A mathematical fairy tale about the king for preschoolers. Photo gallery: mathematical fairy tales - numbers and geometric shapes in pictures for preschoolers

Straight line and segment.

In a certain kingdom, in a mathematical state, there lived a Straight Line and a Line Segment AC. Straight always ran away to her friends, and

The segment could not go anywhere. Because two points blocked his way. But one day one of the points wanted to see what was going on in the mathematical world. She rolled out and rolled. And at that time Otregok was thinking about how he could move from his place. And so he jerked from his spot and ran. So he became a happy ray.

The country of decimals and place value units.

One day I had a dream. It’s as if there is such a country in the world called “The Country of Decimal Fractions and Place Units.” This country was ruled by a queen whose name was 1000. Everyone loved her because she was very kind and generous. She multiplied everyone she rewarded by herself, and all the numbers became larger in value.

But then one day Queen 1000 fell ill and she became not 1000, but 0.001. Many doctors came to see her, but no one could help her, and for some reason all the doctors who came to her became fewer, not more. It was the queen, out of her habit, who began to reward them, but there was one doctor who was able to cure her. His name was 0.632. He was such a small number, but he came out as the number 632.

And then everyone realized that Queen 1000 was now healthy!

About dividing decimals. "Mysterious Dream"

One day I had the following dream: it was as if I was in a country called Delandia. I dreamed that I was near a palace. I saw that a sad couple sat down on a bench located in a park near the palace, I went up to them and asked:

Why are you sad? It's such a beautiful day! They answered me:

We are sad because the queen of this country issued a decree.

And they showed me to the wall of the palace, on the wall hung a decree that read:

“I, the queen, command that marriages between people of unequal importance be prohibited; those who violate this decree face expulsion from the country.”

Well, I still don’t understand the reason for your tears,” I said.

The fact is that we wanted to get married, they said, but the royal decree crossed out all our plans.

What prompted this decree? - I asked.

According to the laws of our kingdom, it is considered a serious crime if, when dividing one number by another, the result is a number less than one.

At this time, the palace clock rang out. I opened my eyes and realized that it was a dream.

Guys, how do you think the fairy tale ends?

You will find the answer in this picture.

Fairy tale "Journey to the city of "decimal fractions".

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, in a distant country, Tsifiria lived and there was a zero. He was sad and boring, because everyone said that he didn’t mean anything and always stood in front of him, the inhabitants of this country-numbers never let him forward. They said:

You're still no use.

Here he is sitting on a bench and crying, suddenly someone comes up to him, he got scared:

Who is there? - he asked.

Is it me, comma, why are you crying?

Nulik replied:

Nobody loves me, they say I don't matter.

“Come with me to the city of decimal fractions,” said the comma, “they will respect you there.”

Nulik agreed, and they set off.

The comma led Nulik to street number 1. On this street live those who are less than 1 and there are a lot of them.

Why, do you allow zero forward? - asked Nulik.

Yes, if I’m standing next to you,” said the comma, “and you are treated the same as everyone else.”

Nulik really liked this city and stayed to live there.

Once upon a time there were two numbers O and 1.

One day they argued: which of them is more important. 1 says: “I am more important because the count starts with me. And you, O, mean nothing.” But Zero said: “If I stand in front of you, then you will decrease by 10 times - 0.1. And if I stand behind you, you will increase 10 times - 10. And the number ray begins with me.

Math lessons.

Once upon a time there lived Zero and Experienced Comma, they lived and did not grieve. One day they set off on another journey. They go and go, no one knows how much. And so

they approached the forest. They entered the forest and saw: two numbers 9,3 and 100 sitting on a stump and crying. Zero and Comma approached them and asked:

Why are you crying? The answer is 9.3!

How can you not cry? I was walking through the forest and came across the number 100. And we decided to multiply. I heard somewhere that to do this you need to move the comma, but I don’t know how to do this. And my comma doesn’t want to move anywhere, it’s getting capricious!

The comma is justified:

Firstly, I was sick today, and secondly, I’m an inexperienced comma, I’m in practice. And the number 9.3 doesn’t give me peace of mind, it keeps jumping somewhere.

Well, okay,” said Experienced Comma, “I’ll teach you.” So, Comma, look. How many zeros does the number 100 have?

That's why you jump two spaces to the right. It's clear?

Seems to be yes! It turned out to be 930.

Well done!

Dear Zero, if you don’t mind the number 100, come to it from the right, let’s multiply the resulting 1000 by 9.3,” asked the Experienced Comma.

Jump again! - Comma was scared.

Yes, you must learn.

OK. I jump three spaces to the right. Here's what happened - 9300. Thanks for studying, Old Comma.

Well, why are you shouting?

“Oh, I think that I am too big,” said the number 13,768, “I wanted to be smaller, for example, 100 times, and the number 100 asked for this. But nothing worked out for us, since my comma is in the 5th grade I talked a lot in math and listened to everything. Now we are arguing.

The experienced Comma began to explain.

How many zeros are there in 100?

  • What action will we perform?
  • Division.
  • Listen now. Jump two signs to the left.

And the comma jumped two places to the left, and the result was the number 0.13768, which is 100 times less than the number 13.768.

And Zero and Experienced Comma returned home cheerful and happy. They began to live as before.

And the commas they taught came to visit them and talked about their affairs. From their stories we learned that they finished the practice with a “5” and became experienced commas who know how to behave when multiplying and dividing with digit units.

An unusual story.

In one sea, on the seabed, lived two families of octopuses. In each

the family had four octopuses and the octopuses in each made up the proportions - the true equality of the two ratios.

One day their dads went for a walk with them and forgot to give the kids cards with numbers written on them. The octopuses all got mixed up and this is what happened:

The octopus dads thought and remembered what they had talked about at their sea school about the basic property of proportion. It lies in the fact that If the product of the extreme terms is equal to the product of the middle terms, then the result is a proportion.

Dads tried and tried and finally they succeeded:

The children and parents went home and were happy that everything had turned out so well. The next day the octopuses went to maritime school. There the teacher explained what proportion is, the basic property of proportion. The octopuses also learned which quantities are called directly proportional.

Fairy tale

Once upon a time there were very close relatives, three quantities: Speed, Time and Distance.

One day, their dear aunt Proportionality came to visit them. From her father - Equations, these three quantities knew that she was an extraordinary magician and inventor, able to transform into direct and reverse.

The next day, my aunt woke up late, just before lunch, and immediately invited the children to play the game “Relationships.” But Sister Speed’s mood had already deteriorated from the long wait for her aunt. She sat down on a bench and announced that she would not jump, change or reincarnate. To which her aunt replied:

Not yet! Sit and relax with the number 15, for example, and at this time I will turn into Direct Proportionality.

She touched her wand to Speed's palm and the number 15 appeared on it.

Meanwhile, Distance and Time were jumping and frolicking. If the Distance increased by 3 times, then the Time increased by 3 times; and if the Distance decreased by 2 times, then the Time decreased by 2 times. But their ratio remained a constant number all the time, and was equal to 15.

He was shown by Sister Speed, sitting on a bench. Then brother Distance decided to become a constant value and also sit on the bench and rest. But he doubted whether he would succeed or not.

Aunt Proportionality explained that to do this she needed to become Inverse Proportionality. She turned her hat back to front and began to run backwards. And so that brother Path remained constant, she suggested that Speed ​​and Time multiply. Therefore, as soon as Time began to decrease several times, Speed ​​increased by the same amount and vice versa.

