Is it possible to get pregnant with irregular periods? If the cycle is inconsistent, how to get pregnant if the menstrual cycle is interrupted and disrupted: when will pregnancy occur? thyroid disorders

The question of how to get pregnant with irregular cycle and is it even possible to get pregnant if a woman’s menstrual cycles are irregular, one of the most common and worrying.

Perhaps regularity menstrual cycle- this is the first thing a woman pays attention to when faced with the question of why pregnancy does not occur for a long time. And in this issue, as in many others related to women's reproductive function, there are many myths and misconceptions.

Let's figure out what an irregular cycle is and perhaps it will become more clear how to get pregnant with an irregular cycle (and perhaps it will disappear altogether, since it will become clear that the cycle is actually regular!).

What is an irregular menstrual cycle?

On most sites that offer you information today on how to get pregnant with an irregular cycle, it is written that cycles whose duration varies greatly are considered irregular. However, what is considered a “strong difference” is not written.

In the meantime, there is a very specific answer to this question, and not “someone out there,” but an obstetrician-gynecologist with extensive work experience (about 40 years!) and extensive experience effective assistance women who for a long time couldn't get pregnant. You can see this answer in the author’s article by Lyudmila Barakova on this page under the video answer - she writes that “Cycles are considered irregular if over the last 12 cycles their duration differed by more than 10 days” .

As you can see, reading information on the Internet (mostly articles on how to get pregnant with irregular cycles are written not by doctors, but by copywriters who also picked up false information from the Internet) you can make an incorrect diagnosis and begin to treat a non-existent “disease”, called by some irregular menstrual cycles.

Irregular menstrual cycle - how to identify it?

Each woman's body is unique! Those doctors who try to fit a woman into some mold act very rudely. For example, you can come across the opinion that if one cycle in a woman lasts 23 days, and the other lasts 31 days, then these are irregular cycles. But you and I already know that if the duration of the cycles differs by less than 10 days, such cycles are REGULAR. Decide for yourself what and who to trust...

But here's the rub - how can you actually measure a woman's menstrual cycle?

Did you know that not every period of time from one bleeding to another is a “menstrual cycle”, and more precisely, not every bleeding is a menstruation?

Let's understand further. After all the most important question How to get pregnant when a woman has an irregular cycle can turn into something completely different - a question about how to properly monitor your cycle and understand what its actual duration is!

How to get pregnant with an irregular cycle - measure the duration of the cycle!

To find out the actual length of your menstrual cycles, you will need to learn to distinguish menstruation from intermenstrual bleeding.

Don't be scared! It is absolutely normal when a woman experiences intermenstrual bleeding, and many women who ask the question of how to get pregnant with irregular cycles and enter it into the search bar do not even realize that part of their monthly bleeding is not menstruation, although it appears to be completely normal period.

To find out whether you are menstruating or having intermenstrual bleeding, you need to make sure that ovulation occurred approximately 14 days before (+/-). Only in this case can we say for sure that it is menstruation. How to find out? Learn to track SIGNS OF OVULATION and signs of fertility - it's very simple and doesn't take much time. An obstetrician-gynecologist talks about this in detail at a FREE WEBINAR - come, you won’t regret it!

And then, when you learn to distinguish menstruation from bleeding, you will be able to reliably count the duration of your menstrual cycles and determine whether they are really irregular (as you thought) or whether they are absolutely normal and pregnancy does not occur for some other reason.

How to get pregnant with an irregular cycle? From question to solution

We recommend that you do not waste time, do not search the Internet for information, but actually engage in a SOLUTION - studying your unique organism. Solving the question of how to get pregnant with an irregular cycle for YOU can be very simple if you recognize your characteristics and take them into account when entering into intimacy with your husband.

All women, some earlier and some later, begin to dream of a child. And it’s wonderful if your health is such that these dreams come true right away. And if not? For example, is it possible to get pregnant if you have irregular periods? The answer is clear: yes!

The body reacts sensitively to external stimuli. In this regard, the cycle is disrupted and the time of ovulation is difficult to calculate, since it occurs in different ways, moving in different directions. This is especially true for young people nulliparous girls. Although adult ladies also experience failures under the influence of stress or illness.

