New conscription into the army. Spring conscription into the army - innovations

The spring conscription, which started on April 1, will last until July 15. Military Commissar Mikhail Viktorovich Novikov told us about how the conscription campaign is going in the military commissariat of the Tverskoy district of the Central Administrative District

The 2017 spring conscription campaign is taking place in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service in April-July 2017 and on the dismissal from military service of citizens undergoing military service under conscription.” On April 1, the draft commissions of the districts: Presnensky, Tverskoy, Meshchansky and Arbat began their work on the basis of the military commissariat.

Are there any innovations in this call?

This year there are two innovations. First. Everyone who receives secondary vocational education, regardless of age, has the right to a deferment. And secondly, it is related to the nutrition of recruits. When conscripts travel to the army on trains, from this conscription they are provided with feeding in restaurant cars (previously they were given dry rations).

Everything else is unchanged. Each conscript leaving for the Armed Forces receives an electronic conscript card, as well as a bank card, which will receive a monthly allowance.

Recruits at the assembly point will continue to dress in military uniforms, the color of which will correspond to the type and branch of the army in which they will serve. You will also be given a travel bag with the appropriate accessories. Previously, conscripts bought these supplies at their own expense, but recently the state has taken full responsibility for providing its soldiers with everything they need during their service.

The service life remained unchanged - 12 months, age - from 18 to 27 years.

Are conscripts changing their attitude towards military service?

In recent years, there has been a steady trend when students who study at universities and have a deferment take academic leave during their studies and go to serve. It is known that after serving only a year in the Armed Forces, they receive a number of benefits and advantages.

Today, for many, it is important not just to serve, but to serve in a way that is beneficial, and the current Russian army, in my opinion, contributes to this as much as possible.

What do conscripts say when they return home?

Almost everyone who has recently returned, having completed military service and matured, speaks very highly of the army. And the changes that have occurred contribute to this. Judge for yourself: they last only a year, whereas before it was two or three. Soldiers have a quiet hour after lunch, and the food system and quality have improved significantly. Soldiers have a choice of several dishes. The diet itself has been significantly expanded in terms of the degree of usefulness of products and taste. The set of uniforms and equipment has been improved and expanded, a new uniform has been introduced that takes into account all the features and needs during service. It is very important for us that, after serving in the army, the guys return home and share positive impressions with their friends and acquaintances. So that those who have not yet served see with their own eyes how useful service in the army is, so that they are not afraid, but consciously want to go to serve, so that they return home to their families matured and mature, skillful and strong, capable of work and responsibility for themselves, their loved ones and, ultimately, for their country.

And in conclusion, what can you say.

I would advise young people who have decided on their desire to serve to contact the military registration and enlistment office in advance. And we, in turn, will help you choose a place of service, type and branch of the military, and obtain a military specialty that will be useful in civilian life.

Any man between the ages of 18 and 27, with the exception of those who have already served or have a deferment, are liable for military service, should know what the length of service in the army will be in 2018, when the conscription will take place, so this information will be of interest to everyone population of Russia.

Conscription into the army in 2018 will be in 2 stages - spring and autumn. Their deadlines are set in such a way that conscripts graduating from school or studying at universities have time to pass all exams.

  • Exact dates for spring conscription 2018: April 1 – July 15.
  • Exact dates for autumn conscription 2018: October 1 – December 15.

The exception is some regions of the Far North, where the deadlines are shifted to May 1 - July 15 for spring conscription, and October 15 - December 31, respectively, for autumn.

Years of birth eligible for military service in 2018: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000.

Opinion of politicians

Many say that the length of service in the army will increase in 2018, and some say 1.5 years, others say 2 at once. All this is nothing more than rumors. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said at the end of 2012 that everything would remain as it is. The reasons for this are very strong. It took two decades to decide on a one-year service life for conscripts. As a result, today, in 365 (or 366) days a year, a soldier needs to be trained in everything that is required of him as a defender of the Fatherland. And no one is going to change the well-coordinated system that has already taken root.

If you are asked how long you need to serve in the army of the Russian Federation in 2018, you can safely answer: one year. Also in 2012, Sergei Shoigu was echoed by Colonel General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces. In a statement made in early December, he noted that commanders are doing a great job of teaching conscripts the basics of warfare in just one calendar year.

At the same time, dwelling on the statements of Valery Gerasimov, I would like to note that then he also emphasized the following: in order to train soldiers how to solve especially complex tasks properly, contract soldiers will be involved. Every year the number of contract specialists will increase by 50 thousand people. Thus, in 2017, about half a million of them were involved in military service.

