The best cat breed. Calm cat breeds

Thanks to their quick learning ability and excellent adaptation, cats are considered very smart animals. They adapt to new things quickly enough environment, and especially intelligent individuals with fully prepared interact with people, revealing all sides of their animal intelligence. The top smartest cat breeds include breeds such as Russian Blue, Bengal, Singaporean, Sphynx, and many others.

1st place - unusual sphinx

When answering the question of which cat breed is the smartest, many will name one of the most unusual representatives of the cat world - the Sphynx. This is a very smart and energetic breed that is characterized by only two conditions. The cat is either sleeping or actively doing something. You shouldn’t be surprised by the Sphynx’s exorbitant appetite; this glutton loves to eat deliciously and a lot. Thanks to good exchange substances, it is not susceptible to the accumulation of excess weight.

This feline alien with wrinkled skin and giant ears hails from Canada and dates back to 1966, when Toronto domestic cat gave birth to a hairless kitten. Even though the Sphynx cat doesn't have fur, that doesn't mean it can't cause some reactions in people with cat allergies. It is important to know that animal skin is very susceptible to sunlight, in order to avoid unnecessary tanning and overheating, it is worth limiting its exposure to open sun.

2nd place - wild Bengal cat

Wild and at the same time small and domestic, bengal cat does not pose a danger, despite the fact that it is a natural predator. The coat is short, spotted and in different tones colors range from golden and wood brown to dark chocolate and black. This is a sweet and gentle pet who loves communication. Smart and curious, she is constantly on the move, loves to frolic and play in nature.

This is a cat that needs a lot of vertical space, the higher the better. These amazing animals love playing with water, which is not typical for representatives of the cat world. They quickly learn various tricks and enjoy playing with interactive toys.

3rd place - sociable Burmese cat

This breed is characterized by its small size, short silky coat of brown shades. The man-made breeds produced may be light brown in color or a bluish platinum color. The Burmese is sociable and interesting cat who loves people. He is an obedient companion for children.

This species is in great need of attention and does not like to be for a long time stay alone. The Burmese is well suited to any home with people who will love him and give him attention and care. Their distinctive feature is their unusual voice, deep and creaky.

4th place - Japanese Bobtail

This cheerful cat brings good luck to everyone who is lucky enough to live with it - this is what they believe in the homeland of this animal, in Japan. This playful pet is able to make friends with absolutely everyone. Its fur can be either long or short. The Japanese Bobtail is associated with many legends and traditions. A cat with a trimmed tail is a symbol of good luck in Japan. This feature is a natural genetic mutation.

Other features of the breed are the triangular head, high cheekbones, a long nose, oval blue eyes, elongated hind limbs. Japanese Bobtail - small, active and smart cat, whose coat is usually dyed in three colors. Like the most smart breed cats, these sociable creatures quickly find mutual language with children and other pets, including dogs.

5th place - majestic Russian Blue

The sparkling silver coat and sparkling green eyes of the Russian Blue attract close attention to this breed. Highly intelligent and playful at the same time, this cat makes a wonderful pet. This feline is very sensitive to the whims of her owners, she will happily greet them at the door and take every chance to please her owner. The Russian Blue appreciates care and affection and loves gentle stroking on the head.

Very little is known about the origins of the breed. The Russian Blue is believed to be native to the Archangel Islands in northern Russia. One legendary version says that these majestic animals are descended from cats that the Russian tsars kept with them. Distinctive feature is a short, silky and shiny coat that is practically not subject to shedding. The eyes are large, wide-set and rounded, most often green in color. The breed is characterized by medium size, a wide head shape, a straight nose and wide ears at the base.

6th place - compact Singaporean cat

Sixth place out of the 10 smartest cat breeds is occupied by the Singapura cat. This is a natural breed. A distinctive feature of this small-sized representative is the presence of a tail with a black tip and an interesting color. Singapura cats are calm, intelligent and at the same time active, they are even considered the national treasure of Singapore.

