Normalization of microflora in women drugs. Complications of vaginal dysbiosis. Possible complications of vaginal dysbiosis

Statistics say that every 7 women suffer from thrush. There are many products available on the pharmaceutical market that fight women's diseases. Thrush can be treated quickly and efficiently.

After a full course of taking medications for thrush, restoration of the vaginal microflora is required. A variety of medications are available for the procedure; suppositories are considered the most effective. Gynecologists recommend starting to restore the microflora immediately after complete treatment of thrush.

Why is the microflora disrupted after thrush?

Thrush increases the overall level of dysbiosis. This leads to the fact that the microflora does not perform functions that protect the female reproductive system.

Every 7th woman experiences discomfort associated with thrush. After treatment of this disease, it is necessary to restore the vaginal microflora.

Microflora maintains the acidic environment of the vagina. Protects against the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Enhances protein synthesis.

The entry of viruses and bacteria into the genitals leads to an active state of blood cells. After thrush The vaginal microflora retains pathogenic bacteria for a long time. They block the normal functioning of the vaginal system.

Why restore microflora after thrush?

Without the acidic environment of the vagina, there is an odor and a greater amount of active discharge unrelated to the menstrual cycle or leucorrhoea. Thus, if the microflora is disrupted, bacteria again cause thrush or candidiasis.

The vaginal microflora is best restored by suppositories.

Note, that disruption of the menstrual cycle according to the female calendar signals problems with the normal microflora.

Maintaining vaginal flora completes the course of thrush treatment

There is a certain risk of relapse. Approximately 5.5%.

Suppositories for restoring microflora after treatment of thrush

The principle of flora normalization: introduction of bifidobacteria of varying degrees. Contained in probiotics. Restores the natural level of beneficial bacteria in the vaginal microflora. Creates an antiseptic and cleansing effect. They are administered in the form of suppositories, drops, tablets, and acid solutions. Candles are the highest quality and most effective.

Important to remember, Medications, including suppositories, to restore microflora after treatment of thrush, are prescribed only by a medical specialist.

The diagnosis is made based on the results of flora analysis. Then treatment begins.

After completing the course, a repeat analysis is taken. The level of dysbacteriosis is determined. If it is more than 25%, the gynecologist prescribes re-treatment to speed up the restoration of the microflora.


A preparation that contains calendula tincture. Heals, strengthens the immune system, microflora. Maintains normal acid levels. Available in the form of candles. Placed daily, at night, after taking a shower. The course lasts 7-14 days.

Vagilak suppositories restore microflora and strengthen the immune system.

It has no special contraindications. However during use, you should forget about alcoholic cocktails and cigarettes, and also refuse sexual intercourse. It is not recommended to use the suppositories in question for pregnant women.


Herbal preparation in the form of suppositories. The composition is based on field chamomile. Disinfects, eliminates dryness and burning in the vaginal area. Treatment lasts 10-14 days. In case of relapse, re-prescribed for 7 days. Use 1 candle in the morning and evening.

While taking Ecofemin, doctors recommend not smoking or drinking alcohol.

Contraindicated for diseases of the heart, nervous system, and pregnant women and girls who have recently given birth. Doesn't cause addiction. During the treatment period, it is recommended to give up all bad habits.

Gynecologists prescribe chamomile tincture with the drug "Ecofemin" to reduce the risk of relapse. You need to drink the tincture 2 times a day, morning and evening on an empty stomach.


This is what Bifidumbacterin suppositories look like

Available in the form of candles. Main active ingredient – ​​bifidobacteria. Restore the acidic environment of the body due to reproduction and detrimental effects on candida bacteria. Replenishes the supply of beneficial vaginal bacteria.

Candles promote active cleansing of microflora. They are also used to restore intestinal microflora. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of thrush. The course of treatment is 10 days. It is administered 3-4 times a day, but with the instructions of a medical specialist. Prescribed to pregnant girls after 8 weeks for the prevention of candidiasis.

During treatment, do not use antibiotics or antipyretics.


Prescribed after treatment of thrush. Available in the form of candles. Supports metabolism, strengthens the immune system. Improves the concentration of the acidic environment of the vagina. Promotes disinfection of microflora.

Lactobacterin is prescribed to restore microflora

For recovery, use for 14 days, 2 suppositories 3 times a day. In addition, this drug is prescribed 10 days before birth. The drug is approved during lactation. It is also recommended to take drops.

It is important to know, that it is contraindicated for a minor girl to use Lactobacterin.

Candles "Vaginorm S"

Vaginorm S suppositories support vaginal acid

Release form: candles. A drug contains large amounts of ascorbic acid. Maintains the acidic environment of the vagina. Eliminates bacteria and viruses that cause irritation of the uterine epithelium. Has an antiseptic effect.

