German Shepherd as a guard. Guard dog breeds with photos and names. Dogs for apartment security


Some people are looking for strong friendship and a companion for morning runs in a dog, others are looking for a hunting colleague and a “fan” when fishing. Some get a dog instead of a toy, and some pour unspent surrogate onto the animal parental love. Friendship and love are of course good, but the first thing I always looked for in dogs was a BODYGUARD.

Not because my body is anything special. Wonderful, but nothing more. However, I always wanted a dog just like that, one that would give its life “if anything happens.” I've been in the dog breeding business for twenty-five years, and fortunately, such sacrifices were not necessary. God willing, they won’t be needed - however, like the cowboys of the Wild West, I prefer to have a loaded pistol in my pocket. And it's good if it works. And if not?


A couple of years ago, St. Petersburg and the entire youth audience in Russia were shocked by the murder of a participant in the popular reality show “Dom-2”. Andrey Kadetov was stabbed to death by an attacker next to own home while walking my dog. By the way, the breed is a service breed - the Giant Schnauzer. Why didn’t a dog, a large one, essentially obliged to be vicious, protective, working, protect its owner? History is silent, but there are a lot of such “stories” when a dog does not stand up for his boss.

What is the problem when a breed that has been bred for centuries to protect, protect, and warn leaves its owner in trouble? Degradation of breeds, lack of special training, “wrong” breed? - Let's figure out what the reason is.


Let's start with the very concept of a bodyguard dog. Many breeds of medium and large size are considered to be such, but there is also an established rating of “bodyguards”: Doberman, Rottweiler, Great Dane, Boxer, the aforementioned Giant Schnauzer, Black Terrier and Airedale Terrier, Cane Corso, all mastiffs, all shepherd dogs, Amstaffs. What qualities should a bodyguard dog have? Vigilance (to notice a threat in time), physical strength (to resist the attacker), a strong grip (to fix or cause significant damage), malice (to carry out this grip) and strength of character (to not retreat when the attacker resists and responds to aggression). However, there are few such dogs even among the specialized breeds mentioned. Usually one or even several factors are missing from the list. For example, a dog works great at apprehension, but prefers to bark rather than tear, having received a couple of noticeable kicks from the “aggressor”. Or there is no vigilance - instead of “grazing” the owner, the dog sniffs the bushes or runs after crows.


Similar “gaps” in behavior are demonstrated by representatives of all breeds, even traditional workers. And the point here is not only that thanks to the passion for exhibitions, working qualities, their testing and maintenance high level has long been on the “outskirts” of dog breeding. Of course, there are also breeders who prefer to breed dogs not of show lines (tailored for show rings, and not for work “in the fields”), but of working lines. There are enthusiasts who train their dogs for all purposes (alas, there are very few show champions among them). But all this is a drop in the sea. The total population of almost all service breeds is desperately degrading.

Want to argue? Come to the training ground and watch how shepherds, boxers and Rottweilers learn. If Rottweilers for the most part still remain serious comrades, then shepherd dogs show weak nervous system. Only a few are capable of a top-class frontal attack (when the attacker, during testing, goes “head-on” at the dog, rather than running away from it, and in single combat, if it comes down to it, “presses” the dog psychologically and physically). These are the real bodyguards. A one-piece “product”!


How to get such a dog? First you need to select the right breed. The same boxers, for example, have changed beyond recognition over the past 30 years. The power disappeared, the growth decreased, the temperament changed towards greater cholericism. The muzzle of a modern boxer is a work of art, but a boxer simply cannot physically seriously tear a person in a real situation. The teeth are small, the jaw is short, there is arrogance, but the power is lost... But once upon a time there was a serious service breed! Many other breeds have lost their fighting fervor, their impeccable bodyguard reputation. For example, many fans of these wonderful dogs were disappointed in the Germans. Yes, modern Germans are visually beautiful, showing an amazing flying trot and harmonious lines. But in a real situation they are able to cope with a man 2 meters tall, drunk and even with a knife? No, of course they will bark until they are hoarse (all shepherd dogs have the same level of vigilance), but what happens next depends on the specific dog. Fortunately, not all German Shepherds have been “spoiled by show breeding.” Do you want an excellent German and only a German? Search among working dogs, carefully watching videos of parents’ work; fortunately, on the Internet you can now collect a detailed “dossier” on any kennel and any specific dog.

