Mandalas for love and harmonious relationships to print. Mandala for conceiving a child: coloring book. The mandala for making a wish come true is very strong: photo for coloring

is a special sacred circle that contains many symbols, each of which carries a certain meaning, a certain energy. The love mandala contains the harmonized energy of yin and yang. This is not accidental, since only those who suit each other, harmoniously complement the partner’s energy and can interact with it can be happy. The love mandala is used both to attract love and to improve existing relationships.

What characters does it consist of?

The mandala, which is used to correct the love energy flow, is depicted in different colors, although shades of red and pink are often used. This color scheme is energetically passionate, helping to ignite the senses. Although, in some couples there are just a lot of feelings, but little understanding. Therefore, the love mandala can be depicted in calmer colors. If we talk about the ornament, there are a lot of circles and patterns with sharp lines, such as triangles. Such symbols are chosen because circles contain feminine energy, and zigzags contain masculine energy. In addition, squares that are responsible for fundamentality, calmness, and harmony can be used. There are also patterns of flowers. They symbolize beauty and tenderness, the attraction of souls to each other. In general, a variety of patterns can be used in a mandala of this type. They are selected individually, because only by fully knowing the situation can one understand what kind of energy a person needs, what flows should be opened, and what needs to be dampened, on the contrary.

How does the love mandala work?

The love mandala functions in the same way as other such sacred circles. It opens and transfers energy to a person during meditation and contemplation of the drawing. In order to achieve the effect, you need to know special prayers and mantras that are suitable specifically for a specific desire, a specific situation. Since the mandala is a very ancient visualized magic, there are dozens of mantras. But in order to choose the optimal one, energy diagnostics is necessary, and this can only be done by a specialist.

Therefore, in order to improve your personal life, find love, harmony in your relationship with your partner, contact our Masters. They will diagnose you, determine whether you have problems with love energy, what karmic ties and developments you have, and then draw the mandala that will completely harmonize your origins with the person who will become your soul mate.

Do you live following the current that carries you? Are you enjoying the gifts you receive? Are you always satisfied with them? If not, then in this article you will learn about a way to program your own life the way you want it. To get what you want, you just need to use mandalas - symbols that can organize the flows of energy, of which, as we know, everything in our world consists.

With the help of these drawings you can get health, money and, of course, love. Are you unsatisfied with your current relationship or are you looking for the perfect partner? Then the love mandala will be an excellent assistant to you in achieving your desired goal.

What is a mandala

The mandala (pronounced with an accent on the "a" on the first syllable) is an instrument used extensively in Buddhism and Hinduism. Translated from Sanskrit it means “circle”, although concepts such as “wheel”, “circulation”, “ritual”, “prayer” are often applied to it.

The mandala is a complex geometric pattern that symbolizes the connection between the macrocosm and the microcosm. In Buddhist and Hindu practice, it is an image of the sphere where gods and Buddhas live. It is sometimes also called a "map of the cosmos" or a model of the existing universe that allows us to better understand the world around us. The most common mandala design is an outer circle, in which a square is inscribed, and inside the latter there is another circle.

The inner circle is often divided into segments or has the shape of a lotus (a "divine" flower revered in the east) and is an image of the dimension in which the deities are located. The outer circle is a symbol of the Universe, and the square located between them is the orientation to the four cardinal directions.

Mandalas can be depicted both two-dimensional (on a plane) and three-dimensional (in relief). Any materials and tools can be used to create them. So, the most accessible and common option is to draw them on paper or decorate existing blanks. In addition, mandalas are depicted in sand, embroidered on fabric, and created using multi-colored powders and metal, as well as stone or wood.

Images of various mandalas can be found in eastern temples, where they are located on the ceiling, walls and floor. The sacredness of this symbol for the inhabitants of the East is so great that even special rituals are used to depict it. In the future, a drawing created in this way can become an object of worship.

Mandalas are used for some sacred rituals, after which they must be destroyed.

K.G. Jung spoke of this sign as a symbol of human perfection. To this day, it is often used in modern psychotherapy as a tool for deep knowledge of one’s inner “I”.

