Non-hormonal drugs for mastopathy. What should be the treatment for fibrocystic mastopathy: a review of effective remedies and reviews from women. What is breast mastopathy

Pain in the mammary gland, often cyclical, a feeling of tension and severe discomfort associated with this - the symptoms of mastopathy are familiar to almost every second woman on the planet. This disease, although not directly classified as precancerous, still represents a rather serious problem for women's health. Therefore, there is great interest among patients in the drugs used in the treatment of mastopathy (in scientific terms, or DMMG).

The difficulty is that a unified standard for the treatment of this pathology has not yet been developed. Therefore, treatment often drags on for months and even years, which is why women often become disillusioned with the methods of traditional medicine and look for an alternative in the form of traditional healing. Alas, not all methods of combating mastopathy are effective, some are unsafe, some are useless, but quite expensive.

Hormonal tablets for mastopathy

Considering the 100% hormonal nature of this disease, the most reliable (seemingly) method of treatment comes to mind - hormone therapy. In a woman’s body with mastopathy there is little progesterone and a lot of estrogens. What could be simpler - add the first, subtract the last?! Science shows that systemic hormonal therapy for MGD, although possible, is undesirable and here’s why.

The concentration of progesterone in the mammary gland is approximately 10 times higher than in the blood. This means that in order to obtain the desired level of the hormone in the breast, this level in the blood must be increased 10 times more. This is already fraught with systemic side effects, among which weight gain is far from the most serious problem. For this reason, Utrozhestan and Duphaston, according to doctors, are undesirable to use. It is possible, but only under the strict supervision of a specialist, and not just anyone with a diploma in mammology, but a very experienced one.

Other hormonal drugs

Another thing is a gel with progesterone (progestogel). This is an exclusively local medicine. When applied to the sore breast, the progesterone contained in it is absorbed into the breast tissue and almost does not penetrate into the blood. Thus the concentration is high where it is needed and low where it is not needed. By the way, the drug is possible when the hormonal background of the whole body changes, and the established situation cannot be disturbed.

The drug indinol forto can also be left in this group. It contains indolecarbinol, which changes the system of production of female sex hormones so that the body begins to produce an analogue of estrogen that does not have their effects (2-hydroxyestrone).

Are minerals and vitamins needed for mastopathy?

Vitamin therapy is one of the important components of the treatment of any disease. Until now, no one has yet refuted the benefits of additional vitamin administration, and with mastopathy, which is a certain type of metabolic disorder, this is even more relevant. If the patient’s diet lacks them, then treating the disease will be more difficult. Sometimes, however, it is difficult to establish a patient's nutrition for financial reasons or simply because there are difficulties with fresh fruits and vegetables in the region where she lives. In this case, you can add vitamin preparations.

It is important that they include vitamins A and E in the list of components. Aevit and triovit meet this requirement. The first drug should be taken 1 capsule per day for a course of 20-40 days. Triovit should be taken 1-2 capsules per day. The course of admission is 2 months. Both drugs are taken immediately after meals at any time of the day.

Some sources mention the benefits of iodine for mastopathy. Official science has not yet proven the participation of this element in the development of DDMG. However, it is already known that in women suffering from hypothyroidism (reduced thyroid function), mastopathy develops almost 4 times more often. It should, however, be remembered that it is best to take iodine-containing products only after determining the level of thyroid hormones. If thyroid function is normal, excess iodine can only worsen your health.

The list of iodine-containing drugs is quite large, but the most commonly used are biologically active food supplements, such as clamine. Made from kelp seaweed, this product contains 60 mcg of iodine per capsule. According to the instructions for klamin, it is recommended to take 1-2 capsules per day for mastopathy.

There is an opinion that folic acid is also suitable for the treatment of breast diseases. After all, it is prescribed to pregnant women to maintain pregnancy! However, despite the fairly high effectiveness of this substance for pregnant women, folic acid is absolutely useless for mastopathy. Its only effect on the reproductive system is to protect the fetus from the appearance of developmental anomalies, which, of course, is not observed with mastopathy.

Sedatives and adaptogens

Long-term stress is considered one of the triggers for mastopathy. The rhythm of modern life is fast, and not every woman feels able to withstand it. This is why stress and emotional tension develop, fraught with nervous breakdowns. And the nervous regulation of any body function goes hand in hand with the humoral one. The failure of the first inevitably affects the second.

To normalize the psycho-emotional state, various types of sedatives are prescribed. Bromcamphor is one of them. However, doctors recommend not starting treatment for stress with strong drugs. It is enough to take novopassit, extracts of peony, valerian or motherwort. It is also recommended to take adaptogenic agents, including drugs such as befungin. In case of mastopathy, its use is especially relevant, since in addition to adaptogenic properties it also has antitumor activity.

Here we can also note the excellent effect of Rhodiola rosea. It also increases the body's resistance to harmful external influences such as infections, carcinogens and stress factors. By the way, Rhodiola four-cut, known as red brush, can also be used for mastopathy. Its effect has not yet been proven, but there are already studies suggesting that the red brush is in no way inferior to its pink “relative”.

Herbal remedies for mastopathy

In addition to the remedies described above, other preparations based on plant materials can be used. Of course, not all of the widely advertised ones are actually effective.


Its medicinal component is common twig. It acts on dopamine receptors, which is why, due to a cascade of chemical reactions, the production of prolactin is reduced. This hormone is directly involved in the development of mastopathy, and a decrease in its level in the blood suppresses pathological processes in the mammary glands - reduces the feeling of tension and the severity of pain. It is strictly contraindicated for nursing mothers, as it inhibits the production of breast milk.

Hog queen

In ancient times, this plant was used in Eastern Siberia and Altai to treat infertility. It is unknown how much it helped, because infertility can also be mechanical due to adhesions in the fallopian tubes. However, once it was used, it somehow worked. In Siberia, mastopathy was not treated with boron uterus; this is a modern “invention” of online sellers and those who write articles for websites. Even traditional medicine is silent about the effect of boron uterus in mastopathy, and the official one simply does not recommend it.


In recent years, treatment according to Vedic theories has become very fashionable. Ayurveda is the doctrine of treating diseases using various herbs and more, with the participation of yoga, pranayama, etc. As part of this philosophy, a variety of herbs are used, ranging from basil to turmeric. Many ideas, such as avoiding harmful foods (coffee, cocoa) are supported by traditional medicine, while the effectiveness of “eating prana” has not been experimentally proven.

Supporters of Ayurveda would like to remind you that before the arrival of Europeans in India, the mortality rate in India exceeded all imaginable figures. And even after this, it took a Herculean effort to bring this figure to normal 8.6 per 100,000 population. Now compare this information with the fact that before the arrival of Europeans, Indians were treated only with Ayurveda. Do you still think that Indian traditional medicine is something super effective?

In addition, what is now being offered to you under the guise of Ayurveda, in fact, is not such. For example, shatavari is a herbal preparation that is credited with miraculous properties. Plenty of resources recommend it for a wide variety of health problems. Mastopathy is a contraindication. And this is even more strange, since shatavari increases progesterone levels, that is, it does this. which is what you need for mastopathy. So, aren’t those who are trying to treat you with Ayurvedic methods charlatans?

Useless drugs

Now let’s briefly look at some popular drugs that are useless for mastopathy.