They are known for large ears, large green or hazelnut eyes. The body is small and muscular. This is a mischievous, inquisitive, intelligent and full of energy cat. An extrovert by nature, she usually gets along with everyone, including other cats, friendly dogs and children and is perfect for those who will take care of her.

7th place - self-confident Abyssinian cat

The Abyssinian is the smartest cat breed, which is also considered one of the most ancient species. Smart, curious, and also very active and athletic, the cat spends her days climbing to the highest places and exploring every nook and cranny of the house.

She diligently controls everything her owner does. This cheerful and happy animal enjoys playing with children, as by its nature it has a rather playful character. He happily responds to any interaction with a person, but prefers to be the only pet, as he does not accept competition. Abyssinians live 15 years or more.

8th place - fluffy Somali

This breed loves to play fresh air, wildlife. He has a strong and athletic build, thick long hair, a bushy tail, large ears and almond-shaped eyes. To maintain his fur good condition It is recommended to comb it 1-2 times a week. The Somali is selfish and always loves to be the center of attention and prefers to be the only cat in the house.

The Somali has a very mischievous character, he is smart, curious, interesting and very active, this is not entirely suitable cat for the person who is looking for something sweet and gentle pet and doesn't want to interact with him. This is a very active animal that really does not like cramped spaces.

9th place - hyperactive savannah

Savannahs are distinguished by their large, pointed ears, and their coats are golden, silver, or black smoky. Distinctive feature is the presence of spots that cover the entire body, including the muzzle and paws. Savannah - relatively new breed, is an active, confident cat that loves to interact with people and other cats. Toys for her should be chosen stronger and more rigid, since a playful pet can pretty much beat up, for example, a teddy bear.

The smartest cat breed does not mean that the animal will behave well. If the animal gets too carried away, the game turns into a merciless hunt. Getting along with her will require a lot of patience on the part of everyone around her. Savannah grows close to her family, but rarely shows affection. A representative of this species has a long body with long legs, while the average size is the same as that of most other large domestic cats.

10th place - amazing sokoke

What breed of cat is the smartest of those that were not bred by crossing different individuals? One of these natural species is sokoke. This unique and rare breed has come a long way from originating in Kenya (Africa) to spreading throughout the world.

Sokoke cats are one of only a few recognized breeds that are natural in nature, without the human intervention of interbreeding. Smart and curious, she gets along well with children, cats and friendly dogs.

There is no doubt that the most intelligent and affectionate cat breeds can be suitable companions for people. Cats by nature are extremely curious and intelligent creatures. What is the smartest cat breed? Tentatively, we can identify ten of the most intelligent representatives of the cat family, although in reality there are many more of them.

If a cat purrs and wants affection, then it can be called affectionate. Many breeds have this trait. A list of the TOP 15 most affectionate cats has been compiled, which not only love their owners, but also express affection and tenderness towards them. Perhaps this list will help those who want to buy a pet not only for themselves, but also for other family members and children.

The most affectionate cat breeds

There is no friendlier cat than . She finds a common language with everyone: children, strangers and strange animals. But she is extremely picky about choosing her territory and her constant circle of friends.

If you expect this animal to constantly play with children, then it will not happen. She shows friendliness, but in limited quantities.

If there are birds and rodents in the house, then the Russian Blue cat gets along well with them and does not harm them. But this is only possible if all the pets grew up with early age. It cannot be said that a cat constantly requires communication and attention from people. She can feel comfortable alone.

Abyssinian cat

This breed is distinguished by wisdom and special “intelligence”. Cats willingly make friends with other animals and play with children. They show true devotion and love only to their owner. They cannot be seen in an aggressive state, since these animals are friendly. They can also be called calm and self-possessed. Even if they don’t like something, they will move some distance away and no longer react to the stimulus.

Follows its owner everywhere. She practically cannot be alone, so leaving the animal for several days is highly discouraged.

