Which Russian stars suffer from panic attacks? Celebrities who need “a lot” and “often”, or what OCD is and which famous personalities have it. Winona Ryder, kleptomania

Life of the Stars


03.08.14 11:13

If a person is different increased anxiety, is terrified of catching something terrible disease and washes his hands 50 times a day, if it is common for him to repeat the same strange rituals, he may have obsessive-compulsive disorder (otherwise known as neurosis obsessive states).

Nicholson’s hero from the comedy “As Good As It Gets” suffered from this illness; similar “eccentricities,” especially worse towards the end of his life, were characteristic of millionaire Howard Hughes. Which living star suffers from OCD?

Celebrities with obsessive-compulsive disorder

When frustration helps with creativity

Hughes was portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio in the film The Aviator. It turns out that he is also susceptible to OCD - that’s why he was able to get into character so much. The actor is struggling with this disease. But as a child, it became an obsessive “tradition” for him not to step on cracks in the asphalt on the way to school; he also loved to walk through doorways several times. The fact is that when a person with OCD performs his rituals, he noticeably calms down.

A native of South Africa, who became a US citizen and won an Oscar for her role as a serial killer, Charlize Theron is also not without obsessive-compulsive quirks. She is haunted by the thought that the closet drawers need to be put in order; she will lie awake for hours and think about it. Interestingly, in the thriller “The Devil’s Advocate” she played the wife of Keanu Reeves’ hero, who was gradually going crazy.

When only therapy helps

WITH early childhood Daniel Radcliffe suffered from OCD. For him, even such simple steps like turning off a light. Experts helped the boy overcome neurosis.

In order not to succumb to panic and attacks of OCD, radio host Howard Stern meditates. His rituals are simple and unpretentious: for example, before turning on the radio in his car, he gently knocks on it right hand- a certain number of times.

The magic of numbers

Talented actor Billy Bob Thornton often plays eccentric types. And in life, he attaches great importance to certain combinations of numbers; he also has his own obsessive actions, for example, he empties the mailbox in three steps.

Jane Horrocks studied with Ralph Fiennes at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. True, she did not surpass her fellow student in fame. She has only a few successful films, a prominent role in the TV series “One More” and several voice-overs for cartoons. She is “stuck” on order in her dressing room, and before the birth of two children, she often became fixated on swallowing and blinking (counting their number).

When germs are personal enemies

Canadian actor Howie Mandel experiences an irrational fear of the risk of infection (mysophobia). He can't even afford to shake people's hands or touch railings (unless he's wearing gloves).

Cameron Diaz prefers not to touch door handles, but to open the door with her elbow or foot. In her house, she simply maniacally monitors the cleanliness.

Not only Howard Hughes suffered from OCD; it turns out that there are other famous tycoons who manage billions, but did not escape obsessive-compulsive disorder. For example, Donald Trump. He also has mysophobia. The owner of fabulous capital, the founder of his own “empire,” he sometimes doubts for a long time whether he should touch the elevator button, and also avoids shaking hands.

Hermitage and symmetry

Raped in a dark alley at age 12, singer Fiona Apple never got over it. psychological trauma. The result was OCD. Fiona likes to lock herself in her home, like a hermit, and prefers loneliness to noisy companies.

Only 2% of the world's inhabitants are susceptible to the type of OCD in which the constant need for symmetry, perfection and purity turns out to be an obsession. This two percent includes the famous British midfielder David Beckham. For a football player, for example, it is important that there is a pair of cans or packages in the refrigerator. The David-Victoria couple has 3 refrigerators at home, one stores drinks, another - salads, and the third - the rest of the food. And all this should be arranged very neatly and symmetrically.

Living with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is not easy. With this disease, obsessive thoughts arise that cause severe anxiety. To get rid of anxiety, a person suffering from OCD is often forced to perform certain rituals.

In the classification of mental illnesses, OCD is classified as an anxiety disorder, and anxiety is familiar to almost everyone. But this does not mean that any healthy man understands what an OCD sufferer goes through. Headaches are also familiar to everyone, but this does not mean that we all know what migraine sufferers feel.

OCD symptoms can interfere with a person's ability to work, live, and relate to others.

“The brain is designed in such a way that it always warns us of dangers that threaten our survival. But in patients with OCD, this brain system does not work properly. As a result, they are often overwhelmed by a veritable tsunami of unpleasant experiences and are unable to focus on anything else, explains psychologist Stephen Philipson, clinical director of the Center for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in New York City.

