Unstable Internet operation over Wi-Fi: some tips to solve the problem

“The Internet periodically disappears”, “Yesterday I used the Internet, but today the connection is lost”, “The program does not want to connect to the Internet” - these and many other similar complaints can be heard from users who, for one reason or another, are faced with the problem of lack of connection with the global network. It’s not pleasant to receive such problems if your activity is related to daily visits to the network, regardless of whether you use it for communication, work, or for entertainment purposes. There can be many reasons for the lack of connection to the Internet, and I will try to give general tips on how to eliminate them, but first you need to figure out why your Internet still disappears.

I divided the whole range of reasons why you may not have Internet into two groups: external and internal. I consider external reasons to be those that lie outside your computer system and which are very difficult to solve on your own. Usually, to restore breaks due to external reasons, you have to contact various service organizations. Internal ones are quite amenable to solving on your own, since they are within the coverage area of ​​your own computer system.

External reasons for Internet shutdown

1. Problems with the provider

I will probably put this reason for the lack of communication first among others. The provider is an intermediate link between you and the global network. Everything you request or receive from the network will necessarily go through the provider. It is this organization that will be responsible for connecting to the Internet in front of you and in most cases, in case of unclear connection failures, you need to contact the technical service of your provider. Of course, not all problems of lack of Internet can be solved through the service of technicians, since the culprit of connection breaks may also be your system with a set of programs installed on it, as well as their settings. But believe me, in most cases, the issue of restoring communication via the Internet channel lies within the competence of your provider. The reason for this may be damaged wires, faulty equipment, or even unscheduled work that they forgot to warn you about.

It would also be a good idea to check the balance of your Internet account, to which each provider must provide access. Depending on the chosen tariff and internal rules for providing access to the Internet, each organization can set its own limits for your balance, within which you can continue to use the Internet channel. As soon as the balance goes out of these limits (for example, it becomes less than 0 rubles), access to the Internet is automatically blocked by the provider’s system. It comes to funny cases. A similar thing happened to me when I used Internet access through the MTS provider. One day my account balance was about 5-6 rubles, after which the Internet stopped connecting at all. At the same time, the technical service argued that no sanctions should be imposed from their system for any positive balance. However, as soon as I topped up my account with another 100 rubles, the connections immediately returned to normal.

2. Lost communication channels

Also, a frequent reason for a suddenly lost connection may be hidden in a violation of the integrity of physical channels located within the building/apartment/room where the Internet channel is installed. To accurately diagnose such reasons, you need to know the type and features of the physical communication channel through which the Internet reaches you within your premises.

If this is a cable type channel (for example, telephone, television coaxial or twisted pair), be sure to check the integrity of the corresponding wires that are laid in your apartment. However, it must be added that in some cases it is not possible to check the integrity of the cable without special equipment, but there are a number of ways to diagnose a cable connection without professional tools.

A telephone connection, often used with ADSL or Dial-Up Internet connection channels, can be diagnosed using a regular telephone, which is connected instead of a modem. The absence of beeps in the handset will clearly indicate a damaged line.

Twisted pair, which is usually connected directly to your computer's network card, is even easier to diagnose. In most cases, all you need to do is make sure that the RJ-45 port indicator on the network card where the twisted pair cable is connected is green.

In most cases, the absence of light from the indicators indicates a malfunction in the cable itself or its connecting parts. However, if you do not have the proper experience and knowledge in troubleshooting the malfunctions described above, it is better to contact qualified technicians, who can be invited through the service provider or check their telephone contacts.

Internal reasons for Internet shutdown

3. Faulty equipment

Quite an insidious type of problem. More than once I have come across cases where apparently functional equipment cannot fully connect to the Internet or operates with periodic failures due to internal technical problems that are quite difficult to diagnose without special knowledge. In this paragraph, I am referring to modems and network cards, which are intermediaries between your system and the provider’s equipment and which you use to connect to the Internet.

You can make sure that the modem or network card is fully operational through the system equipment manager. To do this, right-click on the “ My computer” go to item “ Properties" If you have Windows 7, then find the link to the “” window on the left; if you are the owner of Windows XP, then first go to the “” tab Equipment”, where you can see the “” button.

Now find your modem or network card in the list and make sure that it does not have any yellow exclamation marks assigned to it. If you do not find your network equipment (check with your provider for the specific type of equipment) in this list, then most likely the device has failed. If there is a yellow exclamation mark next to the description of the device, it means that it is installed incorrectly in the system and you must first reinstall the drivers for it, which are supplied separately by manufacturers and sellers on disks, or on the manufacturers’ websites on the Internet.

4. Incorrect settings

Setting up a network connection to the Internet in the operating system is carried out at the initial stage of work. Usually you don’t have to return to them after a one-time edit. But it may happen that the settings in the system are mistakenly reset for various reasons. The reason for this may be both the operating system itself and the programs installed in it, including viruses. Human factors cannot be excluded, especially if the computer is used by several users. It may also be that the provider simply changed the Internet connection parameters, but for some reason you were not notified of this.

In any case, it would be correct if you audit the connection settings. To do this, you need to obtain these settings from your provider, or find them if they have already been provided to you. Most providers provide their users with detailed instructions for setting up connections. You will only need to “go through” all the points of such instructions again to check the existing connection, or create and configure a new connection, following the instructions in the document. However, I cannot describe more detailed steps due to the many different options for setting up such connections with different providers.

