Cough medicines are inexpensive but effective. Expectorants are inexpensive but effective

Expectorants are usually prescribed for viral infection or another disease accompanied by difficult separation from the lungs. Such drugs allow you to quickly remove phlegm, alleviate the patient’s condition and speed up recovery.

They often include natural ingredients, expectorant herbs and extracts. Despite this, such tablets are not completely safe and have their own contraindications and side effects.

Expectorant tablets: properties and purpose

Expectorants are prescribed to remove mucus from the lungs. They can be purely expectorant and mucolytic. Unlike mucolytic drugs, which also actively dilute sputum, expectorant tablets are often prescribed for thin but profuse sputum.Sputum in the lungs creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria and viruses, so when it is eliminated, recovery occurs faster.

For children

Expectorant drugs for children - types and uses

Expectorant medications for children are selected with special care and only by the attending physician. U small child may arise allergic reaction on herbal components of preparations. You need to carefully monitor the body’s reaction and contact a pediatrician if the child’s condition worsens.

A mother should not start treating her child’s cough on her own. There are different types of coughs, as well as types of antitussives. Expectorants are prescribed, as a rule, when the infection has already descended lower, into the bronchi, trachea and has caused a heavy accumulation.

Children's expectorants should be chosen taking into account the age and severity of the child's condition.

Drugs in tablets are prescribed to children over 3 years of age, and drops are prescribed up to this age.When taking expectorants, it is recommended to give your child more fluids to help the mucus come out more easily.

Types of drugs:

  • . Famous cough tablets based on marshmallow extract. Since the drug has side effects and is available in tablet form, it should not be taken by small children. infants up to a year.
  • Bromhexine. Available in both tablet and syrup form for children younger age. This is very effective drug, which can be taken alone or in combination with other expectorants or.
  • . The drug is sold in the form of granules that must be dissolved in water. You can give the drug to a child from 2 years of age. It is not compatible with antibiotics, so when taking both drugs an interval of 2 hours must be observed.

When using similar drugs no need to wait instant effect and quit due to lack of improvement. As a rule, expectorants begin to act quickly, but it takes time to remove phlegm. The first improvements can be observed 2-3 days after the start of treatment.

During pregnancy

During this time, a woman's immunity decreases, which increases the risk of developing viral diseases. At improper treatment or severe infection, the disease may be complicated by the accumulation of phlegm in the lungs. To speed up recovery, the woman is prescribed expectorants, but they can only be taken with the permission of a doctor.

Some herbal components of such drugs can cause contractions of the uterine walls and cause miscarriage, so self-medication is dangerous.When they tense up too much abdominal muscles, which is undesirable during pregnancy, so doctors strive to quickly and safely cure a pregnant woman.

The choice of expectorant depends on the period:

  • In the first trimester, almost any drugs are prohibited. Sputum is removed exclusively by drinking plenty of warm water.
  • In the second and third trimester, cough with sputum is treated with Bromhexine, Mucaltin, Ambroxol. But these drugs can only be taken under the supervision of a doctor. If vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain or worsening of the condition occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor and change the drug. You can take Mucaltin and Bromhexine no more than 3 times a day. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor.

The dosage of expectorants should not be exceeded, since many of them enhance muscle peristalsis to enhance the cough reflex, but can also increase the tone of the uterus.

Under no circumstances should you take drugs containing codeine such as Codelac and Terpincode during pregnancy.

Any expectorant during pregnancy is not absolutely safe. It is prescribed taking into account the benefits and risks for the fetus and the woman herself. You can take such drugs when the disease is much more dangerous than the drugs themselves, so any treatment should be preceded by a visit to the doctor and examination.

Normally, about 100 ml of secretion is produced in the respiratory tract per day, most of which is swallowed. In diseases of the respiratory system, the activity of the cells lining the respiratory tract decreases - ciliated epithelium, and sputum secretion, on the contrary, increases, and its viscosity increases. expectorate sticky sputum it becomes more difficult. Moreover, despite independent protective effect sputum, its excessive amount or increased viscosity impede gas exchange and create conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. That's why during inflammation respiratory tract, even with a productive cough, and even more so with difficulty coughing, it is necessary to use substances that stimulate expectoration or dilute sputum. These drugs restore and improve the movement of mucus through the ciliated epithelium and accelerate its elimination.

