Symptoms of thyroid disease in adolescents. Thyroid disease in children: warning signs

The thyroid gland is an organ without which it is impossible normal development child. The hormones it produces influence the formation mental capacity, the work of the intestines, heart, hematopoiesis, maintaining immunity, the desired body temperature and weight.

Respiratory and future reproductive functions, sleep and skeletal formation also depend on the functioning of this organ. If a child of any age has an enlarged thyroid gland, this leads to major changes in his health. Consists of iron right lobe, which is always slightly larger than the left, and the isthmus. Located in front of the larynx. In children lies directly on thyroid cartilage. The organ belongs to the human endocrine system.

Why is the thyroid gland enlarged

Enlargement of the thyroid gland (TG) is a change in its size, mass, volume. Among the endocrine childhood diseases, it is thyroid dysfunction that occupies the first place. main reason- insufficient intake of iodine in the child's body during pregnancy and after birth. The period of intrauterine development and the first years of a child's life are considered the most dangerous. Prevention of iodine deficiency is put in the category of state tasks - 60% of the territory of Russia suffers from it.

The reasons for the growth of the thyroid gland are:

  1. Lack of iodine - the thyroid gland enlarges to produce more hormones
  2. Lack of systematic prevention of iodine deficiency in problem regions
  3. Poor environmental conditions - children in industrial cities suffer greatly
  4. Heredity
  5. Malnutrition of the child and stress

In girls, the thyroid gland increases more often than in boys.

The degree of enlargement of the thyroid gland and its mass

Any growth of the thyroid gland is called a goiter. Probing the gland during the examination and evaluating it visually, the endocrinologist concludes about the degree of growth:

  • 0 - no change in size is detected on palpation, the gland is healthy
  • I - there are no visual changes yet, but an increase is diagnosed on palpation
  • II - an enlarged thyroid gland is visually noticeable with the head tilted back
  • III - change in size is visible when the head is not tilted back
  • IV and V - the gland is very much enlarged and changes the contours of the neck

Normal thyroid mass in children different ages

The maximum active thyroid gland becomes in children 5-7 years old and during puberty, as it is a powerful stress for a teenager. During this period, the thyroid gland increases especially strongly in girls.

Common Symptoms of an Overgrowth of the Thyroid

There are several diseases of the thyroid gland, in which its increase occurs. Each of them has its own characteristics. At the same time, a number of common symptoms are distinguished that signal problems in the child's body:

  • Body temperature becomes either high or low
  • Digestive disorders - constipation, flatulence, increased peristalsis, diarrhea
  • Sleep disturbances - the child sleeps little, becomes irritated. Sleep may take too long (up to 12 hours) with persistent lethargy
  • Weight fluctuations - as the thyroid gland regulates metabolic processes, then the child can either lose weight or gain a lot of weight
  • Shortness of breath, swelling
  • Visually noticeable growth of the thyroid gland in the later stages
  • Children school age lag behind in school, it can be difficult for them to concentrate on tasks

Signs of an enlarged thyroid gland are not immediately recognized and are often attributed to other diseases. If the child still has any changes, then it is necessary to contact an endocrinologist as soon as possible.

Childhood Thyroid Diseases

An increase in the thyroid gland in a child occurs due to a decrease or increase in the production of hormones, infectious diseases, injuries, the presence of tumors. Children's thyroid diseases - hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis, Graves' disease, nodes and tumors.


Manifested in a reduced production of hormones by the gland. With iodine deficiency, the size of the thyroid gland increases to compensate for their deficiency. Primary hypothyroidism is associated with disorders in the gland itself. It is congenital and acquired. If a child is born with reduced thyroid function, then he is diagnosed with cretinism. The disease is found in one child out of 4000, while girls are subject to it 2 times more often than boys. Secondary hypothyroidism occurs due to disorders in the pituitary gland or hypothalamus.

A child at any age becomes whiny, inactive, edematous, drowsy, depressive. There is an increase in weight, constipation appears, the skin turns pale, the hair grows dull and begins to break. Children under 6 lose interest in games, learning simple things given with difficulty. Schoolchildren with hypothyroidism lag behind in school, sports, they are inhibited, uncommunicative, have bad memory. Puberty comes later, teenage girls have problems with the menstrual cycle.


Observed increased secretion hormones. The disease is most often diagnosed in children from 3 to 12 years old. Congenital hyperthyroidism is present in only one child out of 30,000, while no gender dependence has been found. The disease occurs during pregnancy if the expectant mother suffers from Graves' disease.

In a newborn, hyperthyroidism is initially manifested by reduced weight and height, sometimes children are born prematurely. The baby is very mobile, excitable, he often has diarrhea, he sweats profusely, gains weight poorly. After some time, maternal hormones are independently excreted from the child's body, so these signs are most pronounced in the first weeks of a baby's life.

In children of preschool and school age with hyperthyroidism, there is accelerated exchange substances, increased activity, sweating. Mood and weight are very unstable, sleep is poor, blood pressure is high. The child sleeps little, so over time it appears nervous exhaustion and increased fatigue. IN puberty Girls have irregular periods. Perhaps the development of thyrotoxicosis - hormonal intoxication.


The first sign of the disease is a decrease in academic performance and a stop in physical growth. The remaining symptoms are characteristic of hyper- and hypofunction of the thyroid gland.

Basedow's disease

The same applies to autoimmune diseases. Adolescents 10-15 years old fall into the risk group, and girls get sick 8 times more often. Mood swings, fatigue, irritability are noted. Over time, the eyes bulge and the goiter grows, heart problems begin.