5. Blocking viruses

Another insidious reason for Internet connection interruptions is becoming more and more frequent. Today, there are many types of malicious programs that, hiding in the system, selectively block connections to certain sites or even all Internet traffic on the user’s system. You can verify this, for example, if your connection to large sites fails, but small sites and little-known web pages load without any problems.

Another way to check whether viruses are involved in Internet problems is based on Windows Safe Mode. You just need to hold down the “ F8” just before the operating system starts (before the Windows logo appears) and select the option “ Safe mode with loading network drivers" In this case, there is a high probability that the operating system, having loaded its modules according to the minimum template, will ignore the launch of the blocker virus, which you can verify by working a little on the Internet.

To combat such viruses, use any updated anti-virus system, which is recommended to be launched from an external boot drive. The fact is that some viruses can camouflage themselves and block the actions of antiviruses if they are running on the same operating system. Therefore, to successfully treat your system, it is advisable to connect to it from any other operating system that is known to be free of viruses. If you do not have the ability or proper qualifications to run an antivirus from an external system, use at least the same Windows safe mode. In this case, it will be enough to select the option “ Safe mode”, after which you can run the installed antivirus to fully scan the system.

I wrote in more detail about independently searching for viruses on your computer in the article.

And don’t worry about the fact that if you still haven’t managed to restore your Internet connection, perhaps this is a wonderful reason to go out and visit friends in real life. Let's watch a humorous positive video on this topic.

Without exaggeration, our modern age can be called information age. Every day, people from all over the world go online to find the necessary information and “visit” their friends or relatives. Some people love computer games, which beckon with their beautiful virtual world, which can also be accessed through the World Wide Web. What can I say, many of us almost literally live there. But sooner or later the Internet periodically disappears, which causes certain emotions.

Why does this happen and who is to blame for it? But most importantly, what can be done in this current situation?

And the whole world is not enough, or Who gives us the Internet

Without a doubt, and hardly anyone will argue with this, the Internet is a significant achievement of which a person is capable. We can say that this is a whole world where there is almost everything you might need. These are electronic magazines, books, useful articles on various sites and much more. With the help of the Internet, you can learn something new, improve yourself, and even find a suitable job.

But here's an interesting question: "Who gives us the Internet?" In our daily life there are a large number of terms that come from different languages. The word provider is no exception - something “foreign” is immediately visible in it. Meanwhile, this definition hides nothing more than a company that provides access to the World Wide Web to residents of many countries.

There are primary and secondary providers. The first of them distribute traffic in large volumes, while the second rent channels from them. Residents of almost all countries of the world use the services of secondary providers.

Why is the connection lost?

We figured out where the Internet comes from. Of course, this is superficial, but if you need to know more, it is better to visit the sites yourself. We are more interested in why the Internet periodically disappears. Sometimes this can happen due to the fault of the provider, although, fortunately, not so often.

But let’s not blame anyone, but rather let’s figure it out and list many probable reasons for this behavior of the Internet.

The most obvious is mechanical.

Some time ago, the Internet was connected through the telephone network. The speed was very low, even downloading one good picture took several minutes, and you couldn’t make a call - the line was busy. Then, however, the speed improved a little, and the line became free for phone calls. Now, no one can be surprised by a fiber-optic cable, and the development of communications does not stand still, it all comes down to increasing bandwidth.

Now, almost every subscriber has a channel connected not directly to a computer, as was often the case before, but to special equipment that distributes it to other devices (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.). And if someone cannot access the site, he wonders why the Internet through the router periodically disappears?

A network loss can be mechanical in nature: damage to the cable that goes to the devices, or the device itself (router or modem). It is worth carefully inspecting the device, as well as the cable; perhaps there are places where it has become frayed or exposed. A break in the internal wires is also possible.

Hardware failure

If the equipment is in perfect order, but there is still no Internet, then the reason may lie elsewhere. The thing is that often the settings made when connecting the router for the first time are lost. Perhaps due to some error, but the result is obvious - you cannot access the Internet.

A router is a rather complicated device, in which are hidden:

  • CPU;
  • electronic memory;
  • firmware.

Some models may even have a full operating system. Such a problem, when the WiFi Internet periodically disappears, can lie in both hardware and firmware. It may have been incorrectly updated, which also negatively affects the operation of the equipment.

You can solve the problem by resetting your router. This can be done in different ways:

  1. Launch your browser and enter the desired IP address in the address bar. Depending on the hardware model, this may be or In the window that appears, you need to enter your username and password. If they have not changed, then the default is admin. Next you need to act based on the router model. You need to look for an item related to resetting to factory settings.
  2. This method is easier - on the back of the device there is a small black button with the inscription WPS RESET. Sometimes it can be hidden in the case, and to get to it you will need a regular sewing needle. To reset the settings, you need to hold the button pressed for 10 seconds.

Some models may not have such a button at all. In this case, you can solve the problem when the Internet on your computer periodically disappears only using the first method.

Repair work

Sometimes the connection may be lost even through no fault of the subscriber. The cable may be damaged not within the apartment, but outside it. For example, builders started repair work at the entrance, during which the possibility of accidental damage to the cable cannot be ruled out. In this case, it is worth contacting the provider who is responsible for troubleshooting.