The course of treatment involves 10 or 14 days according to the individual indicator. Use 1 suppository per day. To get an effective result Gynecologists recommend drinking more water.

In case of relapse, the period of use is 2-3 months. The drug is contraindicated in underage girls. Allowed in the 1st semester of pregnancy. Special instructions: do not use with antibiotics.

The active ingredient of the suppositories – interferon, taurine – cleanses the vaginal walls. In addition, it disinfects the urinary system. Supports local immunity.

Genferon can be used during lactation

The concentration of the active substance in the body is insignificant. Treatment lasts 20-30 days, 1 suppository is designed for use 3 times a day.

After every 10 days it is necessary to take a flora smear

Gynecologists prescribe Genferon for the treatment of thrush. Used after pregnancy, during lactation. Suppositories for restoring microflora - "Genferon" - are allowed to be taken by underage girls. Compatible with other medications.


This is what Pinafucin candles look like

Complex treatment is prescribed with Vagikal drops. The course lasts from 10 to 14 days. 1 suppository is administered 3 times a day or as recommended by a gynecologist.

It is also used 7 days before conception, if suppositories were previously used to restore microflora after treatment of thrush. P Contraindicated for pregnant women and minor girls. Compatible with antibiotics.

Prevention of dysbiosis after thrush

Important to remember about the prevention of dysbacteriosis after thrush. The body is still weakened. Suppositories for restoring microflora after treatment of thrush are suitable as prevention.

Sich for restoration of microflora should be prescribed by a gynecologist. Self-medication is not recommended.

To do this, it is necessary to reduce the amount of the drug. It is enough to take medications against thrush once every 2-3 months.

  1. Maintain personal hygiene. Take a warm shower daily, morning and evening, and wash the external genitalia with antibacterial soap. Use the shower more often during your menstrual cycle. Change pads every 3 hours, tampons every 7 hours. Use antibacterial personal hygiene products.
  2. Proper nutrition. Preferably consume fermented milk products. For example: cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, sourdough, fermented baked milk, kefir.
  3. Eliminate fatty foods. Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables. For meat, preference is given to beef and chicken. Soak potatoes for 3 hours before eating. Steam food. Remove bread, sweets, alcoholic drinks, spicy cheeses and vegetables from your diet.
  4. Use contraception. After sexual intercourse, take a warm shower. It is necessary to take anti-thrush medications before sexual intercourse. Conduct a clinical examination of your partner for the presence of candidal fungus. Start preventing male thrush.
  5. Choose underwear made of cotton fabric. It is durable, does not cause an allergic reaction, and traps dust and external bacteria.
  6. Take vitamin complexes to strengthen the body's immunity.
  7. Visit a gynecologist 3 - 4 times a year. Take blood tests, urine tests, and flora smears. If symptoms of thrush appear, immediately consult a gynecologist.
  8. Thoroughly wash underwear with baby washing powder.

Suppositories to restore microflora after treatment of thrush are prescribed by a gynecologist. The range of choice is huge.

Each drug has individual treatment properties. You need to know about the prevention of thrush and dysbacteriosis. Monitor your health daily. If you experience any discomfort, be sure to contact a gynecologist.

This video will tell pregnant girls how to overcome thrush using folk methods:

The following video will tell you about products that help treat thrush:

This video will tell you how to treat thrush after taking antibiotics:

Every second woman suffers from dysbiosis, a disorder of the vaginal microflora. Often the disease is asymptomatic and eventually develops serious complications. What signs can be used to identify the disease and how to restore the vaginal microflora with medications.

In a healthy woman, the vaginal flora is represented by 99% lactobacilli and bifidobacteria and only 1% by opportunistic microorganisms.

This percentage is considered normal, does not cause harm and does not provoke the development of any disease.

But the vulnerable and sensitive vaginal microflora is threatened by a large number of unfavorable external and internal factors. Under their influence, colonies of opportunistic microorganisms (fungi, gardnerella, streptococci, staphylococci, protea, E. coli, chlamydia) “displace” lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. A malfunction occurs and dysbiosis develops with inflammation of the vagina - vaginitis. At a certain period of life, every woman faces this disease sooner or later.

When does this happen and how does it manifest itself? It all depends on how strong the pathogenic pathogen is and how strong the woman’s immune defense is during this period. The development of dysbiosis can be provoked by:

  1. Hormonal changes during pregnancy. A healthy woman may experience or increase discharge. They are accompanied by itching and burning, pain during sexual intercourse. Antibacterial and immunocorrective drugs to restore vaginal microflora are not prescribed during this period. Only local treatment is indicated and, if necessary, it can be carried out more than once.

