Does magnesium sulfate cause cancer? When are intravenous magnesium injections indicated? Other uses

The human body is designed in an amazing way; it quickly learns what nutrients it lacks. Magnesium is a very important component for the body and is required for several hundred reactions in the body. And when there is a deficiency in the body, symptoms immediately appear, that is, warning signals from the body.

Signs You're Not Getting Enough Magnesium

1. Arterial calcification

What is arterial calcification, I think there is no need to explain it. These deposits can lead to myocardial infarction.
A lack of magnesium in the body leads to calcium deposits in the arteries and leaching of calcium from the bones.

2. Muscle spasms and cramps

Calcification of the arteries causes them to become stiff, which can lead not only to a heart attack, but also to muscle spasms and cramps.
Consuming magnesium can prevent this situation. And if nothing is done, it can cause either a heart attack or paralysis.
Pregnant women experience this symptom as during this period of their life there is a wide range of hormonal imbalance which causes calcium synthesis hence magnesium deficiency occurs.

3. Anxiety and depression

The appearance of anxiety and depression is a dangerous sign that the body does not have enough magnesium.
The ratio of calcium and magnesium in the blood affects the flow of oxygen to the brain. In this case, the brain will not have enough energy to control emotions. The person will behave strangely and depression will appear.

4. High blood pressure, hypertension

As a result of calcification of the arteries, they narrow and the pressure in them increases.
Over time, blood pressure becomes higher and higher and hypertension occurs.
This dangerous disease can lead to death.

5. Hormonal problems

Scientific research has found that the lower the level of magnesium in the body, the higher the levels of hormones in the body.
When magnesium levels fall below the required level, estrogen levels in women's bodies increase.

6. Sleep problems

A lack of magnesium in the body makes a person restless. And such a person cannot have a restful sleep.
The cause of this anxiety may be high blood pressure, which strains the heart and causes uncoordinated mental activity, which is the ultimate cause of insomnia.

7. Low energy consumption

From your school biology course you heard that ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is responsible for energy in the body.For its active activity, ATP must receive magnesium.If the human body does not receive enough magnesium, then it will be weak and painful.

You need to know these dangerous signs of magnesium deficiency.

1) If you go to a neurologist with complaints of insomnia, you will be given a prescription for a sleeping pill that has side effects.
Better check your magnesium levels in your blood.
Scientists in America claim that 80% of the inhabitants of this country have magnesium deficiency.
Do you think it’s different in our country? I doubt.
2) If you go to a gynecologist - endocrinologist with complaints about your illnesses, and the doctor tells you that you have an excess of female sex hormones, then how will you be treated? Hormonal drugs.
Get tested for magnesium first. It won't make you any worse!


The magnetic fields of the Activator create the structure of rain or melt water.

Water after magnetic treatment is soft, with the desired acid-base balance ( pH = 7.1 - 7.5 ). And at the same time it is a STRONG ANTIOXIDANT, and this is the prevention of ONCOLOGICAL diseases.

After activation, the water becomes biologically active.

Aging and the bouquet of diseases you have already acquired can be stopped in the only way - daily consumption of activated (biologically active) water, which is as close as possible to cellular water in the body!

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Alternative cancer treatment

Cancer is curable in any form and stage. It is possible to cure a person with stage three cancer or stage four cancer, regardless of the location of the tumor.

It all depends on the skill of the doctor and the availability of money for medicines. If a person is not in critical condition, it is not even very expensive (the price of medications for 1 course is no more than $400). You yourself can save any cancer patient if you follow our instructions.

ATTENTION! All drugs must be used simultaneously according to recommended regimens. Treatment is carried out in courses, with a gap of 21 days between courses.

1. The basis of treatment is the drug Polyoxidonium (approved for use by the Pharmaceutical Committee of the Russian Federation - protocol No. 17 of November 28, 2001, developed by the Institute of Immunology of the Russian Federation).

Polyoxidonium - This is the most powerful agent that suppresses cancer cells. Polyoxidonium is not a chemotherapy drug, it is an immunological drug - it directly “orders” the anti-cancer immune system (NK cells - natural killer cells) to begin destroying cancer cells.
Polyoxidonium was developed 14 years ago and in tests at the All-Russian Oncology Center showed an effectiveness of 70%.

