Pete dogs. All about the fighting American Pit Bull Terrier. Appearance and special features of the breed

A death grip and a terrifying appearance hide behind a completely adequate and hardy dog. The American Pit Bull Terrier only turns into a terrible weapon in inept hands. An experienced dog handler will make a well-mannered and obedient friend out of a pit bull terrier.

Origin of the Pit Bull Terrier breed

The breed was obtained in America by crossing and bulldog. The breed was bred for fighting, but due to its aggressive nature, American pit bull terriers are banned in a number of European Union countries. At one time, the breed was persecuted by law in the United States, and breeders were severely punished for breeding these “killers.” The persecution was spurred on by terrible photographs of torn people to pieces, which were published in periodicals.

Despite the negative attitude of society, in many countries the breed is used by the police. The dog has a quick reaction and a keen sense of smell, easily finding drugs or explosives. The pit bull is an excellent bodyguard and a loyal dog until death.

Description of the breed

The Pit Bull Terrier is not recognized as a breed by the international organization FCI. This is due to the difficulty of giving an accurate assessment of the exterior and character of the animal. There are two lines of pit bulls:

  • terrier;
  • bulldog

American Pit Bull Terriers can vary dramatically in size and behavior. The dog is distinguished by perseverance, strong-willed spirit and a strong jaw. The breed is suitable only for an experienced dog handler with experience working with fighting dogs. Breeders describe the animal as kind and extremely clean. But kindness and devotion concern only the owner and his family. American Pit Bull Terriers treat others with great caution.

Breed standard (appearance)

The pit bull dog has a rather vague description. But the animal’s exterior should not go beyond the following framework:

  1. Head. Medium in size and rectangular in shape, flat on top, widening towards the forehead.
  2. Cheeks. Fleshy, convex, without hanging chins.
  3. Muzzle. Massive, has approximately equal length and width, and may have a clear and smooth transition from the forehead to the nose.
  4. Bite. Standard scissor-shaped, jaws developed, powerful.
  5. Ears. Docked or left intact, raised high. Uncropped ones have drooping tips.
  6. Eyes. Slightly elongated oval shape, shallowly planted. Eyes can be any color, from light blue to dark brown.
  7. Nose. With a wide lobe, round, color from black to light pink, nostrils open.
  8. Shoulder blades. Well-muscled, widely spaced.
  9. Neck. Powerful, lean with developed muscles.
  10. Tail. Short, low, tapering towards the end, not curled.
  11. Stomach. Fit, skin of any color, almost bald.
  12. Breast. Medium size, with developed muscles.
  13. Hips. Powerful, with lean muscles.
  14. Paws. Medium, wide top, straight elbows.
  15. Wool. Short, guarded, tightly adjacent to the dog’s skin.
  16. Color. Various from marbled, brindle to white with black spots. The standard does not provide for any deviations; only merle is prohibited.
  17. Weight. Depends on the line to which the pit bull terrier belongs, from 11 to 36 kg. Standard male up to 28 kg, female up to 19 kg.
  18. Height at the withers. Males are from 46 to 53 cm, females are more graceful and reach from 43 to 50 cm.

Character of the fighting breed

A fighting dog requires firmness and perseverance from its owner. American Pit Bull Terriers have distinct character traits:

  • Stubbornness in everything. If a dog decides to do something, then, despite all the persuasion and commands of the owner, it will definitely put it into action.
  • Playfulness. The breed loves various sports games outdoors and at home. He eagerly runs after a stick, carries a ball and heavy tires from a car.
  • The psyche becomes unstable after a year and a half. It is not recommended to leave small children and the elderly with the dog.
  • He cannot stand loneliness and constantly needs the company of his owner and his own kind.
  • Treat other pets poorly. Unfamiliar cats or small dogs may tear or strangle for the sake of gambling.
  • Socialization is necessary from a very early age.
  • Treat strangers with suspicion and aggression. If a stranger insists on communicating, the pit bull may become angry and even bite.
  • Difficult to train, therefore not suitable for people with weak characters and children.
  • Attached to the owner and proper education will be a reliable bodyguard and partner during long walks.

The dog lives well in city apartments, can be kept in a private house, but not on the street.

Pit bull care

Like any smooth-haired and urban breed, the American Pit Bull Terrier is easy to maintain. From puppyhood, it is recommended to accustom the dog to its place, which is equipped with a special bed or rug.

To properly maintain a dog, the owner should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Once a year, the animal is washed with special shampoo or baby soap. The rest of the time after the walk, the paws and belly are wiped. It is not recommended to wash your animal more than once a year, as soapy compounds wash away the protective layer from the skin.
  2. There is no need to comb every day; once every few days, combing with a soft comb with bristles made of natural material is allowed.
  3. The dog's ears and eyes are wiped every three days. For the eyes, use a steep tea or a warm infusion of chamomile. Ears are disinfected using hydrogen peroxide or a special antiseptic.
  4. The dog has a cocky character, so during a walk it can damage its paws, skin, and ears. The animal is examined for damage, and the wounds are treated with an antiseptic composition.
  5. In the spring from May to early June, after each walk, the dog is checked for ticks. Once a year, a vaccination against piroplasmosis is given.