  2. General and sexually transmitted infectious diseases. Always accompanied by dysbiosis. Pathogenic microorganisms of sexually transmitted infections, together with opportunistic microflora, cause severe inflammation, which can be relieved by special antibacterial drugs.

  3. Restoring the vaginal microflora after treatment with antibiotics is necessary, because, in addition to pathogenic microorganisms, vaginal lacto- and bifidobacteria die. Treatment of common infectious diseases with antibiotics leads to the same result.

  4. Gastrointestinal diseases with microflora imbalance. Anatomically, the walls of the rectum and vagina are located nearby. The proximity allows pathogenic microorganisms (Escherichia coli, enterococcus) to easily pass this barrier.

Dysbiosis can also develop from an unbalanced diet with a large amount of carbohydrate foods. Also, one of the common causes of dysbiosis is violation of basic rules of intimate hygiene.

The disease does not show specific symptoms for a long time, and those women whose body could not cope on its own turn to the doctor. First, a woman experiences white or grayish liquid discharge. Afterwards they acquire an intense yellow color with a thick consistency. In the acute period, a woman may complain of discomfort, moderate pain with itching and burning. If treatment is not carried out, the disease becomes chronic, and exacerbation alternates with remission. The death of lactobacilli and excessive growth of opportunistic flora lead to serious consequences - ascending infection of the uterus and appendages, urethritis, cystitis.

  • the amount of discharge has become more than usual;

  • the discharge has acquired an intense yellow color;

  • the vaginal walls have become “dry”, there is a feeling of constant discomfort during sexual intercourse;

  • concerns about dryness, itching and burning of the external genitalia;

  • The discharge has an unpleasant, specific odor.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor after the examination will prescribe pH-metry, microscopy and bacterial smear culture, and amine testing.

  1. Elimination of pathogenic bacterial flora (antibacterial treatment).

  2. Restoration of vaginal flora.

  3. Support healthy microflora.

Antibacterial drugs, if the disease has developed against the background of infections, are prescribed Sumamed, Trichopolum, Amoxiclav, Doxycycline, Metronidazole, Tibertal, Ornidazole.

The treatment includes tampons, baths, vaginal tablets, suppositories to restore the vaginal microflora. The purpose of local procedures is to suppress pathogenic microflora, normalize local immunity, and enable the restoration of normal numbers of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

  • Dalacin (in the form of cream and vaginal suppositories) is an antibacterial drug with the main active ingredient clindamycin phosphate.

  • Vaginal suppositories Flagyl with the main active ingredient metronidazole.

  • Vaginal suppositories Hexicon (based on chlorhexidine).

At the second stage, to restore the flora, the local immunity of the vaginal walls is corrected. Immunal and Cycloferon tablets are prescribed.

To increase the amount of beneficial microflora of the vagina, drugs are prescribed with strains of live acidophilic lactobacilli: Normoflorin L, B, D (liquid concentrate), Acepol (capsules); suppositories Acylact, Lactonorm Kipferon, Bifidumbacterin.

One of the most popular and effective drugs for the treatment of vaginosis is Lactobacterin in tablets and powder for preparing a solution.

Intravaginal treatment lasts 10 days, starting on the 10th day of the cycle. If menstrual flow begins, the drugs are not administered.

Normalization of the vaginal microflora will happen faster if a diet with a sufficient amount of fresh, “live” fermented milk products is included in the treatment.

If, with vaginal dysbiosis, the flora in the form of the Candida fungus predominates, this is thrush, the most common type of disease.

The symptoms of candidiasis are clear: strong curdled discharge, burning with itching, pain when urinating, discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Thrush can develop for many reasons: hormonal imbalances, hypothermia, unbalanced nutrition, specific treatment (immunosuppressants, chemotherapy drugs). But most often it becomes a consequence of treatment with antibiotics.

There are enough tools and techniques in gynecology, but restoring microflora after thrush is a rather difficult task for two reasons. First: vaginal candidiasis often recurs. Second: women who self-medicate, ignorance and the wrong choice of medication only aggravate the situation.

  1. Normalize the functioning of the immune system.

  2. Eliminate local manifestations.

  3. To prevent relapses, use systemic therapy.

Candida fungus is one of the many representatives of normal human microflora. Therefore, the task of treatment is not to kill, but to limit and control its reproduction.

The restorative course of treatment includes local medications (suppositories), systemic medications (tablets, capsules). After severe candidiasis, injectable drugs are indicated.

  • Antifungal therapy with drugs based on clotrimazole (Canesten), iconazole (Ginotragen), miconazole (Klion-D).

