Is it possible to get pregnant if you take the pill? Pregnancy after taking oral contraceptives: likelihood of occurrence and difficulties. Reasons for conception

Despite the fact that contraception has improved significantly since the first appearance, none of them provides a 100% guarantee of the absence of pregnancy. Therefore, it happens that a woman who is protecting herself with pills suddenly discovers her “interesting situation.” And wanting to keep the child, she is in deep thought about whether birth control during pregnancy will affect its development. After all, she, not knowing about her situation, continued to take them for some time.

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Why is pregnancy possible while taking birth control pills?

Oral contraceptives basically contain hormones that are similar in composition to those produced by the female body. The drugs affect the secretions produced by the cervix or the functioning of the ovaries. The former contain substances that make the secretion produced by the organ more viscous, preventing sperm from penetrating the female reproductive cell. The latter suppress ovulation, preventing the ovaries from working at full capacity.

This is what should happen ideally. But the human body is a thousand little things. And the effect of oral contraceptives on him does not always turn out as intended. Therefore, even manufacturers claim that the effectiveness level of tablets is no more than 99%. Pregnancy while taking birth control is possible:

  • If a woman suffers from a gastrointestinal disease. These ailments, when aggravated, are manifested by vomiting and diarrhea. In both cases, the taken pill may not have time to have its effect before it is already eliminated from the body;
  • When other medications are taken at the same time that neutralize the effect of contraceptives. These include antibiotics, antifungals, allergy and seizure compounds. Even seemingly harmless herbal infusions and teas can reduce the contraceptive capabilities of birth control pills. Many of the medicinal plants affect the body some time after the end of taking medications based on them;
  • If a woman simply forgot to take a pill or took it late. Most oral contraceptives are used strictly on time. It's not just about days, but also hours. If the interval between doses is more than half a day, a surprise in the form of pregnancy is quite likely. It is also important to monitor the cyclical intake. After completing one course of tablets, the next one is usually started after 7 days. If this condition is not met, the concentration of hormones necessary for protection decreases, and the likelihood of unplanned conception increases.

Many people believe that they are sufficiently protected from unwanted pregnancy after taking the first dose of the drug. In fact, the initial stage of using OCs requires other methods of contraception. The most effective and expensive remedy is not magical, because suppressing ovulation requires prolonged exposure to the ovaries. As a rule, in the first cycle of taking oral contraceptives, barrier ones are also needed.

It’s worth saying right away that contraceptives during pregnancy add estrogen to the body, which it itself produces. The same applies to contraceptive drugs based on gestagens. And since the mentioned hormones are natural for the female body, choosing contraception on your own is very risky. There is a possibility that you will not guess correctly with the dosage of these substances and, instead of avoiding unwanted conception, you will increase your own chances of getting pregnant.

Why is it not immediately clear that a woman is pregnant?

Most women who use OCs are confident in their effectiveness. In general, they are right; statistics confirm the reliability of this method of contraception by reducing the number of abortions in countries where they are actively used for contraception. Therefore, most do not allow the thought of the possibility of conception if they use OCs. In addition, almost all women go through a period of getting used to the contraceptive. The body often reacts to their intake with nausea, strange sensations in the stomach, and changes in mood. That is, symptoms of pregnancy while taking birth control pills can easily be mistaken for signs of adaptation to the drug. They can also be observed with long enough use of the tablets, that is, up to six months.

Do the signs of pregnancy change during OC?

The most significant symptom of pregnancy for non-specialists is the absence of menstruation. But with long-term use of birth control pills, it is observed throughout the entire course.

