Why does the chest hurt when coughing and what should be done? Cough with chest pain: causes and treatment Severe cough and chest pain treatment

Chest pain and cough are provoked by pathological processes of injury to the mucous membranes of the bronchi and trachea. It should be borne in mind that cough and chest pain are not always obvious symptoms of pneumonia. These manifestations can occur both with bronchitis and with common colds, accompanied by. Very often, a dry cough causes chest pain due to the irradiation of sensations from the trachea and larynx to the lower sections.

Why these sensations occur and how to distinguish them from symptoms of more serious diseases will be discussed in this material. We will also try to give some tips on what to do and what not to do in these cases. We would like to immediately warn you that this article is not intended for self-treatment of cough. Only a practicing doctor can provide you with qualified medical care after a detailed examination and laboratory tests. If your cough does not go away after 7 days from the moment it appears, this is a reason to do fluorography and see a therapist.

Why does my chest hurt?

So, let's start by clarifying some of the causes of pain in the chest during coughing. The most common and banal of them is tension in the intercostal muscles, which are not adapted to increased loads. In the normal state, the intercostal muscles play the role of a kind of frame, which ensures the expansion of the intercostal spaces during inhalation and narrowing during exhalation. Most people use the diaphragm to regulate how much their lungs fill during breathing. It accounts for more than 60% of all movements performed during gas exchange.

During coughing, the intercostal muscles are actively used. Lactic acid gradually accumulates in them, causing pain. It is quite easy to diagnose with simple palpation of the intercostal spaces. If you experience discomfort, then most likely the lung tissue and pleura are not affected by the inflammatory process, and the cause of the cough is much higher.

A more dangerous condition is when pain in the chest area occurs on one side and is not associated with the muscular system. This suggests that the alveoli, lobes of the lung or pleura are involved in the inflammatory process that causes severe cough. In this case, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. When neglected, this can provoke massive pulmonary hemorrhage.

Because the pain syndrome in this case is associated with injuries to the lung tissue, mucous membranes or pleura. Usually caused by a dry hacking cough, which makes it difficult to clear sputum. Due to the low production of mucous secretion, small sections of the mucous membranes are torn off. Usually, a coughing attack ends with the discharge of scanty contents streaked with blood. In some cases, it may indicate the presence of pulmonary tuberculosis.

How to relieve chest pain when coughing?

If you experience superficial pain associated with muscle tension, then any warming ointment can effectively help. Excellent in this case, the use of mustard plasters and compresses. It should be remembered that warming up, mustard plasters and medical cups can only be used in the absence of elevated body temperature.

To reduce the cough load, you can use antitussive drugs, for example. They effectively reduce the number of coughing attacks by blocking the cough center. They can be used only if the production and discharge of sputum is not necessary. For example, if the cough is provoked by diseases of the upper respiratory tract, acute respiratory viral infections, laryngitis and pharyngitis. In case of damage to the bronchial tree, trachea and lung tissue, the production and discharge of sputum is necessary to cleanse the respiratory tract of pathogens and their metabolic products. In this case, you can use antitussive drugs no more than once a day at night. This is done to ensure conditions for a normal night's rest for a sick person.

The rest of the day, it is necessary to use drugs that dilute sputum and enhance its production. The optimal drug is . You should also pay attention to treating the underlying disease, taking antibacterial and antiviral drugs, and reducing the level of intoxication in the body. In this case, the drinking regime is of great importance. It is necessary to drink large amounts of liquid with a weak alkaline reaction, for example, milk or mineral water.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

You need to urgently see a therapist if:

  • cough is accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • you feel very unwell;
  • cough gets worse every day;
  • does not pass more than 7 days;
  • during a coughing attack, mucus with bloody streaks is released;
  • you have difficulty breathing;
  • in the process of breathing you see that one side of the chest lags behind;
  • your face has taken on a pale or bluish tint.

Many people feel pain in the chest when coughing, and often we are accustomed to ignoring this symptom, but in vain, because discomfort can signal serious illnesses. In general, a cough is not always a symptom of colds, especially when it is accompanied by pain in the sternum. Why the chest hurts when you cough, and how dangerous the symptom can be, we will look at in this article.

