Methods for correcting problem behavior in dogs - the life of wonderful animals. Correcting a dog's behavior How to correct a dog's behavior on the street

Many of those who wish and plan to have a dog, in their dreams see themselves as the happy owner of a faithful bodyguard, like German Shepherd, a beautiful collie who looks like a movie star, or the miracle dog St. Bernard who saves people. At this moment, it is necessary to think and answer one single question for yourself: why do I need a four-legged pet? And again, most will answer: I need a friend who would understand me. Discarding height, gender, breed and exterior, the whole point of purchasing a dog comes down to this.

You cannot satisfy your ambitions at the expense of a living being. If you want to show off to your friends, set up a gorgeous rose garden on an area with rare specimens, build new pool etc. A dog needs love, care and participation.

Training (behavior correction) can help you with your upbringing. This is absolutely necessary process, if not for you, then at least for family members and friends, because you must be able to manage your pet at the proper level. And the dog must understand that it is completely unacceptable to go through life doing whatever it wants. In other words, it is required educational process, socialization, introduction to the family.

Variety of correction methods

It’s worth starting a conversation about training dogs and correcting their behavior, perhaps, with the variety of methods that currently exist. Firstly, it should be noted that these two processes are closely related. Training is a general concept; from a very young age you begin to accustom the animal to correct behavior, instilling in him all the qualities necessary for normal living in a family. If something goes wrong, it is necessary to correct it and direct the pet’s energy in the right direction.

Methods for correcting dog behavior are quite varied. However, experts are of the opinion that not all of them are within the power of owners; some can only be used by professionals. Methods are classified into the following groups:

  1. Correction of environmental conditions: inability to perform certain “problematic” actions (muzzle, cage, pen); negative experience through environmental conditions (coating furniture with bitter substances, such as pepper); change of conditions (moving, new owners).
  2. Behavior correction: training, prohibition of unwanted habits and their connection with a signal (voice, whistle), reinforcement of the absence of bad behavior, training.
  3. Correction mental processes and psyche.
  4. Correction of physiology.

The third and fourth group of methods are quite complex. According to them, behavior correction adult dog It is not recommended to do it yourself. It is better to seek advice from specialists who will help you draw up proper diet, will develop special program or even take your pet temporarily into custody. In this matter, it is important to correctly assess your strengths so as not to aggravate the situation.

About training

To one degree or another, the behavior of a dog of any breed can be trained and corrected. However, if you plan to participate in exhibitions, competitions and competitions, or hunt with your pet, try to make your choice responsibly. Not the best “material” are mestizos and mongrels, although they are sometimes very smart and cunning. However, a skilled trainer will be able to achieve brilliant results from them, but such masters are rare in reality. Next we will consider general rules and principles of education for the average dog living in a family. They are the same for everyone, regardless of origin.

You need to think like a dog

“Think like a dog” - this is the principle that all work on training your pet should be based on. This advice give the best specialists their business, professional dog handlers. Correcting a dog's behavior and training involves predicting its behavior and reaction to specific circumstances. Do not think that an animal will behave according to the rules that a person came up with. The fundamental difference between him and the dog is that the former can compare and then analyze complex concepts, while the dog only learns simple things, despite his endless charm, excellent hearing and vision.

Owners should understand that the ancestors of these four-legged pets were wild species that lived in packs. Instincts, habits, behavioral characteristics, consolidated by centuries of existence as a member large group, carry within themselves and modern dogs. They force animals to look for a partner or food, to hunt according to a “schedule” dictated by nature itself. This is biological information that cannot be ignored when training (correcting) the behavior of dogs at home. Don't forget that deep down your pet is a member of the pack. He will quickly learn through example and repetition and will even try to become a leader at some stage of his education. IN in this case, if we talk by comparisons, your family should become a pack for him, and one of its members or two should become leaders. Training helps direct the animal's energy in the right direction.