As for playing with children, the Abyssinian cat is extremely tolerant of them. She gets along well with older children. This breed is ideal for those who want to find a loyal purring friend.

This is not just an affectionate, but also an extremely flexible breed. They can be friends for all family members. These cats carefully study the character of people and begin to closely communicate with those they like. These animals cannot be called closed, since they also show interest in house guests. This animal will not hide in a secluded corner of the room.

These are affectionate and at the same time well-trained pets. They can be easily led on a leash and taught different skills and commands. They will not resist or extend their claws. They are neutral towards children, but it is better not to have them in a house where there are children. They do not use their hunting instincts on domestic rodents and birds. It is better to buy them at the age when the Maine Coon is not even a year old. This breed loves affection, so it can sit on its owner’s lap and spend more than an hour on it.

This cat with short and thick hair loves the company and affection of its owners. She loves to bask and purr in her arms, and also caress at her feet. Over time, a deep attachment is formed, which only intensifies over the years. This is a good-natured and playful animal that does not get tired of affection.

They willingly play with children who treat them with respect and care. It is highly undesirable to leave these pets alone for a long time. They may begin to waste away or not eat at all. Exotics need communication and care.

They differ in that they love to sleep and lie down. They will not hunt, play for a long time, or look for anything in the corners of the house. Their love for the owner will be equal, that is, not an ounce more. But if the owner loves the animal, then it will be devoted to him until the end of his life.

Persians show complete indifference to foreign animals. They are quite lazy, so they will not always chase a mouse or a butterfly. They are reluctant to play with children, but they try to endure it.

Known to many, it is distinguished not only by its large size, wisdom and dexterity, but also by its affectionate disposition. She gets along well with children and strangers. Moreover, these animals are distinguished by independence, complete independence. They extend their claws into in rare cases, almost never apply them to their owner.

This animal feels the emotions of people and always comes to cuddle if someone is sad or crying bitterly. But this cat cannot be called a sofa cat, since it will not lie in one place for a long time. Freedom is important to her, as well as a sense of leadership. For example, she does not tolerate other animals on her territory. These cats are able to enter into a fight with a dog and even win it.

Many people consider the Siamese to be vindictive and aggressive, but this is not so. Cats of this breed are quite smart and remember well any events and team actions. They differ special character and stubbornness, but this does not prevent them from being affectionate with their owner and his family.


Love these pets in to the greatest extent show only to one family member. They are overly loyal and at the same time vindictive. If there are children in the house, it is important to teach them how to properly handle a Siamese cat. This animal does not like roughness, so it can release its claws as protection. They don't particularly like other pets. They can show affection in highest degree only to the person who really loves them.

Many people want to buy a cat that can stay home alone for a long time. At the same time, it is important for them to feel the affection of the animal upon returning home. This is what it is. She leads an independent lifestyle and can be completely alone for more than one day. Of course, she must be provided with food and drink.

When the owner is on the threshold of the house, the cat happily runs to him. She can immediately fawn and demand tenderness. This breed does not like excessive attention. If you give an animal to children, it will feel unhappy. The cat requires care and careful attitude to yourself. It is more suitable for families with no children.


Ragdolls are shining example cats that are attached to their owner and his friends. They will follow him everywhere, including on trips. The house itself and its corner are not as important to them as the owner himself. A close emotional connection is formed with him. Ragdolls are often affectionate and show their devotion.

If there are children in the house, then these cats have a good time with them. The animal has an impressive size, but does not show aggression towards children. Ragdolls get along well with other pets. That's why best friend can hardly be found among animals. It is important to reciprocate these cats and give them at least an hour of attention every day.


Cats of this breed do not have tails. Many may think that this will make it difficult to determine their displeasure, since the movement of the tail expresses some of the animal's emotions. But these cats are rarely unhappy with anything. On the contrary, they are very affectionate and friendly.