Nodes and tumors

An enlarged thyroid gland may contain areas of different texture or density. Their nature is good and malignant. A symptom may be difficulty in swallowing and the so-called "lump in the throat." All neoplasms are under constant control.

Diagnosis and treatment

The earlier an enlarged thyroid gland is detected, the more successful its treatment will be. If the necessary measures are not taken, the disease can lead to severe consequences.

Diagnosis of changes in the thyroid gland consists in examining the child by an endocrinologist, collecting information and complaints from parents, palpation of the gland. Tests are prescribed for hormone levels (TSH), the amount of iodine in the blood, ultrasound, MRI, and, if necessary, a biopsy is done. The generalized data make it possible to determine the cause of the change in the shape, mass and volume of the thyroid gland, as well as the degree of increase. For newborns, it is planned to detect hypothyroidism in the maternity hospital, because the level of development of the child depends on how quickly hormonal hypofunction is detected. By recognizing the disease before the age of 1 month, the child can be provided with normal mental and physical development.

Primary importance in the treatment is given to drugs with iodine. The dose and regimen of administration is determined only by the doctor based on the information collected and the tests performed. The following methods are used:

  • Hypothyroidism - drugs are prescribed that raise the level of hormones to the required level
  • Hyperthyroidism - drugs are prescribed that suppress the activity of the thyroid gland. Congenital hyperfunction of the thyroid gland due to disease future mother during pregnancy, is not treated. Maternal hormones simply leave the body of the newborn or their activity is suppressed by temporary medication
  • Graves' disease - a mild form is treated at home, with moderate and severe the child is hospitalized
  • With a strong increase in the thyroid gland, it is possible to remove part of it

One of the important organs human body, which produces hormones that control the metabolism of the whole body. Any dysfunction of this organ leads to various diseases and pathological conditions of the body, some of which can cause severe diseases, and in severe cases even lead to death.

Enlargement of the thyroid gland is dangerous for everyone, but it brings especially high risk to children. This gland produces those that affect the formation of the skeleton and the overall growth of the body, but most importantly, without them, the normal development of the brain and the formation of intelligence are impossible. Children who were not diagnosed with thyroid problems on time (at birth or in the coming days) were doomed to mental disability and lag in physical development.

Previously, when nothing was known about the role of thyroid hormones, such cases were the main causes of mental retardation and deformities in children. Especially often such children appeared in areas where there is a persistent lack of iodine in water and land. Cretinism in newborns due to congenital hypothyroidism was very common, with girls suffering from it ten times more often than boys.

Congenital is extremely rare and has nothing to do with the sex of the baby. It usually does not require special treatment, but only if its manifestations are insignificant. This condition is more dangerous in children between 3 and 12 years of age. Goiter (Graves' disease) most often develops in girls aged 10 to 15 years.

Nowadays, all children are examined at birth and, if thyroid defects are suspected, they are immediately sent for tests.

Early treatment can prevent any Negative influence on the health and intelligence of the child.Parents may accidentally notice that the thyroid gland in a child is enlarged, since until a certain period the disease does not manifest itself in any way, or the child is too small to realize that something not quite normal is happening to him. If any symptoms are detected, especially if the enlarged gland is visually noticeable, an urgent visit to an endocrinologist is necessary.

For more information about thyroid diseases, see the video:

There are many reasons why the thyroid gland can enlarge. This following states or diseases:

  • Negative environmental situation.
  • Hereditary tendency to diseases of this organ.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Lack of iodine in water and food.
  • Lack of selenium in the food you eat.
  • Incorrect, insufficient or unbalanced diet.
  • Serious chronic infections.
  • The strongest nervous shocks, which can lead to metabolic disorders and malfunction of many organs, including.
  • Presence of thyroid duct cysts.

In addition to these reasons, very important role V normal functioning this important organ is played. These departments control numerous processes in the human body, therefore slightest violations their normal work will inevitably provoke malfunctions in the thyroid gland.

Problems with normal work body may also appear when taking some medications especially hormonal ones. Sometimes there is a presence birth defects organ in cases where the mother of the infant suffered from various disorders of his work or this disease is transmitted in the family from generation to generation.

Symptoms of pathology and possible complications

At reduced function organ develops hypothyroidism, while the gland itself may decrease. If the thyroid gland in a child is enlarged, then this condition most often indicates the presence of hyperthyroidism, that is, too active functioning of the organ, which begins to produce too many hormones.

On initial stages the disease may go unnoticed, but then the following symptoms appear:

  • Enlargement of the thyroid gland.
  • Anxiety, reactivity, hyperexcitability.
  • Babies have a strong reaction to unexpected sounds or bright lights.
  • Some internal organs (, and lymph nodes) are enlarged.
  • Tendency to profuse sweating.
  • Rapid heartbeat and breathing.
  • Too frequent stool.
  • Bulging eyes (exophthalmos) and other vision problems, such as double vision, pain in the eyes eyeballs, eyelid twitching.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Weak appetite.
  • Excessive aggression, irritability and sudden mood swings.
  • Changes in the weight of the child - completeness or thinness.
  • Frequent urge to urinate at night.
  • Problems with the menstrual cycle in girls, late onset of menstruation.

May be marked as individual symptoms, and their whole group. This largely depends on the degree of violation and the stage of the disease.If the thyroid gland in a child is enlarged, in any case, this is an occasion for an immediate visit to the doctor and the start of an examination.

The stages of thyroid enlargement have six levels, the last three are dangerous to health and require the fastest treatment.

The last stage is a goiter, which purely physically threatens the life of the child.A huge mass of tissue compresses the larynx and. This affects the child's voice, he cannot swallow, it is difficult for him to breathe.

