Massage for sports injuries. Massage and stretching

This is the oldest and still indispensable way treatment. The essence of massage is mechanical impact using special techniques on the surface of the body or any part of it. A similar effect is used both in preventive and medicinal purposes, as an independent remedy and as an additional one. Massage is also widely used for various injuries.

Massage is indicated for bruises accompanied by hemorrhage, sprains of muscles, tendons and ligaments, for fractures at all stages of healing, especially with delayed healing of the fracture, for functional disorders after a fracture and dislocation (joint stiffness, muscle contractures, scar tissue adhesions), in preparation for amputation stumps for prosthetics. Under beneficial influence miraculous passages of the massage therapist, pain subsides and swelling subsides, hemorrhages in tissues resolve faster, muscles are noticeably strengthened, tissue nutrition improves and lost functions of joints and muscles are restored, thereby preventing quite common complication after complex fractures, stiffness of the joints due to growing connective tissue adhesions - contractures. After a massage session, muscle and emotional stress, and an extraordinary lightness is felt throughout the body. Positive changes in the patient’s mood are facilitated by changes hormonal levels in his body. Modern research showed that during a massage session the level of stress hormones (cortisol and others) noticeably decreases, and the level of joy hormones (oxytocin) increases significantly, which significantly activates immune system, contributing speedy recovery impaired body functions. Massage is part of a complex of therapeutic measures carried out in hospitals, sanatoriums, clinics, and medical institutions. But massage can be used for medicinal purposes only as prescribed by a doctor!

Massage for bruises and sprains of ligaments and muscles.

Intractable medical statistics claim that bruises of the limbs are the most common type of injury. According to some data, bruises and sprains of ligaments and muscles account for up to 50 percent of all injuries, which makes necessary application massage to the bruised organ to relieve pain and speed up recovery.

In case of a fresh bruise of soft tissues and sprain of ligaments (or more correctly, the bursa-ligamentous apparatus) without violating their integrity, that is, without rupture of the ligaments, it is recommended to start massage early, on the first or, at worst, on the second day after receiving the injury. Experts explain such a rush by the fact that early massage not only reduces pain, but also promotes the resorption of hemorrhage in the tissues, pathological effusion in the joints and periarticular bursae, which can significantly reduce the recovery time of impaired motor functions.

Before starting a massage session, it is necessary to relax the muscles of the injured limb as much as possible, which is facilitated by bringing it into a physiological position. The first two to three days should be massaged above the site of injury, while the damaged joint should be “attached” so comfortably and reliably that any movement during the massage session is excluded. For example, with a sprain ankle joint one hand firmly fixes the foot, while the other massages the muscles of the thigh and lower leg. If your ankle is wrapped in a plaster splint, it will have to be removed during the massage. From massage techniques first apply various shapes stroking (continuous and intermittent), and then rubbing (spiral and circular), which is replaced by continuous, enveloping stroking. If possible, massage is carried out 2 times a day for 5-10 minutes in the direction of venous outflow. It is important that it does not cause increased pain in the ankle joint.

Provided that there are no changes in the color and condition of the skin at the site of injury, and local and general body temperature is not increased, then, against the backdrop of local pain subsiding, from the fourth or fifth day you can proceed to massage directly in the area of ​​injury. At this stage, in addition to stroking and rubbing, you can apply light kneading in different directions alternately with continuous grasping stroking, separately massaging individual muscles or muscle groups. The intensity of the massaging movements increases gradually, carefully, taking into account the patient’s subjective sensations. Gradually the massage time is increased to 10-15 minutes.

It is recommended to combine massage with exercises that can be used both during the massage and after it is completed. They begin with active movements that are performed on the side of the injury, but do not cause increased pain. If the injured ankle joint hurts, then you need to move your knees and hip joints, under no circumstances allowing yourself to linger. As the pain subsides, slowly include the damaged joint in active movements. It is recommended to combine massage with thermal treatments (warm water bath). In this case, you should follow the order: first apply heat, and then start massage.

