Maltese. Maltese or Maltese Bichon Frize or Maltese

Snow-white, decorative Maltese dog always remains at the peak of fashion among city residents. The graceful creature shines at exhibitions, touches the heart on the sofa at home and is actively purchased as a first pet.

A notable character trait of the Maltese is its cordiality, which is successfully combined with courage and fearlessness.

The playful little friend brings a lot of happy moments to his owner and loves him all his life.

The difference between a standard lapdog and a mini one

It is an exact copy of its classic relative: snow-white (less often silver) long hair, expressive eyes, dense black pigmentation of the lips and nose, snub nose and other features of the breed.

That is The miniature Bolonka inherited all the external signs and even the character from the classical one.. What is the difference, and why does the buyer's rush concern specifically small dogs?

  1. Height at the withers. The standard lapdog grows up to 23 cm, and the miniature reaches about 18-20.
  2. Weight. For a mini Maltese it is about 1.5-2.5 kg (kind of tiny). A classic lapdog weighs up to 4.5 kg.
  3. Prestige. The smaller the dog, the more convenient it is to keep it in a city apartment and walk it in the city center (you can take the baby with you to parties and carry it in a special bag). That is why it differs by several tens of thousands (can be 50-80 thousand rubles, while a classic lap dog can be purchased for 30-50 thousand).

What is the difference between a lapdog and a Yorkshire terrier?

They vaguely resemble a lapdog with long hair and intelligent eyes. The luxurious appearance makes the breed popular for a show career. But what do York and Bolonka have in common and different?

General points

  • coat care involves daily combing, regular haircuts at the groomer, the use of special cosmetics during bathing and subsequent drying;
  • despite, both breeds practically do not shed and are considered hypoallergenic;
  • non-show pets can be cut short, for which there are various options for model hygienic hairstyles;
  • can be kept even in a one-room apartment;
  • They are well accustomed to the tray.

But there are also a number of differences between breeds

  • A Yorkie weighs less than a lapdog (about 3-4 kg), as a result of which it freezes faster in cold weather;
  • The terrier has different coat colors, while the lapdog should always be white;
  • involves the use of special mixtures and dietary supplements due to a sensitive stomach, and the cheerful York “sweeps” everything in its path;
  • the lapdog is susceptible to bronchial asthma.

Maltese and Bichon Frize

These two breeds have more differences than similarities, despite their appearance. Both dogs are miniature and toy-like in appearance and have white coats that require grooming. also the same - loyal, playful, affectionate and dependent on the owner.

Differences between lapdog and bichon

  • the structure of the coat (in the Maltese it is long, silky and straight, while in the Maltese it is curly and elastic);
  • size at the withers (Bichons can reach 30 cm, and the threshold for a lapdog is considered to be 24-25);
  • cost (Bologna puppies are more valuable on the market).

Difference between lapdog and shih tzu

Both Maltese, and in the era of the birth of the breeds, could only be afforded by wealthy noble people. Even now, the demand for Shih Tzus is at its peak, as is the market value.

Both breeds require careful grooming (cleaning hairy ears, trimming claws, cleaning tartar, etc.). Feeding should be moderate, as babies are prone to overeating and allergic diseases. As for the dimensions, the lapdog is smaller (25 cm at the withers versus 28 cm of the Shih Tzu, and also 4.5 kg versus 6-8 kg).

The lapdog singles out one owner and strives to attract his attention.

The white lump will gladly take part in active games or even fight with another dog on the street.

The Shih Tzu sincerely considers itself a member of the family and is equally devoted to all members of the household. She, unlike the Maltese, is more educated, proud and does not allow herself liberties. The main goal of a dog is to become a good companion to humans.

The Shih Tzu has a wider range of colors, which allows you to choose a puppy to suit your taste. But it should be taken into account that the scourge of this breed is eye diseases (cataracts, entropion, distichiasis) and respiratory diseases (tracheal collapse, etc.).

Black lap dog

I will not describe the difference between a black Maltese and a white one for one simple reason. There is simply no such thing at the moment.. Once upon a time, the existence of two branches, black and white, was recognized, but then white finally won the hearts of dog breeders and is now recognized as a single, standard color. Those dogs that some dog lovers call the Black Maltese are actually a variety of the Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka, a completely different breed.

Useful video

Watch an interesting video that will tell you about these breeds in detail and clearly.

Anyone who is looking for a companion dog simply must learn more about it.

Compared to many other small dog breeds, the Bichon Frize has a significant advantage - its size allows you to have such a pet in a home where there are small children.

The strong body of the Bichon allows you to be sure that children will not injure the dog.

The Bichon Frize - especially in puppyhood - is difficult to distinguish from another decorative dog breed - .

However, as they grow up, Bichon babies immediately make it clear what breed they belong to.

Photo 1. Bichon Frize in all its glory

A Bichon Frize dog is bigger. Their average height varies around 24-29 cm. Moreover, the body of these small dogs is more compact and has an almost square shape (the height at the withers is equal to the length of the body) in contrast to the “elongated” body of the Maltese.

Dogs of this breed weigh from 3 to 6 kg.

The head of these dogs is short, and the straight muzzle is even shorter, its length is 2/5 of the length of the head itself.

The bite is scissor-shaped. The Bichon's nose has a characteristic black color. The eyes are set wide apart, expressive and large, and have a rounded shape. Eye color – “dark ocher”.

