Interestingly, they retain their love for active games until old age. Curls can follow their owners literally everywhere. They have a rather affectionate disposition and hate being left alone for a long time, so it’s worth thinking about getting at least two cats who can communicate with each other when their owners are not at home.

They have a special love for young children. Of course, the child should be explained that the animal should never be hurt, and it is very important not to physical impact on the cat’s ears, which due to the mutation are especially sensitive and fragile.

Curls meow quite rarely, being practically the quietest breed in the world, and they prefer to express their emotions with soft purring sounds.

Siberian cats are beautiful animals with thick, warm fur. The “Siberians” were first mentioned in the 15th century. In Russia they were found everywhere, not just in Siberia. It is believed that wild forest cats, which interbred quite freely with domestic cats, played a large role in the formation of the breed.

"Siberians" are quite large in size, and at the same time they have a rather cute, pretty face. Interestingly, these cats almost never cause allergies. Allergy sufferers are especially recommended to have silver-colored animals. The eyes of Siberian cats usually have a "wild" look. greenish tint. But blue-eyed representatives often suffer from deafness.

These cats become quite attached to their owner and have a balanced, calm character. Nevertheless, animals can be very wary of strangers. They are the most attentive pussies, very sensitive to the mood of the owner. They try to calm down an excited or upset person with quiet cooing.

The name of these animals literally translates as “rag doll.” The breed appeared in America in the 60s of the twentieth century. Cats' fur is quite soft; it feels like the fur of rabbits.

Interestingly, cats did not get their name because of their color, which can vary over a fairly wide range: from snow-white to almost black. Due to a genetic mutation, ragdolls can relax their muscles to such an extent that they can be given almost any pose: breeders believe that ragdolls are the calmest cats in the world. However, this phlegmatic nature sometimes plays a cruel joke on cats, especially in situations where a fairly quick reaction is required to save a life. For this reason, it is not recommended to let ragdolls go outside alone.

Ragdolls do not tolerate loneliness very well. If an animal is often left without the opportunity to communicate with people, it will begin to lose weight and get sick.

Other popular breeds

Other breeds that are also very popular are:

  • Persians. Persian beauty originally from Turkey. These are very calm and affectionate animals, distinguished by their long length. beautiful wool, their kittens are wonderful snub-nosed fluffies.
  • Bengal. They behave like royalty and know their worth. Very smart, easy to train, loyal to their owners.
  • British. Many consider them the most beautiful cats in the world. Both kittens and adult animals resemble plush toys, they have charming faces, large Blue eyes and a wonderful gentle character. In addition, they are distinguished by good health.
  • Siamese. A very independent and proud cat, graceful and flexible. She is very suspicious and unfriendly towards strangers, but she is selflessly devoted to her owner and never shows aggression towards him.
  • The Scottish Fold is defenseless and sweet, it seems that he will never leave his childhood, playful and carefree. A very affectionate animal, but in case of threat it can stand up for itself,
  • American is an exotic breed. Its representatives are distinguished by their agility and liveliness. They love attention very much, they always try to be in the owner’s field of vision, and are responsive to affection.

So which cats are the most beautiful in the world? More than 700 breeds have already been bred! They are all wonderful, soft and warm purrs. Every owner will jealously claim that his pet is the main contender for first place in the ranking of the most beautiful cat on the planet.

Today there are about 70 species of cats in the world. Some breeds of tailed friends appeared completely by accident. The development of most artificial breeds took many years of painstaking work by sectionalists. Each type of cat is beautiful in its own way, because everyone has a different concept of beauty. In our article we will talk about ten the most beautiful cats in the world, which will not leave any fan of mustachioed and striped animals indifferent.

1. British Shorthair cat

The list of the 10 most beautiful cats in the world opens with the British Shorthair. This breed first appeared in the 19th century in Great Britain. Their descendant is considered to be the Cheshire Cat. Despite their strong build, cats are very kind, smart and patient. This breed does not require increased attention to its person and easily tolerates short separations from its owner. The beautiful colors of the British Shorthair cat can be solid, smoke, tabby, bicolor and tortoiseshell. Despite their massive structure, representatives of this breed are very fast and agile. They love to play with their owners. It should be noted that this type very good at catching rats and mice. Cats have a very peculiar character; they do not like to be petted and carried in arms. By their nature, they are very calm and will never cause disturbances in the house, for example, tearing books, hanging on curtains, etc.

