Feelings of a man after removal of the uterus. Is sexual intercourse possible after hysterectomy? Consequences of early initiation of intimate life

If a woman has been scheduled for an operation to remove the internal genital organs and appendages, the last thing she cares about is what her intimate life will be like after the removal of the uterus and ovaries. However, after she moves away from the operation, many questions arise about this.

The operation to remove the uterus and ovaries is a difficult and risky intervention, which is prescribed by doctors only in extreme cases if the previous treatment did not have a positive effect.

The surgeon can cut out only the uterus or also the fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix. In any case, the operation is difficult for women, primarily because of the debilitating illness that preceded it, and requires long period recovery.

This kind of surgery psychological level perceived by women as a tragedy. To the natural depression due to pain and worries about the speed of recovery, the fear of looking unfeminine, unattractive for her man, flawed is added.

intimate life after removal of the uterus and ovaries, it frightens the woman. The lack of sufficient objective information about this makes her think about the consequences, naturally, not in a positive way. “I can no longer have children, I am inferior (my husband considers me inferior”, “Now I don’t have a uterus, he probably will feel it”, “I have all top part vagina, I can no longer have fun, ”these are the thoughts that walk in the female head after the operation. The unknown is scary.

Studying statistics will help you calm down and stop winding yourself up. According to research results, only about 4% of women could not cope with depression and experienced cooling in intimate life, the rest, on the contrary, note an increase in the quality of sex due to greater looseness and new sensations.

Intimate life after removal of the uterus and ovaries. Physiology: how to survive the removal of the uterus

Intimate life after the removal of the uterus and ovaries really changes a little. You can start it no earlier than a month after the operation, after the control gynecological examination.

Firstly, due to the removal of the ovaries, the hormonal background is disturbed. Estrogen can no longer be produced by the body and, as a result, the problem of dry vagina appears. Its walls are irritated, the woman experiences pain and burning during intercourse. The level of testosterone, which is also responsible for the ovaries, naturally falls, and sex drive disappears. A woman not only cannot enjoy sex, but also does not want it.

The problem is solved simply - by the appointment of appropriate hormone replacement therapy. The positive effect becomes noticeable quickly: the vagina is restored natural microflora and humidity, lubrication appears, sexual desire returns to normal.

Secondly, if the cervix is ​​removed along with the uterus, the physiological features vagina. It is somewhat shortened (although doctors always try to save as much tissue as possible), stitches appear in place of the neck.

Qualitatively, this does not affect the feelings of both partners in any way, however, in the first months, you will have to be softer with movements. It is not true that a man feels the absence of a neck: 90% do not feel any changes. But the fact that the nature of the orgasm will now change is a reality, but only for those women who, before the operation, experienced a vaginal orgasm due to uterine contractions. Now they will have to learn to enjoy the stimulation of the G-spot and the clitoris, but it cannot be said that these sensations are qualitatively worse or weaker.

In order for a woman’s sexuality not to change, there must be an understanding and supportive man nearby. He must show that she is beautiful, loved and desired, that he does not consider her flawed and does not see problems in the current situation.

Sex after removal of the uterus ... This is probably the last thing a woman thinks about when preparing for such a complex operation. After all, any surgical intervention in medicine is always last resort and ordeal. But there are a number of particularly difficult operations, the mere mention of which inspires fear. One of them is a hysterectomy, or removal of the uterus. An indication for such an operation may be a situation where all the methods of treatment have been ineffective and a woman's life is at stake. In some severe cases along with the uterus, the ovaries and fallopian tubes are removed (oophorectomy).

How does sex life change after a hysterectomy?

At any age, this kind of surgical intervention becomes a difficult moral and physical test for a woman. Confusion, fear of physical pain and a feeling of inferiority, emotional depression and fear due to lack of information about the consequences of a hysterectomy are just some of the feelings that patients have to experience in this most difficult situation. The operation clearly delimits life into “before” and “after”. So what happens to the woman "after"?