A cure-all drug. Or “for everything.” Improves, saturates, enriches, counteracts and promotes, increases resistance and reduces morbidity... Isn't it too much for one medicine? In fact, Wobenzym is a multi-enzyme product containing almost only digestive enzymes plus rutoside and bromelain. The effectiveness of the latter two substances has not been proven for any known disease, while the former only help digest food. Any doctor knows that digestive enzymes act only in the intestinal lumen and are not absorbed into the blood unchanged. An absolutely ineffective drug or, in new terminology, fuflomycin


This method is experiencing its rebirth. It’s hard to say why, but they believe it even more than really effective medicines. Homeopathic remedies are even included in some standards of care. For example, the widely advertised mastodinon is a remedy that is recommended even by gynecologists, which is included in the national guide to gynecology.

However, the scientific community categorically denies even the slightest effectiveness of homeopathy for any pathology, including breast diseases. Recently, even the Russian Academy of Sciences recognized it as pseudoscience, calling a spade a spade. There is no point in talking about the non-existent “memory of water” and the enhancement of the effect of a substance when it is diluted multiple times (hundreds of times!), which contradicts the fundamental laws of nature. Just understand that homeopathy has only a psychological effect, called “placebo” in science. She does not heal, she helps the patient to believe that he is being treated. However, homeopathy is also suitable as a means of self-soothing. But don't expect miracles from her.


This drug copes quite well in situations where it is necessary to remove compaction, infiltration and similar pathological manifestations of the inflammatory process. In mastopathy, dense structures are not caused by an inflammatory process. Therefore, the only effect of using dimexide may be a side effect. The product is completely ineffective.

Chinese patch

This pseudo-medicine has been making quite a splash in online markets lately. Everyone knows the phrase “Chinese quality” very well, but for some reason no one applies it to medicinal products. But the Chinese patch is exactly what is distinguished by true “Chinese quality”. According to sellers, this is a safe and natural remedy that can relieve pain after just a day of wearing.

In fact, the advertising of this product uses everything that advertisers have come up with - buzzwords (transdermal), “removal of toxins,” references to the speed of treatment and consistently high efficiency. At the same time, the words of the sellers are not confirmed by clinical studies, which, of course, were not conducted on the patch. Let’s also add that the packaging of the product completely lacks precise information about its composition (“and other 17 herbs” doesn’t sound very professional, right?), but there is information about the plant, the name of which has nothing to do with the logo of the Sichuan Huaxin Pharmaceutical Co. ., Ltd, which owns the Huaxin Pharma logo. Verdict: a dubious product with an unknown composition, unknown effect and unknown safety.

Cream-wax “Zdorov”

This cream is also very popular on the Internet. It is ordered with delivery, and there is always a 50% discount on it, which in itself is strange. On sites where it is mentioned, they use various videos from the “Live Healthy” program, which seem to confirm its effectiveness. However, in these videos we are talking about propolis - one of the components of the product, which does not have sufficient effectiveness for mastopathy. Other components are also questionable - they are widely advertised on the Internet, but are not used as medicinal products in traditional medicine. The effectiveness of this drug for mastopathy is unknown, take it at your own peril and risk.


This product contains the antibiotic chloramphenicol. It is very effective in combating purulent skin diseases. Unfortunately (or fortunately!) mastopathy has nothing to do with infections of any kind, so levomekol is useless in this case.

Vishnevsky ointment

The correct name is balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky, although this does not change the essence. This is a drug that is generally not recommended for use for any disease. Previously used in surgery to transform the inflammatory-infiltrative process of the skin and subcutaneous structures into a purulent abscess that could be opened. Currently, there are many antimicrobial agents that can suppress almost any inflammation, so even surgeons do not use this ointment. The use of this ointment for mastopathy is ineffective.


This is a biologically active food supplement. For some reason, it is often recommended for mastopathy, although even the manufacturer writes in its instructions that it is intended only for use in traumatology and orthopedics. Is it worth taking it? Probably not worth it.


This is a dietary supplement made from pine needles. Its composition is no different from most herbal supplements, however, like any other dietary supplement, it is credited with other wonderful properties. Of course, there is no proven effect, the reviews are doubtful, although the price is low. All dietary supplements have only one undeniable advantage - they are quite safe, but do you need a therapeutic effect? You don't have to look for him here.


This is perhaps the strangest method of treating mastopathy. The only thing that can explain the interest in antibiotics is a lack of understanding of the difference between mastopathy and mastitis. The latter is indeed an infectious process for which antibiotics are used, but it has nothing in common with mastopathy except the organ that suffers. Completely ineffective.

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Mastopathy is usually understood as a disease of the mammary gland, which occurs as a result of the growth of pathological tissue, which brings discomfort, pain and can lead to serious diseases.

What is mastopathy

It is considered one of the oldest diseases. Currently, mastopathy is the most common breast disease. The development of pathological breast tissue occurs as a result of an insufficient amount of progesterone, and vice versa - a large amount of estrogen.

Mastopathy is divided into:

  • Diffuse (divided into: cystic, fibrous, glandular, mixed).
  • Nodal.


  • the occurrence of pain, both constant and with weak touch to the mammary gland;
  • increased pain during menstruation;
  • any discharge from the nipples (both with and without pressure);
  • the appearance of compaction;
  • the appearance of nodes in the mammary gland.

Treatment Options

Basically, mastopathy does not manifest itself in any way in the initial stages. As the disease progresses, the first signs of mastopathy begin to appear.

Timely treatment will help not only to fully recover, but also to prevent the development of breast cancer.

Treatment for mastopathy is prescribed strictly individually. This is quite a complex process. To prescribe the correct treatment, a woman must undergo a series of special examinations. Treatment is prescribed depending on the stage of development of the disease and the form of the disease. For example, antibiotics and homeopathic remedies are prescribed when the treatment of mastopathy is associated with concomitant diseases.

Since antibiotics cannot cure mastopathy, they are used for an auxiliary purpose. As WHO recommends, antibiotics are prescribed penicillin or cephalosporin. These include:

  • Metronidazole, Ornidazole - imidazoles.
  • Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin are fluoroquinolones.
  • Tetracycline, Doxycycline - tetracyclines.
  • Ampicillin, Amoxicillin - penicillins.
  • Cefuroxime, Ceftriaxone - cephalospirins.

It must be remembered that the choice of antibiotic is strictly determined by the doctor.

Homeopathic remedies mainly contain plant, animal and mineral components. For example, this group is used to block pain. In addition, they contribute to the effects on hormonal levels. Such drugs include:

  • Mastodinon.
  • Mamoklam.

These drugs promote the resorption of compactions in diffuse forms of mastopathy. Homeopathic remedies help prevent relapse and the occurrence of tumors not only in the mammary gland, but also in the woman’s pelvic organs.

Hormonal drugs

This type of medication can only be prescribed after a blood test for hormones. Typically, hormonal drugs are prescribed for fibrous and cystic mastopathy. Such means include:

  • agents that help inhibit the appearance of steroid estrogen;
  • agents that inhibit prolactin and synthesis;
  • histogenic agents.

As practice shows, hormonal contraceptives have proven themselves to be effective. They all contain synthetic hormones estrogen and progesterone. These include:

  • Antiestrogens

Estrogen is the main hormone for a woman, which works as a barrier to the formation of pathological tissues. Preparations:

  • Fareston;
  • Tamoxifen;
  • Geniprostone.

These drugs help to both reduce white syndrome and reduce the size of the compaction. Mainly used for the treatment of fibrocystic forms of mastopathy. Typically, the course of treatment with these drugs is long and has a number of side effects, such as:

  • severe headache at the beginning of treatment;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • appearance of weakness, increased sweating;
  • loss of appetite.