In addition, in 2017 the number of conscripts was 2/3 of the number of contract soldiers. In 2018, according to statements made around the same time by Dmitry Medvedev, the current Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the number of conscripts will be approximately 15% of the total number of soldiers in military service.

Will military service be abolished in 2018?

There is information that the duration of military service in 2018 may not worry people at all who are of age suitable for immediate entry into military service. Rumor has it that starting this year, military service will only be on a contract basis.

However, such conversations are no longer uncommon. And if we take into account the current state of affairs in the world, leading figures of a particular country who deal with state security issues and control its borders, this scenario is even more suitable. After all, contract workers receive money for their work, therefore, they have a high incentive. But this is one of many assumptions.

You cannot teach a recruit the basics of military affairs in a year. Therefore, to carry out complex military tasks they resort to the help of soldiers serving the state under contract.

Military department in Russian universities

Separately, we note that, as before, the length of service in the Russian army in 2018, presumably, should not worry university students. An option that is a good alternative to military service is visiting the military department. It is possible to become part of its composition provided that a person initially understands: he will have to simultaneously study in his specialty and learn the intricacies of military affairs.

The military department makes it possible to obtain an officer rank, which is so necessary for a particular student, and at the same time go to study and attend classes approved according to the chosen specialty. The total duration of such military training can be expressed in hours: approximately 450. This is approximately how long the course takes.

Let us note that by choosing a military department as an alternative to military service, a person also gets the opportunity to give his preference to one or another military specialty. However, be that as it may, any one gives the right to assign an officer rank to a university student immediately after graduation, in addition to issuing a diploma in the specialty of higher education achieved.

Who doesn't need to serve in the army in 2018

There is a list of citizens entitled to a deferment or exemption from military service. Compliance with the criteria, as well as non-compliance, is carefully monitored, including criminal liability.

Among the reasons for deferment in 2018:

  1. Studying at school, secondary or higher educational institution, including graduate school;
  2. Service in internal affairs bodies;
  3. Temporary deferment due to health reasons;
  4. Having relatives who require constant care;
  5. Raising a child without a mother;
  6. Disabled child under three years of age;
  7. Two or more children, or one child and a pregnant wife;
  8. Participation in elections or deputy.

Today on the website for conscripts we will talk about autumn conscription into the army in 2018 and its timing

As is already known from previous articles, conscription for conscripts is carried out twice a year. These important events for every man are called autumn and.

Therefore, it is important for every future soldier to understand. First, the conscript is required to undergo a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office at his place of residence, the results of which will determine the outcome of further actions.

After the future soldier undergoes a medical examination, at a meeting of the regional conscription commission a decision will be made regarding the conscript’s further service or non-service in the army.

So, for example, a young man may be drafted into the army, or released from service during the fall draft, or invited a second time to undergo a medical examination in 6 months due to temporary disability or the presence of other factors that provide a deferment this fall on legal grounds.

All terms of conscription, both in the fall and in the spring, for military service are regulated by federal law. The beginning of the autumn conscription of 2018 will be given by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country by his decree, which he usually issues on September 27 of each year. By the way, 2017 comes out at the same time.

Deadlines for autumn conscription into the army

The autumn conscription in 2018 will begin on October 1 and end on December 31 inclusive. If the future soldier has not received a summons by December 31 to undergo a medical examination, then he receives the so-called one before conscription, which takes place in the spring.

The beginning of the fall 2018 conscription?

Some citizens who have reached adulthood are afraid in the autumn. After all, if a conscript did not enter a secondary vocational or higher educational institution upon graduation and did not formally formalize a deferment from conscription service in the Russian Army due to his studies, then he will definitely receive a summons.

When does conscription begin in the fall of 2018? As in previous years, the start of conscription in the fall remained the same. It will open on October 1. Every year, from the first day until the last day of the conscription commission’s work, the military registration and enlistment office has the right to carry out a medical examination, thanks to which they will determine the fitness of future soldiers for health reasons, and then send them to military units.

When does the autumn conscription end?

Despite the fact that December 31 in Russia is considered the main holiday of the year, on this date the autumn conscription of young citizens for military service ends. Many young men are looking forward to it, because if they do not receive a summons for a medical examination on this day, then conscription into the army will be postponed until spring, that is, until April 1.

