Folk signs for menstruation and their interpretation. Folk signs for... menstruation

Menstrual signs will tell you a lot about everyday events, and will also help a woman prepare for unexpected changes. Read below about ancient beliefs related to menstruation.

In the article:

What are the signs of menstruation?

Many beliefs have survived to this day indicating which incidents in everyday life will result in good or bad events. Some of them have a logical basis. There is also a guide that tells young people how to behave correctly at a wedding, on New Year’s and during church holidays.

Menstruation signs seem unusual to modern people. In some regions, they represented fortune-telling based on the period of the beginning of critical days. This was a way available to every woman to find out the future, which did not require any specific attributes or rituals.

What is predicted by signs about menstruation extends for a period of time until the next critical days, after which you can get a new prediction of the future. For this you need to remember what time of day, day of the week and day of the month your menstruation began, and then read the interpretation below. As you can see, this is a very simple way to find out what awaits you in the near future.

Folk signs for menstruation - time of day

If your period starts in the morning, between dawn and midday, this is a good sign. Until your next period, happiness awaits you in your personal or marital life, reconciliation with relatives or a pleasant time with friends. Relations with others during this period will be warm and friendly.

The time from noon to sunset portends joy and happiness, positive emotions and a complete absence of quarrels, disputes and scandals.

The second half of the day is less successful for the start of menstruation. Evening portends suffering from boredom and melancholy. Moreover, the closer to midnight a woman’s trouble happens, the more boring and dull life will be over the next few weeks.

Night means separation or loneliness. Perhaps something is threatening your relationship, try to prevent troubles so as not to suffer because of them. Sometimes this means that your friends and loved one are too busy, as well as a forced departure or your passion for business rather than communication.

Signs for menstruation - days of the week

After you have determined the time of day at which menstruation began, take a calendar and find out what the signs promise you by day of the week.

Monday - anxiety and troubles. It is unknown how pleasant this prediction may turn out to be. For a modern person, not a single day goes by without hassle. But you will still be able to distinguish them from your everyday worries. Most likely, the reason will be something you haven’t thought about before.

Tuesday suggests that the following weeks are the best time to change your life, make important decisions and make choices. It is possible to meet people you have long forgotten about, or make new acquaintances. Greater likelihood of reconciliation with friends.

The start of your period on Wednesday means trouble. Do not be upset, because the prediction of these signs only applies to one menstrual cycle, which does not last very long. Most likely, you are already prepared for these problems, so they will not be able to take you by surprise. Perhaps next month the signs will be more optimistic, but in the meantime, beware of strangers and do not trust everyone.

Thursday - to the guests. Perhaps an invitation to a wedding or other event. If a holiday falls during the period that the sign refers to, it means you will spend it in a cheerful company. It is possible to meet interesting people who can become your friends.

Friday warns that you need to be patient - trouble is on the doorstep. But pleasant events will also be present next month.

Saturday is the best day to start your period. Wait for your wishes to come true. This is either an engagement, a declaration of love, the start of a new relationship.

Sunday is for joy and fun. You will spend this month in a good mood, and nothing can spoil it. Look forward to interesting events, chatting with friends, going on vacation. A memorable conversation, both good and bad, is possible.

Signs about menstruation - a combination of the date and day of the week

The value of the day with which the beginning of menstruation coincided must be combined with the day of the month. The predictions will be correct, and if they are opposite to each other, both events should be expected. Combining them with the time of day, you will get the most accurate and detailed prediction for the next few weeks. Below are the interpretations of the numbers of the month.

1 - happiness and success in all areas of life.

2 - you will despise someone.

3 - the threat of quarrels and conflicts, try to stay away from such situations, because the consequences can be unpleasant. There is a possibility of a disagreement, be careful.

4 - fun and happiness.

5 - a gift or other surprise, perhaps you will make a profitable purchase.

6 - gossip. Be prepared for rumors about your friends or yourself. Do not comment on gossip and do not pass it on, otherwise they will answer you in kind. You shouldn’t take rumors about yourself to heart, because there are no people whom no one discusses.

8 - You shouldn’t give a young man a reason to be jealous. Try to control yourself and not do stupid things.

9 - troubles, in the fight against which you will need calmness and self-confidence. Perhaps these problems arise due to gossip about you or your tendency to spread rumors about other people.

10 - love. For girls who already have a couple and married women, the sign promises happiness in their personal or family life, and an excellent relationship with their significant other.

11 - loyalty of a loved one or devotion of friends.

12 - the appearance of temporary attraction. Beware of this number, perhaps it foreshadows temptation or even...

13 - one of the most unlucky figures, and they think so not only in our country. She promises bad luck and troubles.

14 - good events.

15 - bad news.

16 - folk wisdom warns against gossip. Try to keep your mouth shut for the next few weeks. This also applies to offensive comments addressed to a loved one.

17 - separation from a loved one. Don’t be upset, we are not talking about ending the relationship; most likely, you will have to postpone meetings due to a forced trip or lack of time.

18 - love and luck in your personal life.

19 - happiness.

20 - unrequited love, a disagreement with a person you care about is possible.

21 - be vigilant, do not trust scammers and carefully monitor your belongings.

22 - luck in money. Perhaps you will receive a bonus, open a new source of income and win the lottery. It's worth trying to earn more.

23 - happiness.

24 - unexpected guests and meetings, be prepared to receive them. A long-awaited meeting is possible.

25 - making acquaintances, expanding your social circle.

26 - pity or help from friends or relatives.

27 - fulfillment of a cherished dream.

28 - well-being.

29 - tears and grief.

30 - mutual feelings.

31 - a pleasant surprise. It could be a vacation trip, a new acquaintance or a hobby.

Ancient beliefs about menstruation

about menstruation. In the old days, it was believed that a woman at this time had a special power that could both protect from negativity and harm others.

During menstruation, you should not cook food. Many people still believe that food will be tasteless and quickly spoil. This sign can be justified logically, because sensations change during this period, as a result of which the girl may add too much salt and other components. In the old days, “unclean” women were prohibited from approaching containers in which vinegar, beer, kvass or wine were prepared, otherwise the liquid could spoil.

If a girl had her first menstruation too early, this promised her the fate of a mother of many children.

An old sign about menstruation says that a woman should not look at naked people during this time; it is recommended to entrust even bathing her own child to someone else. Previously, it was believed that the naked body that a girl looked at during her period would be covered with a rash.

The easiest way for a girl to find out her destiny is to tell fortunes by menstruation.

If a girl's period starts too early, she may very well become a mother of many children in the future.

In order to avoid problems with the menstrual cycle, the girl's mother or married relative should give her a light slap on the face during her first menstruation. At the same time, it should be as unexpected as possible for the girl.

