Runny nose in children. Causes, stages of development, symptoms and treatment of runny nose in children. Treatment of a runny nose in children - the most effective nasal drops, folk remedies, rinsing and warming. How to cure a runny nose in a 6-year-old child

Every mother is very worried when her child gets sick. In order to correctly diagnose and select the appropriate treatment, parents should seek help from doctors. It is especially important to do this when the child is not yet one year old. After all, at this age, the baby still cannot say what exactly is bothering him, where it hurts. This article will tell you about how and 6 months. You will learn that there are several tactics in correcting pathology. You can also find out the reasons why a 6-month-old child develops a severe runny nose.

Pediatricians' opinion

Absolutely all medical workers are of the opinion that before treating a runny nose in children 6 months old, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Parents can visit a pediatrician or take a referral to a more specialized specialist - an otolaryngologist. Doctors will conduct an examination and, based on your complaints, make a correct diagnosis. After this, the baby will be prescribed treatment, which usually involves the complex use of medications.

Pediatricians say that classic rhinitis in humans lasts up to one week. If a correction is applied at the same time, this period can be reduced. However, for kids, things are a little different. At the age of six months, the immune defense of children has not yet been perfected. That is why this condition cannot be left to chance and inaction. An untreated runny nose can result in chronic pathologies.

A runny nose in a 6-month-old child: how to treat it?

Before talking about the means that help eliminate this condition, it is worth recalling that the chosen method of correction directly depends on the cause of the development of the symptom. Yes, exactly a symptom. After all, the appearance of a runny nose is not a disease, but only its manifestation. That is why it is worth approaching treatment very responsibly and fighting the source of rhinitis.

Doctors report that there are currently a lot of remedies for correcting a runny nose. However, their use is not always appropriate in a particular case. Increased secretion of mucus from the nasal passages can develop for the following reasons: allergies, viral diseases, bacterial infections, physiological conditions, and so on. Only a qualified specialist can determine what exactly caused the runny nose. In accordance with the diagnosis, suitable treatment is prescribed. Let's consider the main options for the course of events and find out how to treat a runny nose in children 6 months old.

Physiological sniffles

If a 6-month-old child has a runny nose, how to treat it? The cause of this condition may be normal physiology. While the baby is in the womb, the baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid. Moreover, water is present in many of its organs. After birth, this mucus remains in the ears, nose and larynx. If a large amount of it is detected, which does not allow the baby to breathe on its own, then this liquid is sucked out directly in the delivery room using powerful aspirators. However, in most cases this is not done. Over time, the mucus evaporates and comes out on its own. At the same time, mommy can hear her nose. In most cases, women attribute this to a runny nose. However, this condition does not require treatment. After about a couple of weeks, the child's breathing returns to normal.

It is worth noting that in most cases, physiological sniffles occur between two weeks of life and up to four months. However, it may also be that they developed in six months. To clarify the diagnosis, it is worth visiting a specialist.

Using breast milk - benefit or harm?

How to treat a runny nose in 6 month old babies? If you ask our grandmothers this question, you will hear almost unanimous advice. The older generation is confident that breast milk will help cope with a sniffling nose. After all, it is this liquid that contains a lot of immune cells, which mommy passes on to her baby. What do experts say about this?

Doctors strictly prohibit the use of breast milk to treat a runny nose. Doctors report that this may lead to the development of a more serious problem. Of course, breast milk is rich in many beneficial substances. It can protect the baby during a cold and help his immune system cope with pathology. However, this medicine is used only orally. Doctors advise feeding the child milk, but not putting it in the nose. After all, this food can turn sour, and the formed environment is an excellent prerequisite for the development of fungal infection. For young children this condition is especially dangerous.

Allergic manifestations

Treatment of a runny nose in a 6-month-old child may involve the use of antihistamines. In most cases, such pathology does not develop at this age. However, if dad or mom has these manifestations, then they can be hereditary. The appearance of allergic rhinitis at this age is possible due to poor nutrition or the child’s consumption of a large number of allergens. Even the banal drop of milk into the nose described above often causes similar consequences.

There are two ways to treat a child’s character at this age. Doctors usually prescribe oral and topical antihistamines. The first type of medicine includes “Citrine”, “Suprastin”, “Tavegil” and so on. All of them are available in tablet form. This is not very convenient for use in children. Parents will also have to calculate the dosage of the drug and divide the tablet into several parts. It is more convenient to use such compositions as Fenistil and Zyrtek. They are produced in the form of drops for oral administration. In addition, to improve breathing, compositions such as Avamis and Tafen may be recommended. "Nasonex". Other vasoconstrictors are usually not suitable for the treatment of allergies, as their long-term use can cause dependence.

Viral pathology

If a 6-month-old child has a runny nose, how to treat it? When a viral pathology develops, a baby often has other symptoms. Thus, body temperature may increase. When examining the larynx, inflammation of the tonsils and their enlargement are detected. The inside of the eyelid becomes red and inflamed.

Fever and runny nose in a 6-month-old child must be recorded by a doctor. In most cases, doctors prescribe the following drugs for fever: Nurofen, Panadol, Cefekon and others. They can be used as needed, but the dosage indicated in the instructions must be followed. Directly for the treatment of a runny nose, such compounds as Interferon, Grippferon, Irs-19, and Derinat are prescribed. All of them have immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. Their use must be carried out strictly according to the instructions in compliance with the dosage specified by the doctor.

Bacterial damage

If your baby is 6 months old, a cough and runny nose may be a sign of a bacterial infection. In most cases, body temperature also rises. However, it can last more than five days. This is what distinguishes a bacterial infection from a viral infection.

To treat this type of runny nose, doctors usually use two methods: taking medications orally or using them locally. The first type of medicines include Amoxicillin, Flemoxin, Azithromycin, Sumamed and others. To eliminate pathology in the area of ​​the nasal passages, compounds such as Isofra, Protargol, Polidexa, Sialor, and so on are prescribed.

Sinus rinsing

6 months? It is imperative to clear the nasal passages of mucus. As many parents understand, at this age babies cannot blow their nose on their own. This is why it is worth using an aspirator. Currently, you can find similar devices in every pharmacy. They can be of different types. However, all aspirators have a common task - to remove mucus and snot from the baby’s nose.

For rinsing the nose, doctors recommend the following compositions: “Aquamaris”, “Aqualor” or regular saline solution. If necessary, you can prepare your own salt composition. To rinse the nose, you need to inject a few drops of the drug into each nostril of the child. After this, use an aspirator to remove all the liquid. Repeat the procedure if necessary. It is recommended to rinse your child's nose as needed. However, you should not get carried away with this activity, because you can dry out the mucous membrane. After rinsing, you can inject into your nose any medications prescribed by your doctor.

Use of vasoconstrictors

If a child (6 months) has a runny nose without or with a fever, this can lead to difficulty breathing. In most cases, babies at this age are still breastfed or eating formula from a bottle. A stuffy nose simply does not allow them to eat normally. That is why manufacturers of pharmacological drugs have created means to combat this symptom.

Vasoconstrictors must be used very carefully. Do not exceed the dose indicated in the instructions. Also, the use of medications should not last more than one week. Otherwise, addiction to the medication will occur. Typically, pediatricians and otorhinolaryngologists prescribe the following formulations: Nazivin, Vibrocil, Snoop, Otrivin, etc.

Inhalations for a runny nose

Recently, doctors very often prescribe inhalations for treatment. Drugs such as Derinat and Interferon will help cope with the secretion of mucus in the nose and the development of the inflammatory process.

To carry out inhalation, you need to mix a few drops of the medication with saline solution. Place the medicine in a special container and inhale the child for five minutes. Similar procedures can be carried out up to two times a day. If necessary, you can use the inhaler for preventive purposes. To do this, repeat the procedure once a week.


In the process of reading the article, you learned how to quickly cure a child’s runny nose at 6 months. Remember that any use of medicinal formulations must be agreed with your doctor. You also need to know that under the age of two years, it is prohibited to use drugs to treat a runny nose in the form of a spray. Some manufacturers even recommend their medications after six years. If you are prescribed a medication that is only available in the form of a spray (for example, Isofra), then you should first pour the composition into a spoon, and only from there, using a pipette, drop the medicine into the baby’s nose. Wishing your baby a speedy recovery!

Why did a 6-month-old child develop a runny nose: how to treat it to quickly help? This question is asked by many young mothers. It is better not to choose medications yourself if you can get a consultation with a pediatrician in a short time. But there are times when you need help immediately. In this case, first you need to determine the type of runny nose.

Types of runny nose in infants

A child's runny nose can be caused by the following reasons: an infectious disease (viral or bacterial), allergies, dry air. In the first case, a runny nose in a baby will be accompanied by other symptoms: cough, fever. Nasal discharge is most often opaque. In case of infection, it is impossible to cure a runny nose in a 6-month-old child without complex therapy, which is prescribed only by a doctor.

Allergic rhinitis is a common occurrence in infancy. It can be caused by allergens of various types. For example, food, if the baby is breastfed and the mother has consumed some “forbidden” product. A reaction may occur to the powder used to wash your child's clothes. In this case, carefully examine the child: a reaction will most likely occur on the skin in the form of redness and pimples. It also happens that children are healthy, but a runny nose appears. This can happen due to uncomfortable conditions in the bedroom: too dry air, high temperature. How to treat children's runny nose in each of these cases? Before choosing medications for your baby’s runny nose, pay attention to important rules. Children under 1 year of age are given drops rather than sprays. The latter are prohibited, because Otitis may occur due to pressure. Before using any medications for a runny nose in a 6-month-old baby, be sure to consult your doctor.

Viral disease

Colds are treated with two types of drops: antiviral and vasoconstrictor. The first ones act directly on the cause of the disease, the second ones relieve the symptoms. Antiviral drugs that can be used to treat a runny nose in a six-month-old child: Interferon, Grippferon, Derinat.

Interferon is a drug that has antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. The main active ingredient is interferon alpha. This is a substance related to our body, so the drug is natural and harmless. It is prescribed to children from birth, including in complex therapy: together with suppositories, inhalations. Instill Interferon twice a day. The break must be at least 6 hours. Please note the short shelf life after opening the package: depending on the form of release, the drug can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 to 3 days. Interferon - inexpensive drops. Retail price is about 125 rubles per 5 ml package. Its analogue is the drug Grippferon.