Causes of chest pain when coughing

As a rule, with ordinary acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, the cough does not mock us for very long and goes away without serious complications. Of course, if this is not an advanced case of an untreated cold, suffered “on your feet.” With colds, the chest rarely hurts after coughing; the symptom is most often a sign of other diseases:

  • Bronchitis is often accompanied by a cough associated with pain in the sternum. As a rule, the cough is first dry, then wet, accompanied by sputum discharge. There is discomfort in the chest in the form of a burning sensation, accompanied by a headache
  • Tuberculosis is an extremely common dangerous disease as it is transmitted by airborne droplets. A timely vaccination will help solve the problem, but if infection occurs, the disease is painful. At the same time, the cough can be dry or wet, and be accompanied by pain in the chest, especially if you engage in heavy physical labor.
  • Pathologies of the spinal column in the chest area. For example, with pericarditis, coughing causes pain in the chest. This is also a common disease, the symptom of which is a cough that appears when breathing. Cough occurs with varying frequency and is often accompanied by severe pain in the chest
  • Inflammation of the trachea- may occur as a complication from acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections or influenza. The patient not only has chest pain, but also a feeling of compression in this area. If you consult a specialist in time, the disease can be easily eliminated; the main thing is not to delay making an appointment with a doctor.
  • Inflammatory processes of the membranes of the lungs and chest. This membrane covers them from the inside. The pathology is also dangerous because it can cause complications - pneumonia or dry pleurisy. Frequent cough associated with severe pain in the chest area
  • Muscle strain due to a chest cold. With a dry cough, there is pain in the chest, but the discomfort is not severe. When you get rid of a cough, pain is also eliminated
  • Shortening of the interpleural ligament. The patient suffers from persistent cough and accompanying chest pain. A cough begins to torment a person even when talking or doing physical work.
  • Allergy. When interacting with an allergen, the patient, along with sneezing and tearfulness, is also overtaken by coughing attacks, which are accompanied by intrathoracic pain. Antihistamines help relieve symptoms
  • Cardiovascular diseases sometimes accompanied by heavy breathing, which may cause the patient to suffer from a dry cough and chest pain
  • Intervertebral osteochondrosis sometimes causes cough and chest pain. As a rule, the disease occurs in people with a curved spine, or in those who experience regular stress on the spinal column
  • Intercostal neuralgia- another cause of pain in the chest that accompanies coughing attacks. The pain is strong and sharp

Nature of pain and additional symptoms

Depending on the nature of the disease, the symptoms of the disorder also change. Based on the nature and location of the pain, we can draw a preliminary conclusion about the cause.

For example, with normal colds The cough is most often dry. As treatment progresses, there is a gradual discharge of sputum. In this case, the person feels weakness, chills or fever, provoked by an increase in temperature.

We can talk about tuberculosis if, when coughing, there is pain in the chest, and at the same time, sputum that is brown in color or mixed with blood immediately comes out. The patient has lost weight, has a constantly elevated temperature, and is in a weak condition. Sometimes inflammation of the lymph nodes is observed.

Pleurisy causes the patient to experience severe chest pain that gets worse even with inhalation. Chills, weakness, high temperature, floating pain from the sternum to the ribs may indicate this disease.

If there is pain in the middle of the chest when coughing, the patient may have tracheitis. It can be caused not only by colds, but also by infectious diseases of the respiratory organs and various allergens. A feeling of squeezing and burning in the chest may be accompanied by high fever, dry cough, and nasal congestion. With timely treatment, tracheitis can be easily eliminated.

Pneumonia often causes chest pain when coughing, which is accompanied by rust-colored sputum. The patient's temperature rises greatly, a general weakened state appears, he feels nauseous, his face turns red, and heavy wheezing comes from his throat. The whole chest hurts when coughing. Immediate treatment is required.

Symptoms of bronchitis partially resemble signs of pneumonia, but the cough will be dry for a long time, without phlegm. Also, the temperature may remain normal. Wheezing is clearly audible precisely at the location of the bronchi. Despite the fact that bronchitis can be cured faster and easier than pneumonia, timely medical attention is also necessary.

Intercostal neuralgia characterized by shooting pain in the chest area when coughing. Discomfort is felt in the center of the sternum and intensifies when inhaling. Sometimes the pain can be so severe that the patient is prescribed painkillers and sedatives.

If there is pain in the right chest when coughing, there may be various sternum injuries, sprains. Discomfort can also occur due to intense physical exertion. As a rule, the pain is nagging. When running or sudden movements, the pain intensifies.