So, irregular periods - how to get pregnant with them?
Maximize the possibility of fertilization of an egg by a sperm. The egg is viable for 1 day, the sperm for about 3 days. Those. within about 4 days there is the greatest chance of becoming pregnant. Those. the question of how to get pregnant with irregular periods comes down to determining the moment of ovulation and concentrating efforts on these 4 most fruitful days.

  1. Keep a calendar! Sometimes shifts that seem chaotic turn out to be cyclical, i.e. the first month is a forward shift, the second month is a backward shift. Calculate at least approximately average duration cycle.
  2. Keep an eye on the discharge, closer to the release of the egg it becomes more abundant and thicker, at the time of ovulation it can become slightly whitish, like egg white and streaked with blood (but this is not necessary). The sensations are also important: pain in the lower abdomen or in the ovary area approximately in the middle of the cycle can indicate the moment of follicle rupture. Mark the moment on your calendar.
  3. Measure your basal temperature. Mark it on your calendar.
  4. Buy an ovulation test, many of them also work for irregular cycles.
  5. Connect observations from 1-4 points.

Did you manage to find day “X”? Take action! Having sex every day for 4 days works wonders.

It didn’t work on the first try, repeat, adding a day on each side. And stop tormenting yourself with the question: is it possible to get pregnant with irregular periods. You don't need any extra stress.

Way to long-awaited pregnancy can become long and full of challenges.

There are enough reasons why conception of a baby does not occur.

Most often doctors have to decide such a common problem like an irregular menstrual cycle in a woman.

What is an irregular menstrual cycle?

First of all, this is a signal from the body for a woman that it is necessary to see a doctor, since there has been a failure in the functioning of the reproductive system. WITH medical point vision, an irregular cycle is the first symptom of possible infertility in the future.

It is customary to judge how regular a cycle is by the number of days in the cycle. The duration of the cycle without pathologies is from 21 to 35 days. If values ​​are observed that go beyond the specified range, this is an irregular menstrual cycle.

In addition, it is necessary to visit a doctor if the cycle numbers are within the acceptable range, but are too different for example, one month is 23 days, and the second is 31.

In medicine there are causes, which can affect the natural course of the cycle:

  1. Any illness, even a runny nose.
  2. Stressful situation.
  3. Abrupt climate change.
  4. Lactation.
  5. Pregnancy.

Often the cause of failure in cycles is excessive loads. This is a common occurrence for athletes. However, if a woman is not an athlete, but training is the cause of the failure, it is important to immediately consult a doctor.

Another cause of irregularities in the menstrual cycle is abrupt change weight in any direction. However, to normalize the cycle, the doctor may advise either reducing weight, or vice versa - adding a little.

Symptoms indicating cycle irregularity

  1. Heavy bleeding.
  2. Scanty bleeding.
  3. Severe pain.
  4. Sudden change of mood.

Any of the symptoms described is a reason not to delay for long. visit to the doctor.

The influence of disruptions in the menstrual cycle on conception

It must be remembered that any pathology in the menstrual cycle indicates that ovulation occurs irregularly or is completely absent. As a result, the female egg simply does not mature, making pregnancy impossible.

Besides not excluded gynecological diseases and even infertility. Treatment will be prescribed only on the basis of tests and studies indicating the real reason failure.

Considering that cycle failures are often caused by changes hormonal levels body, for planning future pregnancy with an irregular cycle, it is important to normalize the situation with special drugs which will be prescribed by your doctor.

Irregular menstrual cycle and pregnancy

1. Determination of ovulation.

The most favorable moment for conception is ovulation, in order to get pregnant with an irregular cycle it is necessary to determine the day of ovulation. Unfortunately, catching her at fickle cycle, is quite difficult, but can there really be insurmountable obstacles on the path to motherhood?

Here are some fairly accurate ways to “catch” the cherished day:

  • Measurement basal temperature. To do this, you need to measure the temperature in the rectum every morning.
    Extremely important don't get out of bed After sleep.
    Enter all data carefully and accurately into a notebook and then build a graph based on it.
    Temperature jump within one degree will indicate past ovulation.
    This way, you can use the data obtained next month.
  • Ultrasound monitoring. This method, perhaps, can be considered as the most accurate.
    The first examination is carried out on the seventh day of the cycle, the second examination is carried out on the tenth day. Next, the doctor must inform you about the need for examination.
    As soon as the follicle size will reach 18 mm, Ovulation should be expected any day now.
    After the planned date of ovulation, it is also necessary to undergo an ultrasound, which will determine whether follicle rupture.

