Nurofen for children analogues are cheaper. Nurofen - cheap analogues for children and adults, which substitute is better. Release form and composition

Nurofen is a medicine from the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. With its help, it is possible to achieve an antipyretic effect, relieve pain and relieve inflammation. Nurofen is used for symptomatic treatment of many pathologies. However, in some situations it is necessary to select analogues cheaper than Nurofen.

Description of the medicine

All types of Nurofen contain Ibuprofen. This active component is present in the drug in different dosages.

Thanks to this, the doctor can choose the optimal dosage form.

Thanks to the use of Nurofen, it is possible to achieve antipyretic effects, stop inflammatory processes and eliminate pain. When using the medicine in the form of a gel, all these effects appear locally.

When Nurofen is taken orally or rectally, the properties of the drug are realized in the affected tissues and internal organs. Thanks to the use of the product, it is possible to reduce temperature indicators.

The action of the substance is based on its ability to block a special enzyme - cyclooxygenase-2. This substance activates the production of prostaglandins, which provoke pain, inflammation and fever. Nurofen leads to the cessation of the production of these elements. Due to this, the unpleasant symptoms of various pathologies disappear.

Despite its high effectiveness, Nurofen has an impressive list of contraindications.

The main restrictions include the following:

Cheap analogues of Nurofen - list with prices

Despite the high effectiveness of the drug, in some cases it is necessary to choose analogues of the drug. This is required if there is intolerance to active and auxiliary elements. Also, the patient may not be satisfied with the price of the medicine. So, 20 tablets that contain 200 mg of the active substance will cost approximately 185 rubles.

Based on their composition and therapeutic effect, the following analogues of the substance are distinguished:

  • Ibuprofen - 30 tablets with a dosage of 400 mg cost 80 rubles;
  • Ibuklin - 20 tablets with a dosage of 400 mg will cost 110 rubles;
  • Paracetamol - 10 tablets with a dosage of 200 mg cost only 4 rubles;
  • Cefekon - 10 suppositories with a dosage of 100 mg cost 40 rubles;
  • Efferalgan - 16 soluble tablets cost 130 rubles.

Many parents are interested in which is the best analogue of Nurofen for children. Children should not use medications that contain aspirin. These substances can provoke the appearance of Reye's syndrome, ulcerative defects in the digestive organs, the development of aspirin-induced asthma and nosebleeds.

Also, you should not use analgin, especially injectable one. This substance can only be used after 12 years. In many countries this remedy is completely prohibited. However, sometimes products containing this substance still have to be used. This is required if other drugs are ineffective.

The most popular medications that can be used in pediatrics are Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. However, the specific substance must be selected by a pediatrician.

Nurofen or Ibuklin - which is better?

When choosing Ibuklin or Nurofen, you should take into account the composition of these drugs. Nurofen contains only one active component, while Ibuklin contains two ingredients at once - ibuprofen and paracetamol. Due to this, the medicine is classified as an analgesic-antipyretic that has a combined effect.

Both drugs have a fairly impressive list of indications and contraindications. Therefore, it is irrational to compare each point. When choosing a specific medicine, you should definitely exclude possible limitations.

Ibuklin can only be used after 12 years of age. Nurofen has a children's release form, which can be given to babies from 3 months. Therefore, it is much more often used in pediatric practice. For young children, the product is given in the form of syrup.

Both drugs have pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. They have a noticeable antipyretic effect.

However, they can have a toxic effect on the body. Therefore, the duration of use of medications should be limited.

In terms of therapeutic effect, Ibuklin has a more powerful effect. In addition, its cost is about 70 rubles lower, which is also an indisputable advantage.

Nurofen or Paracetamol - what to choose?

Many people are concerned about a fair question: Nurofen or Paracetamol - which is better? The second substance belongs to the category of anilides. The medicine contains only one active ingredient - paracetamol. This substance copes with pain and helps reduce fever.

Paracetamol was excluded from the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This is due to weak anti-inflammatory activity. However, Nurofen remains in this group to this day.

Paracetamol has a less extensive list of indications for use. These include the following:

  • Fever that accompanies ARVI;
  • Muscle pain, headaches, toothaches;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Pain from various injuries;
  • Menstrual pain.

The indisputable advantage of the drug is less toxicity. This tablet analogue has a smaller list of contraindications and side effects.

