Beautiful good night wishes to your beloved boyfriend, man, husband in your own words. How to originally, romantically, erotically wish the guy you like good night in prose, poetry, in different languages ​​of the world? Nice words for the night, wishes for loved ones

Wish Good night since ancient times has had a special meaning in different cultures peace.
This is not only a generally recognized form of politeness, but also an action that has an aura of mystery and mysticism among various peoples. So, let's find out what meaning our ancestors put into wishes and how to wish Good night V modern world?

The meaning of sleep among different peoples of the world

It is common knowledge that the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Indians considered sleep a state similar to death. In itself, it was considered not the end of the existence of the human soul, but its transition to another state. Sleep was perceived as a transitional state between the world of the living and the world of the dead. It is no coincidence that Hypnos and Thanatos, gods of sleep and death respectively, were brothers.

According to legend, Hypnos lived in a cave on the island of Lemnos. Do not be surprised, many ancient Greek gods had a very specific place of birth on Earth. Hypnos was represented by the ancient Greeks as a young man with snow-white wings on his back (just like his twin brother Thanatos, the god of death, only he had black wings growing behind his back).

Morpheus, the son of Hypnos, according to legend, entered people's dreams, taking on any form and appearance. He was portrayed in different ways, some as an old man and some as a young guy. The famous expression “in the arms of Morpheus” has the following roots: the ancient Hellenes believed that when they dreamed, Morpheus himself embraced them.

The Greeks believed that at night he flies over the world, spraying poppy juice and plunging people and gods into the world of dreams.

The ancient Roman god Somnus was depicted as a man in a toga made of dark fabric with a wreath of poppies on his head. In his hand he held a cup of poppy juice. The spirits of dreams flew around his bed.
The Slavic pantheon also knows the patron gods of sleep. The married couple Sleep and Dream put all living things to sleep. Drema in legends was represented in the form of a small woman who enters a house in the dark and, thanks to her charms, puts the inhabitants of the home to sleep.

IN Slavic mythology there was also a place for younger gods responsible for human sleep: Sonya, who sends light, joyful night visions; Ugomon, the patron of those who sing lullabies, and Bai, the god of deceptive dreams, who was usually represented by our ancestors in the form of a cat (perhaps he is somehow connected with another mythical creature from Slavic legends - the Bayun cat).

According to people of that time, the soul left the physical shell during sleep, going on a journey to other worlds. To make a person wake up, priests of different religions came up with special rituals. They differed in details, but the main goal remained - to return the fallen asleep from a parallel reality, this is how they answer the question of why people say good night. The wish for a good sleep then acquires a mystical symbol; with such an action, a person seemed to convey a message to the soul of another: “Come back to our world.”

Lullaby - an ancient wish

As is known from ancient manuscripts and chronicles, all spells and religious texts were written down in poetic form. A striking example of this is the ancient Indian Vedas or the Bible with the Koran - the three mentioned books are written in the form of poetry.

Likewise, the lullaby was perceived as a spell that helps scare away evil forces and gives the child the opportunity to return from a trip to the afterlife safe and sound.

The rhythmic and calm melody of the mother's voice calmed the child, providing beneficial influence on an overexcited child's psyche.

According to one version, the word “lullaby” comes from the name of the evil witch Lilith and is translated as “go away, goodbye Lilith” (according to the non-canonical version, Lilith is the first wife of Adam, who, according to legend, stole small children). The lullaby was supposed to prevent her atrocities.

Now: ways to express attention

It's no secret that modern society with its frantic rhythm makes a person depressed. A person is designed in such a way that after he comes home and does not always pleasant household chores, he desires attention. After all, you are a social creature, but a simple parting word can calm you down and even give you new strength. The meaning of a lullaby for a child has already been mentioned above. It is also important for an adult, especially if people want to express in this way mutual sympathy. It’s easier for girls to figure out how to say goodnight to a guy, because they more often use endearments in communication.

Today it will not be difficult to find a wish good night in any form: from the most ornate poems to simple poems with a humorous touch. What can you wish your soulmate for the night? In most cases, the poem is sent to girls, because according to the ancient saying, “a girl loves with her ears.”