They jumped, frolicked, changed, however, their product was always a constant number and equaled 60. Brother Distance, sitting on the bench, showed it.

Aunt noticed that this game can be played with other quantities, making up proportions.

In the evening, Aunt Proportionality left for her county of Attitude. The great children said goodbye to her and invited her to visit her the following weekend.

Negative and positive numbers.

Once upon a time there were negative numbers and positive ones, and they built two houses. The right house is populated with positive numbers, and the left house is populated with negative numbers. Every day the chairman of the two houses, Nulik, whose name was the beginning of the numbers, went from house to house and looked to see if the negative ones had moved into the positive house, and the positive ones into the negative one. This went on every year, every month.


In a small geometric village, which stood on the bank of a river, lived an isosceles Triangle. But he himself did not know this and thought that no one needed him. In the village he was the only isosceles Triangle. All the figures, old people and children, laughed at him. But the time has come, and Triangle decided to go into the forest . He's tired of this bullying. Early in the morning, when everyone was still asleep, he got up, quickly got dressed and went out the gate.

The road was difficult and difficult. The triangle stopped on the way and remembered its village. The insult made him sad and offended, and he cried. Soon He wandered into a thick and dark thicket. He is there came across a hut. The old and wise Square lived in it. Triangle told him about his grief and burst into tears. The square quickly calmed him down and began to tell him about what he really is like. The Square told the Triangle that it was important and necessary, that it had sides that were always equal, a base and two angles at the base, which were also always equal.

You should be proud that your median is a bisector and an altitude!

About an isosceles triangle.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a family: mother-side, father-side and son-Foundation. They lived without grieving, but their son Foundation did not have to marry. The father says:

Well, that's enough, son. The time has come to get a wife.

And their son was so helpless that he was so frightened that his knees shook from morning to evening. He thought, thought, and decided to go to the neighboring kingdom - to try his luck. They equipped him as if he were traveling to distant lands. A In that kingdom lived: father -d, mother-p and beautiful daughter Mediana. She had a nanny, Geometry. Then in the fairy tale everything goes as usual, but no! That nanny was harmful, and that’s why they loved her in this kingdom. She arranged for the Foundation three tests:

Before you marry Median, please answer:

  1. Which triangle is called isosceles?
  2. Which triangle is called equilateral?
  3. What is the median of a triangle?

For our Foundation, these questions turned out to be too complex.

Maybe you guys can answer?


Far, far beyond the seas, beyond the forests, there was the kingdom of Mathematics and numbers lived in it. They all lived very far from each other and rarely met...


Once upon a time there lived in the kingdom of Mathematics Unit. She lived alone - all alone in such a blue palace - a corner

And she had one corner there where there was one table

and one chair, one cabinet in which there was one cup

and one saucer. And I bought one in the store

everything one at a time: one candy, one book, one boot...

Unity was bored by herself and she decided to make friends with someone and Unity went for a walk around the kingdom. Suddenly, a wolf jumped out from behind a tree towards Unity. He was also alone and no one wanted to be friends with him, they thought he was evil. And Unity felt sorry for the wolf, and she invited him to play together. So the one and the wolf became friends and together they recited a poem:

Guys, I'm one!

Very thin, like a knitting needle!

I look a little like a hook

Or maybe on a broken twig.

The account is kept from me

And for this I am honored!


E Back in the kingdom of mathematics there lived the number Two. She also lived in her own house, like this:

Her house had two rooms.

Two had a friend, a wise owl, and they loved to play different games. They especially loved games with the number two:

How many ears are there on the top of your head?

How many eyes?

Well, how many arms and legs?

Near Deuce’s house there was a beautiful lake, and swans swam in it. When the couple came to the lake, the swans asked her to tell them a poem: Two looks like swans:

There is a neck and a tail too.

The swan can tell

How do we find out the number two?


IN Troika also lived in the Kingdom of Mathematics. She lived in this red palace

Everyone loved her because she was kind and obedient. Her house had three large rooms. Troika's neighbors were three bears. They all lived in love and harmony. Every day Troika treated the little bear with three candies. One day the bears went into the forest to pick mushrooms and invited Troika with them, but she got so carried away that she got lost. Troika looked around and saw a clearing nearby; in the clearing she saw three hedgehogs. The trio treated each hedgehog to a mushroom, and they showed her the way home. At home, the three bears were very happy about Troika and told her a poem:

Oh! Hurry up and take a look!

The number three has appeared!

Three third of icons

Consists of two hooks.


D Another resident of the Kingdom of Mathematics was Four, she lived in such a palace

There were four rooms in the palace. The Hedgehog lived in one room, the Cat lived in another, the Turtle lived in the third, and the owner of the Four herself lived in the fourth. They had fun, sang and danced.

One day, Four told their friends that there are four directions to the world: north, south, east and west, and they wanted to go on a journey. They took four apples, four cookies, four juices with them, boarded a plane and flew north. There was a lot - a lot of snow and polar bears lived there. The four and their friends were very cold and decided to go south. It was hot in the south, unusual birds sang and interesting animals were found there. When our travelers got to the east, they were met by an eastern prince who proudly rode an elephant. And in the west, the Four introduced their friends to cowboys - brave heroes. The travelers were very tired and flew home to the kingdom of Mathematics. At home, Hedgehog, Cat and Turtle composed a poem for the Four:

I have a flag in my hand!

Look quickly, my friend,

How good is he?

Looks like a four!


Five lived in a beautiful green palace.

She had five rooms. In the biggest

There was a table in the room, there were five chairs around it, and on the table there were five cups and five saucers.

Around the palace where Five lived there was a large orchard. Apple and pear trees grew there. Five's neighbors were Bunny, Hedgehog and Squirrel. Once they asked Five to treat them to fruit, and Five said: “If you count how many apple trees and how many pears grow in the garden, then I will treat you.”

Then Five treated everyone to apples and pears. And Bunny, Hedgehog and Squirrel told her a poem:

The wind inflates the sail,

And the flag plays on the mast.

The wind wants to show

Number five to all the guys!


The Kingdom of Mathematics was the Blue Sea. And so near the Blue Sea lived the Six. Here in this blue palace, which had six rooms.

Six had six kittens: the first was white, the second was brave, the third was smart, the fourth was noisy, the fifth had a red tail, and the sixth loved to sleep. The kittens had six bowls from which they drank milk and six baskets in which they slept. Every evening, Six gave the kittens milk and then put them to bed. Let's help the six feed and tuck the naughty kittens.

And when the kittens lay down in their baskets, Six told them a poem: On the fence at the gate

Number six perched:

Like a little snail

There is a curl and horns.


In the Kingdom of Mathematics, on the street of Yellow Dandelions, lived seven. She lived in this colorful palace

Seven has been friends with the rainbow for a long time,

and therefore her palace was decorated in seven

colors of the rainbow. There were seven rooms in the palace.

Seven and Rainbow often had fun, black paint was jealous of them and, on her orders, the robbers grabbed Seven and threw him into the dungeon.

To free the Seven you need to answer the following questions:

How many colors are there in a rainbow?

How many days are there in a week?

How many dwarves does Snow White have?

How many kids did the goat have?

Well done! Now Black Paint has freed the number Seven, and for her liberation she will tell you a poem:

The sun is hot,

The heron spreads its wings,

And he will straighten them out completely,

Turns into number seven!


This is where the Eight lived in such an unusually beautiful palace.

