Lunar dream calendar for April. The magic of numbers. Secret knowledge, sacred music

This month the Sun will move into Taurus sign April 20 at 0:27 in Moscow, so night from 19 to 20 April- special. At this time they may especially dream meaningful dreams that you should remember.

At this time, your dreams can give you a hint about what you should do to get more income, more profit, find more high paying job etc. In general, these dreams can help you make your life more prosperous and comfortable.

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Dreams that give minimum meaning, not particularly serious ones will be dreamed on the night of April 5, 7, 12, 17, 26, 28 and 30, 2017.

. Beautiful dreams With more likely will dream on the night of April 14, 24 and 28, 2017.

Other useful articles in the category Moon calendar as of April 2017:


1 APRIL, Saturday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 08:36.TWINS

An interesting combination: the fifth lunar day gives dreams associated with the spiritual principle; The Moon in Gemini, an airy, light sign, evokes dreams related to your close environment. We are talking about people with whom you enjoy communicating, but not about relatives. Obviously, we are talking about friends. Pay attention to today's night visions Special attention. What you see in a dream can help you understand are they correct? you have chosen travel companions for your life path; Perhaps the dream will tell you a solution on how to become more sociable in order to attract friends and acquaintances. And the feeling with which you woke up will help you analyze the current situation: heavy and oppressive feeling will indicate the need for urgent changes.

2 APRIL, Sunday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 09:20.TWINS, CANCER from 21:27

Moon without course from 17:43 to 21:26

In addition to dreams, which help us better understand our attitude towards friendship, towards friends, and also to see their attitude towards us, dreams under the Moon in Gemini often indicate to us some gaps in initial knowledge. You shouldn’t brush aside such signs, and you shouldn’t be afraid that it will be something that requires you to be smart: the Moon in Gemini will always suggest the easiest and most accessible path. The sixth lunar day, which usually gives prophetic dreams, will also help you. However, you should not take everything you see literally, although it makes sense to pay attention to the details.

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3 APRIL, Monday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:13.CANCER

First quarter, second phase of the moon from 21:39

More than once we have seen in a dream a peculiar interpretation of the day that preceded the current night. Typically, this influence on the information received is exerted by seventh lunar day. In such cases, it is recommended to pay attention not to the visual images themselves, which are only a distorted reflection of what you experienced the day before, but to what you hear in your dreams. You shouldn’t brush aside what you saw in your dream today, since the information received may well be related to your family and relatives. These are the dreams that are evoked by the Moon passing through the sign of Cancer.

4 APRIL, Tuesday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 11:15.CANCER

Moon without course from 23:45

And again the Moon in Cancer gives us dreams about loved ones, about home. And even if at first glance the plot of the dream has nothing to do with theme of family and hearth, an in-depth analysis of your sleep that day usually helps reveal this connection. It is interesting that under the Moon in Cancer, workaholics often dream of their work, colleagues, who, in fact, become a second family (provided, of course, that work is your home!). Unfortunately, on the night of this Tuesday dreams promise be heavy and unpleasant, however, the eighth lunar day calls us to analyze not what lies on the surface. You should catch the thread of what you saw, which will lead you deep into the subconscious, suggesting, if necessary, the path of change and rebirth.

5 APRIL, Wednesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:24.CANCER, A LION from 01:14

Moon without course until 01:13

A short period of night will pass under the sign of Cancer, however, most of the time our dreams will be influenced by the Moon in Leo. Thus, today's night images may be associated with your creative side. Particularly vivid dreams can be seen by people who have given themselves completely and completely creative profession. It is noteworthy that there may be dreams about love: especially to those who gave themselves to this feeling without a trace. Don’t be alarmed if all this gets tangled up in a tangle of unpleasant and difficult dreams, maybe nightmares - this is the influence negative energy ninth lunar day. In fact, today's dreams will contain minimum meaning, so don’t take them too seriously.

When do dreams come true according to the lunar calendar?

6 APRIL, Thursday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:36.A LION

In contrast to the previous day, the tenth lunar day gives our dreams positive energy. That's why dreams happen today light and pleasant: after them you don’t want to wake up, and, having woken up, you don’t want to forget them for a long time. Against the backdrop of the influence of the Moon passing through the sign of Leo, the night really promises to be remembered for carefree and inspiring dreams about creativity, love, and God. Today, the meaning of dreams does not lie on the surface. However, if you dreamed deceased relatives or ancestors, whom you did not know in real life, it makes sense to pay special attention to their words: they may have great importance for you.

7 APRIL, Friday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 14:49.A LION, VIRGOfrom 07:20

Moon without course from 03:16 to 07:20

Usually on the eleventh lunar day we try to analyze dreams not by details or plot, but by the feelings they left behind in the morning. As a rule, these sensations can be trusted, since the energy of the eleventh notes lunar days influences the depths of the subconscious, fishing out hidden and useful information. However, most of the night we are influenced by the Moon in Leo, so dreams may have some religious connotation. But from the middle of the night until the morning, the Moon will be without a course, which will negatively affect the semantic component of dreams today. Therefore, you should not take information obtained in this way too seriously.