Derinat is another antiviral drug that is prescribed to children from the first days of life. It has a wide spectrum of action: it has an immunomodulatory, antibacterial, regenerating effect. Like the two previous medications, it can be used to prevent ARVI. To cure a child with a runny nose at 6 months, you need to instill Derinat every 1-1.5 hours on the first day, then every 3-4 hours for 5-7 days. On the recommendation of a doctor, treatment can be extended to 1 month. The price of the drug in the pharmacy is about 260 rubles per package of 10 ml.

Bacterial infection

The presence of a bacterial infection in the body can only be determined by a doctor based on test results. An indirect sign is a fever that does not go away for more than 5 days. In this case, treatment with the following drugs is used: Protargol, Sialor.

Protargol is a drug based on silver proteinate. It has an astringent effect, has a protective and antiseptic effect. Protargol fights staphylococcus, streptococcus and a number of other bacteria and fungi. Before use, you need to conduct a tolerance test: drop a little product on your elbow and monitor the reaction. If the skin does not become irritated, the solution can be used. Treatment with Protargol takes from 5 to 7 days. If irritation or itching does occur during use, rinse your nose with water. Protargol is also used for prevention during colds. The average retail price is 180 rubles. An analogue of Protargol is the medicine Sialor. It is available in the form of tablets, on the basis of which a solution is prepared for instillation into the nose. The prepared solution can be stored for no more than a month. The price in pharmacies is about 230 rubles.


This type of medication should be used with extreme caution because it is addictive. But often you can’t do without them, because a baby with a stuffy nose cannot normally drink from a bottle or suck on his mother’s breast. At six months of age, treatment with the following vasoconstrictor drops is allowed: Otrivin, Nazivin, Vibrocil. They are also used for allergic rhinitis. In this case, complex therapy is always prescribed: taking tablets or suspensions, ointment and nasal drops.

In the wide range of Otrivin products, choose Baby drops. They are suitable for both children under one year of age and older. The main active ingredient is sodium chloride. The manufacturer has provided convenient packaging: 5 ml droppers. They are convenient to take with you. An opened ampoule can be stored for no more than 12 hours. Do not use the drug for more than 5 days. The average retail price is 260 rubles.

Nazivin is a medicine based on oxymetazoline. For children under one year of age, choose a dosage of 0.01%. The advantage of the drug is that it begins to act almost immediately, the effect lasts up to 12 hours. The line includes a Sensitive version, which can also be used to relieve nasal congestion in children under one year of age. Approximate price in pharmacies: Nazivin - 170 rubles, Nazivin sensitive - 210 rubles. Analogs: Nazol, Nesopin, Sialor Rino.

Vibrocil are drops that can be used from 1 year of age. But pediatricians often prescribe them for younger children as well. The advantage of the drops is that they help with allergic rhinitis. They have a vasoconstrictor and antihistamine effect. This effect is achieved due to two active substances in the composition: phenylephrine and dimethindene. The average retail price is 280 rubles.

Moisturizing the mucous membrane

How to cure a runny nose that is not associated with a viral or bacterial disease? You can use preparations containing sea salt. They are designed to moisturize the nasal mucosa and should be in every family's medicine cabinet. Today you can find very few apartments that provide comfortable conditions for children. The optimal air temperature should be 18-20°C, humidity - 50-70%. During the heating season, it is especially difficult to maintain the required indicators. The environment also affects the deterioration of the mucous membrane. Dust from cars, smoke and smog from factories and other irritants “clog” the respiratory tract. The most popular means for moisturizing and rinsing the nose: Aquamaris, Aqualor, Marimer.

Aquamaris is an almost universal drug. It can be used for prevention, for moisturizing, and also as an anti-allergenic agent. Under the influence of sea water, mucus thins and is easier to remove from the body. Along with it, allergens settled on the walls of the nose, as well as dust, etc., go away. Aquamaris is used from the first days of a child’s life. A cured child can still take such drops, because... they help maintain optimal microflora in the sinuses. The average price in pharmacies is about 130 rubles.

Aqualor also contains a solution of sea water. Can ease breathing in infants, remove germs, viruses, bacteria, allergens, and contaminants from the nasal mucosa. It increases local immunity and protective functions. Both Aqualor and Aquamaris can be used in conjunction with other nasal drops, because... they increase the effectiveness of the latter. The average retail price of Aqualor is 140 rubles.

Marimer is a French preparation based on sea water. Its advantage is its convenient packaging: 5 ml ampoules, which are convenient to take with you. It has a comfortable nozzle that is safe for infants. Indications for use: vasomotor rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, inflammation of the nose, daily hygiene to increase the protective functions of the mucous membrane. The price in pharmacies is about 210 rubles.

Similar saline solutions can be prepared at home. But doctors do not recommend using them to treat runny nose in children. This may cause inflammation. Nasal aspirators should be used with caution to remove mucus from the nose. This can lead to otitis media.


Increased secretion of mucus from the nose in children occurs more often than in adults, and occurs in a more severe form. Prolonged rhinitis eventually spreads to the lungs and bronchi, and inflammation of the ear (otitis) develops. For this reason, it is necessary to quickly treat a runny nose in children at home, which is carried out both with medication and with traditional recipes. To avoid complications, the child needs to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and return normal breathing through the nose.

What is a runny nose in children

The main symptom of childhood rhinitis is intense formation of nasal mucus, which in itself is not dangerous to health. It traps dust particles, moisturizes the inhaled air, and has antiseptic and protective properties. However, with an infectious or viral disease, the amount of mucus increases several times, because the body begins to intensively produce muconasal secretions in order to remove pathological microorganisms from the nasopharynx. As a result, the baby suffers from a profuse runny nose.

How to cure

In most cases, treatment of a runny nose in a child occurs at home. If the cold develops complications, hospitalization may be required. A baby or preschooler needs urgent medical care if he/she has:

  • body temperature above 39.5°C;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • respiratory failure;
  • convulsions;
  • purulent discharge in the nose.

There are several treatment methods to eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose. The first thing to do is to clear the nasal passages of mucus with a disinfecting solution. For this, saline solutions based on sea salt, Miramistin, Furacilin are used. Next, the method of treating a runny nose is prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis, depending on the cause of the pathology.

Preparations for the treatment of runny nose in children

To quickly treat a runny nose in children, different groups and forms of drugs are used. For children under 6 years of age, medications are used in the form of drops, and for adolescents, a spray is used. After diagnosis, doctors prescribe treatment with one or more of the following drug groups:

  • vasoconstrictors, after which the swelling of the nasal mucosa disappears and breathing is restored;
  • hormonal, with anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, anti-allergic activity;
  • antiseptic, used to destroy viruses and fungi during bacterial rhinitis;
  • antiviral, which are designed to destroy the virus that enters the body;
  • immunomodulators, which should be used at the beginning of the disease to avoid taking antiseptics and antibacterial agents;
  • homeopathic, having an anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect in acute rhinitis;
  • antihistamines, which are prescribed for allergic rhinitis.


Among children's medicinal drops for intranasal administration, there are antibacterial drugs, vasoconstrictors, antihistamines, and oil-based drugs for nutrition and softening of mucous membranes. Most Popular:

Furacilin nasal drops for children

If a runny nose develops during a cold, this indicates the active proliferation of bacteria in the nasal cavity. Furacilin-adrenaline drops will help the child’s body get rid of the unpleasant condition. As the name implies, the composition of the drug contains two components. Furacilin is an excellent antiseptic that is used even for purulent sinusitis.

Adrenaline quickly constricts blood vessels, which makes breathing through the nose easier. In pediatric practice, this drug is prescribed in a minimum concentration: 2-3 drops are instilled into each nasal passage no more than 3 times a day. Duration of use: 3 days. If during this period the symptoms of a runny nose have not disappeared, a full course of treatment with drops is prescribed, but not more than 7 days.

Nasal sprays

Prolonged and heavy nasal discharge can be quickly eliminated with nasal sprays. When irrigating the nasopharynx, particles of the medicine even reach the internal sinuses, and the design of the bottle eliminates overdose and the development of adverse reactions. The most popular drugs for children:

  1. Snoop. It has a vasoconstrictor effect, quickly and effectively relieves swelling of the mucous membrane. The spray is intended for the treatment of children over 2 years of age. Prescribe 1 injection 2-3 times/day for no more than 7 days. Do not use Snoop for atherosclerosis, hypertension, or hypersensitivity to components.
  2. Vibrocil. A combined remedy prescribed for bacterial, viral or allergic rhinitis. The vasoconstrictor effect is weakly expressed. It has an antihistamine and decongestant effect. anti-inflammatory effect. Prescribed to children over 6 years of age: 1-2 injections 3-4 times/day for 7 days. If used incorrectly, allergic reactions and drug-induced rhinitis may develop.


An effective home method for treating a runny nose is inhalation of steam (inhalation with a nebulizer or decoctions of medicinal herbs). Therapy is indicated for children whose rhinitis has developed due to ARVI or a cold. If the runny nose is of an allergic nature, then inhalation with decoctions or other means will not help. In any case, this method of treatment must be agreed with a doctor. Why is inhalation needed? Using this procedure you can:

  • clear the nasal cavity of secretions;
  • moisturize the nasal mucosa;
  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • deliver antiseptics, anti-inflammatory and other drugs to the site of inflammation.


In case of prolonged mucous discharge from the nose, rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solution is prescribed in any complex treatment. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. The benefit of rinsing is that sodium chloride in composition is close in concentration to blood serum, so the child’s body does not regard it as a foreign element. The saline solution stimulates ciliated epithelial cells to an active immune response. Rinsing is indicated not only for the treatment of a runny nose, but also for preventive cleaning of the nose of infants.

How to warm up your nose at home

If the cause of rhinitis in a child is a virus, then effective treatment will be the use of vasoconstrictors and warm compresses. A boiled chicken egg, heated table salt, or rye flatbread can serve as a nasal warmer. All these products are warmly wrapped in cloth and applied to the sinuses. Compresses should be done at night, as it is possible to retain heat longer by wrapping your son or daughter more tightly and putting him to bed.