The effectiveness of the drug increases if you additionally take selenium (Chita neoselen or selenium active (up to 4 selenium active tablets per day) and vitamin U (vitamin U is found in large quantities in raw potatoes - dose: 3 raw potatoes per day (potatoes can be mashed grate and squeeze out the juice). Not acceptable any heat treatment).

1. For one course: 10 injections of Polyoxidonium 6 mg in one day intramuscularly. Polyoxidonium injections are very painful, but after 1 hour the pain from the tumor completely disappears for a period of 8 to 38 hours. Polyoxidonium is available in all major pharmacies in Russia (the price of one ampoule is $4).
It is highly advisable that after the polyoxidonium injection the patient breathes medical oxygen for several hours and takes 2 tablets of vitamin B15.

Admission required Methionine to prevent methionine deficiency.
In the first 2 weeks of treatment, patients must be given 1 tablet Decamevita per day. Two weeks after the start of treatment, Decamevit is stopped - instead, patients should take 1 tablet Methionine per day.

2. When treating with Polyoxidonium, it is imperative to maintain a high level of magnesium in the body (the main fighters against cancer cells, NK cells - natural killers) cannot reproduce if the level of magnesium ions in the body is low. Also, high levels of magnesium block cellular mutations, which makes it impossible for healthy cells in the body to transform into cancerous ones.

The lack of magnesium in water is the main reason for the high incidence of cancer among Kazakh Germans who moved to Germany (Kazakhstan has a very high level of magnesium in water - in Germany there is no magnesium in water at all).

The maximum effect is observed with the introduction of magnesium sulfate (magnesia) in the system - 200 ml of saline solution + 4 ml of magnesia - 2 times a week.

This is due to the presence of sulfur atoms in magnesia, which are necessary for the synthesis of Perforin and Cytolysin in the cells of the immune system - formula - C766-H1173-N201-O224-S6. Perforin and Cytolysin are lymphotoxin substances that directly kill cancer cells. The introduction of magnesium into the body increases the level of cytotoxicity of lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, natural killer cells (NK cells) and the level of complement factor 9. (Do not use magnesia produced in Ukraine - it is of very low quality. It is recommended to use magnesia produced in Belarus).

It is also necessary to take asparkam 6 tablets per day, regardless of intravenous magnesium administration).
Magnesium systems are required.

3. Weight stabilization- the most radical means of stopping the process of depletion of the body of a cancer patient is Cocarboxylase. Dose - 3 injections per day, two ampoules (into the muscle). ATTENTION! When using cocarboxylase, it is necessary to use panangin: 6 tablets per day (to stabilize the pulse - the total dose of panangin should not exceed 6 tablets per day). If the pulse rate exceeds 110 beats per minute, cocarboxylase should NOT be used.

Cocarboxylase It is also a powerful pain reliever (since it is endomorphine) and is practically harmless to the body. An injection of cocarboxylase (two ampoules at a time) relieves acute pain for at least two hours.

You also need to take 3 tablets per day Prednisolone in 10 days. Then reduce the dose of Prednisolone to 2 tablets per day (reduce the dose over 14 days: half a tablet every seven days). (Prednisolone made in Austria.) After cancer is cured, the dose of Prednisolone is reduced to zero over three weeks - reducing the dose by half a tablet every week. Strictly prohibited Stop using Prednisolone immediately.

If the liver condition is satisfactory, an injection should be given once every two weeks. Retabolil. Retabolil is especially recommended in the treatment of women, especially in the treatment of breast, ovarian, bone cancer - in addition to weight stabilization, its use provides a number of very positive effects:

  • a sharp increase in the patient's appetite
  • relieving depression
  • bone strengthening
  • improvement of the patient's heart function.

  • While the drug is being used, the patient’s heart continues to work no matter what.

    Retabolil is prohibited for use in prostate cancer.

    In the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer, the use of Tamoxifen. Hormone therapy - Tamoxifen works well with immunotherapy.


    Treatment with medications will not lead to success if the patient does not eat normally. The total amount of solid food consumed per day should not be less than 400 grams. Be sure to give the sick: gray bread, finely chopped boiled meat - beef, cottage cheese, cheese, hematogen, porridge (buckwheat, wheat, pearl barley). Patients should be given boiled beef liver twice a week). An hour after giving the liver, you need to give an injection of vitamin B6 (one ampoule) to activate Kupffer cells.