Massage is used for sprains as medical complex impact on the damaged area in order to improve blood circulation, relieve swelling and painful sensations, restoration of joint function. The most common sprains are the ankle, shoulder and knee joint, which may be the result of a sports or other injury. To alleviate the condition of the victim and speed up recovery, combine thermal procedures And therapeutic rubbing.

Massage as an effective method to eliminate the consequences of sprains

When is massaging necessary?

Direct indications for the session, in addition to sprains, are:

In this case, the ligaments themselves, their attachment points, the synovial membrane, periarticular tissue, and muscle tissue, nerves or blood vessels. Massage performed for such injuries helps to speed up the restoration of the joint, resolve hematomas, eliminate pain, eliminate swelling, and avoid further complications.


For some diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, it should not be used. massage technique. If procedures are carried out in these cases, then high risk deterioration of the patient's condition and the occurrence of complications. Such cases are:

The procedures are contraindicated in case of vascular thrombosis.
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • severe swelling and hemorrhage;
  • increased body temperature;
  • high ESR in the blood;
  • dermatitis - skin disorders;
  • vascular thrombosis.

General principles and features of treatment for sprains

It is recommended to start the massage with warming procedures to reduce pain and soften damaged tissues. It is allowed to use a warm compress or a warm bath. The impact on the diseased area should be carried out carefully, starting with weak stroking movements, and light kneading is done above the damaged area. In the first days, massaging should last no more than 7 minutes, and then the time increases to 15 minutes. with a frequency of twice a day. From the second week of treatment, direct impact on the joint itself is allowed through passive and active movements.

When massaging and kneading, the patient should not experience pain, otherwise the procedure will have the opposite effect.

Shoulder massage for sprains

If the ligaments of the shoulder are damaged, it is necessary to fix it with a scarf.

If the shoulder ligaments are torn or sprained, the arm is fixed using a scarf. The device holds the joint in the desired position to avoid stress on the painful area. The procedures begin 2 days after the injury, with the injured limb placed in a comfortable position on a bolster or pillow so that the muscles are completely relaxed.

First, they work on the area of ​​the shoulder girdle and neck muscles, stroking with circular (ring) movements for 2-3 minutes, and smoothly lower down to the shoulder area, moving on to concentric stroking and forceps-like kneading of the injured area. In the absence of severe pain, begin the procedure directly on the joint capsule, massaging the anterior, posterior and lower walls with the pads of the fingers and apply circular and linear pressure and kneading. At the end of the session, you can do a few light movements in the shoulder.

Ankle massage

During the session, they begin by laying the victim on his back, and placing a soft cushion or pillow under the injured leg. Begin with a preparatory massage of the lower leg (the area above the injury), combining stroking and squeezing. Actions take approximately 2-3 minutes. Then they gradually move to the ankle itself, gently massaging with both hands and making spiral movements. Performed in an accessible area - around the ankle and Achilles tendon. Duration - up to 10 minutes. The sensitive area of ​​the ankle joint is treated with gentle techniques so as not to provoke an attack of pain.

Passive foot movements are acceptable if they do not cause severe pain at the patient.

To have a deeper impact on the joint, the massage therapist should do straight and circular rubbing. It would also be useful to vigorously concentrically stroke the desired area with increasing exposure time. In the absence of severe pain, you can perform passive movements of the foot (flexion and extension). Finish the session with light stroking.

Sprains occur as a result of excessively sudden movement of the limb during physical activity, for example, when playing sports. Massage for sprains is one of the most successful methods of eliminating the consequences of sprains. It successfully copes with symptoms such as pain, swelling, bleeding in the soft fabrics(with rupture of blood vessels), disturbances in the functioning of the joint.

Benefits of the procedure

The method can be used no earlier than 24 hours after injury. It is useful in that it improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in the area of ​​sprains, relieves pain symptoms. It helps restore the functionality of the joint. In addition, massage stimulates muscle tone affected area.

How to massage?