She was round-faced, ruddy, maybe a little plump,

but she was never upset about it and was always cheerful.

Eight loved cleanliness and often tidied up the eight rooms.

Eight lived on the very edge of the kingdom, where it often snowed, and one day Eight and his friend Spider decided to build a snowman. But for some reason they didn’t succeed except for large lumps of snow. Let's tell Eight and Spider how to make a snowman.

When eight saw the snowman, she thought for a long time what number he reminded her of. The snowman told her a poem:

Eight has two rings

Without beginning and end.

We'll ask Vanka to stand up

Show us the number eight

One circle and two circles

It's just my friend.


Back in the kingdom of Mathematics there lived the number Nine.

She lived in such an unusual palace, in which

there were nine rooms.

One fine sunny day Nine had

birthday, she invited Chanterelle, Magpie, Mouse, Bunny, Hedgehog, Bear, Kitten and Wolf. And Nine did not know how to count and could not accommodate all the guests at the table:

How many chairs should be placed at the table?

How many cups should I put in?

How many pieces should a birthday cake be cut into?

The hostess also prepared a surprise for the guests; she asked them the riddle “What number will nine turn into if it turns over?”

The guests prepared a poem for the birthday girl:

The cat lay down on the ledge,

The fluffy tail hung down.

Kitty, cat, what's up

You look like a nine!

"ZERO and TEN"

IN in the very center of the kingdom lived Zero. He had a very interesting palace

There was not a single corner in this palace; there was nowhere to put a table or chair. In general it was empty. And therefore Zero

became a slacker.

Once the sad Zero was sitting and crying, and at that time

Number One decided to visit the other numbers. And then she came to visit zero, brought a delicious pie and chocolate. One saw that Zero had nothing and invited him to his home. They spent the whole day together, liked each other and decided to get married. But how can it be, they are different numbers, how can they live together? They thought and thought and came up with a common name for themselves, Ten, so that no one could separate them.

Ten invited all the numbers to the wedding. There was a lot of food, all friends came with gifts. This is the poem they gave to the Ten:

Zero had a girlfriend

The one is a laugher.

She joked about zero

And turned it into a top ten!

All the numbers liked being together so much that no one wanted to go home, and they decided to build a big city and call it Tsifland. So they did, and began to live amicably and happily.

Ten smart sisters

Everything has been considered for a long time.

Look, they're standing next to each other

WITH you are already familiar with them.

Mathematical tales by students of grade 6b of MAOU Secondary School No. 26 of Veliky Novgorod.



MAOU "Secondary school No. 26 with in-depth study of chemistry and biology"

Mathematic teacher:

Kelka Marina Leonidovna

Velikiy Novgorod

A tale of numbers.

In one town called "Fractions" lived the numbers from 10 to 20, as well as division, multiplication, addition and subtraction. One day, King Number 10 ordered the entire city to collect fruits and vegetables. Whoever did not bring them was severely punished by the king. Three sisters lived in the town: number 11, number 12 and number 13. They loved to walk in the beautiful park. In the park there were fractional trees - one quarter, two fifths and many others, there was also a fountain with the numbers 100 and 200. At the palace there were knights with weapons who guarded the king. The king awarded one of the knights a medal for saving a drowning figure on the water. This happened a long time ago. As always, the knight guarded the king's throne and heard someone scream. The knight saw that number 19 was drowning in the river, he rushed into the water and saved her. For this, the king awarded the knight a medal. There was a large forest near the city, but none of the residents went into it, because terrible numbers from 21 to 30 lived there. These numbers loved to scare the city residents and steal fruits and vegetables.

Friendship of numbers.

Once upon a time, long ago, there lived the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Each of them lived alone and therefore was always bored. The smallest number, zero, could not mean anything. Zero meant emptiness. But even the big number 9 felt small because she was alone and could not compare with anyone.

Once the numbers 5 and 6 came across. At first glance, they were somewhat similar. 5 and 6 decided to play. But they not only wanted to measure their strength, but 6 turned out to be stronger, and 5 was weaker. This is how the “more than” and “less than” signs appeared. 7 and 9 also decided to play. But they wanted not only who was more, but also by how much. Thus, a minus sign appeared. The numbers 2 and 8 wanted to live together, so the plus sign appeared, and their little family received the value ten. This is how the first two-digit number appeared. Since then, the friendship of numbers began to be called Arithmetic.

Country of Numbers.

In the Land of Numbers there lived heroes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0. And then a dispute arose among them: who will rule?

Number 1 started this debate:

I am number 1 and therefore I must rule.

Number 2 was indignant:

I am number 2 and I must rule. After all, two heads are better than one.

Number 3 intervened:

I must rule because God loves the trinity.

Number 4 was even more indignant:

Am I not even there?

The number 5 fits in:

I must rule because my students love me and I am loved by everyone.

Number 6 said:

Kneel before me, I will rule.

Number 7 was in effect:

I am the most beautiful of all and therefore I will rule!

Number 8 was offended:

Why number 7 and not me (after all, she was jealous of number 7)?

Number 9 did not claim the throne and therefore said:

0 will rule!

All the figures agreed with this. And the number 0 began to rule the country of Numbers.

A tale about numbers.

There were two kingdoms. And only numbers lived in it, and King 7 ruled there. There were only positive numbers in this city. 7 has one enemy, he was jealous of him because he was not chosen as king. This enemy is -13. One day he turned - 13 into one of the king's servants 7 and went to the king. When he arrived at 7, there was no one near him. - 13 took a huge bag and stuffed 7 into it and disappeared from the city with it. A week passed, then another. Everyone started looking for the king. And then the smartest servants went to look for him throughout the kingdom. When they left the city, they heard sounds and recognized the voice of the king. The servants followed the voice. – 13 knew that they would look for the king. He placed traps everywhere, only the smartest scientists in the world could pass them.

The first trap for the servants was the appearance of a board in the air with a coordinate line drawn on it. It was necessary to find the distance between the numbers - 3 and 3. The servants easily realized that from positive 3 to negative - 3 there would be a distance of 6 units. They passed the first trap quickly.

The second trap was very close. It was necessary to divide the numbers. The servants also knew this and quickly solved the problems.

Walking along the corridor, they saw the king in a cage and immediately ran up to him. After 3 minutes, 13 came out and said: “If you answer my five questions, then I will release the king.” And he asked them these questions:

Compare numbers.

Perform operations with numbers.

What is the coordinate of a point?

What numbers are located on the coordinate line?

What is the modulus of a number?

The servants answered all the questions correctly, because in their kingdom all residents were required to attend classes. And then - 13 I realized that I would have to let the king go. The king and his servants went to the gate, but it suddenly closed. This was the last dirty trick - 13. It was necessary to solve a large example on operations with fractions. But the king and his servants managed quickly because they knew all the rules. As soon as they said the answer out loud, the gate opened.

The king and his faithful servants reached the kingdom, everyone was happy with them! King 7 gathered all the people to celebrate in his castle. He announced: “I reward my servants and appoint them as new teachers! So that children can be as smart!” Everyone was very happy.

A - 13 heard everything, he sat and thought: “What should I do?” And he went to the city to beg the next day. He was allowed to live in the city, but was told: “You will sit behind bars for 2 years for stealing the king and you will have to study.” And then in the city of King 7 all the inhabitants became educated.

Fairy tale "Reducing fractions."