This night is to be expected heavy, unpleasant dreams. This is completely justified. Firstly, the influence of the twelfth lunar day is such that today’s dreams reveal, like an abscess, your hidden mistakes, which you did not pay attention to in real life. Secondly, the Moon in Virgo often evokes dreams of service(In terms of labor activity associated with a certain self-denial). In essence, there is a struggle between two sides, the concepts of your essence - material and spiritual. The hints of the dream are very transparent: if you dreamed of material benefits, it makes sense in real life to pay attention to the spiritual sphere. And vice versa: dreams in which you are in the clouds indicate that you are not making progress in material terms.

9 APRIL, Sunday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:14.VIRGO, SCALES from 15:35

Moon without course from 11:21 to 15:34

Once again, dreams of service come to you this night, forcing you to be more attentive to details, since you want tips from your subconscious. On this night you can see what will be required of you in the coming period of your life in terms of fulfillment of your responsibilities. Most likely, we will talk about what is intended specifically for you and no one else. This is a very important night in terms of dreams, since the additional influence of the thirteenth lunar day promises a considerable number of useful details, the analysis of which will allow us to correct some mistakes of the past and present.

10 APRIL, Monday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:25.SCALES


The fourteenth lunar day often rewards us with quite meaningful and useful dreams. Most likely, you are expected today a considerable amount of information, which will be difficult to remember. However, this is not necessary: ​​probably the most important details your subconscious will push them out, framing them in the frame of the most vivid and memorable dreams. The theme of dreams this night - your partnerships(you may dream of both business and personal partners). The Moon in Libra will help you see your partners' true feelings towards you, as well as understand your true feelings towards them. Often during this period we see dreams that allow us to better understand unknown side of partners(Libra tries to balance our knowledge about certain people).

11 APRIL, Tuesday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 19:34.SCALES

FULL MOON at 09:07

Moon without course from 21:19

If you were unable to remember anything useful from your dream the previous night, you have a chance to do so today. The Moon is still in the sign of Libra, helping our subconscious to analyze character and intentions the closest people we encounter in life and business. Moreover: today, on the fifteenth lunar day, our heightened intuition comes to our aid. Thus, even if this time you fail to remember the details of the dream, you can safely trust morning feelings. Whether positive or negative, they will tell you the true side of reality.

12 APRIL, Wednesday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 20:42.SCALES, SCORPION from 01:42

Moon without course until 01:41

Most of tonight will pass under the Moon in the sign of Scorpio. This means that dreams today will inherently concern everyone material aspects of your existence. There may be money involved, intimate life, and easy ways to make money. Paradoxically, despite the fact that these dreams refer us to the material, the plot itself can be phantasmagoric and even magical. However, it is not recommended to take today’s dreams seriously: the sixteenth lunar day often sends night visions that are not very meaningful and cannot be interpreted. You can, of course, focus on the morning sensations left after sleep, but you shouldn’t rely too much to their truth.

APRIL, Wednesday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 21:48.SCORPION

The atmosphere of today's dream- this is extreme important point, which you need to focus on when analyzing what you saw at night. This is precisely the influence that the seventeenth lunar day has on our subconscious - they do not build images that are important, but give a general understanding of the correctness or incorrectness of what is happening in real life. And all this is connected with the material aspects of existence, for which the Moon in Scorpio is responsible.

APRIL 14, Friday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:52.SCORPION, SAGITTARIUS from 13:27

Moon without course from 07:17 to 13:26

And again a series of dreams associated with your intimate life , with money, with material goods. The Moon in Scorpio continues to throw out clues, the analysis of which will allow us to analyze secret connection of events between many phenomena that ultimately lead to material things. In addition, the eighteenth lunar day in a certain way guarantees that your dreams today are not a set of random images, but information about yourself and only about yourself. On this night you can expect bright, colorful and even beautiful dreams , however, it is possible that some of them will turn out to be quite difficult and even nightmarish.

15 APRIL, Saturday, 19th, 20th lunar day from 23:53.SAGITTARIUS

Dreams on the nineteenth lunar day take us into depths of the subconscious, spreading a web of illusions along the way and building a wall of incomprehensible images. In fact, on this day all the deepest nuances of our subconscious come out. This is why it is important to try to find correct interpretation today's night images. Dreams will be filled with special meaning if you plan major changes in life associated with long travel (or relocation). The Moon in Sagittarius controls these aspects of our lives, so we should not brush aside such dreams during this period.

16 APRIL, Sunday, 20th lunar day from 00:00.SAGITTARIUS

Moon without course from 21:26

The Moon in Sagittarius, in addition to dreams directly or indirectly related to travel in the literal sense of the word, gives us dreams about the journey of our spirit, its movement, change, growing up. Thus, on this night dreams can be filled with deep philosophical meaning. In addition, the twentieth lunar day is responsible for dreams that can show you your personality from various sides. There is a return to past mistakes and plans for the future. From this point of view, today's dreams are extremely useful, as they give you the opportunity to see a clearly defined pattern even in seemingly chaotic events.

17 APRIL, Monday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 00:48.SAGITTARIUS, CAPRICORN from 02:05

Moon without course until 02:04

Most of the night will be under the influence of the Moon in Capricorn, although your dreams may still be influenced by the sign of Sagittarius for up to two hours. Under the Moon in Capricorn we are visited important dreams O career and self-realization in a labor sense, so it’s worth paying attention to the guiding signs that our subconscious sets for us. The importance and realism of these signs is emphasized by the influence of the twenty-first lunar day, which usually helps to reveal our potential in dreams. However, there is a high probability that the Moon without a course will cause confused and unclear dreams. In this case, you should not take them too seriously, since there may be little hidden meaning in such dreams.