These pets are also excellent hunters. They will catch all harmful rodents, thereby proving their loyalty and worth. Being the center of attention is important to this breed. Manx cats get along very quickly with children and take part in their games. Cats get along with other pets, even if they were not purchased together. This is a harmless and at the same time affectionate, friendly breed that is popular all over the world.

There is no cuter-looking cat than the one known to many. Children and adults love it because it resembles a teddy bear. Indeed, you just want to touch her soft and thick fur, scratch the cat behind the ear. She will immediately reciprocate and begin to purr pleasantly.

The Scottish woman immediately becomes the center of attention of all household members. Not only adults, but also children love to play with her. The animal withstands any childish pranks with dignity, but does not tolerate rudeness.

This breed develops deep devotion to its owner. At the same time, the cat will not lie in his arms for hours, but prefers to settle down next to him. After a couple of minutes, she can lick the owner behind the ear or nose, showing her love and affection.

Burmese cat

It is the Burmese cat that will not only receive, but also give love. She is very affectionate in communication and quickly becomes attached to her owners. If they came to visit the house, she will immediately show them signs of attention. For example, a cat will simply approach a guest and look into his eyes. She is very curious and harmless. It is extremely rare for this animal to release its claws.

You can buy any rodents, birds or other pets for a home with a Burmese cat. She gets along well with other animals and also tolerates playing with kids. This is a playful and affectionate breed that knows how to show tenderness and care.

A distinctive feature of this breed is devotion and boundless affection. Cats show their love with restraint, but it is impossible not to notice it. This animal senses the mood of its owner well. If he doesn’t want company, then she won’t impose herself. But when a person feels bad, she will immediately be on his lap.

Neva Masquerade

If there is crying in the house Small child, then the cat cannot stay away. He will definitely come up to him and begin to calm the baby down. The animal tolerates any games of children, even tolerating their excessive activity and attention.

Burmese cat

A more intelligent, calm and friendly cat could hardly be found. She is the leader in the ranking of the most affectionate cats. This breed is highly trainable, learns quickly and is always ready to show its devotion and love. The animal gets along well with guests, children and other animals.

In many ways, the affectionate disposition of a Burmese cat depends on the behavior of the owner. She quickly reciprocates and tries to learn new skills to please her owner. Cats are also noted for their playfulness, curiosity and good memory.


These alien-looking cats show immense love for their owner. They are not capable of aggression or long-term resentment. This breed is also good with strangers, strangers' children. The animal may be nearby or immediately suitable for meeting guests.

Able to withstand any attacks from children. They get along well not only with teenagers, but also with kids. If there are other pets in the house, then sphinxes quickly get close to them and become avid friends. This breed is also suitable as a friend who will not interfere in vain. The cat will show tenderness when the owner himself wants it.

Finding a loyal mustachioed friend is not that difficult. In the ranking of the most affectionate cats, there is a breed that will make you happy. All these animals love affection and take care of their owners. Many of them are suitable for families with small children and pets.

Appearances can be deceiving, and even the most beautiful kitten may be harmful . But the little mischief sometimes shows affection - he likes to purr or beg his owner to scratch his tummy or behind his ear. The most playful, most sociable, most affectionate cat breeds are the heroes of this article.

Cats of this breed are among the largest. Some cats reach a weight of 15-18 kg. And because of their thick shaggy fur coat, they seem like clumsy hulks. In fact, size does not prevent the Siberian cat from gracefully bending around objects and being mobile. She loves toys, active entertainment and, if she wants, she will deftly conquer all the hills in the house.

Although the character Siberian cat affectionate and affectionate, she will never bother a person and run after him. Once you get distracted, the cats are gone. But upon hearing his name, the pet immediately materializes out of nowhere.

A kind, calm cat will make great friends with a child and become for him not only an affectionate nanny, but also a real bodyguard. To anyone who dares to show aggression towards little friend cat, there will be a tough rebuff.