To reduce the temperature, paracetamol can be used literally from the birth of the child, while Nurofen can be used no earlier than 3 months. In terms of the severity of the therapeutic effect, paracetamol is somewhat inferior to Nurofen. It does not have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and does not reduce fever and pain very well.

The choice of a specific substance depends on the clinical picture of the disease and age category. The cost of paracetamol is much lower than Nurofen. This makes the medicine accessible to all categories of the population.

Nurofen or Panadol?

When choosing Panadol or Nurofen, it is worth considering that the first remedy is considered a structural analogue of paracetamol. Therefore, there is no point in comparing these substances.

It is important to note that the instructions for using Panadol suspension indicate that it can be given to children over 3 months old. It is also worth considering that Panadol costs significantly less than Nurofen.

Nurofen or Ibuprofen - which is better?

When choosing Ibuprofen or Nurofen, it is worth considering that these products are structural analogues. This is due to the fact that their active substances are the same. The differences lie in the dosage forms and dosage. Nurofen’s arsenal includes a prolonged form containing the mark “retard” and a combination drug with codeine.

Nurofen is manufactured by a British company, while Ibuprofen is produced in Russia. That is why the cost of the second product is much lower.

Despite the low cost of Ibuprofen, many patients prefer to buy Nurofen. This is due to the opinion that imported medicines are of higher quality and are manufactured in compliance with all standards.

Your doctor should tell you which drug is best to use. It is imperative to choose the correct release form and calculate the dosage. Therefore, it is not recommended to independently select a replacement for Nurofen.

Nurofen or Cefekon?

When choosing Cefekon or Nurofen, it is worth considering the composition of these drugs. Thus, Cefekon contains paracetamol, while Nurofen is made from Ibuprofen. Cefekon is produced exclusively in the form of suppositories. There are no other dosage forms for this drug. Cefekon does not have an anti-inflammatory effect, while Nurofen does.

In terms of therapeutic effect, Nurofen is significantly superior to its analogue. It has a faster effect that lasts for a long time - up to 8 hours. The drugs have similar indications, but Nurofen is used for a larger number of pathologies.

There are certain differences in the dosages of these medications, so the required amount must be calculated by a doctor. Nurofen is produced by a British company, while Cefekon is produced in Russia. That is why the second remedy has a lower cost.

As a rule, if there is no effect from the use of Cefekon, doctors prescribe Nurofen. The substance can be given several hours after using rectal suppositories.

The undoubted advantage of Tsefekon is the possibility of use from the first month of the baby’s life. Nurofen can only be given to children from 3 months. At the same time, Nurofen has an anti-inflammatory effect, which expands the scope of its use.

Nurofen is an effective medicine that can reduce fever, eliminate pain and relieve inflammation. However, sometimes there is a need to use analogues of this medicine. To choose the best alternative to the drug, you should consult your doctor.

It is called one of the most popular medicines for pain and fever. This remedy is in demand among adults and is often prescribed to children due to the wide variety of its dosage forms.

However, in some situations, the use of Nurofen is impossible, for example, it was not at hand, and the child’s temperature is already above +39 degrees and there is no time to run to the pharmacy. Or, after the first use of the drug, the baby developed an allergic rash.

In addition, many mothers find the price of Nurofen too high, which is why they are looking for an equally effective, but more affordable medication. And therefore, parents should know what other medications can replace Nurofen in treating children of different ages.

Release form and composition

The drug is available in several forms, but in each of them the main ingredient is ibuprofen. In pharmacies you can find this Nurofen:

  • In suspension. This sweet strawberry or orange medicine can be given to babies from 3 months of age. It is dosed with a measuring syringe, which is sold together with a bottle of suspension with a capacity of 100, 150 or 200 ml. From 5 ml of this medication, a small patient receives 100 mg of ibuprofen. In addition, the drug includes glycerol, maltitol syrup, flavoring, gum and other auxiliary ingredients, but there is no sugar or artificial coloring additives in this suspension.
  • In the form of rectal suppositories. These small white suppositories contain 60 mg of ibuprofen, and the only additional ingredients they contain are solid fats. This makes this form of Nurofen most preferable for infants and children with allergies. It can be used from 3 months to 2 years of age. One pack contains 10 candles.
  • In tablet form. This Nurofen is produced in several versions - regular tablets of 200 mg (especially for children, they are sold in orange packs of 8), Forte (the dosage is doubled in it), Express Neo tablets (they act faster due to the special form of ibuprofen) , drugs Long, Multisymptom and Plus (they add another active ingredient to ibuprofen). Nurofen tablets, containing 200 mg of ibuprofen in each tablet, are approved from the age of six. All other types of tablets are prescribed only from 12 years of age.