Photo 2. Bichon Frize just loves children

The back is straight. The paws of these dogs are also straight, parallel and not widely spaced from each other, standing strictly vertical!

The tail of representatives of this breed is most often curved upward and almost lies on the back.

A very important external distinctive feature of the Bichon Frize is its snow-white color, which, according to, in no case should have dark or other colored inserts.

Yellowish or ivory spots are allowed in this breed. This is not considered a defect and these spots in dogs disappear with age.

Some experts even argue that the less pure the color of a Bichon puppy, the more snow-white it will be later.

History of the Bichon Frize breed

The appearance of the breed is associated with the medieval period in history, namely the end of the 14th century.

Among the descendants of the Bichon Frize breed are the water dog and the poodle.

Dogs of this breed were used as hunting dogs. Rumor has it that they were good at it.

Photo 3. Bichon Frize became an independent breed in the 14th century.

Despite their hunting origins, the appearance of the Bichon Frize could not help but captivate connoisseurs of everything “decorative”, and these dogs became companions and apartment pets.

The popularity of this breed is also due to the fact that bichons, despite their small body size, are still larger than many decorative breeds - the same or the Maltese.

And this is a huge plus for a family that, for example, has children.

Injuring a Bichon is no longer as easy as the same Chihuahua, so they can easily participate in home and family games, including with children

Origin – Mediterranean (Italy).

General impression.

The epitome of elegance. He proudly carries his head with a lordly expression on his face. The long, silky white coat lies close to the body, hanging down to the ground. This little dog looks like a joyful bride in a long veil with heavy fringe.

History of the breed.

Of the breeds of this family, the Maltese most of all retained the features of the distant Tibetan ancestors of dogs with straight long hair, brought to the Mediterranean in ancient times from Asia by Phoenician sailors. The history of the breed goes back centuries, but portraits of royalty with such dogs on their laps confirm that their appearance has not changed much during this time. Maltese is also a noble person, he never had to earn his living through hard work, these dogs have always been companions of the European nobility. At the end of the 19th century, the Maltese were quite noticeably displaced by their distant relatives, just taken from the East (Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso), but not for long. Now this breed is very popular again.

The British began truly purebred breeding of the breed at the end of the 19th century. Their selective talent created from the original, rather heterogeneous material, an elegant dog with beautiful fur of extreme length, sparkling like white silk. The first Maltese similar to the modern one was shown at a British dog show in 1862. Then the Maltese came to the USA, where in a very short time it acquired many admirers. Luxurious American Maltese dogs do not fully comply with the standard adopted by the FCI - they have moved even further from the European ones than the English ones - much smaller, almost square in format, they have short muzzles and a baby-doll face (baby-doll face, as the Americans say). In Russia, Maltese dogs have long been known under the name “Maltese lapdog” and were especially popular in the 60s and 70s. Now interest in this breed is growing; in the late 90s, excellent dogs were imported from the best kennels in the world.

Description of breed characteristics.

Size: males 21-25 cm high, females – 20-23 cm. Weight 3-4 kg. Harmoniously built, the reduction in height should not be only due to shortening of the limbs.

The head is proportional to the body, the skull is wide and round, the length of the rather wide muzzle is slightly less than the length of the skull, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clear. There should be no depression under the eyes. The nose is large, only black. Scissor or straight bite; overshot and undershot are not allowed. The eyes are lively, expressive, rather large, oval in shape. The color is only dark brown and the eyelids are only black. The ears are long (8-8.5 cm), triangular, hanging, abundantly covered with very long hair. The base of the ears is wide, set high, lying flat to the sides of the head.

The fur on the skull, muzzle and beard should be the same. The coat is straight, shiny, delicate, not “cotton-like”, but reminiscent of heavy silk, there is no undercoat, and shedding is not pronounced. The longer the coat, the better, it should cover the dog entirely and hang down like a thin but heavy silken, shiny blanket that hugs the figure. All wool should be the same length - even. Cannot be curly or shaggy.
The color is preferably pure white, a slight yellowish tint is acceptable, but reduces the score. Spots of any color or size will disqualify a Maltese.

The body is longer than the height of the dog at the withers. The proudly set neck is worn as if it were bent back. The strong top line is horizontal. The tail is carried over the back and covered with long flowing hair.
The limbs are muscular and completely covered with hair. The front ones are straight with a strong vertical pastern; in the rear, the angles of the joints are not very pronounced. The paws are rounded, the toes with dark claws are closed. The gait is very characteristic - small, quick movements of the legs, which are not visible under the fur, the back almost does not sway when running, so it seems that a toy dog ​​on wheels is rolling. The Maltese should not waddle or amble.

Character and behavior.

The Maltese is not a fragile creature at all - it is hardy and agile. An excellent companion, he is suspicious of strangers, but does not bark in vain. The smell of mice and mole holes excites him unusually. He loves to dig them up and can greatly spoil his appearance. It does not require much exercise, but walks are very important for the balance of the Maltese’s psyche. It is easy to train him to use the “newspaper toilet” so as not to leave the house in bad weather.


There are 2-4 puppies in a litter. Some are born with yellowing around the eyes and ears, which may disappear by 4 months. The eyelids, lips and nose of newborns are not pigmented and darken with age. The dog is expensive, and the puppies, to the eyes of a beginner, are indistinguishable from other related breeds, so they should only be purchased with a “Certificate of Origin” from legal breeders.