On this score, the opinions of doctors were divided. Optimists are sure that the removal of the cervix and uterus does not affect either the psychological state of the woman or her sexuality. Others, on the contrary, believe that most women who have undergone a hysterectomy develop a postoperative syndrome, accompanied by depression and depression. total loss sexual attraction.

Sexual life after removal of the uterus and aspects of female psychology

Nevertheless, objective statistics show that rumors about the serious consequences of hysterectomy for women are somewhat exaggerated. According to surveys, only 4% of women said that their health had worsened, most of them those who had previously experienced such moods.

The mood for the operation and the woman’s own attitude largely determine what her life will be like. sex life after removal of the cervix or body of the uterus.

If a woman is sure that after removing the uterus she will lose her femininity and desire, or feels afraid of becoming uninteresting to her partner, then the number sexual problems in the postoperative period, it is likely to increase. And if you look at it from the other side and remember what the problems were before the hysterectomy: bleeding, pain during intercourse, urinary incontinence - then it may turn out that everything is not so bad.

The main causes of sexual problems of a psychological nature in this situation can be several:

  • Religious education, which prescribes to have sexual intercourse only for the sake of procreation, which, of course, is impossible after the removal of the uterus;
  • The desire to give birth to a child, especially if a woman has lost her reproductive organs without having time to know the happiness of motherhood, is really a serious psychological problem, which will inevitably affect the rest of your life until it is happily resolved - fortunately, there is surrogate motherhood or the opportunity to take a child from an orphanage;
  • Even if a woman is over 40, and children are no longer included in her plans, anyway, after the operation, there may be a bitter, aching feeling, as if someone took away the opportunity to be and feel like a woman;
  • Fear that the partner will see changes in the woman's body that will not allow him to enjoy (for example, he will not get the usual sensations from stimulating the cervix if it has also been removed).

Regardless of the cause of depression at this moment, it is very important to feel cared for and supported by a partner. If a woman feels that she is still attractive and desirable, this is enough for her peace of mind and a faster and painless postoperative adaptation. If the depressive mood does not go away, then this is a completely different story in which it is necessary to seek the advice of psychiatrists.

How soon can you start having sex?

Almost 100% of women who maintained sexual activity before a hysterectomy do not leave it after the operation. According to surveys, 80% of them restore their sexual relations within two months after surgical intervention. Of course, at first there is a certain discomfort. So when can you start making love to a woman who has undergone a complex surgical intervention?

As a rule, the attending gynecologist prescribes an examination a month after the operation. His visual inspection must confirm that the damage to back wall her vagina is now fully healed and her sex life can resume. Naturally, at the first attempts, painful phenomena may still be present. Here it must be borne in mind that excessive experiences usually prevent normal excretion lubrication, moisturizing the vagina and having sex after the removal of the uterus, and in individual cases can even cause involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles (vaginismus).

Do not forget that the labia and clitoris were not subjected to surgical intervention, and they can still respond to stimulation.

Gradually, the partner must help the woman get used to sex again. giving increased attention foreplay, stimulation of the clitoris with hands or mouth, after some time he will be able to awaken the normal sexual reactions of the female body. It is important here to talk to your partner and, if necessary, ask him not to rush into vaginal penetration until it is completely moistened.

At the first intimacy after the operation, it is recommended to try to practice the position on top of the partner. By holding the situation in her hands, a woman will feel more secure. You can start with a partial insertion of the penis and continue normal act only if there is no pain. If the pain persists two months after the hysterectomy, a gynecologist should be consulted.

The problem of "dry vagina" after removal of the uterus

After surgery to remove the uterus, some women complain about the lack of lubrication in the vagina. This reaction of the body is usually psychological in nature. If the operation included the removal of not only the uterus, but also the ovaries, this means that the body has ceased to produce female hormone- estrogen, and then the vagina can remain dry.

The simplest solution to this problem is the use of special moisturizers, creams and oils. But it is best to immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe special preparations to compensate for the lack of estrogen. They quickly restore moisture, normalize the condition of the mucous membrane and improve the condition of the walls of the vagina.