In addition, Nurofen is produced in capsules prescribed by pediatricians to patients over 12 years of age. There is also a medicine in gel form, but it is not used in children under 14 years of age.

How does it work?

Ibuprofen has the ability to influence the production of prostaglandins by inhibiting enzymes called cyclooxygenases. Since prostaglandins are the main substances that support the inflammatory response, cause an increase in temperature and are involved in the formation of pain signals, taking any form of Nurofen affects all these effects. The drug helps eliminate or reduce pain and reduce high fever, and also helps to get rid of inflammation more quickly.

When is it used in children?

The most common reason to give a child Nurofen is fever. The medication is prescribed to children with influenza, scarlet fever, sore throat, otitis, ARVI and other diseases in which a rise in temperature occurs. In addition, the medicine is also in demand for temperature reactions due to vaccination.

An equally common reason for using Nurofen in childhood is pain syndrome. The drug helps with painful teething, injuries, headaches, and so on. Moreover, its effect is more pronounced if the painful sensations appear due to the inflammatory process.

When is it contraindicated?

Nurofen is not prescribed to a child:

  • At the age of up to 3 months (in the form of a suspension and suppositories) or up to 6 years (in the form of 200 mg tablets).
  • With pathologies of the digestive tract, in which there is inflammation or ulceration of the wall.
  • With severe kidney disease.
  • With serious liver damage.
  • With disorders of the blood coagulation system.
  • With high levels of potassium in the blood.
  • With cerebral or other bleeding.
  • With intolerance to any component of the selected form of Nurofen.

Suppositories are contraindicated for proctitis, and tablets do not allow children with hereditary pathologies to absorb carbohydrates. In addition, there are quite a few diseases for which Nurofen should be given with caution, for example, bronchial asthma or anemia.

Analogs with the same active ingredient

Most often, instead of Nurofen, they purchase a similar form of Ibuprofen, since this medicine is cheaper. It is available in the form of suppositories, ointments, suspensions, capsules, gels and tablets, so choosing the most suitable analogue is very simple.

Indications, age restrictions, list of contraindications, compatibility with other drugs, possible side effects and other features of the use of Ibuprofen and Nurofen are the same. The difference in these medications is this is a lower cost of Ibuprofen and other excipients in the composition of drugs.

Other remedies that also contain ibuprofen as their main ingredient are:

  • Suspension Ibuprofen-Akrikhin.
  • Deblok coated tablets.
  • Gel and cream Dolgit.
  • Faspic coated granules and tablets.
  • Coated tablets Mig 200 and Mig 400.
  • Effervescent tablets and film-coated tablets Ibuprofen-Hemofarm.
  • Maxicold suspension for children.

The doctor can prescribe any of these drugs as a replacement for Nurofen, choosing the appropriate form and dosage. For example, the youngest patients are usually prescribed Maxicold or Ibuprofen in suspension, and Mig 400 and Faspik tablets are suitable for treating patients over 12 years of age, since one such tablet contains 400 mg of ibuprofen.

Analogues containing paracetamol

If for any reason it is impossible to use ibuprofen in treating a child, they are most often replaced with drugs based on paracetamol (anilides). It is these two groups of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that doctors (including the famous pediatrician Komarovsky) call the safest for children. And if the baby experiences pain or a rise in body temperature, you should first choose one of these drugs.

Unlike Nurofen, these medications are less harmful to the body of babies, so they can be used in some forms from 1 month. However, they begin to act a little later and the duration of the therapeutic effect is shorter than that of Nurofen (up to a maximum of 4 hours).

Children with fever or pain may be given:

  • Perfalgan.
  • Paracetamol-UBF.
  • Paracetamol-Hemofarm and others.

Such medications come in different forms, including rectal suppositories, sweet syrup, and tablets with different dosages. It is better to choose a suitable option for replacing Nurofen with a doctor, since the pediatrician will not only advise the most adequate analogue, but will also determine the dosage needed for a particular patient.

For example, a doctor may recommend Cefekon D suppositories for a 1-month-old baby with a fever. At the same time, Efferalgan suppositories are allowed only from 3 months of age, as they contain more active ingredients, and Children's Panadol suppositories can only be used in babies over 6 months.