Also, these drugs can be used to restore the menstrual cycle and for the prevention of cancer.

  • Oral contraceptives

This group of drugs contains synthetic hormones that are analogues of female hormones. Used to treat the cystic form of mastopathy and fibrocystic form. Take strictly under the supervision of a doctor, without missing a single tablet. Such drugs include:

  • Femoden;
  • Silest;
  • Marvelon;
  • Mercilon.

These drugs help reduce the symptoms of mastopathy and help treat mastopathy in the early stages. They also restore the menstrual cycle. They have the property of eliminating inflammatory processes in breast tissue. In addition, they can be used for cancer prevention. But they have a number of side effects:

  • violation by the SSS;
  • gastrointestinal disorders occur;
  • dry eye mucosa may occur;
  • allergy;
  • weight gain;
  • uterine bleeding.

The drugs are mainly prescribed to women before menopause.

  • Androgens

The drugs help reduce estrogen levels in the blood. Mainly used to treat diffuse forms of mastopathy. These drugs include Danazol. The drug is capable of both treating and preventing the growth of pathological tissue.

Danazol is strictly prohibited from being used together with other hormonal drugs.

The drug also has a number of side effects: nausea, vomiting; sleep disturbance; frequent mood changes; dizziness; allergic rash.

  • Gestagens

They have an antiestrogenic effect. Prescribed in conjunction with drugs for the treatment of mastopathy (non-hormonal). Gestagens are prescribed in courses. Such drugs include:

  • Norkolut;
  • Decayed;
  • Orgametril;
  • Rotten.

Doctors also often prescribe a hormonal agent for external use - Progestotel 1%. It is applied directly to the mammary gland, thereby allowing progesterone to reach the pathological area, which leads to a rapid treatment effect and eliminates the occurrence of side effects.

  • Prolactin blockers, gonadotropins

If a woman has a very large amount of milk production, then this mainly leads to stagnation in the mammary gland. Namely, this contributes to the appearance of pathological processes in the tissues of the mammary gland. Also, this is an indicator of the fact that a woman has a high prolactin level. Doctors generally recommend that women with mastopathy take medications that can reduce prolactin levels. Such drugs include:

  • Parlodel;
  • Bromocretin.

Side effects include: headache; edema; hair loss; migraine.

Gonadotropins are prescribed when treatment is ineffective to relieve pain and swelling. Mainly used for severe cystic mastopathy. These types of drugs help reduce testosterone and estrogen in a woman’s blood.

Non-hormonal drugs

This group of drugs is prescribed not for treatment, but for the prevention of mastopathy. To restore and support the body. Can relieve the symptoms of mastopathy. Such drugs include:

  • Vitamin complex

The simultaneous use of drugs for the treatment of mastopathy and a complex of vitamins and minerals promotes a better effect on pathological tissues and helps the body to better resist the disease. Such drugs include:

  • Aevit;
  • Complivit;
  • Centrum.

This complex of drugs helps reduce the occurrence of side effects.

  • Preparations with iodine

With the help of drugs in this group, the function of the thyroid gland is normalized. The drugs help reduce tissue proliferation. This group of drugs has a number of contraindications. Application must be strictly observed under the supervision of a physician. Such drugs include:

  • Iodomarin;
  • Iodinol;
  • Iodine active.

Side effects include: headache, redness of mucous membranes.

  • Diuretics

This group of drugs is used to reduce the symptoms of mastopathy. Basically, with such a symptom as swelling. These drugs include:

  • Canephron;
  • Brusniver.

They have both a diuretic effect and antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Side effects: allergy to the components of the drug.

  • Medicines that improve blood circulation

During mastopathy, a change in blood circulation in the breast tissue is often observed. All this is a consequence of a violation of the venous outflow of blood. To restore the blood circulation process, special medications are prescribed. These include:

  • Ascorutin;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Chime;
  • Traumeel.

This group of drugs promotes the resorption of nodules.

  • Homeopathic remedies

Quite often this group of drugs is used to treat mastopathy. The drugs eliminate the symptoms of mastopathy, normalize hormonal levels, and provide the female body with a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins.

To achieve the desired effect, these drugs are prescribed together with other drugs for the treatment of mastopathy. Homeopathic medicines reduce prolactin, which contributes to the narrowing of the mammary ducts. They reduce the enlargement of the (pathological) endometrium of the uterus, have an analgesic and decongestant effect. Such drugs include:

  • Phytolon;
  • Mastodtinone;
  • Cyclodinone;
  • Remens.

Side effects include: allergic reaction; rarely: nausea, headache; increase in body weight.

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Prescribed for severe pain syndrome. These include:

  • Nice;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Nurofen.

It is worth remembering that you need to be very careful with this group. Medicines may have contraindications.

  • Adaptogens

Otherwise I call them general tonics. They are capable of providing both an immunostimulating effect and an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. Such drugs include:

  • Eleutherococcus;
  • Lidaza;
  • Wobenzym.

The drugs generally have no side effects. In very rare cases, they can occur in the form of urticaria.

  • Sedatives

They are also called sedatives. This group of drugs is necessary. Since the psychological state of a woman directly depends on the production of hormones. These drugs include:

  • Persen;
  • Novopassit;
  • Valerian;
  • Motherwort.

Any stress can lead to disruption (failure) of normal hormonal levels.

  • Hepatoprotectors and enzymes

The course of treatment for mastopathy can take a long time, which can affect the functioning of the liver. That is why it is necessary for prevention to use drugs that restore some body functions (in this case, the liver). These drugs include:

  • Karsil;
  • Essentiale.

In addition, it has been proven that relapse of the disease occurs as a result of the absorption of estrogens into the intestines. And it is to prevent relapses that enzymes are prescribed, such as:

  • Creon;
  • Duphalac;
  • Bifiform.

This is an important enough issue to prevent the recurrence of the disease. Consult your doctor.

  • Use of dietary supplements

The dietary supplement includes a complex consisting of: vitamins, minerals, plants and other biological additives. To relieve the symptoms of mastopathy, the following are often used:

  • Mastokrel;
  • Fitol 1;
  • Lecithin Choline.

But you should not forget that although dietary supplements have an anti-mastopathy effect, they do not contribute to the treatment of mastopathy. They can be used as adjuvant therapy.

  • Use of ointments, creams, gels

These drugs help relieve pain, resolve the seal, and relieve swelling. Prescribed in the early stages of mastopathy. They are also used for prevention. These include:

  • Mastofit Evalar;
  • Traumeel S.


For a quick recovery, diet plays an important role. Since nutrition also contributes to the proper functioning of hormonal levels. It is recommended to completely exclude from the diet:

  • vegetables (cabbage - fiber);
  • fruits, berries;
  • cereals;
  • non-concentrated juice;
  • seafood;
  • dairy products;
  • liver, lean beef, veal, fish;
  • olive oil;
  • hard cheeses;
  • sea ​​kale.

Lifestyle change

For effective treatment, you need to completely immerse yourself in a positive atmosphere and surround yourself with only positive emotions. You need to get a good night's sleep. Daily walks in the fresh air. Regular sex life. All this helps restore the body and gain strength. Dosed physical activity plays an important role. Daily gymnastics for 20 minutes is good for this.

If you have mastopathy, you should avoid:

  • visits to the bathhouse;
  • visits to the solarium;
  • relaxing on the beach.