General information

The owner must adjust his thinking to understand the characteristics of the dog’s behavior and habits. As a rule, a puppy is received at the age of 7-9 weeks. At this stage of development, he should look active, healthy and seem like a plump “ball”, full of guile and energy. If the owner has any doubts about the puppy's health, he should contact a veterinarian. A specialist will dispel all worries. This is important, since even at such a young age the dog perfectly senses the owner’s nervousness. Uncertainty can be a bad thing. Puppies grow up unbalanced and disobedient. In the future, correcting the behavior of an adult dog can be very difficult, and sometimes completely unsuccessful.

A puppy at the age of two months sleeps most of the time and plays the rest. Taking into account his daily routine, it is necessary to assign him a place with a basket, box or even a small pen. Place them where the puppy will feel safe. In addition, organize a play area for him. At regular intervals, show him a place where he can recover.

Pen and play area

A pen and playground are not just a bedroom and entertainment, but important element education, so to speak, means for correcting the behavior of dogs at an early stage of their development.

The pen acts as a place where the puppy can sleep peacefully, chew a bone, eat, and examine the toys given to him. Only in in rare cases you can pull him out of there for the purpose of punishment or moralizing. Such intrusions will frighten the puppy and make him nervous. In addition, limit children's access to this area and teach them to wait for the pet to come out of its hiding place (house). Many training experts are against kennels and kennels because they howl and get restless there. This does not teach them how to communicate with people and how to live in a family. From the point of view of the laws of the pack, loneliness for a dog is an unnatural state.

As a rule, on initial stages adaptation in the family, the kitchen serves as a playground. This perfect place, where the puppy learns to avoid obstacles in the form of chairs, here he can meet and get to know a cat and other pets. All this gives him invaluable communication experience. As the puppy grows older and his self-confidence grows, you can expand his living space by letting him out into the garden, nearby forest or field.

Scheduled feeding

Scheduled feeding is important stage training and behavior correction of dogs at an early stage of their development. It is of paramount importance. Each time you feed your puppy, you can take the opportunity to gradually (without much effort) introduce training techniques. For example, while lightly tapping the bowl, call him by name. In a couple of days, the baby will thus learn to run when the owner calls. You can also master the “Sit” command. This will serve as an excellent basis for further training.

Correction of dog behavior: the role of voice and intonation

You need to communicate with the dog. Only in this way can she be taught anything. One of the basic principles that is useful at all levels of training is the voice as a means of developing obedience. To achieve good results, the owner uses various commands: “Come to me!”, “Sit!”, “Place!”, “Ugh!” etc. But in addition to the word, the intonation with which it is pronounced is also important. Depending on the command, it changes, and the sequence must be observed. It happens that even the most successful dog breeders achieve insignificant results in terms of correcting dog behavior (training). The reason lies in the fact that they give all instructions with the same intonation.

So, one of the first commands that puppies are taught is “Come to me!” It should be pronounced more slowly and drawn out than the abrupt and short “Sit!” The command “Lie down!” delivered in a firm and low voice. The last two instructions are found and applied in close relationship during training.

The command “Fu!”, which in dog language means “Immediately stop what you are doing or are about to do, otherwise you will get hit,” should be given abruptly and sharply. Successful training will require not only time, but also patience.

Patience and calm

Remember that correcting the behavior of an adult dog, and especially training little puppy requires calm and patience from their owner. From two months of age to 1 year, your pet will be in the stage of maximum receptivity. But on initial stages he gets tired quickly, and he may simply get bored with classes. Therefore, even if he performs excellently and is gifted, you should not wear him down with the same set of commands. At the age of 8-10 weeks, it is enough to spend five minutes a day on training; you can increase the time when the puppy matures to 5-6 months.

The biggest mistake and, as a rule, irreparable is the formation of fear in the dog before classes. Training time should be easy and carefree for her, and bring pleasure. It is important to praise your pet for every, even the smallest, achievement.

When correcting a dog’s behavior and raising it, experts and dog handlers recommend that owners refrain from punishment in any form. The puppy is not able to evaluate it correctly. Moreover, he most likely will not understand at all why he was punished, but the likelihood that he will hide in a corner and wait in horror for the next lesson is very high.