Medicines containing both ibuprofen and paracetamol

In some cases, a child with a high fever does not benefit from ibuprofen alone and must alternate it with paracetamol. In such a situation, medications containing ibuprofen supplemented with paracetamol help out. Both of these substances are contained in Nurofen Multisymptom and Long tablets in different dosages. A replacement for such Nurofen can be:

  • Ibuklin Junior. Such mint-fruit tablets are dissolved and given as a suspension to children over 3 years of age.
  • Next These coated tablets are prescribed to children over 12 years of age.
  • Brustan. This suspension is allowed from 2 years of age.

Since there are two active ingredients in these medications, the risk of side effects from their use is higher and there are more contraindications. For this reason, the use of such drugs in a child with a fever or a child with pain should only be done after medical consultation.

Other analogues

However, all such medications in childhood are considered reserve drugs, that is, doctors prescribe them to children only in exceptional cases, often preferring paracetamol or ibuprofen. This is due to the high risk of side effects on the growing body and age restrictions.

For this reason, giving a child any of these medications without consulting a doctor is unacceptable.

Lytic mixture

This is the name of three drugs that are given together at a temperature that is dangerous for the child, especially if, against the background of fever, the baby’s skin is pale and the legs and arms are cool. Another name for the lytic mixture is “troika”:

  1. It includes antipyretic drug, which is often Analgin, but it can also be paracetamol or ibuprofen.
  2. The second ingredient is antihistamine– most often Suprastin, but Diphenhydramine is also often used. The purpose of such a medicine is to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction and have a calming effect.
  3. The third component that helps eliminate spasm of skin vessels– this is No-shpa or Papaverine. The lytic mixture can be given to children in tablets, but most often it is administered by injection.

In this case, the injection must be given by a medical professional, since the child may develop a negative reaction to such an injection. It is very dangerous to inject children with “triad” or give its components in tablets without the consent of a doctor, so such actions by parents are unacceptable.

How to choose the right Nurofen analogue

As already stated above, the selection of a drug to replace Nurofen should be discussed with your doctor. The pediatrician will assess the risks and take into account contraindications, and also determine the correct dose taking into account the patient’s age and body weight. It is also important to take into account the following nuances:

  • Does the child have a tendency to allergies? Children with allergies are usually prescribed suppositories, and if syrup or another form is prescribed, mothers should carefully read the list of auxiliary components.
  • Does the young patient vomit? With such a pathological symptom, the best option for an antipyretic drug would be rectal suppositories.
  • Can the child swallow pills? If the patient is already 6 years old, but has difficulty swallowing solid medicine, a suspension or syrup is prescribed.
  • What other medications does the baby take? To avoid increasing the risk of side effects, the compatibility of drugs must be clarified before starting treatment.
  • What is the release date of the drug? Before giving any medicine to a child, be sure to check its expiration date and find the manufacturing date on the package.

Nurofen is an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic drug intended for the treatment of adults and children. Tests of the drug have confirmed that it is capable of increasing immunity. The cost of the drug starts from 150 rubles and depends on the form, so many are looking for an analogue of Nurofen that will be just as effective.

Composition and release form

The active ingredient is Ibuprofen, the medication is available in tablets, syrup, gel, suppositories, capsules. The average cost depends on the dosage, quantity, form:

  • capsules, tablets - 150 rubles;
  • candles - 110 rubles;
  • ointment - 170 rubles;
  • suspension - 180 rubles.

The medicine is not expensive, but for some patients it is unacceptable, so they look for cheaper substitutes. It cannot be called an antibacterial medicine, as many people believe.

Indications for use

Indications for use are broad and depend on the form of the drug:

  • the gel is indicated for back pain, joint pain, and sprains;
  • suspension or suppositories are indicated for children with fever, ear, joint, headache, toothache;
  • tablets and capsules are used for migraines, menstruation, rheumatic and muscle spasms.

If the medication is used as an antipyretic drug, then you should not drink it if the mark on the thermometer is below 38.5 degrees.


Despite the fact that the medication is effective for various diseases, it has contraindications, like its analogues. The product is not used:

  • for kidney and liver diseases;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • in childhood up to 3 months;
  • on open wounds (gel);
  • if there are diseases of the intestines, stomach;
  • for asthma;
  • if you are intolerant to Aspirin;
  • with heart failure;
  • if potassium levels are elevated.