How to create a mandala

Before you move on to creating a mandala, it is important to decide for what purpose you need it. Since in this article we are talking about creating a mandala to attract love, it is worth thinking about what exactly you want to achieve. Agree, love comes in different forms. For some, it is constantly raging passions, a state of unquenchable fire inside, but for others, love is a quiet crackling fireplace in the comfort of one’s own home, a feeling of peace and tranquility. Think about what kind of love you would like and go from there.

Since the creation of this magical symbol involves the use of special tools, before you begin, make sure you have it available. We will consider the simplest option - creating a mandala on a sheet of paper.

For this action you need to prepare the following items:

  • multi-colored markers (pencils, paints);
  • white sheet of paper;
  • a round object to create a circle (for example, a plate).

Now we will talk about how, by combining all of the listed items, as well as your desire, intuition and feelings, to achieve your goal.

So, it is important to remember that the best effect is achieved by an image that is created by a person independently. For this, different colors and shapes are used. Each of them has general concepts and associations that can be found in esotericism. However, not all people perceive them this way. Everyone may have an individual vision that does not coincide with general ideas. Use this to create your own mandala that will express your aspirations and desires.

As we have already noticed, the great teachers of humanity and saints are mostly single men over 30. Yes, this fact does not inspire optimism; it seems that in order to achieve spiritual revelations, solitude, both emotional and physical, is required. Of course, solitude is an essential factor in accelerating spiritual development, because in nature, in mountainous areas, the space is cleared of the emotional garbage of the people around you, here you can be alone with yourself, feel the depth of your connection with Nature and the Cosmic principle in everything. This path is good for a monk, but is in no way suitable for a modern person living in megacities. Each of us needs human communication, family, spiritual and physical intimacy with a loved one.

I have often noticed how spiritually developed people who attend trainings and seminars engaged in self-development are unhappy in their family life. Perhaps it was troubles and misunderstandings in the family that led these people to search for answers within themselves. But, not knowing where to start, they try anything, from studying and applying Feng Shui to holotropic breathing. I myself have tried many methods, starting with simple affirmations from Louise Hay and ending with studying books on codependency. My family life was not successful, and the reason was in me, and I was looking for this reason.

I can say that when I started doing Mer-Ka-Ba meditation, I felt inner peace and connection with many parts of my Self, I was happy and abandoned the topic of finding a lover, because I felt that for a complete person there is no need for some kind of “soul mate” . A harmonious person is integral from the very beginning. But having met a happy married couple at one of the seminars, I wondered why I was alone, maybe I was losing something important? At that point in time, I was successful in business, engaged in creative work, studied many interesting books, raised my son, traveled, and most importantly, I was happy simply because I was. There is so much I could share!

One day, sitting on the terrace of a summer cafe in a boarding house, where a visiting seminar on studying Mer-Ka-Ba meditation was taking place, we ordered a portion of hot pilaf, and again raised the topic of relationships and my strange loneliness. I was surprised; space again draws my attention to this issue. I tried to counter, explaining that I am not alone at all, I have a Self, and I am not at all bored with myself, on the contrary, studying my Self is so exciting that I don’t need anyone. We laughed and joked, but the seed of doubt had already been sown in my soul.

Returning home, loaded with meditation mats and bags, I thought: “If I am still alone, despite the many studied and developed techniques, practiced thoughts and situations, erasing the past, etc. etc., then someone needs it. And I naturally need this, since I am the creator of my present.” I asked myself a direct question: “Why am I still alone?” and immediately received a comprehensive answer from my subconscious. Fortunately, I had already mastered it quite a long time ago and, having processed it into a somewhat more harmonious and natural one, I quickly received honest and complete answers from myself. But this answer did not please me - it was a tirade consisting mainly of the words “hate” and “freaks” mixed with obscenities. The extraordinary nature of the epithets simply surprised me; I didn’t even know that I could manipulate swear words so masterfully. Having come into my own a little, I wrote down this monologue that does not stop in my head. And I thought deeply...

