Treat dry cough in children. What is dangerous about a child’s frequent dry cough and what can be done. Temperature rises with dry cough

As soon as the baby shows any sign of illness, young mothers immediately begin to panic. So, quite often children experience a dry cough. And therefore, every parent should clearly know the answers to questions such as what are the causes of such a cough or how to properly treat it effectively.

A dry cough indicates that the mucous membrane of the patient’s respiratory tract ceases to produce secretions at an increased rate (this is the case if a foreign body or dust gets into the throat), or that the secretion has increased viscosity and therefore is difficult to produce (this occurs with pneumonia) . At the same time, swelling of the vocal cords may be observed (this is observed with laryngitis), or spasm of the small bronchi and, as a result, narrowing of their lumens (this symptom is characteristic of an allergic cough).

What are the causes of dry cough in children?

There are several main causes of dry cough in children.

1 Any case of ARVI. This is a viral infection, the viruses of which penetrate the epithelial cells of the human respiratory tract, after which they (the cells) become inflamed and then die. As a result of this action, sensitive cough receptors are stimulated. The most obsessive cough especially affects people suffering from respiratory syncytial infections, parainfluenza, and influenza. In this case, the respiratory tract can be affected at various levels. So, for example, with pharyngitis the pharynx is affected, with tracheitis - the trachea, with bronchitis and bronchiolitis - large and small bronchi, and with pneumonia - the alveoli.

2 Presence of inflammation of the vocal cords. During illness, a person experiences a decrease in the lumen of the glottis. And, depending on the size of this gap, the child may experience a dry “barking cough” or, on the contrary, a very quiet, almost inaudible cough (such a cough is said to be aphonia). Typically, laryngitis is the result of overstrain of the vocal cords, which occurs during microbial and viral infections, loud screaming, an allergic reaction, or inhalation of vapors of any irritating substances.

3 Specific bacterial infections may occur, which include: tuberculosis, which results in the formation of a very long-term inflammatory process that occurs in the lungs and in the peritracheal lymph nodes, which leads to a reflex cough; diphtheria, as a result of which swelling of the tissues of the larynx, neck and throat is observed, while the trachea is compressed; whooping cough. As a result of this disease, pathogenic bacteria contaminate the human body with toxins. And those, in turn, cause a sharp increase in the activity of the human cough center. As a result, the patient experiences bouts of very prolonged coughing, which prevent him from breathing and can even lead to suffocation. In addition, very thick sputum, whose consistency resembles liquid glass, accumulates in the bronchi. This is why it is very difficult for her to clear her throat.

4 Manifestation of allergies in the form of respiratory diseases. If a child has a cough, but there is no temperature, and, as a rule, if it appears in the autumn-spring period, then we can say that the patient is allergic to animal fur, for example, or to flowering plants. This cough is often accompanied by a runny nose and watery eyes. The most severe form of this disease is bronchial asthma.

5 Pleurisy or inflammation of the pleura is also accompanied by a reflex painful cough.

6 Gastro-esophageal reflux. As a rule, with this disease, coughing attacks occur after eating. Most often - in a lying position in a dream. The reason for this is the flow of the acidic contents of the human stomach into the oral cavity and after this, accidental inhalation of this acid.

7 Very rarely, but still there are situations when a dry cough in a child appears due to a tumor of the lungs, bronchial lymph nodes, aortic aneurysm, inflammation of the respiratory tract, and decompensated heart defects.

How to treat a dry cough in a child?

How to treat children if they have a dry cough? Moreover, it is known that children under two years of age cannot be treated with medications. This is due to the fact that there is always a risk of drug overdose. Older children can be given medications for dry cough, which can block the cough reflex that occurs. But for children it is necessary to use other procedures that reduce irritation in the throat. But, when choosing one or another drug treatment for a child, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the side effects that are characteristic of this medicine. Such effects usually include drowsiness and dizziness. So, if the medicine is selected, then just in case it is best given before bedtime.

Today, if you talk to mothers, you can conclude that the most popular medicine for treating dry cough is the drug “Robitussin”, which blocks cough reflexes, as well as “Delsim” - a special suspension that has a long-term effect. Experts say that this drug can relieve a child of a dry cough for about 12 hours. If home treatment is chosen, then the most optimal is the use of steam inhalation. It must be emphasized that such inhalations should be used with an automatic humidifier. Thanks to the action of the cool steam that appears from this humidification, it opens the nasal passages and significantly relieves irritation in the throat. If parents want to use homeopathic remedies, then it is best to use the following recipe. Take one spoon of honey and mix it with a spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. And do not forget that during illness the child must be given as much fluid as possible to remove toxins from the body. At this time, the child can eat chicken soup and hot tea (as often as possible). Be sure to gargle with warm salted water. If the child is over four years old, then he can already be given cough drops.