More than 75% of women who underwent surgery to remove the uterus claim that the intensity of their sexual desire remained the same, sex after the operation remained at the same quality level. 20% note that they felt a significant increase in libido - most likely this is due to an overall improvement in health after elimination operational way causes of discomfort, as well as with the abolition of the need for contraception.

The remaining 5% felt that they were much less interested in sex life. Almost all of these women underwent surgery to remove the cervix, uterus and ovaries. The reason is that testosterone, one of the most active androgens, is formed in women in the ovaries. A sharp drop in testosterone levels after spaying reduces sex drive. Such women are shown drugs that increase the level of testosterone in the body. If a woman is already taking estrogen replacement drugs, then their combination with testosterone can give effective result: at the same time, the normal production of vaginal lubrication will be restored, sexual desire will increase, a feeling of general well-being will appear.

The video talks about the role of female hormones:

Orgasm after hysterectomy

It has been proven that for many women after a hysterectomy, sexual intercourse begins to bring even more pleasure than before. Most often this happens in cases where, in the period before the operation, sexual relations were associated with discomfort and pain. The vast majority of patients do not find significant changes in their experiences of sexual pleasure, continuing to experience orgasm, both clitoral and vaginal.

The percentage of women who say that the nature of orgasm has changed and getting pleasure has become a problem is very small (about 4%).

Until now, doctors cannot understand the causes of this phenomenon. Indeed, most often a woman experiences an orgasm precisely when stimulating the clitoris and a small area inside the vagina (point G), which are not damaged in any way during the operation.

It is possible that the appearance of such a postoperative problem is associated with the peculiarities of obtaining an orgasm in some women who need significant penetration of the penis and active stimulation of the cervix. Those are enough rare cases when the nature of the female orgasm is directly related to the uterus and cervix, pleasant sensations come from these organs.

This group of women after having their cervix removed will have to rethink their sexual relationships and learn how to get an orgasm through clitoral stimulation. It is hard to believe that this can become some kind of serious test for them, and even more so the cause of depressive states. Rather, it will new experience, "creative search", the opportunity to get to know your body better and get qualitatively new sensations. As in any kind of human activity, in sex, too, sometimes you have to get rid of stereotypes.

Question: Will the impossibility of for a long time not having sex after a woman's surgery?

Answer: during prolonged abstinence, the so-called. sublimation effect. male body possesses protective forces that activate and regulate its reactions. One of them is nocturnal ejaculation. At healthy man stagnation should not occur.

Question: Does menopause really occur after the operation to remove the uterus?

Answer: if only the uterus was removed during the operation, and its appendages - the tubes and ovaries were preserved, then the onset of menopause will occur during the period for which this is programmed female body. There are experts who are of the opinion that the symptoms of menopause in this case appear for 2-3 years. ahead of time, although the explanation for this medical science have not found yet. Removal of the ovaries, indeed, entails the onset of menopause.

Question: is it necessary to be afraid of such phenomena after the operation as excessive hair growth on the body and face, weight gain, coarsening of the voice?

Answer: no, after removal of the uterus similar phenomena do not arise. When removing the ovaries for normalization hormonal background doctors usually prescribe estrogen replacement therapy.

And some interesting statistics

In one of European countries decided to study in more detail the issues related to the change in female libido after hysterectomy, observing more than 1000 patients and interviewing them before and after the operation. The results were unexpected:

  • Patients aged 35 to 50 years showed that after the operation the number of actively having sex among them increased by 10%;
  • Before surgery, 63% of patients experienced orgasm, and after removal of the uterus, their number increased to 72%;
  • The number of women who claimed to have strong orgasms or multiple orgasms rose from 45% to 56%;
  • Before surgery for pain During sex, 40% of women complained, after surgery - only 15%.