In terms of close combat with a person, by the way, to be honest, only really large and powerful breeds, such as Rottweilers, Cane Corsos and Great Danes, are suitable as bodyguards. Large body mass multiplied by physical strength (a Great Dane, for example, weighs up to 100 kg and has huge jaws that, if necessary, can cause serious injury, and not just “compost”) gives these breeds serious arguments in single combat with an aggressor. More small breeds, in fact, they can only fray and scare - but a trained attacker is unlikely to be afraid barking dog the size of a shepherd. And even carefully trained Dalmatians and other Labradors, dogs that are large but “characterless” and incapable of true malice, trying to guard their owner, will lose or retreat in the face of a truly serious danger. Or they will be maimed by an attacker.


The only exception to this rule are amstaffs, which compensate for their short stature exclusively strong character and gambling. In addition, this breed for the most part has very strong grip with characteristic “tearing” movements, during detention he works actively and goes into a frontal attack without fear or reproach. True, all these advantages of a true bodyguard often turn into disaster for their own owners, because a serious amstaff (and a frivolous one too) can commit arbitrariness in everyday life, even in his own family, at his own discretion. Other dogs, of course, can also conflict in the family, but tragedies happen mainly only with Amstaffs - where a dachshund, a shepherd, a schnauzer “just make holes”, the Amstaff often vomits fatal outcome. Alas.

Only a very charismatic person can keep such a dog under complete control. strong master, but will his family and children be safe? However, the same can be said about insufficiently trained bodyguards of many breeds. There is only one way out - if you decide to get a real weapon, watch it accordingly. Or don't start it.


Among service dogs V Lately Such breeds of shepherd dogs as Malinois, not spoiled by fashion and show rings, enjoy interest ( Belgian Shepherd) and Beauceron (French Shepherd). God willing, these breeds will not be spoiled by exhibitions, and they will remain truly working! Other breeds rely on reputation. Whatever you say, movies and popular rumor often give four-legged animals their reputation. Therefore, you can keep a good Rottweiler, Central Asian Shepherd, Doberman Pinscher at home - these dogs will scare off almost any potential “enemy” with their appearance. The same applies to large Molossians - mastiffs and Great Dane. As the owner of an impressively sized Great Dane (98 cm at the withers), I can say that bodyguard skills and special training are practically not needed for this breed. Not even a group of drunken scumbags will get involved with such a giant - it’s been verified. And, for the most part, Great Danes have an innate minimum of “bodyguard” arguments - vigilance and strength of character. But at the same time, they are safe in the family and easy to socialize.

Other breeds require detailed selection and individual approach. Only from working parents, only with an impeccable psyche (when buying a puppy, do the Campbell test), only with special training. And then you will receive only your ideal bodyguard, devoted in soul and body! And you will never end up in crime reports.

Text: Victoria Pimenova, especially for the online magazine "MyDom24"

1. Training in Krasnoyarsk and cities of the region (group, individual, on site, with a visit to the client’s home or site) in all protective disciplines and obedience courses - Vladimir Kalinin phone +7 902 990-25-15. Read more HERE

2. Beaucerons in Krasnoyarsk. Kennel "I am Your Beast" relies not only on beauty and show prospects, but also on WORKING qualities when breeding the French Beauceron Shepherd. Registration for puppies from females of the best European working lines imported from the Czech Republic +7 913 586-10-02 or [email protected] Read more about Beaucerons HERE

The rest of the illustrations in the article are taken from open Internet sources. Would you like your authorship to be mentioned? Write to us [email protected]

Ensuring home security is not an easy task. This can be done with the help of competent selection of guard dog breeds. Faithful dog, a formidable protector and a good-natured companion in children's games - can these qualities be combined in one breed? Let's figure out what kind of dog would be better suited for security. Canine specialists and satisfied owners will advise which breed to choose to protect a private home.