Cat with other animals Siberian breed gets along too. True, rodents and other small things can become victims of it hunting instinct. In order not to see a hamster or ferret in the teeth of a Siberian cat as a gift, it is better not to allow such a neighborhood in your home.

Calm and balanced cats of the breed at first glance seem threatening due to large sizes. And from the royal gaze of the giant cat, which he is able to bestow, a wave of goosebumps can sweep through the body.

In fact, Maine Coons are smart and affectionate animals. Having found itself in an unfamiliar place for the first time, be it the house of its new owners or someone else’s home, the cat behaves in a new environment as if it had always been here. He will get along well with the inhabitants of the house and will greet guests with curiosity. Although he is unlikely to rub against his legs and ask to be held. It is important for Maine Coon cats to have their own space.

Sometimes a calm cat turns into a fidgety fidget, starting to jump and stomp loudly, conquer the upper shelves and mezzanines, and perform circus somersaults. The cat's activity, however, is not associated with the usual cat hooliganism. He will never allow himself to steal a sweet piece from the table, will not beg or make eyes, but will delicately wait for feeding.

A kind and sensitive cat always knows what mood his owner is in. The Maine Coon will prefer to wait out the storm on the sidelines, quietly watching the person. And he will decide to make contact when it cools down.

These are cats with short tail. And if usually affectionate pets tend to express feelings with the help of their tail, then Manx cats do without this attribute. Friendly and inquisitive, they love attention and can be offended if they do not receive their share of affection.

Manx gets along well with other animals in the house. Some cat experts note that these cats have no fear of big dogs. But they may have friction with their children if they behave aggressively with Manx. In general, a calm cat will happily spend a lot of time in the nursery, watching games and taking part in them.

Charming tailless cats are excellent hunters and jumpers. Not a single mouse will escape from a nimble pet. But Manx do not welcome swimming, although they love to watch the water for a long time.

They feel good in new family, choosing your favorite. Although they get used to the other inhabitants of the house, trusting them limitlessly.

Burmese cats are unobtrusive. They are understanding and obedient. It is not their rule to bother a person over trifles. They always feel when he is busy or not in the mood for tenderness.

Burma won't be upset if she doesn't get attention right away. This affectionate beauty always has a lot to do. The cat will be happy to watch the birds through the window or start chasing toys around the rooms.

Unusually playful, gets along well with guests. She is ready to give a tender song to anyone who takes her on their lap. Having the ability to instantly relax, she purrs loudly and distracts from bad thoughts.

“Rag doll” is the literal name of the breed in Russian. And ragdoll cats justify him in everything. They are able to relax their muscles so much that they don’t care about any children’s hugs. A cat of this breed can be compared to a piece of dough or plasticine, from which you can mold the most incredible figure.

An absolutely domestic, kind, affectionate cat is not adapted to the conditions of street life. He does not know how to defend himself from unfriendly dogs, or through negligence he may end up under a car. The cat won't mind at all if you take him for a walk on a leash. To avoid mechanical injuries, the animal should not be allowed to fall even from a height of one and a half meters. The structure of its limbs does not allow the pet to group correctly.

Ragdoll cats do not like to be left alone. But since the owner sometimes needs to leave the house, the patient and devoted Ragdoll will definitely wait for his return and meet him near the threshold to rub his legs and quickly climb into his arms.

Meek, affectionate Ragdolls almost never show their claws. These cats are designed to be pampered and cuddled often.

This is an animal with character. You need to be very confident in yourself to place a Siamese cat in your home. Her energy, jealousy and selfishness are legendary. Therefore, it is better not to take risks if you are not going to obey the whims of a headstrong Siamese cat.

Cats of this breed require constant attention. They cannot be ignored. They are always there. Their loud voice will certainly remind you when the owner is busy with something. She is very inquisitive and loves to watch what is happening in the house. Moreover, it, like a mirror, reflects a person’s actions. Be prepared for her to start turning the pages of a book or changing channels on the TV.