IN last years in world medicine, a campaign has been launched, calling to the last to keep patients female organs and resort to hysterectomy only in the most extreme cases. But US gynecologists categorically disagree with this. Moreover, more than 50% of them consider it necessary to appoint their completely healthy wives who have reached the age of 50, an operation to remove the uterus. They are sure that in this way a woman will be able to avoid development oncological diseases uterus and cervix, it is easier to go through the period associated with age-related changes in the body and, in particular, menopause. This is how American experts express their love and care for their soul mates.

One can only wish that after the trials that have been endured, each woman will have a loving and beloved person waiting at home who could understand, support, show care, and, if necessary, regret. And then there will be no problems in sexual life. Sigmund Freud said that sex is not the touch of the genitals, but the touch of the soul. And one cannot but agree with this.

A hysterectomy is a gynecological surgical procedure.

Specialists resort to carrying out such manipulations in extreme cases, when all methods have already been tried. If the disease has become more serious, removal will be required. fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Many women are interested in how such an operation will affect their sexual life and whether it will be complete.

As a rule, doctors always do everything to keep in the female body. Hysterectomy is performed only if the woman is threatened death in case of refusal of the operation or according to strict indications, when other methods are not effective.

Indications for such a surgical intervention are:

  1. Cancer. At cancer diseases in the cervix or body of the uterus, endometrium or fallopian tubes such operation is shown. Gasterectomy is the most effective way getting rid of such problems now. Together with this procedure, chemotherapy and radiation are carried out if the patient has metastases in the body.
  2. Myomatosis. Myoma is a benign formation. If it is not cured in time, it can grow to significant volumes. Small fibroids do not show themselves in any way and are found during examination by a gynecologist. With large myoma growths, a woman has abundant and painful sensations in the lower abdomen. In such situations, a hysterectomy is performed.
  3. Endometriosis. In this condition, the inner lining of the uterus grows significantly beyond the body of the reproductive organ. Symptoms of the disease are profuse and painful menstruation, pain during sexual contact, difficulty defecation, pain in the pelvic area, and infertility.

You should know that only a specialist can determine whether a woman needs such an operation or not. In addition, it is he who determines the method of removing the reproductive organ.

It must be remembered that there are certain risks with a hysterectomy. This group includes possible infection of the patient's tissues during surgery, an increase, as well as other complications.

Recovery period

With a successful outcome of the operation in most cases recovery period passes within two months. Symptoms that may disturb the patient at such a time are absolutely normal.

The main symptom is severe pain causing discomfort to a woman after a hysterectomy. Pain appears due to wounds that begin to heal after amputation of the reproductive organ. If sensations are a strong character painkillers will help to cope with such a problem. With the unbearable nature of the sensations, when even the prescribed pills do not help, it is necessary to visit the attending physician as soon as possible.

As a rule, all complications are removed by prescribing medications. Very rarely, a second operation is performed in order to remove such a condition. Basically, the patient after the amputation of the uterus very quickly goes to recovery and returns to a normal lifestyle.

It is very important during such a period to observe special diet, all prescriptions of specialists and report all appearances discomfort doctor. This will help prevent complications in time.

In addition, you need to purchase a special postoperative bandage which will greatly speed up the recovery process of the patient.

How is sex changing?

Women who have survived surgery should know that after such a surgical intervention there is no major changes in organism.

There is no scientific evidence for the myth that after a hysterectomy, the level of libido decreases, the body ages, or some functions fade. Most often, sexual life after removal of the uterus acquires a negative connotation due to psychological mood women.

The patient begins to feel incomplete. At the same time, it intensifies a similar state, giving great importance the operation and the fact that it lacks the main reproductive organ. This leads to the occurrence of frequent.

A woman begins to worry not only about the fact that she will no longer be able to bear and give birth to a baby, but also about her sex life. Doctors say that the fears of such patients are absolutely groundless.

In this case, it is best to contact a psychologist who will talk with the patient and prescribe the necessary medications to normalize the psychological background.

Because after such surgical procedures the possibility of fertilization, conception and bearing a baby completely disappears, then the woman’s menstruation will also no longer be.