The secret is that the stronger half of humanity is not averse to sometimes getting their share of attention, although guys more often figure out how to wish good night to a girl. wish sweet dreams You can use your phone by recording a voice message (long live technology) or a text message - usually a poem. However, the most the right way express your warm feelings - in the old fashioned way, wish this in personal contact.

Who shouldn't say goodnight and why?

An interesting fact, but these types of wishes are not considered correct and, on the contrary, are harmful. How did this happen and why can’t you say good night? It's all about the signs and superstitions that we inherited from our ancestors.

In ancient times, people believed that saying good night meant “spending sleep with the soul of a deceased person.” Peace has always been associated with death, so to this day, when sending the deceased on his last journey, they wish him to “sleep peacefully.” The dead need not worry about earthly affairs.

You should not say good night to pregnant women, because if the baby is lying “calmly,” it means he is not moving at all. Because of this opinion, women in this position are better off wishing good night. Let everything be fine, the child moves as it should.

This superstition is especially widespread among doctors: they consider it bad manners to wish a colleague well, which means someone will certainly have a deceased patient on duty.

Border guards should not wish this kind of thing, because then they will fall into a deep sleep and will definitely let in a violator of the state border.


You can replace “good night” with another phrase that does not have a negative connotation: good or sweet dreams (the latter is best wished for children).

Good night from the point of view of a philologist

Let's move from signs, gods and mythological themes to philology and grammar. We often hear “good night” from TV screens, and it would seem that the expression does not carry any negative semantic meaning, however, from the point of view of Russian scholars and etiquette experts, this is a gross violation of norms. Historically, it has been ingrained that saying good night is the same as saying goodbye. It is not acceptable to use it in a welcome form. This rule valid for all Indo-European languages.

Let's take for example English language, whose well-known expressions everyone knows - good morning and good evening ( Good morning And Good evening) can and should be used as a greeting, thereby setting others in a positive mood. The expression good night is a traditional form of saying “goodbye” or “farewell.” From this it is clear that the situation is identical to the Russian language, so using this as a greeting would be a manifestation of illiteracy.

Compliance with the golden mean between the requirements of the time and language rules is the right path not only for a philologist, but also for any educated person.

It's time to sleep or how they go to bed in different countries

In the United States, children and parents sleep separately because it is believed that this develops independence in the child. They go to bed until 9 o'clock so that parents have more time for themselves.

In the country Rising Sun On the contrary, it is customary for the child to sleep with his parents until adolescence at the age of 15.

In the homeland of Goethe and Schiller, everything is very strict - children are usually sent to bed at 7 pm.

In Italian families, things are more liberal and it is not customary for a child to sleep separately. He sleeps with his parents in the same bed until he is 6 years old.

In Guatemala, children can do without brushing their teeth and other mandatory procedures before bed, he can fall asleep anywhere. The situation is similar in Argentina - residents of the “silver country” always spend time together, and often happy children fall asleep right in the restaurant while their parents celebrate. From the above it is clear how the traditions of the peoples of the world differ, bringing their own flavor even to such a seemingly ordinary action as wishing good night.

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It’s strange, but nowadays many people forget not only the polite “Thank you,” but also the traditional “Good night.” It is worth correcting this mistake and renewing the traditions that were invented a long time ago by cultural and friendly people. So how to say goodnight to a loved one so that when he falls into the tender hands of Morpheus, he sees wonderful, bright dreams? Well, first of all, such wishes must come from the heart - with good and clear intentions. If there is no sincerity in the wishes of good night, then the recipient of these parting words will have a bad night’s sleep. Secondly, good night wishes should be pronounced in a calm voice, soft timbre and after them, preferably, no further conversations should be conducted. After all, the wishes have already been made, which means that only a calm atmosphere and sound sleep lie ahead.

Beautiful good night wishes to your beloved boyfriend, man, husband in prose, in your own words

Such wishes are an intimate part of the relationship between a man and a woman. When lovers are far from each other or fall asleep not nearby, they always try to leave best wishes at night so that their “other half” can remain satisfied and fall asleep peacefully. In addition, such wishes show you with the best side, presenting him as a caring guy or girl who wants to take care of his loved one even in his sleep.


