On inci aqueous extract of medicinal leech. Hirudotherapy: applying leeches at home, what it treats, pros and cons. Home hirudotherapy: is it possible to apply leeches yourself?

In addition, it is incredibly difficult to detect the prey, catch up with it and gain a foothold on it. Out of 200 attempts by a medicinal leech to attack its possible owner, only one is successful. Without relying on a successful hunt every day, bloodsucking worms have developed a number of physiological adaptations in the process of evolution. Some of these devices have a purely anatomical significance, that is, they are associated with the structure and functioning of the jaws, suckers, internal organs, etc.

A typical example of such an evolutionary dead end are dinosaurs, representatives of the Mesozoic, who bore countless spines, plates, horns, etc. All these reptiles became extinct 65 million years ago. In a similar way, many giant invertebrates once disappeared from the face of the planet. Girudinei refused to build up mass, teeth, suction cups and all sorts of “tools”.

Like most small non-skeletal creatures, leeches have acquired individual means from the class of chemical “weapons”. Chemicals are compact, easy to store and easy to produce when needed. And most importantly, chemical “weapons” are always created on the basis of the biochemistry of one’s own cells, i.e. it is an integral part of the body.

Physiological adaptations of leeches associated with chemistry are based on the use of a complex mixture of enzyme proteins that affect the blood of mammals. Enzymes are produced by the salivary glands and, as is known, enter the victim’s bloodstream at the time of the bite. But they should not work in the host's body. A significant portion of the salivary secretion enters the worm's digestive tract, where enzymes process blood reserves.

Let's consider these enzymes in the order of their connection to the process of food consumption by a medicinal leech. Proteins begin to work first, promoting the rupture of capillaries in the bite area and accelerating blood flow in this area. This helps the worm quickly swallow large portions of blood and dilute its dense clots.

Eating thick blood that contains blood clots is extremely inconvenient. To do this, you need to have a powerful intestine, and the leech saves the reserves of its digestive tract, otherwise it will not be able to accumulate enough blood. In addition, it is very difficult to quickly swallow thick blood. That's why the leech needed such substances.

Then enzymes come into play, inhibiting blood absorption and dissolving existing blood clots in it. These components of salivary secretion contribute to the normal digestion of blood in the intestines of the worm. Finally, the last to be included are preservative substances. blood reserves. These substances keep the blood fresh, resist drying out and suppress the activity of microbes that have entered the leech’s intestines.

The salivary gland secretion extract as a whole has been fully analyzed to date. All the most important functional proteins are isolated from this mixture of useful substances. These include hirudin, destabilase, orgelase, antistasin, decorsin, viburnum, eglin and some other compounds of the same order. Let's get acquainted with some of the enzymes listed.

Not all substances in the extract should be considered equal. The primary components of the mixture are hirudin, destabilase and orgelase. Antistasin, decorzin, viburnum and other components can be considered secondary.

The main task of these substances is to disinfect blood and saliva, improve certain properties of blood, and affect blood flow and vessel walls. Therefore, the complex of minor components has a wide range of effects on the human body.

Groups of enzymes are usually classified according to the nature of their physiological effects into: 1) affecting the immune system and pathogenic microflora, and therefore helping the leech to disinfect its food and withstand the onslaught of microbes; 2) influencing the walls of blood vessels, and therefore contributing to their successful gnawing; 3) influencing the movement of blood and lymph, since in this way the leech is able to consume more blood without much effort.

Now let's get acquainted with two very important enzymes - hirudin and destabilase. Hirudin, the spatial model of which scientists have already been able to construct on a computer based on the results of chemical tests and physical methods of X-ray structural and X-ray spectral analysis, is a substance of a protein nature. From a chemical point of view, it is a polypeptide, i.e. a chain of amino acid residues, with a molecular weight of 16,000. The most important amino acids in the composition of this substance are glutamine, asparagine, lysine, cystine, glycine, serine and some others.

If we compare hirudin with other proteins in our body, it turns out that the enzyme molecules are far from the largest. Hemoglobin exceeds the leech enzyme in mass by 4 times. But hirudin molecules cannot be called small: they are approximately equal to the mass of other enzymes (12-17 thousand) and even exceed individual proteins. For example, the secretion of the pancreas, insulin, is 2.8 times lighter than hirudin in molecular weight.

With the weak assistance of some other components of the leech extract, hirudin inhibits, i.e. suppresses, the activity of thrombin, thus blocking the transformation of blood plasma proteins. The little secret of the enzyme is that this substance binds thrombin. As a result, a compound is formed that weakly decomposes into ions in water. Thrombin in its bound form does not exhibit proteolytic properties, so fibrinogen does not convert into fibrin.

Due to its targeted action, the main enzyme of the medicinal leech has the opportunity to significantly influence blood clotting at all stages of the coagulation process, where thrombin acts as the leading coagulant. This means that the further growth of a blood clot, which is at almost any stage of its formation, can be completely stopped by hirudin. Along the way, the leech enzyme blocks a number of other reactions, including inhibiting the formation of thrombin and thrombokinase itself, and slowing down the process of platelet aggregation. When hirudin was applied topically, an anti-inflammatory effect of the drug was noted.

Laboratory experiments have shown that hirudin acts as a rapid-acting anticoagulant when introduced into the body and when released into test tube samples. Like any enzyme, hirudin is not converted into new substances in the body, and therefore is excreted unchanged by the kidneys.

Biochemical experiments with hirudin are carried out using a purified preparation from the extract of leech saliva with the same name - Hirudinum. This substance is a natural, pure active protein, which is a water-soluble powder. The same drug is used for medical purposes as a medicinal and prophylactic agent.

The pharmacological properties of this drug are unique. Hirudin cannot be used as an oral agent because it is easily decomposed by the digestive juices of the stomach and intestines, which contain powerful proteolytic enzymes. Due to the accelerated physiological action of hirudin administered intravenously, its anticoagulating effect appears almost instantly. The duration of the effect is estimated at 15-45 minutes depending on the dose. The rate of transition of a substance into tissue is determined by the decrease in its concentration in the blood. This process takes a little time.

The maximum effect with another method of administration does not occur immediately, but after some time, however, the duration of the drug’s effect in this case is incomparably longer. The effect of subcutaneous administration of hirudin appears to have the longest lasting effect. The effect of the substance on the biochemical processes of tissues reaches a maximum two hours after administration of the drug and lasts up to 8-10 hours, gradually decreasing in intensity. When administered intramuscularly, hirudin becomes extremely active after an hour, the anticoagulating effect lasts 4-5 hours.

It was stated above that some other proteins were found in the saliva of the worm, which also prevent blood from clotting. However, they are few in number and not active enough, and therefore are, apparently, simply auxiliary, while the main work is performed by hirudin. The biological significance of these anticoagulants is currently not yet fully understood; their chemical and pharmacological properties are also being studied.

Experts in molecular biology and bioorganic chemistry say that preventing the growth of a blood clot is relatively easy. It is much more difficult to cause its liquefaction, especially if this clot is old. Human blood enzymes are not always able to dissolve already formed protein lumps.

Plasminogen is often used as a substitute for proteolytic drugs. This substance is also found in human blood plasma, since it precedes plasmin and a number of biochemical transformations of thrombolytic enzymes. In other words, plasminogen is the precursor of plasmin, which, by the way, is indicated in the name of this compound (Greek “genesis” - origin, generation). The introduction of plasminogen into the human body promotes more intense production of plasmin in the blood.

Medical leech acts more delicately. It does not use proteolytic enzymes and even contains their inhibitors in its saliva: that is, the worm not only destroys blood clots without the use of proteolytics, but also suppresses these substances. This strategy of feeding behavior of the species, which seems strange at first glance, is actually justified. The leech does not benefit from mixing anticoagulants and fibrin solvents.