Another important conclusion, which should not be overlooked, is your behavior, gestures and tone, which betray stress, fatigue or troubles. You should not try to teach something to a dog in this state. Irritability and impatience are the worst allies in this matter.

Leash for correcting dog behavior

A collar and a leash are the two most necessary items when training. We recommend buying a leather accessory of the appropriate size for your puppy. You can fasten the collar around his neck for the first time immediately before feeding, then he will put up with this measure without protests.

At the age of 5-6 months, the dog will need a collar in the form of a chain with a leash attached to one of the rings. It is often called a "noose". However, it would be more correct to say “snatch collar.” After all, it should be associated with a short sharp jerk, which will remind the dog that it cannot always behave the way it wants, and not with strangulation. Nylon and leather loops are recommended for use on dogs that have already been trained. They can harm puppies.

Nowadays, electric collars for correcting dog behavior have become widespread. There are many myths and misconceptions around them. It is important to weigh the pros and cons before using it. With its help, you can give negative reinforcement to a dog at a distance, but it will only be effective when correct use in the hands of a specialist. Preference should be given to high-quality collars; cheap ones can cause harm; it is unknown how much current it can produce.

Correcting aggressive behavior

Aggressive behavior is a common phenomenon in dog breeding. It is associated mainly with inept handling of animals: poor breeding, illiterate upbringing and maintenance. It is important to remember that aggressive behavior is caused by a lack of communication, unjustified rewards, strong punishments, and vulnerability to attacks from children. In 90% of cases it is observed in male dogs, most often during puberty (18-36 months). Be prepared for the correction aggressive behavior dogs may take long time. This process is akin to rehabilitation.

It is important to remember the same rule - the dog is at heart part of the pack. The owner is her leader. If at some point the situation turns reverse side and the dog began to feel that he was in charge; it was necessary to “return” him to his place. To do this, deprive the dog of the attributes characteristic of a leader:

  • getting food first;
  • only the leader leads the pack, that is, he drags his owner on a leash;
  • occupation of the most comfortable and often high places for rest (bed, pillows, sofa);
  • the leader demands and always gets tidbits right from the table;
  • grabs the legs of “unloved” guests.

World-famous dog handler Ts. Milan advises correcting a dog’s behavior towards other dogs, towards the owner and the surrounding world in general by very in an unusual way- kneading food with your own hands, not with a spoon. Thus, a person leaves his smell in it, and, as it were, openly declares his dominance, as if he himself was the first to eat from this bowl.

What you “need” and what you “don’t”

When the owner encounters certain difficulties on the way to raising a puppy, he should try to resolve them by trying on the point of view of his pet, always remembering the law of the pack. It is important to control the process and not start it.

There is no need to allow your dog to run and jump at the door as soon as the bell rings. If the situation seems funny with a small puppy, then with an adult it can already be dangerous. You will understand such behavior, but friends and guests will not appreciate it.

Don't let your dog run around the car. This will cause inconvenience to you, passengers and may even cause an accident. She must have a place clearly defined by the owner. Control your pet's behavior using the commands “Sit!”, “Place!” and “Lie down!”

Don't let your dog jump on people. She does this solely out of love and friendliness, but her sharp claws tear and stain her clothes. Teach her to accept affection at your “level.”

Training and correcting unwanted dog behavior requires regular training, not occasional training. You need to practice a little every day, learning the basics of “good behavior” step by step.

Experts advise owners to take their pet with them everywhere they go. maybe not always. However, you should not leave dogs at home alone for a long time. In the company of a person, she will not get bored and will not establish her own “orders” in an empty house.

Most main principle What every owner should be guided by is the desire to communicate with the dog. He himself should enjoy studying and playing with her. Otherwise, the likelihood of success in education is extremely low. The process should bring joy not only to the pet, but also to the owner himself.

If your dog behaves badly, then this article is about dog behavior correction just for you. The whole point is that a dog cannot only behave well throughout its entire life, it behaves as nature intended, but we must fight its behavior and its natural desires. To do this, we have prepared common dog behaviors and their solutions. To achieve maximum results, follow the links and read additional material presented in other articles.

