Scientific pictures of the world and their features. The concept and structure of the scientific picture of the world


1. General characteristics of the modern natural scientific picture of the world 2

2. The main discoveries of the 20th century in the field of natural science 8

Literature 14

1. General characteristics of the modern natural scientific picture of the world

Scientific picture of the world is a holistic system of ideas about the general properties and patterns of nature, which arose as a result of a generalization of basic natural science concepts and principles.

The most important elements of the structure of the scientific picture of the world are the interdisciplinary concepts that form its frame. The concepts underlying the scientific picture of the world are answers to essential fundamental questions about the world. These answers change over time, as the picture of the world evolves, they are refined and expanded, but the “questionnaire” itself remains virtually unchanged at least since the times of the thinkers of classical Ancient Greece.

Every scientific picture of the world necessarily includes the following ideas:

about matter (substance);

about movement;

about space and time;

about interaction;

about causality and regularity;

cosmological ideas.

Each of the listed elements changes with the historical change of scientific pictures of the world.

Modern natural science picture of the world, which is also called evolutionary picture of the world is the result of a synthesis of the world systems of antiquity, antiquity, geo- and heliocentrism, mechanistic, electromagnetic pictures of the world and is based on the scientific achievements of modern natural science.

In its development, the natural scientific picture of the world went through a number of stages (Table 1).

Table 1

The main stages in the formation of the modern natural scientific picture of the world

Stage of history

Scientific picture of the world

4000 BC

3000 BC

2000 BC

VIII century BC.

VII century BC.

VI century BC.

V century BC.

II century BC.

Scientific guesses of Egyptian priests, drawing up a solar calendar.

Prediction of solar and lunar eclipses by Chinese thinkers.

Development of the seven-day week and lunar calendar in Babylon.

The first ideas about a unified natural-scientific picture of the world in the ancient period. The emergence of ideas about the material basis of all things.

Creation of the Pythagoras-Plato mathematical program.

Atomistic physical program of Democritus-Epicurus.

Continualistic physical program of Anaxagoras-Aristotle.

Exposition of the geocentric system of the world by C. Ptolemy in the work "Almagest".

The heliocentric system of the structure of the world of the Polish thinker N. Copernicus.

The formation of a mechanistic picture of the world based on the laws of mechanics of I. Keller and I. Newton.

The emergence of an electromagnetic picture of the world based on the works of M. Faraday and D. Maxwell.

The formation of a modern natural-scientific picture of the world.

Modern natural science represents the surrounding material world of our Universe as homogeneous, isotropic and expanding. Matter in the world is in the form of matter and field. According to the structural distribution of matter, the surrounding world is divided into three large areas: the microworld, the macroworld and the megaworld. There are four fundamental types of interactions between structures: strong, electromagnetic, weak and gravitational, which are transmitted through corresponding fields. There are quanta of all fundamental interactions.

If earlier atoms were considered the last indivisible particles of matter, the original building blocks of which nature is composed, then later electrons were discovered, which are part of atoms. Later, the structure of atomic nuclei, consisting of protons (positively charged particles) and neutrons, was established.

In the modern natural scientific picture of the world, there is a close connection between all natural sciences, here time and space act as a single space-time continuum, mass and energy are interconnected, wave and corpuscular movements, in a certain sense, are united, characterizing the same object, finally, matter and field mutually transform. Therefore, persistent attempts are currently being made to create a unified theory of all interactions.

Both mechanistic and electromagnetic pictures of the world were built on dynamic, unambiguous patterns. In the modern picture of the world, probabilistic patterns turn out to be fundamental, not reducible to dynamic ones. Randomness has become a fundamentally important attribute. It appears here in a dialectical relationship with necessity, which predetermines the fundamental nature of probabilistic laws.

The scientific and technological revolution that has unfolded in recent decades has introduced a lot of new things into our ideas about the natural scientific picture of the world. The emergence of a systems approach made it possible to look at the world around us as a single, holistic entity, consisting of a huge number of systems interacting with each other. On the other hand, the emergence of such an interdisciplinary area of ​​research as synergetics, or the doctrine of self-organization, has made it possible not only to reveal the internal mechanisms of all evolutionary processes that occur in nature, but also to present the whole world as a world of self-organizing processes.

To the greatest extent, new ideological approaches to the study of the natural scientific picture of the world and its knowledge affected the sciences that study living nature, for example biology.