Breeds not suitable for protection

All dogs instinctively protect their territory. But some are too peaceful in nature and have such a positive attitude towards all people that they are simply unable to distinguish a guest from an intruder. To select a suitable four-legged guard, you should figure out which breeds are absolutely not suitable for this role:

  • All hunting breeds(huskies, cops, greyhounds, etc.). They are friendly to humans and are a threat to any pets. Both qualities are not suitable for a security guard;
  • fighting breeds (pit bull terriers, bull terriers). These breeds are genetically related to humans, because... bred for baiting animals;
  • dogs without undercoat (boxers, Dobermans, etc.) will not withstand winter cold. And if they are taken into the house, the yard will be left without a guard;
  • Rescue breeds (Labrador, St. Bernard, Newfoundland) were bred specifically to protect people; they are completely gentle and good-natured.
  • Huskies are friendly to all strangers. And if they are trained to act as guards, then it is impossible to predict their behavior;
  • Mastino-Neapolitan. A large and powerful dog treats his family well, but is extremely aggressive towards other people. If it is given security tasks, the animal may become uncontrollable.

Criteria for choosing a good watchman

Dog experts say that good guards should not be angry or aggressive. They need to be taught friendliness towards family members and a healthy distrust of strangers.

German Shepherd - best dog for security

Attention! The best breed requires the best owner. Even if the dog runs freely around the yard, it is necessary to take it for walks periodically. Walking helps successful socialization and the ability to navigate correctly in any situation. Some breeds vitally need additional stress, for example, German shepherds, for whom service is the meaning of life.

Qualities important for an excellent defender:

  • a genetic tendency to guard, which not every breed has;
  • friendliness to children;
  • receptivity to learning;
  • frightening appearance.

Another important criterion– ability to withstand heat and frost. It is this indicator that determines the choice of an animal for a private household or for guarding an apartment.

Ideal four-legged guards

A faithful friend and devoted protector, capable of serving at any time of the year, can be a representative of one of 7 breeds suitable for protection.

  1. The German Shepherd is a fierce protector and affectionate friend who loves children. The breed is distinguished by its intelligence (3rd place in intelligence) and good memory, which means it is easy to train.
  2. Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai). Dogs have a strong territorial instinct. They can be headstrong and ferocious, so they require strict upbringing.
  3. The Giant Schnauzer is affectionate towards children, obeys its owners at a glance, and lends itself well to training. For the sake of protecting people and their property, he is capable of any feats. The dog needs physical activity and in regular grooming.
  4. The Moscow Watchdog is a young breed that enjoys well-deserved respect. They are considered more peaceful than Caucasians or Central Asians. Unpretentious animals combine a gentle attitude towards family members and a spiteful attitude towards strangers. They cannot be kept on a short chain; constant training is required.
  5. The Black Terrier is distinguished by its strength, endurance and energy. He can play with children all day long, without ceasing to monitor the inviolability of his territory. Requires careful grooming and regular haircuts.
  6. The Rottweiler is a smooth-haired dog with a developed undercoat. Withstands the cold of the south and central Russia. Characterized by vigilance and distrust. Raising this breed is impossible without rigor and reasonable, consistent toughness.
  7. The Tibetan Mastiff is good-natured, but brave and smart. Capable of being an unyielding guard and cheerful companion for any family member.

When choosing a reliable watchman, you should avoid rare and fashionable breeds. Rare breeds are distinguished by their high cost and unexpected reactions during training. And the demand for fashionable dogs causes an increase in supply from non-professional breeders. Such animals may lose the qualities inherent in their breed.