Instead of the latter, the worm's saliva contains a substance with a softer and more subtle effect. This substance is called destabilase. The enzyme cannot be classified as a destroyer; in the full sense of the word, it is a factor that destabilizes fibrin. Polymer fibrin, which forms strong fibers from the framework of an already formed thrombus, is usually called stabilized. Conventional protein degraders, such as proteolytics, achieve depolymerization and degradation of the protein molecule by cleaving the peptide bonds between its units.

Destabilase carefully affects completely different, covalent bonds of fibrin. They received the designation isopeptide, which means they exist on a par (equal) with peptide ones. Isopeptide bonds hold the side chains of glutamine and lysine together.

It was previously mentioned that this chemical combination was created thanks to the work of the plasma enzyme transglutaminase. Transglutaminase and destabilase can rightfully be considered antipodes. Instead of crushing a cemented protein, destabilase deprives it of stability, as if cutting certain parts of the molecule.

As a result, the peptide chain breaks down and the protein dissolves in the blood plasma. At the same time, the presence of the enzyme in the blood does not affect unstabilized fibrin, as well as fibrinogen. The coagulation system does not suffer, its work remains smooth. As soon as the leech's saliva stops working, the body is again ready to heal its wounds. The gentle action of the enzyme does not injure blood vessels and promotes their speedy healing, without the growth of dangerous blood clots.

Another undeniable advantage of destabilase is rightly considered to be the low speed with which it acts on fibrin. Due to their slow action, blood clots are completely resolved only when the tissues they protect have had time to regenerate and have fully restored their functions. Hence, leech appears to be more beneficial than traditional medicines.

Treatment with conventional chemical thrombolytics does not give the best results and causes a lot of problems for both doctors and patients. First, traditional proteolytics destroy fibrin and leave blood vessels unprotected for some time. Secondly, in 30% of cases of such treatment, blood clots begin to form a second time, as the body tries with all its might to heal the damaged vessel walls.

Scientists are also aware of other advantages of destabilase that are not related to the decomposition of fibrin. One of them is the ability of the enzyme to suppress the aggregation of blood platelets. This was proven by domestic biochemists in experiments with purified destabilase preparations conducted on laboratory animals in the first half of the 1990s. Recently, scientists are getting closer to unraveling the mechanism of this phenomenon.

Another valuable property of the enzyme is its ability to cleave exclusively isopeptide bonds, and in any proteins. This is a very rare ability; before, doctors and biologists did not have such a tool at their disposal. According to a number of doctors, destabilase can be successfully used in the treatment of cataracts. Long before the discovery of the amazing enzyme, the positive effect of hirudotherapy on the human visual organs was noticed. When treating some eye diseases with leeches, it was possible to significantly slow down the development of cataracts.

Today, scientists explain this phenomenon based on the biochemical mechanism of the disease. It is expressed in clouding of the lens of the eye. The clouding, in turn, is caused by a restructuring of the molecules of the protein beta-crystallin, which makes up the body of the lens. These rearrangements consist in the association of beta-crystallin molecules with the appearance of isopeptide bonds between the latter. Destabilase, without destroying the lens protein itself, destroys its isopeptide bonds, breaks the linked molecules and restores their previous structure.

Based on materials from the book by D.G. Zharov “Secrets of Hirudotherapy”

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Medical leech extract

Leech extract will be of interest to manufacturers of cosmetics and medicines.

The extract is used to prepare medicinal ointments, creams, balms, extracts, shampoos, and gels. Actively uses the unique properties of leech extract and traditional medicine, in particular in the treatment of Peyronie's disease, as well as many other ailments.

Shock frozen leech briquettes. Raw materials for extract production

Medical leech extract is a lyophilized medicinal leech dried in a laboratory, ground to a powder, with a residual moisture content of no more than 2%, in which all the active substances, of which more than two hundred are contained in the medicinal leech, are most carefully preserved. Absolutely natural, highly effective medicinal raw materials.

Extract from medicinal leech actively affects protein metabolism, increases DNA and protein synthesis in human skin cells, and stimulates proliferative processes. It also affects fat metabolism, increasing total skin lipids and increasing its resistance. A special role in the metabolic mechanisms belongs to a natural liposome isolated from a leech. However, the main thing is a significant quantitative and qualitative improvement in blood circulation in the skin. By improving blood circulation and recanalization of capillaries, blood enriched with oxygen enters those areas where it did not reach due to aging of the vessels. Meanwhile, leech extract increases not only the inflow and outflow of blood, but also helps improve lymphatic drainage.

Leech extract affects the skin of the capillary walls, has a bactericidal effect, has an anticoagulant effect on the blood, facilitates the penetration of other substances into the body and stimulates protein metabolism.

All products undergo double quality control and have all the necessary documents and certificates.

Medical leech extract cannot be cheap. The cost of raw materials and lyophilization process is high! Only when using this type of drying, all active enzymes are preserved in the leech.

It contains active substances (medicinal plant extracts, vegetable, palm and oil oils, vitamins A, E, D, preservatives, withanol), which not only significantly accelerate the delivery of nutritional components to the site of inflammation, but also reduce blood clotting and strengthen the walls of capillaries.

Trade name of the drug: LEECH EXTRACT

Dosage form: cream for external use

Cream LEECH EXTRACT composition

water, liposomal emulsion complex No. 3 (stearic acid, Neomax emulsion wax, glycerin, vegetable oil, anhydrous lanolin, propylene glycol, microcar IT, nimesulide, sodium hydroxide, Grindoks antioxidant), leech (medical leech extract), hazelnut oil, tea tree essential oil, sea buckthorn oil, cottonseed oil, badiaga, horse chestnut extract, rose hip extract, chamomile extract, horsetail extract, green tea extract, birch extract, wild rosemary extract, Sophora japonica extract, aloe extract, ginkgo biloba extract, arnica extract, vitamins A and E, collagen hydrolyzate, D-panthenol, withanol, microcar DMR, perfume composition.

Photo of the packaging of leech extract cream 75 ml, where the composition is indicated

Foot cream SOFIA. VENOTONIZING LEECH EXTRACT is a natural effective means of preventing venous insufficiency and varicose veins of the legs. It has angioprotective, decongestant, anti-inflammatory and mild anticoagulant effects.

Reduces the extensibility of the permeability of the venous walls, increases their tone; prevents blood stagnation in the veins, helps prevent thrombosis, improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage; reduces capillary fragility and the risk of trophic skin changes.

Medical leech is rightfully considered one of the best remedies for the treatment of varicose veins. Its salivary glands contain about 100 biologically active substances that have an intense therapeutic effect on blood vessels, improve blood composition, and have an analgesic and healing effect.

When applied externally, medicinal leech extract accelerates the healing of trophic ulcers and improves skin condition.

Medical leech extract (leech) is a unique natural remedy for the treatment of varicose veins of the legs. Medical leech enzymes reduce blood clotting (they are anticoagulants of direct rapid action), strengthen and restore the inner surface of the affected veins, reduce painful manifestations, eliminate vascular and muscle spasms, promote the formation of new capillaries, resulting in improved blood microcirculation and unloading of the venous system.

Extracts of medicinal plants and natural oils provide a capillary-strengthening and venotonic effect, neutralize the effect of free radicals that destroy the vascular wall, and increase the level of antioxidant protection.

The liposomal-emulsion complex ensures rapid and deep penetration of the active substances, without reducing their effectiveness, through the skin deep into the tissues.

LEECH EXTRACT indications for use

  • at the first signs of venous insufficiency - a feeling of heaviness in the legs, evening swelling of the lower leg, night cramps in the calf muscles, the appearance of spider veins;
  • varicose veins (in complex therapy);
  • thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins (in complex therapy);
  • subcutaneous hematomas;
  • for the purpose of prevention in the presence of risk factors.