But the most dangerous thing in this disease is the nodular formations that can be in the overgrown gland. There is a certain risk of malignant tumors that tend to form metastases, so early diagnosis And proper treatment enlargement of this organ has a very great importance for the health and even life of the child.


When the thyroid gland in a child is enlarged, the examination is carried out comprehensively. It includes, which is required to be taken on an empty stomach. Such a test allows you to determine the level of thyroid hormones in order to understand the current level of development of the disease.

An important stage of the survey is. This diagnostic method allows you to assess the condition of the gland tissues and exclude the presence of dangerous states, especially nodular goiter, which can also hide a malignant neoplasm - thyroid cancer.

In cases where, based on the data obtained, it is impossible to obtain accurate information about the benignity or malignancy of the existing formation, a procedure is performed called fine needle aspiration. It allows you to get a sample of suspicious tissue, which is immediately sent for histological and.

Treatment Method

There are several ways to cope with the manifestations of hyperthyroidism. With a strong increase in the body, the formation different types goiter or the development of cancer, you have to resort to surgical intervention. You need to understand what it is last resort, since this organ and the ones produced by it are extremely important for the growth, development and health of the child. That is why surgery is resorted to only in a hopeless situation.

Complicating this condition is the fact that hypothyroidism may develop during surgery. This is due to the use of substitution hormone therapy. In addition, surgical intervention on such a complex area can lead to disruption of the vocal cords or damage parathyroid glands.

For treatment, hormonal drugs can be prescribed that inhibit a too actively working gland and help normalize the level of thyroid hormones in the child's blood. There are also drugs that affect the functioning of the pituitary and hypothalamus, which are the control organs. This contributes to an indirect effect on the thyroid gland and reduces its functioning.

Sometimes another way to disable an overactive thyroid gland is used - with the help of radioactive iodine.

This substance is capable of destroying improperly functioning tissues, but it is extremely difficult to work with it - it is necessary to accurately calculate the dosage of the agent, and this is extremely difficult to do. In addition, as a result of such exposure, hypothyroidism also often develops and the child is transferred to replacement therapy hormones.

Since an enlarged thyroid gland poses a direct threat to the health and even life of a child, the prevention of this dangerous disease and the timely detection of a problem are of great importance. Parents should pay much attention to the health of the child, regularly perform and independently examine their baby, responding to any changes in his appearance, behavior or well-being. These simple steps can protect the child from many different diseases with varying degrees dangers, including from the extremely risky enlargement of the thyroid gland.

The thyroid gland is a gland internal secretion that synthesizes the hormones thyroxine, triiodothyronine, calcitonin. These hormones play a huge role in regulating the development of the body and the metabolism of the child. Thyroid diseases in children require special attention. Children's body grows and develops, and even minor deviations in homeostasis can lead to serious problems.

Thyroid diseases are various reasons and manifestations, but, unequivocally, deviations in her work have a negative impact on the baby's not yet strengthened health. Any problems require immediate and systematic treatment under the strict supervision of an endocrinologist and taking into account all contraindications. Consider the most common thyroid diseases in children.


Hypothyroidism is a deficiency of the thyroid hormone, thyroxine. It can be either primary or secondary.

The primary form is due to defects in the thyroid gland itself and can be congenital (cretinism) and acquired.

Congenital diseases include: hypoplasia - underdevelopment of the gland, aplasia - its complete absence, as a result of intrauterine abnormal development, a defect in the structure and functioning of hormones (often an inherited factor), thyroid disease or iodine deficiency in the mother's body during pregnancy.

Factors in the development of acquired hypothyroidism can be: iodine deficiency in the body, difficult absorption of iodine due to dietary characteristics, inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland, metabolic disorders, surgery, radiation exposure. Acquired hypothyroidism is often accompanied by diseases of other endocrine glands (polyendocrine insufficiency) or with autoimmune processes.

Secondary hypothyroidism - develops when the regulatory function of the pituitary or hypothalamus is impaired. These glands, located in the thickness of the brain, secrete thyroid-stimulating hormone, thereby controlling the synthesis of hormones. The initiating factors for the development of the problem are: perinatal trauma, meningitis, encephalitis, trauma and brain tumors.

Hypothyroidism is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • low body temperature;
  • hypotension;
  • drowsiness, increased fatigue, depressed emotional state;
  • constipation, biliary dyskinesia;
  • bradycardia;
  • reduced level of reflexes;
  • dry skin, deterioration of hair and nails;
  • weak muscle tone;
  • swelling of the face and limbs;
  • metabolic disorders, obesity;
  • late teething in infants;
  • decreased brain activity and intellectual abilities;
  • body disproportion, short stature (as a result of a violation of the synthesis of calcitonin), etc.

Congenital thyroid hormone deficiency affects girls twice as often as boys. Thyroid disorders in infancy lead to the development of cretinism. Cretinism is characterized by a low rate of growth and maturation of the child's body, brain damage. May develop psychical deviations, deaf-mute. In a neglected state, cretinism can lead to the development of oligophrenia - a persistent and irreversible mental retardation.

The severity of symptoms and consequences depends on the age at which the pathology arose and how soon the treatment of the sick child began. If from the first days of life the baby is supported by hormone replacement therapy and other drugs, then the risk of irreversible abnormalities is significantly reduced. In cases where treatment is ignored, the disease takes severe form and often leads to death.

Therapy is aimed at eliminating or neutralizing the cause. Depending on the factor that caused the violation, preparations of thyroxine and other hormones, potassium iodide and vitamin complexes are prescribed, it is recommended physiotherapy exercises, adherence to a special diet, in some cases, the use of corrective pedagogical measures is required.


Hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) is characterized by overactivity of the thyroid gland and high level thyroxine in the blood of a child. The problem may be associated with hyperfunction of thyroid cells, metabolic disorders, and also develop against the background of excess iodine in the body or taking hormonal drugs. Most often, children aged 3 to 12 are ill. With this pathology, the following symptoms are observed:

  • tachycardia;
  • hypertension;
  • increased body temperature;
  • irritability, irritability, aggression;
  • disorders of the brain;
  • sleep disturbances, increased fatigue;
  • metabolic disorders, weight loss;
  • exophthalmos (protrusion of the eyeballs);
  • skin pigmentation;
  • frequent urination, systematic diarrhea;
  • violation menstrual cycle;
  • tremor, nervous tick etc.

Hyperthyroidism is autonomous and associated with dysfunction of the pituitary gland. The autonomous form is caused by tumors and neoplasms in the tissue of the gland of various nature (Albright's syndrome) and autoimmune diseases (Graves' disease). The pituitary gland, in turn, regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland through the synthesis of thyroid-stimulating hormone.

There are rare cases of neonatal hyperthyroidism. Usually, the disease is a consequence of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland in the mother during the gestation period. Antibodies that stimulate the production of thyroid hormones enter the bloodstream of the fetus from the mother's body. The level of antibodies is determined through a blood test. Usually, the child's condition stabilizes without serious medical intervention a few months after birth.

Traditionally, the treatment of the disease is aimed at eliminating the cause of the development of the disease. Depending on the factor that provoked the development of the pathological condition, the doctor prescribes to the child blockers of receptors complementary to thyroid hormones, drugs that reduce thyroid secretion or suppress the synthesis of thyroid-stimulating hormones by the pituitary gland. Therapy is supported by maintenance active image life and adherence to a special diet.


Thyroiditis is inflammation of the tissues of the thyroid gland of various nature. Depending on the factors that caused inflammation, the following forms of pathology are distinguished:

  • specific (caused by an infection of a certain kind);
  • non-specific (when the pathogen is not identified);
  • acute (purulent and non-purulent);
  • subacute (viral).

Thyroiditis is characterized by the appearance of pain in the thyroid gland, a change in voice, and general weakness. The thyroid gland increases in size, there is an increase in body temperature, cervical lymph nodes increase, the pain becomes pronounced, and increases with neck movements, swallowing and touching. A blood test shows an excess of white blood cells. Concerning secretory function thyroid gland, then at the first stage there is an excessive secretion of hormones, which then turns into hypothyroidism. In some cases, there are purulent formations, abscesses in organ tissue.

The acute form requires a fairly long-term treatment, the patient is prescribed strict bed rest, a course of antibiotics, fortifying agents and symptomatic therapy. If secretion disorders are noted, the doctor prescribes drugs to the child to stabilize the balance of hormones. With the development purulent inflammation biopsy and surgery are recommended.

The subacute form is accompanied by the formation of granulomas - formations from giant cells. They are formed as a result of the destructive effect of antibodies on thyroid cells. With this disease, symptoms characteristic of acute inflammation are noted.

For treatment, glucocorticosteroids and drugs based on salicylic acid and pyrazolone. Preparations to stabilize the hormonal background are usually not prescribed in this case.

Autoimmune thyroid disease

Mechanism autoimmune diseases is that as a result of immune failures, specific antibodies are released, which are taken for foreign body cells of your own body and destroy them. Often such conditions are caused by hereditary factors and provoked by infectious diseases. Surveys show that usually autoimmune processes are not limited to only one organ, but spread to their entire systems.

It may be required for children at any age, but girls suffer from this disease several times more often than boys. The thyroid gland increases, a goiter is formed, in the first stages, symptoms of hyperthyroidism are noted, then the secretion of the gland decreases. Often the disease is the result of a polyendocrine autoimmune syndrome. Treatment is symptomatic, i.e. they use drugs to stabilize the hormonal background, anti-inflammatory drugs, sometimes surgery is required.

Basedow's disease (Graves' disease) or diffuse toxic goiter more often affects adolescents, and girls are more susceptible to the disease than boys. Ultrasound shows diffuse, i.e. uniform, enlargement of the thyroid gland. The analysis revealed hyperthyroidism.

The disease is characterized by thyrotoxic crises. They can be caused by stress, infections, operations, etc. A crisis is a serious condition of the body, which is accompanied by serious violations of the cardiovascular and nervous systems s. IN severe cases a crisis can lead to coma and death.

Treatment of thyroid disease involves taking substances that suppress the secretory activity of the thyroid gland, hormone replacement therapy is carried out. The doctor also prescribes symptomatic treatment, taking vitamins and diet.

Neoplasms in the tissues of the thyroid gland

Riedel's goiter (Chronic fibrous thyroiditis). This disease is characterized by the growth connective tissue thyroid and fibrosis. General state the health of the child and the level of hormones does not change, but with a significant increase in compaction, symptoms associated with squeezing the trachea, esophagus, larynx can be noted: the voice changes, difficulty breathing occurs, coughing, swallowing is disturbed, especially solid food. For diagnosis, palpation examination and ultrasound are sufficient. This condition can only be treated surgically, removing part of the thyroid gland.

The thyroid gland is an organ endocrine system, without which the normal functioning of the body of any person is impossible. If a child has problems with the thyroid gland, then in this case there is a risk of developing dementia, poor academic performance, problems with the cardiovascular system, bone apparatus and many other troubles. Such pathologies can lead to the fact that in the future the child will not be able to carry children normally, will suffer from nervousness and excess weight.

There are a huge number of reasons for the appearance of thyroid problems in children, but most often this occurs against the background. To exclude the development of pathologies, it is worth learning more about this organ of the endocrine system, as well as about its normal functioning.