The dog loves long and active walks, lasting at least 3 hours.

Health Features

American Pit Bull Terriers are susceptible to the following pathologies:

  1. allergic reaction to certain types of food;
  2. Older dogs develop joint pathology. Arthrosis develops in animals on poor nutrition;
  3. Pyometra often occurs in bitches after 3 years of age. When the uterus becomes inflamed and accumulates inside purulent discharge. Less common in dogs after sterilization;
  4. With age, a dog may develop psychological abnormalities; such animals are euthanized.

Pit bull training

A fighting dog needs tough training. You should start training your puppy as soon as he arrives in the house. Initially, the animal learns basic commands and gets used to its name. As the year approaches, American Pit Bull Terrier males will try to overcome their master and compete for leadership. It is important not to give in to the animal at this moment. Bitches are easier to train and less aggressive.

Up to a year, a pit bull terrier is required to take a course of OKD. The protective guard course is contraindicated for the fighting breed. After ZKS, the bull terrier becomes aggressive, the animal’s psyche changes.

Particular attention should be paid sports training. The animal needs to splash out its energy and the owner is obliged to organize small strength training sessions for it. Passenger car tires are used as trainers. A dog on a harness carries a tire as an additional load. Hanging a rubber band with a rope from a tree branch will help develop jaw grip.

For training you will need to purchase equipment:

  • short leash or chain;
  • strict collar;
  • regular collar;
  • canvas harness for carrying weights;
  • several exercise machines made from an old car tire.


The Pit Bull Terrier has a good appetite. Therefore, the feed dosage must be controlled. From overeating, the dog becomes fat and loses activity. How to feed a pit bull, mixed or natural food, each owner must choose independently.

To stay fit, your dog needs proteins, proteins and amino acids. Useful macroelements and vitamins are contained in specialized feeds: Royal Horse Endurance 4800, Astor Energy.

The diet of a dog on natural food should include cereals: rolled oats, buckwheat, rice. The consumption of wheat and millet cereals is not allowed. In a day adult dog should eat at least 200 g of lean meat: veal, beef, turkey, rabbit. Cartilage products are useful: ears, tails. Well absorbed dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk.

Additionally, vitamins are added to the food. Suitable brands: Canina Flexan, Beaphar (Beafar) TOP 10, Gelakan Baby.

The size and number of servings per day depend on the age of the dog:

  • puppy from 1 month to 3 - given gruel, first on formula milk, then on lean meat broth. Number of servings from 4 to 6 per day. One serving is replaced with cottage cheese or kefir. Serving size no more than 100 g;
  • from 3 to 6 months - number of servings from 3 to 4 per day. Volume no more than 250 g;
  • from 8 months, the dog is transferred to 2-1 meals a day, the serving size is no more than 800 g for a small pit bull and 1 liter for a large one.


Photos of pit bulls

The photo shows the largest dog in the world - the pit bull Hulk. His weight at one and a half years reached 78 kg. The dog is good-natured and loves all members of its owner's family.

The photo shows a white pit bull, standard color. Small dark spots only decorate the fighting breed.

Black stands out for its brightness.

The history of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed is interesting because it originated not in America, but in the Old World, but it seemed especially useful to the Americans, who began to purposefully develop and improve it. In England and Ireland in the modern era they were popular dog fighting, which were held between the bulldogs.

These dogs were also used to guard homes and hunt large animals. Already in the 16th century there were dogs that looked like modern pit bull terriers.

Guard qualities
Protective qualities
Attitude towards children

English laws also contributed to the emergence of the breed. In particular, poor people were not allowed to have large hunting dogs, since only the nobility could hunt large animals. Therefore, less wealthy citizens had to keep small terriers for hunting and bulldogs for protecting property. To avoid violating the prohibition on possession large dogs, the poor kept the smallest puppies from the litter and used them for further breeding. This is how the first bull terriers appeared, in which the fearlessness and insensitivity of bulldogs were combined with the agility and mobility of terriers. The prefix “pit” appeared later; it meant that the bull terrier was used for fighting, since pit in English is a fighting pit where dogs were pitted against each other.

The exact date when the first pit bull terrier crossed the ocean and came to America is unknown, only that it happened before 1774. Dogs arrived along with emigrants from European countries, especially many of them arrived in the mid-19th century from Ireland. It should be noted that in Europe public opinion had a negative attitude towards dog fighting, as a result of which it began to be officially banned. For example, in England such a law was adopted in 1835. In America, on the contrary, such entertainment was welcomed and remained legal for a very long time.