  • Antimicrobial therapy with drugs containing natamycin, nystatin, levorin.

After treatment of thrush, suppositories, vaginal tablets, ointments and topical solutions are indicated to restore the microflora.

In order for treatment with drugs to give a good result and the microflora of the mucous membranes to be restored, it is necessary to eliminate or reduce the influence of a number of factors: give up bad habits, use antibacterial and hormonal drugs wisely and according to medical prescription, eat rationally, and strictly observe hygiene.

Only if all conditions are met, treatment of dysbiosis will give a positive result and prevent relapse.

Changes in the quantitative and qualitative composition of microorganisms populating the vagina are a consequence of infectious and inflammatory diseases. To exclude them in the future, the vaginal microflora is restored. Let's consider the algorithm of the therapeutic process and its features.

There are many factors contributing to the development of this situation. In order to accurately determine what exactly caused the cause in this case, the following is prescribed:

  • collection of smears;

  • blood test for hormones;

  • examination in a gynecological chair;

  • anamnesis collection.

  • hypothermia, which provokes a decrease in local immunity;

  • disruption of the functioning of the hormonal system - cycle failure (lengthening or shortening of menstruation, volume of discharge), pregnancy, puberty, menopause, postpartum period;

  • changes in environmental conditions - travel, moving often provoke dysbiosis;

  • sexual infections - gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis, etc.;

  • infectious and inflammatory processes of the reproductive system;

  • intestinal diseases, dysbacteriosis;

  • long-term use of antibacterial agents;

  • violation of intimate hygiene rules.

Taking antibacterial agents always affects the composition of the flora of the reproductive system. In order to determine how to restore the vaginal microflora after antibiotics, you first need to consult a gynecologist. The doctor analyzes the available information, the type of antibiotic, the duration of its use and dosage. Based on such information, medications are prescribed that are administered orally and topically. The duration of the recovery course is up to 2-4 months.

When faced with a problem, a girl should not make independent decisions, think about how to restore the vaginal microflora, or what to take. Medicines should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Doctors take into account the state of the flora, the causes that led to the disorder, and the severity of symptoms. Based on this information, the drug is selected, the dosage, duration and frequency of use are established.

Vaginal suppositories are the most common form of medication for this phenomenon. This is due to the pronounced local effect, the speed of onset of the therapeutic effect, and ease of use. Doctors often prescribe the following suppositories that restore vaginal microflora:

  1. Bifidumbacterin. A common drug. Depending on the severity of the disorder, 1-2 suppositories are used for 10 days, in the morning.

  2. Lactobacterin. It contains an optimal amount of beneficial bacteria. Take a course of 10 days, 1 suppository daily, at night.

  3. Kipferon. Used in short courses, repeated 2-3 times. The duration of one is 10 candles, 1 per day. After a week's break, repeat again.

The variety of such drugs is great, each is good in its own way. The gynecologist’s task is to accurately determine the cause of dysbiosis and prescribe the appropriate one. The following may also be used for treatment:

This form of medicine is often used to treat dysbiosis. When restoring the vaginal microflora, doctors prescribe:

  1. Laktogin. The medicine normalizes the flora, restoring the balance between beneficial and opportunistic microorganisms. Use 1 tablet, administered at night. The duration is indicated by the gynecologist.

  2. VaginormS. In a short period of time, it brings the pH back to normal, creates conditions for the proliferation of lactobacilli, forming the correct flora. Depending on the severity of the stage of the disorder, use 1-2 vaginal tablets for 7-10 days.

  3. Ecofemin. By stabilizing the flora, it increases the concentration of lactobacilli and has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms, preventing their reproduction and development. 1 tablet is administered at night. The length of the course is set individually.

  1. Lactozhinal. Used to restore the environment after long-term antibiotic therapy, during preparation for gynecological operations, and before childbirth. The course lasts 1 week, 1 capsule daily at night.

  2. Lactonorm. It is prescribed both for diseases accompanied by changes in the state of the environment - vaginitis, vulvitis, and for the purpose of prevention before surgery on the reproductive system. Use in a course of 10 days, 1 per day.

Often, in case of dysbiosis, Salvagin is used - a medicine to restore the vaginal microflora. It has pronounced antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Restores acidity, stabilizes the composition of microorganisms in vaginosis of various origins. Its action slows down the growth of harmful microorganisms: chlamydia, fungi, Trichomonas, Gerdnerella, ureaplasma.

  • moisturizing effect;

  • reduces symptoms of vaginosis;

  • normalizes pH;

  • eliminates secretions, eliminates unpleasant odor.