Adverse reactions often occur in patients over 40 years of age and are manifested by an allergic reaction, diarrhea, weakness, bleeding, and vomiting.

Analogues for adults

Antipyretic medications are the most popular among other groups of medications, so analogues with the same or different active ingredients are sold. There are many substitutes for Nurofen for adults, they are affordable:

  • Ibuprofen - 80 rubles;
  • Paracetamol - 10-70 rubles (depending on the form);
  • Efferalgan - 80-130 rubles;
  • Ibuklin - from 90 rubles.

Inexpensive analogues based on paracetamol are the safest, as they do not have a negative effect on the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract; they are indicated for use by children of all ages, but their effectiveness is much lower.

Which is better - Ibuklin or the original medicine

The difference between the drugs is that Ibuklin contains two active ingredients - Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. It is allowed to be taken from 12 years of age, while the original is allowed to be taken by children from 3 months. The use of drugs should be carried out in short courses, as they have a high degree of toxicity. Ibuklin acts much faster, therefore it is contraindicated at an early age, with blood diseases, bronchial asthma, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

Read also: How Nurofen affects blood pressure: increases or decreases

Which is better - Paracetamol or Nurofen

There are fewer indications for the use of Paracetamol, they are limited to:

  • menstrual pain;
  • elevated temperature;
  • traumatic, headache, joint pain.

The advantage over the original is that it is less toxic and has a small set of contraindications. For the treatment of children, Paracetamol is allowed from birth, but the effectiveness of the second is higher.

Nurofen or Panadol

Panadol is another analogue that is effective for treating children and adults; it is available in the form of suppositories, syrup, and tablets. The advantage of the drug is that it can be taken every 4 hours, when Nurofen is taken at least every 6 hours.

The medication copes well with fever, but has a weak anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for acute respiratory infections, flu, fever; to combat pain it is better to take Nurofen.

Ibuprofen or original

These two drugs are structural analogues, since the active ingredient is the same. But Nurofen is used more often, it has different forms: express, forte, plus. The differences between medications are the country of origin: Ibuprofen - Russia, Nurofen - Great Britain, this determines the cost. Contraindications of the analogue include:

  • high blood pressure;
  • heart failure;
  • ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • leukopenia.

Ibuprofen has gained widespread popularity due to its quick, long-lasting effects. The tablets not only reduce the temperature, but can also fight pain. The medicine is the most affordable among analogues, therefore it is popular. Available in different forms, for children - suspension and suppositories, for adults - tablets.

Children's analogues

Many parents are looking for cheap analogues of Nurofen because of the average cost of the drug and because Ibuprofen is ineffective in reducing fever. Doctors do not recommend replacing medications with aspirin-based products, as it has many side effects. Therefore, children over 14 years of age are allowed to take medications with the substance.

According to WHO, the best analogues of Nurofen for children are Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. The second medication is allowed to be taken by children from birth to bring down the temperature; it is available in the form of a suspension or suppositories. The disadvantage of the drug is its lack of effectiveness; the temperature drops by several degrees, but after a couple of hours it rises.

Antipyretic and pain-relieving drugs are very popular. Ibuprofen is included in most drugs with this effect. These products are varied in release form - tablets, capsules, syrups, ointments. It is quite difficult to select analogues of Nurofen, due to the wide variety of forms and effectiveness of action. Generics have a similar effect, some with the main active ingredient.

For adults

Nurofen is a non-hormonal drug that has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. The main active ingredient is ibuprofen, a derivative of phenylpropionic acid. Prescribed for pain of various localizations, to relieve inflammation and high fever.

The mechanism of action is to inhibit the synthesis of enzymes that are mediators of pain and inflammation. This occurs in the peripheral system and lasts 8 hours.

Available in various medical forms - gelatin capsules, effervescent tablets, syrup, ointments. May contain different dosages (200 and 400 mg).

The variety of forms and effectiveness of action make it very popular among patients. But the drug has many contraindications and side effects.

It is not recommended to take it for more than three days. Long-term use affects your well-being. There are various substitutes that have similar properties and can be used to relieve pain and fever.

  1. Among the most common, you can use Paracetamol. Which is better Nurofen or Paracetamol? It has much fewer indications for use. It is used for various types of pain and fever relief.