Rules for caring for a sick child

1 The air in the room must be humidified. The fact is that dry air leads to attacks of dry cough. To do this, you need to do wet cleaning more often, you can hang a wet towel on the radiator, or place dishes with hot water everywhere in the room.

2 It is important that the room is 20-22 0 C.

3 It is necessary to exclude all irritating odors, such as the smell of any smoke (including tobacco), any detergents and all other chemical odors.

4 A sick child must be provided with a special drinking regime. This means that he should drink warm alkaline liquid, which includes milk, tea, and still water, as often as possible.

5 At this time, you should not force the child to eat a lot; he should have a gentle diet. There should be only light, low-calorie dishes on the table, such as jelly, jelly, and fruit puree. Mashed potatoes made with milk with the addition of melted butter are very well received by a sick child.

6 You can apply warm compresses. They should be located on the chest area. But after the compress is removed, the child must be dressed warmly.

7 You can teach your child to inhale warm, moist air. To do this, you need to go into the bathroom, close the door tightly behind you, turn on the shower and inhale the moist warm air that will come from it.

Folk remedies for treating dry cough in children

Today, there are a lot of different folk recipes that make it possible to treat dry cough in children. Below are the most delicious, healthy and safe ones.

1 Take a spoonful of sugar and boil the syrup in it until it turns dark yellow. After that, dilute this caramel in water and use it to treat the baby’s cough. If the child is big, then you can simply let him dissolve the resulting frozen syrup, as if it were a candy.

2 You can take black radish juice and mix it with honey, then drink it using dessert spoons. This recipe can only be used if the child is not allergic to these components.

3 Pour a glass of milk into a container and put a small onion in it and boil it over low heat. After this, strain the milk and drink it warm, but only in small sips.

4 You can give your child medicinal tea, which will consist of a decoction of marshmallow herbs, wild rosemary, peppermint, thyme flowers, licorice root, thermopsis, coltsfoot. Moreover, you can brew herbs separately or make a collection from them.

Whatever disease worries the baby, at this time he should have semi-bed rest. And it is necessary to remove exotic seasonings and various hot spices from food. And yet, even if a mother considers herself a serious specialist in the treatment of her child, she must be shown to a doctor in order not to miss any serious illness and to prevent the development of any dangerous complications.

What to do if a child has a dry cough without fever?

There are situations when a child has a severe dry cough and no other symptoms of the disease - fever, runny nose, weakness - are observed. In such a situation, the easiest way is to assume that the baby simply got something in his throat. It can be anything - from dust to a small part of a toy. As a rule, such a cough develops very sharply, without any symptoms, and may even be accompanied by suffocation. In this case, parents must act very quickly, but carefully so as not to scare the baby. To do this, the baby should be placed face down on your lap. You can clear the throat with several sliding blows, which parents apply from top to bottom between the baby’s shoulder blades. In the event that a stuck object pops out of the throat, it is best to still show the baby to the doctor so that he can check the airways and make sure that they are not damaged.

In some situations, children's dry cough in the absence of fever occurs in infants. As a rule, it starts in the morning. This happens in order to clear the child’s airways from sputum accumulated overnight. Therefore, if the baby coughs, but there is no temperature, then this is all within normal limits.

When should you take serious action when a child has a dry cough?

If, after following all the recommendations prescribed by your doctor, the child’s dry cough does not go away, then you need to contact a more specialized specialist - an otolaryngologist. If this cough is prolonged, then serious laboratory examinations are necessary. In addition, consultations with a phthisiatrician and pulmonologist must be scheduled. The cause of such a long-term dry cough can be anything - tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma. If a child develops a prolonged cough in the autumn and spring, it may be a helminthic infestation or chronic allergic inflammation. In any case, treatment should be prescribed by specialists.

If your baby begins to cough and this cough becomes permanent, then this is a rather alarming symptom that requires special attention. On the one hand, a cough is even useful, because it helps the baby get rid of mucus and viruses that have entered his body. On the other hand, such a strong cough can be very dangerous for the baby, especially if he cannot clear his throat for a long time - in such cases, mucus enters the child’s body, causing serious harm to him. This is especially dangerous if the child’s immunity is significantly weakened during the illness. That is why it is so important to know the reasons for a dry cough in a child, than to treat this incessant attack at home.

The most commonly identified causes of dry cough are:

  • respiratory infections. They enter the child’s body during the period of active reproduction (most often this is autumn and winter);
  • influenza, as well as other viral diseases that primarily attack children.

What diseases are accompanied by a strong dry cough?