The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week for 15 minutes. The main massage is preceded by preparatory stage, which lasts about 5-10 minutes. To begin with, it is recommended to warm up the skin. Before you begin manipulation in the area, you should massage the areas located nearby. So, if the ankle is damaged, first massage the lower leg, and in the case of the knee joint, start from the thigh.

The procedure should not be continued when the patient complains of painful sensations. Otherwise, it may cause the condition to worsen.

Ankle massage

When working with the ankle, you need to move from below and gradually move up the shin.

First, a preparatory massage is performed. The patient is placed on his back, the limb is relaxed, and a bolster is placed under the knee. The preliminary stage, lasting approximately 3 minutes, includes stroking and beak-shaped squeezes with the elbow part of the hand. The movements begin at the ankle and gradually move up the shin. At the end, apply circular kneading with the fingertips.

The main massage session begins with circular stroking of the ankle on both sides Achilles tendon. Then you should alternately apply forceps-like rubbing (movements are made in a spiral and straight), stroking, beak-shaped rubbing with each palm, squeezing on the shin, stroking in a circle using the pads of the fingers, massaging the ankle. The procedure ends light passive flexion/extension of the foot.

Knee massage

In general, it is characterized by the same techniques that are used in ankle massage. The preparatory session consists of the following actions:

  • Direct stroking along the limb;
  • Beak-shaped squeezes using the elbow part of the arm;
  • Circular kneading with fingers.

The procedure ends with flexion and extension of the leg at the joint.

At the beginning of the main session, the quadriceps femoris muscle is exposed. The main technique is circular rubbing with your fingertips. Also used are forceps rubbing, concentric stroking, massaging areas of the thigh and lower leg adjacent to the inflamed joint. At the end of the procedure, the knee is flexed and extended. The muscles should not tense at the same time.

Shoulder massage for sprains

In order for the muscles to be as relaxed as possible, the patient sits on a chair, the sore arm is placed behind the back or lies on a hill, for example, on a table. When massaging the shoulder, you initially need to relieve swelling in the area of ​​the joint capsule. On initial stage The injured area is prepared. To do this, you need to lightly stretch the trapezius and neck muscles. After which they move on to the main stage - concentric stroking and rubbing of the shoulder from different sides. On average, the procedure lasts about 7 minutes.


Despite the obvious harmlessness of the procedure, there are a number of contraindications to its implementation. It is not recommended for patients suffering from acute inflammation caused by various kinds chronic diseases. You should not resort to sessions when elevated temperature bodies with enlarged ESR indicators in the blood, when swelling with inflammation or extensive hemorrhages occurs. Other contraindications include thrombosis, bleeding, various skin diseases(dermatitis, rashes, etc.).

Sprained ligaments are injuries accompanied by displacement and disruption of the integrity of the joints. The places of attachment of ligaments, the tissue surrounding the joint, the synovial membrane of the joints, tendons, cartilage, muscles, blood vessels, and nerves may be injured. There may be other damage. Ligament sprain is accompanied by acute pain when moving, swelling at the site of injury, inflammation of the joints.

Massage helps reduce pain, improve blood and lymph flow in the damaged area, and restore normal joint activity.

In case of sprained ligaments, it is recommended to perform massage techniques only 24 hours after the injury. Warming up should be done before the massage. It is necessary to perform a massage without causing pain to the patient, because this can lead to a worsening of his condition.

Before massaging the damaged area, massage the upper areas. So, in case of injury to the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint, it is necessary to massage the lower leg, in case of sprain of the knee joint - the thigh, in case of damage wrist joint- forearm, etc.

As with bruises, when spraining joints, you must first carry out a preparatory massage (1-2 times a day for 5-10 minutes), and then the main one (massage of the injured area). The massage time should be gradually increased to 15 minutes.

Ankle joint

First, you should conduct a preparatory massage session on the relaxed anterior tibial muscle. You need to do the following:

1. Straight-line stroking.

2. Beak-shaped squeezing with the elbow.

3. Circular kneading with the pads of four fingers. All techniques must be repeated 4-5 times.

If the person being massaged experiences pain in the ankle joint, then the techniques should be performed in a gentle manner.