Sleep sweetly, my fluffy, sweet kitten! May this night give you hundreds of fabulous and interesting dreams. Let your crib be biga ship that will take you to a fairyland where dreams come true.

Dear, I wish you such sweet and sweet night like my kisses. I wish you good dreams that will take you to the fabulous world of dreams and allow you to dissolve in your dreams.

I send you not only my kisses, but also wishes that will make your sleep sound and serene. I want your holiday to be sweet and calm, so that nothing disturbs or worries you.

May my words of good night wishes give you sweet peace and tranquility. I want your dream to carry you away on clouds across a clear starry sky, and for your soul to be happy and joyful.

Only for Him - wishes in your own words

Remember that men like exclusivity - both in relationships and in small things. They are able to immediately detect falsehood, so if your poems do not come to mind, then it is better to write a wish without rhyme, but from the heart, and put a special meaning into it. Even if you are overwhelmed with feelings for your loved one, it is not always easy to figure out how to wish good night to a guy in your own words. Whatever you write, it will please your loved one. Even a short “I love you!” can replace a thousand beautiful words. You can send it via SMS. In the message, you can hint to the guy about some intimate moments that are known only to you two. This will once again convince him that the message is intended only for him. The text of the letter could be something like this: “I will never forget what happened between us today! I miss you already! Can't wait for tomorrow! Good night, my beloved!” The main rule is not to write a letter of several pages. A couple of lines are enough. Most likely, your loved one will fall asleep without reading the long message to the end. What can you do, men have their own characteristics!

Poetic wishes for good night

It will be much more interesting if you wish good night in poetry or in a song. Moreover, the content of such a wish depends on the personality of the person to whom you are addressing it.

So, if a girl you know or a single woman came to visit you and stayed overnight, then you can wish her before going to bed: “In a new place / Dream about the bridegroom.” In Rus' it was believed that if you say so, you will dream prophetic dream, in which the betrothed of the sleeping girl will appear.

When putting your child to bed, you can sometimes do without the phrase “good night”, replacing it with lullabies known to small Russian TV viewers: “Sleep, my joy, fall asleep...” or “Tired toys are sleeping, books are sleeping...”. In children's literature and oral folklore, you will find many other lullabies that contain wishes for good night.

You can give it to your girlfriend before bed beautiful postcard with a poetic wish. An example is the following quatrain: “I wish you sweet dreams! / And I secretly hope / That I will meet you in this land / Of blessed and heavenly flowers!” You can also quote individual lines on relevant topics from the poetic works of great poets.

How to wish good night to a girl?

A guy can send to his beloved short SMS with words of confession of feelings or parting words about serene peaceful sleep. And, following your wish, you can also send a funny picture - the moon, stars or a cute sleepy face. Believe me, such a little night “creation” can be remembered by a girl for the rest of her life. If a guy has a highly developed imagination, then he can compose a whole fairy tale for a girl. This, by the way, will also be a kind of good night wish. After all, fairy tales have a happy ending and are told, according to tradition, at bedtime. Winter wishes It’s winter now, there’s a lot of snow outside. Here's a hint, by the way! You can line up girls with snowballs in front of the windows short wish: "Good night, darling". And it’s unusual, and the neighbors will be happy for the young romantics. How to say good night beautifully so that it can sound like a melody in the night? Serenades, of course, are a sentimental thing, but it is better to sing them in the morning or afternoon. A guy can compose some tender song, record it on a disc and invite his girlfriend to listen to this composition every time before going to bed.

Regarding romantic actions

You can wish good night in a very original way. For example, lay out snowballs: “Good night, my love!” under the windows of his beloved. Girls can leave a note “Good night, my happiness!”, say, in a guy’s jacket pocket. He will be very pleased to find such a sign of attention.

Sometimes even a banal “good night” sinks into the soul and sounds better than a thousand words and confessions. Be attentive to your loved ones. After all, they really appreciate and are waiting for your attention.