Emergency situations

But in some cases, the Internet may actually be interrupted due to the provider. The reason may be a hardware malfunction. Or it could be an emergency - maybe the cable was broken somewhere, or something else. In this case, the Internet may be absent for from several minutes to hours.

In this case, all that remains is to contact the hotline and report the problem. Then calmly wait until she is eliminated. Such cases are rare, but apt. Therefore, it is worth considering other reasons why the Internet on a laptop periodically disappears.


Another equally popular reason for the lack of Internet may be related directly to the computer, in particular the presence of viruses. Such tenacious “microorganisms” are familiar to any user. Moreover, installed anti-virus software (software) does not provide a complete guarantee that a virus will not be accidentally picked up. And if the subscriber spends most of his time in the virtual space, then the risk increases significantly.

Every year there are about a hundred more viruses, if not more, and many companies are simply not able to keep up with this development. It is noteworthy that there are malicious programs that block access to the network.

To minimize risks, you should use only licensed antivirus products. Every operating system has a firewall, which should not be disabled unless you have an antivirus. This will protect yourself from infection.

And in order to ensure that the situation when the Internet through the router periodically disappears as rarely as possible, you need to follow some computer security measures. Under no circumstances should you click on suspicious links, especially from sent emails. It is also highly recommended not to download files from unverified sites. In addition, every time you connect any storage device (external hard drive or flash drive) to your computer, you should check it for viruses.

Unsatisfactory signal

Each router is equipped with a Wi-Fi transmitter and has an antenna or even several. And if there is no Internet, then the first thing you should do is check the antenna contacts. They can be removable or non-removable. In the first case, problems should usually not arise. Otherwise, you will first have to make sure that the wireless router is out of warranty. Only then can you disassemble the device and inspect it from the inside - perhaps the antenna contact is broken.

If the Internet on your laptop via WiFi periodically disappears, this may be due to a weak signal. If, for example, everything is in order on the computer, but there is no connection on the laptop, you should place the wireless router in a place from where the signal spreads evenly throughout the apartment.

It is worth paying attention to what frequency the equipment operates at. If it is 2.4 GHz, then a working microwave oven or landline radiotelephone may interfere with the transmission of the Wi-Fi signal.

It's all about the firmware

It’s not uncommon for there to be no Internet precisely because of bad firmware. In this case, if there is a connection, it does not work properly, periodically breaking off, or other troubles occur.

In this case, you can try updating the firmware. This is special software that is present on every router or modem. It is this that controls the operation of the processor, memory, traffic and other necessary tasks.

But when equipment, for example, TP-Link, loses the Internet periodically, updating the software does not always help. Therefore, it is better to first visit various forums and study reviews.

How to update software

If you still need to perform the update operation, you must visit the manufacturer’s official website. There you need to download the required file depending on the router model. After this, you need to go to the equipment’s web interface by entering the IP address (described above).

On the right side you need to find the “System Tools” item, but if the menu is in English, then System Tools should be written. Then you need to look for "Firmware Update" or something like that. Here you need to click on the “Browse” button (or something else) and specify the path to the downloaded file. Then all you have to do is click on the “Update” button. After this, the equipment should restart itself.

Upon completion of the procedure, you need to reconfigure the router and check whether the Internet is lost or not. In most cases, this helps solve the problem.

Conflict situation

Another reason when the Internet periodically disappears may be related to IP addresses. As a rule, within a single computer network there should not be devices with the same addresses. The subnet is an exception and this is acceptable here. This can happen due to the fact that the router automatically begins to distribute network addresses to recently connected devices. In this case, he can assign the same IP to two PCs.

In this case, you should try to connect to the Internet; an error will appear on the monitor with the text “IP address conflict with another system on the network.” You can solve the problem like this: turn off the Internet, then turn it on again - the equipment must assign a new address. Or assign any free IP yourself.

Guardianship of antivirus programs

Antivirus software can also cause you to be unable to access any website. On the one hand, it can be understood, because it protects us from attacks by harmful “microorganisms”, but sometimes the antivirus does this too much, blocking all incoming connections. As a result, we sit without the Internet, not knowing what to do.

To eliminate the problem when the Internet periodically disappears, you need to go to the properties of the network card. It can be external, but is often built into the motherboard. To go there you need to do the following, depending on the installed operating system:

  • If it is Windows XP: the "Start" menu, then the "Settings" item, then select "Network Connections". A window with an active connection will appear - you need to double-click on it with the left mouse button (LMB).
  • If it is Windows Vista or Windows 7 (8, 8.1, 10). Next to the clock there will be an icon of a drawn monitor with a cable. You need to right-click on it and select “Network and Sharing Center.” A window will open in which the desired link Change adapter settings will be on the right. We click, in another window that appears we see the connection, on which we also double-click LMB.

As a result of the manipulations, there will be another window where we are interested in the “Properties” button. After clicking, connection parameters will appear, where you need to find your antivirus and uncheck the box to the right of it. After that, click the "OK" button and restart the computer.

Thanks to the actions taken, you can forget about the fact that the Internet periodically disappears and safely go online. Only now the defense will be weakened.

Bottom line

It also happens that all of the above methods cannot help solve the problem. Then all that remains is to call a professional to your home, who should fix everything. True, it is not free, and it is not known how long it will take. But there is still hope that these methods will still help.