2. Time-tested and most effective way is sex.

A desired and planned pregnancy gives a man and a woman the opportunity to thoroughly enjoy each other and get to know each other.

The more often it will intimacy, the calmer and more relaxed a woman is at this moment, the more chances to conceive a baby even with an irregular menstrual cycle. Provide good mood A man can create a relaxed state for a woman by creating a romantic atmosphere.

3. Visit to the doctor.

In this situation, if there is a disruption in the menstrual cycle, consultation with a gynecologist and endocrinologist will help.

A woman may be prescribed such examinations:

  • hormone tests;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis and abdominal cavity;
  • MRI (prescribed quite rarely);
  • hysteroscopy – examination of the uterine cavity using a hysteroscope.

4. Correction of a woman’s psychological state.

Change of work rhythm, walks fresh air, rest. In addition, it is important balance your diet. Pregnancy often occurs during travel and a change of environment.

In any situation, even at first glance hopeless, you cannot despair and give up. The main thing is to believe and your efforts will definitely be rewarded.

An irregular menstrual cycle is a violation of the periodicity or duration of the cycle. Standard Methods often do not help to choose the day of conception for pregnancy in case of disruptions in menstruation. The solution to the problem is to plan fertilization over a long period of time. This method helps in 90% of cases.

The remaining 10% indicate the presence of pathology, which is typical for women who cannot get pregnant after a year of active sexual activity and independently calculating the day of ovulation. In this case, the woman needs to undergo examination, identify the cause of infertility and cure it.

Almost every woman experiences menstrual irregularities at least once in her life. The irregularity may disappear, but sometimes it does not go away at all. The causes of failures may be the following factors:

  • disruption of daily routine;
  • depression;
  • climate change;
  • breakdown;
  • overwork;
  • psychical deviations;
  • obesity;
  • improper diet;
  • stress.

In such cases, the doctor prescribes special pharmacological agents: magnesium (for stress), hormonal drugs or vitamins. The action of the drugs is intended to eliminate the root of the problem and normalize monthly cycle. Treatment becomes ineffective when the cause of menstrual irregularities is far from ordinary mental problems.

Pathological causes of menstrual irregularities:

  • improper functioning of the organs of the female reproductive system: ovaries, uterus;
  • lack of stabilization of hormone levels;
  • taking psychotropic drugs medicines, used primarily for the treatment of depression;
  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • antiulcer drugs and drugs for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux.


If your periods are irregular, is it possible to get pregnant in the early stages of planning for future fertilization? Experts identify 20% of women who managed to become mothers. At unsuccessful attempts The doctor advises you to keep trying. You can get pregnant with an irregular cycle in such a situation after 12 weeks with a 50% chance.

At psychological reasons menstruation disorders, pregnancy can occur only 6 months after the start of planning. If you have irregular periods and are unable to get pregnant after a year has passed, you need to go to a clinic for full examination and identifying the problem.

According to statistics, pregnancy occurs within 5 months. Other cases are purely individual and require doctor's supervision.

The difficulty in obtaining the desired result lies in precise definition the day the egg is released from the ovary. Therefore, to answer the question: “How long after menstruation can you get pregnant with an irregular cycle?” - definitely not possible. Menstruation disorder - constantly adjusts its scope and with a direct impact on the root of the problem (for example, worsening mental state) can be completely changed.


If the cycle is irregular, then in order to get pregnant you should contact a specialist who will tell you in detail how best to carry out the planning procedure and provide complete instructions after studying the hormonal levels and the patient’s medical history.

For getting positive result you need to be registered with a gynecologist throughout the entire course, that is, until pregnancy occurs. To find out when the egg is released from the ovary, it is prescribed ultrasound diagnostics. It is used to determine the size of the follicles and the date of ovulation.

To make calculations yourself, you can use the measurement of basal body temperature (BT) - this is a test functional diagnostics, which allows you to assess the state of hormonal homeostasis in a woman’s body and indirectly allows you to determine the fertile phase.