LEECH EXTRACT contraindications

individual intolerance to components. It should not be applied to open wounds, mucous membranes, in the presence of purulent processes, or deep venous thrombosis. If allergic reactions occur, stop use and consult a doctor.

LEECH EXTRACT cream: cheaper analogues

LEECH EXTRACT cream: dosage and method of use

The cream is evenly distributed along the vein from bottom to top for 2-3 minutes 2-3 times a day. Course 3-5 weeks.

LEECH EXTRACT side effects

Individual intolerance to components.

Tube 75 ml, 125 ml.

Photo of a tube of leech extract cream 75 ml

The date of manufacture is indicated on the seam of the tube. The declared effect is confirmed by clinical trials and voluntary certification. Not a medicine.

Photo of the packaging of leech extract cream 75 ml, where the price is indicated

KorolevFarm LLC, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Korolev, st. Pionerskaya 4

LLC NPO ForaPharm, Russian Federation, Moscow, Kulakov Lane, 9, building 1

Tel. for consumers:

Complies with TR TS 009/2011

Cream LEECH EXTRACT 75 ml summary (instructions for use) of the drug in photographs

Photo instructions for use of leech extract cream 75 ml, part 1

Photo instructions for using leech extract cream 75 ml, part 2

Leech Extract Cream: reviews of the drug

I purchased this cream at the pharmacy in early autumn. I always endure this period very poorly. The legs swell, and the general health worsens. I immediately read the instructions for its use, I was especially interested in the contraindications section (I just got badly burned once), but I didn’t notice anything and decided to try it. When I first rubbed it in, I felt a slight chill on my skin, but after literally minutes I physically felt how my legs began to rest. Now, at the slightest discomfort in my legs, this cream is the only way I can save myself.

I have been suffering from varicose veins for many years now. The last drug that was prescribed to me was this cream. At first, its name was reassuring, as I read somewhere about the beneficial effects of leeches. Of course, I didn’t immediately count on any positive results, but after 3 weeks my legs continued to hurt (even in my sleep). In general, I still didn’t get any results.

Already in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, I noticed with horror how first the veins on my legs appeared strongly, and then the capillaries began to burst. My legs were absolutely terrible. A friend advised me to buy this product and said that it helped her a lot. The pharmacist sold me a large package, and in the evening I decided to try it for myself. I noticed that after just a few rubs, the veins began to gradually lighten, and I didn’t experience any side effects, although I was very worried about it. I recommend!

I don’t understand why, but vascular stars began to appear on my legs. Interestingly, no consistency or uniformity was observed at all. Then it became painful to walk in heels. I decided to consult a doctor to see what it could be. He prescribed this cream for me and said that everything would go away within 2-3 weeks. I bought it at the pharmacy and was still surprised at the price. But after the first week the stars began to appear even more. I stopped taking this drug in horror. Now I'm taking pills, they seem to help.

Due to the fact that we have our own dress code at work, sometimes I can hardly feel my legs from wearing high heels. There was an urgent need to escape. I saw this cream on the Internet and decided to buy it. You know, it relieves fatigue incomparably, but the fact that it is very liquid is somewhat repulsive.

At first my legs were just buzzing, but when they started to swell a little, I started ringing all the bells. It’s good that a friend let me try this product. After just a couple of days, I no longer have any problems with my legs. The only thing I had to struggle with was the cream. He's very fat!

The effect is not bad, but, to be honest, I was hoping for more. Yes, it relieves fatigue and even moisturizes the skin a little, but to remove the vein veins, they only become a little less noticeable.

3 comments to the article

The cream is prescribed for chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins, varicose veins, etc. I like the composition because of its numerous natural ingredients. It should be applied to the veins along the entire length of the vessel, approximately 2-3 times a day, with light movements. The result is good. So everyone, take care of yourself and your beautiful feet.

LEECH EXTRACT cream from Sophia is inexpensive, but such a necessary remedy. It's greasy, so it takes a long time to absorb. Wait until completely absorbed, otherwise you may ruin your clothes. After using it for about a week, the veins begin to lighten. But I don’t always find it on sale.

Girls, I agree with you one hundred percent. Venotonic foot cream “Sofia. Leech extract is a frequent guest in my medicine cabinet. The cream really helps me, the only negative is the consistency. I like thicker, ointment-like creams. And in this case, the cream is similar in liniment. It is quite liquid. I understand that the problem of blood vessels needs to be solved from the inside, but this cream really helps to cope with at least some part of it.

Medical leech - new opportunities for cosmetics

Many people know what hirudotherapy is, although they perceive treatment with leeches as exotic. A relatively new area of ​​using leeches is hirudocosmetics. Dilyara Kayumovna Samigullina, General Director of JSC Biocon - Laboratory of Natural Cosmetics, talks about how cosmetics based on medicinal leech extract affect the skin.

About the use of leeches in medicine

Only one of the approximately 400 species of leeches is suitable for use in medicine - the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis). Hirudotherapy has a centuries-old history, and studies that have been conducted all this time prove that the enzymes produced by the leech have a healing effect in many diseases. In addition, when using leeches to treat specific diseases, patients’ metabolism gradually normalizes and the body’s defenses are activated.

Today, the medicinal leech is the only representative of the fauna included in the Pharmacopoeia and equated to a medicine. Modern science, unlike the first hirudotherapists, has detailed information about the composition of the secretion of the salivary glands of leeches, its effect on individual systems and organs, as well as on the human body as a whole.

Treatment with leeches is also notable for the fact that it does not cause complications, does not have negative side effects on the human body and has only isolated contraindications (blood coagulation disorders, persistent decrease in blood pressure, pregnancy, individual intolerance).

However, many people are distrustful of this method, often due to a dislike for the leeches themselves. That is why today medicines and cosmetics are created based on biologically active substances (BAS) produced by medicinal leeches. The leech salivary gland extract contains about 80 active components: enzymatic complexes and proteins that cannot be created artificially are of particular value.

Effects of leech extract on the skin

At the end of the twentieth century. scientists from France, Russia and Ukraine conducted a number of studies aimed at studying the effect of biologically active leech on metabolic processes in the skin. It has been proven:

For skin, especially aging skin, these effects cannot be overestimated. The beneficial effect on fat metabolism is to increase the amount of skin lipids and increase its resistance to harmful environmental influences. In addition, due to the action of biologically active substances in the skin, blood microcirculation significantly improves. The elasticity of blood vessels is restored, microthrombi are resolved, and tissues receive oxygen, which is a unique and only catalyst for the restoration and renewal of all types of metabolism.

Hirudocosmetics - a rare but popular product

In 1990, scientists from the Biocon company were the first to develop and introduce a method of using biologically active medicinal leech in cosmetology. Tests of hirudocosmetics were carried out by NPO Cosmetology (Moscow). The moisturizing effect of Biocon cosmetics increases the hydrant properties of the skin up to 42.4%. Skin elasticity significantly improves (according to elastometry, by 6-8%). A powerful anti-inflammatory effect of creams has also been recorded. These processes would be impossible without the secretion of the leech, which provides a significant qualitative and quantitative improvement in blood circulation in the skin.

As already noted, hirudotherapy has very few contraindications. Likewise, hirudocosmetics cannot be recommended only for people with dilated blood vessels located close to the surface of the skin. Allergic reactions associated with individual intolerance to cosmetic components are also extremely rare.

The latest development of Biocon specialists is the HirudoDerm cosmetic line, which includes four programs of daily and course skin care for various cosmetic problems. In fact, it is on the border between cosmetology and dermatology, because... not only corrects the condition of the skin, but also restores its impaired functions. As part of HirudoDerm cosmetics, medicinal leech extract is combined with modern active medicinal components - the effect of these components is enhanced by the action of leech extract, which facilitates the penetration of substances through the epidermal barrier of the skin.