OCD is not associated with any one specific fear. Some compulsions are well known - for example, patients may constantly wash their hands or check if the stove is on. But OCD can also manifest itself in the form of pathological hoarding, hypochondria, or fear of harming someone. A fairly common type of OCD in which patients are tormented by paralyzing fear about their sexual orientation.

As with any other mental illness, only professional doctor can make a diagnosis. But there are still a few symptoms that experts say may indicate OCD.

1. They bargain with themselves.

OCD sufferers often believe that if they check the stove one more time or search the Internet for symptoms of the illness they claim to have, they will finally be able to calm down. But OCD is most often deceptive.

“Biochemical associations arise in the brain with the object of fear. Repeating obsessive rituals further convinces the brain that the danger is indeed real, thus completing a vicious circle.”

2. They feel an obsessive need to perform certain rituals.

Would you agree to stop doing your usual rituals (for example, not checking 20 times a day to see if the door is locked? Entrance door), if you were paid $10 or $100 or another amount that is significant enough for you? If your anxiety is so easy to “buy”, then most likely you are just more afraid of burglars than usual, but you do not have OCD.

For a person suffering from this disorder, performing rituals seems to be a matter of life and death, and survival can hardly be measured in money.

3. It is very difficult to convince them that their fears are unfounded.

OCD sufferers are familiar with the verbal construction “Yes, but...” (“Yes, the last three tests showed that I do not have this or that disease, but how do I know that the samples were not mixed up in the laboratory?”).

Since it is rarely possible to be absolutely sure of something, no beliefs help the patient overcome these thoughts, and he continues to suffer from anxiety.

4. They usually remember when symptoms started.

“Not all OCD sufferers can say exactly when the disorder first appeared, but most do remember,” says Philipson. At first it simply arises causeless anxiety, which then takes shape into a more specific fear - for example, that you, while preparing dinner, will suddenly stab someone with a knife. For most people, such experiences pass without consequences. But OCD sufferers seem to fall into an abyss.

“At such moments, panic enters into an alliance with a certain idea. And it’s not easy to end, just like any unhappy marriage,” says Philipson.

5. They are consumed by anxiety.

Almost all the fears that plague OCD patients have some basis. Fires do happen, and your hands really are full of bacteria. It's all about the intensity of fear.

If you are able to function normally despite the constant uncertainty associated with these risk factors, you most likely do not have OCD (or a very mild case). Problems begin when anxiety completely consumes you, preventing you from functioning normally.

If the patient is afraid of contamination, the first exercise for him will be to touch the door handle and not wash his hands after that.

Fortunately, OCD can be treated. Important role Medications play a role in therapy, including some types of antidepressants, but psychotherapy—especially cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)—is equally effective.

Within the framework of CBT there is effective method treatment of OCD - the so-called exposure with response prevention. During treatment, the patient, under the supervision of a therapist, is deliberately placed in situations that cause increasing fear, while he must resist the desire to perform the usual ritual.

For example, if a patient is afraid of contamination and constantly washes his hands, the first exercise for him will be to touch the door handle and not wash his hands after that. In the following exercises, the perceived danger increases - for example, you will need to touch the handrail on the bus, then the tap in a public toilet, and so on. As a result, fear gradually begins to subside.

No matter how rich and successful world-famous celebrities are, they, like ordinary people, are not immune from neuroses. And one of the most common is OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, which to one degree or another is common to many people. According to some data, in Russia alone such a diagnosis can be given to 4 million people.

“With obsessive-compulsive disorder, a person has involuntary, repetitive thoughts that cause him to perform certain actions repeatedly,” says Roza Melnikova, clinical psychologist. - Minor obsessive thoughts (obsessions) and actions (compulsions) are familiar to almost everyone. We may be preoccupied with an upcoming event, such as an important meeting, try for several days to get rid of a boring song, or, leaving the house, worry about whether we forgot to turn off the stove, iron, or close the door - and this is not pathology. Some obsessive actions (for example, tapping your fingers on the table) can even improve performance by relieving unnecessary stress.

The disease is diagnosed only if the obsessions and actions are excessively intrusive, take a lot of time and interfere with daily activities and communication with people.”

The Harry Potter star has had obsessive-compulsive disorder since childhood. For him, already at the age of five, even simply turning off the light in the room became surrounded by so many rituals that it could take about ten minutes. Naturally, young Daniel's parents sounded the alarm. After undergoing long-term therapy, Radcliffe learned to cope with the disease. And now, without hesitation, he talks about this in an interview and advises all people with OCD not to be afraid to seek help from a doctor.