The difference between Paracetamol is:

  • the duration of action is much shorter;
  • excluded from the group of non-steroidal drugs for weak anti-inflammatory effects;
  • inferior to Nurofen in therapeutic effect, weakly reduces temperature and pain;
  • large doses lead to liver pathology.

Paracetamol is included in Nurofen Long as the second active ingredient. The double composition acts on the body more effectively.

Gelatin capsules quickly dissolve and enter the bloodstream, beginning their effect after 15 minutes. It is very important to follow the dosage. Paracetamol accumulates in the liver and can cause poisoning.

  1. Another paracetamol-based product is Maxicold. These are powders for preparing suspensions with different flavors. One dose contains 750 mg of active substance. Instructions for use recommend using it for severe headaches, toothaches, high fever and colds. You should not drink more than 4 packets per day. May cause an allergic reaction. A child under 12 years old should not drink. This replacement has a lower price.

3. The Indian drug Ibuklin has an analgesic effect. According to its characteristics, it is a combined product with two active ingredients - ibuprofen plus paracetamol in a concentration (respectively) of 0.4 and 0.325 g.

It is used for moderate pain - neuralgia, myositis, sprains, migraine. Contraindicated for women during pregnancy and children under 12 years of age. Do not take for more than 5 days. The difference in action is small.

3. Which is better Nurofen or Ibuprofen? What is the difference between these medicines? What properties may differ? Both contain the main active ingredient – ​​ibuprofen.

They are almost identical and have the same therapeutic effect. Ibuprofen is more often chosen due to its lower cost.

It has many contraindications and side effects. The time of use without consequences for both drugs is limited to 4-5 days. Ibuprofen has fewer medical forms - tablets and suspensions.

List of Nurofen substitutes, manufacturers and price

Drug name Compound Manufacturer country Cost in rubles
IbuprofenibuprofenIndia, Russia19-100
Ibuklinibuprofen, paracetamolRussia97-150
Tsefekon DparacetamolRussia49-77
EferalganparacetamolFrancefrom 130

Painkillers and antipyretic drugs contain two substances - ibuprofen or paracetamol. In some cases they are used together. Your doctor will advise which analogue to replace Nurofen.

For children

Fever and fever often accompany various infectious pathologies that children suffer from. Infancy is especially dangerous. During teething, the temperature often rises. The pediatrician prescribes a special gel and medication to relieve fever.

More often they use Nurofen forte syrup or, for very small children, rectal suppositories. According to Dr. Komarovsky, there are two active ingredients that are included in different preparations for relieving fever.

These are ibuprofen and paracetamol. It has been proven that drugs based on paracetamol are less effective and weakly relieve inflammation and fever.

  • The most common children's remedy is Panadol syrup. It is based on the active ingredient - paracetamol. It differs in that it can be given from three months. Valid for 2-3 hours.

The temperature does not drop by much degrees, unlike Nurofen, where the effect of the drug lasts 6-8 hours. The cost of Panadol is much lower and is produced in England. It is considered a milder action, has fewer contraindications and side effects.

  • A Russian drug produced only in suppositories is Cefekon D. If the effect of the medicine is weak, Nurofen is prescribed. Can be used by infants. The active ingredient is paracetamol. Its effect is significantly lower than its counterpart.

Among the variety of painkillers and antipyretics, two groups of Nurofen analogs can be noted, which include different active ingredients.

All products given to young children should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Many drugs have contraindications and can cause side effects.

It should be remembered that the temperature must be taken if it rises above 38.5. The body itself produces antibodies to protect itself from infection. By lowering the temperature, we stop this process.

Let's start with the composition. Unlike Nurofen, ibuklin contains two active substances: ibuprofen and paracetamol, and the first substance is common to them. Ibuklin belongs to the analgesics-antipyretics of combined action.

The list of indications and contraindications for both drugs is quite long, so it is not advisable to compare each position separately. When selecting these funds, it is necessary to exclude all possible contraindications.

Ibuklin is indicated only after the age of twelve, Nurofen has a pediatric form that allows the medication to be taken from literally three months of age. Therefore, Nurofen is a popular remedy in pediatrics for infants, especially during vaccinations that occur with fever. For this purpose, the manufacturing company has a suspension in its arsenal.

Both drugs exhibit analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. Nurofen and ibuklin have a high degree of toxicity, as evidenced by a long list of contraindications and side effects, so the duration of their use is limited to short or symptomatic courses.

In terms of therapeutic effect, ibuclin is more powerful, therefore, it is limited to use in early childhood.