1. Training and raising a dog. You should start training and raising a small puppy from a very early age. Since a small puppy is easier to train and teach manners and commands than a large dog. For this purpose, material has been prepared on the website, how to train a puppy , how to raise a puppy. And for those owners who already have adult dogs - how to train a dog , how to raise a dog .

2. Punishment for disobedience. Any mischief by a dog should be punished. The punishment must be strict and correct. Not all owners punish their dogs correctly. To do this you should know how to properly punish a dog .

3. The puppy or dog refuses to come when you call it. It's all about what your dog needs teach the command to me. And sometimes resort to tricks by luring her with a piece of sausage.

5. A dog barks, how to stop it? Dogs naturally bark, but you can train your dog to stop barking. Just with effort, time and diligence. Check out the article: how to stop a dog from barking .

6. The dog is afraid of everything. Every dog ​​has its own fears and you need to be able to deal with them. If your dog is afraid of people, dogs, explosions, gunshots, fireworks, etc., then the article is about how to stop a dog from being afraid will help you deal with your pet's fears.

9. The dog bites your arms or legs. If your dog bites your hands and you feel uncomfortable or hurt, then simply read how to stop a dog from biting arms and legs.Some owners believe that this is a dog’s bad manners, but dogs almost all bite hands during play. It’s another matter when you just want to pet a dog and it bites you, then in this case you need to take action.

10. The dog chews things in the house. A common situation is when a dog chews things in the house. This may be due to her habits or the fact that her teeth are just growing and need to be sharpened if we are talking about a puppy. In one case or another, there is a solution to the problem: how to stop a dog from chewing things .

11. The dog jumps on its owners. Common problem when a dog jumps on its owner or a passerby. This can be expressed in her greeting or in her aggression. One way or another the problem is solved the following way: how to stop a dog from jumping on people

12. The dog constantly pulls on the leash. Everything can be solved quite simply with the help of teams nearby. Learn this command well and your dog will always go with you.

13. The dog digs holes. If your dog is digging holes, then most likely he has excess energy and needs to entertain himself somehow. To do this, you need to punish the dog or give a strict command “fu”. About that how to teach a dog the fu command - you can find out separately.

14. The dog is constantly begging. The whole point is not about the dog, but about the fact that someone from your family took pity on the dog and began giving him treats upon request. The dog is a very smart animal and after such handouts, it will happily beg. During meals, under no circumstances should you give her anything from the table. Complete ignorance will save you from this problem. If the dog interferes with you while you are eating, punish or give a strict command fu.

15. The dog constantly requires attention. A dog that has realized that for every whine or bark you resort to it as if it were a child, will constantly demand your attention. You cannot comfort the dog or you will be doomed to hold a candle to the nanny. For every whine or bark, the dog should be punished with the command fu, let him wean himself from this habit. When will the dog understand that this method getting attention doesn't work, she'll stop doing it. If you console her, you are doomed to the fact that the dog will always whine or bark.

On the way to achieving maximum performance from a dog, initial dog breeders make a number of mistakes in training: common mistakes in parenting. This material will reveal to you the mistakes that should not be made in raising a dog in order to avoid behavior problems.

To correct a dog's behavior, you need to take a comprehensive approach. So that each member of your family approaches problems seriously. If one family member consoles the dog and gives it treats, and the second one tries to wean it off, then the dog will still beg. If all family members perform the same actions - correct actions, which are described in the links in different materials, then you can get the most out of your dog.

If a dog misbehaves, it must be punished and punished severely. If the problem recurs, it means you punished the dog weakly, which means the level of punishment needs to be increased.

Also, you cannot punish puppies under 3 months of age, because you can disturb the puppy’s psyche and this can lead to a number of problems. Therefore, it is better to learn the fu command.