So the woman has to wait until it ends to make sure that the chosen means of contraception is effective or not. If there is no bleeding, she may also notice other signs of pregnancy while taking birth control, which look like this:

  • Increased breast sensitivity. When touched or suddenly moved, a woman may feel discomfort. The mammary glands enlarge slightly and seem to become heavier. The sensitivity of the peripapillary area increases. But the chest pain characteristic of pregnancy is usually absent;
  • Indigestion, nausea, vomiting. Such signs of pregnancy with contraceptives are smoothed out, but are replaced by periods when they increase significantly;
  • Changing taste preferences. Habitual food becomes unappetizing, its smell seems unpleasant. And vice versa, what you didn’t want to eat before becomes desirable. Strange cravings appear, such as the desire to taste chalk;
  • Weight gain. The already mentioned increase in appetite, together with the influence of artificial hormones, can lead to the pointer on the scale showing a couple of kilograms more than it was. Pregnancy during pregnancy also exhibits this kind of symptoms due to fluid retention in the body. And if the pills are based on estrogen, they can also cause the growth of adipose tissue;
  • Increased discharge from the genital tract. After conception, the body strives to protect the fetus from external influences. To do this, at the initial stage, the cervix secretes colorless mucus more actively. And the secretory capabilities of the vagina also increase. Pregnancy when taking ok demonstrates symptoms that ensure the safety of the embryo from the first days. But the discharge may be thicker than without the pills;
  • Fast fatiguability. A woman often feels sleepy, even if she has no shortage of it at night. She gets tired faster from little effort;
  • Strengthening the work of the sebaceous glands. Women who have had problems with their skin and hair find that they become oilier. Sometimes pimples appear on the face. This is caused by natural hormonal shifts and the work of synthetic substances contained in the drugs;
  • Bloody smear from the vagina, which ends in 1-2 days and is accompanied by minor pain. Pregnancy with birth control pills shows symptoms of this type a week after fertilization. This is a sign of implantation of the embryo into the uterine lining. Taking hormones is also often accompanied by spotting, so it is easy for a woman to be deceived;
  • A rise in basal temperature, usually up to 37.2 degrees. But unless you measure it daily, it is difficult to assess the value of this indicator. The individual characteristics of the body can make it a little larger or smaller. Basal temperature will provide information about the conception that has occurred if observed over time. After this, the indicator should increase.

Signs of pregnancy when taking birth control pills are usually less pronounced than without them. Therefore, to accurately understand the situation, it is worth going to the doctor to undergo an examination and take tests, the most informative of which will be hCG. Pregnancy when taking contraceptives often produces symptoms so smooth that they can “deceive” even a pharmacy test. Therefore, if you have suspicions, you should not rely only on your feelings.

Can contraceptives harm the fetus?

The first question a woman asks herself with fear is: do contraceptives affect pregnancy? After all, when prescribing oral contraceptives, the doctor said that when planning it, a period of 3 months is necessary after their discontinuation. And he explained that this is a condition for the birth of a healthy baby. Fearing for him, the woman scolds herself for being inattentive and taking birth control pills during pregnancy.

In order not to succumb to feelings of guilt, it is worth knowing that modern contraceptives contain minimal doses of hormones. They are enough to temporarily change the functioning of the ovaries, but they are safe for an embryo up to 6 weeks. How contraceptives work during pregnancy is known from ongoing research. They showed that there is no connection between infant pathologies and maternal use of oral contraceptives. Therefore, you should not rush to get rid of your unborn child if fear for his health due to taking pills is the only reason for this.

Contraception in early pregnancy can pose a risk to the fetus from the 6th week. This is the time of formation of hormone-sensitive organs and systems. But there are some nuances here too. Progesterone and estrogen are necessary for normal pregnancy. When there are problems with it, artificially synthesized substances are prescribed to bring the indicators to the desired level. If the body does not produce them on its own, birth control pills in the early stages of pregnancy may not harm you from the 6th week. This, of course, does not mean that you need to continue drinking them. But you shouldn’t be surprised when a gynecologist prescribes drugs with even more hormones than is contained in OCs.

Some people think that if you take birth control during pregnancy, you can cause it. This is likely due to gynecological problems and other negative circumstances. But in a healthy woman, fetal rejection is not easy to cause even with Postinor. Even if bleeding occurs, it is not a fact that a fertilized egg will be released with it. In any case, you will have to do it and then have a long recovery.

Contraception during pregnancy, of course, is no longer needed. But no matter what decision the woman makes about what happened, their use should be stopped immediately. Statistics show that the percentage of spontaneous abortion and fetal development disorders during pregnancy in such circumstances is no higher than without the influence of oral contraceptives. If a woman is going to keep the child, she needs to immediately be examined by a gynecologist and continue to bear the baby without unnecessary fears, regularly undergoing all the necessary tests.