Thyroid norms in children

If we talk about what should be the volume of this endocrine organ, then in babies under the age of 2 years, it cannot exceed 0.84 ml in volume. By the age of six, the indicators grow to 2.9 ml. With the onset of adolescence, the most fast growth thyroid gland. At the age of 13 to 15 years, the volume of the thyroid gland can be from 6.0 to 8.7 ml. By the age of 15, the volume of the thyroid gland in children can reach up to 11 ml. However, these figures only apply to boys.

In girls, the thyroid gland grows a little faster. By the age of 13, in young women, the volume of the thyroid gland can reach up to 9.5 ml. Upon reaching the age of fifteen, this figure increases to 12.4 ml.

If there is an increase in the norm of the thyroid gland in children, then this may be due to the peculiarity of the structure of the organism of a particular child. If the indicators begin to go beyond the permissible limits, then most often this indicates the development of a particular pathology. In this case, it could be as congenital diseases as well as acquired diseases. It is very important to identify problems in a timely manner and begin treatment.

First of all, it is necessary to diagnose and clarify in what condition it is hormonal background child. Also, the doctor should conduct an examination of the structure and volume of the thyroid gland. If a child has pathologies of the endocrine system at a young age, then, as a rule, the forecasts of doctors are positive.

Stages of thyroid enlargement

If the thyroid gland in children is in a normal state, then its presence is almost impossible to determine by touch. However, there is such a thing as the classification of the size of the goiter. In this case, we are talking about three stages of growth of the endocrine gland:

  • Zero stage. In this case, there is practically no increase in the organ. On visual inspection, no changes are observed, however, during palpation, the gland may be slightly palpable. At the same time, its value should not exceed the size of the nail. thumb hands.
  • First stage. In the process, children noticeably noticeably increase. However, the external goiter still remains unchanged. The area where the organ is located will be slightly swollen.
  • Third stage. In this case, the thyroid gland grows so much that a change in its dimensions becomes noticeable even with a visual examination, and it does not matter in what position the person holds his head. During palpation, the endocrine organ is very easily determined.

There is also another classification of goiter, which was created by Dr. O. V. Nikolaev. He singled out the zero degree, in which it is also impossible to note any changes in the size of the thyroid gland in children. This is followed by the first stage. In this case, the gland is also almost invisible, but on palpation, you can feel some error in the dimensions of the thyroid gland. He also adds a second degree. In this case, the gland will be clearly visible during visual inspection. It is easily palpable, but in this case the shape of the neck remains normal. At the third stage, the presence of pathology can be easily determined by the thickened neck. However, the patient will not complain of serious discomfort.

Nikolaev also identifies the fourth stage, during the development of which the neck begins to deform quite strongly. At the same time, the thyroid gland is clearly visible on it. In the fifth stage, the goiter becomes huge. This leads to severe discomfort. The body stops functioning normally. It also has a negative effect on work. digestive system and nearby organs. Patients complain that they cannot eat well, suffer from voice changes and increased shortness of breath.

How to determine the size of the thyroid gland?

When it comes to thyroid disease in children, it is very important to periodically conduct an independent examination of the child in order to identify certain abnormalities. For example, you can try to conduct an independent palpation. To do this, you need to feel each part of the endocrine organ and try to determine its structure. However, it is very difficult to cope with this without minimal skills. Only an endocrinologist can say for sure that children have a thyroid disease.

It is recommended to carry out. Based on the results of this procedure, it will be possible to say with higher accuracy about changes in the size of the thyroid gland. In some situations, x-rays are taken and CT scan. Such methods are considered the most highly informative.


With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to determine with high accuracy the presence of pathology in the organ of the endocrine system. If the thyroid gland in children is normal, then in this case its shape will differ in even and clear contours. Even a “non-doctor” will not notice any enlarged lymph nodes, which are in close proximity to the endocrine organ. Also, studying the results of the study, the specialist pays attention to the dimensions of the parathyroid glands. Their size should be about 4 x 5 x 5 mm. If even the slightest deviation is observed, then in this case the doctor will suspect the disease.

Worth paying attention to high body and its structure is heterogeneous form. In this case, experts most often suspect inflammation. The most alarming sign is seals. They may indicate that the child is suffering from a benign process or malignant tumor.

If, thanks to ultrasound, the doctor has established that the thyroid gland has really increased and exceeds the norm, then in this case he most often diagnoses organ hyperplasia, or the so-called diffuse toxic goiter. If there is a decrease in the thyroid gland, then hypothyroidism is diagnosed. This indicates that the thyroid gland is not functioning properly. If a specialist has identified a hypofunction of the thyroid gland in children, then this indicates an improper production of hormones.

Depending on the clinical picture and the results of the research, the doctor may prescribe the appropriate treatment that will help to quickly cope with the problem.

Causes of possible pathologies

In order to understand the background of what a particular disease develops, it is first necessary to conduct a study and clarify the level of the three main hormones in the child's body. In this case, we are talking about thyrotropin, thyroxine and triiodothyronine. It is these hormones that are responsible for how quickly and efficiently all organs of the human body will form and grow.

Thyroid stimulating hormone is the most important. It stimulates the thyroid. However, sometimes there are failures in the production of this hormone. It is worth noting that not only the lack of certain components, but also their overabundance has a negative impact on the human body. Therefore, doctors must check the level of thyroid hormones in children.

If we talk about the main reasons due to which children may have problems with the thyroid gland, then most often diseases appear against the background of:

  • bad ecology;
  • the use of low-quality or genetically modified products;
  • lack of iodine;
  • development of cysts in the thyroid gland in children;
  • failures in the work of the body's defense system;
  • genetic predispositions;
  • infectious diseases;
  • viral infections;
  • lack of selenium;
  • injuries that the baby could receive in the process of birth.