Advice. Constant keeping on a chain or in an enclosure is not allowed. It is better if the dog can move freely throughout the yard.

One of the main rules of training is education from childhood. Moreover, you cannot provoke aggression in a puppy, otherwise an uncontrollable creature may grow up instead of a good friend.

A dog must know and obey only its owner and family members. It is strictly not recommended to accustom her to strangers, and allow them to feed the animal. The dog's social circle can only be expanded to his closest relatives, who often come to visit.

Attention! The biggest mistake is to buy a dog and expect it to be an unsurpassed watchdog due to the behavioral characteristics of the breed. Any pet needs to go through the basics of training.

Not everyone knows that a puppy needs to be taught not only unquestioning obedience, but also the ability to win. The dog should feel like a leader, but clearly know its position in the family hierarchy. Special games to instill in your pet the ability to decide complex tasks and professional dog handlers can help you win in unexpected situations.

Many people get four-legged pets to protect their yard or apartment from ill-wishers. Having a guard dog, you don’t have to worry about your accommodation on vacation or on a business trip.

But which dog should you choose for protection? After all, there are so many dog ​​breeds in the world.

Our article contains ten of the best dog breeds that do an excellent job as a guard, let's take a look at them.

Tenth place – Giant Schnauzer

Dogs of this breed are easy to train and quickly remember all commands. Despite the good-natured appearance of the pet, Giant Schnauzers perfectly guard their owner and his home. Having such a dog, not a single thief will get into the yard or apartment.

Giant Schnauzers get along easily with other animals and small children.

Ninth place – Moscow Watchdog

Despite the fact that this dog breed was developed relatively recently, it has already won the trust of many people. Main feature Moscow guard dogs are characterized by their size – these dogs are huge and look intimidating. The Moscow Watchdog is not just an excellent guard, but also a devoted friend. There are never any problems with dogs of this breed.

Eighth place – Alabai

This breed dogs are good guards, but difficult “students”. Alabai is difficult to train and rarely listens to its owner. To ensure that there are never any problems with a dog of this breed, it should only be owned by a person who can easily find mutual language with every dog.

Seventh place – Caucasian Shepherd

Caucasians are unpretentious, keeping a dog of this breed is very easy. The appearance of the Caucasian Shepherd is not just terrifying; at the sight of this dog, not a single thief will even try to break into the yard or apartment. However, despite their menacing appearance, Caucasians are very friendly and loyal to their owners. Naturally, like any dog, the Caucasian Shepherd needs to be trained and taught, otherwise problems may arise with it.

Sixth place – Doberman

The Doberman is an excellent home guard dog. This breed is a service breed, so these pets are very smart and quick-witted. The house is under the supervision of a Doberman and never receives unwanted guests. Having such a dog, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your money and other valuables. In addition to its guarding abilities, the Doberman is an excellent companion and true friend.

Fifth place – Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is a very expensive and rare breed of dog. Animals of this breed are very kind, well-mannered and patient. But when it comes to the life and health of the owner, Cane Corsos turn into a ferocious beast that is capable of tearing anyone apart. That is why this breed of dog is suitable for guarding apartments and private houses.

Fourth place – Boxer

The Boxer is a very strong and strong dog. He quickly remembers all commands and always obeys his owner. This dog breed is popular all over the world, and very often, these dogs are bred as guards.

The Boxer gets along well with children and other pets, he will always be a loyal friend and an excellent bodyguard.

Third place – Rottweiler

Dogs of this breed are very kind and attentive to children and other household members. Rottweilers are easy to train and quickly remember new information. Due to its calm nature, the Rottweiler can be kept both in an apartment and in a house. Dogs of this breed are very easy to care for.