Therefore, it was in America that there were people who appreciated the prospects of this breed and began the difficult path towards official recognition of its originality. At that time, the breed did not even have a specific name: such dogs were called pit bulls, pit terriers, pit dogs. The purebred line of “Red Noses,” who were called the “old family,” was especially valuable. The mistake of fans of this line was that they zealously guarded its purebredness, not allowing crossbreeding with pit bull terriers of other lines. Sooner or later this would lead to undesirable consequences in breeding.

Photo: American Pit Bull Terrier (Pitbull)

The Irishman John Colby played a huge role in the development of the breed, who in 1900 brought excellent representatives of purebred pit bulls. He also called his dogs "old family", but believed that they should be involved as much as possible in breeding work with other lines. Many contemporaries did not understand and even criticized Colby, holding different views, in particular, they believed that only the line of “red” dogs should be bred, without mixing it with other representatives of the breed.

However, time showed that Colby was on the right track: he managed to get and raise many legends of the dog ring. Before 1900, it is difficult to trace specific statistics and history of the breed: it is unknown how many dogs were brought from different European countries. It is characteristic that they all had a wide variety of colors; in general, it is very difficult to develop a single standard for the breed, since the exterior has always been of secondary importance for pit bull terriers in comparison with their character and qualities as a fighter. After 1900, systematic documentary evidence of the development of the breed already appears.

Many American breeders followed Colby's example and began to breed this interesting breed. Thus, the name American was assigned to pit bull terriers, although, as can be seen from the history of the breed, many European countries could claim it. The first pit bull terriers lived in England, Ireland, Italy, Holland, Spain, but it was American breeders who did the main work in establishing the breed.

The FCI never recognized this breed, but this has never stopped lovers of American pit bull terriers. Back in 1898, the UKC club appeared specifically for fans of this fighting breed. However, later this club ceased to be a monobreed club and officially stopped supporting dog fighting.

Another organization in which breeding work is carried out is ADBA, which appeared in 1909. Now it is an international organization that registers pit bulls from all over the world. US law does not allow dog fighting, so the purpose of this organization is to officially maintain stud books that help preserve the breed, as well as to conduct popular competitions among pit dogs. These are conformation shows where conformation is assessed, and weight-pulling - a weight-pulling competition.

Now this breed is still popular, especially in the USA and Russia, although it has experienced a number of persecutions, which resulted in it being banned in some countries. Thus, in some EU countries the import of pit bull terriers is prohibited, and representatives of the breed available in the countries must undergo a sterilization procedure. In Germany, the state maintains strict control over the owners of pit bull terriers; for example, it is required to obtain special permission from the police in order to own this dog, and an increased tax has been introduced on their maintenance.

The pit bull terrier is officially banned in many EU countries and Australia.

Breed standard

Although the APBT breed is not recognized by the most important cynological organization, standards have been developed for it by two organizations involved in the registration of pit bulls: ADBA and UKC. These 2 standards reflect different views of the management of organizations on the breed. In the first case, the fighting purpose of the dogs is considered to be the main one, and their exterior is subordinated to this purpose. The UKC standard is closer to the show brother of the pit bull - the American Staffordshire Terrier.

Standard from ADBA

The appearance of the pit bull gives the impression of confident strength and good health. Shiny coat, attentive gaze reflecting strength of spirit, athletic smartness - this is the appearance of a real pit bull. Rendered muscles prevent obesity; adult pit bulls are even somewhat thin with slightly protruding ribs.

Head type allows various options. If you look at the dog from above or from the side, the head is wedge-shaped, somewhat tapering towards the nose. When viewed from the front, the head appears round. The bridge of the nose is well developed, the line under the eyes is wider than the line of the ears. A scissor bite is preferred, the teeth are closed, the lips fit tightly to the jaws. The eyes are elliptical in shape. Ears may be cropped.

The neck is muscular and long.

The skin is elastic, thick, fits tightly to the body, there are folds on the neck and chest.

The chest is deep and moderately wide. The chest tapers towards the bottom and should not have a round or cylindrical shape.

The length of the loin is important and should not be too short or too long, which affects the dog's agility.

The forelimbs have muscular shoulders, the length of which is slightly wider than the chest.

The hind limbs have sloping hips, which are at an angle of 30° to the horizontal. The thigh is well muscled and full. Bones hind limbs thinner, which affects the dog’s flexibility, and their muscles are longer, which allows for energetic movements.

The feet are small and well built with elastic pads.

The tail is set low, thicker at the base, and slightly shorter in length than the hock.

The short and coarse coat should be shiny.

Almost any color is acceptable, except for the following: albinism and merle.

UKC standard

APBT is a powerful dog with an athletic build. Strong bones and prominent muscles are combined with graceful mobility; the dog should not look overweight and obese. The body is slightly longer than the height at the withers. The dog is energetic, shows an interest in life, has confident strength and should not show aggression towards humans.

The head is large, but does not cause a feeling of disproportion in relation to the body. The head has clear outlines, the shape resembles a blunt wedge, the brow ridges are well developed. The length of the muzzle and skull have a ratio of 2:3.