How to treat a developing runny nose

Snot at the initial stage of the disease (if rhinitis is not accompanied by fever) can be removed by rinsing the nose with saline solution. Folk remedies for runny noses for children give good results. A mixture of aloe juice with a solution of honey (1:1 with water) has excellent antiseptic properties. The drug is used for incipient rhinitis of various etiologies. To prepare it, you need to place the aloe leaf in the refrigerator overnight, then squeeze out the juice using a grater. An aqueous solution of honey should be mixed with juice 1:1 and instilled into each nasal passage 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Treatment of persistent runny nose in children

Antiseptics and nasal rinsing with saline solutions will help relieve the symptoms of sinusitis or chronic rhinitis. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses will be removed by vasoconstrictor drops and inhalation of mucolytics (mucus thinners). For a purulent runny nose, you must:

  • carry out systemic antibacterial therapy (Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin);
  • use local anti-inflammatory drugs (Pinosol, Hydrocortisone);
  • resort to physiotherapy (UHF, SMV).

How to treat a bacterial runny nose

The treatment regimen is based on the elimination of pathogenic bacteria, and therefore includes cleaning the nasal cavity, increasing immunity, restoring mucosal tissue and preventive measures to prevent relapses. Medicines for external use in the form of ointments, sprays, drops in combination with traditional methods are widely used. Excellent results were recorded when rinsing the nose with a decoction of sage and chamomile. To eliminate a bacterial infection, a complex administration of drops is recommended: Vibrocil, after 5 minutes Miramistin, after 5 minutes Isofra.

Treatment of runny nose in children with folk remedies quickly

When treating rhinitis, eucalyptus essential oil is perfect as an adjuvant. You can use it in several ways: dilute it with water 1:4 and rinse the child’s nose three times a day or instill in the nasal passages 4 times a day. No less effective for prolonged rhinitis is onion juice diluted with water (3 drops per 5 ml). 2 drops of it should be instilled into each nostril 2-3 times a day. Kalanchoe juice diluted with water 1:1 also gives a quick healing effect for removing excess mucus from the nose. It must be instilled for a runny nose at any stage 2-3 times a day.


Treatment of a runny nose in children - the most effective nasal drops, folk remedies, rinsing and warming

Pediatricians' opinion

Physiological sniffles

Allergic manifestations

Viral pathology

Bacterial damage

Sinus rinsing

Inhalations for a runny nose




1. An effective remedy for a runny nose is: four drops of Kalanchoe juice in each nostril, no need to suck anything out, the child will start sneezing on his own;
2. 1 drop of Vitaon in each nostril (but there is often an allergy to the herbs it contains);
3. bury breast milk in the nose (debatable, due to bacteria and an environment favorable to them);
4. frequently massage the points at the base of the wings of the nose;
5. Instill a solution of sea salt into the nose (relieves swelling of the mucous membrane and disinfects). You can make it yourself at home: 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. baking soda per glass of water and add 1 drop of iodine. After procedures with salt, you need to attach the baby to the breast;
6. We dilute beetroot juice with water 1:1 (strong, first drip it for yourself, and then, if everything is ok - for the child, you may need to dilute it with more water, use it carefully, in case of inflamed mucous membranes and the wounds bake). Drip 3 times a day;
7. before going to bed, hang a napkin on the crib, after dropping a drop of eucalyptus oil, the child will breathe easier;
8. Dilute carrot juice with water 1:1, you can drip every half hour;
9. Rinse the spout every hour with half a pipette of saline solution. Then pull out all the remains with a nozzle suction and lubricate the nose with peach oil so that the mucous membrane does not dry out.
10. Instill a few drops of thuja oil 2 times a day.
11. parsley juice. We ground the parsley with a pestle, and then put the whole mass into cheesecloth and squeeze it out, you get a little liquid. Place 1-3 drops into each nostril. After 30 minutes there is no snot! ! True, then green boogers come out of the nose. Bury for at least 2 days.
12. Drip “Star” liquid balm onto your socks. On your toes so that you don’t put it in your mouth and at the same time there is inhalation. Well, the same thing - a couple of drops on a napkin and over your pillow at night.
13. Another remedy for a stuffy nose. Cottage cheese compress. Only you need real cottage cheese, so crumbly, and not flowing out of a pack. The cottage cheese is heated, we heated it in a steam bath, it is laid out on gauze, wrapped, and placed on the bridge of the child’s nose. The advantage of cottage cheese is that it fits tightly around the nose.
14. Rinse the nose with herbs. This collection of herbs “Elekosol” is for sale. Brew as written and rinse your nose with this (you can dilute it 1:1 with Borjomi, releasing its gases). You place the baby on its side and the nostril that is closest to the bed and rinse it. Then we turn and another.
15. “sprinkle” with a homeopathic remedy called Euphorbium. Children under 1 year of age are administered 1-2 drops of a 0.01% solution of the drug into each nasal passage 2-3 times a day.
16. mandatory rinsing 3-4 times a day with a soda solution or chamomile solution using a nozzle suction or enema. after rinsing, drop dioxidin into the nose (sold in ampoules in pharmacies), the drug does not irritate the mucous membrane, is very cheap and treats lingering snot very well.
17. instill 2 drops of Ectericide into your nose every 2 hours.
18. Drops “DERINAT” 4 times a day, one drop in each nostril. The annotation states: the drug has an immunomodulatory effect at the cellular and humoral levels. Activates antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial immunity. Stimulates reparative and regenerative processes. etc.
No contraindications have been identified. No side effects observed
19. Nazivin is a baby (he collects snot) and after a few minutes it becomes very easy to suck them out.
20. drink this infusion - 3 parts rose hips, 1 part each chamomile, nettle and St. John's wort, mix and 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture into a glass of water and in a thermos for 4 hours. Of course, if there are no allergies.


Runny nose
There is no need to treat a runny nose; it is a natural reaction of the body that helps the nasopharynx cope with a virus or bacteria. But you need to help your baby so that the runny nose “doesn’t bother you too much.”
What to do (General recommendations):
Again, maintain humidity.
Remember the above tip about breathing moist air in the bathroom? So, go there every half hour, breathe for 5-10 minutes, let the snot liquefy and pour out, then wash the child. You can add a drop of lemon oil with lavender to the water.
It would be good to provide comprehensive treatment, because a runny nose usually goes along with other catarrhal phenomena.
Therapeutic baths.
birch leaf
In equal parts. 50 gr. Herbs for a large bath, 25 for a baby bath. Leave in a thermos for 2 hours. Water temperature is at least 36-37 degrees. Bath for at least 20 minutes. At least 5 days.
Directly nose
saline solution
The simplest remedy: At least half a pipette in each nostril every hour, it is impossible to overdose. WHAT YOU CAN DO YOURSELF: (instead of saline solution)
If the pharmacy is far away, or there is no time to run there, you can make a semblance of saline solution yourself:
For one liter of boiled water, add one teaspoon of salt, or to be more precise, 9 grams. Salt can be replaced with sea salt, but only without additives, preferably food grade.
Attention! use saline solution only! for “dripping” into the nose, and not for rinsing the nasopharynx. Under no circumstances should you rinse your child’s nose with a small bulb or enema. In children, fluid passes very easily from the nose into the Eustachian tube, which connects the nose and ear. This can cause inflammation in the middle ear (otitis media).
The same applies to all other liquids and herbal infusions.
But if the saline solution is DRIPPED, nothing like this will happen.

***Kiss of the Rain***

Onion juice and boiling water. water 1:1

Sveta Vasina

1-2 drops of aquamaris, then suck out the snot with an aspirator and at the end drip 1-2 drops of sulfacyl sodium (if that doesn’t help, then switch to protargol)
We developed a runny nose at 2 months. The doctor prescribed this treatment for us. We treated for 2 weeks, and on the third week protargol helped.

Mikhail 156

It is best to consult a doctor.

How to treat a runny nose in a 6 month old baby?

Every person experiences a runny nose quite regularly, since this symptom can accompany a huge number of different diseases. Six-month-old babies are no exception. Due to the characteristics of their immunity, babies under the age of one year are incredibly susceptible to pathogenic microorganisms, the proliferation of which can cause a runny nose. In addition, acute rhinitis in a small child can occur for other reasons.

Treatment of a runny nose in a 6-month-old child is complicated by the fact that the baby still does not know how to blow his nose on his own, which means that the mucous secretion does not leave his body. In this article, we will tell you how and how to properly treat a runny nose in a 6-month-old child in order to free his respiratory tract from mucus contaminated with microbes and rid him of this unpleasant symptom as quickly as possible.

How to treat a runny nose in a 6 month old baby?

First of all, to effectively treat a runny nose in a six-month-old baby, it is necessary to moisten the mucous membrane of his nose with ordinary saline or drops based on sea water, for example, Aqualor for children or Aquamaris. After approximately 1-2 minutes, the nasal passages must be cleared of mucous secretions using a special aspirator with replaceable nozzles Otrivin Baby.

Although there are quite a few other systems for nasal aspiration for infants, the vast majority of pediatricians agree that this particular aspirator is the best.

To relieve swelling, vasoconstrictor drugs are used, for example, Vibrocil or Xylene. It should be borne in mind that medicines in the form of a spray cannot be used to treat children aged 6 months, so it is necessary to purchase drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. Such drugs can cause many side effects, so you should always consult your doctor before using them.

In addition, if the doctor, as a result of the examination, determines that the cause of rhinitis lies in a viral infection of the child’s body, he may additionally prescribe the use of antiviral drugs, for example, Grippferon or Interferon. If a runny nose is a manifestation of an allergic reaction, antihistamine drops such as Fenistil or Zyrtec can be used.>

How and with what to treat a runny nose in children 6 months old

Every mother is very worried when her child gets sick. In order to correctly diagnose and select the appropriate treatment, parents should seek help from doctors. It is especially important to do this when the child is not yet one year old. After all, at this age, the baby still cannot say what exactly is bothering him, where it hurts. This article will tell you how and how to treat a runny nose in 6-month-old children. You will learn that there are several tactics in correcting pathology. You can also find out the reasons why a 6-month-old child develops a severe runny nose.