You should consult your doctor before using traditional medicine. Baking soda is often used to restore vaginal microflora and is included in various recipes. For example: add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to 1 liter of boiled, cooled water, then add 50 drops of iodine. The solution is poured into the bath. The procedures are taken daily for 10 days.

The healing properties of honey are often used to restore vaginal microflora. Mix kefir and honey in equal proportions. The resulting ointment is applied to sterile gauze swabs and administered before bedtime. Course - 10 days. The effect is observed quickly: the amount of pathogenic secretions decreases, accompanying symptoms such as burning, itching, and redness disappear.

During pregnancy, if dysbiosis occurs, probiotics are prescribed to restore the vaginal microflora:

Every second woman suffers from dysbiosis, a disorder of the vaginal microflora. Often the disease is asymptomatic and eventually develops serious complications. What signs can be used to identify the disease and how to restore the vaginal microflora with medications.

Causes of dysbiosis

In a healthy woman, the vaginal flora is represented by 99% lactobacilli and bifidobacteria and only 1% by opportunistic microorganisms.

This percentage is considered normal, does not cause harm and does not provoke the development of any disease.

But the vulnerable and sensitive vaginal microflora is threatened by a large number of unfavorable external and internal factors. Under their influence, colonies of opportunistic microorganisms (fungi, gardnerella, streptococci, staphylococci, protea, E. coli, chlamydia) “displace” lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. A malfunction occurs and dysbiosis develops with inflammation of the vagina - vaginitis. At a certain period of life, every woman faces this disease sooner or later.

When does this happen and how does it manifest itself? It all depends on how strong the pathogenic pathogen is and how strong the woman’s immune defense is during this period. The development of dysbiosis can be provoked by:

  1. Hormonal changes during pregnancy. A healthy woman may experience or increase discharge. They are accompanied by itching and burning, pain during sexual intercourse. Antibacterial and immunocorrective drugs to restore vaginal microflora are not prescribed during this period. Only local treatment is indicated and, if necessary, it can be carried out more than once.
  2. General and sexually transmitted infectious diseases. Always accompanied by dysbiosis. Pathogenic microorganisms of sexually transmitted infections, together with opportunistic microflora, cause severe inflammation, which can be relieved by special antibacterial drugs.
  3. Restoring the vaginal microflora after treatment with antibiotics is necessary, because, in addition to pathogenic microorganisms, vaginal lacto- and bifidobacteria die. Treatment of common infectious diseases with antibiotics leads to the same result.
  4. Gastrointestinal diseases with microflora imbalance. Anatomically, the walls of the rectum and vagina are located nearby. The proximity allows pathogenic microorganisms (Escherichia coli, enterococcus) to easily pass this barrier.

Dysbiosis can also develop from an unbalanced diet with a large amount of carbohydrate foods. Also, one of the common causes of dysbiosis is violation of basic rules of intimate hygiene.

Clinical picture

Vaginal dysbiosis occurs in three forms: sluggish, acute, chronic.

The disease does not show specific symptoms for a long time, and those women whose body could not cope on its own turn to the doctor. First, a woman experiences white or grayish liquid discharge. Afterwards they acquire an intense yellow color with a thick consistency. In the acute period, a woman may complain of discomfort, moderate pain with itching and burning. If treatment is not carried out, the disease becomes chronic, and exacerbation alternates with remission. The death of lactobacilli and excessive growth of opportunistic flora lead to serious consequences - ascending infection of the uterus and appendages, urethritis, cystitis.

Symptoms that should not be ignored and should be a reason to contact a gynecologist:

  • the amount of discharge has become more than usual;
  • the discharge has acquired an intense yellow color;
  • the vaginal walls have become “dry”, there is a feeling of constant discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • concerns about dryness, itching and burning of the external genitalia;
  • The discharge has an unpleasant, specific odor.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor after the examination will prescribe pH-metry, microscopy and bacterial smear culture, and amine testing.

Therapeutic program

In modern gynecology, the program for normalizing the vaginal microflora goes through three stages:

  1. Elimination of pathogenic bacterial flora (antibacterial treatment).
  2. Restoration of vaginal flora.
  3. Support healthy microflora.

Antibacterial drugs, if the disease has developed against the background of infections, are prescribed Sumamed, Trichopolum, Amoxiclav, Doxycycline, Metronidazole, Tibertal, Ornidazole.

The treatment includes tampons, baths, vaginal tablets, suppositories to restore the vaginal microflora. The purpose of local procedures is to suppress pathogenic microflora, normalize local immunity, and enable the restoration of normal numbers of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

For treatment use:

  • Dalacin (in the form of cream and vaginal suppositories) is an antibacterial drug with the main active ingredient clindamycin phosphate.
  • Vaginal suppositories Flagyl with the main active ingredient metronidazole.
  • Vaginal suppositories Hexicon (based on chlorhexidine).