Postponement for autumn conscription 2018

According to the regulations of the Russian Federation, there are innovations in the autumn conscription 2018 for certain categories of citizens of the country.
Conscripts aged 18 to 27 years, permanently residing in the Far North. The list of territories is indicated in a special, officially created document. For this category of citizens conscription in autumn 2018 will begin on November 1, and will end exactly the same as for everyone else on December 31st.
Some exceptions also include young people who permanently live in the territory of a rural settlement and are engaged in harvesting crops. However, this point must be officially confirmed by a contract or a copy from the conscript’s work book.
The list of exceptions of the draft commission includes citizens working as teachers in educational institutions due to the start of the school year. These young men will have to report to the military registration and enlistment office during the conscription period next spring.

Who is entitled to receive a deferment from the fall conscription in 2018?

The following citizens will be able to receive exemption from conscription in the fall of 2018:
According to the results of a medical examination, the young men are unfit for health reasons.
Doctors and candidates of sciences.
Soldiers who have already served in the ranks of the army on the territory of another country.

The following will be able to receive a temporary deferment of 6-12 months from conscription in the fall of 2018:

Citizens temporarily unfit for health reasons.
Guardians of relatives who are not supported by the state.
Guardians of parents or minor children in the absence of other relatives.
Young people with 2 or more children.
Citizens with a disabled child.

How long to serve in the army in the autumn conscription

According to current legislation, young men called up for military service are required to undergo training and gain practical skills in a military unit within 12 months. Rumors that soldiers would have to serve for 18-20 months were not confirmed. After all, the period of military service in the ranks of the Russian Army is regulated by law, which means that any changes to it will be terms of autumn conscription 2018 must be officially reported.

The 2017 autumn conscription into the Russian Armed Forces began on October 1. The gradual military reform of recent years has changed the army. The attitude towards it among those who have served and those who are yet to serve is also changing. Our correspondent talked about all this with the head of the department for training and conscription of citizens for military service of the military commissariat of the city of Moscow in the Preobrazhensky district, Maxim Aleksandrovich Bashkin.

What are the features of this call?

The autumn conscription of citizens for military service this year, as in all previous years, began as planned - October 1 and will last until December 31, 2017.

Basic moments:

On May 1, 2017, an amendment was made to Law No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”; now young people not only with higher education, but also those who have graduated from secondary vocational educational institutions can choose military service under a contract instead of a fixed-term one. It is up to the conscripts to decide - either a year as a conscript, or two under a contract with all sorts of benefits.

One of the most compelling arguments in favor of a contract is service close to home. Other advantages of contract service are also important - high salary, normal working hours, when the contract is extended - a funded mortgage part, free housing after 10 years of service, retirement age after 20 years of service, free medical care, 30 days of vacation, preferential resort and sanatorium provision , a salary bonus for conscientious service and much more.

There are also certain advantages for those with a technical background. If a serviceman proves himself on the positive side, then after six months of service he can receive the rank of warrant officer. In addition, those wishing to continue their education can be sent for free training to higher military educational institutions.

We can answer all questions regarding contract service in more detail at a personal reception of citizens at our military registration and enlistment office. You can contact me or office 204 on weekdays.

An important innovation concerns deferments from conscription for military service for students receiving secondary vocational education. From January 1, 2017, amendments were made to Article 24 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”:

Now a deferment from conscription for military service is provided to students for the entire period of study; previously there was an age limit of up to twenty years;

Children who entered secondary vocational education institutions after the 11th grade will also have the right to a deferment; previously, a deferment for such training was given only after the 9th grade.

Also, on January 1, 2014, Federal Law No. 170-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding the implementation of measures to increase the prestige and attractiveness of military conscription service” came into force. Now citizens who have not completed military service without legal grounds, after the conclusion of the draft commission recognizing them as such, will receive a certificate with the corresponding entry, and not a military ID, as before. Also, they will not be able to participate in future competitions for filling vacant positions when entering the state or municipal service, law enforcement agencies, or enterprises where the state has a share as a founder. The measure is effective and, in my opinion, correct.

The President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin proclaimed the national idea of ​​Russia - “Patriotism”. How is this idea being implemented today? How do you manage to resolve issues of military-patriotic education of youth?

The activities of military-patriotic clubs and associations play an important role in this work. Thanks to them, we have trained conscripts, many of whom are subsequently aimed at higher military education. They were able to combine military and physical training, as well as military-patriotic education.