With regard to sexual desire, it will remain at the same level, as the ovaries continue to produce hormones responsible for libido. This applies only to those situations where both the cervix and ovaries are completely healthy, and the doctors did not remove them. This will allow a woman to fully feel healthy and complete.

It should be remembered that immediately after the surgical intervention, the patient is contraindicated in any sexual contact. Sexual life can be resumed only when the wounds heal and the body recovers.

You can only have sex after 2 months.

The patient should not worry about the fact that she will lose sensitivity, since the location of the erogenous zones has nothing to do with the removed uterus, since they are located elsewhere.

Experts say that a woman's sex life remains exactly the same as before surgery.

If a woman has problems and feels that something is not going as it should, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and a psychiatrist. It is advisable to do this together with your sexual partner.

On the video - the opinion of experts:

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More on this topic

Not every woman can decide on an operation to remove the uterus, because this method of treating many reproductive and hormonal pathologies is associated a large number of myths. Plays a big role psychological factor which slows down the recovery process. What actually happens after the removal of the uterus: the consequences for the body, and how the operation affects the social and sexual life of a woman.

In contact with

The operation to remove the uterus is prescribed for women with reproductive pathologies, hormonal diseases, When conservative method treatment does not work. So surgery is the last chance to save the patient's life.

Amputation of the uterus is carried out by several methods, depending on the complexity and nature of the disease:

  1. Abdominal way. The doctor cuts the abdominal wall to remove the uterus. After the operation, a scar remains, therefore, among women, this method of surgical intervention is not preferred.
  2. vaginal method. All manipulations with the organ are carried out inside the vagina. So the stitches after the operation do not remain.
  3. laparoscopic method. Small incisions are made on the abdomen. such surgical intervention is characterized by low pain, an accelerated period of rehabilitation, and there is practically no risk of infection.

Important! It is psychologically easier for patients to recover after surgery if no stitches were applied, that is, the last two methods of therapy are used. But it is not always possible to use these invasive methods in practice. It all depends on the disease physical condition patient and other factors.

Usually a woman spends no more than 14 days in the hospital after treatment, and the stitches are removed a week after the operation. It is impossible to say exactly when the patient will fully recover, as this process is completely individual.

After the operation, women are required to undergo rehabilitation period. It is aimed at restoring water and electrolyte balance, psychological state sick, prevention of inflammation.

The total recovery period takes up to 45 days, that is, after the hospital, the woman stays at home on sick leave for some time and improves her health, periodically visits the gynecologist.

Psychologically, it is difficult for every woman to come to terms with the fact that, along with the uterus, she loses childbearing function, that is, pregnancy cannot occur, since there is no receptacle for the fetus. For some patients, this fact is positive side amputation of the uterus, but not for young girls who had motherhood in their plans. IN last case specialists always try to save the organ and prescribe surgery only when the girl has a big threat to her health.

Sometimes doctors resort to keeping the ovaries but removing the uterus. So a woman can become matter with the help of IVF or surrogacy.

The operation to remove the uterus greatly affects the emotional background of the fair sex. There are fears associated with a change in appearance:

  • increased hair growth on the body and face;
  • the timbre of the voice will change;
  • libido will decrease;
  • extra pounds will be added.

Close people in such a difficult period should provide significant support, especially the husband, who must show by all actions that his wife remains as beautiful and desirable for him as before the operation.

After the amputation of the uterus, the female body experiences a big hormonal shake-up, sex hormones cease to be produced very sharply. This is how an artificial crisis sets in, which the patient experiences very hard and acutely, especially during the childbearing period. Signs of menopause occur even during rehabilitation, after discharge from the hospital:

  • depressive state;
  • hot flashes;
  • inability to hold back urine;
  • decreased libido;
  • hair and nails become brittle;
  • sweating;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • the skin becomes dry;
  • sexual problems due to excessive dryness of the vagina.

To prevent this condition, doctors, if possible, prescribe hormone replacement therapy for about five years.