Revolutionary transformations in natural science mean fundamental, qualitative changes in the conceptual content of its theories, teachings and scientific disciplines while maintaining continuity in the development of science and, above all, previously accumulated and verified empirical material. Among them, in each specific period, the most general or fundamental theory is put forward, which serves as a paradigm, or model, for explaining known facts and predicting unknown facts. At one time, such a paradigm was the theory of the motion of earthly and celestial bodies, built by Newton, since all scientists who studied specific mechanical processes relied on it. In the same way, all researchers who studied electrical, magnetic, optical and radio wave processes were based on the paradigm of electromagnetic theory, which was built by D.K. Maxwell. The concept of a paradigm for the analysis of scientific revolutions emphasizes their important feature - the replacement of the previous paradigm with a new one, the transition to a more general and deeper theory of the processes under study.

All previous pictures of the world were created as if from the outside - the researcher studied the world around him detachedly, out of connection with himself, in full confidence that it was possible to study phenomena without disturbing their flow. This was the natural scientific tradition that had been consolidated for centuries. Now the scientific picture of the world is no longer created from the outside, but from the inside; the researcher himself becomes an integral part of the picture he creates. Much is still unclear to us and hidden from our sight. However, now we are faced with a grandiose hypothetical picture of the process of self-organization of matter from the Big Bang to the modern stage, when matter recognizes itself, when it has an inherent intelligence that can ensure its purposeful development.

The most characteristic feature of the modern natural-scientific picture of the world is its evolutionary. Evolution occurs in all areas of the material world in inanimate nature, living nature and social society.

The modern natural scientific picture of the world is unusually complex and simple at the same time. It is complex because it can confuse a person accustomed to classical scientific concepts consistent with common sense. The ideas of the beginning of time, the particle-wave dualism of quantum objects, the internal structure of the vacuum capable of giving birth to virtual particles - these and other similar innovations give the current picture of the world a slightly “crazy” look, which, however, is transitory (once the idea of ​​the sphericity of the Earth she also looked completely “crazy”).

But at the same time, this picture is majestically simple and harmonious. These qualities give her leading principles construction and organization of modern scientific knowledge:


global evolutionism,



These principles for constructing a modern scientific picture of the world as a whole correspond to the fundamental laws of the existence and development of Nature itself.

Systematicity means the reproduction by science of the fact that the observable Universe appears as the largest of all systems known to us, consisting of a huge number of elements (subsystems) of different levels of complexity and order.

The systemic method of combining elements expresses their fundamental unity: thanks to the hierarchical inclusion of systems of different levels into each other, any element of the system turns out to be connected with all elements of all possible systems. (For example: man - biosphere - planet Earth - Solar system - Galaxy, etc.). It is precisely this fundamentally unified character that the world around us demonstrates to us. In the same way, the scientific picture of the world and the natural science that creates it are organized accordingly. All its parts are now closely interconnected - now there is practically no “pure” science, everything is permeated and transformed by physics and chemistry.

Global evolutionism- this is a recognition of the impossibility of the existence of the Universe and all the smaller systems generated by it without development and evolution. The evolving nature of the Universe also testifies to the fundamental unity of the world, each component of which is a historical consequence of the global evolutionary process begun by the Big Bang.

Self-organization- this is the observed ability of matter to complicate itself and create more and more ordered structures in the course of evolution. The mechanism of transition of material systems into a more complex and ordered state is apparently similar for systems of all levels.

These fundamental features of the modern natural-scientific picture of the world mainly determine its general outline, as well as the very way of organizing diverse scientific knowledge into something whole and consistent.

However, it also has one more feature that distinguishes it from previous options. It is about recognizing historicity, and consequently, fundamental incompleteness real, and any other scientific picture of the world. The one that exists now is generated both by previous history and by the specific sociocultural characteristics of our time. The development of society, changes in its value orientations, awareness of the importance of studying unique natural systems, in which man himself is an integral part, changes both the strategy of scientific research and man’s attitude to the world.

But the Universe is also developing. Of course, the development of society and the Universe takes place at different paces. But their mutual overlap makes the idea of ​​​​creating a final, complete, absolutely true scientific picture of the world practically impossible.

In order to understand the world, we try to create a general knowledge from private knowledge about the phenomena and laws of nature - a scientific picture of the world. Its content is the basic ideas of the natural sciences, principles, patterns, which are not isolated from each other, but constitute the unity of knowledge about nature, determining the style of scientific thinking at this stage of the development of science and culture of mankind.

In each period of human development, a scientific picture of the world is formed, which reflects the objective world with the accuracy and adequacy that the achievements of science and practice allow. In addition, the picture of the world also contains something that has not yet been proven by science at this stage, i.e. some hypotheses

Science itself goes through three main stages in its development: classical, non-classical and post-non-classical, which reflected the change in the concept of the scientific picture of the world in the process of the development of science.