Usually, when a child at any age begins to cough debilitatingly, any mother begins to think that he has a cold or flu. But a dry cough is dangerous because it can indicate the occurrence of diseases that have nothing to do with the respiratory system at all. This reaction of the body can occur when:

  1. Infectious diseases (ARVI);
  2. Tracheitis;
  3. Whooping cough;
  4. Laryngitis;
  5. Pleurisy;
  6. Obstructive bronchitis;
  7. Neoplasms;
  8. Bronchial asthma;
  9. Ingestion of a foreign body into the respiratory system. Parents should immediately consult a doctor if their child develops a persistent cough immediately after eating. This is evidence that food accidentally entered his respiratory tract. In this case, a piece of food can reach the pathways in the lungs and tightly close them, where this piece of food can begin the process of rotting.

If a dry cough haunts a child at night, this may be a sign of asthma, sinusitis, heart failure, or whooping cough. But a morning attack of dry cough can eloquently indicate the presence of bronchitis, bronchiecstasis and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment methods for dry cough

As soon as you notice signs of a dry cough in your child, treatment should begin immediately. If you are not a doctor, you should not rely on your own strength; you need to seek advice from a specialist as soon as possible. The faster and more correctly the diagnosis is made, the more effective the treatment will be.

To treat a severe cough, various methods are used - from the use of expectorants to treating it with antibiotics and popular folk methods.

How to treat a dry cough in a child: medications

All modern cough medications are divided into several types:

  • Antitussives(such drugs have a calming effect on the cough centers in the brain. Most often, these drugs are used for whooping cough, which cannot be treated, so you just need to reduce its manifestation. In this case, only antitussives are used, “Sinekod” can be very helpful here).
  • Expectorants(you will find a huge variety of such drugs in the pharmacy, the most common and popular among them is Ambroxol. The drugs act on the mucous membrane, helping it to secrete mucus before it enters the body, thereby removing it from the respiratory tract).
  • Mucolytic(such drugs quickly dilute sputum and remove it efficiently. They are most often used for wet coughs. These are “Mukoltin”, “Fluimucil”, “Lazolvan”, “ACC”).

If you don’t know how to treat a strong dry cough in a child, just seek help from a doctor, do not buy medications at random without knowing the nature of your child’s strong cough.

At the same time, you should know that in young children, treatment with one group of drugs often does not give the desired results. Then doctors recommend using combination medications. These products contain substances from two or three groups. So it could be, for example, a drug with both an expectorant and an antitussive effect.

Also quite often, medications with expectorant and mucolytic properties are used for children. Such drugs are given to babies who cannot cough up mucus themselves, or to older children with viscosity and difficult sputum formation. Such combination drugs include medications such as Pectolvan S, Glycodin, Stoptussin, Bronchosan and others.

Herbal medicine in the treatment of dry cough in children.

Common people are accustomed to the fact that medications help quickly and effectively get rid of cough problems in children. But they may not be suitable for all kids in the end. In some cases, doctors recommend using herbs to treat coughs.

The thing is that in nature there are herbs that have mucolytic and expectorant properties.
Thyme and licorice root, coltsfoot and the well-known plantain, marshmallow root help in thinning mucus and its gradual and safe removal from the respiratory tract.

How else to treat a dry cough in a child: folk remedies

At home, all these herbs can be boiled, infused, individually or in combination with other medicinal herbs. If you don’t know how to cure a child’s dry cough, then you should familiarize yourself with the most popular traditional medicine recipes.

Many parents do not want to resort to modern medicine when their child is ill. If you don’t want to stuff your child with harmful syrups and tablets, or load your little body with chemically advertised products, then you can use the experience of our grandmothers, who knew how to treat and how to alleviate the patient’s serious condition. Most types of cough in a child can be cured at home using folk recipes.

Herbal decoctions

For effective treatment of dry cough, you just need to brew and infuse 1-2 tablespoons of one of the herbs listed above, and you will have a remedy with which you will quickly get rid of a dry cough in a child.

  • Tea from coltsfoot. Coltsfoot takes first place in the treatment of all types of dry cough. Substances contained in the leaves of the plant have a thinning effect on thick, viscous sputum, helping it to be expectorated quickly. Tea from coltsfoot is drunk warm in the morning, and in combination with natural honey, even the most picky child will like it.
  • Collection of oregano, calendula, mint, Licorice root and violet herb have an effective expectorant effect during a dry cough in a child.
  • Liquorice root has an expectorant effect on sputum, quickly cures bronchitis, laryngitis, and alleviates the condition of a debilitating dry cough during an asthmatic attack. The herb is used to boost immunity and restore strength after illness.