After the operation, the patient may notice some health problems. A common complication is osteoporosis. This chronic illness when calcium is washed out of the bones, the risk of fractures increases, and the spine curves.

Much less often in patients, the vagina drops due to injury to the pelvic tissue. As a result, other organs are also lowered, for example. bladder.

Many women worry that after the removal of the uterus, they will no longer experience pleasure during intercourse. Such fears are not supported by anything, it's just a myth, because all sensitive areas are located directly in the vagina. If the ovaries are preserved, then they are secreted and the right hormones, so the libido is preserved. If the ovaries are also removed along with the uterus, then hormone therapy, it supports sexual desire.

Sometimes patients note that libido not only did not decrease, but also increased, and sex after removal of the uterus became only brighter. This is due to the fact that the patient no longer feels fear of unwanted pregnancy. Also declining pain, which were many during the illness.

It is impossible to say for sure whether the sensations will increase after the operation. Someone experiences an orgasm brighter during intercourse, while others experience pain and discomfort. In the latter case, you need to find out the cause from the gynecologist: after the operation to remove the uterus, adhesions may form, the symptoms of which may not appear in the best way.

General recommendations of doctors: bandage, physical activity, nutrition, water procedures

The life of a woman after the removal of the uterus changes greatly. You have to follow some recommendations of experts so that the recovery of the body goes quickly and without consequences.

Patients who have had multiple births are weakened abdominal wall, it is necessary to wear a special bandage already at discharge from the hospital. On modern medical market there are many models of bandages, you need to choose based on comfort (is it comfortable for a woman, does she feel discomfort?). The bandage must cover the scar.

After the operation, some discharge is noted in women, they last about a month or two. During this period, it is forbidden to have sex, lift weights, otherwise the seams may disperse, in abdominal cavity bleeding will occur. In most cases, to speed up rehabilitation, doctors prescribe a special set of exercises (Kegel complex) to the patient, so the vaginal muscles are strengthened. Other recommended sports:

  • yoga;
  • Pilates;
  • bodyflex;
  • dancing;
  • swimming;
  • shaping.

For about a month and a half, it is forbidden to use baths, go to the bathhouse and sauna, swim in natural reservoirs or pools.

After removal of the uterus, Special attention give nutrition, it must be correct and healthy. Food should contain fiber and liquid. All this is in vegetables and fruits, bran bread. Alcohol, tea and coffee should be banned, as well as fried, smoked and fatty meals. Most of the food should be eaten in the morning.

Of course, on the eve of an operation to remove the uterus, a woman most likely does not think much about intimate life. However, after the rehabilitation period has passed, the patient may have many questions regarding this area. For example, does sex life change after hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus. This operation is carried out only if all healing procedures previously carried out proved to be ineffective, and there was a threat to the woman's life.

There are two methods of intervention: through the vagina or an incision in the pubis. The first method is less traumatic for a woman and is used more often than the second, if there are no contraindications. To the fullest postoperative rehabilitation it will take about a month and a half. The reason for a hysterectomy in a woman is uterine bleeding, benign (if large) and malignant neoplasms, fibroids, omission and prolapse of the uterus.

Psychological mood after surgery and its impact on the intimate sphere

The quality of sex after removal of the uterus largely depends on the psychological mood of the woman. It often happens that patients who have had this organ amputated feel inferior and flawed. It seems to them that they have ceased to be women, while they feel useless and abandoned. In addition, the situation is aggravated if the operated woman wanted to give birth to a child and now has lost this opportunity. Of course, as a result of such depressive states, sexual life may not give a woman any pleasure, or even cause disgust. During this period, the support and understanding of the spouse is more important than ever for a woman.

Although there are situations when sex after surgery to remove the uterus becomes better. As a rule, this happens if a woman constantly could not relax, fearing an unplanned pregnancy, or she was constantly worried about severe pain caused by uterine diseases. Since after the operation these negative factors are eliminated, then physical and psychological barriers can disappear, making a woman more sexual and liberated.