1 . Classical science (XVII-XIX centuries). The dominant type of knowledge is classical mechanics.

a) S –Ср - [О]. The object of knowledge must be described in a “pure” form.

b) science is visual

c) the world is qualitatively homogeneous; all his bodies consist of the same material substance; There are only quantitative differences between bodies. The laws of the heavenly and earthly worlds are the same.

d) hard (“Laplacian”) determinism is affirmed, built on the recognition of unambiguous cause-and-effect relationships. Randomness was seen as a form of ignorance

e) the world is fundamentally knowable: ultimately, one can find the absolute truth, that is, obtain complete complete knowledge about the world.

f) an anti-evolutionist attitude dominates in science. Matter is an inert, non-evolving substance; There is a finite limit to the divisibility of matter

2. Non-classical science (end of the 19th century - last third of the 20th century), relativistic physics and quantum mechanics appear.

a) S – [Ср - О]. The description of the object of cognition must also include a description of the means of cognition.

b) science is losing the principle of clarity. Increasingly, science deals with mathematical description,

c) the world begins to be considered as a multi-level system in which there is a microworld described by statistical probabilistic laws, there is a macroworld described by classical mechanics and a megaworld described by relativistic physics.

d) chance is a form of manifestation and addition of necessity. And besides, chance is considered as a factor that takes place along with necessity.

e) there is no absolute truth, reality is so multifaceted and changeable that all theories can only be relative, each theory is a moment of truth. The principle of complementary concepts is spreading.

f) The evolutionary idea becomes the norm and ideal of scientific explanation in biology, geology, social systems, but in physics knowledge abstracted from the idea of ​​evolution continues to be built.

3 . Post-non-classical science (last third of the 20th century - present). The dominant paradigmatic ideas are the ideas of evolution, self-organization and systematicity, on the basis of which the modern universal scientific picture of the world is being formed.

A) . The object of knowledge cannot be described not only without the means and methods of knowledge, but also without taking into account social goals and internal scientific knowledge.

b) strengthening the role of interdisciplinary research.

c) an organic combination of experimental and theoretical, fundamental and applied knowledge,

d) methodological pluralism (many different equal, independent and irreducible methodologies)

e) truth is considered not only as relative and concrete, but also as conventional.

f) it is not physics that takes first place, but biology and anthropology.

As can be seen from these stages, the scientific picture of the world is refined and developed over many centuries - penetration into the essence of natural phenomena is an endless, unlimited process, since matter is inexhaustible. With the development of science, people's ideas about nature become more profound and adequate, more and more reflecting the true, real state of the surrounding world.

Modern scientific picture of the world

The basis for the formation of the modern picture of the world was provided by a series of discoveries at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries: the discovery of the complex structure of the atom, the phenomenon of radioactivity, the discrete nature of electromagnetic radiation, etc.

Fundamentals of the new picture of the world:

a) general and special theory of relativity (the new theory of space and time has led to the fact that all reference systems have become equal, therefore all our ideas make sense only in a certain reference system. The picture of the world has acquired a relative, relative character, key ideas about space have changed, time, causality, continuity, the unambiguous opposition of subject and object was rejected, perception turned out to be dependent on the frame of reference, which includes both subject and object, the method of observation, etc.)

b) quantum mechanics (it revealed the probabilistic nature of the laws of the microworld and the irremovable wave-particle duality in the very foundations of matter). It became clear that it would never be possible to create an absolutely complete and reliable scientific picture of the world; any of them has only relative truth.

The advent of quantum mechanics led to a huge revolution not only in physics, but also in related disciplines. Quantum theory helped the development of semiconductor technology, without which modern electronics is completely unthinkable, and also contributed to the creation of quantum radiation generators - lasers, which have become firmly established in everyday human life. The most important consequence of discoveries in quantum physics, the theory of relativity and nuclear physics is the mastery of nuclear energy.

It is also worth noting the emergence of new revolutionary theories. For example, string theory, which combines the ideas of quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity and is based on the hypothesis that all elementary particles and their fundamental interactions arise as a result of oscillations and interactions of ultramicroscopic quantum strings on scales on the order of the Planck length of 10 −35 m.

Within the framework of the new picture of the world, revolutions took place in the private sciences and the emergence of a number of new interdisciplinary areas (synergetics, astrophysics, genetics, cybernetics).