With age we become wiser, but such life experiences sometimes cost us health, visual acuity and hearing. Dogs are no exception. With age, some of their functions weaken (for example, the ability to learn, perceive), vision, smell and hearing deteriorate, and all this negatively affects the character of your pet. You can read more about the physiological aspects of such changes and about the old age of dogs, in particular, here. Sometimes it seems to you that you no longer understand your four-legged friend, because, by your standards, he does not behave quite adequately, that is, not as before - he becomes either overly active or overly passive, does not listen to commands... If only you knew , what reasons are actually hidden behind this unusual behavior of your pet, then the situation could not only be solved, but also alleviate your dog’s condition. Exactly

about changes in behavior, as well as why our dogs begin to behave this way and not otherwise, and how to deal with all this- our publication...

A dog's behavior is an indicator of its condition

First mistake What dog owners do when they find themselves in a situation where their pet is not the same as before and behaves differently is that

they ignore the existing problem and try to adapt to it and not notice it.

You can't do this. The most correct solution in this situation, this means seeking advice from a veterinarian. Tell the specialist how your dog's behavior has changed. After all, many “changes” can actually be a symptom of some disease and it is enough to start a course of treatment, and your pet will again become the same as before...

Symptoms of Cognitive Dysfunction in Dogs

Below we provide Here are a few symptoms that indicate your dog has cognitive dysfunction:

  • loss of orientation in space,
  • antisocial behavior,
  • increased, monotonous or decreased activity,
  • sudden mood swings,
  • aggressive behavior,
  • sleep disorders,
  • disruption of the excretory system,
  • memory impairment.

Such symptoms of cognitive dysfunction can be not only signs of an aging dog, but also signs of various degenerative diseases, arthritis, cancer, diseases genitourinary system. Therefore, in any case, having identified such symptoms in an animal, you should seek advice from a veterinarian who can figure out whether it actually is old age or a disease...

In the case where the symptoms are associated with a specific disease, the specialist will prescribe a specific course of treatment aimed at eliminating the disease, but if all of the above is old age, he will be able to prescribe special drugs for your animal, which will help smooth out such symptoms and make life much easier for you and your pet.

Examples of age-related changes in dog behavior

Well, now a few examples age-related changes in dog behavior:

  1. Breaking up with you causes her to panic. The dog subconsciously senses that something is wrong with it, and it is afraid that these changes will not be accepted by you and will become a reason for you to abandon it. In this case there is rather a problem related to psychological state animal. Therefore, it is necessary to solve this problem at the psychological level - even if your friend is old, find time to communicate with him, do not ignore your dog, do not refuse to communicate with him in the form of a game or a walk...
  2. Loss of taste, hearing and smell

    The previously calm dog is now constantly. Very often this problem is associated with disorders of the central nervous system. nervous system and hearing loss. Also, such barking very often becomes a sign that the dog is afraid of something. You should calm the animal and encourage its calm behavior, letting it understand that barking is not at all necessary...

  3. Sleep disturbances are sometimes caused by the fact that the dog, due to your absence during the day, sleeps all day, and after getting enough sleep during the day, does not want to sleep at all at night, and with its active behavior prevents you and your household from sleeping. In this case, you will need to establish a daily routine for your dog - try to prolong its daily activity, walk and play with it more, so that by the evening it feels quite naturally tired and falls asleep “without its hind legs.”
  4. The dog begins to defecate at home - perhaps the reason is a disease of the endocrine or genitourinary system. You definitely need to take your animal to the veterinarian and talk about incontinence problems. And, also, it is worth reviewing your pet’s walking program - walk more often, and... change the dog’s usual walking route.
  5. Destructive behavior is most often manifested by perverted tastes (a dog can eat stones, feces of other animals) and is explained very simply - by a lack of food.

Video about dogs

Today we talked about changes in the behavior of dogs and the reasons that cause them. We also offered our own ways to solve such situations - we hope that they will help your dog and you. Finally, I would like to say only one thing - any change in a dog’s behavior is caused by something, and having found the reason, you will definitely be able to find an opportunity to help your pet!

Have you noticed that your dog's behavior changes as he ages? Share your observations with us.

Shevtsova Olga

This one will help you get to know your dog’s character better.

We are waiting for your feedback and comments, join our VKontakte group!

When we get a dog, we most often build rosy and idyllic pictures of our life with her in our heads. However, reality does not always coincide with our dreams. Of course, if you start training your puppy from the very first days, you have a better chance of reinforcing and shaping correct behavior.