In this article, I will try to answer a very popular question, which in most cases is difficult to even explain. People often write to me in the comments about some problem with Wi-Fi, I read the question several times, but I can’t understand anything. And to answer the question, I answer with several questions :) in order to understand what the problem is and clarify the necessary information. Let's talk today about the unstable operation of the Internet when connected via Wi-Fi.

Let's try to figure out what exactly this connection instability is, what the problem might be, and what can be done to solve problems with the wireless network.

There are times when the Internet does not work as it should. For example, you connected the Internet to your computer via a network cable. We bought and installed a wireless router, and began connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi. And they began to notice that the Internet was somehow not working right, it was constantly cutting out, the speed was low, etc.

I’ll probably now highlight problems that can be attributed to unstable operation of the wireless network. This way, it will be easier for us to navigate the problem itself and a possible solution.

  • Frequent connection interruptions. For example, you connected a smartphone, and after a while it turns off by itself. Or a laptop that constantly disconnects and connects. I've seen cases where the connection was lost for a few seconds and was immediately restored. This is not always noticeable, but if you have Skype installed, its connection status is constantly changing. Or a yellow icon appears next to the connection icon. Here is another article on this issue: ““.
  • Low internet connection speed, or speed spikes when connected via Wi-Fi. It may be that, for example, during the day the speed is normal, but in the evening it drops significantly (if connected via cable, the speed is always stable).
  • Unstable Wi-Fi connection. This can include a large number of connection problems. For example, when a device connects to the network for the second or third time. Or, only in a certain place (for example, near the router, I already wrote about this problem ) .
  • When you notice some problems, but not always. For example, the Internet works fine for several days, and then strange problems with Wi-Fi begin again. Or, as I already wrote, everything is fine in the morning, but in the afternoon the connection is unstable.

This list can be continued, but I think the essence is clear. I would just like to exclude from this list popular problems that have their own characteristics and about which separate articles have already been written:

  • Error “ ” on computers, or when there is a connection on mobile devices, but .
  • Errors on mobile devices: , and " ".

Solving the problem with unstable Wi-Fi

I have some kind of universal solution. And there are no special settings with which you can adjust the stability of operation. You need to try and find a solution. I will give some tips that should help you in this difficult matter.

Reboot your router and laptop (smartphone, tablet, etc.).

This is the first thing to do. Just turn off the power from the router and turn it back on. Also, reboot the device that you are trying to connect to the network, or that is experiencing some problems.

You need to understand what the problem is.

Everything is simple here. We need to find the culprit. This could be either your router or the device itself (computer, smartphone, etc.). How to do it? Just try connecting other devices to your network (preferably those that run on the same operating system). If the problem persists, then most likely the problem is with the access point. And the problem must be looked for in it.

If another device connects and the Internet works stably, then most likely the problem is in the device itself (with which there were difficulties). I’m already confused myself :)

Make sure the Internet is working directly.

What does direct mean? This is when it is connected without a router. Network cable directly to the computer. Perhaps there are some problems on the provider's side. And you are already torturing your router and other equipment :)

Change the channel your wireless network is on.

It is necessary! If there is interference on the channel on which your Wi-Fi is operating (in the form of wireless, neighboring networks), then a variety of incomprehensible problems may arise in the operation of your Internet connection, which are even difficult to explain. Read the article about how to change the channel. This is probably the most important and effective advice.

We update the software on the router.


If nothing works, write about your problem in the comments. Try to describe the problem in as much detail as possible. We'll figure it out together.

If you have anything to add to the article, I will be only grateful. Best wishes!

Also on the site:

Unstable Internet operation over Wi-Fi: some tips to solve the problem updated: April 23, 2014 by: admin


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256 comments to the post “Unstable Internet operation over Wi-Fi: some tips to solve the problem”


    Hello, I have an Acer Aspire Internet via fiber optic up to 100 Mbit, my sister has the same laptop, the only difference is in the RAM, her speed is simply excellent, there are no problems on the phone either, but my laptop catches the signal well, but the speed very very rarely exceeds 5- 8 Mbit, I don’t know what to do, please help me, I tried restarting everything, disabling third-party programs that might interfere, I just can’t wrap my head around it, the laptops are the same, all the phones in the house show good speed, my laptop catches the signal 100% but when measured it shows very low speed

    The problem is this: Lenovo Legion laptop, for a couple of hours the speed is high at 50-80 MB, but after a certain time (about 5-6 hours) the speed drops to 1-2 MB. The problem is solved if you carry out the action of forgetting the network and connecting to it again, the problem disappears again for 5-6 hours. It seems like it’s not a problem, but it’s not very convenient to sit and reconnect the Internet all the time.

    • Andrey

      The same problem, and on all other laptops and devices in the house everything is fine, but on mine I have to do this, I don’t know what to do

      • If you find a solution, please write to me. I still can't solve this problem

    Well, I have the same problem. My neighbor, i.e. Aunt, has a router, we pay for the Internet together, and so I bought a USB cable extension for my PC and bought a wifi modem and connected to the network, for about a year or a little less, the Internet was in a torrent sho in online games it’s about 5-8 mb/s, but recently it became about 500kb/s, no more than in games or torrent, I don’t understand why and what to do, although my neighbor’s house has 7-10 mb/s, even when she has I had such an Internet, I used to have 5 mb/s and now it’s up to 500 kb/s, I just think maybe they’re blocking me! Please answer quickly please! Thanks in advance

    I bought a new router Tplink WR940N today, before that I also had a router from Tplink, the network with the Internet was constantly interrupted for a couple of seconds and this appeared very noticeably when you were playing online games or watching movies. This problem happened on 4 devices: a laptop, a TV and phones (Android). I don’t think that the problem is in 4 devices at the same time, I thought there was something with the router, but today, as I said above, we bought a new router and the problem did not go away. I don’t even know what this is connected with. What can you advise?