Features of treatment of mastopathy at different ages

All doctors must take into account the woman’s age before prescribing treatment. For example:

  • Age 25-35 years. If there is no hormonal imbalance, then mostly homeopathic remedies + herbal remedies are prescribed. If there is a hormonal disorder, the mammologist prescribes treatment individually.
  • Age 35 -45 years. The priority is herbal homeopathic medicines and oral contraceptives.
  • Age over 45 years. This category of patients often gets sick as a result of hormonal disorders (menopause, obesity, diabetes). They are prescribed complex treatment.

Regardless of age, all women are prescribed a complex of vitamins, hepatoprotectors, and sedatives.

Which combination is most effective?

Of course, the selection of treatment is a strictly individual approach to each woman. Only a doctor can prescribe a set of drugs (combination), based on the results of your tests and studies.

One thing is certain: mastopathy cannot be cured with one prescribed remedy.

For proper treatment of mastopathy it is necessary:

  • collection of a complete medical history;
  • external examination;
  • laboratory diagnostics;

Today, this type of benign breast disease affects 8 out of 10 women. And the percentage of patients with mastopathy is growing. The disease began to grow younger, affecting mainly women 25-40 years old. Mastopathy also affects men, but they have fewer risk factors, so these cases can be called isolated. In the USA, for example, about 850-900 men fall ill per year.
Mastopathy is a dyshormonal hyperplastic process of the mammary gland. According to WHO terminology, mastopathy is a fibrocystic disease that is accompanied by tissue changes. The tissues either multiply extremely quickly, or these changes regress.

Causes of mastopathy

In fact, mastopathy is the result of a violation of the normal ratio of epithelial and connective tissues. The determining reason for this is the neurohumoral factor. The prefix “neuro-” is quite understandable: the “trigger” mechanisms of the disease can be triggered by diseases of the nervous system - neurosis, psychosis.
The “humoral factor” indicates the internal environment of the body, where much depends on the normal “work” of biologically active substances, for example, hormones. One form of mastopathy, dyshormonal dysplasia, is associated with a lack of ovarian hormone production.

Classification of mastopathy

There are a large number of classifications of mastopathy. In clinical practice, the clinical and radiological version of the classification is most often used (N. I. Rozhkova, 1983).
Diffuse form of fibrocystic mastopathy: (diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the cystic component; diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component; diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the glandular component; mixed form of diffuse mastopathy; sclerosing adenosis).
Nodular form of fibrocystic mastopathy.
In general, mastopathy has many faces and exists in different forms. However, it is quite possible to distinguish any of its varieties already at the initial stage.

Stages of mastopathy

The first stage of the disease is mastalgia. What should you be wary of? Chest pain that intensifies before the onset of menstruation and then, in the first “critical days,” subside and disappear.
When the mammary glands just become engorged, most often lumps - balls - are felt in the upper outer quadrants of the breast. However, during menstruation they, like the pain, disappear.
The sad experience of mammologists shows that most women ignore these symptoms, hoping that everything will go away on its own. And the disease progresses with our connivance.
The second stage of mastopathy is characterized by more intense pain that radiates to the shoulder and armpit. The slightest touch to the chest is painful. Ball-shaped seals - glandular lobules - do not disappear with the onset of menstruation. Discharge from the nipple appears - transparent or colostrum-type, greenish.
Most often, mastopathy is clinically manifested by premenstrual syndrome, usually occurring in the second (luteal) phase of the menstrual cycle or a few days before menstruation. It includes a complex of physical, vegetative and emotional symptoms, with pain in the mammary glands, a feeling of increased volume, and engorgement (mastodynia) coming to the fore. Mastodynia is often combined with migraine-like headaches, swelling, discomfort in the abdominal area (flatulence, constipation, feeling of fullness), increased nervous excitability, anxiety, and fear. Usually, with the onset of menstruation, the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome disappear.
If, during the examination of the patient, nodes or a node are revealed in one or another part of the mammary gland, then in these cases an examination by a specialist (mammologist or surgeon) with a puncture biopsy and other examination methods is indicated to resolve the issue of surgical treatment. Only diffuse forms of mastopathy are subject to conservative (therapeutic) treatment.

Treatment of mastopathy

There is no generally accepted algorithm for the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy. Each case requires an individual approach from a doctor. Some authors recommend starting treatment with a diet, since there is a close relationship, in particular, between the use of methylxanthines (caffeine, theophylline, theobromine) and the development of fibrocystic mastopathy.

Diet for the treatment of mastopathy

It is believed that these compounds promote the development of fibrous tissue and the formation of fluid in the cysts. Therefore, limiting foods containing methylxanthines (coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, cola) or completely avoiding them can significantly reduce pain and tension in the mammary glands.
It has been established that both fibrocystic mastopathy and breast cancer are associated with intestinal dysfunction, chronic constipation, altered intestinal microflora and insufficient fiber in the daily diet. It is possible that in this case reabsorption of estrogens already excreted in bile occurs from the intestine. Therefore, for patients with fibrocystic mastopathy, some authors recommend eating foods rich in fiber and adequate fluid intake (at least 1.5-2 liters per day). Since the utilization of estrogen occurs in the liver, any dietary disturbances that impede or limit the normal activity of the liver (cholestasis - stagnation of bile, foods rich in fat, alcohol, other hepatotoxic - substances that have a toxic effect on the liver) over time can affect clearance (cleansing ) estrogen in the body.

Vitamins for the treatment of mastopathy

There is no doubt that vitamin therapy should be included in the complex treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy, since it has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. Vitamins enhance the therapeutic activity of existing medications, eliminate or weaken their side effects, stabilize the activity of the peripheral and central nervous system, and strengthen the body's immune system. Vitamins of groups A, B, E are most often used to treat mastopathy.
Vitamin A has an antiestrogenic effect, reduces the phenomena of proliferation (growth) of the epithelium and stroma. As a rule, the dose is 50 thousand units per day. Course - 6 months.

Retinol acetate (vitamin A) for the treatment of mastopathy

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. Plays an important role in redox processes (due to the large number of unsaturated bonds), participates in the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides, proteins, and lipids. Retinol plays an important role in maintaining the normal condition of the skin and mucous membranes; ensuring normal differentiation of epithelial tissue. Promotes adaptation to darkness. Participates in mineral metabolism, cholesterol formation processes, enhances myelopoiesis, cell division processes. The drug is prescribed orally. The dosage regimen is set individually depending on the indications. Vitamin A should be used with caution in patients with acute and chronic nephritis and chronic heart failure. Available in the form of dragees containing 3300 IU of retinol acetate, and in the form of capsules containing an oil solution (1 capsule - 3300 IU, 5000 IU or 33,000 IU).

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that potentiates the effect of progesterone. It is recommended to prescribe it at 50-100 mg daily for 6-12 months.

Alpha tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) for the treatment of mastopathy

A vitamin preparation that has an antioxidant effect. Vitamin E inhibits the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, preventing the formation of their peroxides. In addition, the drug affects cellular respiration, participates in the formation of intercellular substance, collagen and elastic fibers, as well as in the formation of proteins and cell proliferation. The drug is available in the form of capsules of 200 mg, in a solution for oral administration of 10% and 30% in bottles.

Drug for the treatment of mastopathy: Doppelgerz vitamin E (Queisser Pharma, Germany)

Plant vitamin E, obtained from young sprouts of cereals. Plant vitamin E is an essential component of the human body. It has an antioxidant effect, preventing the development of the formation of free radicals and fatty acid peroxides that are toxic to the body, participates in tissue respiration, cell proliferation, and other important processes of tissue metabolism, prevents hemolysis of red blood cells, and prevents increased permeability and fragility of capillaries. Available in capsule form.

