Medicinal plants. Radiola rosea: beneficial properties and contraindications for use

This plant has found use in folk medicine for preparing restoratives, which have a positive effect on all organs and systems of the body. It is also widely used in cosmetology, as an additive to sports nutrition. Rhodiola rosea has medicinal properties. Contraindications are minor, so almost everyone can take this plant without harm to health.

Siberian ginseng contains a large number of useful substances that have a positive effect on the human body.

Unique components of Rhodiola rosea:

  • glycosyls;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • anthrachonins;
  • coumarins.

In many cases, sexual dysfunction is associated with nervous tension, prolonged stress. A man cannot relax normally, his libido drops significantly.

In this case they will help various means based on golden root. It can be used as an antidepressant, a general strengthening medicine, and will help restore normal potency.

Important! If you have erectile dysfunction, be sure to consult a doctor to determine the causes of this phenomenon. Only after this make a decision about treatment with Siberian ginseng.

Due to the presence of anti-inflammatory properties, Rhodiola will help with inflammatory processes genitourinary system men. She will reduce painful sensations, will relieve inflammation and have an antispasmodic effect.

Alcohol tincture and infusions from the roots of the plant will relieve men of tumors, suppressing their growth. Therefore, they can be used for prostate adenoma or other diseases of the male reproductive system.

Use of golden root in gynecology

Rhodiola rosea has a positive effect on female body, stimulates the ovaries, normalizes hormonal levels. It is used in the treatment of such diseases:

  • adnexitis;
  • mastopathy;
  • absence for a long time menses;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome.

Important! Regular use of products containing the healing root reduces the pain of menstruation and eliminates heavy discharge.

Rhodiola rosea will help with menopause, especially if a woman suffers from frequent hot flashes, mood swings, and irritability. Sleep improves, hormonal levels are balanced.

This plant is also effective for inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system or in the presence of infectious diseases.

In cosmetology

The value of this plant for women is very great. It is included in many anti-wrinkle creams or other cosmetics.

Important! Rhodiola rosea is ideal for improving the condition of sensitive skin.

The unique components that make up the golden root make it possible to use it as cosmetic product so that:

  • slow down the processes of skin aging and wrinkle formation;
  • increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • protect from harmful effects external environment;
  • moisturize the skin;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes.

Cosmetics containing this plant improve appearance skin, it becomes fresher and tighter. Rhodiola tincture can be used as a lotion for acne to eliminate inflammation and tighten pores. And taking medications internally will not only improve your health, but also have a positive effect on the skin.

How to take for athletes

In bodybuilding, preparations based on golden root or tincture have long been used. homemade as anabolic agents. They help speed up the process of muscle tissue renewal and increase a person’s endurance under heavy power loads.

Important! This plant can be an alternative to harmful steroids that have a negative effect on the human body.

Siberian ginseng also strengthens the heart and blood vessels, which is no less important when playing sports, especially under heavy loads on the body.

Regular use 1-2 ml alcohol tincture every 8 hours throughout the day will help increase the effectiveness of training, increases muscle endurance under heavy loads, and improves coordination of movements.

Medicinal forms of medicinal root


Take 120 g of dry rhizomes of the plant, chop thoroughly, place in a liter glass container. Fill the jar to the top with vodka and close the lid tightly. Infuse the liquid for 22 days in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Important! Do not remove the roots from the container until you have drunk all the tincture. Read the article for how else to cook.

After this period, the question arises of how to take the tincture for medicinal and for preventive purposes? For treatment, take 1-2 ml 3 times a day before meals for 15 days, then take a break for 16 days. For preventive purposes, drink 5-10 drops of tincture daily for 20-25 days.


To prepare the infusion you need:

  1. Take 25 g of dry roots.
  2. Pour 450 ml of boiling water over them.
  3. Leave in a thermos for 3-4 hours.
  4. Strain the liquid and can take it as medicine.

Important! Rhodiola infusion can be used to wipe cuts or wounds for better healing, or gargle for a sore throat.

For diseases digestive system, for improvement brain activity, from high blood pressure take 1/3-1/2 cup of liquid 2-3 per day.


It has a tonic effect, accelerates brain activity, and increases endurance during heavy physical activity.

Important! The decoction is not suitable for regular use. Drink it only when you feel low or after sleepless night instead of coffee.