Pain when coughing in the left side of the chest may indicate the presence of cardiovascular diseases, or respiratory diseases.

If pain when coughing is localized behind the chest, it is likely spinal injuries, intercostal neuralgia, respiratory diseases.

Self-treatment of chest pain when coughing

If a symptom is detected, it is extremely important to consult a doctor in time. The above list of diseases that cause pain cannot be complete, since much depends on the individual characteristics of the person. It is important to eliminate the risk of developing serious diseases or take steps to eliminate them without wasting energy and time on self-medication. At home, you can try to get rid of chest pain during and after coughing if you are sure that the symptom is caused by a muscle strain or some chronic diseases.

If your chest muscles are strained, you must immediately stop exercising for a certain period. To eliminate pain, you can use a warming ointment.

When walking too rhythmically or actively jogging, sometimes the chest hurts after coughing, all this is accompanied by shortness of breath. You need to finish the workout, catch your breath and lightly moisten your throat with water, but under no circumstances drink a lot of liquid. You need to return home at a calm pace.

If your chest hurts after a severe cough caused by an allergy, you need to use an inhaler and antihistamines previously prescribed by your doctor.

If your chest or even your back hurts after coughing, not for these reasons, consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances if chest pain when coughing is accompanied by the following disorders:

  • High fever lasts for several days
  • The patient generally feels unwell
  • The cough gets worse every day and does not go away for several days
  • Breathing becomes heavy and shortness of breath appears
  • Sputum comes out with blood
  • Skin tone changes, becoming too pale or reddish

Diagnostic procedures

To determine why the chest hurts after coughing, the patient needs to go through several stages of examination:

  • Take general blood and urine tests, sputum culture
  • Blood tests that detect the presence of viruses or infections in the body
  • They take a chest x-ray and take pictures from several sides.
  • Take a test for tuberculosis

If no disease has been confirmed, but the patient continues to feel chest pain when coughing, he is given a referral to a traumatologist

Professional treatment of diseases that cause pain in the sternum when coughing

The main cause of pain in the chest when coughing is considered to be various lung diseases. As a rule, doctors recommend contacting a pulmonologist directly. This is a doctor who treats diseases of the human respiratory system. He specializes in diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

If your chest hurts after coughing due to bronchopulmonary diseases, antibiotics, expectorants and painkillers are prescribed. If there are no dangerous diseases, simple cough syrup may be prescribed.

If the discomfort is due to cardiovascular disease, the patient is referred to a cardiologist, who will likely prescribe vasodilators and diuretics. They will have to restore the health of the system.

For intercostal neuralgia, antibiotics, sedatives and painkillers are prescribed. A course of therapeutic exercises may also be prescribed. However, you shouldn’t choose exercises for yourself. Otherwise, you can only make the situation worse.

Tuberculosis patients are admitted to the hospital. There they conduct a thorough examination and prescribe health-maintaining treatment.

If chest pain when coughing is caused by a cold, laryngitis, pharyngitis, special tablets and syrups are prescribed to reduce the intensity of the cough. They will reduce the number and intensity of coughing attacks by blocking the cough center. But these medications can only be used when there is no need to induce sputum discharge.

When the bronchial tree, trachea, or lung tissue are damaged, sputum protects the organs from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms, cleansing the tissues of their waste products. In this case, drugs designed to block the cough center can be used only once a day, in the evening, otherwise it is simply impossible for the patient to get enough sleep. During the day, drugs are used that increase sputum production.

The doctor may prescribe antibacterial and antiviral agents that will reduce intoxication of the body.

It is also necessary to observe the drinking regime. You need to drink a lot of liquid: plain water, milk, mineral water with a small alkali content.

If chest pain when coughing is caused by osteochondrosis, unfortunately, you cannot count on a complete recovery. Specialists will help relieve acute symptoms by prescribing specialized medications and exercises.

Cough is common. It can be triggered by various factors. When there is pain in the chest when coughing, it is necessary to determine the cause, conduct a diagnosis, and prescribe the correct treatment.

Causes of pain and symptoms

The causes of pain can be different. Some people mistakenly think that it is caused exclusively by colds, but there can be many factors that provoke the cough reflex. Why does a strong cough cause pain?