    Every day it is necessary to give the patient one (no more) yolk of a hard-boiled egg. Once a week (no more often), it is necessary to give patients one glass (no more) of peeled pumpkin seeds. Once every three days (no more often), the patient should drink one bottle of bifidobacterin or lactobacterin (alternate). Also, be sure to give patients kefir daily (preferably with bifidobacteria or Mechnikov sour milk). If possible, patients should be given freshwater fish caviar (perch, pike, sturgeon). Prohibited feed with sausage and sea fish.

    It is advisable to give patients half a glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice daily (canned juice should not be given to patients). It is also very advisable to give patients one glass (no more) of tomato juice freshly prepared in a mixer (namely a mixer) and a glass of raspberry and carrot juice (give all juices at different times).

    If the patient is not able to feed himself - there is no swallowing reflex - it is necessary to administer the protein drug Albumin to the patient through the system ( only under the supervision of a medical professional; inject slowly). Albumin can be purchased at blood transfusion stations.

    4. For the normal functioning of the immune system, it is imperative to put the liver in order. Leningrad researchers (MD Dilman) showed that when liver function is normalized, the immune response increases 40 times.

    Medicines to improve liver function:
    - karsil - 8 tablets per day,
    - Liv-52 - 3 tablets per day,
    - injections of vitamin B12 - once a day, 2 ampoules at a time (1000 micrograms per injection).

    A week after starting treatment, reduce the dose of vitamin B12 to 500 micrograms per day. From the 3rd week, inject vitamin B12 once every three days - a dose of 500 micrograms.

    ATTENTION! It is necessary to do a general blood test once a week to monitor platelet levels and ESR. (If the platelet level exceeds the upper limit of normal, stop taking vitamin B12 until the platelet level normalizes).
    Once every three days (NOT MORE FREQUENTLY) it is necessary to give patients one tablet of folic acid and half a tablet of Zincite (zinc preparation).

    To relieve intoxication It is necessary to install a system with Hemodez or Neogemodez - Krasnoyarsk or Belarusian production - once a week in a glass jar - 400 ml (drip slowly).

    Twice a week, patients need to be given an injection of vitamin B6 (one ampoule) to activate Kupffer cells.

    Strictly prohibited cancer patients should eat fatty and spicy foods (any type of pepper and vinegar, eating fried foods is unacceptable).
    Prohibited patients should use any type of margarine (rama and its analogues).
    Cannot be consumed pork, peanuts, pickled products, soybeans, chocolate, mushrooms, cucumbers and cauliflower (these products contain a very high level of antivitamin C), brewer's yeast, any oatmeal products, beets, dates, dried apricots.

    Strictly prohibited cook food in aluminum containers - the entry of aluminum into the body will block any treatment.
    It is recommended to use boiled blood sausage, hematogen.
    It is recommended to consume a tablespoon of unrefined olive oil twice a day.

    For stable treatment with Polyoxidonium, it is necessary to use the following multivitamin preparations:

  • In the first two weeks of treatment, to prevent methionine deficiency, patients must be given one Decamevit tablet per day. Two weeks after the start of treatment, Decamevit is stopped and patients should take one Methionine tablet per day instead.
  • Glutamevit - 3 tablets per day, or Kvadevit - 3 tablets per day. Change vitamins after meals. Two weeks after the start of treatment, reduce the dose of these vitamins to 2 tablets per day.

  • The use of vitamin B15 significantly increases the likelihood of cure.

    It is necessary to take two tablets a day of vitamin E daily (best produced by Altaivitamins) and eight tablets a day of vitamin B15 (pangamic acid) four times a day, two tablets per dose, with an interval of six hours (vitamin B15 suppresses glycolysis in cancer cells, which significantly reduces the toxicity of cancer cells; also, when taking vitamin B15, pain completely disappears). Vitamin B15 is found in large quantities in apricot kernels - 1 glass per day.
    It is also necessary to give patients two tablets a day of lipoic acid - 50 milligrams (no more).

    Additionally, you can (preferably) use the French multivitamin preparation Upsavit (12 vitamins + 3 minerals) - 1 soluble tablet per day during the first two weeks of treatment, then reduce the dose of Upsavit to half a tablet per day. Upsavit cannot replace kvadevit or glutamevit.