To prepare the decoction, pour 15g of roots into 300 ml of boiling water, cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. After this, strain the liquid.

You can drink 1-2 glasses of medicine throughout the day.

Contraindications for use

Any products containing Rhodiola rosea are contraindicated for:

  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • hypertensive crisis, when blood pressure readings go off scale;
  • encephalitis;
  • fever;
  • increased nervous excitability.

You should also not use healing root when breastfeeding or when the appearance of allergic reaction after taking products containing Siberian ginseng.

Side effects

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • discomfort in the sternum;
  • restless sleep and insomnia;
  • increased irritability.

With proper treatment and compliance with all recommendations, no unpleasant phenomena must not be. If after taking medications with golden root you feel unwell, stop using them and consult a doctor for advice.

Growing and care

Rhodiola rosea, golden root or Siberian ginseng is a perennial plant. It reaches a height of 20-40 cm. One specimen has several herbaceous stems that grow from one root.

  1. The leaves of Roda rosea are fleshy and juicy. They thickly cover the stems. At the top of the plant there are yellow flowers, which are collected in inflorescences.
  2. The roots have a slightly golden hue and are tuberous. They reach a length of 12-15 cm. When cut, the rhizome has White color, but tastes bitter.

Important! If you cut the root of a plant, a pink coating forms on its surface. If you sniff, you can catch a light aroma of rose.

Siberian ginseng is difficult to find in the wild, so lately it has been herbaceous plant began to be grown at home. Rhodiola rosea is propagated using seeds or root parts.

We use seeds

Sow goldenseal seeds in late November or early December.

  1. Use a long planting box. At the bottom of the container, make a small layer of expanded clay 0.5-1 cm thick for better drainage of liquid.
  2. Use a special substrate that is enriched with mineral endorsements. This will allow Rhodiola to grow strong, with a developed rhizome and ground part.

Important! Water the soil before sowing weak solution potassium permanganate, compact it a little.

After preparing the box with soil, distribute all the seeds evenly over the surface and press them down a little. Finally, sprinkle the soil with a layer of sand 2-3 mm thick. Cover the container with plastic wrap and place it on the balcony.

At the beginning of spring, the box with seeds should be placed in a warm place where there is access sunlight. After the first shoots appear, remove the film and constantly water the soil. When 2-3 leaves appear on the young stems, transplant the seedlings to a permanent place.

Propagation using rhizomes

For this method of propagation of Rhodiola rosea you need to find mature plant with a developed root system, which is 2-3 years old. The plant is dug up, its rhizome is divided into two parts, each of which is planted in a new place. The planting hole is filled with a mixture of fertile soil and humus.

Important! The root cut must be treated with ash.

Leave 1-2 fertile buds on the surface. After planting, be sure to water the plant generously. Caring for Rhodiola is very simple. Loosen the soil as necessary and get rid of weeds.

How to prepare the root

IN medicinal purposes Only the underground part of the plant is used. The rhizome begins to be harvested after flowering - in August and September. The first harvest from the plant can be harvested 4 years after planting.

The root must be dug out of the ground, cleaned from the soil, and washed in running water. After this, divide the raw material into thin parts 4-5 cm long. Dry the rhizome in a dark place or using an electric dryer at a temperature of +50°C.

Important! High-quality raw materials for the preparation of medicines should be white or pinkish at the break. If the roots are brown, they cannot be used.

Store Rhodiola in a glass container in a dark place, ensuring a constant supply fresh air. In such conditions, the plant can be used for 3 years.

Rhodiola rosea is a very useful and quite rare plant. By planting it in your garden, you can get the maximum amount of benefits by using the plant to treat diseases and strengthen the body.

One of the most important rules growing strong and healthy seedlings - the presence of the “correct” soil mixture. Typically, gardeners use two options for growing seedlings: either a purchased soil mixture or one made independently from several components. In both cases, the fertility of the soil for seedlings is, to put it mildly, questionable. This means that the seedlings will require additional nutrition from you. In this article we will talk about simple and effective fertilizers for seedlings.

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For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is a long-awaited and pleasant chore, for others it is a difficult necessity, and others wonder whether it would be easier to buy ready-made seedlings on the market or from friends? Be that as it may, even if you give up growing vegetables, you will probably still have to sow something. These include flowers, perennials, conifers and much more. A seedling is still a seedling, no matter what you sow.