Once upon a time there were three fractions: 3/6, 1/2, 6/12. They were twin sisters, but they didn't know it. One day the fraction 3/6 had a birthday. And she invited her girlfriends - fractions. I also invited a friend - Rule for reducing fractions. The girlfriends presented their gifts to the birthday girl and waited impatiently, what would Rule give? A friend said: “My gift will be this: I will make you redundant.” And the Rule read her spell, and then the fraction 3/6 became the fraction 1/2. Her friend 6/12 also asked her to reduce it. And then the Rule reduced the fraction by 6, and it became the fraction 1/2. And the third friend, the fraction 1/2, the Rule could not reduce, because it was irreducible. And the girlfriends realized that they were twin sisters.

A tale about triangles.

Once upon a time there was a Triangle. One day he flew on a rocket into space. He flew and flew, looking at the constellations Parallelepiped and Square. Triangle flew on a rocket for a long time. And suddenly bang! The rocket landed on a round white planet with a checkered pattern. Planet Nolikov. Triangle got out of the rocket and began to repair it. Nothing worked. Suddenly the Triangle turned around and saw that behind it were several hundred identical zeros.

Poor Triangle got scared and said: “Holy Squares!” But then I decided to get acquainted with the zeros. They helped him repair the rocket and fly home.

A tale about rational numbers.

A long time ago, in the kingdom of numbers and signs, rational numbers lived. Some of them were negative, others were positive. They were at odds with each other, and therefore divided the kingdom into two halves. They argued over who was in charge. The positive numbers said that they were in charge because they were kind to other numbers, and the negative numbers did not know why they were in charge, but they argued anyway.

One day, positive numbers decided to make peace with negative numbers because they are all important in mathematics. They were opposite numbers. Negative numbers agreed. The halves of the kingdom were united into one again. Since then, the numbers have never had a quarrel, and they have always been together.

Numbers and signs.

Previously, numbers were not friendly with signs. They interfered with each other. Once the number 10 went to visit the number 2, and the number 2 at that time went to visit the number 10. The number 10 encountered obstacles on the way, for example, commas, minuses, pluses and other signs. This time he came across a division sign on his way, which no one had ever been able to get around. He began to bypass the number 10 with cunning, but he failed. Number 2 did not know that his friend was in trouble and was in no hurry. But when it climbed a high mountain, it saw what was happening and ran to help. The number 2 jumped onto the back of the division sign and so they were able to unite with the number 10. The division sign now always served. In my life, numbers often encountered plus, minus, multiplication, and division signs. And already experienced and better numbers could, if necessary, make the signs serve them. For example, make a negative number from a positive number, and then add or subtract, multiply or divide them.

Country Digital.

Far, far beyond the mountains, seas and oceans was the country of Numbers. Negative and positive numbers lived in it. Four rivers flowed in the country - these are Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction. And there were also mountains called Comparison.

All numbers were friendly and honest, and did not like only one Zero. He was angry and dishonest and didn’t want to be friends with anyone. He was a big lazy person.

Mathematics was the queen in the land of Numbers, and Zero always dreamed of taking her place. He told everyone that he would become king and change everything in the country of Numbers, but everyone just laughed at him.

For some time no one saw Null, everyone was very surprised. One went to Zero to check on him, maybe he was sick and needed help. She came to the door, knocked and asked:

Is anyone home?

Yes, come in One!

What happened to you? – she asked.

“Everyone is laughing at me,” he muttered.

Why do you think that everyone is laughing at you?

“I tell everyone that I will become a king and change everything here, but I will never become one, because I’m just a zero and don’t mean anything,” said Null.

Don’t be sad, you and I will go to Queen Mathematics, she’ll definitely come up with something! – Unity said in a cheerful voice.

And they went to Queen Mathematics. Zero and One entered the castle, saw the queen, and bowed to her. Mathematics greeted them warmly and asked them:

Why did you come to me?

The unit replied:

Your Majesty, Null says he means nothing, please help him!

Okay, I'll help you! – the queen answered and thought.

She was silent for a long time, and then continued the conversation:

I substituted different numbers to Zero, then multiplied, divided, subtracted, added, but nothing worked.

And then Unity exclaimed:

Queen, you forgot about the comparison!

Nothing will work out here either, Unity. If you compare the number 5 and 0, then 5 is always greater than 0.

And you forgot about negative numbers, for example, if you take the number - 5 and 0, then - 5 is less than 0.

Oh, I completely forgot about negative numbers. Thank you, you Unity was right.

And then One said to Zero:

You Zero still mean something!

Null was very happy, after that he changed a lot for the better. After this he made many friends.

Fairy tale "Comparison of numbers."

Many years ago, in a mysterious country there was a city called Mathematics, and numbers lived there. One day two decimal fractions argued with each other. One was called 0.7, and the other was called 5.3. They argued about which of them was greater and which was smaller. The one called 0.7 says:

I'm bigger than you because I have the number 0 in my name.

No,” says the one called 5.3, “more me.”

So they argued all day, quarreled, until finally one of them said:

Let's go to Uncle Coordinate Beam tomorrow and ask him.

The other agreed. And so in the morning the decimal fractions went to Uncle Coordinate Beam. He asked them what happened, and they said that they had been arguing for a long time and did not know which of them was greater and which was less.

Then Uncle Coordinate Ray called his daughter (her name was Coordinate Line) and asked her to draw herself on paper. She drew herself. It looked like this:


Then Uncle divided the straight line with a dot and drew Zero.


After this he arranged the numbers:

_ ________________________●_________________________________

10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Then Uncle Coordinate Ray explained to the fractions that those numbers that are located to the right are larger. This rule is common to all numbers, not just decimals. The fractions made peace and went home together.

A tale about natural numbers.

In the kingdom of Mathematics there lived King Nine and he had a daughter, Unity. And she had no friends. The king ordered to collect all the natural numbers. Natural numbers and zero have arrived in the kingdom. Natural numbers laughed at zero all the time. But the princess really liked him. Then the king allowed zero to live in the castle. And zero asked the king that all natural numbers should live together. And then one day the natural numbers and zero went on a hike. On the way they met two brothers Plus and Minus. They couldn't decide which of them was more important. But zero stopped them and said: “Guys, let’s live together! You are both important, we numbers cannot do without you in the kingdom of Mathematics.” We went beyond numbers and reached the principality, where multiplication and division lived; zero was denied entry, because it is impossible to divide by zero. Then all the natural numbers went home along with zero. They could not live without zero, because some numbers do not exist without zero.


One day, when the evening had long ended and the morning had not yet begun, the following story happened on the school board. Since the attendants forgot to erase the board, the examples that the children solved in class remained on it.

“Here are the figurines,” said the minus sign. “Everything in the world decreases: in spring snow, and melt water, and money.”

“Who’s that performing there like that?” - asked the multiplication sign. “Everything in the world is multiplying: spring shoots, spring warmth, and summer berries.”

“But no,” said the division sign. “Everything in the world is shared: joy, candy, and the harvest of each year.”

“I’ve been listening to you all for a long time and I have to say that you’re all wrong here,” said the equals sign. “Everything in the world is equal, both gain and loss. The world is based on the law of equality: if it leaves somewhere, it will definitely arrive somewhere else.”


Kolya Konfetkin lived in the world. He was a terrible lazy person. I did all my homework carelessly, especially math. His textbook was covered in scribbles and torn. But one day the textbook came to life and sent Kolya to the land of mathematics, where the careless student had to overcome various obstacles.

And here it is - the country of mathematics. We met Konfetkin's numbers -5 and 5, connected by the sign >. The numbers tell him:

One boy, Kolya Konfetkin, put the wrong sign between us, - says 5. And now I am less than -5.