    • The problem is with your Internet provider

    Good evening. Help me solve the problem. Three months ago I reinstalled Windows on a Lenovo z510 laptop and reflashed the Netis WF2419R router. I've been using the laptop for a week. Everything worked great. Then I didn’t use the laptop AT ALL for two months, no one even turned it on. I myself am a fan of playing World of Tanks. These 2 months have passed, I turn it on, go into the tanks, and then I have problems: severe ping surges. I could freeze in the game for a minute. In this case, the Internet connection itself does not disappear. At the moment of these “glitches” I launch Chrome and try to open something - nothing loads. On a phone connected to this Wi-Fi, everything loads perfectly. I connected the laptop directly via cable to the router, everything works fine. I tried to reinstall the drivers for my Intel(R) Wireless-N 7260 network adapter, now my Internet hangs for 10-20 seconds. I reflashed the router just in case, it didn’t help. I live in a private house, there are no other Wi-Fi networks. The router is located across the wall from me (1 meter). The problem seems to be either in the network card itself or in the drivers for it. I've already tried a bunch of drivers. In the Task Manager, I deleted them, rolled them back, stopped them, and updated them. I tried everything. I’m already ready to take it to specialists. Maybe you can help me with something, has anyone encountered a similar problem?

    • Bayball

      Exactly the same problem and tried exactly the same. In vain

    My problem is this: wi-fi works fine, but it stops working once and under the wi-fi sign, the arrows turn gray and stop loading. I connect to the mobile Internet, the same problem. Some time will pass, an hour or two, maybe half a day, and everything works fine... what is this what it is???

    Amazing thing. I enabled FIPS compatibility, and the ping to the router became noticeably more stable. I turned on endless ping and checked it several times (disabled and enabled the option). Thanks for the tip. I will check the option on other computers at home.

    Good afternoon Everything works on the wire (2 TV, etc.). The Internet does not disappear. Home computers, tablets and phones on Wi-Fi. (TP-Link router). The connection with the router randomly disappears. After its next reboot, the connection appears. Sometimes for 5 hours, sometimes for 10 minutes. (Already changed the channel, it didn’t help). Which router should I buy? Thank you.

    I have a problem with internet games. The Internet cable is connected to the router, and there is a cable from the router to the PC. This problem manifests itself in this way: everything seems to be working, everything is ok, the ping shows good (for example, on the cs server ping is 20), but there are always incomprehensible gaps, I am constantly thrown back, and this happens in absolutely all games.
    I tried to connect the Internet cable directly to the system unit, but the problem did not go away.
    Everything else works fine (downloading files, surfing, etc.)


    Good afternoon There is a problem with an HP laptop: when downloading movies via shaereman, the connection to the Internet is interrupted, i.e. the icon remains showing that there is a network, but in fact there is not. I connected both via cable from the router and via Wi-Fi. The problem is only when downloading heavy files.

    Just a huge thank you)) I was wondering why my broadcasts are slow, everything slows down, every 2-3 seconds. It turns out my router is old, and the firmware was the very first one. I tried it and everything was perfect and fast.

    Hello, such a problem. When you try to load/access ANY website, the Internet immediately turns off. I looked at all the connections, crimped the wire, but I couldn’t figure out what to do. Router tp-link tl942n. I connected directly to the PC, it also disappears, please help

    • Alexander

      Try the standard set. Reboot the router, if resetting the settings to factory settings does not help and reconfigure again


      If the problem still persists, try resetting the settings completely and reconfiguring again. In general, a router is a thing that works well today, but tomorrow it starts to infuriate you. in 90% of cases, the solution is to reset the settings to factory defaults and reconfigure, in 5% it’s the provider, in 2% it’s the OS and in 2% it’s the wrong setting (since more than half of the people invite a specialist to set it up, and most of them don’t do it, to put it mildly) as it should), well, 1% is a physical breakdown. There may be a virus on the devices. You use the same network both from your phone and from your PC. Maybe it's some kind of virus that's crashing the network. But I could be wrong.


    Help me please. I have an intel stick windows 10. Router tp link what is the point:
    I watch a movie on TV using an intel stick, when connected to the router there is no Internet, although it is distributed perfectly from a mobile phone and everything works on the other side and the router distributes Wi-Fi to phones and everything works. I have already set a different DNS in the router, updated the firmware of the router and the intel stick adapter. I already entered all sorts of parameters from the video on the command line, but it didn’t help. When checking ping, all 100% of packets are lost. I don’t know what to do anymore... I checked the host file, everything is ok.