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Goldenseal is a plant with thick roots surrounded by thin additional rhizomes. It can grow in one place for decades, which is why many people know it as Rhodiola rosea. It is widely used in the medical and cosmetology field, so it is important to know what they are medicinal properties golden root and its contraindications.

Medicinal properties of golden root

Pink radiola has strong fleshy rhizomes, stems up to 40 cm high and light green foliage. On the upper part of the stems there are small inflorescences of a green-yellow or pale yellow hue. In medicine, only the roots of the plant are used, because they have high concentration substances useful to people. To use them, it is common to dry the rhizomes, peel them, and then grind them. As a result, you can prepare tinctures or decoctions from the resulting powder.

The finished medicine has the following properties:

  • Stimulates mental, intellectual, physical abilities.
  • Improves memory and concentration.
  • Restores muscle and brain energy exchange.

Additionally, radiola rosea is used as an immunomodulatory and sedative drug, because medications made on the basis of this ingredient normalize the body’s protective functions and increase its resistance to stress.

When is it beneficial to use golden root tinctures:

  • With chronic loss of strength.
  • Diabetes joint diseases, hypotension and dystonia of a vegetative-vascular nature.
  • Low body resistance to stress, low hemoglobin and mental fatigue.

Goldenseal is considered a plant that reduces stress on the body. However, it is also useful for pain syndrome. For pain in the teeth and throat, it is customary to use a tincture as a rinse, and for skin injuries (scratches, cuts), you need to wipe the affected area and apply lotions to relieve pain and speed up the healing of the wound.

Uses of Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea is a cheap and indispensable ingredient in medicine. In addition to the fact that it can be used as a first aid drug for minor injuries, to improve visual and hearing abilities, it is also used for serious illnesses, such as: diabetes, scurvy, menorrhagia, gout, etc. Let's look at how the plant is used in more detail.

Golden root for men

For men, golden root is especially useful, because they are most often exposed to problems in their intimate life and diseases of the genitourinary system.

Golden root tincture for men helps with:

  • Decreased sexual activity.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Bacterial infections and infections of the urinary/reproductive system.

Tired, pale skin

Color skin is restored if you use pink radiola, in the form of a decoction, which can be prepared as follows:

  • Pour a teaspoon of crushed rhodiola into a glass of boiling water.
  • Infuse the liquid for 60 minutes.

You need to soak a cotton pad in the strained broth and wipe the skin of your face and neck with it.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

You can prepare the infusion yourself using the recipe in the “Golden Root for Men” section, but it is better to purchase a ready-made tincture at the pharmacy. You should drink it 1-2 times a day, 30-40 drops.

Inflammatory process in the mouth, eyes and wounds

50 gr. crushed golden root pour 1 liter. water and boil for 10 minutes. The cooled and strained tincture is applied to the affected areas for 30 minutes 1-2 times a day.

Bedsores, purulent wounds

The crushed plant (a tablespoon) is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 5 minutes. The resulting liquid is used in the form of lotions.


To rejuvenate the body, it is useful to drink tea with crushed pink radio. For 1 tsp. 1 liter of root is required. boiling water You need to mix them and put them on low heat for 7-8 minutes. The finished tea should be divided into 3 days and consumed 0.5 tbsp. in 15 minutes. Treatment course- 3 weeks. After a 10-day break, you will need to drink the decoction again.

Rhodiola rosea - an ancient Altai belief says: whoever finds the golden root will be lucky and healthy until the end of his days. The plant is listed in the Red Book Russian Federation, you can also find the following names for this plant: golden root and pink root.

Interest in Rhodiola rosea was aroused among scientists by Altai healers, who revered it very much. Researchers first went looking for this plant in 1934 and found themselves in a difficult situation. No one knew what the golden root (Rhodiola rosea) looked like, so they passed it by, and the locals kept the signs of the legendary bush secret.

Only in 1961, Rhodiola was discovered in the Altai Mountains by an expedition from the Institute of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Botanists immediately began to study it wonderful properties. And in 1969, the USSR Ministry of Health allowed the use of liquid extract golden root of Rhodiola rosea for medicinal purposes.

Rhodiola rosea prefers to grow in areas with cold and temperate climates; it is not demanding of heat and light, but prefers high humidity. In the wild in Russia it can be found in Altai, the Arctic, the Far East and Siberia. Where Rhodiola rosea grows in old times its use in medicinal purposes was shrouded in secrecy. Recipes for use have been passed down from generation to generation.