Pediatricians' opinion

Absolutely all medical workers are of the opinion that before treating a runny nose in children 6 months old, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Parents can visit a pediatrician or take a referral to a more specialized specialist - an otolaryngologist. Doctors will conduct an examination and, based on your complaints, make a correct diagnosis. After this, the baby will be prescribed treatment, which usually involves the complex use of medications.

Pediatricians say that classic rhinitis in humans lasts up to one week. If a correction is applied at the same time, this period can be reduced. However, for kids, things are a little different. At the age of six months, the immune defense of children has not yet been perfected. That is why this condition cannot be left to chance and inaction. An untreated runny nose can result in chronic pathologies.

A runny nose in a 6-month-old child: how to treat it?

Before talking about the means that help eliminate this condition, it is worth recalling that the chosen method of correction directly depends on the cause of the development of the symptom. Yes, exactly a symptom. After all, the appearance of a runny nose is not a disease, but only its manifestation. That is why it is worth approaching treatment very responsibly and fighting the source of rhinitis.

Doctors report that there are currently a lot of remedies for correcting a runny nose. However, their use is not always appropriate in a particular case. Increased secretion of mucus from the nasal passages can develop for the following reasons: allergies, viral diseases, bacterial infections, physiological conditions, and so on. Only a qualified specialist can determine what exactly caused the runny nose. In accordance with the diagnosis, suitable treatment is prescribed. Let's consider the main options for the course of events and find out how to treat a runny nose in children 6 months old.

Physiological sniffles

If a 6-month-old child has a runny nose, how to treat it? The cause of this condition may be normal physiology. While the baby is in the womb, the baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid. Moreover, water is present in many of its organs. After birth, this mucus remains in the ears, nose and larynx. If a large amount of it is detected, which does not allow the baby to breathe on its own, then this liquid is sucked out directly in the delivery room using powerful aspirators. However, in most cases this is not done. Over time, the mucus evaporates and comes out on its own. At the same time, the mother can hear the baby’s nose grunting. In most cases, women attribute this to a runny nose. However, this condition does not require treatment. After about a couple of weeks, the child's breathing returns to normal.

It is worth noting that in most cases, physiological sniffles occur between two weeks of life and up to four months. However, it may also be that they developed in six months. To clarify the diagnosis, it is worth visiting a specialist.

Using breast milk - benefit or harm?

How to treat a runny nose in 6 month old babies? If you ask our grandmothers this question, you will hear almost unanimous advice. The older generation is confident that breast milk will help cope with a sniffling nose. After all, it is this liquid that contains a lot of immune cells, which mommy passes on to her baby. What do experts say about this?

Doctors strictly prohibit the use of breast milk to treat a runny nose. Doctors report that this may lead to the development of a more serious problem. Of course, breast milk is rich in many beneficial substances. It can protect the baby during a cold and help his immune system cope with pathology. However, this medicine is used only orally. Doctors advise feeding the child milk, but not putting it in the nose. After all, this food can turn sour, and the formed environment is an excellent prerequisite for the development of fungal infection. For young children this condition is especially dangerous.

Allergic manifestations

Treatment of a runny nose in a 6-month-old child may involve the use of antihistamines. In most cases, such pathology does not develop at this age. However, if dad or mom has these manifestations, then they can be hereditary. The appearance of allergic rhinitis at this age is possible due to poor nutrition or the child’s consumption of a large number of allergens. Even the banal drop of milk into the nose described above often causes similar consequences.

There are two ways to treat a runny nose of an allergic nature in a child at this age. Doctors usually prescribe oral and topical antihistamines. The first type of medicine includes “Citrine”, “Suprastin”, “Tavegil” and so on. All of them are available in tablet form. This is not very convenient for use in children. Parents will also have to calculate the dosage of the drug and divide the tablet into several parts. It is more convenient to use such compositions as Fenistil and Zyrtek. They are produced in the form of drops for oral administration. In addition, to improve breathing, compositions such as Avamis and Tafen may be recommended. "Nasonex". Other vasoconstrictors are usually not suitable for the treatment of allergies, as their long-term use can cause dependence.

Viral pathology

If a 6-month-old child has a runny nose, how to treat it? When a viral pathology develops, a baby often has other symptoms. Thus, body temperature may increase. When examining the larynx, inflammation of the tonsils and their enlargement are detected. The inside of the eyelid becomes red and inflamed.

Fever and runny nose in a 6-month-old child must be recorded by a doctor. In most cases, doctors prescribe the following drugs for fever: Nurofen, Panadol, Cefekon and others. They can be used as needed, but the dosage indicated in the instructions must be followed. Directly for the treatment of a runny nose, such compounds as Interferon, Grippferon, Irs-19, and Derinat are prescribed. All of them have immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. Their use must be carried out strictly according to the instructions in compliance with the dosage specified by the doctor.

Bacterial damage

If your baby is 6 months old, a cough and runny nose may be a sign of a bacterial infection. In most cases, body temperature also rises. However, it can last more than five days. This is what distinguishes a bacterial infection from a viral infection.

To treat this type of runny nose, doctors usually use two methods: taking medications orally or using them locally. The first type of medicines include Amoxicillin, Flemoxin, Azithromycin, Sumamed and others. To eliminate pathology in the area of ​​the nasal passages, compounds such as Isofra, Protargol, Polidexa, Sialor, and so on are prescribed.

Sinus rinsing

How to cure a runny nose in a 6 month old baby? It is imperative to clear the nasal passages of mucus. As many parents understand, at this age babies cannot blow their nose on their own. This is why it is worth using an aspirator. Currently, you can find similar devices in every pharmacy. They can be of different types. However, all aspirators have a common task - to remove mucus and snot from the baby’s nose.

For rinsing the nose, doctors recommend the following compositions: “Aquamaris”, “Aqualor” or regular saline solution. If necessary, you can prepare your own salt composition. To rinse the nose, you need to inject a few drops of the drug into each nostril of the child. After this, use an aspirator to remove all the liquid. Repeat the procedure if necessary. It is recommended to rinse your child's nose as needed. However, you should not get carried away with this activity, because you can dry out the mucous membrane. After rinsing, you can inject into your nose any medications prescribed by your doctor.

Use of vasoconstrictors

If a child (6 months) has a runny nose without or with a fever, this can lead to difficulty breathing. In most cases, babies at this age are still breastfed or eating formula from a bottle. A stuffy nose simply does not allow them to eat normally. That is why manufacturers of pharmacological drugs have created means to combat this symptom.

Vasoconstrictors must be used very carefully. Do not exceed the dose indicated in the instructions. Also, the use of medications should not last more than one week. Otherwise, addiction to the medication will occur. Typically, pediatricians and otorhinolaryngologists prescribe the following formulations: Nazivin, Vibrocil, Snoop, Otrivin, etc.

Inhalations for a runny nose

Recently, doctors very often prescribe inhalations to treat coughs and runny noses. Drugs such as Derinat and Interferon will help cope with the secretion of mucus in the nose and the development of the inflammatory process.

To carry out inhalation, you need to mix a few drops of the medication with saline solution. Place the medicine in a special container and inhale the child for five minutes. Similar procedures can be carried out up to two times a day. If necessary, you can use the inhaler for preventive purposes. To do this, repeat the procedure once a week.


In the process of reading the article, you learned how to quickly cure a child’s runny nose at 6 months. Remember that any use of medicinal formulations must be agreed with your doctor. You also need to know that under the age of two years, it is prohibited to use drugs to treat a runny nose in the form of a spray. Some manufacturers even recommend their medications after six years. If you are prescribed a medication that is only available in the form of a spray (for example, Isofra), then you should first pour the composition into a spoon, and only from there, using a pipette, drop the medicine into the baby’s nose. Wishing your baby a speedy recovery!

How to treat a runny nose in a 2-year-old child at home?

No matter how sad it may be, not a single child has ever grown up without colds and illnesses. Often a symptom of these pathologies is a runny nose. In this case, the snot can be very liquid and transparent or have a thick consistency and a bright yellow-green hue. This article will tell you how to treat a runny nose in a 2-year-old child. Often it is at this age that children go to preschool institutions. This is where the greatest danger of contracting viral or bacterial infections arises. Also from the information presented you will learn how to treat a runny nose in a 2-year-old child using folk remedies.

The nature of the symptom that appears

Before treating a runny nose in a 2-year-old child, it is worth finding out what caused it. A baby's sniffles may be physiological. In most cases, they do not require any additional correction. Also, a runny nose sometimes appears due to environmental exposure. The cause of mucus in the nose can be dry air.

Viral and bacterial mucus should always be treated with the help of a specialist. However, often mothers and fathers try to overcome the disease on their own. Allergies are another cause of a runny nose. To determine exactly how to treat a runny nose in a 2-year-old child and find out the main cause of the symptom, consult an otolaryngologist. If there is no such specialist in your clinic, then at least see a pediatrician.

Self-correction: expert opinion

Before treating a runny nose in a 2-year-old child at home, you should consult a doctor. Remember that there can be many reasons for this unpleasant symptom. Often, with improper therapy, parents independently lead the problem to serious complications. At the same time, the baby already requires more serious and expensive treatment.

Doctors strongly do not recommend self-prescribing. Often parents come to the pharmacy chain and ask the pharmacist to advise them on a drug. At the same time, they do not think about the fact that the pharmacist is not a doctor. The medicine seller does not know your baby's true problem. Remember that any drug should be given to a child only after a doctor’s prescription. Let's look at the basic medications you can use at home.

Rinsing the spout

Before treating a runny nose in a 2-year-old child with medications, it is necessary to rinse the nasal passages. Surely the baby still does not know how to blow his nose on his own. Therefore, you will need an aspirator. Nowadays, a great variety of devices for removing mucus from the nose are sold, but the most popular is the Otrivin aspirator.

Washing can be carried out with such compounds as “Aqualor”, “Aquamaris”, “Rinostop” and so on. All of them are approved for use in children after the first year of life. Many are available from birth. You can also prepare your own saline solution. To do this, boil a liter of water, add a teaspoon of salt to it, then cool. With each rinse, inject 5-10 drops of liquid into each nostril. After this, remove the mucus with an aspirator.