Put a true sign between us, - asks -5.

“Equally,” said Kolya.

Are we similar?

No. Then maybe

Glory to the great mathematician! – said 5.

Having overcome the first obstacle, Kolya moved on. It was very hot and Kolya wanted ice cream. He saw a kiosk with sweets. Konfetkin ran up to the kiosk and asked for ice cream. When he put the money on the counter, the saleswoman said to him:

I don't need money. Better tell me, how much is 2x(-2)?


Wrong, so you won't get ice cream.

Oh, that'll be -4.

The answer is correct, keep the ice cream.

Having bought ice cream, Kolya went to the palace to see Queen Mathematics. There was an expression near the gate

Boy, help! Kolya Konfetkin claims that I mean a positive number.

No, I now know for sure that you mean a negative number.

Thanks a lot. Here's the key to the gate to the queen's garden.

Kolya turned the key in the lock and the gate opened. In the garden, round fruits hung on triangular trees, and in the depths of the garden the queen herself sat. When she saw the boy, she told him to come over.

“Hello,” said Kolya and approached the queen.

When you solve the example -2/7 · 0.14, then you will return home.

Hooray! Home!

But you haven't solved the example yet.

Answer: -0.04.


Everything started spinning, disappeared, and Konfetkin found himself at home at his desk.


In one city of numbers lived three friends, the numbers Three, Five and Eight. One day, while they were having fun in the sun, Number Three had the idea that he could build an example. He suggested this to his friends, and they began to think about how to do it. The numbers became different, changed places, but they could not do anything.

But Five realized that the “+” and “-” signs were missing, and the friends went to look for help in the land of signs. As they walked, they came across a “-” sign. After politely saying hello, the number asked if he knew if there were other signs anywhere. Minus replied that he knew and led them to Plus. Friends met Plus and invited Plus and Minus to the city of numbers. They really liked it there.

The numbers told the signs that they were planning to build an example, but they didn’t succeed, and asked if the signs could help them. The signs happily agreed and said it was very easy. Friends began to build examples while playing: 5+3+8, 8-5-3, 8-5+3 and many others.

The signs remained to live in the city of numbers, in the houses that Three, Five and Eight helped them build. And they lived and lived and wrote examples.

Once upon a time there was a number 1. She always stood first and therefore was very proud of her position. But then the opposite number -1 approached it, and the proud one disappeared, leaving behind only a small zero. And why all? Yes, because -1 didn’t wear her outfit – a brace. After all, in mathematics everything is very precise, and the bracket is crucial!


Once upon a time there was a minus, and he had a twin brother. The first minus did everything correctly, but the second did the opposite. One day the correct minus was solving examples, while the other was running and jumping. Suddenly he stumbled, fell on his brother and they folded crosswise. In less than five seconds, a cross was formed, which was later called a plus. Since then, two minuses, criss-crossed, are called “plus”.


Once upon a time, a scientist invented a very strange figure. She looked something like this.

The scientist called it a quadrocircle. He revived her, and she began to live like a living person. She lived, lived to her health, and one day she saw almost the same figure. Only this figure was simply called a square. The quadrocircle was jealous of the square, and when morning came, he rushed to the hairdresser to saw off his semicircles. When they were sawed off, the extraordinary quadrocircle turned into an ordinary square. Envy does not lead to good things.


Once upon a time there were two friends, Five and Two. One day, Five went to visit Two, but when he entered the house, he was very scared. Five saw his twin, also Five, and ran home out of fright. Soon Two came to Five, and Five told him everything he saw. Two laughed and explained to his friend that he was doing exercises and standing upside down, so Five mistook his friend for his twin Five. It’s not without reason that they say that an inverted two is like a five, and an inverted five is like a two.


One, two, three, four, five, the tale must begin.

About cheerful friends. Find them quickly.

Find number zero in your eyes, and look for number one in your eyebrows,

Number two is a snub nose, take it seriously.

What a good figure! The four is hidden in it.

And beautiful and slender, like a beauty girl.

The number six is ​​pleasing to the eye; you won’t find it right away.

She goes for a walk with the number five in her hand.

How beautiful your bangs are, the seven hid behind it.

And the eight at random pretended to be like a bow.

You can’t find the number nine, it’s hidden so you can’t find it.

If you believe us, then turn over the leaf.

Here is a fairy tale about friends. Calculate the numbers quickly.

Well, the fairy tale ends. Well done to those who found them all!


There lived in the kingdom of Mathematics a king named Module. And he had two sons - Plus and Minus.

The brothers very often argued among themselves which of them was more important. Plus kept saying: “I am more important, because I make more any numbers, both small and large, both positive and negative. You can make any number just smaller.” Minus answered him: “But I can make a large number small, and a small number even smaller.”

They argued and argued and decided to go to Father Modulus so that he could judge them. “Which of us is more important, father? And which of us is more useful in our state?” - the brothers asked him. The wise king smiled at them and said, “You are both important to our kingdom. And for me you are equal."


We had an argument once in the Kingdom of Knowledge, or rather in the city of Mathematics Textbook Circle and Square. They began to find out which of them was better. Kvadrat was the first to show off. He says that it has angles, diagonals, perimeter, and area. The circle was not confused and began to explain that it also has an area, and also has a perimeter, which, incidentally, is called the circumference. But besides this, it has a center, diameter, radius, chord, arcs and the number π.

What to do, how to be? All figures are good in their own way. Then they called the Triangle figures and asked to find the angles of a circle and the radius of a square, in order to prove to each other that each of them can do everything. But no matter how hard the Triangle tried, it didn’t work out, because each figure is individual, but we need all the figures.


One day the numbers gathered: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 and began to argue which of them was more important. One said:

I will be your number 1, sir!

The deuce replied:

No! Not true! Don't trust him! He has one head, and I have two! And two heads are better than one! I'm the smartest! So, I'm the most important!

Troika intervened in the dispute:

Look at me! The most important is the most beautiful. Do you even look in the mirror? And in general, God loves Troika!

Four could only be indignant:

Am I not there?

Then Five shouted:

The most important of all is Five. This is because schoolchildren love me. So, I, beloved by everyone, will be your empress!!!

Arrogant Six was indignant:

There are only Six here! Fall on your knees before me, insignificant numbers!

Slender beautiful Seven said:

I’ll eat all of you now, I won’t leave anyone behind. I will reign!

Fat Eight began to mock Seven (she was jealous that she was a model):

Well, who will you reign over if you eat everyone? If you get fat, you'll be kicked out of work. I will be queen!

And then Nine came up with something, such that she even jumped 999 meters. Having calmed down, she stood in a puddle (Nine is a water number and therefore loves water) and said:

Whoever Zero runs to will defeat us all! So let him be king!

The numbers supported this decision. Only Six was stubborn at first, but after thinking a little more, she agreed.

Zero was very modest and never argued with anyone. He was generally the youngest among the figures. When Zero heard that they wanted to make him king, he was terribly scared! But Zero was smart. And he decided to stay. Zero loved his senior numbers very much and did not want them to constantly quarrel, so he established the following law: “If all the numbers are friends, then everyone will be in charge, because friendship is the most important thing in life!” And all the numbers composed the following rhyme:

The numbers came out one day

See what time it is.

One two three four five…


Two brothers lived in the same magical land - Plus and Minus. Plus considered himself very important and said: “I am the most important on earth, because I add numbers to make them bigger. And you only reduce everything, what good are you?”