Vitamin B6 reduces prolactin levels and normalizes the condition of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It should be taken 10-40 mg per day for 6-12 months.
It is also recommended to use vitamins P and C (Ascorutin) and products containing them (citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, chokeberries, chokeberries, raspberries) to improve microcirculation and reduce local swelling of the mammary gland.

Drug for the treatment of mastopathy: Ascorutin

Combined vitamin preparation. Ascorutin reduces the permeability of the vascular wall, has an antioxidant effect, and is a source of vitamins C and P. The drug reduces the activity of hyaluronidase, which increases the formation of intercellular substance and leads to strengthening of the vascular wall, reducing capillary fragility. Rutoside, which is part of Ascorutin, prevents excessive oxidation of ascorbic acid and increases its accumulation in the body. Available in tablet form.

Depending on the psycho-emotional state of a woman, it is advisable to include sedatives, mainly herbal preparations, in the complex treatment regimen for mastopathy.

Hormonal drugs for the treatment of mastopathy

The most pathogenetic method of therapy, taking into account the hormonal regulation of the mammary gland, should be considered the use of hormonal agents. Oncologists, mammologists, gynecologists, and surgeons have accumulated data on the possibility of effective use of certain hormonal methods for the treatment of benign pathology of the mammary glands.
For the treatment of mastopathy, hormonal drugs of various pharmacological groups are used:
Inhibitors of prolactin secretion - bromocriptine (Apo-Bromkriptin, Bromkriptin-Richter, Bromergon, Laktodel, Parlodel, Serocriptin, Bromcriptin Poly).
Inhibitors of the production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones - danazol (Danoval, Danol).
Progestin drugs - linestrenol (Orgametril), norethisterone (Norkolut, Primolut-Nor, Mikronor, Norethisterone), progesterone (Progestogel, Utrozhestan).
Homeopathic medicines - Mastodinon.
Inhibitors of prolactin secretion are effectively and pathogenetically justified in patients with pituitary prolactinomas, as well as in functional hyperprolactic amenorrhea and infertility. For mastopathy, drugs of this group are prescribed to correct the manifestations of latent (hidden) hyperprolactinemia.
Bromocriptine is a stimulant of central dopamine receptors. Reduces the secretion of prolactin, as well as increased secretion of growth hormone, without affecting the normal levels of pituitary hormones. Suppresses physiological lactation, helps normalize menstrual function, slows down the growth of prolactinomas, reduces the size and number of cysts in the mammary gland. When prescribing bromocriptine for mastopathy, the presence of a malignant tumor should be excluded.

Drug for the treatment of mastopathy: Apo-Bromocriptine (Apotex, Canada)

A drug whose active ingredient is bromocriptine mesylate, a semi-synthetic derivative of ergot alkaloid - ergocriptine. The drug is quickly and well (60-90%) absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is achieved 2-3 hours after oral administration. Apo-Bromocriptine is prescribed with caution to patients with cardiovascular diseases, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal bleeding or a history of psychosis. In the first days of treatment with the drug, hypotensive reactions are possible, and therefore special care should be taken when engaging in activities that require increased attention. Tolerance to the drug may be reduced with concomitant use of alcohol. Available in the form of tablets containing 2.5 mg bromocriptine mesylate.

Drug for the treatment of mastopathy: Bromocriptine Richter (Gedeon Richter, Hungary)

The drug is effective for various disorders caused by hyperprolactinemia. The use of the drug is indicated in the treatment of benign mastopathy and mastalgia. Thanks to its dopaminergic effect on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, Bromocriptine Richter reduces the size and number of cysts in the mammary gland. When treating mastopathy, Bromocriptine Richter is taken at an initial dose of 1.25 mg 2-3 times a day, then the dose is gradually increased to 5-7.5 mg. If pregnancy occurs, the drug should be discontinued. In pregnant women in the first 8 weeks, Bromocriptine does not have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy. Available in the form of 2.5 mg tablets.

Drug for the treatment of mastopathy: Lactodel (Amoun, Egypt)

Bromocriptine drug. Used for benign diseases of the mammary glands: benign cystic and/or nodular diseases, in particular fibrocystic breast disease; mastalgia (including when it is combined with premenstrual syndrome or benign and/or cystic changes). When using the drug, it is possible to develop adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, central nervous, and respiratory systems. Caution should be exercised when prescribing Lactodel concomitantly with antihypertensive drugs. The safety and effectiveness of the drug in children under 15 years of age, as well as in patients with liver and kidney diseases, have not been studied. Available in the form of 2.5 mg tablets.

Drug for the treatment of mastopathy: Parlodel (Novartis Pharma, Switzerland)

A drug whose active substance is bromocriptine mesylate. In benign diseases of the mammary gland, Parlodel reduces the size and number of cysts and/or nodules in the mammary gland, which is associated with its normalizing effect on the ratio between estrogens and progesterone. Reduces the secretion of prolactin in patients with elevated concentrations of this hormone. Prescribe 1/2 tablet 2-3 times a day, gradually increasing the dose to 2-3 tablets per day. Treatment with Parlodel can restore reproductive function. Women of childbearing potential who do not wish to become pregnant should be counseled about using a reliable method of contraception. If pregnancy occurs, the drug should be discontinued. Parlodel is produced in the form of grooved tablets containing 0.0025 g of active substance.

Another group of drugs used to treat mastopathy are inhibitors of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones.
Danazol is an isoxalone derivative of the synthetic steroid 17-a-ethinyl estradiol. The mechanism of action of the drug is multifactorial. It has a direct effect on nuclear steroid receptors with disruption of transcription of tissue-specific genes. The drug causes a decrease in the frequency of pulsating emissions of gonadotropin-releasing hormones in the hypothalamus; has a direct effect on steroidogenesis in the ovaries, competitively binding a number of enzymes involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones.

Drug for the treatment of mastopathy: Danoval (KRKA, Slovenia)

Danazol, which is the active ingredient of the drug, suppresses the secretion of gonadotropins by the adenohypophysis, has androgenic, antiestrogenic and antiprogestogenic activity. For severe mastalgia, the drug is used in a dose of 100-400 mg per day for 3-6 months; for benign breast formations - at a dose of 300 mg per day for 3-6 months. The use of Danoval is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, bleeding of unknown origin, androgen-dependent tumors. Available in the form of capsules of 100 and 200 mg.

Drug for the treatment of mastopathy: Danol (Sanofi-Synthelabo, France)

Suppresses the function of the gonadotropic hormones LH and FSH in men and women. It does not have estrogenic or gestagenic effects, but in high doses it has weak androgenic activity with a concomitant anabolic effect. The effect of the drug is reversible. The main indications for use are endometriosis with concomitant infertility, primary menorrhagia, premenstrual syndrome, as well as benign neoplasms of the mammary gland, gynecomastia. Precocious puberty is the only indication for which Danol is used in children. The dose, frequency of administration and duration of treatment are determined individually. Typically, for mastopathy, the initial dose of the drug is 300 mg, and the duration of therapy is from 3 to 6 months. Use Danol with caution in severe renal failure, epilepsy, diabetes (increases the need for insulin). Since the drug is not a contraceptive, non-hormonal methods of contraception should be used while taking it. Available in the form of tablets of 0.1 and 0.2 g.