Signs for menstruation by day of the week: from the first to the tenth of the current month

You can also judge what awaits a girl in the future using menstruation fortune telling based on the dates of the month. Fortune telling is the same for all seasons, regardless of which specific month a representative of the beautiful female sex plans to lift the curtain on the secrets of her future with the help of such an unusual fortune telling.

If your period starts on the first day, happiness in your personal life will not take long to arrive. Soon, a representative of the beautiful female sex will be able to feel all the delights of the fact that she was born a girl.

The beginning of the critical days on the second indicates that someone from the girl’s environment may cause her contempt due to his dishonesty or immoral behavior.

If your menstrual cycle begins on the third day, you should carefully monitor the situation around you, avoiding conflict situations. The number three in this case is a precursor to a quarrel that a girl can have, both with her loved one and with people close to her heart.

Those girls whose menstrual periods began on the fourth should not worry. In the near future, happiness awaits them, as well as a fun pastime, which can come to life in the form of various parties, get-togethers and cozy gatherings with loved ones.

The beginning of menstruation on the fifth day is an opportunity to become the owner of a pleasant gift given to a girl without any special reason.

If the critical days began on the sixth, the girl should be wary of being involved in the spread of gossip about someone she knows. Also, the representative of the fair sex herself may turn out to be a “central figure” - her acquaintances will gossip about her, although it is possible that there may be no reason for this at all, or there will be one, but not so large that the girl’s “friends” stooped to discussing her personal life. In the event that a girl herself has become a victim of gossips and gossips, you should not pay attention to what people around say. Gossip can be counted as one of the steps towards achieving popularity.

The onset of menstruation on the seventh should especially please girls who are completely disappointed in the opposite sex. If a young lady has a critical episode on this day, you should look around carefully - someone from the lady’s circle has a strong sympathy for her. The girl will only have to figure out the person in love with her and give him a chance to develop their relationship.

If “these days” began on the eighth, then this day is clearly not for jealous young ladies. It may also happen that one of the close people will make the girl jealous of herself. In order to avoid a possible scandal, the young lady must try to control herself.

A girl who begins her period on the ninth may suffer from gossip. To get through this period as easily as possible, a representative of the fair sex should try to be indifferent to any gossip addressed to her, despite the fact that this is not so easy to do.

With the start of her period on the tenth, a girl can discover a new object of adoration, sympathy for whom will accompany her throughout a long period of her life.

Signs for menstruation by day of the week: from the eleventh to the twentieth of the current month

Jealous girls whose periods began on the eleventh can sleep peacefully. During this period, their young people will be more faithful to them than ever.

If the beginning of “these days” fell on the twelfth day of the month, a representative of the beautiful female sex should be ready to be charmed by the charm of a person previously unknown to her.

Fortune telling does not always bring only positive emotions. This is confirmed by the description of what awaits girls whose periods begin on the thirteenth. It has been known since ancient times that the number thirteen is unlucky. Young ladies who started their periods on this day will have to suffer a lot until “these days” are over. It is possible that suffering will be limited only to physical pain and nothing else.

Along with the news that the girl’s period began on the fourteenth, she will also receive good news. What kind of news this will be, she will be able to find out between the dates of the end and beginning of menstruation.

On the fifteenth, a girl who has started her period will receive unpleasant news, which should be taken as calmly as possible.

Lovers of the truth-uterus, whose period began on the sixteenth, will have a hard time. They will have to keep all their comments about what is happening around them to themselves, so as not to offend anyone from their environment with their words.

If a girl’s period begins on the seventeenth, she will be separated from her loved one. However, there is no need to worry, as it will be short-lived.

For a girl whose menstruation began on the eighteenth, for the next month the main priorities in her life will be love. The same applies to those representatives of the beautiful female sex whose menstruation began on the nineteenth.

Young ladies whose menstrual periods began on the twentieth will have a hard time. Their love will be unrequited.

Signs for menstruation by day of the week: from the twenty-first to the thirty-first day of the current month

With the onset of menstruation on the twenty-first day, a girl needs to be on her guard. It is possible that someone will want to deceive her. Accordingly, she will have to notice this and react in time, making it clear to the deceiver that nothing will work out for him.

The beginning of menstruation on the twenty-second will be marked by cash receipts.

Happiness awaits those girls whose menstrual periods begin on the twenty-third.

With the beginning of “these days” on the twenty-fourth, it is necessary to prepare not only for the period itself, but also for guests who may unexpectedly visit the girl, perhaps not even at the most appropriate moment.

On the twenty-fifth, the beginning of the critical days suggests that the girl will meet a new interesting person.

If your critical days began on the twenty-sixth or twenty-seventh, a representative of the fair sex can safely start crying into someone’s vest, since at this time they will not condemn you for such behavior, but, on the contrary, will support you.

With the start of her period on the twenty-eighth, the girl will experience prosperity. The twenty-ninth is a clear sign for a girl that she will soon have to cry.

As for the thirtieth and thirty-first numbers, these days the girl can expect unexpected, and later there may be mutual love, to preserve which she will have to make a lot of effort.

Menstruation signs can tell a girl or woman a lot about everyday events, and will also help her change her life for the better and prepare for unexpected changes. Read below about ancient beliefs related to menstruation.

Many signs have survived to this day that could indicate which incidents in everyday life would be followed by good or bad events. Some of the signs have a logical basis, and there are also a number of holiday signs that can teach young people how to behave correctly at a wedding, on the New Year and during church holidays.

Signs of menstruation seem to be something unusual to a modern person. In some regions, they were more like fortune-telling based on the time at which the beginning of a woman’s period coincided. It was a way available to every woman to find out her future, which did not require any specific attributes or rituals.

What is predicted by signs about menstruation extends for a period of time until the next critical days, after which you can get a new prediction of the future. To find out the meaning, you need to remember what time of day, day of the week and day of the month your menstruation began, and then read the interpretation below. As you can see, this is a very simple way to find out what awaits you in the near future.

Folk signs for menstruation - time of day

If the start of critical days occurred in the morning, that is, from dawn to noon, you get a good prediction. Until your next period comes, love awaits you. This does not necessarily mean personal or marital life; perhaps folk wisdom promises you reconciliation with relatives or a pleasant time with friends. Relations with others during the entire specified period will be warm and friendly.

Daytime, that is, from noon to sunset, portends that you will not have to be sad. This time of the onset of menstruation promises that the woman will experience joy and happiness, positive emotions and a complete absence of quarrels, disputes and scandals.