2. Bengal cat

There is an opinion that Bengal cats are very aggressive. Actually this is not true. They are hunters by nature and love to catch birds and mice. Despite this, they can be very affectionate, perfectly combining the qualities of a domestic and wild animal. These beautiful cats require education from the very beginning early age. If you don't work with such an animal, it can become a little wild. There is never a dull moment with a Bengal cat, she is very energetic and playful. There are no particular difficulties in care, since she is smooth-haired. Even people who are prone to allergies can get a Bengal cat, since allergies almost never occur to its fur.

3. Siberian cat

The Siberian cat is one of the most beautiful cat breeds. The whiskered representatives of this species have a very unique coat, it does not allow moisture to pass through and perfectly protects the animal from exposure low temperatures. One of the hallmarks of this species is its bushy tail. The color of this breed can be very diverse. Siberian cats are very beautiful creatures thanks to their fluffy fur and cute face. They do an excellent job as a pet and hunter. Despite their rather small size, they are always in excellent physical shape.

4. Scottish fold

For many, the Scottish Fold (or Scottish Fold) is the most beautiful cat in the world. This unusual variety of domestic animals appeared as a result of gene mutation. In addition to the Scottish Fold, there is also a straight-eared cat. If the first one has kittens, this does not mean at all that they will be of the same breed. To determine, you must correctly be able to analyze the shape of the ears. If a kitten's ears straighten up at a certain age, then it is already a Scottish straight-eared kitten; if not, then it is a fold-eared kitten. Scottish Folds have a soft, balanced character. They are very playful. One of the highlights of this breed is its ability to special effort stand on your hind legs.

5. Snowshoe

The Snowshoe is a beautiful breed of cat that arose as a result of crossing an American Shorthair cat with a Siamese. Translated from English, snowshoe means “snow shoe.” The species got its name thanks to the so-called white socks. By nature, snowshu are very kind and affectionate. These beautiful cats easily get along with children. Such pets cannot stand loneliness; they are very attached to their owners. Snowshoes do not require special care. They have a reduced sense of disgust towards water, so bathing them is a pleasure. This breed has two color types: seal point and blue point (with white markings).

6. Toyger

The Toyger cat breed appeared relatively recently. In their coloring, its representatives resemble a tiger. In addition to the fact that the Toyger is one of the most beautiful cats in the world, they are also distinguished by their friendly and flexible character. This cat is perfect for families with children, as it is not at all aggressive and is not capable of scratching anyone, much less biting. They love to play and sit in your arms. Toygers are very smart and easily learn new skills. Cats of this variety love water. Some representatives of this species can even dive into the water for their favorite toys.

7. Siamese cat

Siamese cats are very active and sociable. They cannot stand loneliness and become very attached to their owner. In addition, they love to be the center of attention. Despite the fact that the Siamese cat is one of the most beautiful in the world, it has two negative traits, such as jealousy and revenge. Remember, if a person dared to offend this pet, he will never forgive this and will definitely take revenge at the right moment. Siamese cats are very easy to train and that is why they often perform in the circus.

8. Russian Blue cat

Russian Blue is one of the most popular and most beautiful cats in the whole world. This breed of pets has a soft, easy-going character. They are very kind and not vindictive at all. Even if you seriously offend a cat, it will never let out its claws. Russian blue cat Ideal for families with children or elderly people.

9. American Shorthair

American Shorthair cats have a unique tabby coloration. They have a muscular body structure and are quite large in themselves, their weight can reach 8 kilograms. This breed has a wide variety of colors, such as white, cream, black and smoky, blue and bicolor. American Shorthairs are easy to care for. Despite the fact that these beautiful cats are real mousecatchers by nature, they can also be wonderful pets. In order for a cat to feel good, it is necessary to play with it and force it to move as much as possible, since this breed is predisposed to obesity. Also, this type does not require special attention. While the owner is busy, the animal can easily find something to do to keep itself busy.

Calling a woman a cat means giving her a compliment. After all, most people associate cats with elegance, grace and independence.

Now please take your furry and not so furry pets away from our blue screens. Because now we will show the photo top 20 most beautiful cat breeds. And those who were not included in the list will probably want to take revenge on us right in our slippers.

Of course, the concept of “beauty” is very subjective. Therefore, in the selection of candidates for the title “most beautiful breeds cats" we were guided not only by personal preferences, but also by the judgment of reputable publications such as Business Insider, as well as the opinion of judge Joan Miller from international organization Cat Fanciers' Association. The result is a list of the top 20 breeds that are most likely to elicit oohs and aahs from cat lovers. All members of the list are distributed in random order, since they are all good in their own way.