At the second stage, to restore the flora, the local immunity of the vaginal walls is corrected. Immunal and Cycloferon tablets are prescribed.

To increase the amount of beneficial microflora of the vagina, drugs are prescribed with strains of live acidophilic lactobacilli: Normoflorin L, B, D (liquid concentrate), Acepol (capsules); suppositories Acylact, Lactonorm Kipferon, Bifidumbacterin.

One of the most popular and effective drugs for the treatment of vaginosis is Lactobacterin in tablets and powder for preparing a solution.

Intravaginal treatment lasts 10 days, starting on the 10th day of the cycle. If menstrual flow begins, the drugs are not administered.

Normalization of the vaginal microflora will happen faster if a diet with a sufficient amount of fresh, “live” fermented milk products is included in the treatment.


If, with vaginal dysbiosis, the flora in the form of the Candida fungus predominates, this is thrush, the most common type of disease.

The symptoms of candidiasis are clear: strong curdled discharge, burning with itching, pain when urinating, discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Thrush can develop for many reasons: hormonal imbalances, hypothermia, unbalanced nutrition, specific treatment (immunosuppressants, chemotherapy drugs). But most often it becomes a consequence of treatment with antibiotics.

There are enough tools and techniques in gynecology, but restoring microflora after thrush is a rather difficult task for two reasons. First: vaginal candidiasis often recurs. Second: women who self-medicate, ignorance and the wrong choice of medication only aggravate the situation.

How to restore microflora after thrush correctly:

  1. Normalize the functioning of the immune system.
  2. Eliminate local manifestations.
  3. To prevent relapses, use systemic therapy.

Candida fungus is one of the many representatives of normal human microflora. Therefore, the task of treatment is not to kill, but to limit and control its reproduction.

Treatment of candidiasis

The restorative course of treatment includes local medications (suppositories), systemic medications (tablets, capsules). After severe candidiasis, injectable drugs are indicated.

How to restore flora after thrush:

  • Antifungal therapy with drugs based on clotrimazole (Canesten), iconazole (Ginotragen), miconazole (Klion-D).
  • Antimicrobial therapy with drugs containing natamycin, nystatin, levorin.

After treatment of thrush, suppositories, vaginal tablets, ointments and topical solutions are indicated to restore the microflora.

The local remedy should be used regularly, 1-2 times a day and for at least two weeks.

Each of the local remedies has its own characteristics:

  • Livarol is effective for primary candidiasis. Quickly eliminates symptoms, with a minimum of contraindications and side effects.
  • Ketoconazole is indicated for all types of fungal infections. Causes a number of adverse reactions.
  • Nystatin is indicated for chronic candidiasis. With a minimum of side effects, does not suppress healthy microflora.
  • Ginesol is used as a preventive and anti-relapse drug.
  • Betadine has a wide spectrum of action: candidiasis, vaginal infections. Used for preoperative and postoperative obstetric treatment. The drug is approved for treatment during menstruation.
  • Pimafucin is one of the few drugs that is approved during pregnancy and does not cause complications or adverse reactions.

In order for treatment with drugs to give a good result and the microflora of the mucous membranes to be restored, it is necessary to eliminate or reduce the influence of a number of factors: give up bad habits, use antibacterial and hormonal drugs wisely and according to medical prescription, eat rationally, and strictly observe hygiene.

Only if all conditions are met, treatment of dysbiosis will give a positive result and prevent relapse.

Symptoms of the disease - disorders of the vaginal microflora

Violations and their causes by category:

Violations and their causes in alphabetical order:

violation of the vaginal microflora -

Vaginal dysbiosis is a disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina. Most women suffer from this disease to one degree or another. Most often, its manifestations are minor, but sometimes vaginal dysbiosis leads to very serious problems.

Let’s immediately say a few words about the different terms that are used to refer to this disease.
Vaginal dysbiosis, or dysbiosis (dysbacteriosis) of the vagina, is the most accurate term; it is precisely translated as a violation of the vaginal microflora. However, it is used relatively rarely.

More often, to define the disease, they resort to the name “bacterial vaginosis”; this term means the same thing. However, the term “bacterial vaginosis” is used by many doctors to refer to gardnerellosis, a special case of vaginal dysbiosis. Therefore, when using this term it is not always possible to be sure what exactly is meant.

Most often, any manifestation of a violation of the vaginal microflora is called “candidiasis” or “thrush”. This is not entirely justified. Candidiasis, or thrush, is the name of only one type of vaginal microflora disorder - the predominance of fungi of the genus Candida. And this does not happen very often. However, traditionally, women, and many doctors, call any vaginal discharge “thrush” without really understanding their nature.