Contraceptives for the treatment of mastopathy

All researchers recognize that properly selected low-dose hormonal contraception has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect against dishormonal dysplasia of the mammary glands. The mechanism of action of combined oral hormonal contraceptives (COCs) includes suppression of the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland by inhibiting the production of releasing hormones synthesized by the hypothalamus, which leads to inhibition of ovulation. The direct inhibitory effect of contraceptives on ovarian function has also been proven; estrogen secretion is reduced by almost half.
Symptoms of mastopathy often decrease or even completely disappear within the first two months of taking COCs, while a progressive decrease in the incidence (40%) of fibrocystic mastopathy is observed. In the USA, for example, the use of hormonal contraceptives annually prevents hospitalization for mastopathy in 20,000 women. It is considered established that, by reducing the incidence of benign breast diseases, hormonal contraceptives reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by half.
Most often, gestagens are used in the treatment of mastopathy. Considering the pathogenesis of the development of mastopathy, this therapy is essentially the most justified.
Linestrenol is a synthetic progestin. Has some properties of endogenous progesterone. Causes a transition of the endometrium from the proliferation phase to the secretory phase. Suppresses ovulation. Linestrol has a weak androgenic effect, which was established based on its interaction with sex hormone binding protein. The use of linestrol is indicated in cases where it is necessary to cause a strong progestogenic effect. It is used to treat dysfunctional uterine bleeding, endometriosis, some cases of primary or secondary amenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, benign breast tumors, and also as oral contraception.

Drug for the treatment of mastopathy: Orgametril (Organon, Netherlands)

A drug whose active ingredient is linestrenol. For the treatment of benign tumors of the mammary glands, use 1 tablet daily from the 14th to the 25th day of the cycle for at least 3-4 months. The use of the drug during pregnancy is contraindicated. During long-term treatment with Orgametril, it is recommended to periodically monitor the blood lipid spectrum and blood coagulation system, especially in patients with circulatory disorders. Organametril has very low toxicity. In cases of overdose, nausea and vomiting are possible. The drug is available in the form of 5 mg tablets.

Norethisterone is a progestin drug. Causes proliferation of the uterine mucosa from the proliferation phase to the secretory phase, and after fertilization contributes to its transition to a state favorable for the development of the fertilized egg. It has mild estrogenic and androgenic properties. Reduces the excitability and contractility of the uterine muscles, stimulates the development of the end elements of the mammary gland. It is used to treat dysfunctional uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, endometriosis, mastodynia and mastopathy, and also as a contraceptive. The use of the drug during pregnancy is possible only under strict indications. Norethisterone inhibits lactation, so if it is necessary to use it during this period, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be decided.

Drug for the treatment of mastopathy: Norkolut (Gedeon Richter, Hungary)

A drug whose active ingredient is norethisterone. When taken orally, the drug is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract; The maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma is observed after 1-2 hours. For mastodynia, Norkolut is prescribed from the 16th to the 25th day of the cycle, 5-10 mg per day. With extreme caution, especially if long-term use is necessary, Norkolut is prescribed for a tendency to thrombosis, hepatitis, liver dysfunction, as well as for heart disease, kidney disease, bronchial asthma, and epilepsy. Before starting treatment, the presence of a malignant neoplasm should be excluded. Release form: tablets containing 5 mg of active substance.

Progesterone is a hormone of the corpus luteum. Causes a transition of the uterine mucosa from the proliferation phase caused by follicular hormone to the secretory phase, and after fertilization contributes to its transition to the state necessary for the development of a fertilized egg. Reduces the excitability and contractility of the muscles of the uterus and fallopian tubes, stimulates the development of the end elements of the mammary gland. Does not have androgenic activity. Progesterone has a blocking effect on the secretion of hypothalamic factors for the release of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, inhibits the formation of gonadotropic hormones in the pituitary gland and inhibits ovulation. The drug is not used in women planning pregnancy in the near future.
Unfortunately, drugs for oral administration, given the primary effect of passing through the liver, may have certain metabolic properties, which may manifest themselves as affecting the hemostasis system, the cardiovascular system, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. From this point of view, topical drugs that do not have systemic side effects are promising. Such drugs include Progestogel.

Drug for the treatment of mastopathy: Progestogel (Laboratoires Besins-lscovesco, France)

Gel containing natural progesterone. This is a drug for transdermal use on the mammary glands. Indications for use of the drug: mastopathy and mastalgia due to various reasons. Skin applications are used to increase the concentration of natural progesterone in breast tissue. Influencing the condition of the epithelium and vascular network, Progestogel does not affect the level of progesterone in the blood plasma, and the concentration of the hormone in the tissue is 10 times higher than in the systemic circulation, which makes it possible to reduce the dose of the drug used compared to oral administration (by mouth). The drug is used 2.5 g of gel on the skin of each mammary gland 1 or 2 times a day in a continuous or cyclic mode from the 16th to 25th days of the menstrual cycle. There are no contraindications to the use of Progestogel.

Drug for the treatment of mastopathy: Utrozhestan (Laboratoires Besins-lscovesco, France)

The drug is produced in capsules containing 100 mg of natural micronized progesterone. The main metabolites of progesterone, which are determined in blood plasma and urine, are similar to the substances formed during the physiological secretion of the corpus luteum. The duration of therapy is determined individually, depending on the clinical situation. For fibrocystic mastopathy, the drug is taken orally in a daily dose of 200-300 mg (2-3 capsules), divided into 2 doses for 10 days (usually from the 17th to the 26th day of the cycle). When using Progesterone, there may be adverse reactions from the nervous system in the form of drowsiness, transient dizziness that appears 1-3 hours after taking the drug, as well as from the reproductive system - a shortening of the menstrual cycle, intermenstrual bleeding.

The homeopathic drug Mastodinon is also used to treat fibrocystic mastopathy.

Drug for the treatment of mastopathy: Mastodinon (Bionorica Arzneimittel, Germany)

Combined homeopathic medicine. It has a dopaminergic effect, which reduces the secretion of prolactin by the adenohypophysis. As a result of numerous studies, Mastodinon has shown high effectiveness in the treatment of mastalgia, mastopathy, benign and malignant diseases of the mammary gland. The drug is used 30 drops 2 times a day (morning and evening). The course of treatment is at least 3 months continuously. Drops should be diluted in a small amount of water. Side effects are observed rarely - in the form of dyspeptic symptoms. Currently, there are no contraindications to the use of the drug.

Mastodynia (mastalgia, Cooper's disease) - pain in the mammary gland. In premenopausal women, mastodynia can manifest itself as a feeling of discomfort that occurs before menstruation. It is believed that the cause of mastodynia is cyclic engorgement of the glands, caused by venous stagnation and swelling of the stroma before menstruation; at this time, the mammary gland increases by more than 15%. Therapy is carried out simultaneously with the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics, Norkolut, Pregnil or Parlodel are prescribed.

Pregnil (Organon, Netherlands)

The active ingredient of the drug is human chorionic gonadotropin. It has a stimulating effect on the steroidogenesis of the gonads, similar to the effect of luteinizing hormone. In women, it stimulates the production of estrogen, and especially progesterone after ovulation. The drug can be used in combination with humegone (menotropins) to induce ovulation. When using the drug, skin rash may occur. Currently, no cases of overdose have been reported. Drug interactions with other drugs have not been described. Available as a lyophilized powder for injection in ampoules containing 500, 1500 and 5000 ME, complete with solvent.
Thus, there are currently many means for the treatment of diffuse benign pathology of the mammary glands.
However, it must be remembered that the success of treatment is primarily due to a thorough examination of the woman, including clinical, ultrasound, and x-ray examination methods; individual choice of treatment method. Prevention of breast disease is extremely important.
To prevent diseases of the mammary glands, it is necessary to: avoid abortions, especially repeated ones; carry out timely treatment of gynecological diseases; rational use of contraceptives; early detection of mammary gland pathology.