Minus was offended and left home. He walks and suddenly hears someone calling for help. He came running and saw that the city was attacked by figures. There were a lot of them, and Plus made them even more. There were 5,000 of them, and a moment later there were already 10,000. What to do? Minus thought and thought and came up with an idea. He took and took away 9999 from 10,000. So he did, and it turned out to be 1, who was taken prisoner. After this, Minus became important in the city, because he was also of great benefit.


Once upon a time there lived Two and Five. Two was jealous of Five. Everyone loved the Five, the children wanted it, and they were very happy when the beautiful, pot-bellied Five appeared in the diary.

Next to Five lived Two. Nobody loved her. There was no student who would want to see her in the diary.

Two was terribly jealous of Five and therefore decided to change places with her. When they put a Five in the diary, the Two immediately turned it over and turned it into itself. Confusion began. Everyone tried to correct the D mark in the diary for a good grade. Two got tired of everyone correcting her, and she decided to go to her previous place, and no longer turned Five over.

To make peace with Five, she offered to meet her in equations, examples and problems. Five agreed, and from then on they became friends. Sometimes they are found in numbers: 25, 52, 525, 252 and others.

And sometimes Two and Five come to visit on name days, introducing themselves as dates. For example, two years, five years, twenty-fifth years.

Now Two and Five are happy because people need both.


Many years ago, in a mysterious country there was a city called Mathematics, and numbers lived there. One day, two decimal fractions argued with each other. One was called 0.7, and the other was 5.3. they argued about which of them was greater and which was smaller. The one called 0.7 says:

I'm bigger than you because I have the number 0 in my name.

No,” says the one called 5.3, “more me!”

So they argued all day, and one of them said:

Let's go to Uncle Coordinate Beam tomorrow and ask him.

The other agreed. And so, when the Shar (that was the name of the sun) replaced the GCD (that was the name of the night), the decimal fractions went to Uncle Coordinate Beam. He asked them what happened, and they said that they were arguing and did not know which of them was greater and which was less.

Then Uncle Ray called his daughter (her name was Coordinate Line) and asked her to draw herself on a bumbaba (that was the name of the paper). She drew it. It looked like this:

Then Uncle split the beam and drew a zero. It looked like this.

After that, he drew the numbers. It looked like this:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Then Uncle explained to fractions that those numbers that are located to the right are larger. This rule is common to all numbers, not just decimals.


There lived two signs in the mathematical world: plus and minus. They were always at odds with each other. The addition sign argued that only it should dominate mathematics, but the minus did not agree with it. They went to resolve their dispute to the council of numbers and signs. The council tried to convince two stubborn fools that both signs are needed in mathematics, because both of them are needed.

Imagine that there will be no plus sign. The child got sick. A doctor came to see him. And how will he prescribe treatment when Comrade Thermometer cannot tell him his decision. But we also cannot do without a minus. Who can tell us when the cold starts?

And in the end, both signs agreed that for life and mathematics, they are both important.


When Olya came home from school, she decided to rest first and then do her homework. After resting, she turned on the lamp and sat down to do math. Having reached the examples, Olya decided to first repeat the rules and only then decide.

But suddenly she noticed something strange. There was noise in the textbook. Olya leaned over and listened. All the numbers were whispering to each other, but the loudest and most active arguments were two numbers with different signs in the example that the girl had to solve. Olya decided to help them.

“What are you arguing about?” she asked.

Numbers said that they were arguing about whose sign to put in the answer, either a positive sign or a negative sign.

So why argue, said the girl, you just need to follow the rules.

What other rules are there? Behavior or what? - the debaters asked in unison.

No,” the girl laughed, to the rules for adding numbers with different signs.

And Olya told them the rule: in order to add two numbers with different signs, you need to subtract the smaller one from the larger module and put in the answer the sign of the number whose module is larger.

Suddenly, Olya woke up. In front of her lay a notebook and a mathematics textbook. “So I repeated the rules,” Olya thought and smiled.


Five and Four lived and lived. They loved to argue about what mark they would give Stas in mathematics. Five once said to Four:

Hey Four! Where are you? Look quickly, our Stasik is at the blackboard!

I bet they’ll assign me to him,” Four said brazenly.

What are we going to argue about? Maybe out of interest?


They looked, and Stas frowned. He approached the desk, and Four and Five asked:

Well, what did you get?

“A deuce,” said Stas and sat down at his desk.

Since then, Five and Four agreed to help Stas so that he would get A's and B's, not D's.


Chapter 1. Bananas.

Once upon a time there were two brothers: Plus and Minus, and they heard about bananas for longevity. They wanted to get them at any cost. They learned from stories that bananas grow in the cave of equations and set off on their journey. They walked for three days and three nights and finally saw this cave. There was a sign near the cave: “X lives in this cave.” “Here we go,” said Plus. “We’ll make a halt first,” said Minus. Plus agreed.

Chapter 2. X.

“We need to go to the cave,” said Plus to Minus. They entered the cave, but did not go even a hundred meters and gasped. In front of them stood palm trees with bananas, and an old man sat next to them. They came closer and the old man said: “If you solve the equation, I will give you 6 bananas.” “Okay,” the brothers agreed. “Here’s my equation: x+2=6.” “X equals four,” said Minus. “That’s right,” answered X. “Keep your bananas, but they must be divided equally for the magic to work.”

Chapter 3. Equal and Divide.

Minus kicked a pebble. “How can we divide if we didn’t go through this at school,” Minus said angrily to Plus. “Let’s go to Ravno,” suggested Plus. “Good idea,” Minus agreed. And they went to Ravno. Approaching his house, they knocked on the window. “Equally, come out!” - Minus shouted. He immediately went outside. “Hello,” he said. “Hello,” said Plus and Minus. “How to divide these 6 bananas equally?” - Plus and Minus asked in one voice. “You need to go to Divide, he lives across the road,” Ravno said, showing the direction with his hand. “Thank you,” Plus said. And they went to Divide.

Divide sat on a bench and gnawed on seeds. “Divide, help us divide these 6 bananas equally,” Plus asked him. “Look, there are two of you, but there are six bananas, which means 6:2 = 3, three bananas for each,” Divide explained to them. "Thank you!" - Plus and Minus thanked him in one voice. They ate these bananas and began to live long (very long) and happily.

Fairy tales with mathematical content for children 5 - 8 years old

Mathematical fairy tales for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren

A family project “Teaching children mathematics using works of art” was organized in the kindergarten. Fairy-tale stories with mathematical content about amazing adventures and friendship of extraordinary characters. The stories turned out to be so interesting and entertaining that we wanted to publish our own book.
Description of work: The tale was compiled and illustrated by children and parents of the older group. The content of fairy tales of a mathematical nature. This material will be useful for kindergarten teachers, parents, and primary school teachers. The material is intended for children 5 - 8 years old.
Target: Increasing interest in mathematics in older preschool children through the use of works of art.