Using onions and garlic

It should be noted that traditional medicine successfully dealt with the problem of dry cough even before the advent of popular chemical drugs. In this regard, onions and garlic are very popular natural antibiotics and antiseptics. For easy removal of sputum, onions and honey are most often used.

The onion is chopped as finely as possible, mixed with 1 tablespoon of natural honey. This mixture in the amount of 1 teaspoon should be taken every time after meals.

Garlic is finely chopped and placed in a glass of milk. This mixture is brought to a boil and used after meals 3 times a day, about a third of a glass.


For a dry cough, it is very useful to simply drink warmed milk. You can add honey to the milk, and for older children you can also add spices (vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg). Previously, coughs were often treated with milk and soda - a quarter of a teaspoon of soda per glass of drink.

You can also add butter to the milk - 50 g of butter per 1 glass of milk. You can safely add honey to this mixture.

Honey with black radish

If you want to quickly cure a child’s dry cough, then the wise advice of our mothers and grandmothers will always come to the rescue. It was they who came up with the idea of ​​treating dry, hysterical coughs with the help of black radish. A hole is made in the radish, honey is placed there and infused (you can bake it in the oven), then the juice that appears can be taken before meals. You will be provided with quick and effective cough treatment.

Treatment of dry cough with pine needles

Most often, pine needles are used with milk. To do this, boil half a glass of pine buds in half a liter of milk for 20 minutes. The child needs to drink the entire amount of decoction received within two days. Inhalation with pine decoction is also used. But for such treatment you need to be sure that your baby is not allergic to pine needles.

Drink plenty of fluids that contain vitamin C

This is most often a decoction of cranberries, viburnum, tea with lemon, and fruit.

Inhalations and rubbing

Eucalyptus and camphor oils are used for rubbing. When inhaled, adding one or two drops of essential oil of lavender, rosemary or tea tree, you will get a double effect: relieve dry cough and relieve your child from headaches.

In the old fashioned way, you can breathe over hot boiled potatoes, only after draining the water. Alkaline inhalations are also useful - add soda to water or use mineral water.


Cabbage leaves with honey or crushed potatoes with honey, alcohol and mustard can be used as compresses. The active layer should never be applied to the heart area. After applying the compress, you need to wrap the child’s body with cellophane film and wrap the chest warmly. We keep the compress for several hours, preferably at least 4. You can leave it overnight.

Contraindications for the use of traditional medicine

At home, treatment for infants can be limited only to plenty of drinking and rubbing, but scented oils should not be used due to the child’s possible allergic reaction.

Don’t forget that you can’t rub your baby’s tummy, but you can only rub your back with regular ointment. But in order not to harm the baby, before using any rubbing you should consult an experienced doctor.

How to make a dry cough easier

Regardless of the reasons why your child coughs, it is necessary to create acceptable living conditions for him. Therefore, adults provide high-quality conditions so that attacks of any cough in children are mild.

  1. The temperature in the children's room should not be higher than 20 degrees;
  2. Low indoor humidity is simply unacceptable;
  3. The air should be as fresh as possible - before the baby goes to bed, you need to ventilate the room well.
  4. It is necessary to do wet cleaning as often as possible, since a dry cough is provoked by allergies.
  5. For whooping cough, doctors recommend dipping a wet sheet in iodine and placing it next to the baby to simulate sea air.

Dry cough at elevated temperature

A dry cough in children may not always occur simultaneously with a high fever. If a child’s temperature rises, this means that the mucus has already been absorbed into the baby’s blood and is gradually transferred to all organs. In this case, antibiotics prescribed by a doctor are needed. When prescribing antibiotics, the specialist takes into account the child’s various reactions to drugs of this kind, his age, weight, and especially the reason why the child’s condition has worsened. If your baby’s dry cough has been going on for more than 5-6 days and his condition is worsening, under no circumstances should you put off visiting a doctor.

If, simultaneously with an elevated temperature, you observe a strong dry cough in a child, Komarovsky will tell you how to treat it - you can bring down the temperature with the help of wet compresses that are applied to the forehead and neck. You should not use solutions containing alcohol for compresses.

All parents know very well that the health of a child is too expensive to treat it carelessly. That is why, even if you know how to treat a child’s dry cough at home, still make a visit to the doctor first. Only a competent specialist will be able to correctly determine the nature of your baby’s cough and give you the right advice for its treatment, also approving the traditional methods of treatment that you yourself intend to use.

Any parent knows: there is nothing worse when children get sick! And a strong dry cough in a baby can make anyone nervous.

What is the difference between a dry and a wet cough?

Cough is a protective reaction of the body designed to cleanse the human respiratory system of foreign objects, including pathogenic microorganisms.

The main distinguishing feature of a dry cough from a wet cough is that it does not produce sputum. It is often also called unproductive. Such a cough does not bring relief, but only increasing discomfort and pain.