18 APRIL, Tuesday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:37.CAPRICORN

The Moon in Capricorn continues to affect our dreams aspects of career and work. In night images you may encounter an interpretation of limitations that prevent you from developing in real life. Today's dreams are extremely important for us also because the twenty-second lunar day is incredibly sharpen our intuition. It can be said with a high degree of probability that on this night your dreams can become a real revelation for you, indicating the most optimal path for moving along it to achieve your goal.

19 APRIL, Wednesday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:19.CAPRICORN, AQUARIUSfrom 13:52

IV quarter, fourth phase of the moon from 12:55

Moon without course from 12:57 to 13:51

Today's dreams after two o'clock in the morning will be transformed under the influence of the twenty-third lunar day. Usually during this period we experience a whole spectrum of negative events that we encountered the day before. In this case, dreams are chaotic, leaving behind painful sensations. However, a competent analysis of dreams will help to identify the essence of the problem, which leads to the accumulation of this negative energy. On the other hand, the Moon in Aquarius shows you pictures of the future, giving you hints on how to bring something into your life radically new and useful. Thus, dreams today help to understand the essence of the problem so that you can change your life for the better.

20 APRIL, Thursday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 02:55.AQUARIUS

A special night! From April 19 to 20, the Sun will move into the sign of Taurus, so dreams will most likely be quite interesting and important, remember them!

Dreams under the Moon in Aquarius bring a lot of useful information to people who are involved in development innovative ideas. At the same time, it is not necessary to be an inventor, since an innovator can also be called a person who is trying to bring something new into his life. In addition, on this night you may dream of images of like-minded people whom you should stick to in order to solve your problems. The influence of the twenty-fourth lunar day is such that your morning sensations themselves will let you understand how correct is the path that you have chosen for yourself during this period of your life.

21 APRIL, Friday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 03:25.AQUARIUS, FISH from 22:43

Moon without course from 21:23 to 22:42

The twenty-fifth lunar day has the most striking influence on today’s dreams. Dreams occur during this period bright and clear, since our intuition works to its fullest on this day. Most likely, you will not need any effort to remember your dreams from that night. On top of that, our night images during this period continue to be strongly influenced by the Moon in the sign of Aquarius, touching on the issues that most interest us. Don't be surprised if today's dream turns out to be prophetic- in fact, this is all the specific influence of third-party forces and energies that forced your subconscious to generate the most likely development of events. Do not doubt that if you are truly looking for a solution, it will come to you in a dream today.

22 APRIL, Saturday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 03:52.FISH

The influence of the Moon in the sign of Pisces gives rise to dreams that, one way or another, concern our internal state. Know: if today you had a dream of amazing beauty that had a calming effect on you, it means that you are one of the small number of people who live in complete harmony with their soul. This is all the more true because today our dreams are influenced by the twenty-sixth lunar day. It is during this period that information in dreams is presented refined, without any distortion (which cannot be said about the information that is presented on this day in real life).

23 APRIL, Sunday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 04:16.FISH

The energy of the Moon in Pisces continues to penetrate into the deepest aspects of our soul and subconscious, giving birth to the most incredible images in our dreams. Alas, as a rule, there is rarely complete order in our subconscious, so many today expect restless dreams that reflect the inner state of the soul. At first glance, it seems that today it is not so difficult to understand what we see. On the one hand, dreams until the early morning are influenced by the twenty-sixth lunar day, giving us information in pure and undistorted form. On the other hand, the twenty-seventh lunar day only enhances the influence of the previous lunar day, revealing to us sometimes shocking details and details, forcing us to face the truth. However, we should not forget that in the twenty-seventh lunar dreams full of symbolism, so it’s worth turning to professional dream interpreters.

24 APRIL, Monday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 04:39.FISH, ARIES from 03:33

Moon without course from 00:34 to 03:32

The twenty-seventh lunar day continues to have its contradictory influence on dreams until 04:39. However, there is a chance to see the most informative dreams after this time, when the twenty-eighth lunar day begins to affect us (after approximately 05:00). During this period, dreams may come that will help you understand your emotional state. This is all the more useful because today the Moon enters the sign of Aries, when we are visited by night images associated with our self-realization. However, besides the beautiful and vivid dreams You can’t count on anything truly informative and meaningful, since the semantic load of dreams under the Moon without a course is rarely useful.

25 APRIL, Tuesday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 05:02.ARIES

For most of the night, our subconscious is influenced by the twenty-eighth lunar day, giving us unusually eventful dreams. However, in the morning the influence of the twenty-ninth lunar day can bring some negativity into night images. Now it will be extremely difficult to control the emotional part of dreams, but it will be possible to see positive and negative aspects your own “I”, at a glance. This is extremely useful, since the main theme of dreams with the Moon in Aries is analysis personal qualities who are responsible for your personal success In this life.


26 APRIL, Wednesday, 29th, 30th lunar day from 05:27, 1st lunar day from 15:17.

ARIES, CALF from 04:57

Moon without course from 00:53 to 04:56

NEW MOON at 15:17

Today's combination of the twenty-ninth and thirtieth lunar days against the backdrop of the new moon and the transition of the Moon from Aries to the sign of Taurus turns attempts to interpret dreams of this night into pointless exercise. Perhaps your dreams today will highlight your most striking personal qualities, but you should not believe too much in everything you see. Usually the thirtieth lunar day gives light and positive dreams, but today you should not rely too much on their deep meaning. Be that as it may, today there is a good chance to relax, gain strength, without bothering with searching for hidden meaning and secret signs.