The second half of the day, according to folk signs on menstruation, is less successful for their onset than the first. Evening, that is, the time from sunset to midnight, portends a woman suffering from boredom and melancholy. Moreover, the closer to midnight a woman’s trouble happens to you, the more boring and dull your life will be over the next few weeks.

Night means separation or loneliness. Perhaps something is threatening your relationship, try to prevent troubles so as not to suffer because of them. Sometimes this means that your friends and loved one are too busy, as well as a forced departure or your passion for business rather than communication.

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Signs for menstruation by day of the week

After you have explained what the time of day at which menstruation began means, take a calendar and find out what your menstrual signs promise you by day of the week.

Monday - anxiety and troubles. Perhaps it will be pleasant excitement, or maybe worries about troubles and attempts to resolve them. It is unknown how pleasant this prediction may turn out to be. For a modern person, not a single day goes by without hassle. But still, your troubles and worries will not be entirely ordinary, and you will be able to distinguish them from everyday worries. Most likely, the reason will be something you haven’t thought about before.

Tuesday not only promises change, but also suggests that the following weeks are the best time to change your life, make important decisions and choices. It is possible that people you have long forgotten about will appear in your life, or new acquaintances may appear. There is a high probability of reconciliation with friends and the beginning of new relationships.

The start of your period on Wednesday means trouble. Do not be upset, because the prediction of these signs only applies to one menstrual cycle, which does not last very long. Most likely, you are already prepared for these problems and are aware of their existence, so they will not be able to take you by surprise. Perhaps next month the signs will be more optimistic, but for now you should be wary of strangers and not trust those who do not deserve it.

Thursday - to the guests. Either guests will come to you, or someone will invite you. Perhaps you will attend a feast, receive an invitation to a wedding or other holiday. If a holiday falls during the period that the sign refers to, it means you will spend it in a cheerful company. It is possible to meet interesting people who can become your friends.

Friday warns you to be patient. A serious unpleasant event awaits you, perhaps even trouble or grief. But pleasant events in your life will also be present. The next month will be rich in events, both pleasant and not so pleasant.

Saturday is the best day for the start of menstruation, because if you believe the interpretations of menstruation signs by day of the week, you will have a wish of any nature coming true. Perhaps a declaration of love awaits you, the beginning of a new relationship, also, this is a sign for a wedding or engagement.

Sunday is for joy and fun. You will spend this month in a good mood, and nothing can ruin it for you. You will find interesting events and options for spending your time, chatting with friends, and possibly going on vacation. A memorable conversation, both good and bad, is possible.

Signs about menstruation - a combination of the date and day of the week

The value of the day of the week with which the beginning of menstruation coincided must be combined with the day of the month. Both predictions will be correct, and if they are opposite to each other, this means that both different events should be expected. Combining them with the time of day, you will get the most accurate and detailed prediction for the next few weeks. Below you can read the interpretations of the numbers of the month.

1 - happiness and success in all areas of life.

2 - you will despise someone.

3 - the threat of quarrels and conflicts, try to stay away from such situations, because the consequences can be very unpleasant for you. There is a possibility of a disagreement, be careful.

4 - fun and happiness.

5 - a gift or other pleasant surprise, perhaps you will make a profitable purchase.

6 - gossip. It is not known whether rumors about someone you know will reach you or whether a sign about menstruation after combining the date and day of the week will mean that someone is discussing you. Be prepared for this event, do not comment on gossip and do not pass it on, then they will answer you in kind. You should not take gossip about you to heart, because there are no people whom no one discusses.

8 - jealousy. You should not give your boyfriend any reason to be jealous. If you have to be jealous, try to control yourself and not do stupid things, especially if you are prone to jealousy.

9 - troubles, in the fight against which you will need calmness and self-confidence. Perhaps these problems arise due to gossip about you or your tendency to spread rumors about other people.

10 - soon you will fall in love with someone. For girls who already have a couple and married women, the sign promises happiness in their personal or family life, and an excellent relationship with their significant other.

11 - loyalty of a loved one or devotion of friends.

12 - the appearance of temporary attraction or even falling in love with a person. Beware that nothing serious will come of this and that your feelings will be temporary. Perhaps this number foreshadows seduction or even a love spell.

13 - one of the most unlucky numbers, and they think so not only in our country. It promises bad luck and troubles of various kinds.

14 - good news.

15 - bad news.

16 - folk wisdom warns you against gossip. If you love this business, try to keep your mouth shut for at least the next few weeks. But this applies not only to gossip, but also to offensive comments and other words that may offend your loved one.

17 - separation from a loved one. Do not be upset, because this does not mean the end of the relationship; most likely, you will have to postpone your meetings due to a forced trip or lack of time.

18 - love and luck in your personal life.

19 - true love and happiness awaits you.

20 - unrequited love, a disagreement with a person you care about is possible.

21 - someone wants to deceive you, be careful. Be vigilant, do not trust scammers and carefully monitor your belongings.

22 - luck in money. Perhaps you will receive a bonus, open a new source of income and win the lottery. If you have never tried to earn more, it’s worth a try, the month will be very successful for this.

23 - happiness.

24 - unexpected guests and meetings, you should be prepared to receive them. Perhaps you will meet those you have been waiting for a very long time.

25 - making acquaintances, expanding your social circle.

26 - pity or help that you receive from friends or relatives.

27 - fulfillment of a cherished dream.

28 - well-being.

29 - tears and grief.

30 - mutual feelings.

31 - a pleasant surprise. Perhaps you are waiting for a vacation trip, a new acquaintance or hobby.

Ancient signs about menstruation

There are many superstitions about menstruation. In the old days, it was believed that a woman at this time had a special power that could both protect from negativity and harm others. It was precisely in order to prevent harm that signs were observed in the past.

It was believed that a woman should not cook during menstruation. Many people still believe that food will be tasteless and quickly spoil. This sign can be justified logically, because taste sensations during this period may change, as a result of which a woman may add too much salt and other components. In the old days, “unclean” women were prohibited from approaching containers in which vinegar, beer, kvass or wine were prepared, otherwise the liquid could spoil.

If a girl had her first menstruation too early, this promised her the fate of a mother of many children.

An old sign about menstruation says that a woman should not look at naked people during this time; it is recommended to entrust even bathing her own child to someone else. It used to be believed that a naked body looked at by a girl who was menstruating would break out in a rash.

This is far from the only ban. In the old days, girls during their periods were not allowed to water or plant onions and cucumbers, so that the vegetables would not turn yellow and spoil before they were picked from the garden. You should also not look at growing cherries, otherwise they will disappear, and you should also not climb a tree to collect fruits so that the tree does not dry out.