How do we provoke dogs into “bad” behavior?

Often, we ourselves, without noticing it, provoke the dog to engage in behavior that we subsequently do not like and with which we want to fight. Want some examples?

EXAMPLE 1. Before leaving for the store or work, we go to pet the dog, lament, calming: “Don’t worry, I’m just here for a few hours, don’t be bored. I'll come back, you and I will go for a walk. Why are you making such a sad face?” And we leave under the heavy gaze of our sad pet, and inside our heart bursts into thousands of small fragments. Has this ever happened to you?

Congratulations - you are forging with your own hands a behavior that is quite difficult to correct: Separation Anxiety.

EXAMPLE 2. You returned from work, urgently change clothes to take your dog for a hygienic walk - after all, she has been sitting at home for almost 10 hours. And while you are changing clothes, putting on a harness, fastening a leash, you excitedly say: “Now, now, be patient a little more, now we’ll go.” The dog starts up, shifts from paw to paw, grabs your hands or the leash, and barks. “Well now, I see that you already want it, just a minute! Now I’ll just put on my boots.”

Bingo! Most likely, you are currently sculpting a dog that, when getting ready to go outside, will grab your hands, bark and jump on you, carry you out of the entrance, knocking over your neighbors as it goes.

EXAMPLE 3. Your dog saw another one, pulled on its leash and started barking. Such situations occur almost every day. What does the owner often do in such a situation? Usually it’s quite a singsong, soothing: “Santa, why are you barking? This is a good dog, good, you see? No need to bark, she’s good!” Almost all of our dogs know the word “Good” - they are “good”, and we often tell them this when we pet them, when we give them something tasty. Our dog barks and hears behind him: “Santa, blah blah blah blah blah, good dog, good. Blah blah blah, good".

What does our dog understand in such a situation? - Right! She's doing great, she needs to bark even harder!

EXAMPLE 4. Or vice versa: the owner gets nervous because of his pet’s indecent behavior and begins to swear and shout at him. The dog at this moment rushes at the opponent, knows that the owner is behind him, and “together we are strong!” The owner also screams and rushes behind him, which means he also hates this dog!“Keep me forty people! I’ll tear the jaws, gouge out the blinkers!”

How to correct the behavior of an adult dog

I believe that starting classes on time with a competent instructor will help avoid the development of uncomfortable behavior. A good trainer is usually more experienced than the average dog owner. He also knows what behavioral nuances to pay attention to in order not to develop them. He notices the owner’s mistakes, which can provoke problematic behavior in the pet. And, of course, he knows how to solve problematic behavior that has already appeared.

The specialist analyzes the causes of problem behavior and then proposes a method, or even a combination of correction methods.

Uncleanliness in the house, animal or human aggression, separation anxiety, frequent barking or howling, fear of fireworks or thunderstorms, barking at cyclists or athletes, inability to walk on a loose leash - these are the most common reasons contacting a dog behavior correction specialist.

But they also resort to the help of a trainer to solve smaller behavioral nuances that are not very comfortable for the owner: the dog steals food from the table or begs, picks up food on the street, does not listen to the owner, does not want to wash its paws or trim its claws, is afraid of new objects, climbs on bed…

I have good news: with proper and thoughtful (sometimes quite lengthy) work, any dog’s behavior can be corrected.

It is not always possible to solve a problem completely and finally, but it can always be smoothed out and reduced. And it seems to me that one of our responsibilities as owners in relation to our pet is precisely to give him the opportunity to overcome his fears, aggression, and mistrust. After all, how nice it is not to fight with four-legged friend all our 10 - 15 years of life together, and enjoy them.


Fears that appear on walks in puppies and young dogs.

A dog (puppy) can experience strong emotional discomfort even from anticipation of the very situation of a walk, starting with the owner’s preparations, leaving the apartment, the entrance. At the same time, fear increases sharply when certain situations arise while walking. For example, this could be the owner’s attempts to get the dog into the elevator, down, or even up the stairs in the entrance, loud sounds, being in the entrance and meeting people and dogs, strollers, children, buses, street cleaners' carts and other irritants typical of Moscow and other cities.