27 APRIL, Thursday, 1st, 2nd lunar day from 05:56.CALF

Today you can ignore negative dreams, since on the first lunar day they rarely carry any semantic meaning with them. Moreover: the second lunar day coming in the morning brings dreams, which are often extremely difficult to decipher (unless, of course, you have outstanding intuition). However, during the stay of the Moon in the sign of Taurus, we are visited by dreams associated with painstaking and daily worldly activities, as well as dreams about satisfaction of carnal pleasures. These visions differ from dreams with the Moon in Scorpio in their down-to-earth and practicality.

28 APRIL, Friday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 06:30.CALF, TWINS from 14:39

Moon without course from 04:18 to 14:38

Almost all the night will pass under the influence of the second lunar day, which makes it difficult to find a rational grain in today's dreams. Of course, you can turn to dream interpreters for help, but there is a risk of getting even more confused: there is hardly an interpreter who knows you better than yourself. In any case, you need to know that the Moon in Taurus will certainly give you dreams that will allow you to evaluate your physical strength, understand how ready you are for daily work routine, and will also allow you to evaluate your physical health. You may be lucky enough to see tips on how to manage your energy wisely. The dreams are expected to be beautiful, but the meaning will be extremely difficult to read.

29 APRIL, Saturday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 07:11.TWINS

Basically, the night will pass under the influence of the third lunar day, so you should expect bright and memorable dreams. The energy of these lunar days flows into our subconscious in a powerful stream, transferring the feeling of sleep into real life. In such cases, you need to focus on what remains in your soul after sleep in the morning: heavy sensations - moving in the wrong direction. The soul is easy - life flows in the right direction. In any case, the theme of dreams this night is your relationships with friends, acquaintances, neighbors, brothers and sisters. With such initial data, you can try to understand what your close circle expects from you and what you want from them.

30 APRIL, Sunday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 08:03.TWINS, CANCER from 04:48

Moon without course from 00:28 to 04:47

Under the influence of the fourth lunar day, we often dream prophetic dreams . However, don’t expect your subconscious to show you the end result in all its glory. Rather, these will be clear indications of the right path, the necessary decisions. The situation is complicated by the fact that today the semantic load of dreams will be extremely small due to the Moon without a course. Be that as it may, today's dreams are influenced by the Moon in Gemini (most of the night) and the Moon in Cancer (from five in the morning). Therefore, all your dreams, one way or another, will be connected with the closest thing you have: friends, acquaintances, home, relatives.

The April 2017 lunar calendar advises you to set your goals correctly and plan the month based on your interests. You should not refuse support from people who have repeatedly helped you. The new moon in April is expected on the 26th, when you can safely take on new things and meet people. On the Full Moon - April 11, on the contrary, summarize everything you have done, rest more and think positively. It is better to avoid trips on this day. The lunar calendar for April 2017 promises a lot of chances for success. Don't miss the opportunity to start studying and develop spiritually.

Lunar calendar for April 1, 2017, Saturday
6th lunar day from 08:36. Today the Moon is in Gemini

A great day for signing contracts and profitable deals. You can without a doubt deal with documentation, sign signatures and make money transfer transactions. If you have the desire and the means, then the lunar calendar for April 2017 advises shopping. Pay special attention to the little things - they will radically change your destiny.

Lunar calendar for April 2, 2017, Sunday
7th lunar day from 09:20. Today the Moon is in Cancer from 21:28

If you listen to your intuition on this day, there will be no mistakes or shortcomings in your work. It is advisable to relax, develop spiritually and practice yoga. The main thing is not to give in to despondency, but to be optimistic and energetic. You are expected to meet people who mean a lot in life.

Lunar calendar for April 3, 2017, Monday
8th lunar day from 10:13. Today the Moon is in Cancer

The day promises a lot of troubles and everyday problems. Set aside other time for innovations and physical labor, but today you need to do small work. Protect yourself from gossip and negative people, otherwise you will waste a lot of energy. Try to find positive, not negative qualities in each person.

Lunar calendar for April 4, 2017, Tuesday
9th lunar day from 11:15. Today the Moon is in Cancer

Wonderful day for long trips, new affairs, long-term contracts and marriage. You should not make decisions that require careful rethinking. It is advisable to make investments and money transfers in the first half of the day.
Lunar calendar for April 5, 2017, Wednesday
10th lunar day from 12:24. Today the Moon is in Leo from 01:14

The lunar calendar for April 2017 predicts a productive day in all areas of life. Try to do good deeds and think positively so as not to harm your inner state. This is not a good day for important decisions, so it is better to contemplate your surroundings, relax and avoid physical labor.

Lunar calendar for April 6, 2017, Thursday
11th lunar day from 13:36. Today the Moon is in Leo

Today it is necessary to focus on household chores, as the day is stressful and morally difficult. Fateful decisions, new cases and conflicts should be excluded. It is advisable to surround yourself positive people, think positive thoughts, and pay off creditors.

Lunar calendar for April 7, 2017, Friday
12th lunar day from 14:49. Today the Moon is in Virgo from 07:21

This day is ideal for analyzing work and past events. You can be alone, collect your thoughts and calmly react to what is happening. It is necessary to plan things for the whole of April, as well as indulge in dreams and take a break from the drabness of everyday life. Determine for yourself what is important and what can be delayed.