When small particles - dust particles, bacteria - enter the respiratory tract, they are eliminated using mucociliary transport - a protective system that includes mucus lining the respiratory tract and special ciliated cells. Their cilia vibrate from inside to outside, constantly evacuating mucus with particles included in it from the respiratory tract. If the mucous membrane is inflamed due to the ongoing infectious process, the activity of mucociliary transport decreases, so the body exhibits a protective reaction. Cough is the same reflex-protective function.

Thus, cough is not a disease, but a symptom of a specific illness that needs to be diagnosed. Chest pain with it indicates an urgent need for treatment.

Its main symptoms:

  • burning;
  • difficulty breathing, especially during an attack;
  • frequent shortness of breath;
  • pain when inhaling/exhaling even in a calm environment.

Important! Even a small pain syndrome cannot be ignored.

When the chest hurts when coughing, the main reasons for this are:

  1. Bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. These diseases are usually accompanied by paroxysmal cough, which is not easy to get rid of. This constant pressure on the chest provokes pain.
  2. Other respiratory diseases. Adults tolerate them more easily than children; chest pain with such infections is often found in children. A dry cough is accompanied by shortness of breath; if discharge with sputum appears, the child may choke. All this also causes chest pain.
  3. Stress. For some, it is surprising that a cough can be triggered by worries, stress, and anxiety. In fact, with nervous disorders, people often experience suffocation, which causes a cough reflex with painful sensations.
  4. Stretching of the intercostal muscles. It can be caused by various ailments: colds, tuberculosis, even lung cancer.
  5. Other reasons. These include: intercostal neuralgia, chest injuries, pleurisy, other diseases, heart disease.

Important! Sometimes it is possible to detect lung cancer and other similar diseases in the early stages, thanks to a timely visit to the hospital with a complaint of acute chest pain when coughing.

In the middle

Pain in the middle of the chest is a sign of the following diseases:

  1. Bronchial diseases. Most often, this is how bronchitis manifests itself, caused by an inflammatory process that begins in the respiratory system as a result of infection. Discomfort occurs when sneezing or coughing.
  2. Angina pectoris. It is a disease of the cardiovascular system. The pain has a stabbing sensation and can sometimes be so severe that the person is afraid to take a deep breath.
  3. Costochondritis (Tietze syndrome). It is characterized by inflammation in the cartilaginous part of the ribs in the area of ​​their attachment to the sternum.

Behind the sternum

Painful sensations behind the sternum usually appear simultaneously with a strong burning sensation in this area. They become especially aggravated when a coughing attack occurs in a horizontal position. This phenomenon is called gastroesophageal reflux. This is the reflux of stomach contents back into the esophagus due to weakness of the sphincter at the border of these two organs. In this case, pain occurs due to the effect of hydrochloric acid contained in gastric juice on the mucous membrane of the esophagus.

Then a cough gradually appears. It happens that a person suddenly has a hoarse voice, shortness of breath, and a coughing attack.

To eliminate these symptoms, it is usually recommended to take heartburn medications. Frequent chest pain caused by gastroesophageal reflux is dangerous because with systematic exposure to acid on the esophageal mucosa, a malignant tumor may occur.

Important! If you experience severe chest pain or heartburn when coughing, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

On right

Pain when coughing in the right side of the chest is usually associated with the following diseases:

  1. Liver and biliary tract. Painful sensations are usually dull, paroxysmal, and are associated with eating junk food. A coughing attack with chest pain begins after eating fatty, fried, smoked foods.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract. Diseases of the digestive system associated with the inflammatory process can also provoke a coughing attack with severe pain in the chest on the right side. They are gastritis, ulcers, and others.
  3. Pneumonia. Pain in the right side of the chest leads to the fact that a person has difficulty breathing, and other symptoms appear: fever, weakness, muscle aches.

Less commonly, this problem can occur with myositis, scoliosis, mental illness, and complicated premenstrual syndrome.


When pain occurs on the left side of the sternum, this indicates the presence of the following diseases:

  1. Pneumonia. The pain is especially acute when pneumonia is complicated by pleurisy. Painful sensations are accompanied by fatigue, loss of strength, and high fever.
  2. Angina pectoris. Pain occurs in the heart area. Usually a person does not immediately understand what it could be. Some take Corvalol and other heart medications.

Which doctor treats

You can determine which doctor to see after visiting a general practitioner or family doctor. Considering that cough with chest pain can be caused by completely different diseases, the therapist will give a referral to the right specialist. If the disease is a cold, he will take care of the therapy himself.