    It is strictly forbidden to use preparations containing nickel, manganese, chromium, or aluminum. It is prohibited to use the following drugs - complivit, vitrum, centrum, beer tremors.

    6. If the body’s condition is not critical, then to destroy suppressors every eight days it is necessary to use Levamisole ( Dekaris- This is a powerful immunostimulant). If the weight loss is not very significant, you can use an adult dosage (150 mg). If a person is severely malnourished, a child dosage (50 mg) is used. In critical condition, the use of Dekaris is prohibited.

    7. There is another very effective way to treat cancer (60%) - treatment using the Magnetoturbotron device ((developed in Krasnodar in 1978 by D.A. Sinitsky)
    The impact of Magnetoturbotron normalizes the function of macrophages. In cancer patients, the cytoplasm of macrophages is clogged with iron colgomerates, which create mechanical obstacles to the normal synthesis of substances in the macrophage - the effect of the Magnetoturbotron leads to the resorption of these iron colgomerates. Macrophages are the central link of immunity (if the T and B macrophage system is damaged, the immune system also cannot function normally and the immune response to the tumor does not develop). Part of this damage to macrophages can be neutralized by using a mixture of citric acid and glucose.

    Scheme: Edible citric acid - 2-3 grams - is poured into the bottom of the glass in an even layer, after which two ampoules of glucose are poured into the glass (or three spoons of sugar - glucose is more effective), after which water is poured to the middle of the glass and the whole mixture is thoroughly mixed.

    The effect of using this mixture occurs immediately. This mixture is also effective for fevers of an infectious nature, such as influenza.
    The effect of treatment on the Magnetoturbotron increases significantly if this mixture is used simultaneously (Attention! You must use citric acid - you cannot use lemon juice.)

    Magnetoturbotrons are now being produced at the SAROV nuclear center (approved for use - order dated September 15, 1995, No. 311 - by the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation E.A. Nechaev - list number 104).

    In Moscow, treatment using a magnetoturbotron can be done at the Institute of Cybernetic Medicine. For small local tumors, instead of a magnetoturbotron, you can use the Polyus-1 or Polyus-2 device - this device is standard equipment in any physiotherapy room.

    Magnetoturbotron was developed by D.A. Sinitsky based on Polyus-1.
    Attention! Magnetoturbotron has nothing in common with Markov devices.

    8. The greatest therapeutic effect will be observed with the simultaneous use of Polyoxidonium and Magnetoturbotron (subject to all the above recommendations).

    9. In the room where patients are located, the temperature should be at least 25 degrees C. The room must be ventilated several times a day (the patient must be wrapped up). Absolutely forbidden In cold weather, keep the window open all the time.

    Strictly prohibited cancer patients should stay in the sun for a long time (no sunbathing, no exposure to ultraviolet radiation).
    Strictly prohibited cancer patients take a bath or visit a sauna (you can wash with baby soap only under a warm shower for no more than 5 minutes). Strictly prohibited wash with antibacterial soap - for example, the "safeguard" type.

    Prohibited Cancer patients should take the drug Noshpa, as these drugs block intestinal motility.

    10. After being cured of cancer, you must take the following medications:
    - methionine - 1 tablet per day,
    - panangin,
    - selenium-active,
    - karsil - 2 tablets daily. in a day.

    You also need to take one capsule of fish oil daily (manufactured in Murmansk).
    You also need to take one tablet daily. French multivitamins (Upsavit-12 vitamins + 3 microelements), eat raw potatoes twice a day. Take half a tablet of Zincite once every 3 days. Once a week you need to take 1000 mcg of vitamin B12.
    Once a week it is necessary to install a system with saline solution (200 cubes + three cubes of magnesium). ATTENTION! If the pressure is not below normal.

    Once every three months you need to take 1 tablet of Decaris.
    After recovery from cancer, it is recommended to inject polyoxidonium once a week - if all other recommendations are followed, this will guarantee that the person will not get cancer again (especially recommended in the first year after recovery from cancer).

    It is necessary to follow all recommendations on nutrition and regimen. The use of cell phones is prohibited - we have an example of tongue cancer caused by prolonged use of a cell phone. It is strictly forbidden to use a mosquito repellent.