When taking birth control pills, many women still ask specialists whether it is possible to get pregnant during this period? In fact, even despite the high reliability of oral contraceptives (OCs), such a possibility still exists. Find out how to avoid getting into situations that increase this likelihood from this article.

All basic information about taking birth control pills is described in the instructions for the drug. But let's admit to ourselves, how many of us read it before taking this or that medicine?

Rules for taking birth control pills

Oral contraceptives (OC) are a medical drug, so they must be taken strictly following the instructions. In most cases, the dosage regimen looks like this: you need to take one tablet per day (it is advisable to do this at approximately the same time). The start of taking the drug occurs on the first day of menstruation and continues for 21 days of the menstrual cycle. This is followed by a seven-day break.

The woman should menstruate every month during the break. It is worth noting that it is quite natural that the bleeding becomes less abundant.

How birth control pills work

A specially selected complex of hormones, which is included in the tablets, is capable of blocking ovulation - the egg cannot mature and does not leave the ovary. In addition, oral contraceptives can change the structure of the uterine mucosa, which leads to the fact that a fertilized egg simply cannot implant.

Birth control pills also contain substances that change the composition of mucus. It is produced by the cervix - the viscosity and excessive thickness of this mucus interferes with sperm activity. This set of actions is aimed at preventing pregnancy while using oral contraceptives.

What increases the chance of getting pregnant while taking birth control pills?

And yet, there are a number of actions and situations that can reduce the effectiveness of such contraceptive drugs. Let's look at them in more detail.

Wrong reception

The instructions for any oral contraceptive indicate that the pills must be taken daily for 21 days at one specific time. If there is a break of more than 12 hours, the effectiveness of birth control pills decreases, so the risk of fertilization increases.

It is important to note that in the first 14 days from the very start of taking OCs, there is a high probability of becoming pregnant. During this period, it is recommended to use additional protection against unwanted pregnancy. In subsequent cycles there is no longer a need to take such precautions.


Did you vomit within 3 hours after taking it? It can be assumed that the drug is not absorbed or is not completely absorbed. In this case, experts recommend taking an additional tablet immediately. The same actions must be carried out in case of repeated diarrhea. It is for these reasons that not every gynecologist will prescribe OCs to women who suffer from a “weak” stomach or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Taking medications

If you take certain medications and birth control pills at the same time, the effectiveness of the latter may decrease. Moreover, this also applies to some traditional medicines.

Most often, the effectiveness of OCs is reduced by antibiotics, and among folk remedies, St. John's wort. It is worth noting that the effect of this plant lasts for 2 weeks after the last dose. Therefore, if you are taking birth control pills, self-medication should be avoided. When consulting with your doctor, be sure to mention that you are taking oral contraceptives and name their brand.

Non-menstrual bleeding

If a woman experiences regular intermenstrual bleeding or light discharge, this may reduce the effectiveness of OCs. This reaction of the body is considered normal for the first three months from the start of taking the drug.

Alcohol and cigarettes

Many women are interested in whether it is normal to combine taking OCs with drinking alcohol or smoking. Experts say that there is no need to comply with the “prohibition” law, but it is also impossible to rush to the other extreme, drinking at least a bottle of beer every day.

Studies have shown that moderate amounts of alcohol do not harm contraception. However, it is important to avoid drinking alcohol and taking birth control pills at the same time. A minimum of 3 hours must pass between these actions. In this case, the average permissible dose of alcohol during the period of taking OK is 50 ml of vodka, 350 ml of beer or 200 ml of wine. Excessive consumption of strong drinks can also cause vomiting, which in turn will reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills.

If the test shows two lines

If pregnancy occurs while using oral contraceptives, is this dangerous for the unborn child? This question cannot but worry those who decide to continue the pregnancy. Experts say that taking such drugs in the first three to four weeks does not pose any threat to the fetus and is not an indication for abortion.