After the preparatory massage, the main massage should be performed:

1. Concentric stroking.

2. Rubbing:

A) straight “tongs”;

B) “forceps” are spiral-shaped (directed downwards, along the ankle gap);

3. Stroking.

4. Beak-shaped rubbing, first with one hand and then with the other.

5. Stroking the shin.

6. Squeeze on the shins.

7. Concentric stroking on the ankle joint.

8. Rubbing on the ankle joint:

A) straight “tongs”;

B) “forceps” are spiral-shaped.

9. Concentric stroking of the ankle joint. All techniques must be performed 3-4 times, without causing pain to the person being massaged.

Shoulder joint

Before performing massage techniques on the shoulder joint, you should ensure that the muscles are completely relaxed. The following steps must be taken:

1. Stroking.

2. Squeezing the upper back (both techniques must be performed first on the healthy part and then on the sore part).

3. Kneading on the latissimus dorsi muscles:

A) ordinary;

B) double ring;

B) combined.

4. Shaking.

5. Stroking.

6. Rubbing on the fascia of the trapezius muscle:

A) straight with the pad and tubercle of the thumb;

B) circular with the pad of the thumb;

B) circular with the pads of four fingers;

D) circular phalanges of bent fingers.

Massage of the triceps muscle of the sore shoulder:

7. Stroking.

8. Squeezing.

9. Two or three kneading steps. Massage shoulder joint:

10. Concentric stroking.

11. Circular rubbing.

12. Upper back push-ups.

13. Rubbing on the shoulder joint.

14. Concentric stroking.

Passive and active movements should be used as the joint is restored.

Each of us knows from school that the shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the human body. But not everyone thinks about how much work this organ does every day, providing movement of our shoulders and arms in different planes, being responsible for their turns, rotations, flexion and extension. Without the correct operation of such a natural hinge, we would not be able to dress, comb our hair, drive a car, or do a host of other basic, vital things.

But it is mobility that often harms the structure, becoming a traumatic factor and creating the preconditions for pain, inflammation, and tissue destruction. Massaging the shoulder joint will help stop the development of pathology, as well as get rid of painful symptoms that have already appeared.

The procedure improves the condition of bone and cartilaginous components, removing growths and salt deposits, activating blood supply, eliminating spasms, releasing constricted nerve endings, strengthening muscles, ligaments, tendons.

Indications include problems with the shoulder joint such as:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • periarthritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • inflammatory processes of the joint capsule;
  • bruises, blows, dislocations;
  • sprain;
  • soft tissue rupture;
  • limited mobility;
  • numbness or paresis, including during a stroke;
  • bursitis;
  • habitual dislocation;
  • hematoma;
  • swelling;
  • rehabilitation after a fracture or arthroscopy – surgical intervention for diagnostic purposes.

Interestingly, a reflex effect can be exerted on the joint by massaging nearby structures shoulder girdle.

As a result:

  • muscle fibers relax, become soft, elastic, spasm and tension go away;
  • reserve capillaries open in nearby tissues, blood circulation accelerates, thereby improving nutrition of the components of the joint itself;
  • lymphatic drainage increases;
  • muscles and ligaments are strengthened;
  • development is suspended dystrophic changes in tissues.

This beneficial effect gives grounds to prescribe shoulder massage to adults and children as a preventative measure for diseases and injuries.

Contraindications to massaging the shoulder girdle area

You should not consider the procedure only as a way to relieve tension or get pleasant sensations. At the moment when the massage therapist kneads the patient’s shoulders, the whole body “turns on” and starts extremely complex mechanisms, aimed at self-regulation and recovery. Such an action could lead to irreversible consequences, if a person’s medical history includes:

A questionable diagnosis is also absolute contraindication to massage the shoulder girdle area. Only a doctor can prescribe the procedure. If it is not possible, he will select another, more gentle, but no less effective treatment.