A belief that our grandmothers believed in says that if a girl bleeds herself or someone else, her period will last much longer. Of course, this cannot be, but they used to believe in it and did not allow women to slaughter animals or even food in the kitchen during this period.

Even now it is considered a great sin for a woman who is menstruating to enter church.

In addition to the fact that menstruation makes a woman “unclean,” it allows her to protect her home and animals from the evil eye. In the past, for this purpose, housewives sprinkled the threshold of the house and livestock so that no one could cause damage or the evil eye.

In general, knowledge of these signs will be useful to every girl and woman, it will allow you to brighten up your critical days with interesting fortune-telling and simply worry less about anything.

Signs of menstruation by date - what “these” days can tell you - all the secrets on the site

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In folk wisdom there are a lot of all kinds of signs that can be associated with the most ordinary life conditions.

Even sneezing and scratching some part of the body necessarily means something. Girls have a lot of acceptances and beliefs associated with critical days. Every month they delight you with their appearance, and every month they can reveal something new to you.

Popular signs associated with menstruation

The number of folk signs and beliefs associated specifically with menstruation is simply enormous. Thus, it was previously believed that a girl whose period began early could later become a mother of many children.

Another superstition says that if a girl gets her first period, her mother or other female relative should slap her. This should be a woman who is currently not having her period.

It was believed that this could save the girl from all further problems associated with menstruation - abdominal pain, weakness, fainting.

It was also believed that a woman should not look at naked people, otherwise the bodies of the latter will suffer from a rash. You cannot visit places where you need to undress. Although this sign has a completely logical justification related to hygiene.

Since a woman who had her period was considered unclean in the old days, she was usually not allowed to have any homework. Thus, it was forbidden to even approach the place where some dish or drink was being prepared, since it was believed that everything would definitely be spoiled.

Some signs associated with critical days are downright scary. Thus, it was believed that a woman who sprinkles the entrance to her house with menstrual blood using a broom or a bunch of hay will thereby provide the most reliable protection from the evil eye, damage and simply negative influence from those who enter your house. Another sign advised sprinkling the same liquid on pets. It was believed that in this case they would be protected from death as a result of the evil eye.

A lot of superstitions were associated with the “bloody” period in ancient times. And ancient witches often made numerous love spells and hexes. It is not known for certain whether they worked, as well as signs, but, of course, in our time we will not repeat these frightening rituals. As for signs, if they are positive, why not believe in them?

Menstruation by day of the week

It is believed that the day of the week on which your period begins is a harbinger of what will await you in the coming month. So:

  • Monday is considered a difficult day and among the people too, because it is believed that the critical days that began on this day can bring you a series of troubles. But these concerns will not always be negative. Perhaps the troubles will be pleasant. For example, preparing for some holiday.
  • Tuesday symbolizes upcoming changes. If your period began on the second day of the week, then the next month will be a wonderful time for making serious decisions into reality.
  • Menstruation starting in the morning is not considered a good sign. Wednesday. They portend trouble. You should be careful and not put too much trust in those you don’t know well.
  • Critical days in Thursday they talk about what's coming to you guests will come. Or perhaps you yourself will become someone’s guest. But the nature of the meeting will depend solely on you.
  • A girl whose period started in Friday, can prepare for the news. A sign does not indicate whether they will be good or bad. Well, all that remains is to wait.
  • A good day to start your critical days is Saturday. This tells you that everything you wish will come true. The main thing is to sincerely believe in it.
  • IN Sunday is waiting for you fun and joy. In the next month, your mood will be wonderful, and nothing can ruin it.

What time of day did your period start?

Some signs are also associated with the time of day when menstruation begins. Here's what folk experts say about this:

  • If bleeding starts early morning, they promise you pure and sincere love. This can be love not only for a man, but also for a child, family members, and good friends. Be that as it may, you are guaranteed good and loving relationships with those whom you consider your family.
  • If your period starts from 10 am to 5 pm, the sign promises that the next month will be joyful and pleasant. During it you will forget about what sadness is.
  • If your period starts on evening time, then the sign promises you tears and melancholy. Moreover, people say that the later they start, the worse the coming month will be.
  • It is believed that if menstruation has begun at night, it's a sign upcoming separation. You must be prepared to spend some time alone.

Fortune telling by starting number

Even the date on which your period began, according to signs, speaks volumes.

  • 1. If your period started on the first day of the month oh, that's a sign promises you happiness throughout the next period.
  • 2. The second number is not so pleasant. It foretells that this month you will learn what contempt is and will experience it throughout the next thirty days. You should be a little colder in your expressions of emotions, otherwise a serious conflict is possible.
  • 3. The period is expected on this date quarrels and conflicts. You need to try to do everything to avoid them or at least reduce them.
  • 4. If your period began on the fourth, the next month will be very cheerful and happy.
  • 5. Coming soon nice gifts. And they will probably be unexpected.
  • 6. Sixth number indicates that you will be mired in rumors and gossip. It’s just important not to take them too seriously, because there have always been and will be envious people.
  • 7. Seven is a lucky number. Therefore, the onset of menstruation during this period is a harbinger of sincere and pure love. This may be a feeling that will last a lifetime, so try to preserve it.
  • 8. If you are jealous, try to control yourself, otherwise the consequences can be dire.
  • 9. Beginning of the cycle on the ninth warns you what to do act calm. Troubles are possible in the near future, and if you do not panic, you will be able to overcome them with dignity.
  • 10. Tenth number indicates that falling in love is soon possible. And not necessarily new. Perhaps you will fall in love with your boyfriend or husband with renewed vigor.
  • 11. This number means that you can be confident in your other half.. At any moment this person will screw you over reliable shoulder, after all, his devotion to you is limitless.
  • 12. Life promises that you will be fascinated by someone. He could be new to your life or someone you already know. But this will probably only be a temporary hobby.
  • 13. The thirteenth in accordance with popular beliefs, it says that in the near future will be very unfortunate. But don't worry. This period will soon be replaced by a white stripe.
  • 14. Good news is expected, which you will be very pleased to receive.
  • 15. But the fifteenth number is the opposite of the fourteenth. It just promises bad news.
  • 16. This date suggests that in the coming month your tongue will be your enemy. It’s worth a little restraining your desire to gossip and comment on your opinion about what is happening.
  • 17. Waiting for you separation from someone you care about very much. But don't worry, because it will probably be short-lived.
  • 18. Soon you should fall in love. Only you yourself can understand whether your feeling will be real.
  • 19. If your period starts on the nineteenth day, then have no doubt that you will soon be swallowed up by happy and mutual love.
  • 20. But the twentieth number is popularly associated with unrequited love. It will be quite difficult to cope with it, but you will have to do it.
  • 21. This number warns you that you will soon need to be vigilant. Deception can come from places you don't expect, so be prepared.
  • 22. The beginning of your period on the twenty-second promises you financial success. This could be a serious bonus or even winning the lottery.
  • 23. This number promises you happiness in all areas, which will accompany you for a month.
  • 24. And in this case, you should be ready for the arrival of guests at any time, and those you didn’t expect to see on your doorstep.
  • 25. The twenty-fifth speaks of new pleasant acquaintances. Soon you will have to expand your circle of friends.
  • 26. Soon to you will need help. But you can be sure that you will get it if necessary. If you need to be pitied, rest assured that there will be someone to do it.
  • 27. Twenty-seventh promises you the fulfillment of all your desires.
  • 28. And in this case, a popular sign says that your whole life will seem exceptionally prosperous to those around you.
  • 29. Something soon may upset you, even to tears.
  • 30. The thirtieth promises mutual infatuation, which will delight you for at least the next month.
  • 31. Start of menstruation on the last day month indicates that soon something awaits you that you did not expect. By the way, this could be some kind of long road to which you are about to go.