Treatment of physiological runny nose

If a child (2 years old) has a runny nose due to dry air, how to treat it? To begin with, you should pay attention to the conditions in which the baby is. The air temperature in the room should be 18-22 degrees. Also, air humidity cannot be lower than 50-60 percent.

In order to eliminate dry air and thereby cure sniffles, humidify the room. This can be done using modern devices. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase one, then simply hang wet towels or diapers. Also, some mothers place containers of water around the room. This option is less effective, but also effective. Ventilate the room where a child with a runny nose is located more often.

Position during sleep and rest

How to treat a runny nose in a child (2 years old)? Komarovsky, a famous pediatrician, says that it is necessary to provide the most comfortable conditions for a sick child. First of all, this is the position of the body during sleep. Place your pillow higher. You can use improvised means to slightly raise the head of the bed.

If this is not done, then during sleep the snot will flow down the back wall of the throat. This is often accompanied by a cough. Moreover, inexperienced parents begin to treat the described symptom. However, antitussive drugs in this situation are unnecessary.

Drink plenty of fluids and eat well

How to treat a runny nose in a 2 year old child at home? In order for the sniffles to pass faster, it is necessary to properly organize the child’s routine and place of stay. When you have a cold, your baby needs more rest. Don't force your baby to get up at the usual time. If the baby wants to sleep longer, provide this opportunity.

Don't force your child to eat. Especially if he doesn't want to. Prepare your baby a delicious drink that he loves. During illness, a variety of fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices are very useful. Tea with lemon, honey and raspberries will boost your immunity and speed up your recovery time. Give the patient more regular water.

For severe nasal congestion

If a child (2 years old) has a runny nose, how to treat it? For severe nasal congestion, it is advisable to use vasoconstrictor medications. Without them, a runny nose can often be complicated by otitis media due to existing swelling. The most popular and prescribed remedies are drops and sprays “Nazivin”, “Vibrocil”, “Snoop”, “Rinostop” and so on. Most of these products contain xylometazoline or phenylephrine.

Please note that such drugs cannot be used for more than five days in a row. Some are even allowed for a period of three days. Many sprays are approved for use from two (some from 6) years. The use of vasoconstrictor drugs should be carried out strictly according to the instructions. Otherwise, addiction to the medicine will occur.

Antiviral medications

If your child is 2 years old, how to treat a severe runny nose? Most often, the symptom appears with a viral infection. In this case, there may be an increase in body temperature and general weakness. If antiviral therapy is started in time, recovery occurs within a few days.

Among the antiviral drugs that can be used at home are Derinat, Ingaron, IRS 19, Interferon, and so on. All of them are sold in pharmacy chains without a prescription from a doctor. Treatment with these medications is carried out for 3-10 days.

Bacterial origin

How to treat a runny nose in a 2 year old child? Green snot indicates that the origin of the pathology is bacterial. This requires appropriate medications. In the absence of proper therapy, the disease can be complicated by bronchitis or pneumonia.

Most often, doctors prescribe antibacterial medications for home use. These are drops of “Isofra”, “Polydex” and “Protargol”. The last type of drug is the safest. The basis of this medicine is silver. The medication has an antiseptic, drying and anti-inflammatory effect. Less commonly, concomitant oral antibiotic use may be necessary. In this case, the recommendation must be given by a doctor. Drugs based on amoxicillin or azithromycin are used.

Homemade drops

How to treat a runny nose in a 2 year old child at home? Correction can be carried out with folk remedies or improvised means. Often, parents prepare drops for their baby on their own. Here are some popular and effective recipes:

  • grate the onion, add a few drops of olive oil and dilute with boiled water;
  • take vitamins A and E in equal proportions, add a teaspoon of liquid honey;
  • Squeeze the beet juice and mix it with honey in a 2 to 1 ratio.

It is permissible to instill such homemade medicines up to 5 times a day. Be sure to monitor your baby's reaction to treatment.

Folk recipes

What is the best way to treat a child’s runny nose? 2 years is an age at which you still don’t want to give medications, but you also need to not delay treatment. Many parents resort to traditional methods of correction. Perhaps they help someone. However, if improvement does not occur within several days, it is better to consult a doctor. Also, if your baby’s health worsens, immediately go to the clinic. Here are some popular and effective activities:

  1. Warming up your feet. Often, when a child has a runny nose, parents warm their child’s feet. To do this, use mustard, iodine mesh, ointments based on essential oils and other means. This treatment is acceptable if the baby does not have a fever.
  2. Hot bath. Warming up the child in a bath or sauna is another option. You can use essential oils for this. They will make breathing easier and accelerate the regeneration of damaged mucous membranes. The condition for treatment is also the absence of fever.
  3. Inhalations. Breathing in steam is my grandmother’s method of treating a runny nose. However, many experts now dispute its effectiveness. Inhalation pencils, for example “Golden Star”, are much more beneficial.
  4. Thermal procedures. You can warm your sinuses with a boiled egg or heated salt. Remember that this manipulation is only permissible if there is no purulent discharge from the nasal passages.

Medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antiseptic effects will be useful for the child. However, they must be given very carefully, because there is a possibility of developing an allergic reaction. Consult your doctor for this treatment.

Short conclusion

You learned how and how to treat a runny nose in a 2-year-old child at home. If complications occur, hospitalization is sometimes required. In this case, the correction is carried out within the walls of the hospital under the supervision of doctors. Remember that improper treatment and late contact with a doctor is the first cause of complications. If your baby is bothered by a runny nose, you should show him to your local pediatrician. Health to the child!

Runny nose in a child under one year old: causes and methods of treatment

Children, especially young ones, often have a runny nose. This is explained by the fact that the child’s body is more prone to colds, since the immune system is not yet fully formed.

  • Runny nose in a child under one year old: causes and methods of treatment
  • Runny nose in a child under one year old: symptoms and causes
  • Treatment of runny nose in children
  • How to cure a runny nose in an infant without the use of medications.
  • How to treat a runny nose in a one-year-old child with medications.
  • Treatment of a runny nose with folk remedies
  • Preventing runny nose in children
  • How to treat a runny nose in a child under one year old?
  • Treatment options
  • Runny nose in an infant: types, treatment and prevention
  • Types of runny nose
  • Physiological runny nose
  • Infectious runny nose
  • Allergic runny nose
  • Stages of development of a runny nose
  • Possible complications
  • Treatment of a runny nose
  • Prevention of a runny nose
  • Recommended viewing: How to clean your baby's nose
  • Reasons for the development of a runny nose
  • Differences in runny nose in children under one year old
  • Features of the treatment of runny nose in children under one year old
  • Physiological runny nose in children under one year of age
  • Treatment of infectious rhinitis
  • Readers liked:
  • Share with your friends! Be healthy!
  • Runny nose in a newborn, treatment and symptoms | How to treat a runny nose in a child under one year old
  • Symptoms of a runny nose in a newborn
  • How can you treat a runny nose in a child under one year of age?
  • Causes and prevention of runny nose in infants and newborns

A runny nose in a child under one year old requires taking this problem seriously, since at this age the baby can be given a limited amount of medicine.

Many parents have a question: what to do if a child’s runny nose does not go away for a very long time? Let's try to understand the main causes of rhinitis and ways to combat it.

Runny nose in a child under one year old: symptoms and causes

Rhinitis is a disease of the respiratory system in which inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose occurs. It is accompanied by mucous discharge, thereby causing discomfort in children under 1 year of age.

A severe runny nose in a one-year-old child causes the accumulation of a large amount of mucus in the respiratory tract, because the baby cannot yet blow his nose on his own. This process causes difficulty breathing and can lead to various dangerous complications. To know exactly how to cure a runny nose in a one-year-old child, first of all, you need to find out the reasons for its occurrence.

There are the following causes of rhinitis:

  1. Infectious. The causative agents of this disease are various bacteria, viruses and microbes. An infectious runny nose in a 1-year-old child can occur due to exposure to viruses that cause colds and flu. With such rhinitis, microbes negatively affect the mucous membrane of the nose, which leads to serious complications.
  2. Non-infectious causes. This type of runny nose occurs when small objects, elements of toys, coins or other foreign bodies enter the nasal passage.
  3. Allergic. The causes of a runny nose in an infant can be a variety of natural and household allergens. These include:
  • Dust at home and outside;
  • Hair from dogs, hamsters or cats;
  • Pollen from plants or flowers;
  • Poplar fluff;
  • Cosmetics and perfumes;
  • Items containing household chemicals;
  • Some food items.

Important! Treatment of a runny nose in children under one year of age should be prescribed by a pediatrician and carried out under his supervision.

The following symptoms of childhood rhinitis exist:

  1. Frequent sneezing, which is accompanied by tearing;
  2. The baby cannot breathe freely, his nose is blocked;
  3. Copious mucous discharge from the nasal passages;
  4. In the case of infectious rhinitis, an elevated temperature is observed.

Treatment of runny nose in children

What means to use and how to cure a runny nose in a one-year-old child? There are several ways to combat this disease.

How to cure a runny nose in an infant without the use of medications.

This method consists of creating comfortable and favorable conditions for the baby immediately after identifying the first symptoms of rhinitis. It is necessary that the air in the apartment and the room where the child is located is cool and humid. This is necessary so that the mucous membrane of the child’s nasal passages does not dry out. The room is regularly ventilated, and the air is humidified using spray bottles or special humidifiers. When treating rhinitis in a child without the use of medications, an aqueous solution of ordinary salt or saline solution, which is sold at any pharmacy, is used. Instilling a saline solution into your baby's nasal passages will help prevent mucus from drying on the mucous membrane, which can cause complications.

How to treat a runny nose in a one-year-old child with medications.

If a child has a severe runny nose and fever, doctors usually prescribe medications. However, parents should remember that under no circumstances should they treat a runny nose in a child under 1 year of age on their own.

Important! If the doctor has prescribed a drug for rinsing the nose, remember that children under one year of age are allowed to use drugs in the form of nasal drops; nasal sprays are prohibited.

The following medications effectively combat childhood rhinitis:

  1. Nazivin. This drug is prescribed for instillation into the nose several times a day for a week.
  2. Derinat. Drops effectively eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but they cannot be used for more than 10 days.
  3. Nazol Baby. The product is dripped several times a day into each nasal passage, 2 or 3 drops.
  4. If the bacterial etiology of the disease is confirmed, Sulfacyl-Sodium eye drops are dripped into the nasal passage 1-2 times a day.