Lunar calendar for April 8, 2017, Saturday
13th lunar day from 16:02. Today the Moon is in Virgo

On this day it is necessary to keep emotions under control so as not to create conflict situations. If you provide moral or financial help to people, it will come back to you a hundredfold. A great day for travel, communication and financial transactions. Improve your health through exercise and go on a diet.

Lunar calendar for April 9, 2017, Sunday
14th lunar day from 17:14. Today the Moon is in Virgo from 15:35

If I stand in front of you important tasks and solutions, they need to be dealt with urgently. Nothing can be postponed until another time, otherwise problems will turn into a “snowball”. The lunar calendar for April 2017 advises working more, as well as finishing old things.

Lunar calendar for April 10, 2017, Monday
15th lunar day from 18:25. Today the Moon is in Libra

A great day for understanding what is happening, analyzing and observing traditions. It is advisable to be close to loved ones, family and to take care of the house. This is not a good day for long trips, nor is it a good day for making quick decisions. Watch what you do and say, and also eliminate irritability and aggression.

Lunar calendar for April 11, 2017, Tuesday
16th lunar day from 19:34. Full moon at 09:09. Today the Moon is in Libra

Shouldn't study today important matters and problem solving. Otherwise, commit a mass unforgivable mistakes in work and in personal life. Pay attention to how you feel, and at the first symptoms of illness, take Urgent measures. Eliminate “harmful” foods from your diet - hot dogs, chips and carbonated drinks.

Waning Moon in April 2017

Lunar calendar for April 12, 2017, Wednesday
17th lunar day from 20:42. Today the Moon is in Scorpio from 01:43

A good day to buy what you had previously planned. Make sure that your finances are not spent on useless things. Saving today will not harm, but will preserve the family budget. It is advisable to study and improve your skills. Do not throw words to the wind, but remain silent and watch what is happening.

Lunar calendar for April 13, 2017, Thursday
18th lunar day from 21:48. Today the Moon is in Scorpio

The lunar calendar for April 2017 advises you to carefully weigh everything and look at your life differently. Any undertakings are welcome, especially if past matters have already been dealt with. Let everything take its course - do not speed up the pace and get ahead of events. Try to take a philosophical approach to all obstacles along the way.

Lunar calendar for April 14, 2017, Friday
19th lunar day from 22:52. Today the Moon is in Sagittarius from 13:28

Focus on the work you truly love. You should not chase material wealth, especially if the chances of increasing your capital are small. You can consult a lawyer and sign profitable contracts. Main. Don't promise what you can't deliver.

Lunar calendar for April 15, 2017, Saturday
20 lunar day from 23:53. Today the Moon is in Sagittarius

A very difficult and ambiguous day in April. You should not get involved in disputes, conflicts or prove your opinion. Live your day calmly and control your emotional outbursts. Put new things aside, and also protect yourself from eating unfamiliar and low-quality products. Possible poisoning!

Lunar calendar for April 16, 2017, Sunday
20 lunar day. Today the Moon is in Sagittarius

You should devote the day to your favorite hobby, and not take on profitable financially affairs. Refuse to participate in projects that are unfamiliar to you. It is advisable to establish relationships with relatives and colleagues, as well as begin repairs or redevelopment. Buying or selling a home will be successful.

Lunar calendar for April 17, 2017, Monday
21 lunar days from 00:48. Today the Moon is in Capricorn from 02:06

An eventful day with room for creative pursuits. The lunar calendar for April 2017 advises working in the country and doing household chores. Find another time for major purchases and innovations. Give positive emotions to others and cleanse yourself spiritually.

Lunar calendar for April 18, 2017, Tuesday
22nd lunar day from 01:37. Today the Moon is in Capricorn

If you don’t rush anywhere on this day, you can achieve a lot and assert yourself in your professional field. It is advisable to take a break from the hustle and bustle, chat with new people and make a romantic acquaintance. If possible, give gifts to your loved ones, go to study and financially help those in need.

Lunar calendar for April 19, 2017, Wednesday
23rd lunar day from 02:19. Today the Moon is in Aquarius from 13:53

Should not be taken on this day important decisions and fuss. It is better to devote time to rest, reflection and learning. Read more, improve your skills and go to the hairdresser. Rejuvenating facial and body treatments done in the salon will be beneficial.

Lunar calendar for April 20, 2017, Thursday
24 lunar day from 02:55. Today the Moon is in Aquarius

To advance your career and active work a good day. You can make deals, sign papers and establish commercial connections. If you want to radically change your life and make fateful decisions, then you won’t find a better day for this.

Lunar calendar for April 21, 2017, Friday
25th lunar day from 03:25. Today the Moon is in Pisces from 22:44

The lunar calendar for April 2017 advises paying more attention and time to the work process. Things will develop in such a way that you will not have time to control them. Important questions- financial and legal, it is better to reschedule for another day. Analyze what is happening around and inside you.

Lunar calendar for April 22, 2017, Saturday
26th lunar day from 03:52. Today the Moon is in Pisces

On this day you should not fuss, rush or rush the situation. The calmer and more balanced you behave, the better for your work and your own health. Put family, home and loved ones at the forefront. If you fill yourself with positivity today, this mood will not leave you for a long time.