Features of care.

The long, delicate coat requires thorough daily combing and frequent washing. Brushing dirty fur spoils it and makes it rougher. Exhibition specimens can maintain their super long coat only by constantly wearing curlers, combing them daily and bandaging them. It is necessary at an early age to accustom the Maltese to soft rubber bands that collect hair above the eyes. Non-show Maltese dogs are sometimes clipped, but in this case the beauty and originality of the breed's appearance is lost.

Possible health problems.

Avoid both overheating and hypothermia. Thermoregulation in dogs with small body weight is poor. Predisposed to colds - do not walk in wet weather, after bathing the coat should be dried immediately using a comb-III and a hairdryer. Eyes require constant attention. There is excessive tearing and dark streaks may form. You should brush your teeth once a week, monitor the balance of food and do not change your diet suddenly. Do not walk in tall grass - you can damage your eyes and coat. Inherited ailments include knee dislocation and allergic skin reactions.

A breed for those who need a vigilant, constantly “on the alert”, constantly busy with something, a small dog that requires careful care of its coat. The Maltese does not get along well with other pets. Easily excitable, although sometimes you can persuade him to sit quietly on your lap.

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Bolonka - A breed of dog that is classified as an indoor pet. The word lapdog comes from the name of the city of Bologna in Italy. The French lapdog in Russia was called the Bolognese breed, as it was brought from France.

Subsequently, other dogs of the same type began to be called lapdogs. According to the FCI classification, this group of dogs is called Bichon, from the French bichonner - finely curl, dress up, groom.

Lapdogs are small dogs, usually no more than 30 cm. They are distinguished by thick, long, silky hair, often white. Lapdogs are used only as decorative dogs. Since ancient times, lapdogs have been ladies' favorites.

The lapdog has become a group of breeds, these include: the colored lapdog, the French lapdog, the Havanese lapdog, the Maltese lapdog, and the bichon frize.

Maltese or Maltese, as this dog is also called, is one of the most popular breeds in the world. It is one of the most ancient decorative dogs. Figurines of these dogs dating back to the 8th century BC were found by archaeologists in Egyptian tombs. At the same time, the Maltese dog has been considered a symbol of prosperity and high income in all centuries. Malta, China, and the Philippines still claim the right to be called the homeland of the Maltese.

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The Maltese is a refined, energetic and lively, cheerful and affectionate, sensitive and self-confident dog, covered with long, flowing, luxurious snow-white fur, with which black intelligent eyes and black nose and lips contrast.

The Maltese's long coat requires constant grooming. Starting from puppyhood, it must be combed daily with special combs and brushes. Otherwise, despite their fragile appearance, representatives of this breed are hardy and unpretentious in maintenance.

This dog is content with a little exercise, although it can also take long walks. Due to the nature of their coat, the Maltese can only live indoors. Average life expectancy is 15 years.

The ancestors of this breed came to Russia, most likely with the troops of Napoleon’s army. After the retreat, several of these dogs remained in Russia. Thus, a small population of "French lapdogs" was formed. Inevitable crossings with local dogs somewhat changed their original appearance, but the elongation of the coat and the characteristic shaggy muzzle and limbs were preserved, because This is a stable sign during cross-breeding.

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The Maltese is one of the best companion dogs of all dog breeds. They look so soft and tender that you constantly want to touch them and play with them. Dark eyes and a neat button nose enhance the charm. They are pure white, which always fascinates people. It is assumed that it was the Roman emperors who excluded all colors from the breed except white. It was a sacred color for the Romans. Like the Poodle, the Maltese's coat is hair, not fur. This coat practically does not shed and is better suited for allergy sufferers.

The Maltese is great to carry around. Many people like to carry them in bags and take them on trips. The main feature of Maltese dogs is their small size. But this little ball of fur shows a huge sense of love and affection. The Maltese always develops a close bond with humans. Such a pet feels great in most situations. However, if you are one of those who are going to take your dog with you on hikes or long walks, then remember that despite the fact that the Maltese is a nimble animal, for every step you take there are 10 - 15 dog steps.

These are smart dogs, but be careful not to spoil the puppy. They tend to be overly dependent on their owner. It is very important to teach them that there is nothing wrong with being alone if you want to leave the house and not create problems for your neighbors.

Maltese are great with children. But because they are so tiny, small children can easily damage them if they are not careful, because children will think that they are dealing with the best plush toy. Therefore, dog breeders do not recommend getting a Maltese for those who have children under 7 years of age.

When it comes to caring for the Maltese's long coat, it's not that easy. Their long Maltese coat requires a lot of work. If you are not going to participate in exhibitions, then your lapdog should be cut as needed. If you want to keep your Maltese to show standard with a coat down to the ground, you will need to brush it daily and wash it weekly, and it is advisable to contact a professional groomer.

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It is the pearl of Russian cynology. The colored lapdog is a decorative breed. The dog is a companion, the distinctive feature of which is not only its bright and elegant appearance, but also its amazing character. The Russian colored lapdog is a small, curly-haired dog. Abundant curls and well-developed undercoat, evenly covering the entire body, do not require particularly careful care. The rich, curly coat of the breed, along with other related breeds, has formed a stable expression among the people - “Curly like a lapdog.” Unpretentious in care and maintenance, an anatomically correct dog with excellent health and a stable psyche will fill your life with joy and beauty when communicating with it!