To measure BT, you need a thermometer that shows the value accurate to tenths (mercury, electronic). Normal body temperature is 36.6; when the egg leaves the follicle, it exceeds this figure and should be about 37. Measurements are taken in the morning immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed.

Also, if you have irregular periods, you can get pregnant by eliminating stressful situations and providing a favorable environment. This helps in normalizing the cycle, determining the day of successful conception and avoiding obtaining incorrect basal temperature readings.

The most important thing is to be patient and follow simple tips. Sometimes it takes time to get the long-awaited two stripes on an express test.

  • Comprehensive examination of the whole body. It includes a visit to a gynecologist, who will examine your medical history, refer you for blood tests (general and biochemical), as well as urine and hormone tests. In addition, it is worth undergoing ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvis. Sometimes, to normalize menstruation, a slight adjustment with pharmacological drugs is necessary.
  • Determining the right moment for fertilization, that is, calculating the day of ovulation.
  • Taking soothing herbal infusions if you are not allergic. Ordinary green tea or chamomile decoction may be suitable.
  • Normalization of nutrition and sleep. The diet should contain vegetables, proteins, and the woman should consume junk food to a minimum.
  • Treatment of anorexia or fight against overweight(depending on your problem, if any).
  • Refusal to take medications that negatively affect a woman’s reproductive system and are not prescribed by a doctor. It is not recommended to independently stop medications prescribed by a specialist. In this case, consultation is needed.
  • Regular sexual intercourse helps in normalizing menstruation and increasing the chances of getting the long-awaited motherhood.
  • Limiting situations that may lead to stress or depression.

If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, she should not self-medicate. In this case, you need to consult a doctor, and then you can think about planning a child. It must be remembered that cycle disturbances can occur according to the most various reasons, from inflammation to oncology. Which is not only fraught with infertility, but is also completely dangerous for the patient’s life.

How to get pregnant the first time with an irregular cycle, and is this even possible in principle? It is well known that the frequency of menstruation directly affects the possibility of successful conception. In women whose cycle is regular, it is possible to calculate ovulation without any problems - the days when fertilization of the egg by sperm is most likely. Of course, otherwise the optimal period for conception can only be determined after much planning.

To begin with, let us present some statistical data that very clearly reflect modern reality. They show that with proper pregnancy planning successful conception is achieved quite easily. According to them, at least 90% healthy women with an incomplete cycle, sooner or later they become mothers.

Chances of getting pregnant with an irregular cycle

A woman’s age plays a huge role in conception if menstruation is irregular. A young body (up to 25 years of age) has on average double the chances than a 40-year-old body. On average, the results when planning a pregnancy are as follows:

  • first planning cycle (1 month) – no more than 20%;
  • third planning cycle (3 months) – about 50%;
  • sixth planning cycle (six months) – about 75%;
  • twelfth planning cycle (year) – up to 90%.

Thus, getting pregnant with an irregular cycle is not only possible, but also no more difficult than with regular periods. It may be difficult to do this the first time, but on average it takes no more than 4 months to plan a pregnancy. The only thing is that you need to accurately learn how to calculate ovulation.

Learning to calculate ovulation with an irregular cycle

Most effective method To calculate the most favorable time for conception is to seek help from a specialist. Ovulation begins when the follicle - initial stage the nascent egg descends into the uterus. Just before they emerge, the follicles reach a diameter of up to 2 centimeters, so identifying them during an ultrasound examination is quite simple.

But you can also do ovulation calculations yourself. To do this, you just need to stock up on a special thermometer for measuring basal temperature (scale to tenths of a degree). During menstruation, the temperature in the body of women with regular or irregular cycles changes equally. At the beginning it decreases to approximately 36.4 ºС, then to approximately 35.9 ºС, after which it sharply exceeds normal temperature human body. The mark on the thermometer is just over 37 ºС and indicates that the egg has descended into the uterus - ovulation has begun.

When planning a pregnancy with an irregular cycle, we must not forget about such important components as emotional stability. Stress, neuroses - all this interferes with the establishment of the required temperature in the body and harms the process of egg formation.

And although the likelihood of getting pregnant the first time with an irregular cycle is in most cases extremely small, it is still present. Perhaps in your case, successful conception will occur as quickly as you want.

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