A runny nose patch is quite often prescribed by pediatricians as a means to relieve nasal congestion in children aged 2 years and older. It contains carefully selected extracts of essential oils that gently eliminate rhinitis.

Important! Treatment of a runny nose in infants should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a pediatrician; the use of onions, garlic, and laundry soap as treatment is not allowed; these products can cause serious damage to the delicate mucous membranes of an infant.

Treatment of a runny nose with folk remedies

How to treat a runny nose in a 1 year old child using traditional medicine? The causes and symptoms of rhinitis can be eliminated using time-tested folk remedies. These methods help cope with viruses, bacteria and germs that cause nasal congestion and snot in the baby.

Children under one year of age often get rid of a runny nose using the following folk recipes:

  1. Kalanchoe juice for children with runny noses is an effective method for relieving children of rhinitis. The fleshy leaves of the plant are crushed into small pieces or passed through a meat grinder. Then the juice is squeezed out of the resulting pulp, diluted with saline solution or ordinary boiled water. The resulting composition is dripped into the baby’s nose several times a day. This procedure effectively rids the nasal passages of mucus and phlegm.
  2. Parsley juice is also great for treating runny noses in children. Juice is obtained from the fresh leaves of the plant, which are subsequently dropped into the child’s nose.
  3. Treatment of rhinitis with heating. This method can only be used if the child does not have a high fever. Coarse table salt is heated in a frying pan, then placed in a fabric bag. You need to warm up the bridge of your nose without causing burns.
  4. To eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis, you can use inhalations using eucalyptus or fir oil. A cloth napkin with a few drops of these products is placed next to the baby's crib.
  5. For information on how to use aloe for runny noses for children under one year of age, read the article: “Aloe will help eliminate coughs and runny noses in children.”

Preventing runny nose in children

Any disease is simpler and easier to prevent than to treat. How long does a runny nose last in a child under one year old? On average, with proper treatment, a runny nose goes away without a trace within 7-9 days. To prevent your baby from developing a runny nose and subsequent possible complications, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  • Constant ventilation and wet cleaning of the room where the child is;
  • Balanced and proper nutrition for the baby;
  • Taking multivitamin and mineral complexes;
  • Hardening, constant walks in the fresh air.

A runny nose in a small child is a disease that must be combated using various methods. However, we must not forget that rhinitis in children under 1 year of age should be treated under the supervision of a pediatrician.

We recommend reading about how to treat a runny nose with folk remedies in the article: “Folk remedies for treating a runny nose in children.”

Remember that only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis; do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis by a qualified doctor. Be healthy!


How to treat a runny nose in a child under one year old?

It seems that nothing worries a mother more than the health of her child. But, unfortunately, young children with their not yet fully formed immunity are very susceptible to various diseases.

As you know, the bulk of viruses and bacteria enter the body through the upper respiratory tract, and in this sense, the child’s nose is the first to fight infection. A runny nose (rhinitis) in a child under one year of age is severe, because the baby does not know how to blow his nose, and parents cannot effectively clean the nasal cavity with conventional means. Today we will tell young parents how to eliminate a runny nose in children under one year old.

Treatment options

Doctors distinguish 3 stages of rhinitis in a child, which successively replace each other. First it is dryness and discomfort of the nose, then swelling and mucous discharge. The second period is the most painful for the mother - the child cries and refuses food. At the third stage of a runny nose, the swelling of the mucous membrane and the amount of mucus produced decreases.

If your baby has a mild runny nose, you can treat it yourself. There are various treatments available:

  • Vasoconstrictor drops. It is not recommended for children to use such drops, but if a runny nose prevents the baby from sleeping, you can drop the permitted dose according to age before bedtime. But remember that you can use such drops for no more than 5 days, so as not to become addictive and not to dry out the nasal mucosa.
  • Essential oils. Orange, thuja, fir, eucalyptus or juniper oils strengthen the immune system well. Make some semblance of scented pillows in the children's room.
  • Weak saline solutions - it is necessary to free the baby’s nose from mucus and rinse it with a physiological saline solution. Slowly and carefully pour half a pipette of the 0.9% solution into the child's nasal passages. The baby should lie on his back and tilt his head back slightly. Part of the solution will be distributed throughout the mucosa, and part will enter the oropharynx. Use a baby aspirator to clean the nose. The design of the aspirator is such that the mother can regulate the pressure in the device with her breathing. Thanks to replaceable attachments, the procedure is absolutely safe and hygienic. Just choose a device with a soft rubber tip, as a hard one can damage the mucous membrane.
  • Interferon (aqueous solution). Place two or three drops of the product into each nostril of the baby in the first days of illness.
  • Folk remedies. No one has canceled grandma's recipes. At the first signs of a cold in your baby, you can warm your baby’s feet in hot water with mustard added (if there is no fever). Warming the nose with salt or boiled eggs helps a lot. Please note that all thermal procedures can only be performed if the child’s body temperature does not exceed 37 degrees, otherwise such “treatment” can cause irreparable harm to health.

Parents are right when they put warm shoes and booties on their babies. There are reflex zones on the heels that are connected to the nasal cavity, so when a child’s feet are overcooled, a runny nose often appears.

Inhalations are rightfully considered an effective way to combat children's runny nose. Now a huge variety of home inhalers have appeared on the market. With their help, you can effectively moisten the respiratory tract, as well as deliver the medicine to its destination.

You should not use breast milk for instillation, as it is a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses.

If a child under one year old has a runny nose, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions in the room for free breathing: the air should be well humidified, and the temperature in the room should not rise above 23 degrees. These are very important conditions, since viruses and bacteria multiply best when the mucous membrane is dry.

A child suffering from rhinitis must be shown to a pediatrician if:

  • there is a disturbance in sleep, appetite, and stool;
  • loss of appetite, baby is weakening;
  • runny nose lasts more than two weeks;
  • rhinitis appeared after prolonged contact with potential allergens.

If a runny nose in a child under one year of age is treated correctly and in a timely manner, it can be dealt with in three to four days. Otherwise, a harmless disease can turn into a purulent or chronic form.


Runny nose in an infant: types, treatment and prevention

Rhinitis is the scientific name for the most common runny nose. It has long been familiar and, at times, it seems inevitable. Literally every person experiences this disease from time to time. Of course, sooner or later children also experience a runny nose. Rhinitis is especially difficult for children under one year of age.

The severity of the disease is associated with a number of reasons. Firstly, the respiratory system of such children has not yet fully formed, and age-related structural features of the nasopharynx actively contribute to the development of a runny nose. Secondly, the baby’s immune system is not yet strong enough. In many ways, his immunity depends on his mother.

Strictly speaking, the release of mucus from the nose is a completely natural phenomenon, and its purpose is to remove foreign particles, dust, as well as bacteria and microbes. This is a kind of defense mechanism of our body. However, for many reasons, inflammation of the mucous membrane and hypertrophied mucus secretion may begin. This phenomenon is called a runny nose.

Types of runny nose

Depending on the causes, runny nose in children under one year of age is divided into several types. Since it is always necessary not only to relieve the symptom, but also to eliminate the cause, before starting treatment, you need to find out what kind of runny nose you are dealing with.

Physiological runny nose

A runny nose in children 1-3 months old may not require treatment. It is quite possible that we are just talking about a physiological runny nose. The fact is that before it is born, the child, as you know, is constantly in liquid. Therefore, mucous membranes begin to form only after birth. At first, the nasal passages are completely dry. Only after a couple of weeks does mucus begin to be produced in the baby’s nose.

Since this mechanism has not yet been developed, and the nasal passages are very narrow, a small amount of clear liquid discharge may flow from the nose during this period. Nothing wrong with that. This does not cause any inconvenience to the child and will soon go away on its own. Intensive treatment in this case can only do harm.

Firstly, the idle use of medicines, in principle, does not bring anything good. Secondly, stopping a physiological runny nose does not allow the child’s body to complete the adjustment of this protective mechanism.

Infectious runny nose

Also, viruses or bacteria often cause a runny nose in children under one year of age. In this case, it is accompanied by other symptoms of respiratory diseases: fever, cough, difficulty breathing. In addition, the nasal discharge itself becomes less liquid and transparent. The color of the discharge changes to yellowish or greenish, and it thickens. This occurs because pus is added to the normal mucus.

This condition, of course, must be treated. If only because it causes a lot of inconvenience to your child. It's hard for him to breathe. Difficulty breathing, in turn, interferes with the feeding process. The baby has to constantly look away from the breast to breathe in air through his mouth.

Of course, such a need irritates him, he begins to cry, fidget, and refuse the breast. The consequence of this is weight loss and weakness. It is also quite difficult for a child to sleep with a runny nose. Moreover, in his sleep he may have an attack of suffocation.

Allergic runny nose

Rhinitis can be a symptom of an allergic reaction. Typically, this manifestation occurs if the allergen enters the body through the nose. However, food allergies can also manifest themselves as a common runny nose.

In this case, the main difficulty is making a diagnosis. An allergic runny nose is quite difficult to distinguish from an infectious one. However, for proper treatment, the cause of the runny nose must be accurately determined. As a rule, the idea of ​​​​the allergic nature of rhinitis comes if it cannot be cured for more than 2 weeks.

Stages of development of a runny nose

As a rule, a runny nose in children goes through three stages of development. At an early stage, a sharp narrowing of blood vessels occurs, which causes dryness and burning in the nose.

At the second stage. on the contrary, the blood vessels begin to dilate, the mucous membrane swells, and rapid secretion of transparent mucus begins. This stage lasts approximately 2-3 days. In the case of the infectious nature of the disease, after some time the color of the mucus changes, which was already mentioned above.

The third stage is gradual relief. Swelling of the mucous membrane subsides. There is less discharge, but it thickens. It is during this period that crusts may well form, which are then so difficult to get rid of. To avoid this, it is important to moisturize the nasal mucosa in a timely manner.

In total, the illness takes about a week, sometimes dragging on for 10 days. However, if treatment is neglected, it may well develop into a chronic form. Or cause a whole range of other complications. By the way, it makes sense to talk about them separately.