Sleep baby and may you have a dream this night, how we will be close to you, how I will be in love with you, sleep baby I want to wish you a good night! 192

I’ll kiss your ear and tell you - my favorite girl! Dream about me today! 263

I wish you good night and I hug you tenderly sleeping! 290

Good night, my angel, I love you with all my soul, I kiss you tenderly, I hug you, and know that I miss you! 474

May you dream of me in a good dream,
Good glorious dream, where days rush, years fly,
Where life flows without counting the days,
Where a golden ray of sunshine touches you
The bird of happiness will spread its wings over you
And will cover up the bad weather,
Just remember me
And your soul will become easier. 225

There are two stars in the world, called me and you. Good night, my star. 106 - Good night girl

Sleep sweetly, baby, I wish you briefly: that I come to you in a dream, kiss you, and leave by morning! 141

Sleep well, everything is ahead of us! ;) 225

I wish you
Good night,
I wish you warm, bright dreams,
May your favorite CAT dream this night,
who loves and madly waits... 143

I'm writing you a poem
Go to sleep my little angel
After all, sweet dreams are already a path
It has been lying at your feet for a long time! 107

Good night, my piece of happiness. I want to touch your lips, look into your eyes, and quietly whisper into the night - I love you! Kiss. Smack-smack. 103

In the morning you will wake up and quietly open your eyes. And you will remember that there is a heart in the world that really, really needs you! 166 (1)

A strangled bird is sleeping, a dead fox is sleeping, flies are sleeping in the web, sleep, otherwise I’ll kill you with a pillow!)) 69

Beautiful dreams, like from a fairy tale: kind, gentle, about love... Close your eyes quickly, good night, sleep sweetly! 210

After day comes night, a light wind brings on dreams, as if alive, and I dream that it will always be you and me! 36

May you have joyful dreams, may you dream of the hot shine of the moon, may you dream the same thing as me, let’s meet in a dream tonight! 122

I go to bed, but my heart dreams of seeing you! Read, smile and remember me! 84

I’m in a hurry to deliver a good night wish to you, and it contains the following message: well, I miss you very much! 49

Quickly close your eyes and fall asleep! I'm already waiting for you in my dreams! 80

My text message arrived again, I want to wish you good night :) 48

The city is quietly falling asleep, the stars, the sky, silence, sleep, kitten, good night! Even at night I'm crazy about you! 37

Hello! I'm a night text! Sent from a man in love to the most wonderful girl in the world! I kiss you goodnight and wish you sweet dreams! 63

My beloved, I adore you, I haven’t seen you for an hour, I miss you very much, I miss your lips, your eyes, your sweet smile, why is the blanket hugging you now and not me? I want the morning to come quickly and I will see you again... I miss you, I love you! 115

Today it is quiet, serene, the night will smile tenderly. Let yourself dream about everything you want. Darling, good night! 40

Sleep, purr, don’t be sad, all your worries are behind you, always, in the heat, in the cold, in the heat and on days off - I want to be next to you! 32

Good night, sweet dreams, I wish you again, I want to wish you every day, and in the morning gently sing - I love you, everything in this world is for you! 56

When you love, you want to talk about it. What to wish your loved one before going to bed? What words to choose to please him? Below are examples of phrases for guys, husbands and just men. Without a doubt, everyone will be glad to hear or read such words in SMS.

Examples of pleasant affectionate words

Dear, my most gentle and affectionate man! Now that magical time of day has come when, after a hard day, you can just lie down and forget all the failures or troubles. Maybe they weren’t there, but still I know that you are tired and want to forget about fatigue and enjoy your rest. It's a pity that I'm not with you at this wonderful moment. I could embellish this wonderful time even more and add some variety to it. Perhaps you wouldn't mind enjoying your favorite dish? I would love to make it for you to comfort and relax you.

Dear, forgive me for my thoughts, I just know that you are somewhere far from me, you are going to rest, and nothing else comes to mind except dreaming about us. This dream can come true today, though only in a dream. Come to my dream, and there we will be together. You and I will hold each other's hands tenderly and, snuggling, enjoying the fiery sunset, dream of a future together. Perhaps you will see other dreams, and therefore I want to wish you, my sweet one, that you see the brightest and beautiful dreams. Let you dream what you dream about.