How You look at the manifestations of fear.
The dog resists the owner’s attempts to lead it on a leash, while facial expressions, posture and movements show signs of emotional depression and fear (frightened, anxious look, ears pulled back, tail tucked, trembling, etc.). When encountering frightening stimuli, the dog tries to run away to the side, rests on the leash, and the signs of fear intensify. Sometimes the dog shows aggression, growls, barks.

Causes of problematic behavior.
As a rule, such problem behavior appears in puppies or young dogs when they begin to walk outside after completing the vaccination period, or sometimes in older dogs after moving with their owners to a new place of residence in an urban environment. Fears in this case stem from the dog’s inability to independently adapt to the specific living conditions in the city due to the genetic characteristics of the psyche and the lack of the necessary experience in mastering these environmental conditions (city) at an early age, that is, during the corresponding sensitive period of mental development. After this period, independent adaptation to completely new and difficult living conditions may be difficult. However, fortunately, in many cases, dogs can be helped to cope with this.

In this case, the dog perceives the environment and perceived stimuli as completely unfamiliar and therefore potentially dangerous. At the same time, avoidance reactions (manifestations of fear) are much stronger than the manifestations of indicative reactions (an innate desire to explore something new). In fact, the manifestation of indicative reactions turns out to be suppressed and the dog predominantly experiences one desire - to run back to the apartment, entrance, just run away, hide behind the owner, etc. Moreover, often the dog independently finds ways to reduce its emotional discomfort in this way, and very soon this behavior takes on a stereotypical character.
So, in order to teach a dog not to be afraid, it is necessary, through special training exercises, to form in it an alternative experience of alleviating emotional discomfort by active interaction with the trainer (owner) in specific frightening situations. At the same time, the dog has the internal ability to begin to get used to situations that previously frightened it, now as familiar and safe. Gradually, alternative experience accumulates and is generalized in the dog’s mind, and the behavior radically changes or, at least, significantly improves.
Methodological support for these trainings should be developed and provided to the dog’s owner by a canine zoopsychologist (canine psychologist), who is also an instructor-methodologist. Naturally, for this, a specialist must have relevant experience and reliable methodological developments in this area. At the same time, at the beginning of work on correcting the dog’s behavior, he must carry out necessary analysis the reasons for this behavior of the dog and analysis of the possibilities of correction, characterize the prospects for correction, and then organize the training process in interaction with the dog’s owner.

Dogs' fears of certain categories of stimuli.
B o z nCUTSz v u k o v.
The dog may be afraid of gunshots, firecrackers, the sound of hitting metal, etc.
The reasons for this behavior can be either congenital or acquired.
If such behavioral reactions are predominantly genetic in nature, then behavior correction will be ineffective even with the maximum effectiveness of the training process. However, if these fears arose as a result of the dog's predominantly negative experiences, then in many cases the behavior can be corrected or improved.

Fear is unknown to people or dogs.
Most often it is the result of a negative experience when specific strangers or dogs showed aggression towards the dog or accidentally scared the dog. In this case, the dog may identify as potentially dangerous those people or dogs that resemble its offender, especially if the offense occurred in early puppyhood.

In this case, the correction of dog behavior is carried out through special training with the help of a canine-animal psychologist (canine psychologist), aimed at creating an alternative positive experience of the dog’s perception of previously frightening situations associated with the presence of people or dogs.

Sometimes this behavior is genetic character. This may be due to the dog’s predisposition to extreme isolation from strangers (not members of its pack) combined with the predominance of passive defensive reactions. In fact, the dog perceives all strangers or dogs as very dangerous enemies and feels a desire to protect himself from them.

Fear of individual situations.
Dogs may be afraid, for example, only of doctors and medical procedures, vacuum cleaners, strollers with children, etc. In this case, the cause of fears, as a rule, is the negative emotional experience of the dog at an early age.

Such variants of manifestations of fears are corrected by the formation of an alternative positive experience when the dog is exposed to previously frightening stimuli.

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