Possible complications

One of the most common complications of a runny nose can be the already mentioned chronic runny nose. Every now and then the child's nasal passage is clogged, and nasal breathing is difficult, and at times even impossible. This condition is much more difficult to treat than ordinary rhinitis. However, it is quite possible to treat it at home, which cannot be said about other possible complications.

A runny nose in children under 5-6 months is especially dangerous due to the high risk of developing otitis media. This is facilitated by 2 factors: the structural features of the auditory tube at this age - it is very short and wide; in addition, at this age, the child spends most of his time in a supine position, which contributes to the flow of mucous secretions into the middle ear through the auditory tube.

Otitis media manifests itself as acute pain in the ear area. The child becomes restless and turns his head from side to side. Even with these symptoms, it is urgent to show the child to an ENT specialist. Otherwise, you may experience purulent discharge from the ear. This will mean that the inflammation is becoming critical. In addition, if pus is already leaking from the ear, it means that the eardrum has ruptured.

If you can start treatment at an early stage, it is quite possible to cure it at home. If it comes to purulent discharge, then you can’t do without hospital treatment.

When a child begins to sit, crawl and walk, the risk of developing otitis media decreases sharply. In addition, with age, the auditory tube develops, becoming longer and narrower. Therefore, a runny nose in children aged 7-10 months is much more dangerous than the development of other respiratory diseases.

Unfortunately, the nasopharynx is a leaky system, and contaminated physiological fluids can spread throughout the respiratory system, causing various diseases. Most often, of course, sinusitis is inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

The situation is complicated by the fact that at an early age these sinuses are very poorly developed. This means that sinusitis can be asymptomatic. But it is quite possible to treat this disease at home. As well as other inflammations: tonsillitis, pharyngitis and the like.

Unfortunately, infection can spread to other body systems. In this case, the development of complications is almost impossible to predict.

Treatment of a runny nose

I would like to believe that now every mother understands that a runny nose needs to be treated, and not be guided by the principle: “If a runny nose is treated, it goes away in 7 days, and if not treated, it goes away in a week.”

All that remains is to decide how to treat a runny nose in children, whether they are at least 2 or 8 months old. First of all, you need to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.

It is imperative to keep the nasal cavity clean, freeing it of excess mucus. This is especially important during feeding, as well as before bedtime. To clean your nose, you will need to first moisten the mucous membrane, which will make the mucus more liquid, and then remove it. This can be difficult to do because babies cannot blow their nose.

For this purpose, you can use a small rubber bulb or a special aspirator with replaceable nozzles. Both will help to gently and painlessly clear your nose of excess mucus and free your breathing. Just remember to disinfect the pear before use. The aspirator is more convenient in this regard, as it has replaceable, disposable nozzles.

You can moisturize the mucous membrane using both industrial means and folk remedies. In the pharmacy you can easily find cold remedies made from sea water. They are exactly what you need. They have a gentle effect on the body, do not cause side effects, and have a mild disinfecting effect.

You can also prepare a sea salt solution. You can buy it at the same pharmacy. A mixture of regular table salt, soda and iodine is also suitable.

To prevent the formation of excess mucus, vasoconstrictors are used. It is better to purchase children's products. Moreover, those that are designed for the age of your child. The fact is that the dosage of the active substance is calculated based on age, and exceeding the recommended dose is extremely undesirable. Such drugs may well be addictive. And their list of side effects is quite impressive. Such products must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions.

In the case of a viral nature of the runny nose, it is also necessary to use antiviral drugs. If the runny nose is caused by a bacterial infection, then doctors will most likely prescribe a course of antibiotics. You need to be especially careful with the latter. First of all, the course must be completed to the end, otherwise it will not be possible to cure the infection, but the bacteria will develop immunity to this drug. But you shouldn’t take antibiotics for too long.

If you cannot get rid of a runny nose within several weeks, you may well suspect that you are faced with an allergy. If allergic rhinitis occurs, then in addition to relieving symptoms, it is very important to identify the allergen. Without eliminating a dangerous substance from a child’s environment, fighting an allergic rhinitis can take a very long time, and, what’s much worse, to no avail.

Prevention of a runny nose

Despite the fact that it is not possible to avoid rhinitis, it is worth taking care of such a thing as prevention. First of all, you should learn how to maintain the correct climate in your home. The optimal temperature in a living room is degrees. Air humidity is no less important. It should be around 60% percent. If the air in your home is dry, invest in a humidifier. In addition, try to regularly ventilate the room so that the air does not stagnate.

It’s also a good idea to start toughening up your child. These procedures significantly increase immunity, which is what protects the child’s body from infections. Rubbing with cool water is a good place to start. You should not take on this matter with special fanaticism.

It is equally important for the immune system to maintain breastfeeding for as long as possible. Infants' own immune system is not fully developed, and mother's milk, which contains the necessary antibodies, is largely responsible for protecting the child's body.

Try to walk more with your child. Staying in the fresh air and the sun also contributes to the development of immunity and the body's defenses. In addition, germs and viruses really do not like fresh air, whereas in a confined space they spread very quickly and, unfortunately, inevitably.

And, of course, to prevent rhinitis, it is simply necessary to consume more vitamins. In the summer, this could be fruits and vegetables. In winter, when fresh “vitamin sources” are practically unavailable, you can switch to special vitamin complexes.

Summarizing everything said above, I would like to remind you that a runny nose only seems to be a frivolous illness. Neglecting it, unfortunately, can lead to serious consequences.

However, the fight against rhinitis does not require any special effort from parents. The same applies to basic preventive measures. It is also worth considering that these same measures allow you to protect yourself not only from a runny nose, but also from a number of other infectious diseases.


ENT > ENT diseases > Diseases of the nose > Rhinitis > Runny nose > How to cure a runny nose in a child under one year old: types of runny nose and treatment features

How to cure a runny nose in a child under one year old: types of runny nose and treatment features

The most common and safe, as it may seem at first glance, diseases is a runny nose or rhinitis. In winter, the appearance of snot in babies under one year old becomes the main symptom of the development of colds in the body. Constant discharge from the nasal sinuses causes a lot of concern both for the child himself and for his parents, who do not have information about how to treat such a pathology.

Reasons for the development of a runny nose

Runny nose - description and causes

Often the main reason for the appearance of a runny nose is the progression of a cold in the body, as well as damage to the baby’s body by a viral or bacterial infection. In some cases, in older children, excessive nasal discharge may occur as a reaction to exposure to allergens, especially food ones. This is a pathological condition of the child’s body, such as vasomotor runny nose. which is accompanied by a violation of the structure of blood vessels, is diagnosed quite rarely in children.

Children under one year of age are characterized by the development of several types of runny nose, which are diagnosed at this age. A 2-3 month old baby often produces mucus from the nose with admixtures of cheesy substance. This type of runny nose does not pose any threat to the baby, and its consistency is explained by the entry of a small amount of gastric juice into the posterior nasal passages during regurgitation.

Another typical type of rhinitis for babies under one year old is the so-called dental snot, which occurs in a child during the appearance of his first teeth.

Moreover, such a runny nose is not accompanied by any additional symptoms, the baby’s general condition does not worsen and the help of a doctor is not required in this situation.

By 2-3 months, babies activate their salivary glands and this is accompanied by the release of salivary bubbles. At this age, a so-called false runny nose may occur, in which the child begins to choke on saliva and cough. In the case when the baby’s condition is no different from usual, then there is no need to worry about the appearance of such a runny nose in children.

Differences in runny nose in children under one year old

The occurrence of a runny nose and the nature of its course in young children has its own differences:

  • Children under one year of age never develop isolated rhinitis, which is explained by the structural features of the nasopharynx at this particular age. There is a gradual penetration of infection into lower sections and the most common option is a combination of an inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa and damage to the pharynx. That is why we can say with confidence that if a baby has nasal discharge, this phenomenon is accompanied by a sore throat.
  • The structural features of the nasopharynx in babies under one year old lead to the fact that a runny nose leads to the development of an inflammatory process in the middle ear, that is, otitis media is diagnosed. The reason for this pathological condition of the child’s body is that the auditory tubes, which connect the nasopharynx and middle ear, are much wider in children under one year old. This allows the infection to quickly and easily enter the ear through the pharyngeal openings of the auditory tubes.
  • Children under one year of age are unable to independently clear mucus from their nose and blow it out, so a runny nose causes them increased discomfort.

A runny nose in infants can cause various complications, which cause a lot of concern for parents:

  1. The baby may rapidly lose weight and the reason for this condition may be that with nasal congestion the baby experiences difficulty sucking at the breast and, consequently, the amount of milk consumed is significantly reduced. A peculiarity of the body of children under one year is the fact that their metabolic process is much faster than that of adults. It is for this reason that a decrease in the amount of milk, even for a short time, leads to the fact that the child’s weight begins to decrease and the entire body weakens.
  2. Due to the development of a runny nose, a child’s body may experience the development of complex diseases such as sinusitis. pharyngitis. tonsillitis and otitis media.
  3. Sometimes, when a child inhales sputum that is saturated with microbes, one of the most serious complications of a runny nose can develop - pneumonia. With a constant flow of mucus from the nasal cavity, the child may experience ulceration of the mucous membrane and skin near the nose and upper lip.

Features of the treatment of runny nose in children under one year old

The main symptoms of a runny nose are difficulty breathing and mucus from the sinuses.

Treatment of pathology under the age of one year requires taking into account some features of this age period:

  • Not all medications can be used to treat a runny nose. A child under one year old does not yet have the skill of swallowing medicine independently.
  • Infants are not yet able to independently clean the nasal cavities and blow their nose.
  • The child breathes through the nose, which causes a feeling of anxiety in the baby when it is congested.

Some procedures play an important role for children under one year of age. The optimal temperature for the normal functioning of a baby is considered to be degrees. It is this temperature regime that allows you to maintain cool and moist air in the room, which helps prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out. In winter, when the heating is on, you can achieve this temperature regime using an aquarium or a humidifier.

In children under one year old, it is better to remove large amounts of mucus that accumulates in the nasal cavity using cotton wool.

The use of a special device for suctioning snot, such as an aspirator, is recommended for children after 6 months.