Intimacy after hysterectomy

In general, what will be the intimacy after the operation to remove the uterus, is affected by which organs were removed in addition to the uterus:

  1. If during the operation the uterus was removed, but the ovaries were preserved, then the woman retains a normal hormonal balance. The appendages continue to function, producing estrogen and all body systems work as usual. Accordingly, libido remains at the same level, and sensations during sexual intimacy do not lose their sharpness.
  2. A slightly different situation is observed when the uterus is removed along with the ovaries. As a result of the absence of appendages, the production of estrogen stops, which causes hormonal failure. During this period, all body systems try to adapt to new conditions. Therefore, a decrease in attraction, or even its absence, is possible. This problem is solved by taking drugs prescribed by a doctor and containing hormones. Accordingly, sex after removal of the appendages and uterus will eventually return to normal.
  3. After removing the cervix, the quality of sex should not undergo drastic changes, since the zones responsible for female sensuality remain in place. The most important thing is to wait full recovery body before entering intimacy and then both partners are guaranteed to enjoy.

How soon after surgery can I have sex?

A woman who underwent this operation should pay a visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist in a month. If a visual examination showed that all the damage on the back of the vagina has completely healed, then the patient can resume sexual life. Of course, the first attempts can be painful. In addition, you need to know that excessive disturbances often prevent the release normal amount natural lubrication, and sometimes can even cause involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles.

The partner must remember that the uterus was removed, but the labia and clitoris remained in place, so their stimulation will not hurt to excite and relax the woman. The task of a man is to help his partner, who is getting used to sex again. Long preludes will certainly bear fruit over time, awakening the natural female sensuality.

The first sex after removal of the uterus is preferably carried out in the position of a woman on top. This is due not only to physical psychological aspects. The woman who leads the process herself will be able to choose the pace and depth of penetration and will feel less vulnerable and insecure. When there is pain, you can temporarily limit yourself to partial administration. If the discomfort and pain have not gone away two months after the operation, then the woman needs to consult a gynecologist.

Problems in the intimate area after surgery

Any surgical intervention can lead to problems both physical and emotional. Main difficulties postoperative period are:

  1. Decreased sexual desire. It is worth noting that such a problem is observed in a rather small percentage of women (5%). This complication may appear due to emotional experiences or be the result of hormonal failure in the body. Many women, on the contrary, after the operation to remove the uterus, noticed that their sexual desire increased significantly. Health workers attribute this fact to the improvement in the general condition of the patient, who is no longer worried about the constant Blunt pain, heavy discharge and intermittent urinary incontinence caused by the disease. It also has a positive effect on the possibility of sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives.
  2. Psycho-emotional problems. Any operation becomes a strong shock, to say nothing of a surgical intervention, which, as the patients believe, deprives them of their feminine essence. As a result, the fair sex begins to worry, exaggerating the problem, and there it is not far from the complexes. This state of affairs will certainly worsen the quality of sex. It is important that the partner dispel women's fears, and if it does not work out, then a psychologist's consultation will not hurt.
  3. Painful sensations. Since the uterus was amputated, this problem is quite natural. That is why sexual life should begin only after the complete physical and emotional recovery of the woman.
  4. Lubrication deficiency. The reason may be hormonal disbalance or stress after surgery. This problem can be solved by taking hormone-containing drugs and using special moisturizing lubricants for lubrication. A quality prelude will also be useful.
  5. Lack of orgasm. A small proportion of women after a hysterectomy cannot experience an orgasm. This happens to those patients who enjoyed the impact on the cervix. Accordingly, its absence becomes an obstacle to enjoyment. However, you can teach a woman to enjoy in another way, for example, with the help of clitoral caresses.

Any problem that a woman has after a hysterectomy can be solved, especially with the proper support and help from a man. The most important thing is not to rush and not try to resume sexual activity if the body is not yet ready physically or morally. Inappropriate haste can harm health and cause all sorts of complications.