I know that you dream of a vacation, so let you dream of magnificent places, islands, mountains. I wish you to see yourself somewhere on a beautiful island, on the seashore, where you will enjoy watching the nature around you, listening to the unsurpassed sounds of the surf and simply relaxing from the drabness of everyday life. I wish you to feel light and at ease in your sleep. Let all your bad thoughts disappear to give you the opportunity to sleep peacefully and plunge into the fabulous world of wish fulfillment.

My dear, I also wish you to see your most vivid memories in your dreams. Let them warm your soul and take you away from bad thoughts and disappointments. I hope that you will also remember me and enjoy some of the memories that connect you and me. My unique and most the only man, sleep peacefully and don’t think about anything. I will appear in your dream and do everything to make you feel like a king. I will give you all my tenderness, affection and care. I wish you not to miss this opportunity and still let me into your consciousness.

I miss you very much and can't wait to see you again. I’m sure that you miss me too, that’s why I wish you to go to bed soon to see me. I adore you! Good night and sweetest dreams. I love you madly…

All personal relationships consist of many nuances. Here you can find romantic moments, daily chores, and your own little cute rituals. Among the latter, good night wishes occupy a special place. Many couples give this action great importance, because wishing good night is an intimate moment that connects two lovers with an atmosphere of secluded tenderness. However, the relationship continues for a certain, sometimes considerable period of time. And every day to utter the same banal phrase is to devalue it, to deprive this moment of that special charm that made both lovers smile and go to bed with a feeling of tenderness for each other. But what can be brought new to this ritual? How to choose the words to express your love for a loved one and demonstrate your care for them? Let's try to find answers to these questions.

Everything has its time

The degree of frankness and intimacy, and, accordingly, the list of appropriate phrases, largely depend on what stage your relationship is at. If they are just beginning, you don’t know each other well enough yet, and your mutual attraction is at its peak; gentle, but rather streamlined phrases are needed. If the relationship is long-term, you have become truly family, the phrases may be more frank or, on the contrary, light, affectionate, almost weightless - at this stage you will already know exactly what your loved one expects from you that evening.

If you divide everything possible relationship between a guy and a girl according to the degree of closeness, we can distinguish the following groups:

  • The relationship is friendly or friendly. Perhaps the girl likes the guy, she wants to take the relationship to a different plane, but at this stage they cannot be called personal or close.
  • Mutual interest is just awakening between a guy and a girl. They gradually begin to become bolder and flirt with each other. In a word, this is not a relationship yet, but light flirting, preceding them.
  • Relationships are at their most initial stage. A guy and a girl become a couple, but they are not yet very confident in getting used to each other. At this moment, the importance of sweet rituals and signs of attention is especially high.
  • The relationship is active and rapidly developing. A lot of passion, a lot of attention, but the routine has not yet burdened them. Small disagreements, quarrels and reconciliations may already be behind us. In a word, he has some baggage behind him, but not so much as to “bend the impulses of feelings to the ground.”
  • The guy and the girl have been in a relationship for a very long time. They became practically family to each other. There are almost no secrets left, gusts of uncontrollable passion have turned into smooth, confident affection. At the same time, the good night wish turned into a good old tradition.
  • The relationship is already over. For some reason, a guy and a girl can no longer be members of them. However, communication did not stop. Sometimes this state is called “staying friends.” Perhaps the feelings have not completely extinguished between them, sometimes they yearn for them and imagine how they would return everything back, but in reality they already call each other “ex”.

Of course, each of the above situations requires individual approach. The phrases that the girl will use to wish her good night will also be different, the intonation will be different, and, of course, the result will be different. Now a little about the phrases themselves and the meaning they carry.

How to choose words

As for the situation described in the first paragraph, where the guy and the girl are not yet formally in a relationship, then you can use the most concise, non-binding wording, but at the same time hinting at a hidden meaning:

  • “I was very glad to talk to you, but it’s late, you’re probably tired. I wish you good night!"
  • “I would chat with you like this until the morning, but I feel like you’re falling asleep. Good night, have a good night's sleep!"
  • “That’s it, it’s time to run away. I'm going to sleep. Sweet dreams to you too, see you soon!”
  • “Go to bed quickly, you’ll dream about me there.”
  • "Good night handsome! And I’ll go to bed, if I can fall asleep now.”
  • “I wish you such dreams that you would be sorry to wake up. You will tell me later".