In the distant country of Mathematics, there lived King Triangle and Queen Trapezium. And everything was fine with them, except that they had no children.
Then the queen decided to go to the evil sorcerer Minus so that he could help her. The sorcerer Minus gave the queen a grain and said: “Plant it in a pot and water it every morning, but for this you must give me the voice of your child.” The queen was so glad that she would finally have a child, and gave her consent to the sorcerer. When Queen Trapezia returned to the palace, she immediately planted the seed in a pot of soil and watered it. As time passed, the seed grew and turned into a beautiful flower, when the flower blossomed, there was a beautiful baby there.
King Triangle and Queen Trapezium were very happy, they decided to name the little prince Circle. The prince grew up, but did not speak, and then the queen remembered that she had given the prince’s voice to the evil sorcerer Minus. She told everything to King Triangle, and they decided to go together to the sorcerer and ask him to have mercy and return the voice to Prince Krug. When the king and queen came to the evil sorcerer Minus, they heard a beautiful voice. It was the voice of a sorcerer, or rather the Prince of the Circle. Then they fell on their knees in front of the sorcerer Minus and began to beg him to give Prince Krug a voice.
The sorcerer had mercy on them and said:
- I will return the voice to Prince Krug, but for this you will no longer call me an evil sorcerer.
“We agree,” said the king and queen.
King Triangle spoke to his subjects and said:
- From now on, the sorcerer Minus is a good sorcerer, not an evil one.
At that very moment, Prince Krug's voice appeared. And everyone in the country of Mathematics began to live happily.


One day Masha went into the forest to pick mushrooms and got lost. Suddenly I saw Kolobok rolling along the road. Masha says to Kolobok:
-Kolobok, Kolobok, where do mushrooms grow here?
And he answers her:
- I don’t know, I’m in a hurry, I don’t have time, I’m looking for the fox, looking for it, I want to eat it. Better ask number Two, the “prickly one”, she knows everything about mushrooms.
Masha went to number Two and asked:
- Hey number two, where do your mushrooms grow?
-There near the house.

Number Two answers.
Masha saw chanterelle mushrooms and quickly began to collect them.
Suddenly, a bear jumped out of Mishka’s house and growled at Masha. Mashenka got scared and quickly ran away from the bear. She ran to the clearing and saw a stump standing. Masha sat down on a stump and began to cry. And bird Three flew past. She heard that the girl was crying, flew up to her and asked:
- Why are you crying here in the whole forest?
- I am lost! - says Masha.
- Don’t cry, I’ll help you, show you the way home.
- Cheers cheers! - shouted joyful Masha.
- Just promise that you will never go into the forest alone without adults again.
“Of course, I promise,” Masha answered, and they went home.


In one magical kingdom, a digital state, there lived King Ten and Queen Nine.
They were rich and noble, but at the same time kind and cheerful. And they had two children, a son, Seven, and a daughter, Five. The daughter was the most beautiful and intelligent, everyone envied the Tsar and affectionately called her Pyaterochka.
Baba Yaga wanted to steal Pyaterochka in order to receive a ransom for her from the Tsar. She called her faithful servant Six and gave him orders to steal Pyaterochka. Six listened to Baba Yaga, went to the barn where the Deuces-swans lived, harnessed them to a sleigh and flew off to steal Pyaterochka.
Meanwhile, Pyaterochka was walking in her favorite flower garden, looking at the unprecedented beauty of roses and singing songs. Suddenly the whole sky was covered with black clouds, Six flew up to her on his Deuces-swans, grabbed her by the hands, put her in the sleigh and flew back to Baba Yaga. Pyaterochka screamed at the top of her lungs:
“Father, mother - help!!! Save me, Six is ​​taking me to the dense, dense black forest to Baba Yaga!”
The king's servants heard her cry and ran to tell him about what had happened.
The king became blacker than a cloud from grief, having learned about the misfortune that had happened, the queen fell ill. Then the son of Seven comes into the royal chambers and says: “Don’t be sad, Father Tsar! I'll go and save my sister! I’ll gather my army from just a few, and let’s go to war against Baba Yaga!”
The king answers: “No, son, Baba Yaga is not stupid, cunning is needed here! Go, go to the magician Eight and consult him on how best to do it?”
Seven went to the magician and told him about the trouble. And Eight advised him to take a shrinking wand and an invisibility hat. He explained how to use these things: if you hit Baba Yaga’s faithful servant Six six times, he will shrink to such a size that he will disappear, and if you hit the Deuce-Swan twice, he will also shrink to such a size that he will disappear. By doing this you will disarm Baba Yaga, depriving her of her faithful servant and the Two-Swans.
Having thanked the Magician Eight, Seven took his shrinking wand and invisibility hat from him and went to help out his sister Pyaterochka. For a long time he walked through the fields and forests, and finally reached the dense forest of Baba Yaga.
He put on his invisibility hat, crept up to Baba Yaga’s house and saw the servant Six.
He hit it once with the shrinking wand, shrank to a size of six and shouted: “Oh-oh-oh! What's happened? Who is there?"

Seven hit him five more times and Six disappeared as if he had never existed. Seven went to the barn and began to hit the Two-swans with a shrinking wand until they all disappeared.
After that, he went into Baba Yaga’s house without taking off his invisibility hat and saw his sister Pyaterochka.
She sat on a bench and cried bitterly. Seven came up to her and whispered in her ear: “Hello, sister! Don’t cry, I’ll help you out now!”
He quickly took off his invisibility hat and put it on himself and his sister, they left Baba Yaga’s house and ran as fast as they could home to their father and mother.
King Ten was very happy when he saw his beloved daughter Pyaterochka again. Queen Nine recovered, and again they lived cheerfully and happily, as before.