What can cause a nonproductive cough?

Most often, the cause of a child’s cough is the penetration of various types of infections into the respiratory tract, irritating the walls of the bronchi or trachea. However, there may be other origins, for example:

  1. ARVI: pathogenic microorganisms infect the respiratory tract and cause irritation of the cough reflex receptors.
  2. Inflammation of the vocal cords. In this case, the child develops a so-called “barking” cough, or the baby begins to cough very quietly, barely audible.
  3. Chronic inflammatory processes occurring in the upper and lower respiratory tract. They lead sputum to a very viscous and difficult to separate consistency.
  4. Penetration of a small foreign body into the respiratory system - it can be either a piece of cookie or a small part from a toy.
  5. Gastroesophageal reflux. Coughing attacks occur after eating or during sleep, when acid from the stomach enters the oral cavity, from where the baby accidentally inhales it.
  6. Inhalation of unpleasant odors and smoke, dry air in the room can also cause a child to cough. It usually stops quickly when the room is ventilated.
  7. Allergic reactions are usually observed in the autumn-spring season.

  1. Lung tumors, heart defects (for non-infectious diseases).

Diseases accompanied by dry cough

To prescribe effective treatment, the doctor must understand the original source of the cough, as well as determine what disease it is a symptom of.

Dry cough is observed in children with the following diseases:

  • Influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory viral infections. With them, the cough is persistent, with pain in the thoracic region, and can sometimes turn into a “barking” cough or be accompanied by rough wheezing.
  • Pharyngitis. Here the cough is obsessive, irritating, there is also a sore throat and an increase in body temperature.
  • Laryngitis. Laryngitis is characterized by a “barking” debilitating cough, hoarseness or complete loss of voice, the appearance of shortness of breath, and signs of suffocation.
  • Tracheitis. The cough is throaty, hysterical in nature, and may also be accompanied by hoarseness or loss of voice, and in addition - headache, fever. Sometimes coughing attacks can be accompanied by vomiting.
  • Bronchitis. A cough with bronchitis can be painful and tearing, and may not go away immediately. This is due to the strong viscosity of the sputum, which cannot be separated immediately. That is why coughing attacks are usually protracted and take all the strength from a sick baby.
  • Pneumonia. In atypical forms, this disease can begin in children with a nonproductive cough, which then turns into a wet cough. In addition, the disease is characterized by high body temperature (up to 40 C°), severe general weakness, shortness of breath, and chest pain.

  • Whooping cough and parawhooping cough. These diseases usually begin with a runny nose and a mild cough, which gradually intensifies and becomes spasmodic. It greatly depresses the baby and can even lead to a sudden stop in breathing in the child.
  • Measles. In the initial stages of the disease, a cough may be present; it is usually dry and hacking, but may also be accompanied by wheezing.
  • Tuberculosis. It is characterized by a long, incessant, protracted and continuous cough.
  • Also, a nonproductive cough can be observed in children with helminthic infestations.

In what cases should you immediately consult a doctor?

In any case, if you have a dry cough, you will need the help of a doctor. He will be able to correctly identify the disease causing this unpleasant symptom and prescribe appropriate treatment.

However, remember if a dry cough is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sleep disturbance,
  • shortness of breath,
  • pale baby
  • an increase in his body temperature above 39 C°,
  • vomiting,
  • hemoptysis,
  • convulsive seizures,
  • wheezing and signs of suffocation,

Your baby needs immediate specialist help and hospitalization!

If the treatment prescribed by the pediatrician does not bring relief, it is necessary to consult with a more specialized specialist - an otolaryngologist. And also get advice from a phthisiatrician and pulmonologist.

A dry cough in a child can also be a consequence of chronic allergic diseases, then you will need to consult with an allergist.

How is nonproductive cough treated in children?

Before starting treatment for dry cough in children, it is necessary to establish the cause and disease that caused it. Remember, only a specialist can choose the right cough medicine for your child.

Most often, to achieve the desired effect, treatment for cough must be comprehensive and include the use of medications and distracting, restorative procedures.

The first thing that is necessary is to provide your child with a bedtime or, at least, less active daily routine and a comfortable air temperature in the room. It is also necessary to monitor its humidity, since excessively dry air can provoke new coughing attacks.

In addition, you should eliminate extraneous irritating odors in the room in which the sick baby is located, and give him plenty of warm drinks, which will ensure the rapid removal of toxins from the body.

If a child refuses to eat, then you should not force him. Make sure that the dishes are light and least irritating to the mucous membranes. As a rule, these should be low-fat soups without tomato or pureed dishes, such as mashed potatoes.