    You can monitor the condition of the tumor by the level of ESR and the level of lymphocytes:
    - if the ESR is about 40 and above - the cancerous tumor is in a very active state - according to Govallo - (our data confirm this),
    - if the lymphocyte level drops below 20, the tumor is active.

    Remember that in oncology hospitals, doctors do not bear any responsibility for your life.(Every year 300 thousand people die from cancer in Russia, 500 thousand in the USA.)

    If you decide to undergo chemotherapy, require slow administration of the drugs through an IV (the slower the drug is administered, the safer).

    Chemotherapy is absolutely useless for stage 4 cancer. If chemotherapy is given to such patients, their lifespan will be significantly shortened, while their quality of life will sharply deteriorate - oncologists know this very well.

    This technique is especially effective in treating kidney cancer and pancreatic cancer.

    Basic provisions of the methodology

    Treatment is carried out in courses, the break between courses is 21 days

  • 10 injections of Polyoxidonium 6 mg intramuscularly every other day. Taking selenium active - up to 4 tablets per day and vitamin U (juice of 3 raw potatoes per day) increases the effectiveness of the drug.
  • From the 1st to the 14th day (in the first 2 weeks of treatment) 1 Decamevit tablet per day.
  • From the 15th day (two weeks after the start of treatment) 1 Methionine tablet per day.
  • Introduction of magnesium sulfate (magnesia) into the system - 200 ml of saline solution + 4 ml of magnesia - 2 times a week from the start of treatment.
  • Take asparkam 6 tablets per day, regardless of intravenous magnesium administration.
  • It is necessary to improve the functioning of the liver (see above).
  • Remove intoxication (see above).
  • Taking vitamins and microelements (see above).
  • Compliance with dietary and routine recommendations.
  • Magnesium is present in all cells of the body and is involved in more than 300 enzymatic processes, including energy production. Magnesium is essential for maintaining normal bone density, normal heart rhythm, normal lung function, and normal blood glucose regulation. Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common diseases in the world. Most doctors are not trained to detect magnesium deficiency in the body. Magnesium deficiency is very often misdiagnosed because it is poorly reflected in blood tests, because only 1% of the magnesium in the body is in the blood.

    American doctor, neurosurgeon and pioneer in pain medicine, Norman Shealy, says that all known diseases are often associated with magnesium deficiency, and that magnesium is the most important mineral required for the electrical stability of every cell in the body. Magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more diseases than any other mineral .

    A study of US residents found that 68% of people did not consume the daily recommended amount of magnesium, and 19% of people did not consume even half of the recommended amount of 310-420mg of magnesium daily. Most scientists consider this designated level to be too low, and if we use a different, higher magnesium intake, we will see that approximately 80% of US residents do not consume enough magnesium.

    Magnesium is a basic element of life just like water and air. We need quite a lot of magnesium, approximately 1000 mg/day, for a healthy and active life. Magnesium is to our body like oil to a car engine, helping the car move quickly, without breakdowns, and for a long time.

    Our current diet is rich in calcium, but completely insufficient in magnesium. Our ancient ancestors lived on a diet that had a calcium to magnesium ratio close to 1:1, whereas our modern diets range from 5:1 to 15:1 in favor of calcium . And this is a huge problem for the health of our body. This elevated calcium to magnesium ratio is a major contributor to diseases such as mitral valve prolapse, migraines, attention deficit disorder, autism, fibromyalgia, anxiety, asthma and allergies. Wherever there is an increased calcium content and not enough magnesium inside the cells, the effect of muscle contraction and spasm occurs - twitching and even cramps.

    Without sufficient magnesium, the body experiences disruptions in protein and enzyme utilization, methylation and detoxification, and antioxidant utilization - vitamins C and E. Magnesium is a very important trace element for proper processes detoxification. As our world becomes more and more toxic, our need for magnesium must increase significantly. Meanwhile, modern nutrition, on the contrary, increasingly reduces the magnesium content in food. This is due to the methods used for growing vegetables and fruits, the rare and insignificant use of composting and its replacement with pesticides/herbicides, which reduces the nutritional quality of the soil and grown products.

    The main symptoms associated with magnesium deficiency in the body:
    Mitral valve prolapse
    Cardiac arrhythmia
    Chronic pain
    Chronic fatigue
    Muscle spasms and twitching
    Weak pulse
    Brain fog

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