On your birthday

Many people perceive the onset of menstruation coinciding with their birthday as an omen. Some consider this to be the happiest sign, while others, on the contrary, are a harbinger that the whole year will be too unhappy.

For some, this is a reason to abandon the celebration altogether. In fact, among popular beliefs there is no sign associated with menstruation on a birthday. Folk sages pay more attention to the date, number and time of day of the beginning of this feminine phenomenon.

What should you not do these days?

In the old days, there were many superstitions about what a woman should not do during her period. Almost all of them were based on the fact that during menstruation a woman is unclean before God, and certain of her actions can provoke great trouble.

So, during her period, a woman should not go to church, since this state and Faith did not combine in any way, according to folk healers. Cooking and doing housework were also prohibited. Probably, many women are not averse to using this sign today.

You cannot plant a crop and harvest it, since in the future this will cause its complete absence. Some signs are downright scary. So, if a woman’s onset of menstruation coincided with the full moon, she was considered a witch, and she was forbidden to look at both people and livestock.

To believe or not to believe in omens - It's everyone's personal business. But do not forget about more serious things that you should not do on critical days, namely, swimming in open water, doing hard physical work, getting hypothermic and overheating. All this can also have negative consequences, but they will directly affect your health.

The rules and methods of fortune telling by women's periods is a very interesting topic, about which you could write not an article for a website, but a whole book. After all, from ancient times to this day, girls’ periods are shrouded in a veil of mystery and witchcraft. Who knows why we are given this strange feature - to shed blood once a month and experience pain and changes in mood? Many sorcerers and fortune tellers realized that, like everything else in our world, the alternation of menstruation, delays, periods of mood swings and pain - both in the abdomen and in the whole body - are not accidental and are connected with what surrounds us in everyday life, and by analyzing the connection of reality , past, present and menstruation, they came to the conclusion that it is possible to predict the future.

Attention! If your delay is longer than one week, it is better to consult a doctor.

Today there are many methods of fortune telling by menstruation, each is good in its own way, but how to choose the one that is right for you? Read our article, and you will become an expert in the field of fortune telling by menstruation, you will be able to make accurate fortune telling for yourself or your friends, manifest signs of fate and interpret messages of intuition.

General information about fortune telling

Does menstruation awaken special powers? The same thing is that menstruation increases sensitivity and intuition - this is confirmed by many women. It is in this state that you can see the signs of fate.

A girl can resort to fortune telling by menstruation only once a month - on the first day of the menstrual cycle. Many women feel in advance that their critical days are approaching due to a number of characteristic symptoms. But the value for fortune telling is precisely the moment when the first discharge of blood begins to appear.

It will not be possible to find out information about distant events using this technique. The maximum period for which you can receive a prediction is one month (or, to be more precise, one menstrual cycle).

There are several ways to tell fortunes by menstruation, namely:

  • By time of day;
  • By day of the week;
  • By number.

Features of correct fortune telling by menstruation:

  • To calculate predictions, only the first day on which menstruation began is taken into account
  • If you use 2 options for fortune telling, you can get more accurate results
  • The prediction is made only for one month
  • Having told your fortune, you should write down the results somewhere. This will help you not to forget what fate promises.
  • You should not talk about a favorable prediction, so as not to prevent a good event from coming into your life. Foreign languages ​​can ruin everything

Prediction by time of day

Pay attention to what time of day or night your period began and check the interpretation:

  • Early morning (before 11 o'clock). This is the best time. In this case, fortune telling promises you the emergence of a romantic relationship in the next month, and also indicates harmony with the rest of your environment. If you have a strained relationship with one of your relatives, friends or acquaintances, the situation will stabilize in the best possible way.
  • Daytime (from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.). If the onset of menstruation coincides with this time period, you also have no reason to worry or worry. During the next cycle you will experience many joyful events, luck will always be with you.
  • Noon (from 14 to 17 hours). Those representatives of the fair sex who began their periods at this particular time are warned by fortune-telling about possible major troubles and failures during the month. Exercise utmost caution and trust solely in yourself.
  • Evening time (from 6 to 9 pm). This option is more favorable than the previous one, but events that will provoke melancholy or a feeling of loneliness during the next menstrual cycle cannot be ruled out.
  • Night. Represents the worst time for the start of critical days. The girl will most likely have to endure separation from people dear to her heart. It is also possible that deception or dishonesty on the part of the latter will lead to a temporary separation. Other unpleasant surprises may also arise.

Even if the prediction you received was not very positive, you should not be upset. Fortunately, the menstrual cycle is not very long and in the next one it is quite likely that the situation will change for the better.

Signs of the morning hours

Fortune telling by menstruation does not require determining the time to the nearest second. It is quite enough to look not even at the clock, but out the window. If the next menstrual cycle is destined to begin early in the morning, good luck will follow everywhere this month. A favorable period is approaching for new love and renewal of past relationships. Harmonious communication and the ability to create psychological comfort are your strengths.

It will not be difficult to persuade others to your point of view. And you yourself will truly enjoy being part of a work team, surrounded by friends and family. Pleasant surprises and repeated confluence of circumstances are expected in your favor. Fortune telling for morning periods extends to the entire first half of the day.

How to tell fortunes by daily periods

Fortune telling by daylight periods that began before dark sounds like a warning. The fortune teller must take note that it is better not to trust anyone for a whole month. Now is not the time for revelations and risky undertakings. The likelihood of all sorts of troubles is very high.

How to tell fortunes by evening periods

Fortune telling by evening periods that begin after sunset usually foreshadows major changes, the nature of which, unfortunately, is not possible to predict. A state of inexplicable anxiety and melancholy threatens to significantly spoil the mood if you give the go-ahead to such emotions and, even more so, take them for a premonition of trouble.