    Hello, I have this problem, I distribute 3G Internet from my phone. So everything works fine, that is, everything opens, videos are loaded, but it’s simply not possible to download something, when I download something in Chrome it constantly throws up a network error, and in the torrent it doesn’t download anything, but the amount of lost traffic (hash errors) simply increases. and the download percentage just stands still. I tried downloading on other devices, the same thing, that is, the problem is in the access point.
    What to do? Help me please.

    Hello, I have such a problem: the router from Rostelecom is connected to the computer via a wire, everything works fine, but if you connect a phone or tablet via Wi-Fi, the Internet disconnects!! Sometimes it turns on after 2 minutes, if the phone is still connected it works for 5-10 minutes and then turns off again, and sometimes you have to go into the browser and connect manually!! what should I do please help me I don’t understand this much

    When I connect a cable to the router, the Internet is interrupted. Today I bought a new router and the problem has not gone away. But everything works directly to the PC. Can you tell me how to solve this.

    • Same problem.
      How were you able to solve it?


    The problem is that when my father connects to Wi-Fi from his phone, the Wi-Fi on the laptop begins to work intermittently, with drawdowns, and sometimes turns off completely.



    Router d-link dir-620.
    It worked fine before and never had any problems with it.
    Lately it has become like this: sometimes the Internet drops out, that is, there is a connection, but there is no Internet.
    Moreover, if you go into the settings of the router, then all its wan lan connections are active (light green). The Internet cable is normal, inserted well. The problem is solved by restarting the router (turning it off from the network). But then again the same problem. I tried resetting to factory settings, creating a new connection, but it didn’t help. I also tried solving problems from your articles, updating software, etc. (by the way, for some reason it still hasn’t been updated, although I downloaded it from the website). What is the problem? Help me please.

    Problems can arise not only due to these reasons, but also due to deeper ones. For example, on my Explay Fresh, after numerous firmware updates and manipulations with the system, the IMEI was lost, and a problem appeared in the root of the device (NWRAM WARNING: Err = 0x10). So far I have no idea what to do with this, but I think I’m not the only one with this problem. I would be glad to know what to do in my case)

    Hello, I have a problem with connecting to VPN. One device connects, but the second device cannot connect. And the Internet does not work without VPN, the second device only opens Google.. please help?


    Hello, the laptop is connected via a wi-fi router, with a frequency of 1-2 days, each time the speed drops to almost 0 (2-3 kb), the problem is solved by disconnecting from the connected network, closing and opening the laptop and connecting again and everything works... First I blamed the Internet provider, but since I live in rented apartments, I recently had to move 2 times and the problem did not go away, although the last apartment has a completely different Internet provider... I tried to reinstall the drivers, but it didn’t help, what could be the problem???


    Wi-Fi at work. Today I came, the phone caught Wi-Fi, but the Internet did not work. When connecting to Wi-Fi, it says “Connected to the network *network name*”, no errors, but programs using the Internet do not work. At the same time, all 6 computers and 6 phones work fine with Wi-Fi. And people who come and have a Wi-Fi password work normally with the Internet.
    The next day I came to work - everything works on both phones and computers - everything is okay. On my phone too.
    This is some kind of conflict between my phone and the router, which does not always arise, but somehow every other time, or something...


    Good afternoon. such a problem. private house. The Internet passes through the telephone line through a TP link modem, the Internet works well on the PC. We connect the Rostelecom wihi router (I can’t write the name now), the laptop and phone find Wi-Fi and connect, but it always seems to break off, and if you connect and disconnect, you connect, it resumes, but not for long. Moreover, it does not work stably not only through Wi-Fi, but also on the PC to which both the modem and the router are connected. sometimes the yellow triangle pops out and disappears. In general, it’s as if it is updated every 2 minutes. What the hell is this??? the adapter settings are set to auto

    • Love, good afternoon.
      Were you somehow able to solve the problem?


    Such a problem at home, the Internet with a Wi-Fi router distributes everything works well, it connects, the problem is that the Internet works for 2-5 minutes and stops in the browser, it doesn’t load anything, it says there is no Internet connection, although there is a game on the computer online, the game on the network works properly and in the browser at all nothing works. At the same time, everything works perfectly from the phone. and when you reboot the modem, the Internet starts working again, but not for long, it stops in the browsers after 2-5 minutes and damn, and the game on the network works like a miracle on another laptop, the same story on the home computer, the same story!! Please tell me what to do, they’ve already broken their heads, the operators called and said everything is fine, but in fact, from the phone the Internet works fine, everything loads, while on laptops and computers it stops. Until you reload, the IP will not change.. It also happened that Yandex opens, everything you type in is found, but the links cannot be opened, it says there is no connection, but Yandex is working. I hope very much for your help……

    Good evening. The Internet on the laptop periodically disappears, although everywhere it says that there is access. Sites simply stop loading. You have to disconnect and reconnect Wi-Fi on the device. The laptop is new, we just bought it, it took two days to install the operating system. No problems were found in the device dispensary. The smartphone connects to the same network without problems or interruptions.