Lunar calendar for April 23, 2017, Sunday
27th lunar day from 04:16. Today the Moon is in Pisces

On this day, you need to avoid long and short trips in your car, as well as be less irritated and nervous. It is better to retire, relax and engage in spiritual practices. In the evening you can take a walk in the park, and if the weather permits, go cycling or rollerblading.

Lunar calendar for April 24, 2017, Monday
28th lunar day from 04:39. Today the Moon is in Aries from 03:34

The moon is waning, so it’s better to put new things and plans aside. They are unlikely to be useful and will be completed successfully. It is advisable to indulge in reflection, analyze past days and events. It is not recommended to take out a bank loan and make expensive purchases.

Lunar calendar for April 25, 2017, Tuesday
29th lunar day from 05:02. Today the Moon is in Aries

The lunar calendar for April 2017 advises cleansing yourself spiritually and physically. Leave all negativity at the threshold of your home, and also watch your words and actions. Uncontrolled emotional behavior will lead to major quarrels and conflicts. It’s better to retire, dream and work on your inner world.

Lunar calendar for April 26, 2017, Wednesday
from 05:27, 1 lunar day from 15:15. Moon in Taurus from 04:57
New Moon at 15:18

Today, radical changes in life are possible that you did not even expect. You need to make a decision on which a lot depends - work, personal life and financial situation. You can organize travel, business trips and prepare for admission to an educational institution.

Waxing Moon in April 2017

Lunar calendar for April 27, 2017, Thursday
2nd lunar day from 05:56. Today the Moon is in Taurus

A great day when you can quickly and successfully apply for another job. Communicate more, plan things and do noble deeds. The more decisive and laconic you are, the more benefit you will bring to yourself. In the evening, spend time with your family, take a walk, or engage in your favorite hobby.

Lunar calendar for April 28, 2017, Friday
3rd lunar day from 06:30. Today the Moon is in Gemini from 04:40

If you work collectively on this day and not alone, you can achieve a lot. Moving, getting another job and buying real estate will be successful. Old dreams will come true, which will give you confidence in the future. Temper your body, get rid of diseases and follow a diet.

Lunar calendar for April 29, 2017, Saturday
4th lunar day from 07:11. Today the Moon is in Gemini

The lunar calendar for April 2017 predicts stunning success in work and financial profit. Many situations in life will come true, regardless of you and your efforts. Try to pay off old debts to avoid getting into larger loans. The evening should be spent with family and children.

Useful tips

This month the Sun will move into Taurus sign April 20 at 0:27 in Moscow, so night from 19 to 20 April– special. At this time, you may have particularly significant dreams that you should remember.

At this time, your dreams can give you a hint about what you should do to get more income, greater profits, find a higher paying job, etc. In general, these dreams can help you make your life more prosperous and comfortable.

Dreams that give minimum meaning, not particularly serious ones will be dreamed on the night of April 5, 7, 12, 17, 26, 28 and 30, 2017.

Beautiful dreams are more likely to dream on the night of April 14, 24 and 28, 2017.

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for April 2017 section:


♊ 1 APRIL, Saturday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 08:36.TWINS

An interesting combination: the fifth lunar day gives dreams associated with the spiritual principle; The moon in Gemini, an airy, light sign, evokes dreams related to your close environment. We are talking about people with whom you enjoy communicating, but not about relatives. Obviously, we are talking about friends. Pay special attention to today's night visions. What you see in a dream can help you understand are they correct? you have chosen fellow travelers for your life's journey; Perhaps the dream will tell you a solution on how to become more sociable in order to attract friends and acquaintances. And the feeling with which you woke up will help you analyze the current situation: heavy and oppressive feeling will indicate the need for urgent changes.

♊♋ 2 APRIL, Sunday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 09:20.TWINS , CANCER from 21:27

Moon without course from 17:43 to 21:26

In addition to dreams, which help us better understand our attitude towards friendship, towards friends, and also to see their attitude towards us, dreams under the Moon in Gemini often indicate to us some gaps in initial knowledge. You shouldn’t brush aside such signs, and you shouldn’t be afraid that it will be something that requires you to be smart: the Moon in Gemini will always suggest the easiest and most accessible path. The sixth lunar day, which usually gives prophetic dreams, will also help you. However, you should not take everything you see literally, although it makes sense to pay attention to the details.

Read also:Astrological forecast by zodiac signs for April 2017

♋ 3 APRIL, Monday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:13.CANCER

First quarter, second phase of the moon from 21:39

More than once we have seen in a dream a peculiar interpretation of the day that preceded the current night. Typically, this influence on the information received is exerted by seventh lunar day. In such cases, it is recommended to pay attention not to the visual images themselves, which are only a distorted reflection of what you experienced the day before, but to what you hear in your dreams. You shouldn’t brush aside what you saw in your dream today, since the information received may well be related to your family and relatives. These are the dreams that are evoked by the Moon passing through the sign of Cancer.

♋ 4 APRIL, Tuesday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 11:15.CANCER

Moon without course from 23:45

In contrast to the previous day, the tenth lunar day gives our dreams positive energy. That's why dreams happen today light and pleasant: after them you don’t want to wake up, and, having woken up, you don’t want to forget them for a long time. Against the backdrop of the influence of the Moon passing through the sign of Leo, the night really promises to be remembered for carefree and inspiring dreams about creativity, love, and God. Today, the meaning of dreams does not lie on the surface. However, if you dreamed deceased relatives or ancestors, whom you did not know in real life, it makes sense to pay special attention to their words: they can be of great importance to you.