The rhizome of the plant is thick and tuber-like, shaped like a human hand with with bent fingers, the mass of the root can reach 2.5 kilograms. The rhizome is located almost on the surface of the earth and only thin roots go deep.

This plant is especially valued because medicinal properties its rhizomes, which are in no way inferior in characteristics to ginseng.

Beneficial properties of Rhodiola rosea

  1. Positively affects the most important muscle human body- heart. This medicinal plant can improve the functioning of the heart muscle and normalize blood pressure. In this case, the action of the golden root occurs gently, without provoking sharp jumps pressure, strengthening blood vessels. In addition, Rhodiola infusion makes blood vessels more elastic, which prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis and subsequent heart attack or stroke.
  2. Is excellent choleretic agent. The beneficial properties of Rhodiola rosea help people with kidney and liver diseases. Consuming Rhodiola promotes healing renal failure, improving the condition of the genitourinary system, getting rid of inflammatory processes in the bladder and appendages.
  3. Restores the condition of blood in the body, improves its composition, and helps stop bleeding. The beneficial properties of Rhodiola affect the hematopoietic functions of the body, help fight anemia and anemia.
  4. Improves the functioning of the whole body, has a stimulating effect. People who have suffered severe infectious diseases who have an immunodeficiency or are prone to frequent illnesses pneumonia, bronchitis, the use of Rhodiola will give strength, restore physical state and will return to functionality. This plant will also help the immune system to be always on alert, which is especially important during the season of illness.
  5. Rhodiola rosea, golden root has anti-inflammatory properties, antibacterial and healing effects for the human body.
  6. Strengthens general immunity every cell of the body, helps to recover after heavy workload.
  7. Rhodiola rosea promotes peace, calmness, and affects the nervous system.
  8. Rhodiola rosea tincture will also help people with allergies. The action of the plant reduces symptoms and helps cope with allergic reactions.
  9. At infectious diseases, cold decoction of this perennial plant helps reduce high body temperature. This is facilitated by the composition of the plant root, vitamins and easily digestible proteins contained in it.
  10. Rhodiola has such medicinal properties that it copes well with metabolic disorders in the human body, improves the functioning of the intestines and stomach, and restores appetite. Rhodiola juice or decoction will help disinfect and heal any inflammations and wounds in the stomach.
  11. When the body is strongly affected by temperature (severe cooling or overheating), Rhodiola helps restore normal work, bring the temperature exchange into balance. The stimulating effect will allow you to establish internal communication between organs and allow blood to circulate well.
  12. Golden root is useful for removing toxins, heavy metals and radiation elements from the human body. This is especially important for those whose lives involve exposure to radiation, ingesting foods with pesticides, and simply to improve their well-being.
  13. A medicinal plant can alleviate injuries, fractures, bruises and sprains. To do this, you can take Rhodiola orally in the form of a decoction, tincture or tea, or you can apply compresses, make dressings, and take baths.
  14. Vision and hearing can be improved by using Rhodiola rosea. Biologically active substances in this plant make it possible to comprehensively treat eye fatigue, inflammatory processes, abscesses, blurred vision, and also contribute to accelerated recovery eardrum for concussions and more.

Contraindications to the use of Rhodiola rosea

“Everything is poison and everything is medicine” - these famous words of the medieval physician Paracelsus can confidently be applied to preparations based on Rhodiola rosea.

An absolute contraindication, that is, a situation where taking this plant can cause irreparable harm to health, are:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under 7 years old;
  • patients with mental illness;
  • high blood pressure, including in kidney patients;
  • patients with internal prostheses and implants.

During pregnancy, Rhodiola rosea can increase pressure in the small vessels of the placenta, which will negatively affect the baby’s nutrition in the womb. Also her active ingredients are found in breast milk, so a nursing mother should avoid taking this plant.

In psychiatric patients, Rhodiola rosea can cause severe motor and emotional agitation.

The ability to increase blood pressure makes drugs based on this plant contraindicated for people with hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart failure, and kidney disease.

Rhodiola rosea is a strong immune stimulant, therefore it is not suitable for use in patients with transplanted organs, implanted prostheses and implants, for example, patients who have undergone hip replacement or knee joint for an endoprosthesis, with a transplanted kidney.