In general, Siamese cats are the kindest creatures. And if the owner begins to communicate with the cat with pleasure, without forcing it to do anything, it will repay him with warmth and affectionate purring.

Direct descendants of the Siamese breed, the Burmese inherited from their ancestors an exorbitant desire to always be in sight. They love to frolic, play, climb on tops and ride on curtains. Attracting the attention of their owners is their whole life’s work. Therefore, if the viewer ignores their performances, the cats will change their occupation and will definitely find a way to be the center of attention.

The Burmese cat is an affectionate and sociable creature. Staying at home alone is akin to a phobia for her. It is undesirable to leave her often and for a long time, otherwise she will get bored and may even get sick. But if long separations from your pet are inevitable, you can take the risk of getting her a companion cat. It would be good if it was an animal of a different breed, not so affectionate, and one that tolerates separation from humans well.

A sensitive and attentive cat of the Russian Blue breed gives the impression of being a loner. She really takes a long time to get used to her new home and takes a closer look at the people with whom she will spend most of her life. She does not like changes and rearrangements; she likes monotonous everyday life and a measured lifestyle.

Guests in the house are a reason for the cat to hide away. She does not like the attention of strangers at all; she will behave warily with them. But close people will become a real family for the affectionate pet, the cat will follow them as if attached. During the day, the animal will happily play cat games, and in the evening it will climb onto your lap to cuddle.

The Russian Blue is tactful and does not require constant attention. Her voice is quiet and melodic. Once accustomed to the owner and trusting his care, the cat will become a devoted friend of his family.

Perhaps not all cat lovers will be delighted with this animal. Not everyone has a bald creature with big ears and wrinkled folds on its body that evokes a tender thrill in their soul. However, any Sphinx is the most real cat in all its manifestations.

Sphynx cats are playful and inquisitive. They have excellent control over their prehensile fingers on their bare paws, playing with small objects. Having played too much, they are ready to turn everything in the apartment upside down in order to satisfy their interest. Another favorite pastime of theirs is hide and seek. They will be happy to watch from a secluded corner as the owner wonders where his mischievous pet has gone.

The Sphinx's playfulness and energy are combined with his desire to show off. The cat loves to show off and purrs gratefully when he receives the approval and attention of his owners and their guests.

Which cat breed is the most affectionate? Everything is individual. After all, “affectionate cat” is a subjective concept. Some cat lovers love to cuddle animals, and they reciprocate. Others are more restrained in expressing feelings, and their cats also do not flaunt enthusiastic emotions. So you can get the answer to this question only by taming your pet and becoming one family with it.

Cats attract people with a variety of qualities: beauty, intelligence, funnyness and many others. This article discusses the most affectionate cat breeds, and also most suitable for families with children.

Rating of affectionate cats TOP 10

The breeds of domestic cats described below are particularly affectionate towards people:

  • Abyssinian cats. Curious, independent, neat, stress-resistant. They love the attention of people, including strangers, and get along with other pets. They have short, shiny, iridescent fur. different colors. Their lifespan good care about 20 years.
  • Persian cats. Playful in childhood, later calm “sofa cushions”. They will always keep the owner company in his human affairs. They also like to lie quietly on their laps or on the sofa. They are not very vocal and rarely meow. They have a luxurious coat - long, shiny and silky, and require a lot of grooming.
  • Russians blue cats. Graceful and independent, curious and flexible, they will never scratch. They are active and playful, love to chase insects, and are clean. Reacts to human gestures, tone and speech. They hide from strangers, but they will willingly play with their owner and go to bed with him. They are easy to care for and have a short, soft and silky coat.
  • Burmese cats. Playful and grateful, they love human attention and care. They get along with other animals. Their coat is short, thick and soft, requiring brushing once a week.
  • Siamese cats. Active and playful, curious and jealous, trusting and vindictive, easy to train. They love physical contact, need human attention, become very attached to their owners and are possessive of them. The timbre of their voice is hoarse and insistent. They meow a lot, using many intonations to express their emotions and desires. Their short coat has no undercoat and lies close to the body.
  • Ragdoll cats. The name of the breed is translated from English as “carpet doll”. Phlegmatic, obedient, meek. They do not tolerate loneliness. They become attached to their owners; people are her favorite living creatures. If the owner is nearby, the cat will enjoy life, regardless of other circumstances. Quiet, meowing in soft and polite voices. Their coat is semi-long.
  • Sacred Burmese cats. Obedient, tactful and smart. They love to sit on laps and hands. Active and playful when the owner has the opportunity to play with them; quiet and calm when he is busy. They treat guests with curiosity. Their meowing is soothing. Their semi-long, silky coat requires frequent brushing.
  • Manx cats. Very agile, resilient and trainable like dogs. If a person gains their trust, they will become friends for a long time. Their dense, two-layer coat needs to be brushed 2-3 times a week. The most noticeable feature of these cats is their tail. It is usually very short. Although, in some representatives the tail can reach normal length.
  • Maine Coons. One of the largest cats, they are classified as semi-longhaired. Affectionate or playful depending on the mood, easy to train, elegant and tactful. They are not too curious, do not have the habit of getting into closets, and carefully walk around objects. The owner is greeted beautifully, they also like to sit next to him and lie on his lap. It is difficult to get them out of emotional balance when a person is nearby. They cannot tolerate prolonged loneliness and may stop eating and become depressed.
  • Sphinxes. Smart, easy to train and have good memory. They do not like loneliness and always need attention. Due to the lack of fur they are always thirsty human warmth literally. They need clothing if it's cold where they are.

For children TOP 3 cats for home

As a result of many years of work by breeders, 3 breeds were bred with the lowest level of aggression, that is, the most peaceful:

Affectionate cats with photos and names


What do you think: what are the most affectionate cat breeds? Is it possible to take them for children? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

Listing the most affectionate cat breeds, you will certainly offend someone: “Why didn’t they remember about the Kurils? They are so darling, the most tender! Should we call Siamese affectionate? Yes, they are evil, you can’t look for them!” But is it possible to judge a nation as a whole by communicating only with a small part of its representatives? The character of the breed is general character There are many cat personalities, but these personalities can be as different from each other as fire and ice.

The most affectionate cats- these are cats of any breed and outbred cats that do not have animals with a weakened psyche in their ancestors, growing in excellent conditions, love and attention of the owner. How is it that some breeds are generally more sociable and trusting than others? The whole point, of course, is the purposeful consolidation of certain qualities: some breeders pay increased attention coat type, while others select sires based on character. And, of course, breeding the kindest and most affectionate breed of cats is not the task of all breeders. For example, most cute teddy Britons are not affectionate. These are self-sufficient cats “with pretension”, and this is exactly how the aborigines of harsh England were seen in their time.

But we really want a gentle, affectionate, sociable and playful kitten! To be caressed in the morning, to rub your cheek, to purr with joy! Well, you'll have to try:

  • choose the right breed, taking into account, first of all, the character, and not the external data;
  • choose the right breeder. mongrel cat- it’s always a surprise, although among the street urchins there are no fewer tender beauties than among the representatives of blue blood;
  • properly support and raise the baby, paying him enough attention.

1. When talking about attachment and dependence on a person, the first thing you remember is the graceful, chiseled Siamese: smooth fur, long legs, huge ears and eyes, and a huge heart filled with love. The kitten will teach you how to cook soup, wash the floors with right side and will tell you why doing laundry is more fun when you have a cat sitting on your back.

But when talking about which cat breed is the most affectionate, oriental beauties undeservedly passed over. It's all about a gentle psyche: it's easy to make a Siamese aggressive by accidentally frightening or upsetting her. Siamese are suitable for calm, experienced people who love close communication. And they are not suitable for nervous, fussy families, and, unfortunately, families with small, sloppy children. Close relatives have a similar character Siamese cats- Javanese, Balinese and Orientals. The “old-type” Siamese, which today is called Thai cats, has a slightly less labile psyche.