Possible complications associated with early intimacy after surgery

If a woman after amputation of the uterus own will or, at the request of a partner, decided to shorten the period of abstinence from sexual contact, then such rash haste can lead to various kinds of complications. In addition, problems threaten in case of ignoring the symptoms of incomplete recovery of the body, when the minimum time has already come to an end. Possible Complications in these cases are:

  • Bleeding. Indicates that postoperative suture on the stump or uterus (infrequent case) dispersed. Another surgical intervention is needed to solve the problem.
  • Inflammatory processes of varying intensity.
  • Exacerbation of diseases genitourinary system that the woman had before the operation to remove the uterus or appeared after it.

To minimize the risk of complications, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Fully comply with medical prescriptions.
  • Sex after a hysterectomy should begin smoothly, preferring accurate and gentle penetration. A violent passion at an early postoperative stage is inappropriate and even dangerous.
  • Don't rush to catch up.
  • Refrain from random connections.
  • Protect yourself with contraceptives against STDs.

In general, if you follow these simple rules and start making love only when the woman’s body has already fully recovered, then the first sexual experience after the operation to remove the uterus will pass without unpleasant surprises and will not harm health.

Lack of lubrication after hysterectomy

Women who have had their uterus amputated quite often complain of vaginal dryness. As a rule, this is due to psychological aspects. And in a situation where not only the uterus, but also the ovaries were removed, the problem may be caused by the fact that estrogen production stopped after the operation, and this affected the amount of natural lubricant.

It is not difficult to solve this problem, it is enough to purchase a special moisturizing lubricant at the pharmacy: cream, gel or oil. It would also be useful to visit a doctor who will prescribe medical preparation aimed at filling the deficiency of estrogen. Such funds will quickly return the amount of lubrication to normal, normalize the condition of the mucous membrane and have a positive effect on the vaginal walls.

According to surveys, about 75% of women who have undergone a hysterectomy claim that the quality of their sex life has not been affected, and their sexual desire has remained at the same level. About 20% noticed that libido increased significantly. This could be due to improved general state body after surgery and with the ability to make love without the use of contraceptives.

Only 5% of women felt that their interest in the intimate sphere has greatly decreased. Most often this occurs after the removal of the cervix, appendages and the uterine cavity. This is due to the fact that it is in the ovaries that testosterone is produced, and a sharp decline its level adversely affects the female libido.

In this case, it is necessary to take medicines to help increase testosterone levels. In combination with preparations containing estrogen, the therapy will be very effective: the amount of natural lubrication will increase, libido will increase, and there will be a feeling of general well-being.

Orgasm after hysterectomy

Studies and surveys have shown that the majority of women who have undergone hysterectomy have improved sexual experiences. Often this happens in situations where a woman before a hysterectomy felt discomfort during sexual contact or experienced pain. Many patients summarize that they did not reveal any significant changes in sensations during intercourse. After the operation, women continue to enjoy lovemaking, while experiencing both clitoral and vaginal orgasms.

The number of patients who claim that the sensations have become less acute, and getting sexual release is problematic, is about 4%. Medicine has not yet figured out the reasons for this phenomenon. Since, as a rule, women get an orgasm as a result of stimulation of the clitoris, as well as a small area on inner surface vagina (point G), which during the operation remain intact.

It is likely that such difficulties may arise in those women who, in order to obtain an orgasm, needed an intense impact on the uterine cervix. This is an uncommon case, but still occurring. Accordingly, after the removal of the cervix, a woman cannot get an orgasm. Such persons need to try to reconsider their own views on pleasure and try to get satisfaction through the impact on the clitoris. The woman must convey to her partner that now, after the removal of the uterus, the order of foreplay must be changed. Under the guidance of a sensitive and attentive man, a woman will be able to open new horizons of her sensuality and get the desired orgasm.

In general, sexual life after surgical removal The uterus brings most women just as much pleasure as it did before surgery, and sometimes even more. Patients need to maintain a positive attitude and be sure that even after surgery they remain loved and desired by women.

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