Relative contraindications for taking Rhodiola rosea are:

Because Rhodiola rosea stimulates brain processes, it can cause difficulty falling asleep and worsening insomnia. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take medications based on it exclusively in the first half of the day (before 10 a.m.).

Children aged 7 to 12 years should receive half or a quarter of the adult dose. Taking Rhodiola rosea should be immediately discontinued if enuresis, nightmares, or behavioral disorders (aggression, tearfulness, hyperactivity) occur as a result of its use.

Patients with depressive disorders should take medications based on Rhodiola rosea only under the supervision of a doctor, since its combination with prescribed antidepressants can cause unpredictable effects.

The use of Rhodiola rosea in official medicine

Can be used in the form of purified rhizome extract according to indications. Recommended as an adaptogenic agent for stimulating the immune system and mental activity.

  • U healthy people . According to reviews, Rhodiola rosea improves memory, increases concentration, and increases performance;
  • In people suffering from neuroses. Reduces excitability and irritability, improves sleep. When receiving patients, they are not bothered by drowsiness, apathy and fatigue, which manifests themselves when using other sedatives;
  • In patients with schizophrenia . Used as a remedy side effects during treatment with neuroleptic drugs. The frequency of side effects is reduced by two and a half times;
  • In patients with hypotension. The extract increases blood pressure, which normalizes the condition, eliminates headaches and weakness;
  • In athletes. For people involved in swimming, bodybuilding, athletics and other sports with high intensity loads, it is recommended to use it as an adaptogenic herbal remedy. Under the influence of intense physical activity in the brain are disrupted metabolic processes. The concentration of glycogen decreases, while the volume of lactic acid increases. This leads to the activation of anaerobic processes with a decrease in the energy reserves of the brain. The result of these processes is fatigue, weakness, and increased fatigue. Taking the tincture normalizes metabolic processes in the brain and improves resistance to stress factors.

How to take golden root depends on the patient's condition.

  • With high mental load. 5-10 drops morning and afternoon. You should start taking it two weeks before the upcoming intensive work;
  • For schizophrenia. 20-25 drops twice a day in combination with the main treatment of a nervous disorder;
  • To increase physical endurance. 15-30 drops two to three times a day thirty minutes before meals.

The dosage of the product should be increased gradually, starting with five drops. Every three to four days, add five drops, observing the patient’s condition. The course is continued for fifteen to twenty days.

Rhodiola rosea in folk medicine

Preparations of this plant can be purchased at the pharmacy, but ethnoscience offers recipes for making them yourself. Depending on the disease, they can be used various shapes traditional medicines.


Rhodiola rosea infusion is used in the treatment nervous disorders, stomach diseases, hypertension and malaria. This remedy increases blood glucose levels, helping to maintain brain activity even during prolonged physical activity.

To prepare the product, pour 200 ml of boiling water into 10 g of plant root, leave to infuse for four hours, then filter. You need to drink the infusion two to three times a day, 150-200 ml.

Due to its wound-healing properties, the infusion of golden root is perfect for both internal and external use: it can be used to rinse the mouth for a sore throat or applied to wounds, abrasions or cuts.

For colds and weak hearts, the following recipe is recommended: grind 20 g of rhodiola root and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, then leave for four to five hours. After this time, the roots need to be squeezed out and the infusion itself must be strained. The resulting drink should be consumed half a glass three times a day.


In the form of a tincture, Rhodiola rosea is successfully used to treat many diseases, including heart disease, endocrine disorders, strengthening the immune system and improving performance.

You can prepare the tincture yourself in the following way: the crushed rhizomes (50 g) of the plant are placed in a half-liter jar, filled with vodka to the neck, closed tightly and put in a dark and cool place for twenty days. The finished tincture should be stored in the refrigerator and drunk 15-20 drops twice a day. There is no need to remove Rhodiola roots from the jar.

For loss of strength, anemia, liver disease, pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, impotence in men and some women's diseases You can prepare a tincture according to this recipe: 100 g of crushed roots are poured with 400 ml of vodka and placed in a dark place for 7-10 days. You need to use the finished product before meals, fifteen drops three times a day. It must be taken into account that an overdose or taking the tincture for too long can have the opposite therapeutic effect and cause harm to the body.


A decoction of Rhodiola rosea roots is a powerful central nervous system stimulant, superior in effect to coffee and caffeinated tea (Indian, Ceylon and Georgian). In this regard, decoction or tea from Rhodiola should not be consumed every day, but only when necessary.