Thyroid problems in children: symptoms

In this case, the pathology manifests itself identically, as in an adult. Parents of a toddler need to pay attention to several obvious signs the fact that the endocrine organ is malfunctioning. First of all, there is a violation of the work of the heart. The rhythm becomes atypical. In order to determine this symptom, you can simply count the number of heartbeats per minute. If parents notice a too fast or, conversely, slow pulse, then you should immediately contact an endocrinologist and check the hormonal background of the child.

It is also worth looking at how the child looks and behaves. If he became lethargic, lethargic and began to speak slowly, then this may be a sign of problems. Many children have dry skin and frequent dermatitis. In some situations, such indicators also indicate poor-quality work of the thyroid gland.

Some children have a developmental delay. It becomes difficult for them to concentrate and study. There is a feeling that the child cannot remember even the most elementary things. If there were no such problems earlier, then it is quite possible that it is time to visit an endocrinologist.

Hypothyroidism - a pathology due to a lack of hormones

In this case, the child's body is deficient in hormones necessary for the full functioning of the thyroid gland. If this happens to a newborn, it is most likely that during pregnancy the baby's mother did not consume the required amount of iodine.

The danger of such a pathology is highest when it comes to a child under the age of 3 years. The fact is that during this period the baby begins to actively grow and develop mentally. If at such a moment he begins to suffer from similar diseases, this can adversely affect the entire process. After reaching the age of three, such pathologies are not able to lead to serious changes in the functioning of the central nervous system.

If a child suffers from congenital hypothyroidism, then, as a rule, he is born a little more weight than other babies. Often, childbirth is too long. Children may develop swelling of the face or jaundice, which is difficult to treat. If you do not start immediate treatment before the age of three, then after 3-5 months the baby will have complications. It will start to get worse. Unfortunately, if we are talking about congenital hypothyroidism, then in this case, treatment is not possible. The only way out of the situation is to take the missing hormones throughout the rest of your life in order to restore balance in the system.

Hyperthyroidism - a pathology due to an excess of hormones

In this case, the situation is completely opposite. In the process of diagnosis, the child has an increase normal level hormones. As a rule, children suffer from such pathologies in adolescence. If we talk about the symptoms, then the disease is very difficult to identify. And during this period there are numerous changes in the behavior of a teenager. If the child is emotionally unstable or suffers from motor activity, then it is worth paying attention to. If a teenager behaves irritably, eats poorly and is inattentive, then in this case there is a possibility of developing a pathology of the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism sometimes manifests itself in newborn babies. But it usually goes away on its own after a few months. The later the child encountered this pathology, the more difficult it will be to treat.

Thyroiditis is an inflammatory disease

This pathology develops against the background of processes in the autoimmune system, when antibodies begin to be produced in the body that attack the endocrine organ. This leads to severe inflammation. The child may be predisposed to this pathology against the background of heredity. However, severe stress can also provoke thyroiditis, when the body's protective functions begin to malfunction.

Nodes and tumors

Sometimes on the thyroid gland there are additional structures that differ from neighboring tissues in their density. Nodules in the thyroid gland in children can be a sign of both benign and malignant tumors.

If we talk about the main symptoms of a neoplasm, then you should pay attention to whether the child has problems when swallowing. If he complains of a so-called lump in his throat, then you should visit a doctor.


How formerly doctor will be able to identify the pathology, the more successful the therapy will be. As a rule, in the treatment of the thyroid gland in children, drugs containing iodine are primarily used. The dosage of medicines and the scheme of their administration is developed by the doctor.

If a child is diagnosed with hypothyroidism, then in this case, you will need to take hormonal drugs. With hyperthyroidism, it is necessary to establish the work of the endocrine organ itself. With congenital pathologies, you can only stop unpleasant symptoms and prevent serious complications. It will not be possible to completely cure the thyroid gland.

It is not worth carrying out therapeutic measures at home without a preliminary examination by a specialist. Problems with the endocrine gland can quickly develop into serious pathology. If assigned wrong treatment, then the child will lose precious time.

Thyroid ------ organ, whose activities are closely related to the functioning of various systems human body and the course of numerous processes. Factors that have a negative impact on the performance of the gland are an unhealthy lifestyle, poor heredity, aggressive environment- - lead to the development of pathological conditions of the organ, which, in turn, causes diseases of the sexual, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. To assess the importance of the thyroid gland for the human body, the reader will be helped by the materials of our article, which highlight such issues as the concept of the thyroid gland, the causes that lead to the development of pathology, the first signs of thyroid disease, methods for diagnosing and treating diseases of the thyroid gland.

general information

The thyroid gland is a very important component of the human body, which produces hormones that regulate correct exchange substances that control growth processes, support the functioning and development of tissues and internal organs.

Anatomically, the thyroid gland is a structure consisting of two halves (lobes), which are interconnected by a narrow membrane. The gland is located in the region of the initial rings of the trachea and is attached to it through connective tissue. Two types of gland cells produce certain substances that affect the work of individual functional systems. Thyrocytes generate two types of hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which are responsible for metabolic processes in the body. C-cells produce calcitonin, which regulates developmental processes bone tissue, intracellular calcium metabolism.

The weight of the thyroid gland in an adult varies within 25 grams, although everything is individual. In a newborn baby, the mass of the organ does not exceed a few grams. The volume of the gland in women is less than in men. In addition, in the female body, some fluctuations in indicators are possible in accordance with the day of the menstrual cycle.