It is possible to slow down the development of mastopathy and eliminate the symptoms of the pathology with the help of drug treatment. In addition to topical medications, effective tablets for mastopathy are actively prescribed for therapy. In treatment, oral medications are best combined with the application of medicinal ointments. The list of funds is quite extensive.

Antibiotics are the main component of the treatment of the disease. They successfully treat the initial stages of fibrotic changes and quickly eliminate the inflammatory process. After successful healing, pregnancy is possible.

A cystic lesion is often accompanied by severe inflammation. The antibiotic effectively kills pathogenic agents and eliminates symptoms. For mastopathy, the doctor may prescribe medications:


The drug Maxipim belongs to the group of cephalosporins. It has a wide spectrum of action and is active against various pathogenic bacteria. It does not have a negative effect on the human body and eliminates mastopathy symptoms. The active drug substance is cefepime hydrochloride. The product is available in powder form for preparing a solution.

The dosage is prescribed depending on the characteristics of the disease. Usually it is 2-4 g per day.

The medicine is well tolerated by the body. Among the contraindications:

  • Kidney diseases
  • Gestation
  • Gastric ulcer

The course of therapy is prescribed by the doctor. If adverse reactions occur on the part of the body, the dose of the drug may be reduced. It is better to take it together with the drug Utrozhestan. Whether or not it is compatible with other medications should be checked with your doctor.


The drug Movisar belongs to the latest generation of cephalosporins. Available in the form of instant powder for injections. The main active ingredient is cefepime. The medicine is identical in its effects to the previous one. Its action is aimed at preventing complications and eliminating mastopathy.

Movisor injections are performed twice a day. The dose is 2 g every 12 hours. For non-advanced forms of pathology, 0.5-1 g is prescribed.


  • Allergic reaction to components
  • Pregnancy
  • Kidney failure


The drug Penicillin is a powerful, time-tested antibiotic. Among the drugs for mastopathy, doctors often prescribe this medication. Stops the activity of pathogenic microflora. It is often prescribed for purulent forms of the disease. Its anti-inflammatory effect gives positive results.

The dose of the drug is calculated individually. It is recommended to use 0.1-0.3 units of the drug per 1 ml of blood. Injections can be given up to 6 times a day.


  • Individual intolerance
  • Liver failure
  • Allergy

Hormonal agents

To correct hormonal levels in mastopathy, replacement therapy is prescribed, where hormones provide the main help. Most often prescribed:


An antiestrogenic drug reduces the amount of female hormone in the blood and corrects the imbalance of substances. Restores menstrual cycle disorders.

In treatment, the medicine is used twice a day. The dose recommended by doctors is 20-40 g. Take it according to the instructions correctly - swallow the capsule whole and wash it down with plenty of water. After confirming the dynamics in FCM treatment, stop taking it.


  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Individual intolerance
  • Taking an oral contraceptive


An effective steroid drug, Orgametril, is prescribed by a mammologist to eliminate the symptoms of mastopathy and hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body. The tablets contain linestrenol.

Taking Orgametril requires a continuous ten-day course. The tablet is taken 2 weeks after the start of menstruation. Take one tablet every day.


The medicine is intended for the correction of hormones in mastopathy and breast tumors. The drug contains bromocriptine. It is a powerful prolactin inhibitor. The medicine normalizes hormone levels.

Take the drug 1 tablet per day. The dosage is gradually increased.

Among the contraindications for use:

  • Composition intolerance
  • Heart disease
  • Development of an allergic reaction
  • Stomach ulcer

Non-hormonal agents

Effective dietary supplements, homeopathic remedies and herbal drops are actively used as auxiliary non-hormonal drugs in the treatment of pathology. Their natural composition does not have a negative effect on a woman’s body and can help eliminate diffuse pathologies. The preparations contain components of natural origin and do not contain synthetically generated substances.

Homeopathy is widely used in the complex elimination of breast diseases. Your doctor may recommend:


Homeopathic medicine can be purchased in pharmacies in drops or tablets. The form of the medicine does not affect its effectiveness and effect. The dietary supplement corrects prolactin in the female body and inhibits the proliferation of fibrocystic tissue. The product is based on herbal ingredients.

For treatment, take 30 drops of Mastodinon liquid or 1 tablet per day.


  • Pregnancy
  • Individual intolerance


Wobenzym has a powerful effect on the functioning of the immune system and activates the body's defenses. It triggers the necessary restoration processes in organic tissues and promotes the patient’s rapid recovery. Contains only natural ingredients of natural origin.

Take 3 tablets three times a day. The longer the course, the better the effect. It is recommended to take the tablets for at least two months.


  • Blood diseases
  • Hemodialysis
  • Individual intolerance


A new product in the treatment of mastopathy is designed to actively inhibit the pathological process and the proliferation of fibrous breast tissue. Release form: medicinal drops in a bottle. After taking the non-steroidal drug, it relieves spasms, relieves pain, eliminates heaviness in the chest and other symptoms. The drug alleviates the general condition and helps restore health. It is also widely used for cancer prevention.

An excellent addition would be the use of a new product - Progestogel gel. You do not need a prescription to begin treatment. The prescription form will then be issued by the doctor, who will indicate the required treatment regimen.

Take 15 drops of the product about 5 times a day. The product is first diluted in a small amount of water. Therapeutic course – 3-4 months.

Contraindication: intolerance to the composition.

The drug is identical to Remens. It works the same way, so you can't take both at the same time. Carefully study the name of the medicine on your list.


The safe natural drug Mamoclam is an effective assistant in the fight against many breast diseases. The product is available in tablets. They help prevent the onset of the oncological process in mastopathy.

Take the medicine 1-2 tablets three times a day. The drug should be used for at least three months.


  • Thyroid diseases
  • Kidney diseases
  • Dermatitis

If unwanted reactions occur, the doctor may prohibit taking the drug. Even the most effective cream cannot treat people with intolerance. You can buy an analogue at the pharmacy. You need to choose an antibiotic drug that can help you recover without complications. The price of drugs varies widely.

Adjuvant therapy

To avoid complications of mastopathy, therapy necessarily includes various additional agents and cream to improve the condition of the tissues. Applicable:

  1. Diuretic drugs
  2. Hepatoprotectors
  3. Analgesics
  4. Medicines to improve blood circulation

The use of diuretics helps eliminate swelling of the breast tissue and remove excess fluid from the body. Useful mixtures of sage, lingonberries, and rose hips are prescribed. Of the drugs that improve liver function, the doctor prescribes Karsil and Essentiale. Dry collection of Alfit helps well. You need to drink it regularly.

The following remedies will help restore the functions of the gland:

  • Pantalfit
  • Selmevit
  • Stella
  • Dostinex
  • Duphaston
  • Mastopol

You can purchase an active analogue that will eliminate the cause of the pathology and can help if the disease is early.

The complexes Fitol, Edas, Evalar, Triovit are highly effective in treating the disease. Cyclodinone drops are used to treat menstrual irregularities in mastopathy. The Russian antioxidant drug Polyoxidonium helps restore immunity well. Compresses with a strong antiseptic Dimexide or Bromcamphor eliminate the disease.

The drugs Asda, Belara, Befungin, Jess, Amoxicillin, Veroshpiron, Mastopol, Mastodinon are prescribed according to indications - thrush, menopause, menopause.