Cosmology and astrophysics . The most impressive achievement of physics in the mid-20th century, which has enormous consequences for worldview and philosophy, is the discovery of the expansion of the Universe, and subsequently the discovery of the existence of the “beginning of the Universe” - the Big Bang. The existence of dark matter and dark energy was discovered - matter and energy invisible with modern instruments, which, however, participates in gravitational interaction. Dark matter and energy make up the overwhelming share of the mass of matter in the Universe and determine its evolution and future fate. An impressive manifestation of dark energy has been discovered - the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe. Predicted black holes and planets in other solar systems have been discovered

Synergetics . The theory of self-organization (synergetics) plays an equally important role in the formation of a new scientific picture of the world. Synergetics is an interdisciplinary area of ​​scientific research, the task of which is to study natural phenomena and processes based on the principles of self-organization of systems. It studies any self-organizing systems consisting of many subsystems (electrons, atoms, molecules, cells, neurons, organs, complex multicellular organisms, humans, communities of people). Synergetics has established the universal interconnectedness of the world and the multivariate development of systems.

Thus, throughout the 20th century, science greatly changed its appearance, which caused the creation of a new modern picture of the world

SCIENTIFIC PICTURE OF THE WORLD– a holistic image of the subject of scientific research in its main system-structural characteristics, formed through the fundamental concepts, ideas and principles of science at each stage of its historical development.

There are main varieties (forms) of the scientific picture of the world: 1) general scientific as a generalized idea of ​​the Universe, living nature, society and man, formed on the basis of a synthesis of knowledge obtained in various scientific disciplines; 2) social and natural scientific pictures of the world as ideas about society and nature, summarizing the achievements of the social, humanities and natural sciences, respectively; 3) special scientific pictures of the world (disciplinary ontologies) - ideas about the subjects of individual sciences (physical, chemical, biological, etc. pictures of the world). In the latter case, the term “world” is used in a specific sense, denoting not the world as a whole, but the subject area of ​​a particular science (physical world, biological world, world of chemical processes). To avoid terminological problems, the term “picture of the reality under study” is also used to denote disciplinary ontologies. Its most studied example is the physical picture of the world. But similar pictures exist in any science, as soon as it is constituted as an independent branch of scientific knowledge. A generalized systemic-structural image of the subject of research is introduced into a special scientific picture of the world through ideas of 1) fundamental objects from which all other objects studied by the corresponding science are assumed to be built; 2) about the typology of the objects being studied; 3) about the general features of their interaction; 4) about the spatio-temporal structure of reality. All these ideas can be described in a system of ontological principles, which serve as the basis of scientific theories of the corresponding discipline. For example, principles - the world consists of indivisible corpuscles; their interaction is strictly determined and occurs as an instantaneous transfer of forces in a straight line; corpuscles and bodies formed from them move in absolute space with the passage of absolute time - they describe the picture of the physical world that developed in the 2nd half. 17th century and subsequently received the name of the mechanical picture of the world.

The transition from a mechanical to an electrodynamic (in the late 19th century), and then a quantum-relativistic picture of physical reality (1st half of the 20th century) was accompanied by a change in the system of ontological principles of physics. It was most radical during the period of the formation of quantum relativistic physics (revision of the principles of the indivisibility of atoms, the existence of absolute space-time, Laplace’s determination of physical processes).

By analogy with the physical picture of the world, pictures of the reality under study are distinguished in other sciences (chemistry, astronomy, biology, etc.). Among them there are also historically successive types of pictures of the world. For example, in the history of biology - the transition from pre-Darwinian ideas about living things to the picture of the biological world proposed by Darwin, to the subsequent inclusion in the picture of living nature of ideas about genes as carriers of heredity, to modern ideas about the levels of systemic organization of living things - populations, biogeocenosis, biosphere and their evolution.

Each of the specific historical forms of a special scientific picture of the world can be realized in a number of modifications. Among them there are lines of continuity (for example, the development of Newtonian ideas about the physical world by Euler, the development of the electrodynamic picture of the world by Faraday, Maxwell, Hertz, Lorentz, each of whom introduced new elements into this picture). But situations are possible when the same type of picture of the world is realized in the form of competing and alternative ideas about the reality under study (for example, the struggle between Newtonian and Cartesian concepts of nature as alternative versions of the mechanical picture of the world; competition between two main directions in the development of the electrodynamic picture of the world – the Ampere-Weber program, on the one hand, and the Faraday-Maxwell program, on the other).