A little anatomy

A massage aimed at improving the condition of the most mobile joint includes mandatory work on nearby muscles, which are often mistakenly combined into one group. Actually this is not true.

The shoulder is the part of the arm located between the elbow and shoulder joints. It is based on tubular bone with a non-uniform surface. Clearly defined tubercles and ridges are the site of attachment of fibers, each of which belongs to one of two muscle groups: anterior or posterior. The anterior one includes three muscles:

The posterior group is represented by two muscles:

The bone base of the shoulder girdle consists of two shoulder blades and collarbones, and the muscles - deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres minor and teres major - provide a variety of arm movements.

The joint itself has a unique structure: a spherical head humerus almost 3 times the volume of the bed. This explains the greater mobility of the joint. And its strength is given by muscles, ligaments and a special formation - a lip made of cartilage tissue, which extends beyond the boundaries of the bed, gently enveloping the head.

The joint capsule is dense, spacious, lined from the inside synovial membrane, which releases a special lubricant that nourishes cartilage and ensures free gliding structural elements when moving.

Thematic material:

Body position during massage

During the procedure, the patient should sit, completely relax and lean towards the massage therapist. To extend and carefully work the front part of the shoulder joint, the patient’s arm is placed behind the back, while it is recommended to fix the palm on the belt. It is more convenient to influence the back surface of the joint by moving your hand to the opposite shoulder.

Shoulder massage techniques

The procedure method and the selection of basic techniques are selected depending on the disease, the severity of its course and the characteristics of the patient’s body.

For pain

Painful sensations in the shoulder area are not uncommon. When they are observed in completely healthy person after excessive physical activity or due to being in an uncomfortable position for a long time, and after 2-3 days they disappear without a trace, there is no cause for concern. Although a massage will not hurt: it will significantly speed up the improvement of the condition and quickly restore the usual range of movements.

You need to sound the alarm when the cause of pain is pathological changes in the joint itself or adjacent structures. This is observed when:

  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • Do not lie;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • bursitis;
  • periarthrosis;
  • myalgia;
  • tendonitis.

In these cases, a mandatory part complex therapy will be a therapeutic massage, which is performed in a strictly defined sequence:

It is necessary to act carefully, without affecting lymph nodes and without causing pain to the patient. You can learn more about the basic technique by reading special literature or by watching a training video

It is important to remember that for a certain disease, therapeutic massage is performed in different ways:

  • With arthrosis, all manipulations should be soft and smooth. Sudden movements, as well as pressing on the joint are prohibited. Nearby tissues, which have a reflex effect on the structures of the articulation, are especially worked out. The duration of the procedure is increased gradually. Massage is not performed in case of severe exacerbation of arthrosis of the shoulder joint.
  • For periarthritis, the procedure is prescribed only two weeks after immobilization of the joint, provided that inflammation and pain are relieved. Prescribe 2-3 courses of procedures with a twenty-day break.
  • With bursitis, any impact on the joint is contraindicated in the presence of a local increase in temperature and the presence of purulent exudate.
  • For arthritis, the procedure is performed only at the stage of remission, in the absence of swelling and redness. At the initial stage, 5 sessions are sufficient, with significant tissue deformation – at least 15. Important Feature: joint massage for arthritis has a warming effect, so it should be done in a well-ventilated area.

It is important to remember that massage will only be beneficial in combination with other therapeutic measures: reception medicines, physiotherapy, diet and exercise.

In case of dislocation

Sometimes, for some reason, the head of the bone extends beyond the joint capsule - a dislocation of the joint occurs. It is accompanied by sprain or rupture of ligaments, hemorrhage, and acute pain.

First, stroking or light rubbing of the neck and collar area is prescribed. The purpose of such a massage for a dislocated shoulder joint is to have a reflex effect on the damaged joint.