In a faraway place, in the Tenth Kingdom, there lived a kind, plump King Zero. And he was married to the beautiful Unity - a proud and mischievous girl. And the king and queen had two daughters. The eldest was called Deuce. She looked like her mother - just as slender, dignified and just as mischievous and arrogant. The youngest daughter Five is just like her father - cheerful, laughing, in general - a sweet little soul!
One day the princesses went for a walk to the river near the forest. The kids were swimming there. Five girls, seven boys. How many kids were there?
- Hey, princesses, where are you going? Come join us here! Let's have fun together, joke, jump and play, swim, run, sunbathe!
Five immediately agreed. She fell head over heels towards the guys. Well, Deuce got angry:
- I am a princess! How dare they call me! It's no good for me to play with you! This is my whole river! I'll swim here alone! Get out!
The kids felt sad, and they told Deuce everything:
- You are not a swan, you are a mischief-maker!
- Evil!
- Evil!
- And dude!
At this point Deuce got angry... Her face changed... She shook her head - and the children were blown away by the wind. We forgot to tell you that our mischievous princess could do magic.
From then on, all the children in the kingdom began to receive the worst grades in school - twos. There is nothing wrong if the two appears alone or with other numbers somewhere in a book, on a poster or, say, on a tag in a store. But if a bad mark appears in your diary, this is a real school disaster! Who needs a bad grade?! And the boys and girls of the Tenth Kingdom now had only such notes in their diaries and notebooks. And in neighboring kingdoms, children more and more often brought home diaries with deuces. Like a virus, the disease spread harmful witchcraft around. And no matter how hard the teachers tried, no matter how strict the parents were, the children still studied poorly.
Five guys felt sorry. Which of them will grow up now - losers who don’t know anything and don’t know how to do anything in life? She decided to help them - to discover the secret of getting rid of the spell. She heard it at night when her older sister muttered in her sleep. But Deuce guessed that her sister wanted to tell these harmful children the secret of getting rid of bad grades. She was also angry with her sister. She conjured a high tower - 22 meters, far, far from her kingdom, and hid her younger sister Five there. Like, let her sit for a while, otherwise she’s thinking of contradicting her older sister. Deuce spent all her magical powers on this witchcraft. And she became so weak that she forgot about her harmful magic, and, the trouble is, she forgot about the secret of healing children, and she also forgot about her sister.
The king and queen were seriously alarmed and saddened when they learned about the disappearance of their youngest daughter. King Zero sent his messengers with a royal decree to all four directions of the world. To the one who finds and returns Princess Five home, Zero promised to give his youngest daughter as a wife when the princess grows up, and to give half the kingdom!
Many tried to find the missing princess - all in vain! And then one day the brave prince of the distant kingdom of Four heard about Princess Five. He was very persistent, stubborn and hardworking. Four decided to find Five at any cost. He wandered around the world for a long time, and the brave prince had to endure many difficulties and trials. But he didn't give up! And then one fine day he saw a high tower. He tried to penetrate her, but a new obstacle arose on his way. Princess Deuce enchanted the tower so that it would not let anyone in until the traveler guessed its riddle.
“The mouse was carrying an apple and found another one,” the tower muttered, “the owl hooted loudly: “You have them now...”. How many apples does the mouse have? The prince easily gave the correct answer. The tower let him in. But on the second floor he had to count again.
- Three little bunnies on a swing ate with an appetite. The two came to chat with them. How many bunnies? - asked the tower.
“Exactly...,” answered the prince. And again correct. So floor after floor, riddle after riddle, Four reached the last one.
- Nine caterpillars crawled, seven of them went home. In the soft silken grass there were only...?
- Two!!!
And, lo and behold! The door to the room opened and the prince saw a beautiful young princess. It was Five! The prince fell madly in love with her. He returned his daughter to her parents. How happy the king and queen were to see their dear Pyaterochka!!! Queen One stopped being mischievous after the disappearance of her youngest daughter, and was now as kind as her husband Zero. The deuce did not remember anything about their action and also rejoiced from the bottom of their hearts at the return of their little sister.
They played a magnificent wedding - Four and Five became husband and wife, and the prince refused the promised half of the kingdom. It was not for his sake that the young man was looking for the princess! And besides, he had his own - a whole kingdom!
- What about the poor children? - you ask. Everything is fine! Don't worry. They became excellent students! The secret is that you don’t have to be lazy, you have to work, no matter how hard it is sometimes. Homework must be completed diligently and on time. During lessons, do not be distracted, but listen carefully to the teacher. Respect your parents and listen to their advice. We need to read more useful and interesting books about nature, animals, and our planet. Don't forget about fairy tales! And, of course, do exercises in the morning, go to bed on time in the evenings, walk in the fresh air, play sports so that not only our head, but also our body works well. So that we always feel good and can achieve a lot in life!
Following all these simple rules, the children of the Tenth Kingdom and neighboring lands quickly corrected all the deuces into fives - they received so many fives that the deuces themselves disappeared from the diary. And now they only had fours and fives! And they all became excellent doctors, teachers, singers, cooks, pilots and astronauts! And who do you want to become? Will you study well so that everyone can be proud of you?!


By the river in the forest Deuce was crying. She was afraid to enter the river because she did not know how to swim.
Number One came up to her and told her: “Don’t be sad, friend!”
And then Number Three came up to her and told her: “Wipe your tears!”
The last ones to come up to her were Four and Five and began to console her:
- You look like a swan, so you can swim too!
The two sighed joyfully, shook their long necks, entered the water and swam like a real swan. On the shore, One and Three and Four and Five were happy for her.


In the far, far away country of Cyfland they lived - there were different numbers.
One day, two of them, “one” and “five,” met.
The unit was very proud, tall, always held its back straight and really loved to argue with anyone.
Pyaterochka was cheerful, bright, but very arrogant.
And they started an argument about which of them is bigger and more important. “1” says: I’m taller, which means I’m bigger! “5” - she answers: and I take up more space on the notebook sheet, which means I’m bigger!
They argued for a long time and could not figure out which of them was bigger, then they decided “1” and “5” to go to other numbers for advice.
They came, but they had no time. And as soon as “zero” said – all numbers are important! You are one, making other numbers into tens, and you are the very first of all numbers. And you, Pyaterochka, are bigger and give good grades to the children at school. If you stand next to each other, you will become one number.
“1” and “5” were delighted and approached each other, holding hands, and the number “15” turned out
And so they became inseparable friends!!!
Always and everywhere together!


One early morning Odnyorka was walking along the table, and on that table lay an untitled book. She wanted to sleep on her soft sheets - snow-white sheets. I knocked, everyone was silent, so I’ll sleep here.
Number Two swam past like a swan from afar, saw our book and was delighted, I will live in it forever.
Knock, knock, knock, who lives here?
- It’s me, Unity, thin as a match.
- And I am number two, like a swan, both beautiful and slender.
- Come in, since you came, we’ll live together then.
And Troika, the one who jumps so briskly, galloped nearby, and she knocked, you will let me in to live.
So all the numbers we have in our book have been collected, we will now list them:
Here Four - hands on hips,
Five - that he loves to play,
And Sixth is a couch potato, he loves to sleep soundly,
Here is the Seventh - we call him the poker,
And Eight - two circles, like the sister of a snowman,
And the Ninth is the oldest, all gray and with a beard.
The only thing missing was Nolya, who didn’t take long to wait, groaning and slowly dragging himself from side to side.
Well, what about friends without a name, it’s our book that brought together everyone from Nine to Zero?
You learn to count quickly and then you will know that it is called Mathematics, friends!!!


A hare named Nolik was walking through the forest. He walked alone because he had no family. But he really wanted to live in a cozy house with his family.
A hare named Edinichka ran towards the meeting along the path. Nolik really liked the one and he invited her to build a house and live in it. So they began to live together.
The house was beautiful and cozy, and around it there was a large and strong fence so that the wolf could not get into them. And they had 9 wonderful bunnies: Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten.


Once upon a time there was a cheerful traffic light. He stood at a crossroads. But one day he got sick and broke down, and all 3 lights went out: red, yellow and green.
A girl passed by, she called the rescue service number 3.

The number brought the traffic light a magic cookie. It was of different colors and different shapes. The red cookies were triangular, the yellow cookies were square, and the green cookies were round. When the traffic light ate the cookies, its lights started working again.
But now they were of different shapes, which made him look even more fun.


Once upon a time there lived a girl, her name was Nastya. She had square bunnies, they all lived on a magical planet, where everything was pink, the sea, the forest, and the mountains.
When Nastya swam in the magical sea, she also turned pink.
She asked the bunnies: “Why am I pink?”
But they could not answer her.
And they all went to the little mermaid named Ariel so that she would answer all their questions.
She was strange, completely round, like a ball.
Ariel said that the planet they live on is magical and entertaining. Because all the inhabitants of the planet love to tell each other riddles and jokes in mathematics, and since they are very cheerful and funny, all the inhabitants have fun and rejoice and this makes everything around them pink and beautiful.
And Ariel began to ask her riddles:
Think of a number up to 5. Add 2 to it, and I will guess what number you have in mind. How much did you get?
Birds flew over the river: a pigeon, a pike, 2 tits, 2 swifts and 5 eels. How many birds? Answer quickly.
A chicken standing on one leg weighs 2 kg. How much does a chicken weigh standing on two legs? (2 kg)
Nastya and her square bunnies listened to the little mermaid for a long time.
After all, there were so many mysteries that they did not notice how evening came.
And the sunset on the planet was also pink - it was so beautiful.
And then everyone went to bed in their pink houses.
And all night they dreamed only pink dreams.
That's the END for the fairy tales, and whoever answered WELL DONE!

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