Details working with the subconscious and this part described me in the article

I will not describe this part of the work, I just want to note that, according to one wise shaman "only the anger inside you makes you feel lonely". No matter how long I denied the fact that the situations of violence that I experienced in childhood and youth did not affect me in any way, that I worked through all the emotions and thoughts associated with them, that I got rid of hatred for these men. BUT, I was deeply mistaken, most of the emotions remained suppressed in the subconscious, they did not go anywhere and were that painful part of me that all the time attracted either moral monsters or moral monsters (there is no typo in the repetition of words).

Realizing how neglectful the process was, I realized that I needed professional help, and I completed a 6-month rehabilitation course with a professional psychologist (I hope he didn’t go to his own psychologist later!). But the miracle did not happen; I still have not found happiness in a relationship with a loving man. I calculated many matrices for liberation from fears And forgiveness of men, I transformed my internal and external space, but along the way I continued to meet immature individuals, liars, emotional tyrants, men who continued to take advantage of me financially. It seemed that the flow of these dregs of male society would never end.

Then I decided to go a different route. I decided to adjust my field and the space around me using the matrix. I realized that space responds to some glitch in the energy matrix of my being, which could not be corrected using simple methods. The entire Universe is mathematics, it is a set of energy matrices, volumetric structures that broadcast certain energies around themselves, creating harmony or chaos. If any part of your energy matrix is ​​damaged, then you continue to broadcast a distorted picture of space into your environment, which also creates deformation in the physical world. And instead of a harmonious relationship, you get life with a tyrant.

Which part exactly needs to be adjusted? What should I call her? Which word should I choose? Love? But love manifests itself in different ways. Family? But families also live differently. I decided to calculate the matrix of an entire expression that contains the essence of what I want to get in a relationship.

And I calculated the matrix "Happy mutual love". Isn't that what we all strive for in relationships? I lived through happy non-reciprocal love, and love in its many plans, and even mutual hatred, everything was there, but there was NEVER happiness and reciprocity at the same time. Probably, a happy family is built on this feeling, I decided, and, having printed out the matrix, I hung it at the head of the bed. “Let it work at night,” I thought.

6 months later I met my future husband, exactly a year after the creation of the matrix, he proposed to me and I agreed to marry him. It would seem, what's wrong with that? But years of unsuccessful relationships, years of no relationships and a series of meetings with representatives of the male gender that are amazing in their baseness give me reason to say that coincidences are not accidental. There was an adjustment to my field, my energy matrix and, as a result, a transformation of the physical space around me.

8 number mandala “Happy mutual love”

Mandala “Happy mutual love” - complete

Dot mandalas for drawing yourself

Point mandalas based on level 8 matrix

Current page: 1 (book has 3 pages in total) [available reading passage: 1 pages]

Vilata Voznesenskaya
Mandalas. Magic drawings for happiness, love, good luck

© AST Publishing House LLC

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Mandalas for women and men

Mandalas of love and harmonious relationships

Protective mandalas

Mandalas waiting for health

Money mandalas

Mandalas for different occasions and events

about the author

Hello! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Vilata Voznesenskaya.

In this book I have placed the most successful and effective mandalas. They have been tested by time, experience and the results of many people who have used them in practice.

Each mandala is given a name, a description of the action of the mandala, ways of using it for yourself personally and for the surrounding space.

I am sure that the mandalas I created will be useful and will serve well children and adults, young and sages, women, men, psychologists, astrologers, tarot readers, artists, designers, needlewomen, feng shui masters, poor and rich, cheerful and sad, beginners and experienced esotericists.

The most important thing is that the expected changes come in your life, your heart beats, your eyes smile, and your soul is joyful.

What is a mandala?

Mandala - translated from Sanskrit means “circle”. That is, it is a drawing consisting of circles, or inscribed in a circle.

In various other traditions, the same word means wheel, crown, rotation, whirlpool, round dance, dance, ring, rhythm, ritual, prayer, home for God.

The literal translation of the Sanskrit word mandala is “that which contains the essence,” a drawing in which there is some important content, message, idea, soul, grain, essence. By the way, the word must be pronounced with emphasis on the first letter “A”. Some people put emphasis on the second letter “A” and end up with a swear word.