♌♍ 7 APRIL, Friday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 14:49.A LION , VIRGO from 07:20

Moon without course from 03:16 to 07:20

Usually on the eleventh lunar day we try to analyze dreams not by details or plot, but by the feelings they left behind in the morning. As a rule, these sensations can be trusted, since the energy of the eleventh lunar day affects the depths of the subconscious, fishing out hidden and useful information. However, most of the night we are influenced by the Moon in Leo, so dreams may have some religious connotation. But from the middle of the night until the morning, the Moon will be without a course, which will negatively affect the semantic component of dreams today. Therefore, you should not take information obtained in this way too seriously.

APRIL 8, Saturday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 16:02.VIRGO

This night is to be expected heavy, unpleasant dreams. This is completely justified. Firstly, the influence of the twelfth lunar day is such that today’s dreams reveal, like an abscess, your hidden mistakes, which you did not pay attention to in real life. Secondly, the Moon in Virgo often evokes dreams of service(in the sense of work activity associated with a certain self-denial). In essence, there is a struggle between two sides, the concepts of your essence - material and spiritual. The hints of the dream are very transparent: if you dreamed of material benefits, it makes sense in real life to pay attention to the spiritual sphere. And vice versa: dreams in which you are in the clouds indicate that you are not making progress in material terms.

♍♎ 9 APRIL, Sunday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:14.VIRGO , SCALES from 15:35

Moon without course from 11:21 to 15:34

Once again, dreams of service come to you this night, forcing you to be more attentive to details, since you want tips from your subconscious. On this night you can see what will be required of you in the coming period of your life in terms of fulfillment of your responsibilities. Most likely, we will talk about what is intended specifically for you and no one else. This is a very important night in terms of dreams, since the additional influence of the thirteenth lunar day promises a considerable number of useful details, the analysis of which will allow us to correct some mistakes of the past and present.

♎ 10 APRIL, Monday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:25.SCALES


The fourteenth lunar day often rewards us with quite meaningful and useful dreams. Most likely, you are expected today a considerable amount of information, which will be difficult to remember. However, this is not necessary: ​​your subconscious will probably push out the most important details, framing them in the most vivid and memorable dreams. The theme of dreams this night - your partnerships(you may dream of both business and personal partners). The Moon in Libra will help you see your partners' true feelings towards you, as well as understand your true feelings towards them. Often during this period we see dreams that allow us to better understand unknown side of partners(Libra tries to balance our knowledge about certain people).

Dreams today according to the lunar calendar

♎ 11 APRIL, Tuesday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 19:34.SCALES

FULL MOON at 09:07

Moon without course from 21:19

If you were unable to remember anything useful from your dream the previous night, you have a chance to do so today. The Moon is still in the sign of Libra, helping our subconscious to analyze character and intentions the closest people we encounter in life and business. Moreover: today, on the fifteenth lunar day, our heightened intuition comes to our aid. Thus, even if this time you fail to remember the details of the dream, you can safely trust morning feelings. Whether positive or negative, they will tell you the true side of reality.

12 APRIL, Wednesday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 20:42.SCALES , SCORPION from 01:42

Moon without course until 01:41

Most of tonight will pass under the Moon in the sign of Scorpio. This means that dreams today will inherently concern everyone material aspects of your existence. There may be money involved, intimate life, and easy ways to make money. Paradoxically, despite the fact that these dreams refer us to the material, the plot itself can be phantasmagoric and even magical. However, it is not recommended to take today’s dreams seriously: the sixteenth lunar day often sends night visions that are not very meaningful and cannot be interpreted. You can, of course, focus on the morning sensations left after sleep, but you shouldn’t rely too much to their truth.

♏ APRIL 13, Wednesday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 21:48.SCORPION

The atmosphere of today's dream- this is an extremely important point that you need to focus on when analyzing what you saw at night. This is precisely the influence that the seventeenth lunar day has on our subconscious - they do not build images that are important, but give a general understanding of the correctness or incorrectness of what is happening in real life. And all this is connected with the material aspects of existence, for which the Moon in Scorpio is responsible.

APRIL 14, Friday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:52.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 13:27

Moon without course from 07:17 to 13:26

And again a series of dreams associated with your intimate life, with money, with material goods. The Moon in Scorpio continues to throw out clues, the analysis of which will allow us to analyze secret connection of events between many phenomena that ultimately lead to material things. In addition, the eighteenth lunar day in a certain way guarantees that your dreams today are not a set of random images, but information about yourself and only about yourself. On this night you can expect bright, colorful and even beautiful dreams, however, it is possible that some of them will turn out to be quite difficult and even nightmarish.

♐ 15 APRIL, Saturday, 19th, 20th lunar day from 23:53.SAGITTARIUS

Dreams on the nineteenth lunar day take us into depths of the subconscious, spreading a web of illusions along the way and building a wall of incomprehensible images. In fact, on this day all the deepest nuances of our subconscious come out. This is why it is important to try to find correct interpretation today's night images. Dreams will be filled with special meaning if you plan major life changes associated with long travel (or relocation). The Moon in Sagittarius controls these aspects of our lives, so we should not brush aside such dreams during this period.

Will a dream come true according to the lunar calendar?

♐ 16 APRIL, Sunday, 20th lunar day from 00:00.SAGITTARIUS

Moon without course from 21:26

A special night! From April 19 to 20, the Sun will move into the sign of Taurus, so dreams will most likely be quite interesting and important, remember them!