Based on their mechanism of action, there are two groups of expectorants:

1) stimulating expectoration (secretomotor agents);

2) sputum thinners (secretolytic or mucolytic agents).

Medicines that stimulate expectoration (drugs of coltsfoot, violet, licorice, oregano, elecampane, thermopsis, istod, marshmallow and others medicinal plants, terpin hydrate, lycorine, essential oils), promote the movement of mucus through the respiratory tract. They have a slight irritating effect on the cells of the gastric mucosa, which reflexively (through the vomiting center of the medulla oblongata) increases the activity of the bronchial glands and enhances contractions of the bronchial muscles. The sputum becomes more abundant, thinner and easier to cough up.

Coltsfoot is one of the most ancient medicinal plants. It is part of the chest and sweatshop collections of almost all countries of the world. Her medicinal value emphasizes the Latin name “tussilago”, from the word “tussis” - cough. This is a plant with large basal leaves, which on the one hand are glossy and cold (this feeling is compared to a stepmother), and on the other - tender, soft, warm (like the hands of a mother).

Many legends are associated with the flowers of the tricolor violet, which is also called pansies. In the Christian world, this flower is called the flower of the Holy Trinity. Medieval Christians saw the triangular dark center of the flower all-seeing eye, and in the stains surrounding it there is a radiance. The triangle personified the faces of the Holy Trinity, originating from all seeing eye God the Father. In England, these violets are called “heart comfort” and are sent to lovers on Valentine's Day.

Licorice takes first place in medicinal qualities among other medicinal plants (by the way, ginseng is in fifteenth place in this classification). It was and is especially valued in China. IN Tibetan medicine Licorice is included in 98% of all collections. The Greeks bought licorice from the Scythians and it was called “Scythian root”.

About oregano, Avicenna wrote: “Oregano removes all kinds of fluids from the chest and lungs.” And he recommended elecampane in the form of a “medicine for licking with honey” to improve expectoration. In Rus', elecampane was called nine-strong, implying that it could cure nine serious ailments.

[Tradename(composition or characteristics) pharmachologic effect dosage forms firm]

Ambrohexal(ambroxol) Hexal AG(Germany)

Ambrosan(ambroxol) expectorant, mucolytic, secretomotor, antitussive table PRO.MED.CS Praha a.s.(Czech Republic)

Anise oil Dr. Theiss(anise oil) expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial caps. Dr. Theiss Naturwaren(Germany)

Acetylcysteine ​​SEDICO effervescent instant(acetylcysteine) mucolytic, expectorant, detoxifying SEDICO(Egypt)

ACC(acetylcysteine) gran.d/r-ra for oral administration Hexal AG(Germany)

ACC 100(acetylcysteine) mucolytic, expectorant table spike Hexal AG(Germany)

ACC 200(acetylcysteine) mucolytic, expectorant table spike Hexal AG(Germany)

ACC injection(acetylcysteine) mucolytic, expectorant solution d/in. Hexal AG(Germany)

ACC long(acetylcysteine) mucolytic, expectorant table spike Hexal AG(Germany)

Bromhexine 8-drops(bromhexine) drops for oral administration Krewel Meuselbach(Germany)

Bromhexine-Ferein(bromhexine) mucolytic, expectorant, antitussive syrup Bryntsalov-A(Russia)

Bromhexine-Egis(bromhexine) mucolytic, expectorant, antitussive solution d/in.; solution for oral administration; table Egis(Hungary)

Bronkatar(carbocysteine) expectorant syrup Sanofi-Synthelabo(France)

Bronchosan(bromhexine) mucolytic, expectorant, antitussive drops for oral administration and d/inhalation. Slovakopharma(Slovakia)

Vero-bromhexine(bromhexine) mucolytic, expectorant, antitussive table Veropharm(Russia), manufactured by: Veropharm (Belgorod branch) (Russia)

Gedelix expectorant, mucolytic, antispasmodic drops for oral administration; syrup Krewel Meuselbach(Germany)

Gelomirtol(means plant origin) caps. solution/intestinal Pohl-Boskamp(Germany)

Gelomirtol forte(herbal product) secretolytic, secretomotor, mucolytic caps. solution/intestinal Pohl-Boskamp(Germany)

Dr. MOM(herbal product) syrup Unique(India)

Doctor IOM herbal cough lozenges(herbal product) local irritant, distracting, anti-inflammatory, expectorant lozenges Unique(India)

Dr. Theiss cough syrup with plantain(herbal product) expectorant, antimicrobial syrup Dr. Theiss Naturwaren(Germany)

Codelac(herbal product) antitussive, expectorant table ICN Pharmaceuticals(USA), produced by: ICN Tomskhimpharm (Russia)

Lazolvan(ambroxol) mucolytic, expectorant, increases surfactant production solution for oral administration and inhalation; syrup; table Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma(Austria)

Diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract in adults and children are often accompanied by the formation of thick, viscous sputum.