The affected area can be treated only 2–3 days after the displacement has been corrected and the plaster has been removed. The technique of performing such a massage includes:

  • Lightly stroking the surface of the damaged joint.
  • Circular rubbing of this area.
  • Targeted treatment of the affected area.
  • Pinch kneading of the anterior and back surface articulations.
  • Repeated soothing stroking.

The procedure should not be long: 10–15 minutes a day will be enough to restore blood supply, increase the sensitivity of damaged fibers, relieve swelling, strengthen muscles, and restore elasticity to ligaments. It should be performed by a specialist, especially since the cost of one session is low - in Moscow salons the price ranges from 300 to 1,500 rubles, depending on the type of effect.

Author's methods of massage and exercise therapy

Since ancient times, people have been looking for ways to combat pain and degenerative changes, occurring in the tissues of the shoulder joint. Knowledge about opportunities human body become deeper, develop medical science, new ones appear healing techniques. Some of them actually prove their effectiveness and become famous.

Dunaev's developments

They say that blind people often become excellent massage therapists. Their fingers are so sensitive that when they touch a person’s body, they “read” it like Braille, feeling every muscle, every joint or ligament, easily identifying changes in them. Igor Vitalievich Dunaev is one of these specialists. The doctor, who once lost his sight, after retraining became a well-known massage practitioner and theorist, describing the use of techniques in the treatment of specific diseases.

The master paid much attention in his works to the shoulder area and its structures. Many diseases begin with the appearance of pain in the joint located here. With glenohumeral periarthritis, they are characterized as shooting or aching and in the first stage of the disease they appear only when turning the shoulder or raising the arms. They can be eliminated using a special massage technique, including impact on the neck, trapezium, shoulder girdle, and large area. pectoral muscle, shoulder.

  • grasping stroking with the palm of the hand;
  • rubbing in a spiral, which is performed with four fingers;
  • semicircular kneading;
  • point circular pressing of the joint surface;
  • forceps-like effect.

The master suggests removing severe pain in the structure of the joint reflexively, using a mechanical massager with a semicircular rubber or ebonite head. They massage the paravertebral zone on the affected side, the inner edge of the scapula, the supraspinatus fossa and trigger points latissimus muscle backs.

Therapeutic gymnastics by Bubnovsky

Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, a doctor with 30 years of experience, uses kinesitherapy - movement treatment - as the basis for his method of combating diseases of the shoulder joint. The author's program includes special exercises, which will help awaken the body’s hidden reserves and direct them to restore health.

The simplest complex can be performed independently, at home, strictly following the recommendations of the master:

  1. We clench and unclench our fists 6-8 times.
  2. We hug ourselves by the shoulders and take a breath. As we exhale, we raise our arms.
  3. In a standing position, raise your arms above your head and lower them.
  4. We pull them back as far as the joint allows, and then hold them in front of us, parallel to the floor.
  5. We lie on our backs, arms along the body. Trying not to lift our palms from the surface, we raise our shoulders, moving our elbows to the sides.
  6. In a lying position, place folded hands under your head. Remaining in this position, we try to connect our elbows together.
  7. After this, we stretch our arms along the body, and while inhaling, we lift them up one by one.
  8. Sitting on a chair, we draw figure eights with our shoulders in the vertical and horizontal plane, while looking straight ahead without rotating our heads.
  9. Bringing your hand behind your back from above and then from below, we try to touch the edge of the shoulder blade.

Having mastered the movements, we complicate the task by doing the same with weights. To do this you will need dumbbells or plastic bottles with water weighing one liter. Exercises with a rubber elastic band bring very good results. We stretch it with outstretched arms forward, across the sides or from behind the head up.

Don’t worry if after the first procedures the joint and surrounding muscles hurt – this is the body’s natural reaction to an unusual load. Gradually, the discomfort will disappear, and the mobility of the joint will increase significantly. Nearby muscles will become elastic and strong.

This is how, step by step, overcoming pain, fear, and sometimes laziness, it becomes possible to cope with unpleasant sensations, stop the disease, say a decisive “no” to physical weakness, prolong activity and performance for long years.

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