What diseases cause disruption of the vaginal microflora:

There are many reasons why vaginal microflora is disrupted. Almost any impact on a woman’s body can lead to disruption of the microflora. Let's list just a few factors.

1. Hypothermia of the body. Both one-time severe hypothermia and constant freezing. All this leads to a decrease in general and local immunity, which also affects the vaginal microflora.
2. Changes and disturbances in hormonal levels. This may include irregular sex life, pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, any type of cycle disorders, puberty, premenopause and menopause, etc.
3. Change of climate zone. I have heard more than once about exacerbations of vaginal dysbiosis during trips to warm countries.
4. Stress, both one-time severe stress and a chronic stressful situation.
Promiscuous sex life, a large number of sexual partners, neglect of contraception.
5. Any infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.
6. Sexually transmitted infections.
7. Treatment with antibiotics, especially long-term or repeated.
8. Intestinal diseases, chronic stool problems, intestinal dysbiosis. The microflora of the vagina is very closely related to the microflora of the intestines, this will be discussed later.
9. Incorrect use of tampons during menstruation. Few women know that tampons should be changed strictly every 2 hours, day and night. This is quite inconvenient, but otherwise good conditions are created in the vagina for infection to grow. When using gaskets such problems do not arise.

Of course, all these factors do not always lead to disruption of the vaginal microflora. The immune system maintains normal microflora and helps it recover in case of minor disruption. However, there are so many of these factors, they occur so often that in most cases, a woman still develops vaginal dysbiosis.

Symptoms of vaginal microflora disorders

What is the essence of the violation of the vaginal microflora? Normally, a woman’s vagina is inhabited by the so-called normal microflora. It consists of approximately 90% lactobacilli (the so-called Döderlein rods), slightly less than 10% bifidobacteria, and less than 1% are the so-called “clue cells of the vagina.” These include gardnerella, mobiluncus, Candida fungi, leptothrix and some other bacteria.

The normal microflora of the vagina is in constant balance with each other and with the environment. It does not allow the appearance of any other infection, and does not allow a change in the ratio of pathogens living in the vagina normally.

This whole picture is actively supported by the immune system of the vaginal wall. The immune system has no effect on the natural inhabitants of the vagina, but behaves aggressively towards any other infection. It is the immune system that helps restore normal vaginal microflora in case of minor disturbances. But she does not always cope with this task.

When the vaginal microflora is disturbed, the balance between bacteria that are normal inhabitants of the vagina changes. At the same time, the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria decreases and the number of some other pathogen increases. This other pathogen may be one of the key cells (then gardnerellosis, candidiasis, etc. develop), it may be one of the sexually transmitted infections (trichomoniasis, chlamydia), or it may be any saprophytic pathogen (Escherichia coli, Proteus, streptococci, staphylococci etc.).

If the normal inhabitants of the vagina never behave aggressively towards the walls of the vagina, then any of the bacteria that led to the development of dysbiosis can cause inflammation of the vagina - vaginitis. When this happens depends on the quantity and pathogenicity of the pathogen on the one hand and the strength of the immune system of the vaginal wall on the other. As a rule, at first the immune system copes and does not allow either the progression of the disease or the development of its complications. But in the absence of proper treatment, the development of inflammation in such a situation is inevitable.

Pregnancy and vaginal microflora disorders

Pregnancy is one of the factors that can provoke an exacerbation of vaginal dysbiosis. During pregnancy, discharge, itching or burning in the genitals, pain during intercourse, etc. may appear or intensify. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy a woman’s body undergoes serious hormonal changes, which cannot but affect both the immune system and the vaginal microflora.

Complete treatment of vaginal dysbiosis during pregnancy is not possible. Even if this treatment is not associated with taking antibiotics, which is extremely undesirable during pregnancy, it is always associated with immunocorrection, and this is completely unacceptable during pregnancy. Therefore, the doctor’s task during an exacerbation of vaginal dysbiosis in a pregnant woman is only to eliminate the symptoms and prepare the woman for childbirth.

In our clinic, for this purpose, a course of procedures is carried out that, if not normalize the situation, then make it more tolerable. Local treatment carried out in this case is completely harmless to the fetus. If necessary, this treatment can be carried out repeatedly throughout pregnancy.

Intestinal diseases and vaginal microflora disorders

Many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract lead to disruption of the normal intestinal microflora and the development of dysbacteriosis. With intestinal dysbiosis, approximately the same thing happens as with vaginal dysbiosis - a large number of some bacteria live in the intestines.