In this case, the cough becomes unproductive, suffocating, and painful. Under such circumstances, it is simply impossible to do without special expectorants. The accumulation of large amounts of mucus in the bronchi is dangerous due to the creation favorable conditions for joining and reproduction pathogenic microflora.

Therefore, in such a situation, only medications that dilute and remove mucus from the bronchial lumens will come to the rescue.

Why are expectorants needed?

Coughing is a protective reflex that is triggered by irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. But if the reaction is absolutely normal, then why do you need to take expectorants? Let's try to figure it out.

In organism healthy person the trachea and bronchi secrete a specific substance - tracheobronchial mucus. She neutralizes negative impact pathogenic microflora and viruses on the respiratory system, promotes the removal of microparticles that irritate the mucous membrane respiratory organs and entering the body along with inhaled air. A person swallows about 100 ml of this secretion per day.

When an infection occurs, the volume of mucus produced increases and can reach up to 1.5 liters per day. Such sputum is the optimal habitat pathogenic bacteria. To get rid of its excessive accumulation, the cough reflex is triggered.

Viscous and thick sputum cannot leave the bronchi on its own, resulting in sharp deterioration human well-being. To remove mucus and make breathing easier, special expectorants are prescribed.


Agents that have the property of thinning and removing mucus are divided into antitussive, mucolytic and expectorant.

  1. Antitussives and combination drugs. Such medications are prescribed for unproductive, painful cough.
  2. Expectorants A. Prescribed for productive cough, accompanied by the formation of thin and easily separated secretions.
  3. Mucolytics. Such medications are indicated for patients with productive cough, in which the sputum is thick and viscous, and therefore cannot leave the bronchi on its own.

Expectorants are divided into several types:

  1. Reflex drugs. When they come into contact with the gastric mucosa, the gag reflex is activated. But at the same time, the patient does not feel the urge to vomit, but the peristalsis of the bronchial muscles improves, which results in an increase in the volume of mucus in the bronchi. Stimulation of expectoration and sputum production occurs due to irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach. This effect is mainly caused by pharmaceutical drugs, made on the basis of extracts of marshmallow, thyme, coltsfoot, etc.
  2. Drugs with direct resorptive effects. These drugs are absorbed in the stomach and have an irritating effect on the bronchi, increasing the volume of fluid under the influence of which sputum is formed. Improved expectoration is facilitated by the accumulation of water in the sputum, which dilutes it.

Mucolytics, which thin sputum, are divided into:

  • agents that affect the elasticity and viscosity of mucus (ACC, etc.);
  • medications that promote the removal of sputum (Ambroxol, Abrol, etc.);
  • drugs that inhibit the process of sputum production (glucocorticoids, Libexin Muco, etc.).

All medications must be prescribed only by your doctor. It must be taken into account that mucolytics cannot be used in combination with antitussives. However, there are combination medications, which have both expectorant and antitussive effects.

Cough is one of the most common symptoms that accompanies a person throughout his life. Often, it is characterized by bronchitis. To be cured, you need to take a large number of a variety of medicines in the form of tablets, syrup, powder. One helps better, the other worse. Why is this happening?

It all depends on the stage of the disease, the form of its course, general condition the patient, the nature of the cough (dry or wet). Therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor based on these criteria. The best remedy it is impossible to say clearly. Each has unique property and works differently.

The pharmaceutical market is overflowing with expectorant drugs. A special niche is occupied by powerful synthetic drugs with many side effects and contraindications. They cope well with symptoms and have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Herbal medicines (safe and effective) also deserve attention.