Physiological runny nose in children under one year of age

In newborn children, an increased amount of mucus is secreted and this is due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity has not yet had time to organize its work. This condition of the child’s body is temporary and does not indicate the development of any pathology. The baby may sniffle slightly with his nose and a slight light-colored discharge may appear from it, however, no changes in the behavior and general condition of the baby are observed.

A runny nose of this nature is called “physiological” and it does not require any special treatment. The only thing that the mother herself can do is remove accumulated mucus from the nasal cavity using a regular cotton wool. You should also pay attention to the room temperature and humidity, which will help prevent the formation of dry crusts in the nose.

If a runny nose is accompanied by a deterioration in the baby’s general condition and a change in his usual behavior, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist.

In what cases does a baby need medical care:

  • A runny nose is accompanied by a rise in high body temperature.
  • When a child has a runny nose, there is an inflammatory process in the throat, and even shortness of breath.
  • The child categorically refuses any food or drink.
  • Despite the treatment, mucous discharge from the nasal cavity continues for more days.
  • A runny nose caused the development of painful sensations in the facial area.
  • The mucous discharge from the nose contains impurities of pus.
  • Nasal congestion is accompanied by the appearance of bloody discharge.
  • A runny nose developed when there was close contact with some allergen.

Treatment of infectious rhinitis

How to treat an infectious runny nose

If the runny nose does not stop for a long time or is accompanied by a deterioration in the baby’s general condition, it is imperative to visit a pediatrician.

This pathological condition of the child’s body may be due to the fact that a viral or bacterial infection has entered the body.

To treat the baby in this case, use:

In addition, the child needs to clean the nose using saline solutions or preparations prepared on the basis of salt water. Since children under one year old do not have the skill of blowing out snot on their own, the main task is to free their nasal cavity from increased accumulation of mucus. Starting from 3-4 months, this procedure can be carried out using a special aspirator device.

Before you begin the process of cleansing your baby’s nasal cavity, it is recommended to drop a few drops of saline solution into his nose.

This will help soften any dry crusts that have formed and is also useful for thinning mucus. Starting from 3-4 months, treatment of a runny nose can be carried out using medications, the action of which is based on relieving swelling of the nasal mucosa by narrowing it. The use of drugs with oxymetazoline, for example, Nazivin, has a good effect.

  1. Warming the nose has a good effect in the treatment of colds. You can use a regular boiled egg or heated bags of salt, however, a special reflector lamp has proven itself best. A special feature of the procedure using this device is that during the heating process, warm air is drawn in and this allows it to be warmed from the inside.
  2. Many experts recommend using Protargol drops for a runny nose in children under one year of age. This drug does not have a reducing effect on the nasal mucosa, but serves as an antibacterial agent. The shelf life of protargol is only a few days, so to achieve a quick treatment effect, it is best to use a freshly prepared solution.
  3. To get rid of mucus accumulation in the nasal cavity, you can instill a warm chamomile decoction or mineral water without gases. These products have a therapeutic effect and are best used after first clearing the baby’s nasal cavity of mucus.

Starting from 5 months, you can treat a baby’s runny nose using some vasoconstrictors:

The prescription and use of these drugs should only be done after consultation with a pediatrician.

Video about how to cure a runny nose in children under one year old.

It is difficult for a child's body to resist various infections. Therefore, many parents are faced with a runny nose in a 6-month-old child. How to treat rhinitis is better to consult a pediatrician. Lack of therapy can lead to complications; the baby is likely to develop a bacterial infection, sinusitis, and otitis media.

Why is it important to treat runny nose in newborns?

For children in the first year of life, a runny nose is a dangerous disease, so you cannot ignore it and wait for self-healing. In children, nasal congestion leads to sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, and problems with the sense of smell. Rhinitis can cause the development of respiratory disorders.

A runny nose in a six-month-old child leads to a significant deterioration in health. It is difficult for the baby to eat; he cannot suck on the breast or bottle due to nasal congestion. As a result, the baby becomes irritable, whiny, and capricious.

When rhinitis appears, the mucous membrane swells greatly. The situation is complicated by the fact that the nasal passages in newborns are narrow; when swelling appears, they completely block. Many children begin to cough reflexively to clear the throat of mucus flowing into it. The baby cannot eat, it is difficult for him to breathe. It is very difficult to feed and somehow distract a baby. The worst condition occurs on days 1–3 of illness.

How to treat a runny nose in a 6 month old baby

When rhinitis appears in an infant, it is necessary to find out what led to the occurrence of the pathology. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of the disease. A runny nose in children aged 6 months can develop as a result of a viral, bacterial infection, or allergy. Sometimes mucus in the nose begins to be produced due to dry air in the room.

A doctor will help you determine why your child has snot. After this, treatment tactics are selected. In the absence of fever and other symptoms of the disease, only nasal drops are prescribed.

Drops are suitable for six-month-old babies. Sprays are not prescribed for the treatment of a runny nose in a 6-month-old child. Their use leads to the appearance of otitis media.

Depending on the cause of rhinitis, the following types of nasal medications are used:

  • moisturizing;
  • vasoconstrictors;
  • antiseptic;
  • antiviral.

Moisturizing drops help normalize the condition of excessively dry indoor air. They are also necessary if the baby develops viscous snot. You can rinse the nose with ordinary saline solution. Pediatricians recommend administering it once every 2 hours, 3 drops in each nostril. Instead of sodium chloride solution, you can use pharmaceutical preparations made on the basis of sea water: Aqualor, Aquamaris, Humer. Excess liquid can be removed using a special aspirator.

Vasoconstrictor drugs, for example, Vibrocil, should be prescribed by a pediatrician. With their help, you can reduce the amount of mucus produced in the nose. But the number of possible side effects is large, so they are used strictly according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor. Incorrect, long-term use provokes addiction. The doctor can prescribe not only Vibrocil, but also Xylen, Otrivin, Nazivin 0.01%, Nazol Baby.

Antiviral nasal agents include Interferon solution or Grippferon. It is advisable to start treatment with these medications on day 1-2 of the disease. Such antiviral drugs are not always needed to cure a runny nose in a 6-month-old child. They are prescribed mainly to children with weakened immune systems. Although some doctors recommend using them to prevent possible infection in the autumn-spring period.

Antiseptic agents are necessary if greenish snot is visible, which indicates the formation of pus in the nasal cavity. The most popular remedy is Protargol. It has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects.

If the cause of snot in the nose is an allergic disease, then it is recommended to use drops with appropriate properties. Such means include Vibrocil. In addition, antihistamines are prescribed to minimize the manifestations of allergies.

Methods for cleaning the nose in newborns

Children in the first year of life cannot clear their nasal passages on their own. When the mucous surface swells and secretions accumulate in the nasal cavity, air stops flowing. Parents can alleviate the condition of a 6-month-old child with a runny nose. They should remove accumulated mucus secretions and prevent the possibility of them drying out in the nose.

Before each feeding, before and after sleep, hygiene procedures are carried out. You can suck out the mucus using an aspirator. The design of this device is such that it is almost unlikely to damage the delicate mucous membrane.

There are several types of aspirators on sale:

The cheapest and simplest option is aspirates, which are shaped like a syringe and have a silicone tip at the end. An adult needs to squeeze the bulb, insert the tip into the nasal passage and slowly release the pressure so that the bulb begins to straighten. Together with the air, the aspirator draws out mucous secretions.

Mechanical aspirators allow you to effectively clean the nasal passages of six-month-old children at home. They look like a tube with a reservoir for collecting mucus with special atraumatic tips and replaceable filters. An adult inserts the tip into the baby's nose and begins to suck in air. Mucous secretions fall into a designated reservoir.

Vacuum devices are a relatively new device. They are connected to the vacuum cleaner through a special mouthpiece. Due to continuous suction, mucus can be removed in just a few seconds.

The easiest to use are electronic devices. They are equipped with a spout with a soft tip and a container for collecting secretions. Using the device, you can rinse your baby’s nose with saline solution and remove accumulated mucus.

Treatment with folk remedies

Many parents, noticing snot in a child at 6 months, remember “grandmother’s recipes.” Rhinitis in infants can be treated with vegetable juices, herbal decoctions, and oils. Healers advise instilling in the nose:

  • freshly squeezed carrot juice or diluted in a 1:1 ratio with water, olive oil, sunflower oil;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • aloe juice, Kalanchoe, diluted in a ratio of 1:10 with water;
  • squeezed onion juice mixed in a ratio of 1:5 with petroleum jelly.

These folk remedies for a runny nose should be used carefully. First, it is better to test each method on yourself. For example, onion and Kalanchoe juice are irritating to delicate mucous membranes.

When to see a doctor

You cannot do without the help of a pediatrician if you have not been able to get rid of rhinitis within 5 days. You should not delay consulting a pediatrician if your child is 6 months old with a high fever and runny nose. This is a sign that viruses or bacteria have entered the baby’s body.

It is also necessary to show the baby to the pediatrician if:

  • the child is breathing heavily and there is a whistling sound when breathing;
  • there is bloody discharge from the nose;
  • The baby completely refuses food and began to lose weight.

After examination and tests, the doctor must determine the exact cause of rhinitis and select the optimal treatment regimen.

What complications can there be?

Lack of necessary treatment for rhinitis or an incorrectly selected treatment regimen can cause a deterioration in well-being. If the mucous discharge from the nose becomes yellow or green, this indicates a bacterial infection. But this is not the only possible complication of rhinitis.

Against the background of a prolonged runny nose, a six-month-old child may develop the following diseases:

  • otitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

Often parents of infants are faced with the appearance of complications in the ears, which are connected to the nasal passages. Because of this, pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate inside the ear cavity and cause inflammation.

When otitis develops, vasoconstrictor nasal drops help relieve the condition. They help reduce swelling of the mucous surfaces and normalize the outflow of fluid from the middle ear.

If rhinitis in a six-month-old baby continues for more than 5 days in a row, then there is a possibility of developing sinusitis. Inflammation of the sinuses is accompanied by a rise in high temperature, the appearance of yellow-green snot, and coughing.

Mucous secretions in infants can enter the respiratory tract. This leads to complications in the form of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or pneumonia. The likelihood of the occurrence of these diseases can be prevented by choosing the right treatment tactics.

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