If menstrual bleeding does not occur during the seven-day break, it is not recommended to start packing for the next month until you are sure that there is no pregnancy. This can be checked with a regular pregnancy test or by taking a blood test.

In some cases, menstruation may actually not occur. even in the absence of pregnancy. Very scanty discharge may also be observed. This is a normal reaction of the female body to birth control pills. This usually happens when taking low-dose drugs - the endometrium of the uterus is simply not able to grow to the required thickness, when it can exfoliate, resulting in menstrual bleeding.

It is possible to get pregnant while using birth control pills, but in very rare cases. It is within your power to reduce this likelihood. If you follow the instructions for taking the drug, protection against unplanned pregnancy is guaranteed almost 100%.

To avoid unwanted conception, women use a variety of methods of contraception. One of the most reliable is the use of hormonal drugs with a contraceptive effect. They are easy and convenient to use, but pregnancy is still possible while taking birth control pills.

If a woman takes oral contraceptives (OC), she should know the principle of their action and the periods dangerous for conception. It is equally important to be able to recognize the signs of pregnancy in order to take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

Tablet contraceptives are divided into non-hormonal (spermicides) and hormonal. The first group acts locally - tablets are inserted into the vagina. These chemicals kill sperm and make the mucus in the cervical canal thick, which prevents fertilization. The effectiveness of these funds is about 70%.

Hormonal drugs are taken orally and are much more effective (reliable in 98% of cases). They are divided into two classes:

  • Contraceptives containing gestagen.
  • Combination drugs that, in addition to gestagen, contain estrogens.

The advantage of the second group is the suppression of ovarian function, making ovulation impossible. The general effects of oral contraceptives are thickening of the mucus of the cervical canal, an effect on the endometrial mucosa, preventing the attachment of the fertilized egg and the development of pregnancy.

Pregnancy with OK

Is pregnancy possible while taking birth control pills? Yes, this can happen, although the drugs are considered a reliable method of contraception and unwanted pregnancy occurs in only 1-3 women out of 100.

If for some reason there is an unexpected break in the schedule, when you resume taking it, you need to use condoms for a week to avoid conception. Indeed, due to a pause in therapy, the level of estrogen in the blood decreased.

It must be remembered that uncontrolled use of birth control pills contributes to the development of obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Therefore there is a risk. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and spotting are reasons for emergency medical consultation.

After taking birth control, even for a long time, there is no need to worry about infertility. Proper use of oral contraceptives is completely safe. Three months after their abolition, the functioning of the ovaries is restored and fertilization becomes possible.

Do pregnancy symptoms change when taking OCs?

While taking contraceptives, symptoms that indicate possible conception are sometimes observed:

  • discomfort, tenderness of the mammary glands;
  • changes in taste sensations and the emergence of new food preferences;
  • lack of appetite, nausea.


Why does pregnancy occur? The following predisposing factors exist:

  • The woman took the drug 10 hours late. This will increase the risk of fertilization due to fluctuations in hormone levels in the blood. In such a situation, only protected sex for a week is permissible.
  • Sudden refusal to use OCs, which leads to activation of ovarian function.
  • The use of OCs against the background of antimicrobial or antifungal therapy, antiepileptic drugs, herbal mixtures containing St. John's wort leads to the destruction of estrogens and a decrease in contraceptive function. The effects of some medications persist for several weeks after discontinuation, so it is better to play it safe and use suppositories or condoms along with the pills.
  • Using a drug that has been stored incorrectly or has expired.
  • A disease of the gastrointestinal tract that occurs with vomiting and frequent loose stools. This interferes with the absorption and absorption of hormonal drugs taken.
  • Independent choice of an oral contraceptive, not coordinated with a doctor.
  • Failure to comply with the instructions and rules of administration, which should be started from the first day of the cycle.

Delay during reception OK

A delay in menstruation is a sign of fertilization or a manifestation of side effects of medications.

If taken incorrectly

If your period has not come and there have been violations in the use of contraceptives, you should consult a gynecologist. When there is no pregnancy and the delay is caused by hormonal imbalance, you need to wait for your period and resume taking hormonal pills only after they have ended.