Second place – Staffordshire Terrier

Some people believe that Staffords are angry and unbalanced dogs. However, this is not entirely true, or rather, not at all true. The character of the Staffordshire Terrier depends directly on its upbringing. If you raise a dog correctly, it will good friend and even a “nanny” for children. The Staffordshire Terrier is ideal as a guard dog. Dogs of this breed do not like and do not accept strangers.

First place – German Shepherd

This dog breed is one of the most popular and widespread. German Shepherds live both in private houses and in apartments. This pet is perfect for protection. Germans are very smart and quick-witted, they are easy to train and quickly remember commands. The German Shepherd is not just a great dog guard dog, but also a faithful friend for many years.

Choose good dog It’s not difficult for protection, the most important thing is to choose the pet that you like.

Dogs can serve as no less reliable means of protecting territories and apartments than modern technical devices. Their work does not depend on the availability of electricity, and these animals can not only guard a house or garden plot, but also protect the owner and members of his family from intruders.

When choosing a four-legged applicant for the “position” of a security guard, they are guided by the characteristics of the dog’s breed. Thus, a large dog will not be suitable for a small apartment, and a dog with short hair and poorly developed undercoat will find it difficult to survive in extreme cold when kept in an enclosure. For example, representatives of the canine family that are hunting, fighting, or intended to save people are not suitable for the role of watchmen and security guards. We offer an overview of the best guard dog breeds.

There is no clear division of guard dog breeds into “yard” and “apartment” ones. A dog for guarding a territory is usually a large or medium-sized dog, quite strong, with thick hair, trusting only its owner and aggressive towards strangers who violate the boundaries of the protected area.

The size of this breed allows it to be used both as a yard watchman and as a security guard for a private house or apartment. While on duty, he selflessly protects property and territory. During “non-working” hours, this is a good-natured creature, non-conflict towards other animals living in the house. It is not advisable to keep the Muscovite on a short chain; it needs movement and constant physical activity.

A calm animal, self-confident and ready at any moment to active actions. He is wary of strangers, but gets along well with children and peacefully coexists with cats and other “master’s” animals. Like the Moscow Shepherd, it needs physical activity.

Universal breed of guard dogs: great option to protect a home or apartment, German Shepherd often used as a personal security guard. She has a high intelligence, is balanced, but in a moment of danger she makes a decision and acts instantly. Friendly towards family members, aggressive towards all strangers. Obedient and efficient, but demanding daily walks and constant training.

One of the largest guard breeds, distinguished enormous power and an innate territorial instinct, so it is easily trained for guard duty. Due to its long thick coat, it tolerates well low temperatures, not demanding in terms of walking. Somewhat prone to self-will, but it is better to achieve obedience without using physical strength, since a “Caucasian” can remember an insult for a long time and repay for it over time.

Alabai - menacing dogs of impressive size, capable of reliably protecting the territory of a private home. However, their maintenance requires quite a lot of time and effort from the owner: these animals are not inclined to obey, and so that the relationship with the owner does not become uncontrollable, they need constant training. To discharge energy, Alabai needs daily long walks.

This is a smooth-haired dog breed, but their undercoat is quite thick, so the Rottweiler is not afraid of the cold and can be suitable for the role of a territory guard. These dogs perform excellent guard functions, but the puppy must be trained and raised from childhood, as Rottweilers are prone to leadership. Rottweilers usually have an excellent appetite, and in order to preserve the prominent muscles characteristic of the breed, the animal should not be overfed.

The main qualities of this breed are intelligence, devotion, integrity, endurance. The Giant Schnauzer is energetic, agile, has a proportional, stocky figure and powerful muscles. The schnauzer's thick coat, like a bear's, requires periodic trimming. Using such a dog as a guard, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your property and the safety of your household. However, Giant Schnauzers are more suitable for experienced dog breeders, since they are capable of aggression, and with early age must be taught obedience and peaceful coexistence with family members and animals living in the house.

Dogs for apartment security

To protect the owner and his home, dogs are usually chosen not too large sizes. TO necessary qualities home guards include loyalty to the owner, sociability, flexible nature, the ability not to show aggression towards strangers without reason or command.