    Good day. I read the article, everything is different for me. The phones work like good morning, the tablet too. I connect the beech for 5 minutes and crashes. I also thought that the beech was jamming, it works fine from the cable. I connected to my neighbor, the beech works, it connects to mine Fai is also doing great. What could it be? I took it to the workshop, I thought they would say it was normal, they immediately connected to the internet and everything was fine. If the router is damaged, then how do all the others come from it? I can't understand. thank you

    Hello, please tell me. I connect the Internet via an access point on my latest android phone.. win10 PC... it never connects manually the first time - it crashes and the menu reboots. It connects only after running troubleshooting, and the diagnostics often finds a new problem, which it writes that it will fix, but in fact, the next time the same problem is displayed again. One of them is “Problem with the adapter or wireless access point.” Before the next “fix”, the system resets the adapter. There is also an unstable connection - the connection often breaks down, now it crashed three times and I ran diagnostics three times. The problem started after the next update, which I unfortunately can no longer roll back (from when the “people” icon first appeared in the taskbar). I tried to write in Windows, but they put it on this situation, there were already several updates from above, but they did not fix the problem with the Wifi module. Maybe this can be fixed somehow?


    I have 5 wireless devices connected to my router: a laptop, 2 Android mobiles and 2 iOS mobiles. One day, without any action on my part, iOS stopped seeing the network reliably, while the WiFi connection itself was stable. In the router settings, all devices are visible, the poppy addresses are the same. I changed the channel (after looking at the free ones through the program you recommended), changed the Encryption, updated the modem firmware, updated the axis twice... Nothing helps. At the same time, it connects to any other Wi-Fi networks (though through other routers) without problems. There is no way to connect to other networks that my router sees, the neighbors are evil). What else can you do? Thanks in advance!


    Hello, everything was fine with wifi until recently, now when I try to download updates on Windows, the wifi disappears, it says connection is in progress and connects, this is very annoying in the game, the Internet is constantly interrupted


    I encountered an unusual problem:
    The computer is connected via Wi-Fi, and the connection drops and only on my computer. Wi-Fi simply disappears when everything is fine and stable on other devices.
    Can you please help me solve the problem and, if possible, explain the reason?

Tp-Link TL-WR741ND and Tp-Link TL-WR741N routers are very popular. In fact, these are the same router, it’s just that the newer TL-WR741ND has a removable antenna. Perhaps there are some other differences in the hardware itself, but this is not known.

These routers from Tp-Link have proven themselves very well as inexpensive, high-quality devices for the home. Their prices are really attractive. The router is really worth the money, which is why it is so popular and collects a huge number of reviews in online stores. Many Internet companies offer Tp-Link TL-WR741ND at a promotional rate. But, not without its drawbacks, of course: a weak signal, slow speed, and a problem that I will write about below. Although, considering its cost, this is quite normal.

Why does the Internet disappear on Tp-Link TL-WR741ND?

So, today I want to tell you about one problem that very often appears on the Tp-Link TL-WR741ND router and its younger brother. The problem is that the Internet simply disappears, both via Wi-Fi and cable. On computers, the status “Without Internet access” appears and a yellow exclamation mark appears next to the network icon. On mobile devices there is a Wi-Fi connection, but nothing loads and sites do not open.

This problem may appear on its own. But most often, the Internet disappears when you start downloading something, watching online videos, playing online games, downloading torrents, connecting many devices, etc. Simply put, when you create a load on the router.

I think you already understand what the problem is here. Yes, the router simply cannot handle the load. People very often write that the Internet disappears on the TL-WR741ND when they try to download something or launch online games. This already suggests that the router simply cannot cope with such a load and simply “crashes”. Only saves.

What can be done?

You must understand that this is a weak, budget router, and this is basically normal. It is designed to connect 2-3 devices and be quiet. If you start downloading via torrent on one device, turn on online video on another, etc., then of course it will not withstand this load and the Internet will disappear. Moreover, if you also have Internet using PPPoE or L2TP technology, when the load is even greater compared to the same Dynamic IP.

I'm not saying that you can't play online games or download torrents through the TL-WR741ND router. It is possible, but only you must be prepared for the fact that such troubles can happen and the Internet may disappear.

If you have exactly this problem, then try completely disabling all programs through which you download and distribute torrents. If possible, disconnect multiple devices from the Wi-Fi network. If the problem persists, then it is possible that there are problems with the router's power supply. If possible, try connecting the router through a different power supply.

Update the firmware on your router. I wrote how to do this. Or see the instructions specifically. Perhaps it will work more stable on newer firmware.

There are no software settings that can remove this problem. Unless the problem appears when downloading torrents, you can slightly change the parameters in the program itself. Perhaps this will help. I wrote about this in the article: .

But, if you want stable operation, then it is best to buy a more expensive and powerful router. This is the best solution if you connect a lot of devices and put a significant load on the network.

Update: enabling protection against DoS attacks

In the comments, Andrey wrote about the solution, after which his TP-Link TL-WR720N stopped envying and losing its Internet connection. He simply enabled protection against DoS attacks.

In the section: Security - Advanced protection settings.

  • Enable "Protection against DoS attacks"
  • Enable filtering against ICMP-FLOOD attacks
  • Enable UDP-FLOOD filtering
  • Enable filtering against TCP-SYN-FLOOD attacks.

Honestly, I don’t know how this can reduce the load on the router. Maybe the provider’s equipment “attacks” the router, thereby creating additional load. But it's definitely worth a try.

I think it makes sense to also try to enable the function “Ignore Ping packets from the WAN port” on the same page.

Try it. Write about your results in the comments. Thanks to Andrey for the advice.

So, you have configured your wireless router, but for some reason something is not working. I will try to consider the most common problems with Wi-Fi routers and ways to solve them. Most of the problems described can equally occur in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7 and the solutions will be similar.