If the drug has not been used regularly, then another package should be started immediately after the end of 21 days. There is no need to wait for bleeding to appear.

Subject to the rules of admission

With regular use of the first package of the contraceptive drug, it is also possible to delay the appearance of bloody vaginal discharge. This is due to the suppression of ovulation.

The likelihood of conception with proper use of contraceptives is very low. But, if your period does not come during withdrawal, you should visit a gynecologist to rule out pregnancy.

The effect of contraceptives on fetal development

If during the first three weeks after fertilization, which the woman is not yet aware of, she continues to take medications, there is no need to worry about the effect of hormones on the fetus. Negative effects are possible only from the 6th week of pregnancy, when the formation of the child’s genital organs begins.

Planning a pregnancy is a laudable thing. This allows you to avoid nervous shock, unwanted pregnancy and “everything is lost” thoughts. It is precisely such tossing that leads to wrong conclusions and decisions that can change a woman’s whole life.

Oral contraceptives became a real miracle pill in the 20th century. They allowed women to manage their own reproductive health and decide for themselves when to have children. But when deciding to start taking medications, many women ask doctors whether it is possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills.

What, what are our tablets made of?

Currently, doctors prescribe a small list of drugs with contraceptive properties. These are tablets that contain ethinyl estradiol and drugs from the “mini-pill” series.

  • The first class of oral contraceptives blocks the formation and release of an egg from the ovarian body. Thus, making the woman temporarily infertile. After stopping the use of birth control pills, normal functioning of the body is restored.
  • The second class of drugs does not block ovulatory processes, but thickens the mucus in the cervical canal of the cervix. Because of this, nimble sperm cannot reach the desired goal.

Is pregnancy possible while taking oral contraceptives? Manufacturers in the instructions for the drug indicate the probability of conception in no more than 1–2% of cases.

So, yes, given the right circumstances, pregnancy is possible. But there are rules for taking contraceptives, and if you do not violate them, then the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy tends to zero.

Oral contraceptives. Taking it correctly

In order not to reduce the effectiveness of contraceptives, they should be used correctly. Don’t be lazy – read the instructions for the drug.

  • Try to take at the same time. This is indicated in the instructions for any drug. But you shouldn’t tear out the hair on your head if you always took it in the morning, forgot, and it’s already evening. Take your daily tablet as soon as you remember.
  • No need to increase the dose of the drug. The main thing is - today 1 tablet, tomorrow - the next one no later than 12 hours late. 2. In the first cycle, there is a chance of getting pregnant when taking pills from days 1 to 7. Protect yourself during this period with additional means. In subsequent months, additional protection is not needed.
  • Negative reaction of the body. If for some reason, after taking the daily dose, a woman becomes ill and vomits, then an additional dose of the drug may be taken.
  • Taking other medications. Some medications reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. This unpleasant effect has been observed with antibiotics, some sedatives, and St. John's wort decoction. Be sure to inform your doctor about the medications you take regularly.

What to do if menstruation does not come?

If, after all, the stars decided that you need a toddler, and you were taking contraceptives at that time, do not despair. At the initial stage of pregnancy, before the expected menstruation, the pills will not harm your baby.

If you should have your period according to plan, but you don’t, don’t rush to take pills from a new pack. You should buy a pregnancy test and test yourself.

Then the algorithm is the same in any case - two strips - we run to the gynecologist, one strip - we also run to the gynecologist.

In general, in order to get pregnant while taking oral contraceptives, you need to be able to!

Today there are many ways to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. But everyone knows that each method has its drawbacks. For example, there is a chance of getting pregnant, even using contraception.

Many girls wonder whether it is possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills?

One of the main misconceptions inspired by our media is that it is impossible to conceive a child if you take birth control pills. Of course, the pills themselves will not be to blame for this, but some factors that may have an impact. There are several situations in which this is quite possible.