Today, leech extracts are used primarily in medicines. As for cosmetics with medicinal leech extract, they are produced by literally only a few manufacturers, because... The leech is listed in the Red Book and its fishing is prohibited. Leech extract is a rare, natural and very expensive raw material. At the same time, the success of hirudocosmetics on the market is obvious and it has turned out to be very tempting for many companies. Currently, a number of manufacturers produce cosmetics with medicinal leech extract, thereby violating the rights of the Biocon company, which has patented a method for isolating and using pure medicinal leech extract as a dietary supplement in cosmetics. In addition, only our company has a closed-cycle technology for the artificial cultivation of leeches and uses it at its biofactory in Donetsk (Ukraine) - this guarantees the purity of our raw materials. Even abroad there are no such technologies: in Germany and France, leech is grown under natural conditions in very small quantities.

Hyrudocosmetics are becoming increasingly popular among consumers. According to the results of surveys conducted by our company, consumers in relation to cosmetics with leech extract are divided into three groups approximately equal in volume. The first part treats such cosmetics very well - often these are medical workers, pharmacists and generally people who know about the healing properties of leeches used in folk medicine. The other third treats leech extract in cosmetic products indifferently, like any other element. And finally, the third group is people who do not like either the leech itself or cosmetics based on it. Therefore, the main idea of ​​​​promoting our cosmetics is to inform people about the beneficial properties of leech and through this to increase loyalty to leech as a unique active component.

Save our souls, or where to find a psychotherapist?


Medical leech extract (leech) is a unique natural remedy for the treatment of varicose veins of the legs. Medicinal leech enzymes reduce blood clotting (they are anticoagulants of direct rapid action), strengthen and restore the inner surface of affected veins, reduce painful manifestations, eliminate vascular and muscle spasms, promote the formation of new capillaries, resulting in improved blood microcirculation and unloading of the venous system.

Extracts and oils of medicinal plants provide a capillary-strengthening and venotonic effect, neutralize the effect of free radicals that destroy the vascular wall, and increase the level of antioxidant protection.

Liposomal-emulsion complex - promotes rapid and deep penetration of active substances, without reducing their effectiveness, through the skin into the depths of the tissues.

The first signs of venous insufficiency are a feeling of heaviness in the legs, evening swelling of the lower leg, night cramps in the calf muscles, the appearance of spider veins;

Varicose veins (in complex therapy);

Thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins (in complex therapy);

For the purpose of prevention in the presence of risk factors.

Leech extract cream is evenly distributed along the vein from bottom to top, for 2-3 minutes, 2-3 times a day.

It is contraindicated to use Leech Extract cream if you have an individual intolerance to the components.

It should not be applied to open wounds, mucous membranes, in the presence of purulent processes, or deep venous thrombosis.

Store at temperatures from +5 to +25°C.

Leech extract - foot cream.

Leech extract cream contains: water, liposomal-emulsion complex No. 3 (stearic acid, Neowax emulsion wax, glycerin, vegetable oil, anhydrous lanolin, propylene glycol, microcar IT, nimesulide, sodium hydroxide, Grindoks antioxidant), leech (medicinal leech extract), hazelnut oil, tea tree essential oil, sea buckthorn oil, cottonseed oil, badyaga, horse chestnut extract, rose hip extract, chamomile extract, horsetail extract, green tea extract, birch extract, wild rosemary extract, Sophora japonica extract, aloe extract, ginkgo biloba extract , arnica extract, vitamin A, vitamin E, D-panthenol, collagen hydrolyzate, withanol, DMP microcar, perfume composition.

If allergic reactions occur, stop use and consult a doctor.




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Face cream with leeches

Face cream with leeches is an excellent rejuvenating and restorative product. As we age, our skin loses its properties, which causes numerous problems - dry skin, skin diseases, pigmentation, wrinkles and much more. It is very difficult to restore your face to its former beauty when the aging process of the skin has already started, but it is quite possible to preserve the youth of the skin and keep it in excellent condition. For these purposes, face cream with leeches is very effective.

Leeches are representatives of the fauna that are the stuff of legends, and their use for medicinal purposes has been practiced by mankind for centuries. There is a special technique in alternative medicine called hirudotherapy. Leeches help eliminate skin imperfections, cure many diseases and strengthen the body, but this component is most effective in anti-aging face creams.

Interesting video about hirudotherapy:

Leech saliva

Leech itself is not so effective, so its dried and ground components in cosmetic products will not bring any benefit. The main substance due to which these creatures are valued is their saliva. It contains special enzymes that have a beneficial effect on the skin and the body as a whole.

During hirudotherapy, this creature sticks to the skin, creating microcracks through which it releases saliva. In cosmetology, extracts of enzymes produced by leeches are used.

Medical leech extract is a biologically active substance with anti-aging properties, obtained from enzymes in the saliva of leeches grown under special conditions. The extract is widely used in many face creams.

Leeches are creatures listed in the Red Book, so using their saliva is a rare and quite expensive pleasure. Creams made with real leech extract are worth their weight in gold. Therefore, cosmetics manufacturers artificially grow them for cosmetic and medical purposes.

The effect of using the product

Thanks to this unique extract, which is used in face creams, the following problems can be solved:

  • Improve blood circulation in the vessels and capillaries approaching the skin of the face;
  • Eliminate signs of skin aging and rejuvenate it;
  • Give your facial skin an even tone, natural and radiant color;
  • Tone the facial muscles responsible for facial expressions;
  • Eliminate swelling on the face;
  • Strengthen skin immunity and the body's defenses as a whole;
  • Relieve inflammation and irritation on the skin;
  • Cure skin diseases, eliminate acne and pimples;
  • Lighten the face and remove unwanted pigmentation;
  • Increase natural collagen production.

The properties of leech extract listed above are only part of what this substance is capable of. Leech extract has another very important feature, which is incredibly useful in facial products - this active substance not only penetrates deep into the skin on its own, but also promotes better penetration of other components of the cream.

Consider certain nuances:

  • In order not to harm your facial skin, consult a cosmetologist - he will tell you which cream is best to choose and whether you have any contraindications.
  • Buy leech cream in specialized stores and pharmacies. Products purchased in dubious stores and kiosks will most likely turn out to be ordinary counterfeits. Don't risk your pretty face.
  • In any situation, before using, or even better before purchasing a cream, test it on your skin. If redness and rashes appear after a while, do not use this product.
  • Use leech cream separately from other products! Do not apply other active products to your facial skin immediately after. The ideal option is to choose a whole range of products from one manufacturer for facial skin care. For example, the Russian company Biokon not only produces many products containing leech extract, but also grows these creatures in special enterprises.

Good creams

Biocon night cream Active care from 30 years

The product is designed to intensively moisturize the skin. Perfectly softens the skin and fills it with essential substances and vitamin complexes. After using the product, you feel a feeling of comfort and freshness.

The composition includes a valuable and beneficial extract of medicinal leech for the skin, thanks to which the skin remains young and beautiful for a long time.

Approximate price: 66 rub.

Cream "Piav" for face

This anti-aging product is based on a medicinal leech. It improves blood circulation and improves skin respiration, filling every cell with oxygen. The active components trigger the synthesis of collagen and elastin - substances responsible for the elasticity and youth of the skin.

Approximate price: 350 rub.

Hirudotherapy is natural treatment, without pills or drugs. Watch an interesting video about the intricacies of this process:

What are the benefits of cream with leech extract?

Cream with leech extract is a restorative and rejuvenating product for the skin.

Since with age the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, becomes drier, pigmented and wrinkled, it especially needs certain care. If you don’t start taking care of your skin when you’re young, then it will be much more difficult to restore its beauty and freshness later. Therefore, to maintain the skin in excellent condition from a young age, use a cream with leech extract.

A medicinal leech is a type of annelid worm that is used for medicinal purposes. The beneficial properties of medicinal leech have been known since ancient times. In alternative medicine, there is even a certain technique for treating the body, which is called hirudotherapy.