The picture of the world is a special type of theoretical knowledge. It can be considered as a certain theoretical model of the reality under study, different from the models (theoretical schemes) that underlie specific theories. First, they differ in the degree of generality. Many theories can be based on the same picture of the world, incl. and fundamental. For example, the mechanics of Newton–Euler, thermodynamics and electrodynamics of Ampere–Weber were associated with the mechanical picture of the world. Not only the foundations of Maxwellian electrodynamics, but also the foundations of Hertzian mechanics are associated with the electrodynamic picture of the world. Secondly, a special picture of the world can be distinguished from theoretical schemes by analyzing the abstractions that form them (ideal objects). Thus, in the mechanical picture of the world, natural processes were characterized through abstractions - “indivisible corpuscle”, “body”, “interaction of bodies, transmitted instantly in a straight line and changing the state of motion of bodies”, “absolute space” and “absolute time”. As for the theoretical scheme underlying Newtonian mechanics (taken in its Eulerian presentation), in it the essence of mechanical processes is characterized through other abstractions - “material point”, “force”, “inertial space-time reference system”.

Ideal objects that form a picture of the world, in contrast to the idealization of specific theoretical models, always have an ontological status. Any physicist understands that a “material point” does not exist in nature itself, because in nature there are no bodies without dimensions. But Newton’s follower, who accepted the mechanical picture of the world, considered indivisible atoms to be the really existing “first bricks” of matter. He identified with nature the abstractions that simplify and schematize it, in the system of which a physical picture of the world is created. In what ways these abstractions do not correspond to reality is something that a researcher most often finds out only when his science enters the period of breaking down the old picture of the world and replacing it with a new one. Being different from the picture of the world, the theoretical schemes that form the core of the theory are always connected with it. Establishing this connection is one of the prerequisites for constructing a theory. The procedure for mapping theoretical models (schemes) onto a picture of the world provides that type of interpretation of equations expressing theoretical laws, which in logic is called conceptual (or semantic) interpretation and which is mandatory for constructing a theory. Outside the picture of the world, a theory cannot be constructed in complete form.

Scientific pictures of the world perform three main interrelated functions in the research process: 1) systematize scientific knowledge, combining it into complex entities; 2) act as research programs that determine the strategy of scientific knowledge; 3) ensure the objectification of scientific knowledge, its attribution to the object under study and its inclusion in culture.

A special scientific picture of the world integrates knowledge within individual scientific disciplines. The natural scientific and social pictures of the world, and then the general scientific picture of the world, set broader horizons for the systematization of knowledge. They integrate the achievements of various disciplines, highlighting stable empirically and theoretically grounded content in disciplinary ontologies. For example, the ideas of the modern general scientific picture of the world about the non-stationary Universe and the Big Bang, about quarks and synergetic processes, about genes, ecosystems and the biosphere, about society as an integral system, about formations and civilizations, etc. were developed within the framework of the corresponding disciplinary ontologies of physics, biology, social sciences and then included in the general scientific picture of the world.

Carrying out a systematizing function, scientific pictures of the world at the same time perform the role of research programs. Special scientific pictures of the world set the strategy for empirical and theoretical research within the relevant fields of science. In relation to empirical research, the purposeful role of special pictures of the world is most clearly manifested when science begins to study objects for which a theory has not yet been created and which are studied by empirical methods (typical examples are the role of the electrodynamic picture of the world in the experimental study of cathode and X-rays). Ideas about the reality under study, introduced in the picture of the world, provide hypotheses about the nature of phenomena discovered in experience. In accordance with these hypotheses, experimental tasks are formulated and experimental plans are developed, through which new characteristics of experimentally studied objects are discovered.

In theoretical research, the role of a special scientific picture of the world as a research program is manifested in the fact that it determines the range of permissible tasks and the formulation of problems at the initial stage of theoretical search, as well as the choice of theoretical means for solving them. For example, during the period of construction of generalizing theories of electromagnetism, two physical pictures of the world and, accordingly, two research programs competed: Ampere-Weber, on the one hand, and Faraday-Maxwell, on the other. They posed different problems and determined different means of constructing a generalizing theory of electromagnetism. The Ampere-Weber program was based on the principle of long-range action and focused on the use of mathematical means of point mechanics; the Faraday-Maxwell program was based on the principle of short-range action and borrowed mathematical structures from continuum mechanics.

In interdisciplinary interactions based on the transfer of ideas from one field of knowledge to another, the role of the research program is played by the general scientific picture of the world. It reveals similar features of disciplinary ontologies, thereby forming the basis for the translation of ideas, concepts and methods from one science to another. The exchange processes between quantum physics and chemistry, biology and cybernetics, which gave rise to a number of discoveries of the 20th century, were targeted and regulated by the general scientific picture of the world.