The very beginning of a romantic relationship, when you want to spend all your time with your loved one, when you think about him, every now and then you show signs of attention and cannot get enough of it, requires an active expression of feelings. This condition is completely normal for of this period. Therefore, words should at least partially convey the whole storm of emotions that overwhelms each of you. At the same time, it is advisable to refrain from excessive eccentricity, because it is still difficult to imagine what the reaction of your new chosen one will be. An example of relevant in this case phrases can become:

  • “Good night, my happiness! How I would like to tell you this in your ear just before going to bed...”
  • "I wish you sweet dreams! As sweet as you are.”
  • “It’s late, time to go to bed. I will fall asleep thinking about you. And imagine me when you go to bed.”
  • "Good night! I am already missing you. I’d rather see you again!”

Calm, mature relationships are usually expressed accordingly. This is quite normal and in no way indicates that the feelings have ended or cooled down. In this case, wishing good night is more likely to convey a manifestation of care and tenderness towards a loved one, rather than a gust of passion, a desire to remind oneself or hint at one’s interest. Phrases such as:

  • “Good night, dear, get a better sleep!”
  • “You are probably tired during the day. Go to bed soon, sweet dreams!”
  • “Don’t stay up late, you need to rest, love. Good Night to you!"
  • “I kiss you before bed, sleep, dear. Till tomorrow!"

Even ended relationships sometimes require a show of care or basic politeness. Often people feel towards former partners mixed feelings with a hint of sadness and tenderness. Sometimes they want to remind themselves and each other of past close relationships, to evoke nostalgia for perhaps not quite past love. Wishing good night in this case can turn out to be a very convenient tool that matches the goal. Here are just a few examples of phrases that, when said in the appropriate tone, can touch some strings in the soul ex-boyfriend:

  • "I wish you good night. Maybe we'll see you again."
  • “Have good dreams, goodbye!”
  • “Good night, Andrey (replace with any other), bye!”

It should be noted that the name of an ex-boyfriend spoken out loud always sets off the spoken phrases. Especially if you pronounced this name in a special way. Your voice, which once pronounced his name, will remain in his memory for a long time. When he hears this combination again, memories of past relationships will involuntarily stir up in his soul, and pleasant memories at that.

What lies behind the spoken phrases

What really matters in this matter is not so much the wording itself, but the intonation with which the words are spoken. You can put completely different meanings into the same phrase if you say it coldly, joyfully, in a whisper, laughing or with sarcasm. Therefore, it is important to understand exactly what result you want to achieve with a good night wish. For example, let’s take the simplest and shortest version of this phrase. Let's limit ourselves to just these two words - “good night.” What does intonation convey? If you say the phrase like this:

  • In a hurry, as if trying to end the conversation - this indicates ease of communication, lack of personal (intimate) interest.
  • Lowering your voice, with a slight smile - speaks of excitement, attraction that you are holding back because you consider it inappropriate, unrequited, etc.
  • Joyfully, on the rise, while inhaling - a sign of a friendly disposition and sincerity.
  • With tenderness, quietly, it speaks of falling in love, caring, and the desire to hug.
  • With pressure, with aspiration, with a lot of additional words - it indicates passion, attraction, which you do not intend to hide.
  • With sadness, quietly - speaks of tenderness, care, love, which (at least, in your opinion) remained unrequited.

Thus, good night wishes - universal method manifestations of attention that can be suitable for all occasions. If this phrase is correctly formatted and pronounced correctly, it can replace many confessions. When you're in a relationship, don't forget to regularly say goodnight to each other. On the one hand, it is not difficult and does not take much time, on the other hand, it allows your partner to experience many shades of warm feelings. Such signs of attention are very much appreciated. And this is very useful for relationships, because they will become much stronger if your boyfriend falls asleep thinking about you or, at least, before going to bed he will hear your voice.

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