Medical leeches have a very beneficial effect on the entire body, help strengthen the immune system and cure many ailments. There is even a cream with medicinal leech extract that is used to treat varicose veins.

Cream with medicinal leech extract is prepared based on leech saliva. Leech saliva contains special enzymes that have a beneficial effect on human skin and the body as a whole. The saliva of a medicinal leech has rejuvenating properties and is used for cosmetic and medical purposes.

Medical leeches are grown on special farms or in their natural habitat. In their natural habitat, leeches are grown in Germany and France, so their cosmetics are more expensive than domestically produced cosmetics.

How does a cream based on medicinal leech extract work:

  • Normalizes the production of natural collagen in the skin;
  • Relieves inflammation and irritation on the skin;
  • Relieves swelling of the facial skin;
  • Prevents skin aging and has a rejuvenating effect;
  • Improves microcirculation in the vessels and capillaries of the skin;
  • Tones the facial muscles;
  • Has a brightening effect and removes pigmentation;
  • Gives facial skin an even tone;
  • Removes many skin problems including pimples and blackheads.

Also, medicinal leech extract promotes the penetration of other beneficial components contained in the cream into the skin. There are practically no contraindications for cream with medicinal leech extract.

Cream based on medicinal leech extract, contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance to the product;
  • It is not recommended for use by hypotensive patients and people with low blood clotting;
  • Pregnant and lactating women should also refrain from using this cream.

What to consider when purchasing a cream with medicinal leech extract:

  • Do not use cream with medicinal leech extract together with other skin care products from other manufacturers. It is best to choose cosmetics with medicinal leech from the same manufacturer. Typically, manufacturers produce a whole series of cosmetics with a wide selection. So you can choose all the necessary tools for yourself.
  • Before purchasing a cream, it is very advisable to test it on your skin to avoid allergic reactions. Apply a drop of cream to your wrist where the skin is most sensitive and wait 30 minutes. If any rashes or redness appear on the skin, it is not recommended for you to use this product.
  • You should only buy cream based on medicinal leech in pharmacies or specialized cosmetics stores where certain storage conditions are met. Do not risk purchasing cosmetics from dubious stores, as you can purchase low-quality products from such stores that have not been stored in proper conditions.

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One thought on “What are the benefits of cream with leech extract? ”

Cosmetics with medicinal leech help a lot. I only used milk before, not cream with medicinal leech. It helped refresh the skin very well, especially in the morning.

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What is leech extract?

capillary walls, have a bactericidal effect, have an anticoagulant effect on the blood, facilitate the penetration of other substances into the body and stimulate protein metabolism.

leech extract actively affects protein, fat, water-salt metabolism in the skin;

under its influence, the synthesis of DNA and protein in human skin cells increases, proliferative processes are stimulated, and the content of water-soluble protein increases significantly.

Leech extract

The medicinal leech Hirudo Medicinalis Officinalis is the only representative of the fauna included in the pharmacopoeia and equated to medicines. Leech saliva contains more than 80 biologically active substances, which together have a positive effect on the human body. Therefore, today the medicinal leech is deservedly called a “pharmaceutical mini-factory.”

Scientists from the Medical Research and Production Association “BIOKON”, as a result of long-term scientific research, isolated a healing extract from the leech Hirudo Medicinalis Officinalis and proved its effective effect on the human body. Leech extract* was introduced into cosmetic preventive health and skin care products. Its use in the production of cosmetics has become possible thanks to modern technologies that make it possible to preserve biologically active substances contained in the secretion of the salivary glands of the leech.

The biologically active substances of leech extract have anticoagulating, thrombolytic, anti-inflammatory, antihypoxic, anti-edematous, draining properties, help improve blood microcirculation and restore the permeability of the vascular wall. Leech extract potentiates the effect of other components of cosmetic products - natural oils, extracts of medicinal plants and vitamins, promoting their deeper penetration into tissues.

Characteristics of the main biologically active substances of the medicinal leech extract.

*Medical leech extract is a dietary supplement with a pronounced geriatric (anti-aging) effect, obtained as a result of processing of medicinal leech (international patent of INPO Biokon) for use in the formulations of preventive cosmetics.

Production of cosmetics based on leech extract.

Some information about leech placement:

First of all, having chosen a place to place the leeches, it must be carefully prepared. Remembering that the leech is very sensitive to odors and chemicals, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the staging areas, leaving no opportunity for odors to scare off the leech, and for pathogens on human skin to infect the patient. The patient will feel a slight tingling sensation - this is the leech beginning to bite through the skin. The time of the beginning of the act of blood sucking is determined by the appearance of wave-like movements or rhythmic contractions of the leech’s body. The act of bleeding, depending on the place of application, can last from 10 minutes to 1 hour. Having eaten its fill, the leech disappears on its own. Used leeches are immediately destroyed by dipping them into a 3% chloramine solution. Thus, leeches are a one-time use medicine. Bleeding wounds after a leech bite should be treated with iodine and a sterile bandage should be applied with a large cotton swab. It must be large, because blood oozes from the wound for quite a long time (from 6 to 36 hours). There is no need to be afraid of this, you just need to monitor the condition of the tampon and, if necessary, replace it with a fresh one. Blood loss from placing one standard leech ranges from 3 to 8 grams.

In writing the text, materials were used from the book “The Vampire’s Kiss”, authors: Nikonov G. I. and Titova E. A. and the book “Secrets of Hirudotherapy” by D. G. Zharova.

Many thanks to Ilya Varlamov and his lens for the wonderful macro photographs and to Alexander for organizing the shooting.

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Hirudotherapy: placing leeches at home, what it treats, pros and cons

Hirudotherapy has a rather long history. For about two millennia, bloodletting was considered the most effective method of treating many ailments, among which the central place was occupied by diseases caused by cardiac and vascular pathology. By releasing a certain amount of blood from the patient, it was possible to stop the attack and thus help the person. However, a puncture or cut of a vein in those distant times was a real surgical operation, which could only be performed by a qualified specialist. The use of leeches turned out to be a simpler and fairly accessible way to treat diseases (and not only heart diseases) by extracting “unnecessary” or “bad” blood, as was considered in the Middle Ages.

Dislike for the “exotic”, which some people consider a leech, makes many patients completely reject hirudotherapy, although others, on the contrary, love it very much.

A little history

By calling the leech a real living pharmacy, many scientific doctors thereby recognize its unique medicinal properties. The reputation of this scary-looking worm-like animal has been formed over many centuries. Scientists who thoroughly study the path of the leech as a remedy claim that the use of a “living needle” or “living syringe” for bloodletting, as the leech was later called, began in Ancient India and represents one of the areas of Ayurveda.

setting of leeches, engraving, 19th century.

The leech was used by the “father of medicine” Hippocrates, the Roman physician Galen, it was used by the great scientist Avicenna (Ibn Sina), the best healers of antiquity treated all diseases with its saliva and, thus, it quietly but safely reached the Renaissance. The widest use of hirudotherapy has been around forever; leech was used for migraines, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, and epilepsy. In general, under different and very distant pathological conditions.

By the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century, ideas about many things began to change and the leech was forgotten for some time. In Russia, the famous doctor M. Ya. Mudrov was actively involved in the introduction of hirudotherapy into medical practice.

In the middle of the 19th century, the leech gradually faded into the background and began to be considered a past stage in medicine, although bloodletting still leads among other therapeutic measures, but is used for slightly different purposes and by other methods. Meanwhile, the famous surgeon N.I. Pirogov, having his own convictions on this matter, continued to use these worms to stop bleeding, for fractures, tumors and other surgical diseases. Especially, the leech turned out to be useful during the Crimean War, in which N.I. Pirogov was a participant (and the chief surgeon of Sevastopol).