To prepare a decoction, one teaspoon of chopped plant root is poured into a liter of water, brought to a boil, boiled for ten minutes, and then left to infuse for forty minutes. You are allowed to drink this tonic drink two to three glasses a day, adding sugar or honey if desired.

Extract (drops)

How pharmaceutical product golden root extract is prescribed to improve physical and mental activity patients. It is not recommended to take the extract in the afternoon as it may cause sleep disturbances.

The dosage and duration of taking the drug are determined by the attending physician, but usually 5-10 drops are prescribed two or three times a day. Before use, the product must be dissolved in a small amount drinking water and drink 10-15 minutes before meals.


Besides independent use Rhodiola rosea is a component of many medicinal preparations.

Collection for colds and disorders gastrointestinal tract in equal parts includes:

Three tablespoons of the prepared dry collection must be poured with one liter of boiling water and left for an hour. To improve the taste, the finished herbal tea can be sweetened with honey or sugar. This drink perfectly tones and normalizes metabolism.

The collection to support immunity includes:

  • Rhodiola rosea root (20 g);
  • rosehip fruits (20 g);
  • zamanikha root (20 g);
  • hawthorn fruits (15 g);
  • nettle (15 g);
  • St. John's wort herb (10 g).

One tablespoon of the collection is poured into one glass of boiling water and boiled for fifteen minutes, after which it is left to infuse for four hours. Add another glass of boiling water to the squeezed and strained broth. The product can be drunk three times a day, 70 ml.

Rhodiola rosea in cosmetology

Active substances, contained in Rhodiola rosea, have found their application in cosmetology. They have a tonic effect on aging skin. Therefore, creams based on Rhodiola rosea are popular among mature women. Organic acids contained in the plant - succinic, grape, malic - play the role of a gentle peeling, exfoliating old damaged cells. Salidroside and rosavin stimulate cell renewal processes, making the skin soft, smooth, velvety, smoothing out fine wrinkles. In addition, having antibacterial and immunostimulating properties, Rhodiola rosea inhibits the proliferation of pathogens on the surface of the skin, thereby preventing the development of inflammatory elements. The active substances of the plant make skin cells resistant to stress - poor ecology, changes in air temperature, and the influence of decorative cosmetics.

Benefits of Rhodiola rosea for men

The healing properties of Rhodiola rosea for men are an excellent opportunity to naturally cope with intimate problems: impotence, oligospermia (insufficient sperm production), late puberty. Under the influence of the components of the herb, the activity of the sex glands improves, and in this case it turns out to be much more effective than ginseng. Rhodiola rosea tincture can improve a man's sexual power. In this case, the use of the drug (25 drops) is allowed three times a day for a course of 15 days.

For many years, Rhodiola rosea (golden root) has been used by professional athletes as a completely safe non-steroidal drug to increase activity and physical endurance. It acts similarly to synthetic anabolic steroids, but unlike them it does not have negative influence on the body.

The use of Rhodiola rosea in sports contributes to a noticeable increase in muscle strength and endurance, accelerated utilization of lactic acid formed in the muscles under heavy loads. In terms of general strengthening and tonic effects, the plant is not inferior to ginseng. In bodybuilding, Rhodiola allows you to build muscle tissue and increase strength naturally without harm to health or threat to normal life.

The tincture (20–30 drops) is taken in the morning and before training (an hour before). The duration of the course is determined by the doctor, since permanent use the drug is unacceptable.

This happened a long time ago. My friend was 27, and her daughter was not even two years old. My husband died unexpectedly, he just came in the evening after work and he felt bad. A friend and her daughter were walking and did not suspect anything...

It was a real shock. the woman fell into deep depression, I even forgot about my daughter, I was just thinking about why I couldn’t help in time, driving myself even further
such thoughts get you nowhere. Tranquilizers and psychotherapists have already begun to use.

Oddly enough, in such cases, Rhodiola rosea helps, it has very special medicinal properties: if you can’t get up and start doing something, it will make you feel up; do not want

It will make you think about the good!

It so happened - a relative brought a real golden root (Rhodiola rosea) from the Far East, we made a tincture from it, and a friend began to take it. Very slowly, but the pain of loss subsided, the main thing. I had the strength to take care of my child.