This dog is endowed with excellent guarding abilities and is easy to train. He is mobile, physically active, has a proportional, stocky figure and powerful muscles. He clearly divides people into “friends” and “strangers”, treats the latter with suspicion, and controls their every movement on the owner’s territory. The Boxer has a special affection for children, so it is often chosen by families with children.

One of the dog breeds that combines high intelligence with courage and quick reaction. She is very attached to her owner and gets along easily with any animals. Very trainable, hardy, good-natured, playful, unpretentious in food. Despite its friendly disposition, the Sheltie is a brave and sensitive watchman, whose ancestors helped shepherds guard their flocks of sheep.

These descendants of Etruscan war dogs are distinguished by fearlessness, intelligence, loyalty to the owner and the ability to perform exemplary guard duty. Having a muscular, handsome Canne Corso as a personal security guard is a sign of prestige among public figures and tycoons.

The fastest guard dog, strong, beautiful, graceful, smart and brave. The Doberman is extremely sensitive; he even sleeps with half his eyes open. This is an excellent option for protecting private property or apartments. However, in order to teach this dog to be obedient, it should be trained from infancy.

The average size of the staff will allow it to be kept in a small city apartment. Dogs of this breed are easy and fun to train, and can become an excellent human guard: a devoted friend of the owner and a gentle nanny of the child, the Staffordshire Terrier will not allow anyone to harm them.

Temperamental, strong and tireless, this dog was called “black lightning.” The pride of Russian dog handlers, he united best qualities other guard breeds. “Chernysh” can be both a family guard and a reliable watchman. The peculiarity of the breed is its thick coat, which needs to be trimmed and trimmed at least 2 times a year.

No matter what abilities nature has endowed the dog with, the owner should not forget about proper training of the pet. It is best to seek the services of a certified specialist - a training instructor. He will teach your dog all the intricacies of the security service, and suggest methods further work for “professional development”.

What kind of dog should be to guard a private home? The first thing that comes to mind is big and angry, but in fact, the requirements for the characteristics of the breed are much more multifaceted. Much depends on living conditions, wealth and family composition, pace of life and preferences of the owner. The last aspect most often outweighs all the others, but when choosing a guard puppy, it is important to understand that not all breeds have a guard instinct.

All guard breeds have a number of similar qualities that are harmoniously developed. According to generally accepted concepts, the best private home guard dog Must have the following innate skills:

  • Equilibrium.
  • Ability to make independent decisions.
  • Wariness and distrust of strangers.
  • Self-sufficiency.
  • Ability to learn quickly.
  • Indifference to other animals, livestock and poultry.
  • Tolerant attitude towards the owner's family, especially children.

Besides, guard breed must be unpretentious in maintenance and have a developed coat. Anger, as a character trait, is not so important for protection; after all, even a miniature one becomes a beast if it is in danger.

Important! If you decide to get a dog to guard your private home and put it on a chain, a more logical solution would be to install an alarm system. A tethered four-legged animal suffers, cannot perform its functions and literally degrades. The tether can only serve as a short-term deterrent.

It is worth understanding that There are a number of breeds that are not intended for protection. Innate qualities depend on the conditions of breeding and use of breeds during their inception.

Even large, threatening-looking four-legged animals will not guard the house and property if they belong to:

  • Hunting breeds-, and huskies, burrowing (terriers), greyhounds. Quadrupeds of this profile show malice towards game, but not towards people. A dog can show aggression while protecting itself, but not the owner’s property. If you get such a breed in a village, it will hunt birds and small animals (for example, rabbits).
  • Fighting and pickling breeds– , - and , Bull Terriers. These serious-looking four-legged animals show aggression towards their relatives, but towards people (even strangers) they are friendly rather than distrustful.
  • Companion and rescue breeds– , and Sheltie. Dogs who adore people from birth are more likely to will give in to the ill-wisher than harm him.
  • Sporting breeds– , . They are more of bell dogs than effective guard dogs.
  • – , . Although breeds tend to control territory, they work only in groups. If you place a Husky in an enclosure to guard the yard, an ill-wisher will be able to clean out your house and steal the dog.