Facts and theories created under the purposeful influence of a special scientific picture of the world are again correlated with it, which leads to two options for its changes. If the representations of the picture of the world express the essential characteristics of the objects under study, these representations are clarified and specified. But if research comes across fundamentally new types of objects, a radical restructuring of the picture of the world occurs. Such a restructuring is a necessary component of scientific revolutions. It involves the active use of philosophical ideas and the substantiation of new ideas with accumulated empirical and theoretical material. Initially, a new picture of the reality under study is put forward as a hypothesis. Its empirical and theoretical justification may take a long period when it competes as a new research program with a previously accepted special scientific picture of the world. The approval of new ideas about reality as a disciplinary ontology is ensured not only by the fact that they are confirmed by experience and serve as the basis for new fundamental theories, but also by their philosophical and ideological justification (see. Philosophical foundations of science ).

Ideas about the world, which are introduced in pictures of the reality under study, always experience a certain influence of analogies and associations drawn from various spheres of cultural creativity, including everyday consciousness and production experience of a certain historical era. For example, ideas about electrical fluid and caloric, included in the mechanical picture of the world in the 18th century, were formed largely under the influence of objective images drawn from the sphere of everyday experience and technology of the corresponding era. Common sense of the 18th century. it was easier to agree with the existence of non-mechanical forces, representing them in the image and likeness of mechanical ones, for example. representing the flow of heat as a flow of weightless liquid - caloric, falling like a water jet from one level to another and thereby producing work in the same way as water does this work in hydraulic devices. But at the same time, the introduction into the mechanical picture of the world of ideas about various substances - carriers of forces - also contained a moment of objective knowledge. The idea of ​​qualitatively different types of forces was the first step towards recognizing the irreducibility of all types of interaction to mechanical. It contributed to the formation of special, different from mechanical, ideas about the structure of each of these types of interactions.

The ontological status of scientific pictures of the world is a necessary condition for the objectification of specific empirical and theoretical knowledge of a scientific discipline and its inclusion in culture.

Through inclusion in the scientific picture of the world, special achievements of science acquire a general cultural meaning and ideological significance. For example, the basic physical idea of ​​the general theory of relativity, taken in its special theoretical form (the components of the fundamental metric tensor that determines the metric of four-dimensional space-time, at the same time act as gravitational field potentials), is poorly understood by those who are not involved in theoretical physics. But when this idea is formulated in the language of the picture of the world (the nature of the geometry of space-time is mutually determined by the nature of the gravitational field), it gives it the status of a scientific truth that has ideological meaning, understandable to non-specialists. This truth modifies the ideas about homogeneous Euclidean space and quasi-Euclidean time, which, through the system of training and education since the times of Galileo and Newton, have become a worldview postulate of everyday consciousness. This is the case with many scientific discoveries that were included in the scientific picture of the world and through it influence the ideological guidelines of human life. The historical development of the scientific picture of the world is expressed not only in changes in its content. Its very forms are historical. In the 17th century, during the era of the emergence of natural science, the mechanical picture of the world was simultaneously a physical, natural and general scientific picture of the world. With the advent of disciplinary organized science (late 18th century – 1st half of the 19th century), a spectrum of special scientific pictures of the world emerged. They become special, autonomous forms of knowledge, organizing the facts and theories of each scientific discipline into a system of observation. Problems arise in constructing a general scientific picture of the world that synthesizes the achievements of individual sciences. The unity of scientific knowledge becomes a key philosophical problem of science 19 - 1st half. 20th century Strengthening interdisciplinary interactions in science of the 20th century. leads to a decrease in the level of autonomy of special scientific pictures of the world. They are integrated into special blocks of the natural scientific and social pictures of the world, the basic ideas of which are included in the general scientific picture of the world. In the 2nd half. 20th century the general scientific picture of the world begins to develop on the basis of the ideas of universal (global) evolutionism, combining the principles of evolution and the systems approach. Genetic connections between the inorganic world, living nature and society are revealed, as a result of which the sharp opposition between the natural scientific and social scientific pictures of the world is eliminated. Accordingly, the integrative connections of disciplinary ontologies are strengthening, which increasingly act as fragments or aspects of a single general scientific picture of the world.


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2. Vernadsky V.I. Reflections of a naturalist, book. 1, 1975, book. 2, 1977;

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8. The nature of scientific knowledge. Minsk, 1979;

9. Stenin V.S. Theoretical knowledge. M., 2000;

10. Stepin V.S.,Kuznetsova L.F. Scientific picture of the world in the culture of technogenic civilization. M., 1994;

11. Holton J. What is “anti-science”. – “VF”, 1992, No. 2;

12. Einstein A. Collection scientific Proceedings, vol. 4. M., 1967.

Main features of the modern scientific picture of the world

Many theories, collectively describing the world known to man, are synthesized into a single scientific picture of the world, i.e. a holistic system of ideas about the general principles and laws of the structure of the universe. Our world consists of open systems of different scales, the development of which follows general patterns.