The lower jaw is well developed. A scissor bite is desirable.

A nose with open nostrils, the nose can have different pigmentation.

The eyes are low set and widely spaced. Blue eye color is unacceptable.

The ears are set high and may be cropped or undocked.

The neck is muscular, without dewlap.

The back is strong and solid with a slightly sloping topline. Strong and short loin, slightly sloping croup.

The forelimbs are strong, located perpendicular to the surface. The distance between them is moderately wide. The shoulder blade and shoulder are approximately the same length.

The hind legs are strong and muscular, widely spaced. The hock joints have well-defined angles.

The tail naturally follows the line of the top, tapering towards the tip.

The coat is shiny, smooth, dense. The coat color is varied.

Weight of males – 15.9-27.2, weight of females – 13.6-22.7

The height at the withers of males is 40-42 cm, females are 2-3 cm less.

The painting by Rubens, dating back to the 16th century, depicts scenes of a wild boar hunt with dogs very similar to modern American pit bull terriers.

Character of the American Pit Bull Terrier

Modern public opinion is not very favorable towards fighting dogs, personified by American pit bull terriers. Each person can draw his own conclusion about the character of this breed only when he gets acquainted with it, taking little puppy and raising him. For many years, breeders considered the main characteristics of the breed to be the ability and readiness for battle, the so-called “game”. But at the same time, it was unacceptable for humans and was the reason for the disqualification of the dog.

Therefore, the nature of the APBT does not include aggressiveness towards people, although on the other hand, anger in this breed develops quite quickly with targeted upbringing. If the owner of a pit bull sets the goal of getting a reliable companion for an active life, then this breed will perfectly cope with this role. Natural strength and energy makes pit bulls very inquisitive, they are ready to learn and explore the world every second. These are very active dogs that love to be played with. active games, they are ready to follow their owner everywhere and carry out his commands.

We can say that the character of pit bull dogs is created by its owner, which is why there are so often opposing opinions about the character of these dogs. From a pit bull terrier you can raise both an angry dog ​​that poses a danger to the people around you, and a peaceful and inquisitive companion who will get along well with everyone. Particularly important childhood In order to develop a future character, psychologically traumatic factors should not be allowed at this time.

The character of adult dogs is stable. They are aware of their strength, confident in themselves, but do not strive for superiority over the owner; on the contrary, they show their readiness to constantly benefit him. These are cheerful dogs who combine childlike spontaneity and playfulness with attentiveness and prudence. wise dog. Certainly, best qualities Pit bulls show character only if they are properly raised and trained.

A real record holder
The American pit bull terrier champion in white-pulling is listed in the Guinness Book of Records for towing a load 100 times its body weight - 1.7 tons.

Features of training and education of a pit bull

According to the observations of dog handlers and training instructors, the American Pit Bull Terrier easily masters various commands and carries out difficult tasks. This is facilitated by natural curiosity and liveliness.

To begin with, it is recommended to undergo OKD ( general course training) to teach the dog to obey. After this, many opportunities open up for the pit bull owner to develop the abilities of their pet. As practice shows, representatives of this breed successfully cope with teams from the ZKS (protective guard service) course. In the process of mastering this course, a very important skill for a pit bull is developed - the ability to manage its aggression, and the owner learns to control his dog.

It should be noted that it is not recommended to devote too much great attention namely the development of aggressiveness against humans. A pit bull terrier who takes this path poses a great danger to others. He always not only bites, but, like an experienced fighter, instinctively chooses vital places. Add to this the destructive power of its bite, and it becomes clear to you how dangerous a creature accustomed to aggressive behavior pitbull

There are many scary stories about its aggressiveness, but according to statistics, pit bull attacks make up no more than 10% of the total number of dog attacks on humans. Such a wide public outcry is caused precisely by the devastating consequences of pit bull attacks. Some owners also played a bad role in creating the image of the breed, who purposefully get pit bulls as bodyguards and thoughtlessly poison them on people, intimidating everyone around them.

Fortunately, there are other lovers of this breed who discover a different side to pit bull terriers. They take part in interesting competitions: agility (overcoming an obstacle course against the clock), wait-pulling (towing heavy objects), spring-pole (hanging on a rope), dog-pulling (tug-of-war). These spectacular events are becoming more widespread and serve to increase the popularity of the breed.

Care and maintenance of a pit bull terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier is unpretentious dog, which is easy to care for. The main thing is to ensure a balanced diet, on which the formation of the dog’s physique and health depend. A simple feeding rule for active dogs- is to choose products that have great energy value. You don’t need to feed your dog only meat; its diet should also contain plant components, but meat is the main source of proteins, which are necessary for the dog’s growth and development and for the development of immunity.

There are many examples of dog diets that take into account calories and other important features. You can take one of these schemes as a basis. Some owners prefer to use ready-made dry or canned food. This breed may react to some food components.