From my work experience, as well as from the comments on this site, I can identify the following typical problems that users encounter when, it would seem, they have configured everything exactly and according to all sorts of instructions.

  • The router status indicates that the WAN connection is down
  • Laptop, tablet, smartphone does not see Wi-Fi, but sees neighbors’ access points
  • Constant disconnections
  • Local city resources of the provider, torrent, DC++ hub and others are not available

If I remember other typical things like the above, I’ll add to the list, but for now let’s get started.

  • (provided that the router is configured correctly)
  • What to do if when connecting it says:
  • What to do, if .

Wi-Fi connection disappears and low download speed through the router (through a wire everything is fine)

In this case, changing the wireless network channel can help you. We are not talking about those situations that also occur when the router simply freezes, but only about those when the wireless connection itself disappears on individual devices or in specific places, and it is also impossible to achieve normal Wi-Fi connection speed. You can read more about how to select a free Wi-Fi channel.

WAN is broken or the Internet is only on the computer

The main reason why this problem occurs with a WiFi router is the connected WAN connection on the computer. The point of setting up and operating a wireless router is that it will establish a connection to the Internet on its own, and then “distribute” access to other devices. Thus, if the router is already configured, but the Beeline, Rostelecom, etc. connection available on the computer is in the “connected” state, then the Internet will only work on the computer, and the router will take virtually no part in this. In addition, the router will not be able to connect the WAN, since it is already connected on your computer, and most providers only allow one connection from one user at a time. I don’t know how clearly I was able to explain the logic, but even if it’s not clear, just take it for granted: for everything to work, a separate provider connection on your computer must be disabled. Only a local network connection should be connected, or, in the case of a laptop, etc., a wireless network connection.

It is impossible to access the address to configure the router

If you encounter the fact that when you type the address to access the settings of your router, the corresponding page does not open, do the following.

1) Make sure that in the local network connection settings (your direct connection to the router) it is set to: obtain an IP address automatically, obtain DNS addresses automatically.

UPD: Check whether you enter this address exactly into the address bar - some users, when trying to configure the router, enter it into the search bar, resulting in something like “The page cannot be displayed.”

2) If the previous point did not help, use the run command (Win+R keys, in Windows 8 you can simply start typing the word “Run” on the start screen), enter cmd, press Enter. And in command line mode, enter ipconfig. Pay attention to the “Default Gateway” value of the connection used for configuration - it is at this address that you should go to the router administration page. If this address differs from the standard one, then perhaps the router was previously configured to work on a specific network with certain requirements. You can reset it to factory settings. If there is no address at all at this point, then, again, try resetting the router. If that doesn’t work, you can also try disconnecting the provider’s cable from the router, leaving only the cable that connects it to the PC - this may solve the problem: make the necessary settings without this cable, and after everything is configured, reconnect the provider’s cable. Pay attention to the firmware version and, if relevant, update it. If this does not help, make sure that the “correct” drivers are installed for the computer’s network card. Ideally, download them from the manufacturer's website.

Settings are not saved

If for some reason the settings are not saved after entering them and clicking “save”, and also if you cannot restore the settings previously saved in a separate file, try performing the operation in a different browser. In general, in case of any strange behavior of the router admin panel, you should try this option.

Laptop (tablet, other device) does not see WiFi

In this case, a variety of options are possible and they are all approximately equally common. Let's go in order.

If your laptop does not see the access point, then first of all, check whether the wireless module is turned on. To do this, look at the Network and Sharing Center - Adapter Settings in Windows 7 and Windows 8, or Network Connections on Windows XP. Make sure your wireless connection is turned on. If disabled (displayed in gray), then enable. The problem may have already been resolved. If it doesn’t turn on, see if your laptop has a hardware switch for Wi-Fi (my Sony Vaio, for example, has one).

Let's move on. If the wireless connection is turned on, but is constantly in the “No connection” status, make sure that the required drivers are installed on your Wi-Fi adapter. This is especially true for laptops. Many users, having installed a program to automatically update drivers or have a driver installed automatically by the Windows operating system, believe that this is the right driver. As a result, they often encounter problems. The required driver is the one that is located on the website of your laptop manufacturer and is intended specifically for your model. Laptop computers often use specific hardware, and using drivers (not just for network equipment) recommended by the manufacturer can avoid many problems.

If the previous option did not help you, try logging into the “admin panel” of the router and slightly changing the wireless network settings. First: change b/g/n to b/g. Did it work? This means that the wireless module of your device does not support the 802.11n standard. It's okay, in most cases, this will not affect the speed of network access. If it doesn’t work, try manually specifying the wireless network channel there (usually “automatic”).

And one more unlikely, but possible option, which I had to deal with three times, and twice for the iPad tablet. The device also refused to see the access point, and this was solved by setting the United States region in the router instead of Russia.

Other problems

If the connection is constantly disconnected while working, make sure that you have installed latest version firmware, if this is not the case, update it. Read the forums: perhaps other clients of your provider with the same router that you have already encountered such a problem and have solutions to this matter.

For some Internet providers, access to local resources, such as torrent trackers, game servers and others, requires setting up static routes in the router. If this is the case, then you will most likely find information on how to register them in the router on the forum of the company that provides you with Internet access.

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