Types of mandalas

Mandalas can be of natural origin or man-made. They can be drawn on paper and fabric, embroidered or printed, built from sand, clay, concrete, iron or carved in marble. A mandala can be made as a tattoo on a person’s body, painted on a car bumper, or left as an element of the family coat of arms.

The mandalas themselves are divided into several types and purposes:

Constant images of the deity, setting up for meditation and prayer

Such mandalas are hung in a room where a person prays or meditates, and thus the mandala helps to tune in to the desired wave and enter a certain meditative state of mind.


These mandalas are drawn in order to cope with some kind of disease. Sometimes this is the mandala of the disease itself. A person draws his illness, pulling it out of his body onto paper. The mandala must be burned or otherwise destroyed so that the disease goes away forever.

There are healing mandalas that are drawn to attract the spirit of health and the forces of life. The mandala is hung at the head of the patient or opposite his gaze so that he looks and tunes in with the energy of health.


These mandalas are drawn as amulets indoors. Their task is to stop and neutralize the flow of negative energy coming from the world.

Wells, traps

These mandalas work on the principle of a well in which you can hide something. Such mandalas “absorb” energy and retain it in themselves, like a sponge retains water.

Mills, turntables, generators

These mandalas work as transformers and converters of energy from one quality to another. Where there is little energy, it is sluggish, inactive, similar to a stagnant swamp, the mandala brings the energy of movement, activity, enthusiasm, and a positive mood. Where there is too much activity, chaos, aggression, nervousness, movement, the mandala will add peace, harmony, smoothness, silence and regularity.

Women's, men's, doubles

Mandalas containing feminine energy (yin), masculine energy (yang), or both energies in one design.

They tune a person to the missing vibrations, increase the production of female or male hormones in the human body. They harmonize relationships between partners, promote mutual understanding, balance of emotions and positive communication.

Application of mandalas

Mandalas are used in different areas of life and for different purposes.

Mandalas - portals - are used for meditation. When coloring, contemplating or drawing such mandalas, a person is transported mentally and energetically to certain time portals.

Shield mandalas are used for protection. They are hung indoors, in living rooms, children's rooms and bedrooms. They are also drawn as amulets and worn on the body, on clothes, and included in the design of jewelry, interiors, clothing, and accessories.

To cure diseases associated with mental trauma, mandalas-wells, mandalas-traps, and mandalas-transformers are used.

Mandalas perfectly cleanse and heal a person’s soul and mind, they can restore vision, enlighten the mind, give clarity of thoughts and feelings, excite or calm both one person and mass flows of people.

There are special mandalas that can influence the human body and organs such as the heart, kidneys, stomach, uterus, ovaries, spleen, joints, liver, bones, metabolism, regulation of mood swings, production of hormones and red blood cells.

Mandalas can influence plants and animals. Flowers can bloom more actively, trees can bear fruit, animals can’t get sick, and harmful insects can leave their place of deployment. With the help of a mandala, you can unite with the soul of any mineral, plant, animal or person.

Mandalas help to understand the past and model the future. Bring order and harmony to a person’s present and help to perceive current events more positively. Hear the melody of your own soul, decipher the voice of consciousness and subconscious.

Almost all types of mandalas can be used both for yourself personally, for your tasks, goals and desires, and for working with the surrounding space. You can also copy all types of mandalas from an existing sample, paint ready-made templates, or invent and draw mandalas yourself.

Meditation with mandala

This type of mandala work is one of the most frequently used in Buddhist culture, in Europe, the West and Russia.

General rules of meditation:

Take a sheet of paper with a ready-made template or a blank sheet on which you will create your mandala. Place colored pencils, markers, crayons or paints in front of you. Focus on your thoughts, questions or problem. Take any color you like and start painting from the center, moving in a circle or spiral to the outer edges. You can finish drawing a mandala at any time when you want it, or you feel tired.

After completing the process, evaluate the extent of the problem that concerns you. It remained the same or changed, became simpler, easier, more understandable, lost its sharpness or stopped frightening you. Speak or write down all the realizations you have gained while coloring. The drawing can be burned or kept as a souvenir. Draw the mandala as many times as you need.