An additional impetus in this work was given by the All-Russian military-patriotic movement “YUNARMIA”, created on the initiative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and with the support of the President of the Russian Federation, which in the short time of its existence covered almost all regions of our country. Any schoolchild or military-patriotic organization, club, or search party can join this movement. Participation in it is voluntary.

Among the main tasks facing UNARMYA are:

Instilling in young people a sense of patriotism, commitment to the ideas of internationalism, friendship and military camaraderie, and countering the ideology of extremism;

Instilling in young citizens respect for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the formation of positive motivation for military service and comprehensive preparation of young men to perform military duty;

Studying the history of our country and the military-historical heritage of the Fatherland;

Promoting a healthy lifestyle, strengthening strength and physical endurance.

The media constantly covers the topic of rearmament of the Russian army with new types of military equipment that require training for more than one month. How will conscripts be able to master it in 12 months?

First of all, any supply of new military equipment to the troops will be accompanied by organizational and structural changes in military units, especially training ones. And, of course, the more complex the equipment, the greater the requirements for the education of military personnel who will train and operate it in the army.

That is why special attention is paid to the qualitative characteristics of citizens called up for military service.

Thus, 75% of the conscripts sent to the Armed Forces in the spring of 2017 had higher or secondary vocational education, and also had related military specialties after completing their studies at educational institutions in the city.

The guys receive their military qualifications at DOSAAF, where we send them to study to become truck drivers. Expensive training for conscripts is absolutely free and is carried out at the expense of the Ministry of Defense. Guys who have received a category “C” driver’s license go to serve in the army as drivers. The experience acquired during an interesting service will undoubtedly be useful to them in civilian life.

In our military registration and enlistment office, in room 204, you can find out in more detail what is required for training in DOSAAF. Or by calling 8-905-793-97-84.

If we talk about the physical fitness of modern conscripts, their health status, what level are these indicators at present?

Today, in connection with the transition of the army to a one-year conscription service, the issues of developing moral, psychological and physical readiness among young people to defend the Fatherland have come to the fore.

Their training is based on targeted work to develop a healthy lifestyle among pre-conscription youth, active participation in public sports events and military-applied sports.

Every year, together with the Department of Education, the Military Commissariat and the DOSAAF branch, sporting events are held in various sports among children, adolescents and youth, in which teams created on the basis of educational organizations and clubs at the place of residence take part, as well as a Spartakiad for pre-conscription youth age.

Recently, a lot has been said about scientific and sports companies; many conscripts are interested in the question: how to get there?

The scientific and sports companies created in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have fully justified themselves and are currently being recruited as planned. Serving in them is not only prestigious, but also opens up broad prospects. Currently there are 12 scientific and 4 sports companies.

The selection of candidates for military service in sports companies is carried out through the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. At the same time, citizens are selected who are candidates for the national teams of the Russian Federation in Olympic sports.

Scientific companies were created not only to perform specific military-applied tasks, but also as a source of replenishment of scientific personnel. University students who take part in promising research for the Ministry of Defense are selected for scientific companies. Selection is carried out in higher education organizations and military commissariats.

Federal legislation provides for alternative civil service. How are things going with this issue in Moscow?

Indeed, the Federal legislation of the Russian Federation provides for this type of service. Alternative service can be performed by male citizens aged 18 to 27 years who have submitted an application to the military commissariat about the desire to replace conscription military service with an alternative one, provided that their beliefs or religions contradict military service, or they belong to an indigenous people. .

They will perform alternative service in the positions of hospital orderlies, postmen, social workers and other professions that are not in demand in the labor market today.

How do you assess the state of the autumn conscription??

The conscription began actively, and an important role in achieving positive results was played by the “hotline” of the Moscow Government, the military prosecutor’s office and the council of parents of military personnel operating during the conscription. From it, everyone can find out any relevant information on conscription, military service, deferments and other issues of concern. This significantly reduced the number of written appeals not only to draft commissions, but also to higher authorities and supervisory authorities.

The joint work of the military registration and enlistment office with the district administrations on the issues of timely notification of citizens, as well as ensuring their appearance at the military registration and enlistment office, has proven positive. The result of this work is a reduction in the number of citizens evading conscription-related activities.

All districts belonging to our military registration and enlistment office, and these are Sokolniki, Golyanovo, Bogorodskoye, Preobrazhenskoye and Metrogorodok, have been fulfilling the established task for conscription in full over the past two years.

It is gratifying to note that we are the first to achieve such results.

Conscription for military service in the Russian Federation is carried out in two stages, which are traditionally called autumn and spring conscription. These events are named after the time they begin.