The wall of the rectum is in close contact with the wall of the vagina, bacteria easily pass through it. In cases of severe intestinal dysbiosis, a violation of the vaginal microflora is always caused by this, and as a rule, one of the intestinal infections is sown from the vagina - Escherichia coli, enterococci, etc.

Treatment of disorders of the vaginal microflora in such a situation is extremely difficult, and the likelihood of relapse of the disease is very high. Restoring normal vaginal microflora in such a situation is possible only with simultaneous treatment of intestinal diseases. As a rule, the most problems arise in the treatment of such patients.

Disturbance of vaginal microflora and sexual partner

Most often, a violation of the vaginal microflora in a woman does not cause any problems for her sexual partner, even with regular sexual activity without the use of contraception. In some cases, when there is severe vaginal dysbiosis, a man may develop the phenomena of balanoposthitis and nonspecific urethritis. But this usually only happens if the man already had a predisposition to these diseases; they will not develop in a completely healthy body.
No disease of the sexual partner, with the exception of sexually transmitted diseases, has an effect on the vaginal microflora in a woman. Treatment of vaginal dysbiosis in women does not require mandatory treatment of the sexual partner, unless at least one of them is diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection.

Development of vaginal microflora disorders

Initially, a violation of the vaginal microflora does not manifest itself in anything special. As a rule, the nature of vaginal discharge changes slightly, but rarely does anyone pay attention to this.
Normally, a woman should either not have any vaginal discharge, or there may be a small amount of clear discharge without an unpleasant odor. In this case, there should be no cutting, burning, itching, pain in the genital area, or discomfort or dryness during sexual intercourse.
With the development of vaginal dysbiosis, the amount of discharge usually increases, it becomes whitish-yellowish in color, and an unpleasant odor appears. Vaginal dysbiosis itself does not manifest any other symptoms; all other symptoms are associated with its complications.

Violation of the vaginal microflora of girls

Disorders of the vaginal microflora occur in girls who have not begun sexual activity with approximately the same frequency as in women who are sexually active. This is due to several other factors - hormonal instability, the formation of a cycle, as well as the anatomical features of the structure of the hymen.

Vaginal dysbiosis in girls rarely manifests itself as heavy discharge, since the openings of the hymen, as a rule, do not allow them to be removed from the vagina in the quantity in which they are formed. Therefore, stagnation of vaginal discharge develops, and the likelihood of developing inflammatory diseases in virgins is higher. On the other hand, when sexual activity begins with the first sexual intercourse, a large number of bacteria are thrown from the vagina into the bladder, and this can lead to the so-called “honeymoon cystitis”.

Treatment of vaginal dysbiosis in virgin girls is somewhat difficult due to the fact that the structure of the hymen does not always allow for proper treatment of the vagina with medications. In some cases, it is even necessary to resort to artificial violation of the integrity of the hymen - hymenectomy.

Vaginal microflora disorders and sexually transmitted infections

Sexual infections are always associated with a violation of the vaginal microflora. On the one hand, normal microflora will not allow the development of a sexually transmitted infection in a woman, and if a sexually transmitted infection is detected, the microflora cannot but be disturbed. On the other hand, the appearance of an STD pathogen in the vagina shifts the pH, causes an inflammatory reaction and further contributes to the progression of microflora disorders.

A situation in which only one STD pathogen lives in a woman’s vagina almost never arises. Sexually transmitted infections, one or more, are always in association with opportunistic microflora. And this should always be taken into account when treating STDs. Otherwise, a situation may arise in which antibiotics completely kill the STD pathogen, and the number of opportunistic infections only increases.

Treatment of STDs in women must necessarily end with the restoration of the vaginal microflora. If we are talking about serious infections (chlamydia, trichomonas) or several STDs, then it first makes sense to carry out antibacterial therapy against them, and then begin to restore the vaginal microflora in the next course. In less complex situations, it makes sense to first carry out a comprehensive diagnosis of the entire urogenital microflora, and then restore it while simultaneously eliminating sexually transmitted infections.

Which doctors should you contact if there is a violation of the vaginal microflora:

Have you noticed a violation of the vaginal microflora? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor– clinic Eurolab always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, study external signs and help you identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide the necessary assistance. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolab open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone number of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multi-channel). The clinic secretary will select a convenient day and time for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the clinic’s services on it.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

If you have previously performed any research, Be sure to take their results to a doctor for consultation. If the studies have not been performed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Is your vaginal microflora disturbed? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People don't pay enough attention symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to do it several times a year. be examined by a doctor, in order not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the organism as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on. Also register on the medical portal Eurolab to keep abreast of the latest news and information updates on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by email.

The symptom chart is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and methods of its treatment, consult your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of disorders, or you have any other questions or suggestions, write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

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