The price of ibuklin is 70 rubles cheaper, which is a considerable plus.

Nurofen or paracetamol - which is better?

Paracetamol belongs to the pharmacological group of anilides. The drug contains one active ingredient - paracetamol, which exhibits analgesic and antipyretic properties.

Since 2000, paracetamol has been excluded from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs due to weak anti-inflammatory activity. Nurofen belongs to such means to this day.

Paracetamol has fewer indications for use than Nurofen, they are as follows:

  • pain syndrome due to headache, muscle, dental, neurological and traumatic pain;
  • menstrual pain.

The list of contraindications and side effects is also shorter, because the drug has less toxicity, and this is its advantage over Nurofen.

To relieve fever, paracetamol is used from the first days of children’s lives, Nurofen not earlier than three months. Paracetamol is inferior in therapeutic effect to Nurofen. It does not have a decent anti-inflammatory property and weakly reduces temperature and pain.

The choice of one of these drugs depends on the clinical picture of the disease and the age of the patients.

The price of all forms of paracetamol is much cheaper than that of Nurofen, which makes the drug accessible to the general population.

Nurofen or Panadol - which is better?

Panadol is a structural analogue of paracetamol, so there is no point in comparing Nurofen with Panadol. The only thing that needs to be noted is that the instructions for using Panadol in the form of a suspension provide recommendations for using the product from three months of age.

The cost of Panadol is several times less than Nurofen.

Ibuprofen or Nurofen – which is better?

The drugs are structural analogues, i.e. their active ingredients are identical. There are differences in dosage forms and dosages. In its arsenal, Nurofen has an extended form - Nurofen retard and a combined product - Nurofen Plus, supplemented with codeine.

The main manufacturer of nurofen is the UK, ibuprofen – Russia. It is not surprising that the price of the domestic drug is lower, because Save money on delivery and customs procedures.

By and large, expensive structural analogues are well-promoted brands. How often do patients have to overpay for an emblem and a beautiful box, but nearby, on the shelves of pharmacies, there is often a domestic analogue “hidden” that is not inferior in its therapeutic effect.

Despite the cheapness of ibuprofen, some patients still purchase Nurofen, believing that imported drugs are manufactured to a higher quality in compliance with all technological process standards.

Your doctor will tell you which remedy is better to choose - ibuprofen or nurofen. The main thing is to choose the right form and dose individually. Therefore, you should not change Nurofen to ibuprofen on your own, because... there is a high probability of confusion in dosages.

Cefekon D or Nurofen – which is better?

The composition of the drugs is different. Cefekon D is the owner of paracetamol, Nurofen is ibuprofen. Cefekon is available only in suppositories; the drug has no other forms. Cefekon does not exhibit anti-inflammatory activity, while Nurofen has high activity.

In terms of therapeutic effect, Nurofen is superior to Cefekon. It acts faster and lasts longer (up to 8 hours). The indications for the drugs are similar, but Nurofen has a more diverse list of pathologies for which it will be needed.

When comparing dosages, differences are observed, so the selection of doses for both drugs is carried out only by a doctor.

Manufacturer of Nurofen – Great Britain, Cefekon – Russia. Hence the low price of cefekon, it is significantly less than that of nurofen.

Usually, if Cefekon D is ineffective, Nurofen is prescribed. The remedy is given a few hours after using Cefekon D suppositories.

The advantage of cefekon is that suppositories can be used from the first month of a child’s life, and Nurofen is recommended only from three months. The advantage of Nurofen is its anti-inflammatory effect, so the drug is often prescribed to relieve pain.

What is best to choose is up to the doctor to decide, especially if therapy with these drugs is needed by the youngest patients.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like Nurofen, have a significant therapeutic effect. Advertising on television forces many patients to use these drugs without consulting a doctor, and this is unacceptable.

Nurofen and its analogues have many contraindications and side effects, so exceeding dosages and long-term use of these drugs contributes to the onset of the development of other unsafe pathologies.

Remember, proper use of Nurofen analogues, as a rule, does not lead to unwanted reactions. Therefore, consulting a doctor on the use of drugs is simply necessary, because It is difficult to understand all the intricacies of medical knowledge on your own. It is not wise to choose a product just because it is cheaper. Only strict adherence to the instructions and the doctor’s experience will solve all problems with treatment, and, if necessary, the selection of analogues. Be healthy!

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