Neurosis not only did not prevent this handsome actor from making a career, but in some sense helped him in his work. In the film The Aviator, DiCaprio was able to stunningly play the role of Howard Hughes, who had a severe form of OCD, precisely because he himself knew firsthand about this disease. Many neuroses - from fear of dirt to strange habit walking through the doorway several times - haunted him since childhood.

But Leo’s most obsessive idea is cracks in the asphalt, which the actor tries to never step on. By the way, on the set of “The Aviator” he got so into the role that his condition worsened. And sometimes because of this he could even be late to the site. Having accidentally stepped on a crack along the road, DiCaprio returned back to do the whole journey again, “as it should.”

Since childhood, Jessica suffered from a whole bunch of illnesses, including obsessive-compulsive disorder. The treatment has borne fruit, but Alba still tries to bring every little thing to perfection. As the actress admitted, this quality helped her a lot in her work. But sometimes it’s hard for her loved ones. Especially Cash Warren, Alba’s husband, who is not allowed to disturb the ideal order in their home, where every thing must lie strictly in its place.

One day, Jessica threw a huge scandal at her beloved. But he just wanted to arrange a romantic surprise and decorated their hotel room with balloons. Such a mess horrified Alba.

David Beckham

The famous football player is also a real fan of order. By the way, wasn’t this the reason for his rift with his wife? Poor Victoria - it must be difficult to live with a person who manically makes sure that even all his T-shirts and socks are laid out in a certain sequence. It would be better if he scattered them around the house, like most men.

What about T-shirts! The Beckhams have three refrigerators at home, one for vegetables and fruits, the second for other products, and the third for drinks. And, by the way, in the latter it should be strictly even number cans or bottles, the “excess” is immediately thrown away. We hope that at least the athlete does not count fruits and berries.

The extravagant singer's obsessive-compulsive manifestations are very unusual. She constantly feels the need... to brush her teeth. 5-6 times a day is not the limit for her, she said in an interview. Sometimes she spends an entire hour on this simple procedure. And Katie doesn’t even leave the house without a toothbrush.

Fears and anxieties have haunted the star blonde since school years. And the main one is the fear of germs. Cameron washes his hands so often that it's a wonder the skin hasn't peeled off yet. The actress must have already spent fortunes on moisturizers. And in in public places She opens doors exclusively with her elbows, so as not to touch the handles and doors, which are infested with bacteria.

True, at home the actress still behaves more calmly. It’s not surprising: because of her phobia, she does spring cleaning almost every evening. Moreover, she operates the mop herself - how can you entrust such an important task to a housekeeper?

Another clean star. Any violation of order causes famous actor and almost physical pain for the director. If any thing is moved even a centimeter, he will definitely notice it and go berserk. So his housekeeper has a hard time. By the way, if Baldwin is still ready to entrust the cleaning of his house to someone, he always washes the windows himself. And maybe because of this he will even be late for the plane - clean windows are most important to him.