The main features of the modern scientific picture of the world are presented below.

Systematicity means the recognition by modern science of the fact that any object of the material world (atom, planet, organism or galaxy) is a complex formation that includes component parts organized into integrity. The largest system known to us is the Universe. The systemic effect manifests itself in the appearance of new properties in an integral system that arise as a result of the interaction of its elements (for example, the formation of molecules from atoms). The most important characteristic of a system organization is hierarchy, subordination, i.e. sequential inclusion of lower-level systems into higher-level systems. Each element of any subsystem turns out to be connected with all elements of other subsystems (man - biosphere - planet Earth - Solar system - Galaxy, etc.). All parts of the surrounding world are closely interconnected.

Global(universal) evolutionism recognition of the impossibility of the existence of the Universe and all smaller-scale structures without development. Each component part of the world is a historical consequence of the global evolutionary process begun by the Big Bang. The idea of ​​evolution originated in the 19th century. and sounded most strongly in Charles Darwin’s teaching on the origin of species. However, evolutionary theory was limited only to the plant and animal world; the classical fundamental sciences, primarily physics and astronomy, which form the basis of Newton’s mechanistic model of the world, remained aloof from evolutionary teaching. The universe seemed balanced and unchanging. The appearance of nonequilibrium formations with a noticeable organization (galaxies, planetary systems, etc.) was explained by random local changes. The situation changed at the beginning of this century with the discovery of expansion, i.e. nonstationary nature of the Universe. This will be discussed below.

Currently, the ideas of evolution have penetrated into all areas of natural science. Until a certain time, the problem of the origin of various elements did not concern chemists; it was believed that the diversity of the periodic table had always existed in an unchanged form. However, the concept of the Big Bang indicated the historical sequence of the appearance of various elements in the Universe. The process of creating complex molecular compounds also traces the ideas of evolution and the mechanism of natural selection. Of the more than 100 chemical elements, only six make up the basis of living things: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. Of the 8 million known chemical compounds, 96% are organic compounds, based on the same 6-18 elements. From the remaining elements, nature created no more than 300 thousand inorganic compounds. Such a striking discrepancy cannot be explained by the different abundance of chemical elements on Earth and even in Space. There is a completely obvious selection of those elements whose properties (energy intensity, strength of the bonds formed, ease of their redistribution, etc.) provide an advantage in the transition to a higher level of complexity and orderliness of matter. The same selection mechanism can be traced in the next round of evolution: out of many millions of organic compounds, only a few hundred are used in the construction of biological systems, out of 100 known amino acids, only 20 are used by nature in the construction of protein molecules of living organisms, etc.

In general, natural science has the right to formulate the slogan: “Everything that exists is the result of evolution.” A new interdisciplinary direction – synergetics – claims to describe the driving forces of the evolution of any objects in our world.

Self-organization is the observed ability of matter to become more complex and create more and more ordered structures in the course of evolution. The mechanism of transition of material systems into a more complex and ordered state, apparently, has a single algorithm for systems at all levels.

Historicity is the recognition by modern science of the fundamental incompleteness of the present and any other picture of the world. Over time, the Universe and human society develop, value orientations and the strategy of scientific research change. These processes occur on different time scales, however, their mutual overlap makes the task of creating an absolutely true scientific picture of the world practically impossible.

Control questions

1. How do philosophy, culture and religion relate to each other?

2. Material, spiritual and social culture. How do these forms of culture relate to each other?

3. What examples of different approaches to assessing the same phenomena do you know? Why is natural science knowledge more objective than humanitarian knowledge?

4. What is the confrontation between the two cultures? Will the gap between “physicists” and “lyricists” widen?

5. When did science begin? What do the terms “science as a social institution” and “science as an activity of individual scientists” mean?

6. What are the social conditions of science? How do you assess these conditions in our country? Abroad?

7. What properties should scientific knowledge have? What is its practical value? What research, in your opinion, should be funded first: applied or fundamental?

8. How do you understand the activity of the subject? What, in your opinion, are the motivations for engaging in scientific activities?