Painkillers improve a woman’s general condition, relieve pain and eliminate spasms. Under their influence, the chest stops hurting. Drugs from the group of venotonics can resolve the node inside the gland. If necessary, the following are prescribed:

  • Magnesia
  • Metronidazole
  • Indole
  • Indinol
  • Ibuprofen
  • Diclofenac
  • Vitokan
  • Phytolon

These medications should be taken as directed. Hardware treatment helps to cope with the disease. The doctor can prescribe procedures using the Almag magnetic therapy device. The device eliminates pain and inflammation, is able to thin the blood and improve its composition.

The use of highly effective treatment methods allows you to eliminate any stage of breast pathology, get pregnant and have a successful birth.

The mammary gland is a rather vulnerable organ of the female body. It is often subject to various pathologies, and one of them is.

Not everyone knows that mastopathy is a condition that requires careful treatment and supervision by a qualified doctor.

If left untreated, some can transform into an oncological process.

In this article we will talk about what to do when mastopathy is detected, what tests are taken if it is present, how to treat this pathology and whether it is possible to get rid of it for good.

The essence of pathology


The term “mastopathy” includes a large number of forms and types of the disease, but all of them are accompanied by a violation of the ratio of connective and epithelial tissue.

Such processes are associated with failures of neuroregulatory processes, that is, mastopathy can develop not only with progesterone, estrogen and prolactin, but also with disorders of the functionality of the nervous system - depression, stress, nervous strain.

Associated symptoms

The most effective folk remedies are:

  • honey. It can be taken orally or made into compresses;
  • . Used as compresses that help eliminate pain;
  • camphor oil. Used for compresses or massage;
  • medicinal herbs. Herbs are used that reduce the risk of tumor development and have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is the most popular. This plant has an antitumor effect, therefore it occupies a leading position in the treatment of mastopathy;
  • tinctures. The cinquefoil tincture has positive reviews; it has antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects, and also improves lymph circulation;
  • vegetable medicines. You will need a glass of carrot juice, a glass of black radish juice, a glass of lemon juice, a glass of Cahors, a glass of garlic juice and a glass of liquid flower honey. All ingredients are mixed and placed in a glass container with a lid. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals. Keep refrigerated.

Folk remedies can be combined with traditional treatment, but the doctor must be informed about this in order to adjust the dosage of medications if necessary.

Separately, it is necessary to say about hirudotherapy.

The positive effect of treating mastopathy with leeches is achieved due to the following:

  • bloodletting eliminates stagnation of lymph and blood in tissues;
  • the saliva secretion of leeches contains biologically active enzymes that have a positive effect on the condition of the entire organism;
  • leeches are placed on certain areas of the body, which leads to the harmonization of bioenergy. This issue, of course, has not yet been studied enough, but traditional medicine does not deny the positive effects of hirudotherapy on the human body.

Surgical intervention

Indications for surgical treatment are as follows:

  • large nodes in the late stage of the disease;
  • severe discomfort from compaction;
  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • suppuration or rupture of the cystic cavity;
  • sharp and rapid growth of tumors;
  • the occurrence of a large number of compactions in a short period of time;
  • fibroadenoma;
  • intraductal adenoma;
  • calcareous elements in the mammary gland;
  • there is no effect from therapeutic treatment;
  • suspicion of an oncological process.

Surgery for mastopathy is carried out using two main methods:

  • sclerosis. The cyst is punctured, after which a special substance is injected into the vacated cavity, which ensures “gluing” of the walls of the cyst;
  • resection. Part of the mammary gland or the entire gland is removed.

After surgery, a woman must undergo rehabilitation and recover. After removal of tumors, it is necessary to regularly visit a mammologist to prevent relapse.

Lifestyle with mastopathy

Everyone knows that healthy sleep is the key to successful treatment of any disease. A woman with mastopathy needs to forget about sleepless nights and go to bed no later than 22.00.

You need to sleep 10 hours a day. Then a rested body will restore the balance of hormones and accumulate strength to resist the disease.

Doing physical exercise will help improve your health. It is also very important to avoid stressful situations and get rid of bad habits.

Patients with mastopathy are prohibited from overheating in saunas and baths. It is also not recommended to sunbathe, either in a solarium or naturally.

Read about other contraindications for mastopathy.

Sexual contacts should be present in a woman’s life regularly. Lack of sexual activity is one of the reasons for the development of mastopathy. Orgasm is the best way to naturally get rid of increased concentrations of estrogen.


Fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables should be included in the diet. In addition, it is important to eat foods high in iodine and other microelements.

You should avoid the following products:

  • coffee and alcohol;
  • large amounts of animal fats;
  • fried and smoked;
  • flour and sweet.

In order for iodine to be properly absorbed by the body, it is better to exclude white cabbage from the diet, but broccoli or cauliflower will come in handy - they have an anti-tumor effect on the body.

You should also limit your salt intake, as it helps retain fluid in the body, which leads to swelling.

Food should be taken in small portions, but often. Be sure to drink a lot of clean water.

Authorized products:

  • fish, meat and vegetarian soups with vegetables and cereals;
  • grain bread;
  • lean varieties of red meat, poultry, fish, seafood;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • low fat fermented milk products;
  • legumes;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • vegetable oils;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • bee products;
  • marmalade, pastille, marshmallows;
  • green tea, herbal tea, fruit drinks and compotes.

Prohibited products:

  • horseradish;
  • radish;
  • cakes, chocolate and candies;
  • mayonnaise;
  • mustard;
  • lard and fatty meat;
  • sausages;
  • fast food.

Massage and exercise

it is prescribed only by a doctor, since in some cases it is contraindicated. Before the massage, you need to moisturize your hands with nourishing cream or special oil.

The movements should be as follows:

  • stroking– preparing the skin for the procedure, carried out with light movements from the nipples to the periphery;
  • warming up– adjusting blood circulation. The chest is kneaded with gentle squeezing movements;
  • vibration- final reception. Relaxes blood vessels. A palm is placed on the chest and vibrates intensely.

Despite the simplicity of the procedure, it is better that the first few massage sessions are carried out by a specialist, then you can do it yourself at home.


  • temperature above 38 degrees;
  • malignant tumors;
  • mammary gland injuries;
  • allergic reactions.


As for exercises, it is recommended to select sports activities that will produce intense sweat and increase your heart rate. Active exercises provoke the synthesis of the “hormone of happiness” in the body, and it perfectly neutralizes the effects of stress.

Relaxing activities are also indicated for this disease. For example, yoga. It has already been proven that yoga helps eliminate the clinical manifestations of many diseases, and mastopathy is one of them.

For mastopathy it is prohibited:

  • martial arts classes;
  • strength exercises;
  • lifting weights.
  • lightweight fitness;
  • yoga;
  • belly dancing;
  • dance Sport;
  • swimming and exercise in the pool.

It is absolutely not necessary to go to the gym - half an hour of feasible exercise at home will give the first results within a week.

The most effective treatment regimen

There is no uniform treatment regimen for the pathology. The doctor selects therapy in accordance with the woman’s age, the form and stage of the disease, as well as based on the underlying ailments and causes that provoked the development of mastopathy.

In most cases the following are prescribed:

  • hormonal and sedative drugs;
  • vitamins;
  • products for topical use;
  • traditional medicine;
  • diet;
  • physical exercise.

The most effective treatment for mastopathy is complex. It is impossible to cope with the disease using one drug.

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