September 19, 2011, 21:40

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is a personality disorder in which a person attaches so much great importance order, achieving perfection and control, which loses flexibility, spontaneity and performance. People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder set unreasonably high standards for both themselves and others. They may remain persistently dissatisfied with the results of their work, but refuse to seek help or cooperate with anyone, convinced that others are too careless or incompetent to do the job properly. Because they are so afraid of making mistakes, they may shy away from making decisions. Typically, these individuals are also rigid and stubborn, especially regarding their principles, ethics and values. They live in strict accordance with their personal laws and use them as a criterion for evaluating other people. They may have difficulty expressing their warm feelings, and their relationships are often reserved and superficial. In addition, they are rarely generous with their time or money. Some people cannot even part with things that have worn out or become unnecessary. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder affects approximately 1-2% of the population, and the diagnosis is most often made in white, educated, married, employed men (APA, 1994; Weismann, 1993). Men are twice as likely to suffer from this disorder as women. With OCD, the patient involuntarily experiences intrusive, disturbing or frightening thoughts (obsessions). He constantly and unsuccessfully tries to get rid of anxiety caused by thoughts through equally obsessive and tiresome actions (compulsions). Patients with OCD are suspicious people, prone to rare, maximally decisive actions, which is immediately noticeable against the background of their dominant calm. Easily sexually excitable/sexually impulsive (a little-studied phenomenon in domestic medicine). The main signs are painful stereotypical, obsessive thoughts, images, drives or actions, perceived as meaningless, which come to the patient’s mind again and again in a stereotypical form and cause an unsuccessful attempt at resistance. Compulsive actions or rituals are stereotypical behaviors repeated over and over again, the meaning of which is to prevent any objectively unlikely events. Obsessions and compulsions are more often experienced as alien, absurd and irrational. The patient suffers from them and resists them. The following symptoms are indicators of obsessive-compulsive disorder: intrusive, repetitive thoughts; anxiety following these thoughts; certain and, in order to eliminate anxiety, often repeated identical actions. A classic example of this disease is the fear of pollution, in which the patient experiences every contact with what he considers dirty objects causing discomfort and, as a result, obsessive thoughts. To get rid of these thoughts, he begins to wash his hands. But even if at some point it seems to him that he has washed his hands sufficiently, any contact with a “dirty” object forces him to start his ritual again. These rituals allow the patient to achieve temporary relief. Despite the fact that the patient realizes the meaninglessness of these actions, he is not able to fight them. Famous people who suffered from OCD: Nikola Tesla He was afraid to touch any object that had even a little dust on it. ...Besides, Tesla avoided everything round. Before entering the building, he made sure to walk around it three times. ...If he had to stay at a hotel, he demanded a room whose number was necessarily divisible by three. ...At meals, Tesla always used 18 napkins: 3 piles of 6 napkins. Franz Kafka was painfully pedantic in everything, especially in food. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find more detailed information about him. Howard Hughes Perhaps the most famous patient of OCD at the moment, although in fact he was never diagnosed. Nevertheless, according to the descriptions of those close to him, Hughes wiped himself every minute with disposable napkins, the same ones his guards used to wipe the dishes. Mormon servants touched Hughes only with rubber gloves. At the end of his life, Hughes lived in a house from which everything that could accumulate dust had been removed. Despite his cleanliness, the millionaire suffered from untreated syphilis. Donald Trump is afraid to shake hands and press the button for the first floor in the elevator. Donald especially stubbornly avoids shaking hands with teachers. “Anyone, but not teachers. Their hands are just teeming with bacteria.” Films about people with OCD What about Bob? A man named Bob, suffering from loneliness and mental disorder, comes to see psychoanalyst Leo Marvin, but he doesn’t have time, he’s just getting ready for a long-awaited vacation with his whole family. To get rid of an obsessive patient, the doctor gives him a book of his own composition called “Baby Steps.” Unexpectedly, the book has positive influence on Bob's health. To thank the doctor and to get further advice, Bob must find him and spend this holiday with him. As good as it gets.
Indeed, the best film on this topic. Main character played by Jack Nicholson suffers from a pronounced form of OCD. Melvin eats lunch every day in the same restaurant, at the same table, and uses disposable tableware, which he brought with him because of his pathological fear of germs. He always washes his hands with boiling water, and each time with a new bar of soap. At the same time, he has his own ritual of opening the lock and turning on the light. Dirty love The main character Mark Furness loses his favorite job, his beautiful wife, own house, and all this is due to his erratic behavior associated with obsessive neurosis and Tourette's syndrome at the same time, which arose after monstrous mental overwork. His best friend tries to help him through therapy, but to no avail. However, when Mark meets Charlotte, who has the same problem, and she takes him to a self-improvement group, Mark finds solace in the colorful personalities of the people in the group and begins to gradually recover. presented in the publication short story about diagnosing Howard Hughes with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The story has the title: "The Affliction of Howard Hughes: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder" / "Howard Hughes' Illness: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder." Psychiatrist Jeffrey Schwartz was involved in the filming of The Aviator. And although it is not completely known whether the real Howard Hughes suffered from OCD, Leonardo DiCaprio in the role of Hughes quite convincingly showed the symptoms of this disorder. Sources.

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Sometimes it can be difficult to admit your problems even to yourself, especially if we are talking about something that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Is it the case that they are prosperous and well-groomed? Hollywood stars- They are probably doing well. But photo reports from the red carpet can be very far from reality. All these celebrities found the strength to openly talk about their mental disorders. Perhaps their example will help people who are hesitant to seek help to do so. And win.

website talks about famous people who suffered from mental problems, but managed to cope with them.

Mariah Carey - bipolar disorder

Mariah Carey recently told People magazine that she hid her diagnosis for 17 years because she was afraid it would ruin her career. In 2001, she was hospitalized with a nervous breakdown and physical exhaustion, and she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder type 2. This means that manic periods, which are characterized by a rise in mood and a surge of energy, alternate in a person’s life with periods of depression with powerlessness and reluctance to do anything. “I was ashamed of my diagnosis and did not want to be treated, so I convinced myself that my illness did not exist,” says the singer. She lived in fear for many years, fearing that someone would find out her secret, and the last 2 years, according to her, were the most difficult in her life. After that, she decided to tell about everything and start treatment.