Read also: Border Collie: big and detailed review breeds (+ photos)

Note! To protect your home, it is not advisable to breed breeds with short hair and no undercoat. Dobermans are excellent guards for an apartment or yard, but they will not be able to live on the street all year round!

The best breeds for home guarding

Now that we've sorted out the basics, it's time to name the most best breeds dogs for guarding a private home. Let's make a reservation right away that characterization is a theory that can only be applied to purebred dogs (with a pedigree). Any crossbreed and even phenotype (a puppy from two “pedigreed” parents without documents) may not meet your expectations.

(KO) is a large, fluffy dog ​​that can live outside even in severe frosts without much discomfort. They have a highly developed guarding skill; these dogs cannot be deceived or provoked into unjustified actions. Representatives of the breed distinguish between “us and strangers”. They attack quickly, silently, in a jump. They don’t work for the public, but they remember and carry out basic commands.

Surprisingly, Caucasian Shepherd Dog- This is a dog with a small appetite. IN natural conditions, four-legged animals drive flocks for months and “share the table” with the shepherd. Representatives of the breed have a naturally slow metabolism and seem a little lazy. In fact, the Caucasian Shepherd saves energy reserves, but is always ready to work. The breed requires a very responsible approach and correct (in every sense) maintenance. Not recommended for owners without experience raising service dogs.

Central asian shepherd dog(SAO) – large dog, a bit like the KO, but with shorter hair and usually, docked tail. Unlike KOs, Central Asians social, more drawn to human society. They also require close, tough upbringing and active socialization. They work best in pairs, but also show excellent guarding skills alone if necessary. IN Everyday life, giants are calm, balanced and a little melancholic. It is worth considering that CAOs need to roam outside the protected area.

(not to be confused with the St. Bernard) is a factory breed bred for defense, patrol, and security. Requires a lot of work and will be an excellent guard, if she has at her disposal a country house with a large (well fenced) plot. breeding dogs requires deep knowledge and experience working with serious service breeds. In canine atlases of the USSR, the Moscow Watchdog was described as difficult to train.

Black Russian Terrier(RFT) is a large, black dog with a serious character. Temperament is similar to the Moscow Watchdog, but the RCT is stronger become attached to the owner and are more affectionate with children. Raising a Black Russian Terrier requires endurance, patience and experience. Representatives of the breed are reluctant to work in public, so group OKD courses ( general course training) are ineffective.

This is interesting! RCTs were launched as part of a government project. Later, the breed became famous under its second “name” – Stalin’s dog.

Read also: Hound breeds: description and characteristics of famous and recognized dogs (+ photos)

Giant Schnauzer– also a large, black dog, but unlike RCT, has a cheerful, family-like disposition. Rizens are active, playful, courageous and very sociable. They are prone to dominant aggression, which obliges the owner to be especially sensitive to the socialization and upbringing of the dog.

– a lion dog, a versatile four-legged dog with the qualities of a shepherd, guard and companion. "In defiance" of the other giants, Leonbergers very gentle with children and would rather hide than defend themselves from the pranks of the little ones. Another important trait is the desire to please the owner and the ability to comprehensively train.

Japanese breed dogs with a very dual and at the same time harmonious temperament. Dogs are very territorial, but once they step outside the boundaries of their property, they are calm as a rock. Four-legged animals are jealous and “fight” for their owner if there are other animals in the house. The breed is a symbol of loyalty and national pride in Japan.

Representatives of the breed have very thick fur and a solid undercoat; theoretically, they can live outside in winter. From a practical point of view, it is better to keep your pet in special frosty weather and be allowed into the house at least for the night.

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