The energy of the Moon in Pisces continues to penetrate into the deepest aspects of our soul and subconscious, giving birth to the most incredible images in our dreams. Alas, as a rule, there is rarely complete order in our subconscious, so many today expect restless dreams that reflect the inner state of the soul. At first glance, it seems that today it is not so difficult to understand what we see. On the one hand, dreams until the early morning are influenced by the twenty-sixth lunar day, giving us information in pure and undistorted form. On the other hand, the twenty-seventh lunar day only enhances the influence of the previous lunar day, revealing to us sometimes shocking details and details, forcing us to face the truth. However, do not forget that on the twenty-seventh lunar dreams full of symbolism, so it’s worth turning to professional dream interpreters.

♓♈ 24 APRIL, Monday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 04:39.FISH , ARIES from 03:33

Moon without course from 00:34 to 03:32

The twenty-seventh lunar day continues to have its contradictory influence on dreams until 04:39. However, there is a chance to see the most informative dreams after this time, when the twenty-eighth lunar day begins to affect us (after approximately 05:00). During this period, dreams may come that will help you understand your emotional state. This is all the more useful because today the Moon enters the sign of Aries, when we are visited by night images associated with our self-realization. However, apart from beautiful and vivid dreams, you can’t count on anything truly informative and meaningful, since the semantic load of dreams under the Moon without a course is rarely useful.

♈ 25 APRIL, Tuesday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 05:02.ARIES

For most of the night, our subconscious is influenced by the twenty-eighth lunar day, giving us unusually eventful dreams. However, in the morning the influence of the twenty-ninth lunar day can bring some negativity into night images. Now it will be extremely difficult to control the emotional part of dreams, but it will be possible to see the positive and negative aspects of your own self in full view. This is extremely useful, since the main theme of dreams with the Moon in the sign of Aries is an analysis of the personal qualities that are responsible for your personal success In this life.


♈♉ 26 APRIL, Wednesday, 29th, 30th lunar day from 05:27, 1st lunar day from 15:17.

Today you can ignore negative dreams, since on the first lunar day they rarely carry any semantic meaning with them. Moreover: the second lunar day coming in the morning brings dreams, which are often extremely difficult to decipher (unless, of course, you have outstanding intuition). However, during the stay of the Moon in the sign of Taurus, we are visited by dreams associated with painstaking and daily worldly activities, as well as dreams about satisfaction of carnal pleasures. These visions differ from dreams with the Moon in Scorpio in their down-to-earth and practicality.

♉♊ 28 APRIL, Friday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 06:30.CALF , TWINS from 14:39

Moon without course from 04:18 to 14:38

Almost the entire night will pass under the influence of the second lunar day, which makes it difficult to find a rational grain in today's dreams. Of course, you can turn to dream interpreters for help, but there is a risk of getting even more confused: there is hardly an interpreter who knows you better than yourself. In any case, you need to know that the Moon in Taurus will probably give you dreams that will allow you to evaluate your physical strength and understand how ready you are for daily work routine, and will also allow you to assess your physical health. You may be lucky enough to see tips on how to manage your energy wisely. The dreams are expected to be beautiful, but the meaning will be extremely difficult to read.

♊ 29 APRIL, Saturday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 07:11.TWINS

Basically, the night will pass under the influence of the third lunar day, so you should expect bright and memorable dreams. The energy of these lunar days flows into our subconscious in a powerful stream, transferring the feeling of sleep into real life. In such cases, you need to focus on what remains in your soul after sleep in the morning: heavy feelings - moving in the wrong direction. The soul is easy - life flows in the right direction. In any case, the theme of dreams this night is your relationships with friends, acquaintances, neighbors, brothers and sisters. With such initial data, you can try to understand what your close circle expects from you and what you want from them.

♊♋ 30 APRIL, Sunday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 08:03.TWINS , CANCER from 04:48

Moon without course from 00:28 to 04:47

Under the influence of the fourth lunar day, we often dream prophetic dreams. However, don’t expect your subconscious to show you the end result in all its glory. Rather, these will be clear indications of the right path, the necessary decisions. The situation is complicated by the fact that today the semantic load of dreams will be extremely small due to the Moon without a course. Be that as it may, today's dreams are influenced by the Moon in Gemini (most of the night) and the Moon in Cancer (from five in the morning). Therefore, all your dreams, one way or another, will be connected with the closest thing you have: friends, acquaintances, home, relatives.

Very often, single women and men, having met a new person who at first glance seemed no better than others, after a certain period of time, feel a slight attraction and sympathy. Time passes, you realize that you have a lot in common with this person. Long conversations that seem to be about “nothing,” random meetings and finally meeting eyes, but your relationship never has a logical continuation. After such meetings, your subconscious is already partially programmed for revelations, but a number of factors prevent you from connecting with this person. And here the dream that you saw from Thursday to Friday comes into force. Remember that the person you love or feel sympathy for also has the ability to see similar dreams, since in a dream you are connected from space, and at that time, your beloved person also has contact with you outside the body on a subconscious level. If you saw a dream where you are together, then you should not rush things, but just wait for your time. And when you see a quarrel, or (his-her) with someone else, you should not hope that you have any chance of connecting, since a dream for Friday warns and comes true. In most cases, such dreams have the ability to come true up to 3-4 months with an accuracy of events up to 60%.

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