Of course, Rhodiola is not a panacea in such matters, but it actually has a strong effect on biochemical processes in the body and promotes the release of serotonin. hormone of joy, peace, vigor at the same time. This inconspicuous but strong bush helps fight stress and its consequences. Depression and emotional fatigue gradually disappear.


Now Rhodiola grows in my garden, reaches a height of no more than 40 cm, the stems are erect, the leaves are fleshy, it blooms with yellow flowers collected in corymbs in May - early June.

I didn’t see any seeds, probably because it is dioecious and cross-pollination did not occur.

Main magical properties Rhodiola hides in the root; it consists of a fleshy rhizome and thread-like roots. It is called golden root for its golden color, for its effective medicinal properties, and for the high price that miners have been asking for it since the middle of the last century.

At the break it has a rose scent, very similar to.

Now Rhodiola is listed in the Red Book.

Places of growth: Altai. Far East, Ural, Siberia.

Chemical composition of Rhodiola

  • Phenols
  • Phenol derivatives - tyrosol, salidroside
  • Flavonoids
  • Tannins
  • Organic acids
  • Gallic acid
  • Essential oils
  • Microelements chrome, copper, silver. manganese, a lot of selenium and others
  • Macroelements calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron
  • Carbohydrates

How to prepare golden root

Harvesting takes place in August and September. Using a spatula, dig out only part of the rhizome, wash it with running water, peel it off, and dry it in the shade. Cut lengthwise, drying takes place in a dryer at 50 degrees.

Shelf life 3 years.

Preparation of Rhodiola rosea tincture

It's not hard to do. You need to pour 50 g of dry rhizome with 500 g of vodka, infuse in dark place two weeks, shaking every day. Strain. You should get an aromatic, dark brown liquid.

When used, it is diluted in water, 50 ml.

Medicinal properties

  1. It is a natural antidepressant with pronounced therapeutic effect, comparable to medicines, calms, suppresses depression, returns good sleep. It is used for neuroses, as it regulates inhibition and excitation in the brain.
  2. Rhodiola rosea preparations are used to restore physical and emotional strength after serious illnesses. The same applies not only to people, but also to animals.
  3. The functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands improves.
  4. Has an antitumor effect. Used after chemotherapy.
  5. Increases human resistance to x-ray radiation.
  6. Used in the treatment of impotence, fibrocystic mastopathy, early menopause.
  7. Root preparations heal wounds, accelerate bone healing during fractures, treat injuries and dermatitis. Gargle a sore throat with a decoction or tincture diluted in water.
  8. A decoction of Rhodiola rejuvenates the skin of the face and brightens it.

Recipes for use in certain conditions.

Tonic, vitamin deficiency, colds

Pour a tablespoon of rhizomes into 250 ml of boiling water, in a thermos. Leave for 3 hours, strain, bring again to the volume of a glass with water. Drink 100 ml 2-3 times a day, before meals. Gargle.

Impotence, schizophrenia, neurosis, depression

Take a vodka infusion and drop 20 - 25 drops into a quarter glass of water. Drink 2 or 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is from 10 days to two months, depending on the condition. Treatment begins with 10 drops.

Cardiac neuroses, weakness of the heart muscle, atherosclerosis

The use of tea or tincture of the root strengthens the heart, improves the elasticity of blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke. Normalized heartbeat, tachycardia passes.

The big advantage is the lack of jumps blood pressure. It should be remembered that Rhodiola slightly increases blood pressure.

You can use the vodka version, or you can use tea. Pour a teaspoon of dried root into a liter of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, cool. Drink two glasses a day with honey.

Joint pain, osteochondrosis

Problem areas are rubbed with vodka infusion Rhodiola rosea, make compresses on them, preferably at night, wrap the rubbed areas in cotton and then woolen cloth.

At the same time, oral administration is possible.


In a thermos, brew a tablespoon of root in a liter of water. leave for 4 hours. drink half a glass before meals twice a day.

Used as an addition to the main treatment.

Rhodiola - when is it better not to use it?

Reception dosage forms from Rhodiola is associated with caution. It is important to avoid overdose. The contraindications are as follows:

  1. Allergic reaction.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  3. Hypertensive crises, persistently highly elevated blood pressure.
  4. Children under 12 years old.
  5. Epilepsy.
  6. Increased intracranial pressure.
  7. Acute heart failure.

Please watch the video about the indications for the use of Rhodiola and contraindications.

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