Draw mandalas yourself

You can color the ready-made mandalas given in this book, or draw your own.

The rules of drawing are very simple - no rules. Give yourself completely to the drawing process, to what your hand does on paper, driven by internal impulses. Trust your taste and desire to choose one color or another. Draw your bad moods and your good ones, your fears and your hopes, find a color and shape for your love and gratitude.

Feel free to scribble, stain a sheet of paper and put blots on it, or carefully and accurately draw out every line and dot.

At the end of the book there are several templates that you can use to draw a mandala yourself.

For those who like to draw in electronic programs, I advise you to buy an application for apple called YAMANDALA.

This is a drawing program in which templates of the author's mandalas are already given, and you can color them many, many times, experimenting with color and shape.

The cost of the application is 99 rubles.

Color, shape, number, figures used in the mandala

To make your creative process more conscious, I will give some meanings of the symbols used in drawing mandalas:


Red, orange, yellow– colors of power, masculine yang energy, aggressive, active, sexy, exciting, energy of action, movement, vigor, warmth, internal potential and thirst for action.

Blue, purple, cyan– feminine energy, yin, clear, structural, gathering into a whole, calm, balanced, delineating boundaries. Gives strength to think and act calmly and evenly.

Green, turquoise, marsh– female yin energy, depending on the shade, causes either peace and tranquility, or activity of growth and development, or decline in mood, melancholy, sadness, sadness.

Black, grey, brown– intermediate and independent colors, often color limiters, separators, developers. Depending on a person’s internal state, they can mean complete isolation from the world, withdrawal, depression, strong concentration on something specific, as well as aggression, energy, destructive impulse, action, fearlessness.

White– a universal color, it can show both the purity and silence of the inner world, and emptiness, loneliness, cold, fear and freezing of the human soul.

Figures and symbols:

Circles– yin energy, feminine, harmony, integrity, cycle, goal, place of assembly, symbol of money, coins, manifestation of the truthfulness of thoughts and feelings.

Spiral- a symbol of movement. A spiral going to the center is a drawing in, absorbing movement, like a whirlpool. A spiral unfolding into the outside world is a movement from the center to the sides, something is revealed, freed, gaining momentum. A sign of constantly moving energy, coming and going and coming again.

Shells- a symbol of drawing into oneself, clogging, closing, hiding secrets, storage.

Arrows, spikes, triangles, any sharp corners, zigzags, lightning– male symbols, yang energy, active, aggressive, protective and offensive. It cuts, indicates the target, pierces, frightens, excites, irritates, paves the way.

Eyes, ovals- a symbol of the divine eye or the all-seeing eye, which observes, protects, and maintains order. Function of protection, order, fear, calm, care, guardianship. The need for protection, protection, attention, security, or severity and punishment.

Squares, polygons, rhombuses– a symbol of a foundation, strong, solid, static, fixed. Law, truth, inertia, support, consistency.

Flowers, patterns, smooth lines- Yin energy. A symbol of peace, smoothness, fluidity, tenderness, slowness, beauty, craving for beauty.

Droplets- this is life-giving moisture, reviving life, life drips and merges into streams of long-awaited, healing energy. The droplets go to the center - the flow of energy flows from the environment to the center of the mandala. The droplets are directed outward - a stream flows out to people from the mandala or from your life.

Multi-beam stars, wings- a symbol of constant protection by guardian angels. There is always help from higher powers, luck, and fate on your path. A guiding star always shines for you.

Stories from practice using mandala

There are a lot of stories from life where my friends and I successfully use mandalas. I will tell you only two of them.

Renewal mandala

The owner of a network of laundries for students asked to establish a normal working atmosphere in the team, because employees steal, equipment breaks, customers leave dissatisfied, although the business is very promising.

Having eliminated all the legal, technical, and psychological problems in the business, she chose a mandala from those I had already drawn to harmonize the laundry space. I colored it myself, printed it out in a printing house in the form of a large poster and hung it on the wall. The mandala was active, I would even say aggressive, in bright orange tones, with a lot of sharp corners and thorns. The energy of the mandala cleansed the space and increased the speed of money and human flow.