2. If for you affection is not synonymous with affection and obsession, pay attention to Burmese (not to be confused with Burmese). The Burmese is a short-haired silken beauty with amber eyes, ready to purr around the clock.

But unlike Siamese, these cats know how to stay away when the situation demands it. Burmese are also rarely mentioned when talking about which cats are the most affectionate, but the reason is different - this breed is little known in Russia, although there are excellent nurseries and there is plenty to choose from. The Burmese is playful, sociable, but towards calmness, rarely makes noise, rarely spoils things. And the best part is that a typical Burmese is never aggressive, showing patience even with a sloppy child.

3. Affectionate towards playfulness and a passion for exploration - this is, of course, the Abyssinian. A gentle kisser and hugger, ready to jump around the apartment from morning to night. A slender, sparkling handsome man who loves playing with children, new adventures and impressions, yearning for contact with any friendly person.

Abyssinian and Somali (long-haired variation) cats are pets for active and positive people. If it’s important to you that your cat turns into a sofa decoration on demand, you’ll be disappointed. Abies are not as noisy as Siamese, but not as self-possessed as Burmese. Funny Games should be daily, otherwise the Abyssinian will create a mini-mess, finding an interesting activity on his own.

4. And what breed of cats is the most affectionate, if affection means quiet “conversations” in the evenings, sitting in front of the TV and silence not disturbed by a piercing meow and the crash of a fallen vase? Choose among Burmese, Nevaks and Siberians, Russian Blues and Turkish Angoras. The same British people know how to be affectionate and gentle, if they do not try to subdue the proud bun. Persian queens are also not known for their aggression and passion for loneliness. But all these breeds require careful treatment, respectful, without trying to dominate. Otherwise, the answer to the question “Which cat is the most affectionate?” there will be a dejected phrase: “I don’t know, but it’s definitely not mine...”.

The listed breeds can be kept in families with children, but the child must understand the mood of the pet without trying to force communication. Children's entertainment, such as wrapping them in diapers and being carried around the apartment in their arms, is not for affectionate proud ones. Although some Angoras, Siberians and Britons get used to such treatment, hanging on the baby’s arms with an immobilized “rag”. But is it worth experiencing? nervous system pet?

5. Perhaps they are just freezing. They may enjoy touching bare skin (feel the difference by stroking your head and arm). Of course, we are talking about sphinxes, mainly Canadian ones. About the most gentle, tame cats who love to sleep on the lap or under the owner’s blanket. Thousands of people are convinced that the answer to the question “Which cat breed is the most affectionate?” - this is, of course, the Canadian Sphynx.

But petting the naked baby has its own nuances. Firstly, this is an intrusive affection, which not everyone likes. Sometimes you want to relax alone, and the cat is already on your lap. I need to work, but the purr settled right on the keyboard. In addition, the sphinx is easy to spoil, giving in to cunning eyes and touching antics. The St. Petersburg and Don sphinxes are less dependent, but in terms of tenderness they are slightly inferior to the Canadians.

6. Some of the most affectionate breeds cats are Cornish and Devon Rex. Mischief makers, merry fellows and clowns, inventors, acrobats and... monkeys! Yes, perhaps it is the monkey that the playful, curly-haired prankster resembles. Of course, not by appearance, but by habits and the desire to climb wherever a flexible thin paw can reach. This is an attentive listener, a participant in any undertaking, a child’s friend and a pensioner’s companion. Rexes know how to adapt to their family, but always require attention.

Rainbow Brazilians, tiny Singaporeans, mysterious Mau, airy Ragdolls and Burmese - which breeds are the most affectionate? After all, there are so many of them, and they are all so different! Don’t forget that the main thing is a strong psyche, good heredity, excellent health, decent content and sincere love. And the type of fur, the size of the eyes and the shape of the ears are the tenth thing.

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