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However, oblivion did not last long and at the end of the 19th century the study of this animal began seriously. A substance that prevents blood clotting (anticoagulant) was isolated from the leech extract, and an enzyme (hirudin) was obtained from its saliva, thanks to which the leech has a therapeutic effect. This was in 1884. This is how the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) appeared, differing in its properties from different types of worm-like animals living in water bodies. At the same time, the production of pharmaceuticals based on hirudin began.

Until the 70s of the last century, jars with swarming black-brown worms could be seen in outpatient clinics and health centers, although they were placed less often. Hirudotherapy remained a priority in rural areas, where advanced technologies at that time did not reach, or, conversely, in large scientific centers where eminent scientists worked who did not change their views on hirudotherapy (therapist G. A. Zakharyin, ophthalmologist V. P. Filatov). The scientific development of bdellotherapy truly began in the second half of the 20th century.

Return of the medicinal leech

The new birth of hirudotherapy falls on difficult times for Russia and the former republics of the USSR - the “dashing 90s”. The industry, including the pharmaceutical industry, is in decline, but it needs treatment. So I remembered folk remedies and unconventional methods of treatment. To give new life to hirudotherapy, people who were especially active and knowledgeable in this regard began to create special “farms” for raising unique animals. Over time, these small “farms” grew into large certified biofactories that supply entire regions with live anticoagulants, which now allows people who are well versed in this method of treatment and know how to handle a medicinal bloodsucker to buy a leech in a pharmacy.

Meanwhile, the rapid development of hirudotherapy in the 90s of the last century is explained not only by the decline of the economy and the emergence of various farms of all stripes on this basis. By that time, considerable experience had been accumulated in medicine. The influence of many synthetically produced drugs on the human body during their long-term use has been studied. It turned out that:

  • A very common anticoagulant, heparin, sometimes causes complications in the form of necrosis of subcutaneous fat;
  • Antibiotics lead to the development of candidiasis;
  • Hormonal drugs have a lot of contraindications, including thrombosis.

In a word, different drugs obtained chemically have their own side effects: allergic reactions, disruption of the vital functions of individual organs and entire systems, sometimes very severe, so scientists have increasingly begun to lean towards unconventional methods of treatment (where possible), one of which (and the best) hirudotherapy is recognized.

Hirudotherapy is currently used quite widely, because leeches have again received the right to participate in the healing process on an equal basis with traditional methods of treatment.

The properties of saliva, in which a large number of biologically active substances (BAS) are found, can be used independently or complement other measures, primarily as anticoagulants, for the treatment of cardiovascular pathology.

The secretion of the salivary glands of the leech, in addition to hirudin, which has an anti-clotting effect, contains a very important enzyme - hyaluronidase, which dissolves hyaluronic acid, which, in turn, accumulates around the source of inflammation, protecting it. After the process subsides, hyaluronic acid “cements” the connective tissue, creating partitions that impede lymph and blood circulation, as well as reducing the functional abilities of tissues and organs. Hyaluronidase loosens these bridges, clearing the way for the movement of blood and lymph, which improves tissue nutrition and restores organ function, therefore, it can be used to influence adhesive processes. Taking into account the property of hyaluronidase, gynecologists often, using hirudotherapy, achieve positive results in the treatment of infertility, which is caused by adhesions formed in the fallopian tubes.

structure of a medicinal leech

In addition to hirudin and hyaluronidase, the secretion of the salivary glands includes other compounds of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates that have high biological activity (histamine-like substances, prostaglandins, prostacyclins, platelet adhesion inhibitor, platelet activating factor inhibitor... and many other biologically active substances). It should be noted that not all components of the secretion secreted by a leech have yet been discovered and studied, that is, scientists have a large field of activity left for scientific research in studying the properties of this small predator.

The secret is in her secret

A medicinal leech has a good understanding of human skin; it itself is able to find areas responsible for the functions of certain organs, but real professionals involved in natural therapy do not allow it such “liberties.” Its behavior is regulated by a specialist who knows the location of the active points - he himself places the worm directly at the place of “work”. The leech, having attached itself to the designated point, takes a little blood (approximately 10 ml, but especially voracious ones can suck out 15 ml) and at the same time introduces biologically active substances (BAS) contained in its saliva into the wound, which act both locally and with the blood flow carries them to the organs in need of help.

It should be noted that biologically active substances act not only in affected areas, they have an effect on the body as a whole:

  1. Accelerate the movement of blood through blood vessels and lymph through lymphatic vessels;
  2. Reduce blood viscosity (hirudin increases blood fluidity);
  3. Slow down ESR;
  4. Prevents the formation of blood clots and helps dissolve existing clots;
  5. Improves microcirculation;
  6. Helps saturate the blood with oxygen;
  7. Normalize metabolic processes;
  8. Improve tissue nutrition;
  9. They have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  10. Stops spasm of cerebral, coronary and other vessels;
  11. Reduce blood pressure;
  12. Promotes the disappearance of edema, resorption of infiltrates;
  13. They increase the body's resistance to adverse factors, including infectious ones, and improve appetite and sleep.

It is obvious that the effect of the secretion secreted by a leech on the body is multifaceted and varied. We will return to the diseases that these predators treat and to the contraindications, but it should be noted that, having weighed the benefits and harms of treatment with leeches, the benefits will undoubtedly outweigh. The wound made by this animal never festeres even when attacked by wild leeches when swimming in a dirty pond (the bactericidal effect of the secretion), in addition, the water in which the animals are kept begins to acquire bacteriostatic properties.

However, before proceeding to a detailed description of all the advantages of this type of annelid, an important note should be made. Although cases of infection with viral hepatitis and HIV during hirudotherapy have not been recorded, in order to prevent troubles and mental anguish for the patient (what if I could become infected with something?) the animal must be destroyed after use. This means that each patient is treated with his own leeches; like syringes, it is better not to borrow them from a neighbor after he has already been injected. And one more point (it worries many) is why there should be different leeches for each patient: I don’t even want to think that an individual used to fight hemorrhoids will be reused to treat stomatitis. The patient must be sure that this is the first time a predator has tasted human blood and that this blood is his own.

Where to look for leeches?

leech farm

There is no certainty that we managed to convince the reader to be treated only by a naturotherapist (hirudotherapist) and, for sure, there will be people who study hirudotherapy on their own, ready to solve problems on their own at home - you just need to find medicinal leeches. As mentioned above, medicinal animals are “produced” in special biofactories, which must comply with all the rules for the cultivation and maintenance of high-quality worms of this genus, which must be confirmed by a certificate. Manufacturers offer their “products” wholesale and retail to medical institutions, pharmacies, and individuals.

When choosing a remedy for hirudotherapy at home, you should be careful. Small specimens offered at low prices (50 rubles or less) may have been swimming in a nearby pond yesterday. These are wild leeches - they will not provide a therapeutic effect, but the money will be wasted.

If you really want to, you can buy leeches at the pharmacy, although not all pharmaceutical establishments sell them. You will have to “get on the phone” or get information on the Internet (there is plenty of it there). The main thing for the reader to know is that he is buying a high-quality medicinal leech that has medicinal properties.

The benefits and harms of leeches and hirudotherapy

Advantages of a predator

And now, as promised, we will weigh the benefits and harms of treatment with leeches and try to provide more detailed information about what diseases these small predators treat.

Ringed worms, represented by this species (medicinal leech), solve many problems in the treatment of various pathological conditions. In its favor, we can cite a list of actions that it has when attached to human skin:

  • Anticoagulant (prevents blood clotting);
  • Antithrombotic (prevents the formation of blood clots);
  • Thrombolytic (dissolves blood clots);
  • Hypotensive;
  • Regenerating;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Immunostimulating;
  • Painkiller.