In the first week, the entire laundry staff quit. Then the washing machines broke down and the sewer pipes became clogged. We had to make repairs, clean the plumbing, call an equipment technician and hire new workers.

Surprisingly, everything worked out quite quickly, the repairman discovered factory defects in all the washing machines, they were handed over to the factory and received new, high-quality units as compensation. The new team was made up of young students who worked in shifts, quickly mastered their duties, and created an atmosphere of modernity, novelty, fast service and convenience in the laundry.

Six months later, the owner opened 5 more branches throughout the city. In each of the departments, a huge mandala hangs on the wall and serves for the benefit of the cause.

Cash flow mandala

In a Moscow glass paint store, I picked out a large set of the colors I needed. While discussing with the seller how it would be more convenient and profitable for me to deliver a purchase weighing 12 kg to my home, we got into conversation. I talked about mandalas and that I just have a mandala, recently drawn, which attracts cash flows and increases the speed of money coming and going. We decided to experiment and placed a mandala.

A month later, I looked into the store and was surprised: there were a lot of people, a crowd at the counter, everyone was buying something, asking, clarifying, arguing, the sellers were overwhelmed, there were master classes on the second floor.

The mandala plate stands right on the counter with paints and “looks” at customers. The owner of the store came out to me and told me that the mandala really works and does its job. During the summer holiday season, when sales even for milk and bread drop in Moscow, they are completely sold out.

People want to buy a product, and they don't want to leave the store.

The owner bought the mandala and gave me a lifetime, unlimited discount on all products in their store.

10 years have passed, Mandala is still working in the same store, which has significantly expanded and transformed, and I buy paints there at a very good discount.

Mandalas for coloring

You can draw directly in the book, feel free to tear out the page and use the mandala in life. You can scan the drawings and draw them many, many times.

It is possible that the existing description of the mandala and your own feelings from the drawing may not coincide, and then trust your feelings more than what is written.

It may also be that for you the same drawing will change in perception from time to time. Either it seems to you that the mandala is spinning inward, and then suddenly it is spinning outward, then it is threateningly dangerous for you, and then suddenly it has become beloved, kind and gentle. This is a sign that you are changing, and that's okay.

A very important secret of the mandala

If you look closely at the drawings, you will see that all the mandalas are not perfectly symmetrical, unevenly drawn, or not mirrored. This was done deliberately and consciously.

The fact is that there is no need to strive to draw a mandala that is ideal in shape. In any mandala there must remain some specially damaged, imperfect place or fragment. Buddhists call this “imperfect” place the GRAIN OF THE SPIRIT. It is to this place that the holy spirit descends to help people achieve harmony and new knowledge. If the mandala is 100% ideal, then the help of higher powers is not needed.

I advise you, after you paint the mandala, take and specially introduce into it a certain element of disharmony, a maximum of 5–10% of the drawing, indicate a “landing pad” for higher forces, and thereby agree that everything in this world imperfect, requires constant changes, updates, new knowledge and help from above.

Feel free and with interest to let colored drawings, patterns and ornaments called MANDALA into your life. Invite higher powers into your daily life and become more perfect yourself.

Find out how, with the help of mandalas and more, you can stop tribal wars in the family, find out your destiny, discover your talents, learn to forgive and get rid of jealousy, allow yourself to be happy, desired and loved.


I wish you interesting changes in life and successful realization of your desires!

Vilata Voznesenskaya

Protective mandalas

Mandalas drawn specifically to be a shield, fence and barrier against strong, destructive energies and emotions.

We can say that the mandala saves you from the evil eye, damage and all sorts of unpleasant wishes.

Protective mandalas can absorb energy into themselves, into the design pattern, sift negativity like through a sieve, or grind aggression like a spice mill.

Protection from anger, aggression and negativity from the outside world

For myself: draw from the center to the edges. If you have negative feelings, write them into the mandala pattern, circle by circle, leaving your anger or hatred on the paper.

Mandala clears the mind of internal dialogue and frees the soul from stuck emotions.