If it turns out that there are no signs of a cold, the patient will receive a referral for a cardiogram to rule out heart problems. You may also need the help of a pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, or otolaryngologist. The location of pain in the chest can determine an accurate diagnosis.

Advice! When visiting a therapist, be sure to describe in detail the nature of the pain when coughing, frequency, location, and other sensations.

It is important to carry out diagnostic measures as soon as possible, because a cough with chest pain can be a sign of serious illnesses, including lung cancer. Before performing the procedures, the doctor examines the patient and determines the area where pain is felt. After this, the following may be assigned:

  • general blood test, urine test;
  • X-ray;
  • sputum analysis (for wet cough);
  • bronchoscopy;
  • Cardiography, others.

If there is a suspicion of cancer, a biopsy may be prescribed.

Interesting! If you have a cough without fever, the likelihood of colds and pneumonia is low. Therefore, before visiting a doctor, it is recommended to measure your temperature several times throughout the day.

How to treat the disease

Chest pain is provoked by the cough reflex, so to eliminate it, it is necessary to treat the disease. The choice of medications depends on the cause of the cough. In most cases, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, which are supplemented by taking medications against the underlying disease.

For example, if a cough is caused by bronchitis, medications are prescribed that thin the mucus and accelerate its removal from the bronchi. Antibiotics are often used that can eliminate pathogens in a short time. Syrups, mixtures, tablets, and lozenges that have a softening effect are also prescribed.

Antibiotics are used to control the attacks, which often occur at night. If you have a severe cough, drinking plenty of warm fluids is recommended; treatment at home using traditional methods is also effective:

  • taking a drink made from butter and milk;
  • herbal teas, preferably with lemon;
  • pure honey;
  • inhalations, especially herbal ones.

If there are injuries to the chest, intercostal neuralgia, which provoke a cough with painful sensations, it is dangerous to self-medicate. It is necessary to contact the appropriate specialists. For some injuries, you have to undergo surgery, go for a massage, and do breathing exercises.

There are many reasons that can provoke a cough with chest pain. To determine an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult a doctor, describe the location of the pain, and undergo diagnostics. Treatment is prescribed based on the diagnosis; if the cough is caused by colds, you can supplement the main therapy with folk remedies.

The causes of chest pain when coughing, in addition to diseases of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system, can be infections. They cause coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath and other symptoms that are not very pleasant for a person and prompt him to immediately consult a doctor. Here is a partial list of the most common causes of chest pain when coughing.

  • Colds, seasonal flu (flu), swine flu, ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection).
  • Epiglottitis (swelling of the epiglottis), tracheitis, acute or chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and diphtheria
  • Tuberculosis
  • Respiratory tract infection
  • Asthma
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary emphysema.
  • Smoke inhalation
  • Allergy
  • Foreign body
  • Tumors
  • Pleurisy, which can cause chest pain and coughing when breathing deeply
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Heart failure.
  • Pulmonary embolism

What diseases cause chest pain when coughing?

Let's take a closer look at the diseases that can cause chest pain when coughing.

Inflammation of the membrane (pleurisy)

In the chest cavity and lungs there is a special membrane that acts as a kind of bedding. If this membrane becomes inflamed, a person may experience a cough that is dull and barking or dry and does not go away. This disease is most often diagnosed as pleurisy or dry pleurisy. Most often it is a consequence of pneumonia.


If a person is affected by dry pleurisy, he may experience the following symptoms.

  • Turning onto the side that hurts can cause a decrease in pain.
  • It is difficult to breathe, especially one side of the chest suffers, where pain appears.
  • Breathing may be weakened, especially if the person tries not to strain the affected side of the chest.
  • By listening to breathing, the doctor can detect noises in the chest and lungs - this is due to friction of the pleural membranes.
  • Low-grade body temperature may occur (37.5 – 38 degrees Celsius)
  • Chills and night sweats, as well as rapid breathing and fatigue.

Destruction of the rib frame

With this disease, a person may also experience chest pain when coughing.


The rib cage or thoracic spine can be destroyed or damaged as a result of injury, causing it to become less mobile than before. In this case, a person may also suffer from pleural tumors or a disease called pericarditis. Chest pain in such cases becomes stronger during coughing, basic movements, running, even walking. Shortness of breath occurs, and the pain associated with shortness of breath may be either severe or lessened at times.