The origin of the colored lapdog breed included: French lapdog, Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso. The creation of the breed began in 1951, when sections of decorative dogs were formed at the hunting and service dog breeding clubs of the USSR. In Leningrad, cynologists and amateur dog breeders of the Leningrad Society of Hunters and Fishers (LODiR), through cruel selection based on phenotype, formed a group of homogeneous individuals similar in appearance.

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The main breed characteristics were: small size 20-24 cm, rich coat of spectacular single-color colors. In 1964, a standard for the “colored lapdog” breed group was written. In 1966, the breed standard was approved by the All-Union Canine Council under the Ministry of Agriculture. In 1973, in Moscow, by decision of the Moscow City Executive Committee, the Moscow City Society of Dog Lovers was created from the section of indoor and decorative dogs at the Sverdlovsk Interdistrict Society. Active breeding work, fruitful cooperation with cynologists in Leningrad, established MGOLS as the main center for sectional genetic work with the “colored lapdog” breed. 80s - the popularity of the breed grows, clubs and kennels are organized. A national club for the “colored lapdog” breed has been created.

The Russian colored lapdog is a very sociable dog, and therefore it vitally needs your attention and love. If you don’t want your pet to feel unhappy, spend time with him more often - walk, play, talk. Do not forget that “flowers” ​​need a soft, delicate attitude. Under no circumstances should you be harsh or forceful with these intelligent, sensitive creatures!

The main decoration of the Russian colored lapdog is its abundant soft wool with a good undercoat. It can be either wavy or curly. As for the color, it can be anything except white.

The most common are fawn, cream, black, and brown dogs. Less common are gray, black and tan, gray and tan, and bright red individuals. Interestingly, the coat color of these dogs can change over time. For example, at the age of one and a half years, a black puppy may well acquire a chocolate tint, and by the age of two years it will become gray of varying intensity.

This may surprise you, but caring for the luxurious coat of the Russian colored lapdog is not that difficult. To avoid tangles, this dog needs to be combed regularly (2-3 times a week), and also periodically washed using special shampoos and nutrients. Note that if your lapdog's coat is clean, then the formation of tangles in it is minimized.

Also, the advantages of the Russian colored lap dog include good health. This energetic and cheerful dog, despite its small size, can become an excellent companion on long walks - for example, you can safely take it with you to the forest to pick mushrooms or go on a ski run.

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This is a wonderful miniature creature that can melt any heart. The ancestors of this dog breed most likely ended up in their “official” homeland, Cuba, thanks to Spanish settlers. It was on Cuban soil that the breed was finally formed and, thanks to its glamorous coat, received the name “Havanese silky dog.”

Havanese lapdogs were not only decorative pets, but could also perform functions. Thanks to their innate vigilance and alertness, they were often used to protect livestock and at the slightest hint of something suspicious or dangerous, they immediately warned the owner about it with their booming voice.

In addition, the Havanese lapdog earned the fame of a famous circus performer: she toured a lot and was a real “star”, admired and touched by the audience. And in the middle of the 18th century, Havana Bichons became extremely popular in Europe among ladies from high society and began to accompany them on walks and social events. By the 20th century, interest in the breed had faded significantly and there were critically few purebred representatives of Havanese Bichons left.

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Thanks to the fact that several lap dogs came to the United States with Cuban emigrants, the breed was actually revived again. The Americans were so interested in these unusual little dogs that they even advertised in newspapers to find the few representatives of the breed. At the end of the 20th century, the “Americanized” Havanese Bichon came to Europe, where it also found its loyal fans and became a full-fledged participant in dog shows.

Externally, the Havanese is a small dog of a square format and a strong build with short and strong limbs, thanks to which it has a funny “jumping” gait and can demonstrate miracles of agility and flexibility. This Cuban cutie has a long head with a short muzzle tapering towards the nose, large dark almond-shaped eyes, high-set long hanging ears and a perky tail curled up into a ring. The height at the withers of the Havanese lapdog is 20-28 cm, weight - 3-5.5 kg.

The coat of the Havanese is 12-18 cm long, silky and soft to the touch, it can be wavy or in small curls. The Havanese is not cut to preserve its natural appearance and spontaneity. To care for the fur, daily brushing is necessary so that this glamorous baby does not develop unsightly tangles.

The color of Havanese dogs can be varied. In most cases it is brown, reddish-fawn, cream, blue, golden, silver, less often - white or black. Spots or marks are acceptable. This Cuban native's coat makes him well-adapted to hot climates, but in cold weather your pet will need a warm coat.

Havanese dogs are friendly and welcoming creatures, they are childishly playful and inquisitive and will become affectionate and patient friends for children of all ages. This four-legged baby is very attached to his owner and is ready to follow him literally on his heels. This “tail” will be simply happy if you keep him company during meals, and if you leave the kitchen, your pet will take a mouthful of food and follow you.

The Havanese is inquisitive and easy-going and will happily learn new tricks and jump with delight when you praise him for a job well done. But if you raise your voice at a Havanese lapdog, this sensitive creature will most likely be offended.