Sharp arrows excite stuck anger and cause it to emerge from the subconscious.

The shells absorb it and do not let it out. Circle after circle, anger, hatred, melancholy, resentment are cut into pieces by sharp arrows and immediately packed into shells.

For space: hang the drawing in places where people gather, anger, aggression, at the entrance to the apartment so that those entering immediately see this mandala.

The mandala stops, breaks and absorbs negative, destructive vibrations. A mandala can also excite activity and courage to be sincere and act decisively, but not destructively for oneself and others.

From time to time the mandala needs to be changed to a more “fresh” one.

Amulet from evil people (Mandala well/mill)

For myself: draw from the center. At the same time, remember places where you felt good, cozy, safe, and where you gained more strength and energy. For each such “resource place”, find a color and paint some elements of the mandala with it.

Color the elements in the form of pupils, remembering the people who always stood by your side, who believe in you, protect you, help you in difficult times (even if these people are no longer alive, remember them and give them a place in the drawing) . Draw the outermost, last circle with thoughts about unusual events in your life, when help came to you out of nowhere, on its own, like an unexpected joy.

Think with gratitude about these gifts of fate and color the 12 amulets. This circle is the circle of protection of your guardian angels. Ask them for help, call them into your life, mentally talk to them as if they were sitting next to you and watching you draw.

For space: the mandala stops negative energies, unkind thoughts, envy, damage, evil eyes, curses, aggression and anxiety. Gives a feeling of peace, tranquility, a sense of protection and amulet.

In people prone to deception, it causes anxiety and guilt. It seems to them that the all-seeing eye of justice is watching them from the drawing.

Hang the picture in children's rooms, bedrooms, hallways and opposite the entrance doors. The mandala must be periodically changed and “refreshed”.

Activity and fruitfulness in business

It tunes a person’s energy and mind to activity, fruitfulness and good results in any endeavor.

For myself: Put your task, business, problem in the center of the picture. Think about it and color the mandala from the center to the periphery.

The 8 rays of the mandala are eight directions for the development of events, eight ending options, eight active assistants in the matter and eight timely new ideas for solving the problem.

The large circles of the mandala are like locators, which simultaneously absorb all the necessary information and release into the world the energy of action and effort expended.

Look at the entire mandala drawing as a whole, you see how much energy of action and programmed good results there are in it. Any of your even smallest efforts will be increased many times over and returned to you with generous gifts. For each of the eight rays of the mandala, you can put some kind of task, task or problem.

For space: The mandala works on the principle of a mill with buckets of water, scooping up energy from space and pouring it out, changing its quality.

Thus, the mandala increases the speed of any processes and phenomena.

Negotiations go faster, problems are solved, mood changes, the desire to be generous and positive increases, laziness and melancholy disappear. Sometimes a mandala needs to be “refreshed”.

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February 14th is coming up very soon, and if you don't have a significant other yet, that doesn't mean you shouldn't celebrate this holiday. On this day, love is even in the air, so let's use it and make it a little more magical!

On the evening of February 14, retire and try not to be disturbed by anyone. Ideally, light red or pink candles, but you can do without them. Prepare in advance several pencils in pink and red shades, and also print out the mandala that you will color. You can choose any version of the mandala - special albums are now sold in bookstores, and they can also be downloaded on the Internet. For those who don’t want to search for a long time, we ourselves have selected three options for mandalas that are most suitable for attracting love.

Click on the picture to enlarge

Turn on some nice, slow music, try to relax and start coloring your mandala. Imagine that with every breath you inhale love, and with every exhale you give it to the whole world, as if you are enveloping it with your love. If extraneous thoughts arise, try to drive them away, concentrate only on your drawing, breathing, receiving and giving love.

This exercise will help you tune in to the wave of love and harmony. Even if you have a significant other, coloring a mandala will help you make your relationship even more trusting and romantic.

February 14 is a very suitable time for this exercise, but it is effective in attracting love on other days, so if you cannot do it on Valentine's Day, do not be upset, just reschedule it to any day convenient for you.
I wish everyone to find their love!

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