Spring conscription dates in 2019

Let's figure it out, when does the spring conscription start in 2019? As last year, conscription commissions will begin their work on the first day of conscription. The beginning of the spring conscription and the end date are given below. Thus, in 2019, the deadlines for conscription into the army remained unchanged.

When does the 2019 spring conscription begin?

All guys of military age at the moment, without a doubt, are concerned about the question of when the spring conscription for military service begins in 2019. According to the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, this year, as well as last year, spring conscription begins on April 1. For some, this date is associated with humor and fun, but not for young conscripts and their relatives. As a rule, the start date of the spring conscription is already the date of the first medical commissions at the military registration and enlistment office. Now you know what date the spring conscription begins.

When does the spring call end?

Unlike the autumn conscription, which lasts on average 91 days, the spring conscription lasts 15 days longer, that is, 106 days. In other words, the 2019 spring draft ends July 15. In this regard, university graduates who have successfully defended their dissertations must remember that they have a valid deferment until August 31. However, everywhere, newly minted specialists/masters/bachelors are given summonses precisely during the spring draft, usually at the beginning of summer.

Spring conscription 2019, conscripts' service life

Surely, many guys have heard about increasing the service life to 1.8 years in 2019, but the information actively disseminated in the media on this topic, these rumors turned out to be someone’s invention. The young men who will be drafted into the army in the spring conscription of 2019 will serve 12 months(1 year) despite all the rumors about changing the service life.

Innovations in the spring conscription 2019

This year, each conscript will receive a so-called travel bag - a unified stylish bag with personal hygiene products, which will certainly increase the comfort of service and simplify the answer to the question “What to take with you to the army?” Now every serviceman will have a set of shaving accessories, a manicure set and a considerable set of useful little things. As before, recruitment into scientific companies is underway, however, to enter these units it is necessary to go through a competitive selection due to the limited number of places. Also new for the 2019 spring conscription is the introduction of daytime sleep for conscripted military personnel.

Exceptions to recruitment deadlines

According to the provisions of the federal law “On Military Duty and Military Service,” there are certain exceptions to the terms of conscription for certain categories of Russians. Let us dwell in detail on each of these exceptions.

For citizens living in certain areas of the far north, reduced conscription periods apply. In this case, conscription begins 1 month later than in other regions of the Russian Federation. You can find out whether a particular region is classified as a region of the far north in the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation. So the spring conscription in such regions begins on May 1. When does the 2019 spring conscription end for citizens living in the northern regions of Russia? The conscription ends on the same date as in other regions of the Russian Federation, that is, July 15.

Another category of citizens for whom exceptional deadlines for spring conscription apply are teaching staff/teachers working in educational institutions. For such citizens, the spring conscription period begins on May 1 and ends on July 15. But in the autumn conscription, teachers/educators are not called up at all.

The last category of citizens with special terms for conscription into the army are residents/workers of the agricultural sector. The spring conscription does not apply to these citizens; they can only be called up for service in the fall during the autumn conscription, which begins for them on October 15, unlike all other citizens, for whom the autumn conscription begins on October 1.

What does the spring call include?

The concept of conscription is extremely important, and the conscript must know what this process involves. So the first and, in fact, determining the outcome of the next stages is such an event as a medical examination of a young conscript at the military registration and enlistment office.

Next, a meeting of the regional draft commission takes place, at which, based on the results of the medical examination, a decision is made on the fate of the young man regarding military service. Thus, a young man can be sent to serve, exempted from conscription, or summoned for a second medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office in six months due to temporary health problems.

If a decision is made to call up a young man for the spring draft, he will be issued a so-called combat summons, that is, a summons to be sent to a military unit for service.

In practice, conscripts are given a summons to join the army immediately after a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, if the young man is declared fit for health reasons. In this case, the decision of the draft commission is issued retroactively, which is naturally a violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, but this violation is widespread everywhere.

Another popular violation of the rights of conscripts is the holding of the above-mentioned conscription events outside the spring conscription deadlines. The key concept here is “terms of recruitment”. The results of activities carried out outside these deadlines do not have legal force, which means that on their basis it is impossible to recognize a young man, for example, as fit for military service. If a young man is called for a medical examination in January, such a call is illegal, and the military registration and enlistment office employees are well aware of this. In this case, it is not worth appearing for this medical examination. The court will be on the side of the conscript if there is an attempt to bring the young man to justice for failure to appear at such an event outside the conscription deadline.

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