In any case, you can’t do without going to a specialist. We can only recommend the most effective and prescribed medications according to doctors and patients. Products that have received high ratings and positive reviews, are presented in the TOP of the best.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

TOP – 10 best expectorants

10 Bromhexine

High efficiency at an affordable price
A country: Germany, Russia
average price: 106 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Another inexpensive drug, which has won the favor of customers. Action active substance begins exactly one day after application. All components are well tolerated, side effects are rare. Available in the form of tablets, syrup for children and drops. Often prescribed to patients with different shapes bronchitis.

With a dry cough, Bromhexine enhances the work of the ciliated epithelium, promotes the formation of a large volume of sputum and its elimination. Clots become less viscous, which provokes their rapid separation from the mucous membrane. The most popular are inhalation drops and tablets. Long years proven use high efficiency medicine.

9 Ambroxol

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 20 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

One of the “old” but proven drugs, widely used in medical practice. It has pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Reduces swelling, redness and hyperemia of the mucous membrane. It dilutes sputum, so it is eliminated faster. Available in several forms. Adults often use tablets; children are prescribed syrup.

According to reviews, Ambroxol is well tolerated and practically does not cause adverse reactions. In individual cases, nausea and headache. The product protects the respiratory mucosa from infections. Many doctors often prescribe it for the treatment of bronchitis and for the prevention of other diseases. The variety of drug release forms allows you to choose the most appropriate treatment.

8 Overslept

Calming effect
Country: Germany
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The next representative of the TOP of the best is Prospan herbal drops. They act quickly and gently, removing phlegm efficiently. In addition, they have a calming effect and improve blood circulation in the lungs and support the immune system. Thanks to their natural composition, they are absolutely safe. Only in some cases can they cause allergies, which are associated with individual intolerance to individual components.

Reviews about the medicine are positive. The most popular forms of release are syrup and drops for inhalation. Therapeutic effect both have the same. It copes well with both dry cough and purulent bronchitis. Children and adults are treated with Prospan with pleasure, noting high speed actions. For many patients, it has become an indispensable tool in the home medicine cabinet.

7 Gerbion

The best drug with an immunostimulating effect
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 256 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Gerbion has established itself as best drug on natural basis. Can be given to children from 2 years old. It has a sweetish taste, due to which the child eats it with pleasure. The syrup copes well with dry, scratchy coughs. It has antibacterial, expectorant and immunostimulating effects.

The peculiarity of the drug is that on the first day of use, the cough intensifies, thereby increasing the volume of expectorated mucus. But after a few days the symptom disappears. Full recovery occurs after 7 days. However, you should not stop treatment to avoid relapse. Another note that doctors talk about: Gerbion should not be used together with other drugs that have a different mechanism of action. In this case, therapy will be useless.

6 Bronchipret

Soft action
Country: Germany
Average price: 331 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Bronichipret is based on thyme extract, which effectively but gently thins mucus and removes it from the lungs. Additional benefits include the ability to reduce swelling and coughing fits. The medicine has a pronounced anti-inflammatory property. It can be given to children from 3 months.

Patients characterize it as economical, convenient and effective. The result does not take long to arrive. On average, it appears 2 days after application. Unlike its analogues, Bronchipret acts gently, without causing excessive mucus secretion. Thanks to this, it is easier for the child to cope with the separated secretion. Doctors advise taking the product with plenty of liquid, then the effect will be stronger.

5 Gedelix

Eliminates allergies
Country: Germany
Average price: 335 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Next in the TOP - herbal remedy based on ivy. Designed to treat both dry and wet cough. Liquefies and removes secretions, relieves bronchial spasm. Effective on acute stages bronchitis. Thanks to its natural base, Gedelix eliminates the occurrence of allergies. Which gives the drug a certain advantage.

Reviews from patients characterize the medication with positive side. The price fully corresponds to the quality. Gedelix helped many people get rid of chronic painful cough. The taste is not the most pleasant, but the effectiveness is undeniable. Experts recommend the drug for purchase, noting the main advantages: reasonable price, high effectiveness, natural composition and no side effects.

4 Rengalin

Complex composition
Country: Germany
Average price: 178 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

An effective medicine for adults and children from 3 years of age. It copes well with dry coughs, quickly turning them into productive ones. Promotes better sputum separation. Not addictive. Relief occurs 2-3 days after use. Rengalin has antispasmodic and analgesic effects. Relieves swelling, inflammation, prevents allergies.