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Bichon Frize or Curly-haired Dog- French small breed of dogs from the lapdog group. The dimensions of the animal are from 15 to 30 cm in length and from 15 to 30 cm in height. This dog is distinguished by curly, thick, long and silky hair, only white, beige or reddish spots are allowed only in puppies. Translated from French, the name of the dog is translated as Curly-haired lapdog.

On the Mediterranean coast and islands of the Mediterranean Sea, from very ancient times, namely the first mentions are found in the 13-14th centuries, there lived small white dogs, mainly with long and curly hair. They were used as rat catchers and traveled with seafarers on the ships that sailed in the area. Their size is determined by the space of the ship, their white color is due to the warm climate. With the fashion for small dogs in aristocratic society, in Spain, Italy, France, and the Canary Islands, these dogs gained great popularity. These were the ancestors of all lapdogs, not only the Bichon Frize, but also the Maltese, Bolognese, etc.

In France, this dog breed was called the Tenerife Bichon, which indicates its origin from the Canary Islands. But during the official registration of the breed in 1933 at the International Canine Federation, due to conflicting information about the origin and wide habitat, the breed was registered as Bichon Frize, and at the same time its standard was formulated by the French Canine Society. The Bichon Frize breed was listed in the Stud Book of the French Kennel Club on October 18, 1934. After World War II, the breed was brought to the New World, and from there it became widespread throughout the world.

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The Bichon Frize, like the poodle, is by nature cheerful, playful, very active, courageous, but not aggressive. The character of such dogs is quite complex, but they easily find a common language with their owners and are amenable to any training. They are perfect for living in the city, and are litter trained, but still need regular walks, as they need fresh air and active movement for their well-being.

If you get such a pet not in order to present it at exhibitions, then it is quite possible to get by with standard procedures for caring for dogs. The most important point in caring for such a dog is maintaining its coat in proper shape. And for this you need to regularly bathe and comb it, despite the white thick and curly coat, this is not so difficult, the silky coat does not get very tangled, does not require daily combing, and all breeds of dogs need to wash their paws after a walk. If you get a dog for an exhibition career, then caring for it will require a lot of patience and skill; you will have to work hard on the dog’s appearance before each exhibition.

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Bolognese or French lapdog- a decorative breed of dog, bred, oddly enough, in Italy, by crossing Maltese dogs with dwarf poodles, from which it inherited curly hair and a thick undercoat. In the 16th century, dogs of this breed came to France, where they became favorites of the French royal court. In the 18th century, the French ambassador, having arrived in Russia, presented several dogs of this breed to Empress Catherine II. In Russia, the name “French lap dog” was assigned to the breed, but the correct name of the breed is “Bolognese”, i.e. Bolognese dog.

The French lapdog, as a rule, is a uniform white color or white with fawn on the ears, a small, square-shaped, cheerful, very playful dog with a proudly set head, hanging ears covered with long flowing hair, and with dark, very expressive, attentive, rather large eyes. . The height of such a pet reaches 20-30 cm, and weight - 4.5-7 kg.

Her black eyes, eyelids, lips and nose give her a very impressive look. The transition from the convex forehead to the short muzzle is clearly marked. The coat is thick, silky, in loose curls, with undercoat. The tail is covered with long, flowing hair, set high, and lies on the back. The dog's fur is trimmed with scissors, opening its eyes and giving a rounded shape to the head and body. A properly combed and trimmed dog has the appearance of a powder puff.

French lapdogs, extremely affectionate with their owners, are at the same time very distrustful of strangers. The dogs have a stylish gait and great charm.

Bolonka a breed of dog classified as decorative indoor pets. The word lapdog comes from the name of the city of Bologna in Italy. The French lapdog in Russia was called the Bolognese breed, as it was brought from France. Subsequently, other dogs of the same type began to be called lapdogs. According to the FCI classification, this group of dogs is called Bichon, from the French bichonner - finely curl, dress up, groom.

Lapdogs are small dogs, usually no more than 30 cm. They are distinguished by thick, long, silky hair, often white. Lapdogs are used only as decorative dogs. Since ancient times, lapdogs have been ladies' favorites.

The lapdog became a breed group dogs, These include:

  • Maltese
  • colored lapdog
  • Havanese
  • bichon frize
  • French lap dog

Maltese or Maltese

It is one of the most ancient decorative dogs. Figurines of these dogs dating back to the 8th century BC were found by archaeologists in Egyptian tombs. At the same time, the Maltese dog has been considered a symbol of prosperity and high income in all centuries. Malta, China, and the Philippines still claim the right to be called the homeland of the Maltese.

Brief description of the breed

The Maltese or Maltese is a very gentle but also fearless breed. The glamorous white coat gives the animal a special noble appearance, but do not forget that appearances can be deceiving. This breed is very cheerful and energetic. Maltese dogs make excellent companions and excel in agility and obedience, as well as retrieval. Most of all, these pets love to be close to their family.

These elegant, toy-like dogs are famous for their silky coat that covers the entire body of the animal. Many years ago, Maltese dogs came in a variety of colors, but now only white ones are found. While moving, it seems that the dog, like a white cloud, floats above the ground. Of course, in order to enjoy the beauty of your pet, you need to devote enough time to caring for it.

Representatives of this breed are not prone to heavy shedding. This is another reason for the popularity of this white dog; against the general background of silky hair, the black nose and eyes stand out in contrast. This sweet and smart dog is insanely devoted to his owner. As one of the decorative breeds, it is perfect for living in even small apartments.