20. Turkish Angora (Angora cat)

This graceful, long-haired cat has come a long way: from a descendant of the domesticated African wild cat to an all-white, odd-eyed animal that has been recognized as one of Turkey's national treasures. However, now in the photos of the most beautiful cats you can often see not a snow-white angora, but a cat of white-red, white-gray or another color. But there are fewer and fewer pure white representatives of the breed.

The Turkish Angora is inquisitive, loves to “talk” to people, and often instead of meowing, it makes uterine purring sounds without opening its mouth.

19. Russian blue cat

This is a graceful yet muscular cat with a slender body, a wedge-shaped head and brilliant emerald green eyes. She is an excellent rat catcher, distrustful of strangers, very affectionate and playful with children (while keeping her claws in place), and behaves delicately and meekly with her owners. The perfect pet both for an apartment and a private house.

"This breed is the embodiment ethereal beauty“says Joan Miller. Calm, dignified Persians know that they are beautiful and take admiration for them for granted. However, if you don’t take care of their luxurious long hair, then a photo of one of the most beautiful cats in the world will resemble a nightmare: a matted, huge mat from which huge eyes can be seen.

Once upon a time, only nobles and members of the royal family of Siam (modern Thailand) could pet these elegant beauties with bright blue eyes and color point coloring. They were prohibited from being exported outside the country.

In 1871, Siamese cats, presented to the English consul by the King of Siam, appeared at the first Crystal Palace National Competition in England. Journalists immediately called them “unnatural nightmare cats.” However, ordinary Englishmen did not agree with the press representatives. They were struck by the unusual color of the animals. Currently, Siamese cats have about 40 coat color options.

It is curious that representatives of the Siamese-oriental group can change the tonality and pitch of sound in order to convey their feelings and desires to the owner.

16. Pixie-bob (short-tailed elf)

Do you want a miniature, affectionate and loyal lynx running around your house? Then get a pixie-bob cat, which translates as “short-tailed elf.” This breed, artificially bred in 1995, is the result of crossing domestic and wild Canadian and American forest cats.

The result is a cat that is highly trainable, highly intelligent, and very attached to its owner. And at the same time he has the appearance of a lynx, only a small one. Lovely, isn't it?

Beneath the fragile elegance of these slender, long-legged cats lies a muscular and resilient body. “The Cornish Rex is considered the most graceful of all cat breeds,” says Joan Miller, “and this is always evident in his movements.” High cheekbones, oval eyes and huge ears give the Cornish Rex charm, you want to pet them and pet them.

Bombay resembles a jungle cat. And this is no coincidence, because Bombay cats were originally conceived as miniature black panthers. Breeding a “pure” Bombay cat lasted four generations. It's hard not to call such a pet Bagheera.

13. Maine Coon

Their royal size and thick, fluffy coat make Maine Coons one of the most beautiful cat breeds in the world. Like others fluffy breeds Maine Coons need plenty of vitamins and minerals.

Maine Coons are as loyal and people-friendly as dogs. Unlike many other domestic cats, they never require constant attention from the owner. These gentle giants adapt to any environment and are quiet yet playful. An excellent option for a home with children who already understand that they shouldn’t grab the “kitty” by the whiskers and tail.

One of oldest breeds cats in the world. Its representatives have huge, expressive eyes and a beautiful textured color, for which Abyssinians are called “sunny cats.”

Abyssinian cats are one of the most beautiful and fun-loving cats in the world. They are energetic, lean, muscular and very similar to the cats depicted in ancient Egyptian paintings. Don't expect these cats to sit quietly on your lap; they need movement and entertainment.

Silky fur, mesmerizing blue eyes, a fluffy tail - all this is about the Burmese cat. Kittens are born white, and then their fur acquires its own unique shade.

One of the most beautiful cats in the world also has a beautiful legend associated with the appearance of the breed. A group of white cats lived in one of the Buddhist temples, guarding a golden statue of a goddess with bright blue eyes. Unfortunately, the head priest of the temple was killed by robbers. One White cat approached the priest, stood on his head and changed in front of the amazed defenders of the temple. The beast's eyes became blue, its fur golden, and the tips of its paws became white, like the hair of a murdered monk. Obeying the gaze of the magical animal, the monks plucked up courage and managed to drive the robbers out of the temple. And the cat stayed next to the body of its owner for 7 days, after which it died and took the monk’s soul to heaven. Since then, all sacred Burmese cats characteristic color, supposedly blessed by the goddess.