Deceiver night

As you know, night is the most unpredictable part of the day, and fortune telling by night periods once again confirms this truth. The coming month is fraught with tricks coming from those closest to you. It is not recommended to get married; fortune telling urges young girls not to succumb to temptations under any circumstances.

Fortune telling by days of the week

Another popular method of predicting menstruation is by day of the week. For greater accuracy, you can also use the previous method. Decoding the days of the week of the beginning of menstruation will be as follows:

  • Monday. It’s not for nothing that it is secretly considered a difficult day. In almost all cases, it indicates strong worries and troubles. But what emotions they will give you is already decided by higher powers. The probability here is 50 to 50. However, do not rush to get upset, because if the critical period begins on Monday, you may receive an expensive gift from a person you know.
  • Tuesday. Menstruation, which begins on the 2nd day of the week, foreshadows a quick meeting with an old friend or acquaintance with whom you have not communicated for a long time. In some cases, it also promises a new acquaintance with a pleasant young man. And very rarely, but there is still a possibility that radical changes will come into your life.
  • Wednesday. It is an unfavorable day for the onset of menstruation. During the next cycle, you will have to face various troubles that will make you worry a lot and constantly think about them. But you can find a solution to any problem if you put in some effort. It should be noted that the onset of menstruation on Wednesday is a kind of hint from fate that you need to continue the fight and under no circumstances will you emerge victorious from the situation.
  • Thursday. Quite a mixed day. It may indicate a wild celebration of some event in a large company of people. But at the same time, a meeting can bring both positive emotions and lead to major troubles. Therefore, caution should be exercised.
  • Friday. It appears to be an extremely successful day for the beginning of critical days. In this case, fortune telling promises to receive unexpected and pleasant news that can radically turn your life around. Maximum efforts must be made on your part to achieve this.
  • Saturday. Also represents an auspicious time. Very good things will happen in your life over the next month. It is possible that you will easily receive many benefits, as if by magic. And all troubles will dissolve on their own and disappear from your path. Perhaps your loved one will propose to you or a long-forgotten wish will come true.
  • Sunday. If your period begins on this day, you can tune in to a period of joy and fun. Small problems in personal relationships and some contradictions may appear, but they will be resolved very quickly.

Prediction by day of the month

The day on which your period begins also plays a big role in fortune telling. Use the following interpretation if you want to find out what Fate has prepared for you for the next 28-35 calendar days.

What does it mean to have your period on a specific day of the month:

  • 1 – Euphoria, joy, pleasant changes in life. Happiness, luck
  • 2 – Disappointment in connection with the actions of loved ones.
    Unfriendly attitude of the environment.
  • 3 – Conflicts with unpredictable development are possible, which will either disappear soon or will continue to escalate, up to open hostility. Be careful to avoid a big fight. Pay attention to your health
  • 4 – A dream or wish will come true. A cheerful and happy period. Give up petty worries
  • 5 – Your loved one will give you a gift. Also likely to be a profitable investment
  • 6 – Be careful. Your ill-wishers want to discredit you and slander you. Don't pay attention to gossip and don't worry about it
  • 7 – Meeting with the one and only man, with the main love of life. Another option is reconciliation with your loved one
  • 8 – A far-fetched or real reason for jealousy. Observe a loved one. You shouldn’t make scenes of jealousy to avoid getting into trouble.
  • 9 – Caution and restraint are required. Enemies are determined to destroy a woman's relationship with her lover
  • 10 – Predicts falling in love with a new man or an old acquaintance, someone with whom the woman has already met
  • 11 – Beware of unreasonable feelings of jealousy and mistrust. Both a woman can suspect her man of hidden motives, and vice versa. Be careful not to ruin your relationship by believing something stupid.
  • 12 – The possibility of a new feeling may be overshadowed by magical divination on the part of a certain man
  • 13 – Serious difficulties. Unfavorable period
  • 14 – Unexpected happy news
  • 15 – Unpleasant surprises associated with a boyfriend and a close friend
  • 16 – Gossip and gossip can lead to trouble. To avoid saying too much, keep your mouth shut
  • 17 – Separation from a lover. Beware of conflicts, otherwise this separation may become long-term
  • 18 – A marriage proposal awaits a single woman. In the life of a married woman, a new period in relationships will begin, some major changes
  • 19 – New love, the hidden side of which is a certain calculation of a male acquaintance
  • 20 – Beware of deception from loved ones. However, such a lie can protect you from some unpleasant truth. For unmarried women, this is a prediction of unrequited feelings
  • 21 – Major deception that can destroy relationships, even lead to separation of spouses. Beware of scammers and distrust dubious transactions. Devote more time to children
  • 22 – Financial well-being awaits you. Winning the lottery, successfully replenishing your finances with a large amount, an unexpected bonus. You can also find a new source of income for yourself. Now is the perfect time to look for ways to increase your income.
  • 23 – Unexpected joyful events will make a woman happy. These events will play an important role in her life
  • 24 – Celebration on a grand scale. Many guests will be invited to the house. Prepare for your appointment
  • 25 – Fateful or simply pleasant communication with a new person. Expanding your circle of acquaintances
  • 26 – A man will enter a woman’s life who can become her devoted and attentive friend. Help from relatives. Stable course of life
  • 27 – The sudden appearance of a friend or a new acquaintance will contribute to the fulfillment of cherished desires
  • 28 – Calm in the love sphere. Success in business. The appearance of sums of money
  • 29 – There may be disappointments and reasons for tears. Close people will take part in solving problems
  • 30 – New acquaintance with a man, which will lead to a long relationship with him. Mutual and vivid feelings
  • 31 – A sudden trip somewhere. Its cause may be some ugly events that the woman committed. An unpredictable journey

In traditional Chinese medicine, a woman’s menstrual cycle is considered to be a kind of cleansing process. It was believed that waste blood leaves the female body these days, and in its place new, clean and fresh blood is produced. In many ways, it is precisely this process of self-renewal that the beautiful half of humanity owes to the fact that they live longer than men.

Based on what day of the month, day and week this process of self-purification began, theories were put forward about what the woman herself could expect over the next month.

You may not believe in this or be skeptical, but every person knows that our world is cyclical. In addition, scientists themselves can predict almost any such earth cycle. For example, the onset of a thunderstorm is often facilitated by hot and stuffy weather with abundant evaporation of moisture from the surface of the earth, and after summer, autumn inevitably comes. If you take a closer look and study cyclical processes and observe them properly, you will be able to predict even the most complex of them.