In order for all the work of compiling balanced menu not wasted, you should definitely give it to your dog anthelmintics both for treatment and as prevention.

Otherwise, caring for the American Pit Bull Terrier is very simple. You need to bathe him on average once every six months, comb and wipe his ears about once a week. The dog gets along well in an apartment provided there is sufficient physical activity.

Choosing a puppy

Before choosing a pit bull terrier puppy, you need to decide on the purpose of purchasing it. Pet-class puppies that are not intended for further breeding or attending exhibitions are suitable as pets. These are not necessarily puppies without a pedigree; they can also appear in stellar litters.

Breed-class puppies are those with which you can already qualify for prizes in exhibitions and for breeding. Canine aristocracy are show-class puppies that can make a brilliant show career.

The main problem is that predicting the future of a puppy at a young age is very difficult. Therefore, abroad, for example, there is a practice of buying older puppies. At 6-8 months, as a rule, you can already buy with greater confidence a future champion that has been exemplarily raised by experienced breeders.

On the other hand, a puppy at this age has already formed a character and habits that you may not like, and it will not be easy to retrain her to suit your taste. Moreover, this is difficult to do with such a serious dog as a pit bull terrier, which is why most people prefer to buy small puppies.

You can’t give in to a momentary impulse and buy a puppy at the first ad you come across. It's better to compare several litters, look at General terms maintenance and health of puppies. If there are at least 2 puppies in the litter with any defects, this is not in favor of the remaining puppies. It's better to collect as much as possible more information about the breeder from whom you are going to buy a puppy. It is best if he has contacts of buyers of previous litters with whom he can contact and find out how their dog has grown.

Pit bull puppies price

If you are offered an elite puppy for a lot of money, then this is an unwise purchase, since only an adult dog that has achieved excellent results at shows and competitions can be elite. Therefore, the price of American pit bull terriers mainly depends on the ambitions of the breeders and the presence of interesting pedigrees registered in American organizations. Average price for a puppy with documents – 20,000 rubles. Remember that the RKF does not recognize this breed, so having a RKF pedigree is impossible, and most pit bulls in our country are sold without documents at more affordable prices - 5-10,000 rubles.

Pitbull photo

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Strength, confidence and a zest for life are the key qualities of a pit bull.

He continues to demonstrate his versatility, successfully competing in obedience and agility in sports competitions with other breeds of fighting and service dogs.

Behind long years evolution of the American pit bull terrier finally turned from a formidable warrior into a pet.

In the distant 19th century, dog lovers in England, Ireland and Scotland began experimenting by crossing bulldogs and looking for a dog that would combine the agility of a terrier with the strength and athleticism. The result was a dog who embodied all the virtues attributed to great warriors: strength, indomitable courage and gentleness with loved ones.

Immigrants brought them to the United States. The talents of the American Pit Bull Terrier did not go unnoticed by farmers and ranchers, who used their pit bulls to corral semi-wild large cattle and pigs, for hunting, walking livestock and as family companions.

Pit bull terrier (from the English pit - fighting pit) means fighting bull terrier. Initially it was called “pitdog” (fighting dog), “half and half” (50 to 50), “bullend terrier” (bulldog and terrier), “American bull terrier”, “Yankee terrier”.

Over time, the final name was formed, which became official - “pit bull terrier”, which was popularly shortened to “pit bull”, which is considered a misnomer, as translated it means “fighting bull.”

Attention! The breed was recognized in 1898 by the British Kennel Club (UKC), and in 1930 by the American Kennel Club (AKC), however, it did not receive international recognition at the FCI level.

Description of the breed

Pit bull terriers are friendly, so guard dogs they are not used.

The character of a pit bull is set during education and training, often the dog does not initially show aggression- it can serve as a cause for concern in case of errors in training.

The dog's temperament is quite stable, he combines the spontaneity of a child and the prudence of an adult. Important characteristic The pitbull breed is a pronounced intelligence, curiosity and desire to understand the world around us.

Dogs are quite independent, but they are loyal and try to please their owner; they are aware of their goals, but superiority over humans does not interest them. Aggression may manifest itself towards relatives. In case of danger, the pit bull will rush to protect the owner.

Attention! At wrong dog can be aggressive and extremely dangerous, so you should not experiment; this breed is suitable for an experienced dog breeder.

A breed created for fighting, in our more humane times it is used for purposes farther from violence and cruelty, for example as bodyguard or participation in agility competitions. American Pit Bull Terrier is excellent hunter and hardy traveler. Their skills are often used by law enforcement agencies.

Care and maintenance

The dog feels great both in a country house, but just not on a chain - this breed is absolutely not created for captivity.

They love to take long walks and play fresh air, need daily physical activity— the dog’s body should always be in shape.

The breed is unpretentious - just once a week, combing the wool with a special brush is enough. massage brush And . Pit bulls are bathed as needed.

It is also necessary to take into account that a dog of this breed sensitive to drafts and, in addition, is often susceptible to allergies. And if there are insufficient physical activity or with excess nutrition, prone to obesity.