The Maltese is very responsive, and in addition, it copes well with the tasks that are assigned to guard dogs. Despite the fact that representatives of the breed have a sophisticated appearance, they are very active. Such dogs learn quickly, especially if you use rewards for correctly executed commands.


This breed has a long history, during which its representatives have been true friends of man. That is why owners of Maltese dogs should pay a lot of their attention to their pets. Alone, a dog can feel sad and this will lead to the manifestation of the worst character traits.

Sometimes the Maltese dog is intolerant of small children and other animals. Most often, this manifestation occurs in spoiled dogs. They can not only growl, but also bite if they don’t like something or someone, or if the pet feels that something is threatening the owner. Even well-bred Maltese dogs are not the best choice for families with small children.

Russian Tsvetnaya lap dog

From the history of colored lapdogs

However, this did not help either; as a result, the FCI did not recognize the Russian colored lapdog as a new registered breed. In 1997, at one of the exhibitions in Russia, an Italian expert, having examined one of the Russian colored lapdogs, called it a typical Italian Bolognese.

It is worth noting that before the Great Patriotic War, decorative dogs were not particularly in demand in the USSR. The Russian character demanded a practical dog, necessarily useful for certain types of work. Therefore, the appearance of the Russian colored lapdog owes more to a certain group of enthusiasts who set about breeding their analogue of a cute domestic dog. As fashion and the image of a beautiful life changes, the Russian lapdog, together with the French lapdog, is increasingly gaining popularity and is gradually becoming a trend.

The distribution area of ​​this breed has changed over time. If initially the first outbreak of popularity occurred in Leningrad, present-day St. Petersburg, then over time the center of the Russian colored lap dog was moved to Moscow. According to some reports, there are currently a little more than a hundred registered representatives of this breed, which have their own pedigree.

In the late 50s and early 60s, the kennel club for decorative breeds recognized small animals as a separate breed group. If we talk about the color characteristic of today's lap dogs, it was achieved only by weeding out all the puppies that were white in color.

Currently, the Russian Tsvetnaya lapdog breed is quite popular among decorative indoor dogs. She is a wonderful companion who fits perfectly into an apartment or private home.

To whom are we obliged?

As we have already said, quite a few specific facts have been preserved about the origin of the Russian colored lapdog breed, which, if you are interested, can easily be found on the Internet. For example, today we even know the personalities of enthusiastic dog handlers who took on the responsible mission of breeding a domestic decorative dog: Zh.A. Chesnokova, G.A. Isaeva, Yu.M. Zvonareva, D.A. Ovcharenko. And the work to create a new breed began with two dwarf dogs: a white male Trifon, who was brought from Hungary especially for this purpose, and a coffee bitch Zhu-zhu. The planned Russian colored lapdog came out after several matings with other breeds and was fixed approximately in the 50th year of the 20th century.

Breed standards

The weight of the Russian colored lapdog is about one and a half kilograms. At the withers it can reach 22-25 (but strictly up to 26 cm) cm. The dog is covered with soft, silky, shiny hair, which is odorless and is considered hypoallergenic. The coat has a developed undercoat. It is represented by long curls, with varying degrees of curl: from light waviness to curly curls. According to the breed standard established in Russia, all hair on a dog’s body must be the same length. By color – white is not allowed. If spotted color occurs, this is considered a breed defect. Different colors are allowed, but the tone must only be solid. The following colors are considered the most common:

  • Black,
  • Brown,
  • Beige,
  • Grey,
  • Black and gray and tan.

The head is small, but proportional to the body. With a pronounced transition from the forehead to a narrow muzzle. The eyes are small and round. The color of the eyelids, often to match the overall coloring of a particular dog. The same can be said about the pigmentation of the nose and lips. The ears, hanging on cartilage, are set high and are of medium size, proportional to the head.

The neck is short and set high. The back is flat, strong, with a short convex loin turning into a small tail curled in a ring. The tail ring should lie on the back or slightly to the side. The main requirement, in any case, will be that the tip of the tail fits against the back.

The dog's physique is harmonious, slightly elongated in length. By nature they are very affectionate and playful animals. The main characteristic of the breed, which must be strictly observed during participation in exhibitions, is, first of all, balanced behavior. It also has brown eyes and a high-set, completely furred nose.


The Russian Tsvetnaya lapdog very easily and quickly wins the attention of the whole family. She is playful and gets along easily with children of any age. In addition, you may be surprised, but despite its decorative size, it is hardy enough to keep you company on fairly long walks, or even various weekend hikes.

The breed is distinguished by a special level of intelligence. With proper gentle training and the absence of rudeness and serious punishment, she will easily learn not only standard commands, but also some tricks with which she will happily entertain your guests.

The Russian Tsvetnaya lapdog is perfect for both families and single people. She will also be a great friend to an elderly couple or a lonely elderly person. Affection for a person is in her blood, so she will sincerely and selflessly love you and expect the same from you.

Affectionate and cute dogs are ideal for keeping even in large families. They are quite smart and love children. These dogs require constant communication and do not like to be alone.

Like many other decorative companion dogs, the Russian colored lapdog has a playful, friendly and gentle character. She is very attached to a person and always knows how to entertain him. It is important not to confuse attachment and obsession. She always subtly senses your mood. If you are busy, she will quietly lie down next to you and will not disturb you in any way. But this attachment also has another side to the coin. If there is insufficient attention to the pet or there are frequent cases when the dog is left alone in the apartment for a long time, it can get sick. And her illness will be definitely psychosomatic in nature.