In a healthy state, the respiratory apparatus produces mucus. It cleanses the lungs and bronchi from foreign substances and microbes that enter with breathing. With ARVI and bronchitis, the discharge becomes thicker, clogging small tubules, turning into a good environment for the proliferation of bacteria.

Inexpensive but effective expectorants are needed to prevent inflammation of the bronchi and purulent sinusitis.

Others pathological conditions associated with the accumulation of sputum and cough of any type.

What budget medications will help overcome dry cough?

Get treatment medicines from sputum is necessary only if the cough is intense and with high frequency. Otherwise, consult a specialist, select medications with mixed effects: both against cough and against sputum.

Budget remedies for dry cough available to everyone:

"Stoptussin." The cost of syrup is 75 rubles, tablets 120 rubles. It has a mixed effect, both expectorant and anti-cough. This occurs due to a reflex effect on the sensitive fibers of the pulmonary apparatus, as well as respiratory depression and pressure on the stomach. Do not drink if you are in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, are breastfeeding, suffer from myasthenia gravis, or have a child under 12 years of age. The recipe and dosage are indicated in the insert; they must be read carefully before use.

"Bronholitin." Drops for 65 rubles. Combination drug- bronchodilator, cough stopper. Suitable for children except infancy. To a small child up to 10 years of age, take 1/3 tsp three times a day, ½ spoon for adults and children over 10 years of age. Course up to one week. Recommended for all acutely infectious diseases associated with intense mucus secretion.

"Linkas" up to 140 rubles. Syrup with natural extract of herbs - licorice root, violet, hyssop, marshmallow, alpine. Relieves inflammation, soothes the bronchi and lungs, has antiseptic effect, removes phlegm. Not used in the treatment of six-month-old children. For a child under 12 years old, 1 teaspoon three times a day, for a child from 2 to 7 years old, ½ teaspoon four times a day, for adults, two teaspoons three times a day are enough. The course of treatment is no more than 1 week.

“Breast collection No. 1, 2, 3, 4” has proven its effectiveness. Use with caution only by pregnant women or people who are allergic to the components. Otherwise, this is an excellent inexpensive expectorant.“Codeine” is from the group of narcotic drugs because its pharmacokinetics are compared to morphine. Used in the treatment of children and adults for all types of bacterial ailments, causing secretion mucus. Read the instructions carefully before use. The dosages are strict! It is addictive, so the duration of the course must be adjusted and agreed with your doctor. It is forbidden to treat acute infectious diseases in women with this drug. The average price is 90 rubles.

Available remedies for wet cough

Expensive does not mean effective; there are a lot of expectorant medications that cost little and received the title “Most Effective”.

Inexpensive but effective expectorants for wet coughs:

"Mukaltin." The cost of a plate with 10 pcs. - 15 rubles. Stimulates the ciliary contraction of the respiratory apparatus, its peristalsis, increases the secretion of mucus, changing its consistency. Children over 14 years old: 1-2 pcs. 3 times a day, children under 14 years old, 0.5 pcs. 3 times a day. It can be dissolved in water. Apart from individual intolerance, it has no contraindications and is not addictive.

"Pertussin." For a container of 100 ml you need to pay 25-30 rubles. Syrup containing alcohol, thyme and potassium bromide. Due to herbal ingredients increases mucus separation and makes its consistency watery. It cleanses the tubules and cilia of the respiratory apparatus, due to which sputum is released faster, the cough goes away, and hoarseness when breathing goes away. Pregnant women suffering from heart failure should limit their intake of the drug.

“Pectusin” - the cost of the plate is 10 pcs. 37 rubles. A mixed-action drug that eliminates cough, clears mucus from the lungs and bronchi with a mild antiseptic and sedative effect. The tablets dissolve permissible norm per day - 5 tablets at intervals. It is not addictive and can be given to children over 5 years old.

"Eufillin" - 50 rubles for 6 ampoules. Makes breathing easier when acute diseases upper paths, prevents pneumonia. Administered intravenously, dosage, duration therapeutic treatment determined by a therapist, otolaryngologist.

“Cough tablets” cost 10 pcs. - 45 rubles. Due to irritation of the ciliary receptors of the respiratory apparatus by alkaloids, a reflex release of mucus occurs, as from the nose when sneezing. Taken orally by adults, no more than three tablets three times a day, by children over 12 years old, one tablet twice a day. Not for pregnant women, children under 11 years of age, or those with ulcers.

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