Sick thyroid gland: symptoms

Signs of pathology often indicate one of the three types of most common thyroid ailments.

Often the first signs of the thyroid gland are disguised as other functional disorders, and it can be quite problematic to establish the correct diagnosis. Common signs that may raise suspicions of a change in the functioning of the thyroid gland include:

  • constant fatigue of the body, decreased activity, lethargy, memory impairment;
  • decreased sexual activity;
  • muscle pain, a permanent feeling of coldness and the formation of perspiration on the forehead;
  • unnatural shine of the eyes;
  • pale skin;
  • causeless cough.


Hypothyroidism is a pathology caused by insufficient production of thyroid hormones. In this situation, the signs of thyroid disease (hypothyroidism) will appear in the form of:

An enlarged thyroid gland affects the organs that are in close proximity to it. As a result of the effect of an enlarged organ on vocal cords a person's voice can change. IN rare cases he completely disappears. And the impact on the trachea will cause a lack of oxygen. It should be noted that signs of an enlarged thyroid gland can be expressed not only in a neck tumor, but also in the formation of a diffuse goiter.

A specific sign of pathology is bulging eyes. This indicates an advanced form of the disease.

Thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism)

Other common pathological condition body is hyperthyroidism. With thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism), there is an excessive secretion of hormones that the thyroid gland produces. Symptoms of the disease are usually manifested in the following:

  • retrosternal pain, resembling the effect of a heart squeezed in a vise;
  • excessive sweating - a large number of hormones accompanied by an excess of constant thirst;
  • rapid and spontaneous weight loss;
  • unreasonable change of mood, in which the state of calm changes to rage, irritation;
  • active hair loss, with observed increased fat content skin and hair.

Signs of a sick thyroid gland are also manifested by malfunctions in the genital area. In particular, this symptom of the disease is characteristic of female body. Excessive secretion hormones lead to the development gynecological diseases, menstrual irregularities.

It should be noted that thyroid diseases occur in people of all ages. However, in children, pathology is usually detected on early stages thanks to increased attention to the health of children from parents.

Causes of the disease

The work of the thyroid gland is inextricably linked with internal organs of the whole organism, and its task is to regulate the processes of human life - sleep, intellectual and physical activity, as well as the constitution of the body, the strength of bone tissue, the protective functions of the body. However, there are many factors that can lead to disorders in the thyroid gland, entailing severe consequences in the form of pathologies of organs and tissues. Conventionally, these factors can be divided into two groups - the causes, the occurrence of which is difficult for a person to influence, and those whose impact can be minimized. Let's look at the unavoidable factors first:

  • Hereditary predisposition ranks first among the factors due to which the thyroid gland suffers. Signs of a disease that occurs against the background bad genetics may appear unexpectedly. However, it is important to remember here that heredity will make itself felt only when certain conditions. Therefore, it is very important to exclude the influence of stress, a harmful environment and an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • In order for the gland to secrete a sufficient level of hormones, the body must receive the necessary amount of iodine. A lack of a substance can provoke the development of pathologies in the same way as its excess.
  • Abuse of ultraviolet rays ( long stay in the sun or tanning beds) will also not add to the health of the thyroid gland.
  • A common cause of thyroid dysfunction is autoimmune pathologies, due to which the immune system mistakenly produces antibodies that are aggressive to the thyroid gland.
  • Viruses and bacterial infections also do not pass without a trace and can cause the thyroid gland to malfunction.
  • Congenital pathologies leading to underdevelopment of the organ.

Removable Causes

It is in the power of a person to organize his daily routine, regulate the processes of work and rest, diet, and, therefore, create favorable conditions for the correct functioning of the thyroid gland.

Otherwise, the functioning of the body will be disrupted due to:

  • Unbalanced nutrition. For a sufficient intake of iodine in the human body, it is necessary to consume fish and seafood, all kinds of greens (spinach, parsley, celery), vegetables and fruits - in a word, healthy food.
  • The modern rhythm of life implies the presence of constant stress, depressive states, depression, which can affect the improper functioning of the thyroid gland and the production of hormones.
  • Smoking and alcohol are enemies of the thyroid gland. Bad habits can provoke the development of diseases and cause irreversible consequences for the body. Signs of the thyroid gland (especially in women) are clearly expressed.
  • Environmental factors - contaminated living area, radiation, lack of clean water and oxygen lead to malfunctions of the body.

Children's thyroid gland: signs, treatment

As a rule, the diagnosis of the disease in children is carried out in the early stages of development, often immediately after birth. In the first two days of life, a newborn takes a blood test for hormone levels. Insufficient levels of hormones in an infant threaten brain pathology and defects further development. Therefore, if the baby has early signs problems with the thyroid gland, this is a signal for immediate action and, possibly, the appointment of drug replacement therapy. If the disease is detected in the first years of a child's life, the treatment regimen is about the same.

An excess level of hormones - hyperthyroidism - in newborns manifests itself as a result of diffuse goiter or Graves' disease. This form of pathology occurs as a result of a similar disease of the mother before or during pregnancy. Since the occurrence of goiter is a consequence of autoimmune disorders, the immune system of the female body produces antibodies that are aggressively tuned to the thyroid gland. Antibodies cross the placenta and activate the fetal thyroid gland.

Signs of thyroid disease in children that parents need to pay close attention to:

  • slow weight gain
  • high blood pressure;
  • very frequent heartbeats;
  • irritability;
  • vomiting, diarrhea.

Enlargement of the thyroid gland can lead to a violation of the child's breathing due to the fact that pressure is applied to the trachea. A manifestation of hyperthyroidism can be heart failure, bulging eyes, as well as in an adult. Early diagnosis and treatment of diffuse goiter in young children are very important, because an advanced disease, in addition to mental retardation and delayed physical development may lead to the death of the child.