This is a wonderful miniature creature that can melt any heart. The ancestors of this dog breed most likely ended up in their “official” homeland, Cuba, thanks to Spanish settlers. It was on Cuban soil that the breed was finally formed and, thanks to its glamorous coat, received the name “Havanese silky dog.”

Havanese dogs were not only decorative pets, but could also serve as guard dogs. Thanks to their innate vigilance and alertness, they were often used to protect livestock and at the slightest hint of something suspicious or dangerous, they immediately warned the owner about it with their booming voice.

In addition, the Havanese lapdog earned the fame of a famous circus performer: she toured a lot and was a real “star”, admired and touched by the audience. And in the middle of the 18th century, Havana Bichons became extremely popular in Europe among ladies from high society and began to accompany them on walks and social events. By the 20th century, interest in the breed had faded significantly and there were critically few purebred representatives of Havanese Bichons left.

Thanks to the fact that several lap dogs came to the United States with Cuban emigrants, the breed was actually revived again. The Americans were so interested in these unusual little dogs that they even advertised in newspapers to find the few representatives of the breed. At the end of the 20th century, the “Americanized” Havanese Bichon came to Europe, where it also found its loyal fans and became a full-fledged participant in dog shows.


Externally, the Havanese is a small dog of a square format and a strong build with short and strong limbs, thanks to which it has a funny “jumping” gait and can demonstrate miracles of agility and flexibility. This Cuban cutie has a long head with a short muzzle tapering towards the nose, large dark almond-shaped eyes, high-set long hanging ears and a perky tail curled up into a ring. The height at the withers of the Havanese lapdog is 20-28 cm, weight - 3-5.5 kg.

The coat of the Havanese is 12-18 cm long, silky and soft to the touch, it can be wavy or in small curls. The Havanese is not cut to preserve its natural appearance and spontaneity. To care for the fur, daily brushing is necessary so that this glamorous baby does not develop unsightly tangles.

The color of Havanese dogs can be varied. In most cases it is brown, reddish-fawn, cream, blue, golden, silver, less often - white or black. Spots or marks are acceptable. This Cuban native's coat makes him well-adapted to hot climates, but in cold weather your pet will need a warm coat.


Havanese dogs are friendly and welcoming creatures, they are childishly playful and inquisitive and will become affectionate and patient friends for children of all ages. This four-legged baby is very attached to his owner and is ready to follow him literally on his heels. This “tail” will be simply happy if you keep him company during meals, and if you leave the kitchen, your pet will take a mouthful of food and follow you.

The Havanese is inquisitive and easy-going and will happily learn new tricks and jump with delight when you praise him for a job well done. But if you raise your voice at a Havanese lapdog, this sensitive creature will most likely be offended.

Bichon Frize or Curly-haired Dog

History of origin of the breed

The Bichon Frize has been known as a breed for a long time. The first mentions date back to the 14th century. At this time, the dog was brought to the island of Tenerife (Mediterranean Sea). For a long time, the Bichon Frize breed was everyone's favorite, but in the 19th century, interest in the breed faded and people stopped admiring it. Many Bichon Frizes have become strays. Thanks to their intelligence and quick learning, Bichon Frize became famous stars of traveling circus troupes. The popularity of the breed returned only in the 30s of the last century. Bichon Frize gained popularity all over the world by the 1950s, and in Russia the first representatives of the breed appeared in 1970.


The Bichon Frize is a small, powerfully built dog with long, light hair that resembles a dandelion. The head is small in size, the ears are medium and hanging. The body is muscular. The limbs are not very long. The tail is carried over the back and covered with hair along its entire length.


Bichon Frize is a very affectionate breed of dog, they love attention to their person and are always ready to play and frolic. Sensitive to changes in the owner’s mood, they try not to bother him if he is suddenly out of sorts.

Bichon Frizes are suitable for inexperienced owners, older people and people who are not used to leading a very active lifestyle. They get along well with children, this is an excellent breed for a 7-8 year old child, playful and smart, the child can easily walk it and teach it tricks.

Physical activity: not very active. The little Bichon Frize fulfills its need to move and expend energy in active games. This dog gets tired quickly, so long walks and long distance walks are not for it. It will be enough for a Bichon Frize to take a leisurely walk near the house next to its beloved owner.

Price policy

From $650 to $1000.

Bolognese (Bichon Bolognese)

Other names are Bolognese Bichon, Bolonka, French Lapdog, Bolognese. Cheerful, obedient, very affectionate, always happy to serve his owner, which makes him an ideal house dog. Never gets irritated over trifles, calmer than other types of lapdogs.

History of the breed

The basis of the breed developed in Northern Italy. White dogs with long straight or wavy hair were the favorites of wealthy Italian women of the Renaissance, and by the 18th century they became common inhabitants of the boudoirs of high society ladies throughout Europe. But then small poodles tried their best and slightly changed the appearance of the ladies' favorites. The slightly curly Italian dogs received their current name in Germany (Gotz, 1834) in memory of the fact that they were once brought from Bologna. The Bologneses even reached Russia - to the chambers of Empress Catherine the Great and the ladies of the court. The breed is recognized as Italian, but now it is being bred more successfully in other countries; in Italy it almost disappeared altogether.