What to feed? The description of the breed allows for both home and factory feeding:

canned factory feed;
natural food.

The basis of nutrition should be squirrels– meat, fish, milk, as well as liver and kidneys for building the dog’s muscles and bones. Vegetables and eggs are also added to the diet.

Two main rules:

  • water must always be available;
  • You cannot give leftover food from the table.

How long does a pit bull live? With proper care, they delight owners up to 15 years.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the breed:

  • unpretentiousness in care and nutrition;
  • developed intelligence;
  • active cheerful character.


  • cannot stand loneliness;
  • training requires a lot of time and effort from the owner;
  • aggression towards relatives.

Buying a puppy

Price purebred puppy fluctuates within from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles. When choosing the right pit bull, pay attention to:

  • presence of pedigree;
  • straight back;
  • strong joints.

A puppy's large head is not the key to a powerful physique.

Pit bulls are very common all over the world, these hardy, playful dogs will bring a lot of positive emotions to your home and will be wonderful nannies for children and will become loyal friends and brave defenders of their owners with proper care and training.

We recommend that you also watch the video about what pit bulls are capable of.

Brief description of the breed

Pit bulls can be divided into two main types: bulldog type and terriers. Sometimes there are mixed types. There are no strict weight restrictions for the breed: approximately 12-26 kg, usually from 14 to 20. The color can also be almost any, with the exception of the merle color variety. These may be solid, brindle, or with markings. Ears can also be cropped or uncropped. The tail is not docked. The head is allowed either like that of bulldogs - short and wide, or like that of terriers - “swiggy-faced”.

Pit bull terriers are distinguished by their strong-willed and passionate character; they have a fighting spirit. They feel great in city apartments, but need regular exercise walks and communication with their relatives.

A little history

These breeds have always been popular in America. As a rule, they were used in dog fighting along with other fighting breeds. Terriers and bulldogs participated in the creation of the breed. From the former they have the speed of reaction, and from the latter - strength and perseverance.

Since dog fighting was declared illegal, pit bull terriers have been strictly controlled, and their breeding has been banned for a long time. The media often mentioned cases of these dogs attacking people.

Being the ancestor of the American Staffordshire Terrier, the pit bull is still considered an unrecognized breed. It is registered in the ICS and is banned in most EU countries.

Nevertheless, the breed still remains popular both in the States and in the CIS countries. Indeed, with proper upbringing and training, which should balance on the brink of severity, but without violence, this breed is not at all dangerous, but can perfectly perform police service. Such dogs tend to specialize in detecting explosives and drugs.

The origin of the name of the breed is interesting: pit bull terrier (from the English pit - pit for fighting) is translated as fighting bull terrier. Initially it was called “pitdog” (Russian fighting dog) and some other names. Over time, the official one was formed - “pit bull terrier” (Russian fighting bulldog terrier). It was this name that was popularly shortened to “pit bull”, but this abbreviation is considered a misnomer, since in translation it means “fighting bull”.

UKC breed standard

  1. Head: dry, rectangular, medium length, flat skull and wide between the ears, convex cheeks.
  2. Muzzle: wide, deep, square format.
  3. Jaws: Strong and powerful, with a scissor bite.
  4. Ears: set high, cropping not necessary.
  5. Eyes: almond-shaped, medium set.
  6. Color: not limited, white spots are allowed.
  7. Weight: not limited.
  8. Nose: nostrils wide open, nose any color.
  9. Neck: Muscular, slightly convex, widening towards the withers.
  10. Back: short and strong, slightly sloping from the withers to the base of the tail, with wide, muscular, obliquely set shoulder blades.
  11. Loin: somewhat convex with a tucked belly.
  12. Chest: deep, but not very wide. True ribs are slightly convex, closely adjacent to one another, elastic, while false ribs are long.
  13. Tail: Quite short, low, tapering towards the end. When excited, it can rise to the line of the back. Bobtail is unacceptable.
  14. Paws: Medium sized, long, rounded and strong bones, there are no elements of rudeness or busyness. Pasterns straight, strong, vertical. Movements should be light and springy. Wandering or ambling is unacceptable. The thighs are long and muscular. The hocks are low, the metatarsals are steep and short.
  15. Coat: short, shiny, tight-fitting, hard to the touch, no undercoat; hairline absent on the stomach.

How to choose a pitbull puppy

Before buying a puppy, you need to determine exactly what breed you need. If the choice is a pit bull, you should understand what is involved in keeping fighting dog and what responsibility lies with the owner.

After this, the pedigree of the purchased puppy is checked over six generations. It is very important to pay attention to the first four generations, as well as their offspring. If everything is in order with both the kennel and the pedigree, you can choose a puppy.

The main mistake when choosing a puppy is the preference for a large head. Big head is not a guarantee of bite power in a fight with a larger dog. You should also pay attention to the joints (so that they are not weak), poor foot position or abnormal back.