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NCM is a systemic vision of the universe, its foundations of origin, organization and its structure, dynamics in time and space. There is a distinction between general (systemic knowledge not only about nature, but also about society) and natural scientific pictures of the world.
The scientific picture of the world is a wide panorama of knowledge about nature and humanity, including the most important theories, hypotheses and facts. Claims to be the core of the scientific worldview. Worldview is a system of views on the world as a whole, a complex alloy of traditions, customs, norms, attitudes, knowledge and assessments.
NCM functions:
1) integrative: NCM is based on reliable knowledge. and it is not just the sum or collection of fragments of individual disciplines. The purpose of NCM is to ensure the synthesis of new values;
2) systemic: building an idea of ​​any part of the world based on currently known data, no matter how modest they may be;
3) normative: NCI does not simply describe the universe, but sets systems of attitudes and principles for mastering reality, influences the formation of sociocultural and methodological norms of scientific research.
4) paradigmatic. Paradigm is a model (image) for setting and solving scientific problems. Pre-paradigm. period is a chaotic accumulation of facts. In the paradigmatic period, standards of scientific practice, theoretical postulates, precise NCM, and the combination of theory and method were established.
Components: intellectual (covered by the concept of worldview) and emotional (through attitude and worldview).
Since philosophy claims to express the fundamental principles of being and thinking, it is right to define a scientific philosophical worldview as the highest, theoretical level of worldviews in general. It is represented by a coherent, scientifically based set of views that give an idea of ​​the laws of the developing universe and determine life positions and programs of human behavior. The modern scientific picture of the world is characterized by rigor, reliability, validity, and evidence. It represents the world as a set of causally determined events and processes covered by a pattern.
The structure of the picture of the world includes a central theoretical core that is relatively stable, fundamental assumptions that are conventionally accepted as irrefutable, particular theoretical models that are constantly being completed. The scientific picture of the world has a certain immunity aimed at preserving this conceptual foundation. Within its framework, there is a cumulative accumulation of knowledge.
A non-classical picture of the world - the absence of strict determinism at the level of individuals is combined with determinism at the level of the system as a whole. Non-classical consciousness constantly felt its extreme dependence on social circumstances and at the same time harbored hopes of participating in the formation of a “constellation” of possibilities.
Post-non-classical picture of the world - tree-like branching graphics. Development can go in one of several directions, which is most often determined by some minor factor.

Historical forms of the scientific picture of the world.

1. Classical scientific picture of the world (XVI-XVII centuries - late XIX century), based on discoveries

Kepler, Copernicus, Galileo, but mainly on the principles of Newtonian mechanics:

Key points:

The world is in a state of linear, progressively directed development with strictly

predetermined determination; the case is immaterial;

All states of the world, including the future, can be calculated and predicted;

The natural scientific base is the Newtonian Universe with its substantial (independent

substances that have absolute, constant, unchanging characteristics) pro-

space and time in which material objects (stars, etc.) are located,

moving in a state of uniform motion.

2. Non-classical scientific picture of the world (XX century, Einstein):

Key points:

It all started with thermodynamics, which states that liquids and gases are not purely mechanical.

nic systems - random processes are part of their essence;

Space and time are not absolute, but relative; their specific characteristics

vary depending on the mass of material objects and the speed of their movement (than

closer to the speed of light, the stronger the change in spatial and temporal parameters

object ditch;

The development of the world can be represented as a main line washed by the blue

soida, personifying the role of chance;

Determination in the form of a statistical pattern: the system develops directionally,

but its state at any given moment is not determined.

3. Post-non-classical picture of the world (late 20th century, based on synergetics):

Key points:

The development of the world can be represented as a branching tree;

This implies that the future is fundamentally unpredictable: it is always

there are development alternatives, which are often determined by some random, foreign

where even a minor factor;

The possibility of jumping from one development trajectory to another and losing

system memory. As a result, the past does not always directly determine the present, but

standing is the future. This also implies the fundamental unpredictability of the future.

– only more or less accurate forecasts based on trend analysis are possible;

It is argued that small, local causes may correspond to global consequences.

From all the above provisions it follows that uncertainty acts as an

ribut (fundamental, fundamental characteristic) of being;

The most important concepts of the modern scientific picture of the world are order and chaos (see

this on the issue of synergetics);

The principle of universal evolutionism (thoroughly substantiated by Russian academics)

com N.N. Moiseev. The essence, briefly: any sufficiently complex system that exists in

world - from an atom, a molecule, a microorganism, a person and to the Universe, is the result of co-

corresponding evolution);

Hierarchical structure of the world (in inanimate nature: field and matter are elementary

particles – atom – molecule – macrobodies – stars – galaxies – metagalaxies – universe;

in living nature: cell – tissue – organism – population – biocenosis – biosphere; in general

society – individual – small social groups – large social groups – humanity as a whole).

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