Homemade folk remedies

There are quite a few cough recipes that can be used at home to relieve attacks in children, for example:

  1. Melt a spoonful of sugar, pour a little milk into the resulting mass, then cool and give the resulting candy to the child.
  2. Add honey to black radish juice and take a dessert spoon after each meal.
  3. Mix carrot juice with milk and drink three times a day.
  4. Add honey to olive oil, drink a teaspoon two to three times a day.
  5. Brew medicinal tea based on a decoction of marshmallow herbs, wild rosemary, peppermint, thyme flowers, licorice root, thermopsis, coltsfoot.

However, when using folk remedies, you should be careful and first make sure that your baby is not allergic to their components.

In addition, you can give your child warm compresses or put on mustard plasters. After applying compresses, it is worth dressing the child in warm clothes to maintain its effect.

You can also perform aromatherapy using lavender or eucalyptus oils. To do this, you need to drop a few drops of essential oil into a glass of boiling water and place it in the room where the child spends most of the time.


Inhalations can be carried out only if the child does not have an elevated body temperature.

There are several ways to perform cough inhalation:

  • using a towel
  • using special steam inhalers,
  • using a nebulizer.

Over a steaming pan

“Breathing over potatoes” - our grandmothers used this method of inhalation. However, it is worth noting that this method is not effective for small children, since they are most often on the move and can turn over a pan of hot potatoes on themselves.

Steam inhaler

The basic principle of operation of a steam inhaler is to heat the medicinal solution to a state where it begins to evaporate. Inhaling these vapors brings a moisturizing and healing effect.


The method using a nebulizer is most preferable, since such inhalations are possible in children, starting from infancy. This device grinds the medicinal solution into an aerosol, which increases the percentage of its absorption by the body.

Thanks to this, the medicinal solution penetrates directly into the respiratory tract, which helps it quickly reach the source of inflammation and overcome the child’s dry cough.

Which inhalation solution do you prefer?

For inhalation treatment, use an alkaline solution of mineral water (Essentuki No. 4, No. 17, Borjomi), saline solution or baking soda solution.

Eucalyptus, fir and anise oils are also used (except for inhalation using a nebulizer). Among the medications, Ambroxol is usually used, which stimulates the production of sputum and its discharge (use only as prescribed by a doctor!).


Medicines prescribed for a child with a severe dry cough can be divided into the following types:

  1. Mucolytics - helping to liquefy sputum.
  2. Expectorants, which dilate the bronchi, transform the cough into a productive state.
  3. Antitussive drugs that suppress the cough reflex at the level of brain systems. They are usually used when children's cough is caused by asthma, allergies or heart failure.
  4. Combined-action drugs that have a mucolytic, expectorant and bronchodilator effect.

The use of any of these groups of drugs is possible only as prescribed by a doctor who can correctly determine the dosage required for your child.

In case of severe inflammatory processes, the baby may be additionally prescribed antibiotic therapy. Also, in addition to all of the above, the doctor may prescribe local warming ointments for the child, which will help ease breathing.

First aid for a child with a severe coughing attack

What to do if your baby is choking?

During a severe attack of dry cough, the baby may gasp convulsively for air, his skin may acquire a bluish tint, or the child may completely lose consciousness. All this indicates the development of suffocation or asphyxia.

In this case, you need to act quickly and not hesitate! It is urgent to call an ambulance, unfasten the top buttons on the child’s clothes, and provide access to fresh air.

If the cause is a foreign body

The cause of suffocation can be the penetration of any small object into the respiratory tract. You need to look to see if there is a foreign object in the child’s throat.

If you don’t see anything, then turn the child’s back to you, tilt him face down and lightly tap between the shoulder blades in a downward direction, as if knocking a foreign object out of the baby.

Help with an asthma or allergy attack

Also, a severe attack of dry cough may be associated with an allergic reaction or manifestations of bronchial asthma. In this case, it is necessary to give the child his inhaler, or offer to drink an antihistamine, which will quickly relieve swelling and restore breathing.

In children 2 years old, as well as in older children, it can incredibly exhaust both the child and his parents. Unlike a wet cough, a dry cough does not bring relief and is not able to rid the bronchi of accumulated mucus. Therefore, it is so important, after consulting a doctor, to begin treatment as soon as possible.