Too short interpleural ligament

If the interpleural ligament is shorter than physiologically necessary, the person may cough and have chest pain. The ligament is called interpleural because it is located between the two parts of the pleura - parietal and visceral, which are located near the so-called roots of the lungs. This ligament provides resistance to the lungs when the diaphragm is displaced under any force. The fact that there is a problem with the lungs can be judged by the displacement of the interpleural ligaments. For example, they shorten with the development of pneumonia.


Cough and chest pain worsen when a person talks, sighs deeply, breathes actively, or gives himself more physical activity than usual. He may experience tingling chest pain when running or walking.

Intercostal neuralgia

This disease is characterized by severe chest pain in the form of shooting. They bother the person so much that he may scream in pain. It is important not to confuse intercostal neuralgia with attacks of heart pain, because the symptoms are similar.


Chest pain with intercostal neuralgia intensifies sharply as soon as a person coughs or if he simply inhales sharply.

Renal colic

This disease can cause pain not only in the back area where the kidneys are located, but also chest pain when coughing. Renal colic can occur due to a violation of the outflow of urine, which develops due to poor functioning of the urinary tract and kidneys.


Pain under the ribs on the right side of the chest increases with coughing and movement. Pain with renal colic can also bother the pit of the stomach (a common symptom) and the person also has pain in the entire abdomen. Pain from renal colic can radiate under the shoulder blade on the right side or into the right forearm. If a doctor examines a patient and checks the functioning of the gallbladder by palpation, pain may also be bothersome there. The tenth and twelfth vertebrae of the chest can especially signal pain.

Chest injuries

They can also cause chest pain, which gets worse when coughing. Chest injuries may include fractures or bruises of the ribs, as well as dislocations and subluxations of the shoulder joint.


Pain from chest injuries is usually sharp, shooting, and intensifies with every movement. It is important not to confuse such pain with osteochondrosis. With this disease, chest pain also increases with coughing, but is treated completely differently.

Chest pain when coughing due to a cold

The causes of chest pain when coughing can be colds caused by viruses or bacteria. The diseases themselves are influenza, ARVI, whooping cough, inflammation of the trachea (tracheitis) and other cold-related diseases.


  • Dry cough that doesn't go away
  • Chills
  • Sore throat
  • Heat
  • Fast fatiguability
  • Feels like someone is scratching the inside of your chest

As a rule, such pain goes away immediately as soon as a person eliminates the source of the disease - bacteria or viruses that caused pain and cough.

Lungs' cancer

Lung cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled growth of cells in the tissues of the lungs. If the cancer is not treated, this growth can spread beyond the lungs (metastasis) to nearby tissues and other parts of the body. The most common cause of lung cancer is long-term exposure to tobacco smoke. It is important to know that non-smokers account for 10-15% of lung cancer cases, and doctors often attribute these cases to a combination of genetic factors. The remaining 80-85% of lung cancer cases are the consequences of smoking.


The nature of chest pain when coughing, which occurs due to lung cancer, is sharp, tingling, encircling the entire chest. The pain may bother a person only in one part of the chest or radiate to the arm, stomach or neck. If metastases penetrate into the ribs or spine, the person experiences very strong, unbearable pain in the chest, which intensifies with the slightest movements.


A collapsed lung, or pneumothorax, is a cushion of air in the space around the lungs. This buildup of air puts pressure on the lungs so they cannot expand as much as they need to breathe normally. A collapsed lung occurs when air escapes from the lungs and fills the space outside the lungs, inside the chest. This condition can be caused by a gunshot or knife wound to the chest, broken ribs, or medical procedures. In some cases, a collapsed lung occurs without a reason. This condition is called spontaneous pneumothorax.


Unbearable chest pain, which sometimes goes away on its own, and sometimes requires surgical intervention. Chest pain may be mild, but worsens with coughing or sudden movements.

A coughing attack is often accompanied by pain in the chest. There are many reasons for this condition. Chest pain when coughing may be a sign of a severe inflammatory process occurring in the lungs or in the pleural area. But diseases of the respiratory system are not the only cause of possible pain in this area. Also, such a symptom may indicate problems in the cardiovascular system, etc.


Let's look at the most common reasons for chest pain when coughing:

  • ARVI, seasonal flu, etc.
  • Bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia.
  • Pleurisy.
  • Diphtheria.
  • Epiglottitis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Foreign body.
  • Pulmonary embolism.
  • Rib fractures.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Tumors of various origins (benign and malignant).
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.