This is exactly what witches and healers did in ancient times in many parts of our land. Then critical days were considered just a general process from the cycle of things, and not a separate biological process. In addition, even the first doctors noticed an interesting feature - if a group of women is in close contact and communicates closely, and its members spend a lot of time side by side, then their monthly cycle shifts, which subsequently leads to complete synchronization of this process for everyone who was part of the group. this group.

This means that our body is also influenced by external factors, including other people, phenomena, and incidents. That is, a woman’s period is not some separate area of ​​self-renewal, it is a cycle very sensitive to any changes. And from this it follows that it can not only be corrected or even controlled, but also interpreted what it means.

Fortune telling by menstruation is based on three factors for a reason. The whole world is cyclical, which means that the time of day (sunset and sunrise), and the day of the week, and the day of the month matter.

Many women confirm the veracity of fortune telling by menstruation, but it should be remembered that fortune telling is necessary only on the first day of menstruation. And do not forget that each of the three fortune-telling is important; it is on their basis that a general interpretation is created.

Signs related to menstruation

Below we list the most common ones:

  • During critical days, it is forbidden to swim in reservoirs and visit temples;
  • You should refuse to cook food and not do household chores;
  • You should not plant any plants, otherwise they may die;
  • If menstruation began on the wedding day, it was believed that the bride's children would have a difficult life. To protect yourself from this, you need to read a special plot;
  • Women whose periods coincided with the full moon were considered witches. They were forbidden to look at people and pets, so as not to jinx them.

It was also believed that a menstruating woman could protect her home from fire. For this purpose, she walked around the burning building three times and the flames did not spread to other buildings. Also, monthly blood was used as a talisman to protect the house.

ExperiencedwonderedkiWhen divining menstruation, it is advised to pay attention to the lunar day on which menstruation began. On the 1st, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 23rd, 26th and 29th lunar days the prediction will be inaccurate. On all other days you can count on truthful information.

And finally, I would like to add that fortune telling by menstruation, just like any other, will work only if you believe in it unconditionally. After all, faith is the fundamental factor that helps us create miracles and create a new world around us at our own discretion.

Fortune telling by menstruation for a loved one

And this fortune telling by the menstrual cycle will help girls find out how their loved one treats them. If menstruation starts on an even number, then he loves, but if it’s an odd number, he doesn’t. Fortune telling by menstruation is quite rare, and at the same time truthful.

This prediction will help you find out what kind of character your loved one will have, of course, if you don’t have one yet. Two days before the start of menstruation, I need to ask early in the morning the question when I will meet my love and what kind of character he will be, and wait for the start of menstruation.

  • If your period starts on Monday, then you will meet your loved one very soon. He will be pleasant to talk to, which will attract you, he skillfully chooses flattering words, but remember that he will behave this way not only with you, but with other girls. It won't be possible to remake it. So you either have to accept him as such, or break up.
  • If your period starts on Tuesday, then literally this week you will see the one who will become your loved one, but it is not a fact that you will immediately understand this. He has very strict rules, so he prefers to study a person first before trusting him, for this reason, your relationship may develop according to a slow scenario. If you are ready to wait, then he will become your ideal couple, but if you are impatient by nature, then you will not be together for long.
  • If your period starts on Wednesday, then you will meet your love in six months. You may not like him right away, since he is gloomy and not friendly by nature, but this is only in relation to strangers. After he opens his soul to you, you will understand that he is a wonderful person who is ready to do anything for his soulmate. But again, you will have to wait until he realizes that you are the one!
  • If I get my period on Thursday, then your love is very close, but you don’t notice it. Look around, maybe your neighbor is someone who can’t imagine his life without you, or maybe he’s your old friend. That is, everything depends on you, as soon as you look at the one who will become the closest and dearest person to you, you will immediately dissolve in love and happiness with the one who will replace everything in this world for you.
  • If your period starts on Friday, then you will not meet your love soon, but when this happens, you will understand that you have waited so long for good reason. He is romantic and ready to do crazy things, with him you will always feel protected. His care will envelop you and you won’t want to change anything so much that in the end you can stay together forever, but on the condition that your period starts on Friday for three months in a row. Fortune telling by menstruation is very common these days.
  • If your period starts on Saturday, then you will meet your loved one by chance and it is not yet known when. It could be tomorrow or in a year. But you will immediately understand that it is him. You will like the smell, the look, the manner of behavior - he will become your ideal man. But remember that no people are perfect, and being disappointed is so unpleasant, so don’t build castles in the air. He is an ordinary person, which means he has flaws.
  • If your period starts on Sunday, then you can be sure that your meeting will take place very soon, but it is not a fact that you will want to stay with such a person for a long time, because he is rude and even somewhat aggressive, maybe you will immediately like this behavior, but not in relation to you. And this is quite possible, because he will not be able to remain gentle and patient for long. But we all choose the one whom we are ready, if not to love, then to tolerate. Therefore, everything will depend only on you.

Fortune telling by menstruation may seem frivolous and even absurd, but it is difficult to resist the fact that many women believe in its truthfulness and effectiveness.

More details on the website

Fortune telling by menstruation based on desire

Make a wish a few days before your period starts, and then wait for it to start. Pay attention to what time this happens. This is very important in order to find out whether a wish will come true or not.

  • Midnight - your wish will come true in a short time.
  • Midnight - one in the morning - it will not come true.
  • One o'clock in the morning - two o'clock in the morning - your wish will not come true soon.
  • Three o'clock in the morning - four o'clock in the morning - your wish may not come true, or maybe yes.
  • Four o'clock in the morning - five o'clock in the morning - the plan will, of course, come true, but only under certain conditions that you may not agree to.
  • Five o'clock in the morning - six o'clock in the morning - the plan must be clarified, otherwise it will not come true.
  • Eight o'clock in the morning - nine o'clock in the morning - it will be difficult for you to fulfill it, but all this is possible.
  • Nine o'clock in the morning - ten o'clock in the morning - it has already come true, maybe just a little differently than you would like.
  • Eleven o'clock in the morning - noon - will be fulfilled, but not as soon as we would like.
  • Noon - one o'clock in the afternoon - good wishes are sure to come true.
  • Two o'clock in the afternoon - three o'clock in the afternoon - you yourself interfere with the fulfillment of your plans.
  • Four o'clock in the afternoon - five o'clock in the evening - it will be fulfilled in five days.
  • Five o'clock in the evening - six o'clock in the evening - will be fulfilled during your vacation.
  • Six o'clock in the evening - seven o'clock in the evening - would you like it to come true? Then try to make a wish next time.
  • Seven o'clock in the evening - eight o'clock in the evening - it will not be fulfilled while your friends interfere with you.
  • Eight o'clock in the evening - nine o'clock in the evening - you will share your dream with your loved one, then it will definitely come true.
  • Nine o'clock in the evening - ten o'clock in the evening - if you do not stop constantly suffering, then your desire will not come true.
  • Ten o'clock in the evening - eleven o'clock in the evening - you must work hard to make your wish come true.
  • Fortune telling by menstruation is a time-tested way to predict future events. More details on the website

Fortune telling by menstruation in a women's group

It so happens that where women work for a long time, there is a law - menstruation begins either the same day or with a slight difference. This determines what awaits you at work among your colleagues.