  1. Incorrect selection OK. Of course, almost all tablets are the same, but there are so-called mini-pills. They have a greater effect on the church mucus, increasing its quantity and preventing sperm from reaching their destination.
  2. Taking the pills incorrectly. The most common reason why a woman can become pregnant while taking OCs is the wrong regimen. So, for example, you should not skip taking a pill (and if this happens, you must take it immediately and protect yourself with condoms for several days), increase the break between courses by more than 7 days, and skip the last pill of the course. In the last two cases, the ovaries begin to function in their usual mode.
  3. Diseases accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. In this case, all substances that entered the body less than three hours before vomiting or diarrhea are not absorbed. And therefore the effect of the tablets is noticeably reduced.
  4. Taking other medications. When taking birth control pills, it is worth remembering that many medications reduce their effectiveness (for example, antibiotics). Therefore, before taking this or that drug, it is necessary to consult with your doctor about the action of this medicine and its effect on OK.
  5. Taking some teas and herbs. Often, weight loss teas have a reducing effect on OK. Therefore, if you protect yourself in this way, then you should stop taking these teas.

  1. Jess. If a woman drank Jess and became pregnant, then it is worth knowing that for the first four weeks this drug does not have any effect on the developing fetus. Pregnancy can only occur if the correct intake has been violated.
  2. Lindineth. Taking Lindinet does not have any effect on the child during the first weeks. Therefore, if you become pregnant, then do not worry and go for an abortion.
  3. Regulon. This is a fairly strong contraceptive that can affect the fetus even at the very beginning. Genetic disorders in the child, as well as miscarriages, are possible.
  4. Yarina. In the first week of pregnancy, the medicine has no effect on the fetus. But from the second and third weeks, it has a toxic effect. But you don’t have to worry about this, since when you take OCs, you will find out about the onset of pregnancy already at 2-3 weeks.
  5. Janine. This OC contains very small doses of hormones. And therefore, if a miscarriage did not occur at such an early stage, then everything is fine with the baby. There will be no genetic disorders.

Of course, this is not the entire list of hormonal drugs that can prevent conception, but they include the most basic ones, in demand and popular among the female population, as well as among doctors.

What to do if pregnancy occurs?

For every twenty women who take OCs, there will definitely be one who becomes pregnant. As mentioned above, for the most part the problem is not in the tablets, their quality or dosage. The problem is the correct reception. And therefore, if it so happens that a woman becomes pregnant, then it is worth performing several, essentially standard actions.

Well, firstly, if you have finished taking the drug or the next course has begun, but your period still does not come (and after finishing taking OK, some delay is normal), then you should definitely do an express test to determine pregnancy or donate blood for the hCG hormone (human chorionic hormone, an increase in which indicates the presence of pregnancy).

If the test shows two lines (and the analysis shows an increase in the hormone), then you should decide for yourself whether you are keeping the child or going for a deliberate abortion. And, of course, stop immediately so as not to harm the child. Since OCs do not affect the fetus during the first four weeks.

After the decision has been made, you should definitely go to your gynecologist to discuss the situation and for an examination, during which he will tell you whether you have an uterine or ectopic pregnancy and will direct you to undergo standard tests.

Managing a pregnancy that occurs while taking birth control pills is no different from managing a pregnancy that occurs in a different situation. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that the risk of disturbances in fetal development while taking OCs is the same as in the normal case.

Got pregnant while taking birth control. Psychological problems

Those women who take birth control definitely do not want pregnancy to occur for various reasons (be it the period of breastfeeding, a simple reluctance to have children, or something else). After all, that is why they turn to one of the most reliable methods of protection.

But if such a fact happened, and the woman saw two lines on the test, then psychological problems may arise, since she is not ready for this.

Often, many who find out about pregnancy go for an abortion because they are not psychologically ready to become a mother. But if a woman still decides to keep the baby, then in the future she may encounter problems such as mistrust of any contraceptive methods (due to a bad experience), detachment from sex (this also happens), isolation and experiencing everything inside herself.

Of course, but it’s worth knowing about this, since under the influence of hormones a woman becomes much more vulnerable, and besides, when something happens that she least expects, it can have a very strong, and not always positive, effect on her.

If you become pregnant while taking birth control, there is no need to be afraid. The baby will be fine. And in the future, you need to remember that OCs need to be taken correctly, following all the recommendations in order to avoid the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy.

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