Possible diseases

When a dry cough appears in children 2 years old, parents should, with the help of a doctor, rule out possible dangerous illnesses. Of course, most likely, the baby just caught a banal acute respiratory infection, but perhaps the child has a more serious illness:

  • Whooping cough. A childhood infectious disease characterized by a severe, simply debilitating dry cough. In this case, antitussive drugs are needed, which a doctor can prescribe.
  • Pneumonia. In this case, the baby, in addition to coughing, has a high temperature. The disease is determined by listening to the lungs. An x-ray may also be needed. A young child will most likely be hospitalized. Still, the disease is serious and does not allow self-medication.
  • Tuberculosis. In this case, the cough is not only dry, but also dull and unproductive. Treatment under medical supervision is required. In the future, long-term rehabilitation will be required.
  • Laryngitis. This is an inflammation of the larynx. Laryngitis can be distinguished by its characteristic characteristics. When you hear such sounds in a child, you should immediately call a doctor. The disease is dangerous due to the risk of severe swelling of the larynx and the inability to breathe normally.

In any case, if a child develops a strong and unproductive dry cough, you should consult a pediatrician. If the doctor, after listening to the lungs and examining the child, does not find serious reasons for concern, then it will be possible to be treated at home.

Such a different cough

Cough can vary. Wet and dry have different manifestations. Let's look at their differences from each other:

  • Unlike a wet cough, a dry cough does not clear the throat and, accordingly, does not bring the desired effect of sputum separation.
  • A dry cough appears immediately at the beginning of the disease, only then does it turn into a wet cough.
  • With a dry cough, inflammation of the larynx or pharynx occurs. A wet cough is characterized by the formation of mucus in the bronchi.
  • Medicines for a dry cough are aimed at suppressing the cough reflex, while for a wet cough it is necessary to dilute the sputum for better clearance.

But when treating children, you should not get carried away with a variety of expectorant syrups. The fact is that the baby, due to his age, cannot yet cough productively. Syrups that dilute mucus increase its secretion; the child will not be able to cough up the increasing mucus, and it will begin to stagnate. This situation leads to chronic inflammation.

Dry cough. Looking for a reason

The most common cause of dry cough in children 2 years of age is viral infections. Cough is not a disease, but a symptom of it. Therefore, when it appears, the cause should be found and the underlying disease treated.

If the child is lethargic, has a fever and a cough, it means that the baby has caught a viral infection. In this case, the doctor will prescribe medications aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the infection.

Only a doctor will be able to determine whether it is a common ARVI, a more serious whooping cough, or pneumonia.

But it may well be that dry cough in children 2 years old is not associated with viruses. If the child is cheerful, does not have a fever and his general condition has not changed, it may be an allergic cough. You should pay attention to the baby’s environment and eliminate possible allergens.

If the causes of coughing cannot be found and eliminated, you should consult a specialist and test for allergens.

We alleviate the condition

When the doctor has examined the baby and prescribed treatment, the parents are able to help the baby and alleviate his condition. After all, dryness only torments the child and does not even allow him to sleep peacefully and gain strength.

Let your baby drink as much as possible. All systems in the body are interconnected. And if a person drinks a lot, then his blood thins out, and, accordingly, the mucus also becomes less thick. Consequently, the child will be able to start coughing productively and remove unnecessary things from the bronchi.

When a baby suffers from a dry cough, the air in the room should under no circumstances be dry and warm. This will only worsen the situation. The air should be humidified and the room must be ventilated.

If there is no temperature and the child is in general normal condition, he should definitely go for a walk. Don't be afraid to go outside again. The main thing is that there is no severe frost or wind.

Humidifying the air, sufficient fluid intake and washing children's noses can cure a dry cough without the use of various tablets and mixtures.

When you need to urgently call a doctor

  1. The cough took on a dull, barking character.
  2. A sudden dry cough does not clear the throat and occurs in increasing attacks. Sensation of a foreign object in the larynx.
  3. Cough that causes vomiting.
  4. Increasing dry cough, which intensifies, regardless of air humidification and drinking plenty of fluids.

Only a doctor, after examining the child, will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and give recommendations for eliminating unpleasant symptoms.

Drug treatment

With a dry cough, the baby cannot sleep or play normally. The cough plagues him and gives him no rest day or night. Therefore, in this case it should be suppressed.

They are divided into two types. Some are aimed at thinning sputum and making it less thick. The cough intensifies and becomes more productive. Accordingly, mucus is coughed up better.

Once the medicine has done its job, i.e. The sputum has become thinner and the cough has become more productive; the medication is discontinued.

The second type of medication is aimed at suppressing the cough reflex and, therefore, the cough recedes.

But antitussive drugs, as well as syrups to thin sputum, should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Remember! The medicine does not treat cough as such. Syrups and tablets act on specific receptors. They either thin the mucus and increase the productivity of the cough, or suppress the cough centers.

Antitussive medications are usually prescribed for childhood whooping cough and may be recommended for debilitating dry cough caused by ARVI.

Physiotherapy to help your baby

It happens that, despite following all the recommendations, the disease does not recede. In this case, physical therapy is recommended.