Children who receive therapy during the first year of life, in most cases, recover after a few weeks. However, a recurrence of the disease is not ruled out.

Does the disease manifest itself in the same way in men and women?

Thyroid disorders are less common in men. To some extent, this is due to the fact that during life male body less likely to experience hormonal stress.

Signs of thyroid gland in men can manifest themselves in premature baldness, reduced potency, increased bone fragility - the development of osteoporosis. Against the background of pathology, men can develop diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular myocardial infarction.

The functioning of the female body is associated with a whole complex of biorhythms in different periods life - menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth, breastfeeding, menopause ... All these processes are regulated by the thyroid gland. Signs of the disease in women can appear not only common symptoms described earlier, but also problems in the genital area associated with the inability to conceive and bear a child, hormonal disruptions and irregular menstrual cycles. External signs there may be dry scalp, weakened hair, problems with the mammary gland.

The health of a woman's thyroid gland during pregnancy becomes especially relevant. Maternal pathologies can affect the health of the unborn baby, not to mention the fact that a diseased organ can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth or premature birth.

Laboratory diagnostics

One of the few primary methods for diagnosing thyroid diseases is a laboratory blood test. The essence of the procedure is to detect the level of thyroglobulin (TG), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxine (T4) hormones in the blood, as well as the level of antibodies. For additional diagnostics laboratory blood tests for the hormone triiodothyronine (total and free) can be carried out.

In order to establish the cause of thyroid pathology, it is necessary to determine the level of antibodies to the constituent cells of the thyroid gland. TSH is a hormone from the pituitary gland, a part of the brain that stimulates the active production of thyroid hormones. If the function of the pituitary gland is normal, the level hormone TSH decreases with an increase in thyroid function, and vice versa. The free T3 hormone is the secret of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for the oxygen exchange that occurs in the tissues of the body. Free T4 hormone is the secret of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for the production of protein in cells.

Anti-thyroglobulin antibodies (AT-TG), antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (AT-TPO) are indicators that are used in the diagnosis of autoimmune thyroid diseases, such as toxic goiter.

ultrasound diagnostics

One of the main methods for diagnosing diseases of the thyroid gland is the method of ultrasound examinations.

The gland lends itself well to ultrasound examination, since its location in the body is shallow. However, it should immediately be noted that with this technique, not all departments of the body are clearly visible. Elements of the gland located behind the trachea or in the retrosternal region are examined using computed tomography.

An ultrasound study reveals the position of the gland, its contours, volumes, blood flow and lymph flow in tissues, and the presence of nodes. The parathyroid glands are also examined.

The most common pathologies of the thyroid gland, which are determined using ultrasound diagnostics, are various neoplasms: nodes or cysts. Unfortunately, cases of detection during ultrasound examination and oncological diseases such as thyroid cancer. Signs of pathology, which are distinguishable on the monitor of the ultrasound machine, are nodes with an inhomogeneous structure, uneven contours, in the form of a dark spot. Suspicion of a malignant neoplasm should also cause microcalcifications or a modified structure of the lymph nodes of the cervical region.

If nodular formations are detected during the study, the patient is recommended to undergo a fine-needle biopsy procedure, which will confirm or refute the benign nature of the formation. To determine the nature of the origin of thyroid nodules, methods of scintigraphy and color Doppler mapping are used to study the blood flow of the organ.

The cyst in most cases does not require therapy, but it is mandatory to carry out its periodic monitoring. If its growth is detected, an ethanol sclerotherapy procedure is performed, aimed at reducing the size of the neoplasm.

With the help of ultrasound diagnostics, it is possible to detect inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland, which occur against the background of a reduced level of hormones. There is no need to prepare in advance for the ultrasound examination procedure. The diagnostic results do not depend on the day of the menstrual cycle and on whether the subject had breakfast or not.

In case of thyroid pathologies, as a rule, substitution is prescribed drug therapy. With a reduced function of the gland, synthetic hormones are prescribed to compensate for the lack of their own. When increased activity thyroid glands - medicines that, on the contrary, suppress an excess of their own hormones.

There are cases when, in order to restore the patient's health, they resort to surgical intervention - they remove part of an organ or a neoplasm (node).

Summarizing all of the above, it can be noted that the thyroid gland - important organ in the human body, which is responsible for the operation of all functional systems. Factors that disrupt the secretion of the thyroid gland include poor ecology, hereditary predisposition, wrong way of life. Failure of the thyroid gland leads to the occurrence of diseases of various systems - cardiovascular, nervous, sexual.

Diagnosis of the disease is difficult because the symptoms of the manifestation of the disease are disguised as other pathologies. Common signs that may indicate malfunctions of the thyroid gland include pallor of the skin, increased fatigue of the body, muscle weakness, causeless fever, bulging eyes, dry skin, failure heart rate, tumor in the cervical region, sharp drops in mood etc.

The main manifestations of impaired secretion of the thyroid gland are thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, the formation of nodes, cysts, tumors. The lack or excess of thyroid hormones is eliminated by medication through synthetic hormones. Cysts in most cases are not treated, but simply observed for their size and structure. Neoplasms are removed surgically.

The female body, unlike the male, more responds to malfunctioning of the thyroid gland. Frequent signs thyroid glands in women - infertility, spontaneous abortion or stillbirth.

Children, along with adults, suffer from this pathology. Often, disorders are detected immediately after birth and require immediate treatment.

The main methods for diagnosing thyroid pathologies include laboratory blood tests for hormone levels and the presence of antibodies to them, as well as the method of ultrasound diagnostics.

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