Based on this, we will try to list the areas of application of a medicinal leech, the main task of which is to treat vascular pathology:

  1. Arterial hypertension (the name of the disease, which is more familiar to patients, is hypertension), leeches are especially effective during a hypertensive crisis, they reduce blood pressure well and quickly “restore order” in the circulatory system;
  2. Chronic cerebrovascular accident;
  3. Vertebro-basilar insufficiency (VBI), vertebral artery syndrome;
  4. Angina pectoris;
  5. Cardialgia of various origins;
  6. Chronic heart and vascular failure;
  7. Thrombophilia;
  8. Conditions after myocardial infarction;
  9. Thrombophlebitis;
  10. Atherosclerosis of cerebral and coronary vessels;
  11. Varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  12. Non-healing ulcers due to varicose veins and chronic thrombophlebitis;
  13. Conditions after a heart transplant, however, in Russia in such cases a leech is not used, but in some countries of Western Europe (England) it is among the mandatory procedures;
  14. Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, thrombosis of hemorrhoids.

Hirudotherapy is also used for diseases:

  • Gastrointestinal tract - chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, but here I would like to make a small digression: many naively believe that bdellotherapy can cure viral hepatitis (B, C, etc.). Unfortunately, this is not the case, so you shouldn't place too much hope on it;
  • Bronchopulmonary system (bronchitis, bronchial asthma);
  • Kidney (glomerulonephritis, chronic renal failure, post-traumatic complications).

Small black-brown worm-like predators that prefer an aquatic habitat are even used in such areas of medicine as:

  1. Traumatology (bone fractures, chronic osteomyelitis, bruises, hematomas, bruises);
  2. Mammology (lactostasis, acute mastitis);
  3. Dermatology (furunculosis and other pustular diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat)
  4. Otorhinolaryngology (vasomotor rhinitis, sinusitis, chronic otitis, Meniere's disease, stopping nosebleeds);
  5. Ophthalmology (macular edema), supporters of the use of hirudotherapy for the treatment of eye diseases argue that a leech can help not only cure, but also diagnose some diseases, replacing expensive imported FA equipment (fluorescein angiography);
  6. Neurology (osteochondrosis, neuralgia of various kinds, including the trigeminal nerve).

Leeches are used to combat diseases of the human reproductive system. Hirudotherapists believe that the participation of leeches will be useful in the following cases:

  • Inflammatory processes of various types in the female genital organs;
  • Menstrual irregularities, painful periods;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Benign tumors such as uterine fibroids, as well as polycystic ovary syndrome and endometriosis;
  • Infertility caused by adhesions;
  • Inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • Prostate adenomas;
  • Infections of the male genital tract;
  • Problems related to potency.

It may seem incredible, but the use of hirudotherapy in dentistry also takes place. However, the information is still fragmentary; the authors of the methods conducted experiments on themselves and claim that with the help of these animals it is possible to treat inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity caused by pathogenic microorganisms, bleeding gums, caries and other pathological conditions.

Leech also helps cosmetologists; it promotes rejuvenation and healing of the skin, the disappearance of acne and other defects caused by inflammatory processes. The use of leeches in cosmetology led to the creation of new cosmetics intended for skin care (hydrocosmetics of the Biocon series). We do not undertake to judge the effectiveness of the cream and other products based on leech extract (more precisely, the extract of the salivary glands of this animal), containing up to 80 types of biologically active substances (enzymes), which we have not yet learned how to create artificially. However, our topic is diseases of the cardiovascular system and their treatment, and it is better to obtain information regarding these drugs on the pages of specialized sites.

Video: what do leeches treat?

Contraindications and disadvantages

Meanwhile, with all the advantages of the leech, it also has disadvantages. The list of contraindications is short, but they exist. This:

  1. Hemophilia (a hereditary disease linked to sex - men are affected), in which a person has reduced blood clotting due to the absence or deficiency of factor VIII (hemophilia A, more common) or IX (hemophilia B);
  2. Anemia;
  3. Thrombocytopenia of various origins;
  4. Acute cerebrovascular accidents (especially hemorrhage);
  5. Acute infectious diseases;
  6. Hypotension (severe);
  7. Pregnancy;
  8. Individual intolerance.

Particular fear, a feeling of hostility and even disgust, of course, are not contraindications, but are considered significant shortcomings, since even brave people cannot overcome this barrier. Having persuaded such a patient to undergo hirudotherapy, then he will have to be treated for stress, so it is better not to convince him: if he can’t, he can’t. Such people can only use cream, tablets and ointments with hirudin.

One should also not place special hopes on bdellotherapy in terms of curing incurable diseases or conditions that require specific therapeutic (or surgical) measures. Still, this method of treatment is better considered as an adjunct rather than as a primary one. And it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

Responsible step

Having decided to independently undertake treatment at home using such unsightly-looking and, at best, non-disgusting animals, a person must learn the basic rules, which we will remind you once again:

  • Thoroughly study the indications, find out if there are any contraindications and prepare for possible reactions (itching, urticaria);
  • It is better to buy a leech at a pharmacy or from a trusted manufacturer at a higher price than to chase a cheap product (it may turn out to be of poor quality and not capable of providing a therapeutic effect);
  • Learn the rules for keeping animals at home so that they remain healthy and can be used for treatment;
  • Familiarize yourself with the schemes for placing leeches in relation to your disease;
  • Do not treat the whole family with one batch of leeches (everyone may have their own diseases, including viral ones);
  • It is extremely undesirable to place the same specimen even for yourself, but in different places far from each other (the oral cavity, the area around the anus - how can they be combined?) - it will take a long time to treat the bacterial infection;
  • Repeated use of the same individual in the same patient and in the same areas is possible no earlier than after 2 weeks (preferably 3);
  • Do not try to cure all diseases without exception, for example, viral hepatitis “C” (bdellotherapy cannot cure it, but other problems can be acquired);
  • Before starting treatment, you need to take a general blood test and it is very advisable to do a coagulogram (perhaps the patient does not know everything about himself);
  • During hirudotherapy, try to avoid physical activity.

These simple rules must be followed so that treatment does not turn into trouble. However, it is still better to talk to specialists and your doctor.

So, let's start treatment

Having bought a batch of healthy predators that meet all the requirements, being confident in their medicinal properties, you cannot immediately place them in tap water, it often contains chlorine, and the animals can die. Pure spring water or well water is best. But where can I get it? You should worry about this in advance. As a last resort, tap water is also suitable for therapeutic “tenants”, but it must first sit in an open container for several days so that the chlorine concentration decreases. Leeches need to change the water every 3 days. Keep “live syringes” in spacious glass containers (regular two- or three-liter jars in which cucumbers are preserved).

The number of procedures and the number of individuals participating in the treatment process will depend on the patient’s condition, however, there is no need to count on quick treatment and minimal consumption of “material.” Judge for yourself:

  1. It is necessary to start treatment with a minimum number of individuals (2 - 4 to 6 pieces - max), because it is not yet known how the body will react to a new type of exposure - an allergic reaction to biologically active substances contained in the saliva of a predator is possible;
  2. If the first procedure went well, depending on the application area, the number of individuals can be increased to 10;
  3. First (if everything goes well the first time) you need to conduct 3-4 sessions in a row (every day);
  4. Then - 3 procedures every other day;
  5. The last sessions are carried out at intervals of six to seven days (for example, the patient performs hirudotherapy on Fridays - that’s 3 Fridays);
  6. The entire course of treatment is 10 sessions.

If necessary (according to the patient’s condition), the course of hirudotherapy can be repeated. This can happen in the interval from 2 weeks to a month after the last procedure of the first course. If the patient planned a repeat course with the animals that he acquired at the beginning of treatment, they were used and had time to get enough blood, then the water containing the leeches should be changed daily. Before forcing the leech to be treated again, you need to lightly sprinkle it with salt so that the blood comes out of the animal’s stomach, then wash the worm thoroughly (“over-salting” is not allowed - the animal will die).