Except Mariah bipolar disorder Stephen Fry, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Mel Gibson and Sinead O'Connor are also affected.

JK Rowling - depression

The famous writer admitted that after she divorced her first husband and was left without a livelihood, she fell into depression and seriously thought about suicide. Her little daughter and her attending physician saved her from this step. Rowling describes depression as a state of not believing that you will be happy, as a “dead” feeling when there is no hope. “I have never been ashamed to talk about my depression. “I went through some really tough times and I’m proud that I got through it,” the writer.

Beyoncé, Prince Harry, Hugh Laurie, Cara Delevingne, Jim Carrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus and Dwayne Johnson have also spoken publicly about their struggles with depression.

David Beckham - obsessive-compulsive disorder

Upon entering his hotel room, the famous football player cannot relax until everything in his room is in its place, such as magazines must be stacked in a perfect pile. David has OCD - obsessive-compulsive disorder, a condition where a person tries to get rid of obsessive thoughts through "rituals" (certain repetitive actions). “Everything should line up and have its own pair,” says David. All things in his house are located in in strict order, including food in the refrigerator. OCD is one of the most debilitating diseases, and by talking about it, David hopes that men will seek help from a doctor more often, as they are usually less likely to do so than women.

Leonardo DiCaprio, Lena Dunham, Megan Fox, Jessica Alba and Cameron Diaz have also been diagnosed with OCD.

Emma Stone - panic attacks

The La La Land star has been suffering from panic attacks since she was 7 years old. These are inexplicable painful attacks severe anxiety and fear, which are accompanied by chills, nausea, sweating and lightheadedness. Actress on Stephen Colbert's late night TV show admitted that was very anxious child and visited a psychotherapist. Treatment helped her learn to cope with panic, and now Emma Stone collaborates with the Child Mind Institute, an organization that helps children fight mental disorders.

Dakota Johnson, Zayn Malik and Sarah Silverman are also familiar with panic attacks.

Ryan Reynolds - anxiety neurosis

Ryan Reynolds grew up next to a stern father and has suffered from... anxiety disorder. This is a general, causeless anxiety accompanied by nervousness, trembling, rapid heartbeat and dizziness. The actor's fortune reached its peak after filming Deadpool, where Reynolds also served as a producer. The stakes were high, he was afraid of disappointing fans and the failure of the film at the box office and was worried constant pressure. Ryan could hardly sleep, and if he managed to take a nap, it was only by sitting upright and nothing else. “This went on for so long that I began to feel like I was going crazy, I stopped distinguishing between day and night,” says the actor. Ultimately this led to nervous breakdown, and Reynolds was officially diagnosed. Doctors and his wife Blake Lively helped him cope with it.

Kate Moss, Kim Basinger and Johnny Depp have all experienced anxiety disorder.

Michael Phelps - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a behavioral disorder characterized by an inability to concentrate, difficulty processing information, uncontrollability and impulsivity. Future multiple Olympic champion, American swimmer Michael Phelps was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 9. He caused a lot of problems to his teachers, and one of them even said that Michael would never succeed. Phelps took special medications for several years, but eventually learned to live without them. Swimming and his mother Debbie helped Michael cope with the symptoms of the disease.

Jim Carrey, Avril Lavigne, Justin Timberlake, Liv Tyler and Will Smith have been diagnosed with ADHD.

Demi Lovato - bulimia

Singer Demi Lovato began to suffer from bulimia after breaking up with her boyfriend, whom she dated for 6 years. Bulimia is characterized by bouts of binge eating followed by vomiting and excessive preoccupation with one's own weight. Demi managed to overcome the disease, and she even made a documentary about it movie to show other people that this difficult problem can be overcome. Demi continues to recover, but now controls her weight with the help of healthy image life and fitness.

Elton John, Nicole Scherzinger and Jane Fonda also had bulimia, and Mary-Kate Olsen, Nicole Richie and Zayn Malik suffered from anorexia.

All of these celebrities spoke about their problems and struggles with them in the hope that it will help other people understand: mental illness there is nothing to be ashamed of. Show this article to your loved ones if they suffer from similar disorders - perhaps it will inspire them to see a specialist and start treatment.

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