The position of the tail or the shape of the ears, as well as the timing of their docking, are insignificant and do not affect the basic characteristics of the puppy.

So, a good puppy should have an average head, neck stronger legs, thick and stable front paws, a beautiful curve of the back (small hump), the hindquarters are slightly higher than the front, hind legs strong and elastic, feet well developed. But it is better to avoid bow legs if the puppy is not getting for personal pleasure, but to participate in exhibitions and tournaments. A tail that is set low is a guarantee of courage and good fighting qualities.

The next thing you need to pay attention to is character and temperament. Cowardly puppies should be excluded, as well as overly aggressive ones (aggression is often a manifestation of fear). Excessive sensitivity is also not a virtue of this breed, since it means a lack of self-confidence.

Raising a Pit Bull Terrier

As with any other dog, the statement here is true that if you want to get a loyal and stable dog, you need to devote a lot of time and give him a lot of love. There is no need to listen to stories about the need for rough treatment and torture. Being a brave and fearless breed, like any other creature, the pit bull needs love and attention. If you look at the grand champions of the breed, you can see that in the kennels they were treated like members of families. This dog should strive to achieve out of love, not out of fear.

How to feed

The puppy should be fed at least four and sometimes six times a day. Diet: high-calorie, with all vitamins, but in small portions. Ready-made food is suitable, which makes training much easier.

It is necessary to feed the puppy at the same time from the same container (aluminum or plastic), and do not forget to leave fresh water at all times. The diet should contain 120 g of granules ready-made feed, previously soaked in water or milk, 100 g of veal liver or heart (chicken as an option), 50 g of sardines and the same amount of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 boiled egg and once a week fresh yolk, 3 liters of milk, 3 liters of water, 100 g of grated apples or carrots.

All this is divided into several meals (at least 4, but 6 are possible). As puppies mature (after 3 months), you can gradually increase the amount of food per meal and reduce the number of servings.

In this type of dog, the desire for fighting contacts can manifest itself at different ages. Sometimes even puppies strive for it, sometimes already 10 months or more, and sometimes even older than two years. It happens that such a desire is completely absent.

Therefore, puppies require attention, caution and patience. There is no need to wish for a fighting dog as early as possible and to achieve this from him with all your might. This is a very common mistake and a frequent prerequisite for further failures.

The formation of a dog occurs before the second year of life, and maximum strength is achieved after the third. Therefore, training does not need to start before 15 months. It should be done gradually and carefully. Let us repeat that the guarantee of success is love and patience.

If the dog is ripe for fighting contact, you need to select an old and experienced fighter who will teach the junior a little lesson, but will not inflict strong bites.

For several days they will have to look closely at each other without contact until the junior begins to press. The first allowed contact should be no more than five minutes.

If the puppy liked it, then the next, different dog should be provided in about a month. This will help to borrow a different style and get used to different styles battle. This is about building self-confidence, but the contact should still not last more than five minutes.

If the dog continues to show no bad signs, you can begin to think about checking your internal readiness for fight, the so-called “game”. The owner must evaluate the fighting intelligence, fighting ability and bite of the pet. Based on these criteria, a decision is made with which dog the junior should be put in contact with. This dog must have experience, weight, medium bite and exceptional aggressiveness, including game.

This test lasts from 30 to 45 minutes, and the pet must withstand at least three rounds, provided that the last one is the most severe.

When testing a young dog, you need to pay special attention to the correct modeling of test conditions. When checking the “game”, you should definitely undergo an examination - check the lungs and heart, do a blood test, since only ideal healthy dog can be experienced. The test itself must take place in the ring, the opponent must be a pit bull.

If, during the very first contact, the dog whined and stopped resisting, you need to immediately stop contact and repeat it no earlier than three months later. Dogs less than 15 months old are not tested. A pit bull over three years old that avoids a fight during the test is not allowed to continue fighting.

In addition, dogs that lack fighting intelligence or have a bad fighting style, regardless of courage, are not allowed to fight.

About cases of biting

Unfortunately, almost all dogs bite, not just fighting dogs. And although in the press it is the cases of bites by pit bulls and bull terriers that are most often savored, in percentage terms it cannot be said that these breeds have a higher number of bites than others, including cockers and collies. An interesting fact is that according to statistics, even in cats, the incidence of biting is 7%, while in a pit bull terrier it is only 1%.

People who interact with pit bulls find that they are actually outgoing, have a fun and playful disposition, and are friendly to people. They rarely have innate distrust and wariness. Aggressive individuals, of course, also occur - but not more often than in other breeds. And the roots of aggressiveness are in uncertainty. A real fighter who is confident in his abilities can repel an attack and defeat the enemy, so he does not show aggression as a preemptive attack by someone else, mostly an imaginary one.

A big misconception is the barbaric methods of training these dogs, supposedly to develop fighting qualities. Neither feeding other puppies nor kittens will help to achieve fighting spirit - “game”. Fighting spirit can be developed by fighting worthy opponents, but it cannot be developed by beating a puppy who cannot fight back.