Schemes for placing leeches

Considering how many diseases a leech treats, it will not be possible to list all the staging schemes even with a strong desire. However, there are many biologically active points, the main ones are presented in the image on the right, and we will give more detailed examples relating to the heart and blood vessels:

  • For pain in the heart area of ​​various types (aching, stabbing, squeezing), which depend on various circumstances (physical activity, osteochondrosis, angina pectoris), leeches should be placed on the skin of the back or chest in places where the greatest pain intensity is localized (6 - 8 per session will take individuals);
  • For arterial hypertension, it is recommended to place leeches in the area of ​​the mastoid process or in the parotid zone (consumption per procedure is from 4 to 6 pieces);
  • Conditions after myocardial infarction require the largest number of animals (up to 10 animals) and they need to be placed on the chest (projection of the heart) or on the left shoulder blade if the focus of ischemic necrosis is localized on the posterior wall;
  • On legs affected by varicose veins and/or with the development of thrombophlebitis, leeches should not be placed directly on a venous vessel or suspected blood clot: you need to step back approximately 1 cm from the site of the lesion (from the vessel or from the blood clot). Leeches can also be placed on the legs in a checkerboard pattern along the course of the dilated vein, stepping back from it by 1 cm.

I would like to hope that the reader will not perceive the brief description of hirudotherapy as instructions for the use of medicinal leeches. Self-treatment requires a more in-depth study of the issue (indications, application patterns, contraindications, technique, selection and maintenance of animals, handling of them).

Creams, tablets and ointments based on hirudin

This section is intended for people who feel panic at the sight of a medicinal product of animal origin, but want to experience the healing properties of leech extract on their own body. Pharmaceutical forms based on biologically active substances contained in leech saliva do exist: creams, gels, balms, tablets and ointments with hirudin, which thin the blood, prevent the formation of blood clots, relieve swelling, pain and fatigue. These drugs are mainly used for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and venous insufficiency:

  1. Popular cream “Sofya” for varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  2. Foot cream – “Leech extract”;
  3. Cream-balm with leech extract;
  4. Body gel "Girudovazin";
  5. Body balm "Girudox";
  6. “Piyavit” capsules (dry leech powder).

In any case, if the patient wants to buy an ointment (gel, cream, balm) at the pharmacy, then it is enough for him to say that he needs a leech extract or a medicine for varicose veins with hirudin. Most likely, he will be offered several options for medications for external use. By the way, it is good to combine the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities with gels and ointments with hirudin with the use of compression hosiery.

There are also more serious drugs with hirudin, which are administered intravenously in a hospital setting under APTT monitoring - Lepirudin, for example. These drugs are intended to prevent thromboembolic complications; their use requires special caution and is not available to patients for use on their own initiative at home.

Synthetic analogs of hirudin “Girulog” and “Girugen” have also not yet found widespread use in Russia: they are quite expensive, and, moreover, pharmaceutical forms intended for oral administration are only being developed. Therefore, the medical medicinal leech will be with us for a long time. As they say, cheap and cheerful.

“The centuries-old history of the successful use of medicinal leeches for preventive and therapeutic purposes indicates that it is undeservedly forgotten in our time. Of course, in the age of aspirin and nitroglycerin, the mention of leeches can bring a smile. The younger generation of doctors knows about them only by hearsay. But it seems that it is unreasonable to consign to oblivion the centuries-old experience of the positive effects of hirudotherapy. Of course, giving a patient a pill is much easier than giving leeches, and less troublesome, but...” (G.I. Nikonov)

The second part of the story about the International Center for Medical Leeches. Today we will talk about the production of medicinal and cosmetic preparations based on biologically active substances isolated from medicinal leeches, as well as from leech extract.

1. The saliva of medicinal leeches is a balanced complex of biologically active substances. The photo shows a model leech and tools for collecting saliva.

2. The leech is clamped head up in special scissor-vice and the precious saliva is sucked out using a tube. During this operation, the leech does not die, but it also receives little pleasure.

3. The work of collecting saliva is completely manual. The saliva is literally sucked out.

4. If we briefly list the main advantages of a balanced complex of biologically active substances in leech saliva, we will get the following list: this complex ensures normalization of protein and lipid metabolism in the skin, improves blood microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, increases tissue oxygen supply, stimulates local immunity, antioxidant activity, elimination foci of inflammation, skin pigmentation disorders, has a protective effect against aggressive environmental influences, stops the aging process, blocks the effects of fatigue factors, improves skin elasticity and preserves cellular moisture.

5. The leech withstands photography.

6. A concentration of leech saliva is added to cosmetics. Biologically active substances of medicinal leech in combination with starch polysaccharides, Chinese rose milk, vitamins A, E, F and C, olive, grape seed, peach, shea butter, lotus, bamboo, water lily, oat, cornflower and D-panthenol extracts, intensive moisturize and tighten facial skin, nourish, tone, restore natural regeneration, increase skin turgor and elasticity.

7. This is how a leech works under artificial conditions for the benefit of humans.

9. Working moment.

10. For breeding leeches and producing cosmetics, specially prepared water is used, which is purified and settled in special tanks.


12. About a hundred different ingredients are used to produce cosmetics.

13. In addition to saliva extract, the leech itself, or rather its extract, is also added to cosmetics. To do this, it is first dried at a low temperature and briquettes like this are obtained.

15. And add it to specially prepared water.

16. The resulting mixture will be the main component of the cosmetic product.

17. First, the powder is stirred by hand.

18. Then, for thorough mixing, the mixture is poured into jars...

19. ...and loaded into a special centrifuge.

20. After mixing and filtering, a pure leech extract is obtained, which is the main component in the production of cosmetics.

21. Biologically active substances of medicinal leech in combination with starch polysaccharides, Chinese rose milk, vitamins A, E, F and C, olive, grape seed, peach, shea butter, lotus, bamboo, water lily, oat, cornflower and D-panthenol extracts , intensively moisturize and tighten the facial skin, nourish, tone, restore natural regeneration and increase skin elasticity.


24. The cost of cosmetics based on leech extract varies greatly depending on the amount of extract and the components added. The most expensive type of cosmetics is made based on an extract from leech embryos. One tube can cost about 45,000 rubles.

25. Various imported fragrances are added to cosmetics to give a pleasant smell.

26. General view of the laboratory. All production is semi-automated, many operations are performed manually by employees.





31. Installation for filling and sealing tubes.



34. The date of manufacture is immediately indicated.



37. Finished products.

38. If you want to get full treatment when using medicinal leeches, do not try to save money by buying them at the market or catching them in a pond.

39. Before placing a leech, make sure that it is medical. It is more reliable and safer to use leeches grown under artificial conditions in Biofactories that have a license from the Ministry of Health and a certificate of conformity issued by special authorities.

40. A couple of working moments.

41. Ilya took photographs, I gave out commands.

Some information about leech placement:
First of all, having chosen a place to place the leeches, it must be carefully prepared. Remembering that the leech is very sensitive to odors and chemicals, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the staging areas, leaving no opportunity for odors to scare off the leech, and for pathogens on human skin to infect the patient. The patient will feel a slight tingling sensation - this is the leech beginning to bite through the skin. The time of the beginning of the act of blood sucking is determined by the appearance of wave-like movements or rhythmic contractions of the leech’s body. The act of bleeding, depending on the place of application, can last from 10 minutes to 1 hour. Having eaten its fill, the leech disappears on its own. Used leeches are immediately destroyed by dipping them into a 3% chloramine solution. Thus, leeches are a one-time use medicine. Bleeding wounds after a leech bite should be treated with iodine and a sterile bandage should be applied with a large cotton swab. It must be large, because blood oozes from the wound for quite a long time (from 6 to 36 hours). There is no need to be afraid of this, you just need to monitor the condition of the tampon and, if necessary, replace it with a fresh one. Blood loss from placing one standard leech ranges from 3 to 8 grams.

The first part of the story about

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