Warming up is carried out in the physiotherapy room. The required course and time will be prescribed by the attending physician.

In addition, the child may be recommended a massage. The fact is that active kneading of the chest by a specialist leads to an expectorant effect. It is very useful for parents themselves to give their child a warming massage at home, kneading the sternum and back.

We are treated with traditional methods

Since ancient times, people have been looking for ways to get rid of all sorts of ailments using improvised means. Humanity has accumulated a lot of experience and knowledge used to get rid of cough at home.

But before trying traditional methods on a child, it is advisable to consult a doctor. After all, many people believe that herbal treatment is harmless, but they forget that these remedies can cause great harm.

Many medicinal herbs are poisonous and are simply not recommended for use by young children. But if a mother uses milk, for example, to treat a cough, then it won’t hurt.

Milk will come to the rescue

For dry coughs in children, knowledgeable grandmothers have long been offering a remedy such as milk with honey and butter. Due to its accessibility, this method remains relevant to this day.

Despite its apparent simplicity, this treatment produces results. Already after the first cup drunk before bedtime, the baby feels better.

Milk with honey and butter can soften an irritated throat and reduce coughing attacks. The main thing is that the liquid is not too hot, otherwise it can only worsen the child’s condition. Very hot milk will irritate the inflamed mucous membranes and worsen the cough.

It happens that children do not want to drink milk and butter. Don't insist that your child empty the whole cup. A couple of spoons before bed is enough. You can also offer your baby a spoonful during the day.

But before giving your child hot milk with honey, you need to be sure that the baby is not allergic to bee products. In any case, you can simply offer a cup of milk with a piece of butter. The latter will soften an irritated throat and help relieve a dry cough.

Black radish is a storehouse of vitamins

Our great-grandmothers knew about this root vegetable. They used it to treat small children. Black radish contains a lot of vitamin C, organic acids and mineral salts. Thanks to the essential oils it contains, it has a sharp taste reminiscent of onions.

Radish juice is used to treat many diseases, such as ARVI and bronchitis. Juice helps very well when the baby has a dry cough that does not clear his throat and does not give him peace. Let's look at how it is recommended to use this tool.

Black radish for cough

How to use such a useful root vegetable and treat dry cough in children? It's simple. It is enough to select a mature vegetable without damage and cut off the top.

Then we cut a hole in the radish and fill the resulting hole with honey. Cover this place with the cut top and leave in the refrigerator for 3 hours. During this time, honey extracts the juice, which contains many essential oils and vitamins.

After the specified time has passed, remove the radish and give the resulting juice to the child. Pour honey into the hole again and put it in the refrigerator. As soon as the juice stops forming, you should take a new root vegetable. But usually one vegetable is enough.

Black radish with honey will not harm children. The only exception is an allergy to bee products. In this case, you can try pouring a weak sugar solution, which will draw out the juice.

Radish helps cough very effectively. In addition, children usually like the sweetish taste of the proposed medicine, which looks so unusual. And many parents prefer natural methods of treatment instead of pills and potions.

Radish juice with honey is considered excellent and also has a significant anti-inflammatory effect. Pediatricians recommend radishes to prevent serious diseases such as bronchitis and whooping cough.

How to use radish

Take one teaspoon three times a day. It is better to give juice before meals.

Despite all its usefulness, black radish is not used as food. As an additive for salads, it can be used no more than 1-2 times a week. To treat children, radish juice is used for no more than seven days in a row.

Cocoa butter for dry cough in children

Everyone knows that children do not like to take medications and pills. Sometimes the child refuses to take even a tasty and sweet mixture.

But many children love cocoa. And the oils contained in cocoa beans can reduce attacks of dry cough.

For those who don't really want to drink a cup of real cocoa, we can recommend purchasing cocoa butter at the pharmacy. It is absolutely harmless and is recommended for the treatment of influenza, ARVI and relief of their symptoms in both adults and children.

Cocoa butter contains theobromine, which fights bronchitis and asthma. It is also full of vitamins, such as C, E and A, which greatly help fight the disease.

To treat dry cough in children, you can add oil to warm milk. It is recommended to drink this medicine often and little by little. Use one teaspoon of butter per glass of milk. If you are not allergic, you can add honey.

If, in addition to a cough, a child suffers from a sore throat, encourage him to suck the oil like candy, thus lubricating the inflamed areas.

You can also add cocoa butter to badger fat for grinding. Children will surely like the chocolate aroma.

Before using any folk remedy to treat a child, you should consult a doctor and take into account possible contraindications.

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym, or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, and be in nature and fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations; it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in advanced stages. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist; you need to take radical measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and reduce contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immunity as much as possible spend more time in the fresh air. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

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