Description of the breed

  • Head. Round shape. The skull is quite flat. The transition from forehead to muzzle is sharp. The bridge of the nose is straight. The front of the muzzle is almost square. The nose is large and black.
  • Eyes large, round in shape. The color is dark ocher, with black edging of the eyelids.
  • Ears long, hanging on cartilage. Set high.
  • Frame square format. The neck is dry. The chest is wide. The ribs are convex. The back is straight. The croup is very wide, almost straight. The abdomen is moderately tucked.
  • Limbs short, parallel. The feet are oval, with dark pads and black claws.
  • Tail thrown on his back.
  • Hairline: the coat is long, curled, shorter on the face, soft and fluffy, without undercoat.
  • Color pure white, slight yellowness is acceptable.
  • Height at withers. Males: 27–30cm. Females: 25–28cm.
  • Weight: 2.5-4 kg.

The transition to the muzzle is pronounced, the muzzle is short and in no way pointed. The teeth are quite large, scissor bite. The nose is black. The eyes are round, large, very dark, and the eyelids are black. The ears are set high, hanging, loosely fitting, and covered with long hair.

The torso may be slightly stretched. The top is strong and smooth. The chest is quite deep and wide. The limbs are muscular. The front ones are straight without bending, the rear ones have well-defined angles. Covered with abundant fur down to the tips of the toes. The paws are rounded, the claws are black. The tail is richly decorated with fur, raised above the back.

The coat should not be hard or “cotton-like”, but rather fluffy and not close to the body. By nature, the hair is slightly shorter on the front part of the skull, on the rest of the body it is quite long, soft, slightly curly and forms strands.

Character and behavior

A good companion is peaceful and, although he does not trust strangers, does not like unceremonious adults and annoying children, he behaves more reservedly than belligerently around them. He himself loves to be in the center of attention and if he wants to play, he will not lag behind until he is taken care of.

Features of care

As with all dogs of this family, the main concern is for the thickness and delicate white coat. It is scratched regularly and washed quite often in a special shampoo. But dogs of this breed do not need to grow a super-long fleece - so once a month the hair is slightly shortened, trimming the protruding ends, so that there is no shaggy appearance. This makes maintenance much easier.

Possible health problems

Mostly healthy, active and cheerful dogs. Particular attention to the eyes - there may be excessive tearing, smudges and irritation of the skin under the eyes. Brush your teeth weekly - plaque quickly forms, which, if left unattended, turns into powerful tartar. Sensitive to sudden changes in diet, allergic skin reactions are possible.


There are 3-4 puppies in litters. Childbirth is usually without complications. Puppies are born with an unpigmented nose. Pigmentation of the eyelids, nose and lips should become visible by the time the eyes open, and by 4-6 weeks of life they should be completely black. The color of puppies is not always pure white; by six months it must lighten. They become mature by 15-18 months, but their characteristic coat is formed by two years. Bolognese puppies are virtually indistinguishable from white poodle puppies, so they should only be purchased with a “Certificate of Origin” from legal breeders.

Suitable for everyone who loves lively and smart, rather good-natured and noisy dogs like small poodles, those who like to tinker with their fur, but do not have the desire or ability to work on complex hairstyles. Bolognese is a typical city dweller, but will also take root well in a country house. Needs gentle upbringing.

There is no clear opinion on what a lapdog should be fed. Each dog has its own individual characteristics and specific conditions that dictate a variety of diet. Definitely, such an aspect as feeding needs to be given a lot of attention. The main thing is to do it competently and not to overdo it.

Nutrition plays a very important role in the formation of skeleton and muscles, but you should not resort to overfeeding. Otherwise, increasing the puppy's weight will cause a lot of pressure on his weak paws, and he runs the risk of having problems with them in the future, including significant defects.

The lap dog's diet should include:

  1. Dairy products. This includes kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, and yoghurts.
  2. Vitamin supplements. In this case, complex vitamins for dogs, which are sold in special veterinary pharmacies, are suitable.
  3. Meat. Or rather, lean meat: lamb, beef, chicken and turkey. The meat should be boiled at first and can be served with vegetables.
  4. Offal. Liver and tripe are excellent treats that improve metabolism in dogs. You should give your lapdog these treats more often, especially while he is still growing.
  5. Fish. Any fresh fish that can be bought in a store will do here. Dangerous bones should be removed and the dog should only be given gutted fish to eat. Can be given mixed with raw meat.
  6. Vegetables. Any vegetables will work here except corn and legumes. Potatoes should be chopped or grated and served raw. All vegetables require careful chopping.
  7. Mineral supplements. They are necessary for better bone formation in the puppy. Gradually, with age, the dosage is reduced.

When feeding, you should adhere to strict dosages and diet. The amount of food should increase in proportion to the puppy's age. You need to carefully monitor how your dog eats, how much he leaves, and what he doesn’t like. There shouldn't be any problems feeding your lapdog. The animal quickly gets used to the daily routine and all the foods in its diet.

The lapdog is one of the most beautiful representatives of decorative dog breeds. Her aristocracy and impeccable appearance will not leave anyone indifferent. But since beauty requires sacrifice, the lapdog needs careful and good care, which will allow this dog to always remain beautiful and well-groomed, to be the pride of its owner.

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