Let's look at some diseases in which a similar symptom occurs in more detail.


The pleura is a serous membrane that covers the surface of the lungs and the inner wall of the chest. Thus, there is a pleural cavity between them. When the pleura becomes inflamed, the disease pleurisy occurs. It can be exudative, with accumulation of fluid in the pleural space, and dry.

The following symptoms are characteristic of pleurisy:

  • Dry cough, chest pain, shortness of breath.
  • Weakness and excessive sweating, usually at night.
  • The temperature is low-grade and rarely rises to high levels.
  • If the patient lies down on the affected side, the pain decreases slightly, as breathing movements are limited.

With exudative pleurisy (in case of fluid accumulation), shortness of breath increases. And if pleurisy becomes purulent, the temperature rises sharply.

To treat this disease, antibacterial therapy is used, and in the case of purulent contents, it is recommended to remove the fluid by pleural puncture.


With this disease, chest pain when coughing is also typical. Especially if lobar pneumonia develops affecting a lobe or the disease usually begins with a sharp rise in temperature. It can reach up to 40 degrees. Pain in the chest also appears when taking a deep breath. The patient experiences shortness of breath from the first days.

The patient's condition worsens. In addition to the described symptoms - chest pain, cough, fever - red spots may appear, which are noticeable on the face from the side of the lesion, as well as cyanosis (blueness) of the lips, if the cardiovascular system is involved in the pathological process. Palpitations and heart rhythm disturbances may occur.

After a few days, sputum begins to cough up, at first transparent, then it becomes the color of rust.

Symptoms may worsen over two weeks. Then, with proper treatment, the crisis passes, and gradually the patient becomes better. - this is a very serious disease. It is treated only with antibiotics. Sometimes several antibacterial drugs are used at once. Before the advent of antibiotics, this disease was very often fatal.


Chest pain when coughing can be caused by colds caused by viruses or bacteria. Such diseases include:

  • ARVI.
  • Flu.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Bronchitis, etc.

These diseases are characterized by the following symptoms: cough, chest pain, runny nose (this may not be present with bronchitis and tracheitis). In addition, the patient is worried about weakness, chills, and an increase in temperature, sometimes up to 38-39 degrees and above. Patients often say that they feel as if someone is scratching their chest from the inside. With the start of treatment, these sensations gradually disappear. With bronchitis, the patient often suffers from chest pain, which intensifies.

Antiviral therapy is used for influenza and ARVI. If you have a runny nose, vasoconstrictor medications (drops, sprays) are used. Antibiotics can be used to treat bronchitis and tracheitis.

Intercostal neuralgia

This disease is characterized by pain in the chest, which can occur as sharp exacerbations in the form of shots. They intensify with deep inspiration and can be unbearable, according to patients.

With intercostal neuralgia, it is important not to confuse this disease with angina attacks or other heart diseases.

Chest injuries

These include bruises and painful sensations are pronounced and intensify with any movement. It is important not to confuse them with pain due to osteochondrosis. For this purpose, a chest x-ray is taken. Injuries to the shoulder joint (subluxations, dislocations, fractures) sometimes give similar symptoms.

With fractures of the lungs or other injuries (knife or gunshot wound, etc.) of the chest, pneumothorax can sometimes occur - this is the penetration of air into the pleural space around the lungs, which compresses the lung and prevents it from expanding when inhaling. This condition usually requires surgery.

Sometimes a small spontaneous pneumothorax may occur; it resolves on its own and does not require treatment.

Lungs' cancer

With this tumor process, uncontrolled growth of pathological cells occurs in the lung tissues. The process can also affect nearby organs. It is important to identify the pathology as quickly as possible and take immediate action. Therefore, all citizens are recommended to undergo fluorography or x-ray examination of the lungs at least once a year.

Statistics show that of all cases of lung cancer, 85% of patients are smokers. The remaining 15% are patients with a family history, living in environmentally unfavorable areas, working in hazardous industries, etc.

Pain in the chest due to lung cancer is tingling and sharp. They can encircle the entire chest or be located only on one side, extending to the neck, arm, or shoulder blade. If the process has gone far, and metastases penetrate into the spine or ribs, then the patient suffers from very strong, literally unbearable pain in the chest area, which intensifies with any movement.

If such symptoms occur, you need to identify the cause of discomfort and pain. To do this, you need to seek medical help. Only a specialist will determine their true cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

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