  • If everyone in your office starts menstruating on the same day as you, then we can say that friendship and mutual understanding reign among you.
  • If it is five days earlier than yours, then this person is constantly suppressing you and trying to show his superiority.
  • If it is four days earlier than yours, then you have a strained relationship with this person, but he will not harm you.
  • If it’s three days earlier than yours, you’re good friends, but your relationship doesn’t go beyond work.
  • If it is two days earlier than yours, you and your colleague often find common topics for conversation and often your opinions coincide, but still you will not be close.
  • If it’s a day earlier than yours, your friendship is strong and kind.
  • If it’s a day later than yours, you are good friends, but often you can afford some sideways glances in her direction.
  • If it is two days later than yours, there is nothing good in your relationship, since you are constantly putting pressure on this person, interrupting and imposing your point of view.
  • If it’s three days later than yours, your colleague is constantly jealous of you, but you give her a reason.
  • If it’s four days later than yours, your colleague feels out of place when you’re around.
  • If it’s five days later than yours, you crushed it with your authority and continue to do so.

Fortune telling by menstruation - IS IT TRUE?

In addition, women have more subtle perceptions, actively study their own emotional and energy field, and have developed intuition.

Perhaps these facts have led to the fact that since ancient times, girls and women have been telling fortunes by their periods. It is difficult to say whether such fortune telling has a serious magical meaning or is more of a comic nature.

However, according to modern experts, such fortune telling allows one to obtain information about what awaits a woman in the near future, what is worth paying attention to, and what to beware of.

In general, every woman can decide for herself how true such fortune-telling is. To do this, you should perform a ritual, write down the result, and for 2-3 weeks correlate the events that happen in life with the record. This way she will be able to understand which of the prophecies came true. And to eliminate the possibility of a simple coincidence, you should repeat the procedure in the next cycle.

Five elements in the cycle of female self-renewal

As you know, in the traditional teachings of the Chinese there are five main elements - Wood, Water, Fire, Metal and Earth. Like all other elements on the planet, they obey certain rules, namely, they circulate in our world.

There are certain points when these elements are most active, and they occur at part of the time of day, week and month.

Even the Zodiac calendar works on the basis of similar cycles, only it counts for a larger cycle - for a year.

In the phase of female self-renewal, as in the cycle of the main five elements, the same processes are observed:

  • Wood gives birth to Fire;
  • Fire gives birth to Earth;
  • The Earth gives birth to Metal;
  • Metal gives birth to Water;
  • Water gives birth to a Tree.

Thus, the beginning of a new cycle is Wood, and it ends with the element of Water. However, immediately after the end of the Water activity, the Wood phase is born again, and this cycle is endless.

The element of Water is a kind of final stage of one cycle, and it is during this period that the stage of a woman’s self-purification occurs. Water is blood, it is a body fluid that gives life and gives rise to the development of a new cycle.

At the moment of the birth of the Earth - approximately in the middle of the female cycle, ovulation occurs. This is the most fertile period for conception and fertilization of the egg. Just as the Earth gives life, so the female body during this period is most fruitful for the emergence of new life. After ovulation is completed, if fertilization has not occurred, the female body resembles Metal - this is a period of relative infertility, as on Metal, at this time nothing will take root in the woman’s body. Then this phase ends, giving rise to self-purification and the onset of critical days.

Feng Shui means fortune telling by menstruation is possible, because this is just one of many closed cycles and circulations occurring on our planet. Being able to interpret such a process in the female body is not an outlandish possibility, but rather a logical and natural phenomenon.

Question from a reader

Hello! I would like to ask you one question. The fact is that my grandmother recently died and, unfortunately, I won’t be able to ask her anymore.

My grandmother was not very educated. I doubt she completed more than four years of school. But, as often happens with people of the old school, her level of education was more than compensated by her vast life experience.

Granny commented on any event as if she understood everything in the world, and her predictions came true so often that I even began to think that granny had the gift of foresight.

After her death, my mother gave me a letter that my grandmother wrote shortly before her death.

Imagine how surprised I was when I read in the letter that my grandmother knew the exact date of her death?!

The letter said that they told her when she died my periods!!!

I didn’t understand anything and asked my mother. My mother is a big skeptic and, naturally, she did not believe what was written in the letter.

But she told me that my grandmother often told fortunes to everyone around her and guessed a lot of things.

One of my grandmother’s favorite methods of fortune telling was fortune telling for menstruation. It’s just that no one except the deceased knows what kind of fortune-telling this is and how to use it. Dmitry, maybe you can tell me how fortune telling by menstruation works? I really want to be ready for everything that fate has in store for me!


In general, fortune telling is not really my specialty, but I do know something about it.

There are two types of fortune telling: professional and household.

Professional fortune telling, such as Tarot cards, etc. They are quite accurate, but in order for the cards to begin to obey you, you must have remarkable magical talent.

Household fortune telling are not always accurate and are based mainly on the centuries-old observational experience of generations of our ancestors. One of such fortune telling is fortune telling by menstruation.

Female body– very sensitive to various kinds of changes in the external environment. It is women who suffer the most from magnetic storms and other weather disasters. In addition, the connection between the physical shell and the astral body in women is much stronger and more sensitive than in men. It is this connection that can explain the fairly high accuracy of predictions made as a result of fortune telling on menstruation.

So, there are several varieties of this fortune telling.

  • You can guess by the time of day at which menstruation began. If your period starts in the morning, then in the near future something good will await you, connected with your loved ones.
  • Here we are referring specifically to the people with whom you have the strongest emotional connection, and not at all about love for the opposite sex. Something good will certainly happen to you, thanks to your mom, dad, grandma, or maybe an old friend.
  • Menstruation that begins during the day portends good luck for the future cycle. Luck will follow you in everything, you just have to not turn a blind eye to the good things that happen to you, but go towards your destiny and catch luck by the tail.

Having started in the evening or, worse, at night, menstruation does not bode well. The most accurate word for what can be predicted in this case would be the word "disappointment". It’s not for nothing that people say that menstruation begins at night in lonely and unloved women.

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