This elegant cat has a long, lush coat, ideal for keeping warm in the harsh Siberian cold. Well, or in conditions when the heating season has already begun, and the radiators in your house are still cold. But the temperament of Siberian cats is not at all harsh, they are gentle, kind, and very smart animals.

9. Bengal (Felis silvestris catus) (Prionailurus bengalensis)

In appearance, this golden-orange cat is a real mini-leopard. Black or chocolate-colored spots can be seen all over its body. The movements of the Bengal are full of grace, and the features of a wild animal and a domestic cat are intertwined in their character. These animals are loyal to their owners, sociable, and at the same time love hunting games. They are happy to run after a piece of paper or a toy mouse.

The Bengal breed appeared as a result of crossing a domestic black cat and a wild Bengal cat named Malaysia, which biologist Jean Mill bought as a kitten.

8. Ragdoll

Cats of this breed are known for their blue eyes, thick fur coat and large size. Ragdoll - very affectionate, playful, loyal domestic cat, which loves to follow the owner to every corner of the house. These cats are smart enough to retract their claws while playing. They are also known for greeting you at your doorstep like guard dogs.

7. Scottish Fold

Thanks to their wide muzzle and curved ears, these cats look very cute and touching.

Unlike adult cats, Scottish Fold kittens have straight ears. They begin to curl forward and downward three weeks after birth. There are both longhaired and shorthaired Scottish cats.

6. Toyger

Leopards and panthers have already been included in our photo rating of the most beautiful cat breeds in the world. Now it's time for the tigers. The Toyger breed is so named because its representatives look like miniature toy tigers. They weigh from 4 to 6 kilograms.

It is very difficult to find Toygers outside of the United States. The toy cat breed is still “in development.” Unique tiger stripes are randomly distributed across the light orange body of these cats. Toygers are muscular, have small round ears and a long tail. Unlike their “big brothers,” they are playful, easy to train, and love to interact with people.

5. Norwegian Forest Cat

These cats are distinguished by their magnificent long hair, which makes them similar to Maine Coons and Siberian cats. The neck of the Norwegians is surrounded by a chic fur collar, which is their distinguishing feature.

These animals can entertain themselves if their owners are busy. Very smart, friendly, but do not like hugs and kisses. But Norwegian forest cats are very favorable towards stroking and scratching.

4. American curl

An elongated muzzle, large eyes of a special shape, giving the gaze a slightly surprised expression, small curved ears with rounded tips and woolen tassels inside the shell - by these signs you will immediately distinguish the American Curl from other breeds.

American Curls are one of the most affectionate and gentle creatures in the world. To be the center of attention, these cats are ready to perform various tricks, for which they are even nicknamed “clown cats.” They do not tolerate loneliness well.

3. Nibelung

This is a very rare cat breed that is a long-haired variety of the Russian Blue. The breed was named after the “creature of the fog” from the German epic “The Song of the Nibelungs”.

Nibelungs have beautiful blue fur with silver tipping, large green eyes and pointed ears. They do not adapt well to changes in the home, but they become very attached to family members and love to sit on laps.

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “munchkin” is its short legs. These funny-looking cats are very funny and smart. Because of their short legs, it is difficult for them to jump, but “dachshund cats” run quickly. Instead of climbing hind legs and look around, the munchkin will sit on his seat and firmly rest his tail. It can sit in this position for a very long time and looks like a kangaroo due to its front legs hanging down on the sides.

1. Turkish Van (Van Kedisi)

Snow-white fur combined with a red-chestnut tail gives these cats a unique charm. And if you have succumbed to the charm of the Turkish Van and are already thinking about buying a kitten, then keep in mind: you will have a very difficult time bathing your pet. Its fur completely absorbs water.

Many representatives of the Turkish Van breed have a human fingerprint on their left shoulder. According to legend, a cat that found itself on Noah's Ark killed a mouse created by the devil that was trying to gnaw a hole in the ship. For this, the cat received God's blessing. The Lord laid His hand on her.

If your cat's breed is not on this list, don't worry. Beauty, as we know, is in the eye of the beholder. So look at your cat. Isn't she the most beautiful in the world?

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