And a few words about dog fighting. Real dog fighting is not cruel and bloody entertainment, as many people believe. They should not end with the death of one of the fighters.

Matches are not fights, they are sports competitions necessary for this breed. They are held according to the rules, in weight categories, in the presence of judges. Here an enemy is identified who is stronger in spirit, which is the main thing.

However, you don’t have to engage in combat sports. The Pit Bull Terrier is quite capable of becoming cheerful, sports dog, a pet and an excellent companion. This is quite possible, the main thing is to make an effort and achieve constant obedience. It is quite simple to develop anger in a pit bull, and only a very experienced trainer can balance it with obedience, which would be unquestioning.

Pit bull terrier is American breed dogs, the breed is simply called pit bull for short. The dog is considered a fighting dog, so many people consider this breed to be aggressive, angry, and believe that the dog is intended only to kill.

In fact, according to appearance the dog looks quite intimidating; its protruding jaws, sharp fangs, and special body structure with muscular paws make it difficult to think of the dog as the cutest creature on earth.

The dog is devoted to its owner, protects him, but as soon as strangers approach him, the dog will immediately attack.

Where did the pit bull come from?

Although the breed is called American, the dogs originally inhabited England, Holland, Spain, and Ireland. After some time, American breeders became interested in the pit bull; they artificially improved this breed for their own purposes.

Scientists believed that the dog lacked aggression, resulting in a species with a wide chest, small pointed ears and an attacking stance.

The breed was created for dog fighting, after which pit bulls were perfect as guard dogs for herds of cows and sheep, and they also perfectly guarded private homes.

People watched how fearlessly and mercilessly the pit bull tore the body of others more weak dogs, and now this breed looks scary in people’s minds, many people are afraid of them, afraid. After some time, a ban was issued on dog fighting with this breed.

The dogs that took part in the battles were exterminated, as they posed a serious danger to others. There have been accidents where pit bulls have killed people and even small children.

Residents of America did not allow the breed to spread; they took to the streets of cities with protests and rallies. After some time, breeders began to re-breed the breed, the new kind had to be, above all, human-friendly.

Not all countries accepted these dogs; there they even became prohibited for breeding and existence.

What does the breed look like?

At first glance, the Pit Bull Terrier is a strong-willed dog, distinguished by its strong body and health. Specialists worked on the body specifically to make it massive and muscular.

The difference between a pit bull and other breeds can be identified by its special body structure.

The general characteristics of the breed are:

The coat color of such dogs can be absolutely any color except white. The most common coat color is all shades of brown, most often with light highlights. The fur itself is short, smooth, and in some individuals it has a healthy sheen and gloss.

Pit bulls have a large, wedge-shaped head with wide jaws.

The dog's body is massive, dense, muscular, chest has a wide structure. The paws are large, wide as are the hips. The tail is not long, wide at the base, tapering towards the end.

Adults can weigh up to 38 kg - males, females weigh up to 23 kg. The height of pit bulls varies from 36-42 cm.

Personality of pit bull terriers

Many consider such dogs to be angry and aggressive, especially considering the history of their origin. Let's find out if this is true?

The thing is that all the aggression and anger of this breed is directed at animals. The pit bull breed gets along quite well with people, and with strangers; while the owner is nearby, he is friendly.

Despite their aggression, the breed is affectionate, the dog loves to be stroked at the withers, on the back, they feel the attitude towards themselves from within and are also able to give affection to the owner.

You can also instill hatred towards a dog; this requires appropriate education, which the breed is provided at special training grounds and security companies. There is a special way to instill anger in absolutely any breed.

Pit bull terrier dogs are quite smart, brave, they feel respect for themselves, and are even able to predict human behavior.

Pit bulls have often saved people in fires, they are hardy, strong, and some dogs can play on the playground for a long time, as they have a large amount of energy.

Pit bulls are easy to train and can cope with any physical activity.

The dog should be raised with early childhood, you shouldn’t adopt adult individuals, as they are able to remember the attitude of their previous owners.

The pit bull must immediately understand who is boss in the house, so that he can then treat all family members with respect. If the breed is not raised correctly, the dog can become dangerous to humans.

The dog should be exercised, walked, and they also love to swim in ponds.

How to care for a dog?

Pit bull staff is domestic dog, she needs a gentle owner and additional care. The dog must be kept exclusively in the house in winter time, since this breed does not have an undercoat, and will die in winter.

The pet does not tolerate heat well; you should place the booth outside in the summer in the shade. Dogs of this breed are not kept on a leash; they require a spacious enclosure made of dense wire.

The coat must be brushed twice a week with a special brush for dogs.

Below are photos of a pitbull dog. Look at the special figure and grace of this breed.

Pit bull puppies are not cheap, and when purchasing, you should carefully look at the dog’s documents; all vaccinations must be indicated in the passport.

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