Why do small lips hurt? Pain in the labia

Pain and itching of the labia minora

Asked by: Anya

Female gender

Age: 20

Chronic diseases: No

Hello. About four days ago (05/31) I had sexual intercourse with my husband. During the act, I felt pain in the vagina. Obviously there was not enough lubrication and I began to rub and as if something was “clinging” to the penis in the vagina. After that, I felt pain in my labia minora. At that time, everything hurt: my labia, inside the vagina, and this entire area. During hygiene, it stung very strongly on the outside. The next day (June 1) the main pain subsided. It only hurt inside the vagina in one place, exactly in the same place that was “clinging”. And between the labia (the line between the lips that goes from the clitoris to the vagina, with small “pimples”, I don’t know what it’s called) there was also pain and something stabbed, it felt as if a needle was being sharply stuck into it. That same evening (June 1) I put the Depantol candle on for the night. In the morning (June 2), when I woke up, I did not feel any discomfort or pain until I sat down on a chair. By evening it started to hurt a little more. After evening hygiene with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, it became a little easier. Today (June 3) it doesn’t hurt as much, but it’s still difficult to sit. Swelling, rashes, redness, etc. No. Everything looks as usual. There are no allocations either. I can’t get to a gynecologist yet, because many doctors are on vacation/sick leave, and it’s difficult to get in without an appointment. Registration wait 2 weeks. What could this be and how can I relieve the pain? We have been living with my husband for 3 years, sexual intercourse is very rare (1-2 times a month). I’ve had chafing before, sometimes quite severely, but it all usually went away the next day. I tried to write as detailed as possible. Thanks in advance for your answer

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AsadziTyan 2014-06-03 17:29

If possible, I'll clarify a little. Now I examined and felt everything more carefully. It hurts not exactly where I wrote (for some reason it seemed so to me), but those lips (I also don’t know what it’s called, or whether they are lips at all) that cover the entrance to the vagina. It hurts right there. And it hurts, stings and itches at the same time. I apologize for the confusing description of my problem. Unfortunately, I don’t know medical terms and names.

Hello! It is difficult to evaluate everything unambiguously. You need to do a flora smear and get tested for STIs to rule out infections. If this does not happen, then there was simply not enough lubrication, so it “rubbed”. In addition, if you constantly have problems with lubrication, then estrogen deficiency may have an effect, which makes it necessary to donate blood for estradiol (on days 21-22 of the cycle). Yes, and an inspection is needed to understand what was “clinging” there. You cannot treat blindly, you can only alleviate the symptoms. You can wash yourself with a chamomile solution (maybe Rekutan), this will relieve irritation. For ointments, you can use Bepanten, which will not affect the tests. Also externally, if it’s really bad - Fenistil, Pimafucort

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The labia majora are essentially large folds of skin with underlying layers of fat and muscle. In women, the labia majora are covered with hair. This body contains numerous nerve endings and sebaceous glands. They perform the function of protecting the urethra and vagina.

The labia minora resemble flower petals in appearance and contain many blood vessels. There is no hair on the labia minora. They are located above the clitoris, forming the so-called female foreskin.

If the skin of the labia is infected, then sexual intercourse causes pain, itching and burning. Female genital organs vary greatly in appearance. Different women have different sizes, shapes, colors, textures.

In the area of ​​the labia minora there are Bartholin's glands. Previously, doctors believed that they produced lubricant, but now scientists have determined that only a small amount of secretion comes from the glands, which moisturizes the labia.

What diseases cause pain in the labia?

Diseases that provoke pain in this organ include inflammation of the labia or vulvovaginitis. Its cause is poor hygiene, dirt, and germs. There is pain when walking and urinating. The labia become inflamed, yellow-green discharge appears, and an unpleasant odor appears.

Another common disease is candidiasis or thrush. This disease is caused by a fungus. An imbalance of microorganisms provokes excessive proliferation of fungus (a small amount of which is present in the body of any person), which leads to thrush.

Sometimes fungi are transmitted sexually. But more often, the proliferation of fungus is facilitated by low-quality intimate hygiene products containing a large amount of perfumed substances: pads, gels. Sexual intercourse with thrush causes pain. Fortunately, the disease is easily treated with ointments and tablets. Thrush is characterized by white discharge, a red and inflamed vagina, itching and burning.

Another disease called vulvodynia, affecting the genital area, occurs due to inflammation of the nerve endings. Painful sensations are accompanied by itching and burning. The disease can be caused by thrush, antibiotics, and infections. Diagnosis is very difficult. The labia become very inflamed and painful. With any physical activity, sexual intercourse, burning, itching, and pain occur.

A serious disease for women is bartholinitis, in which the Bartholin gland, a small organ located on the labia, becomes inflamed. Inflammation of the glands causes pain and swelling. The causes of bartholinitis are still unknown, perhaps its occurrence is provoked by microorganisms. The pain with bartholinitis is throbbing, and after sexual intercourse it can last for several more hours. Seals appear in the area of ​​the labia.

Bacterial vaginosis is one of the forms of vaginal dysbiosis. It is caused by a bacterium called Gardnerella vaginalis. Half of the affected women experience redness and swelling of the labia, watery discharge begins, and an unpleasant smell of rotten fish occurs. The smell occurs because anaerobic flora releases foul-smelling substances. The discharge becomes gray-green in color. There is dryness, itching, discomfort, and difficulty urinating.

Image from lori.ru If your labia hurts, you can’t count on the discomfort to go away on its own. Any unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the labia and vagina should serve as a signal to go to the doctor. A condition in which the labia (or both) are swollen and painful can be caused by the following reasons: 1. You have developed inflammation of the labia, or vulvovaginitis. It occurs for various reasons related to tissue irritation caused by rubbing of the external genitalia with underwear, irritation from discharge, or infection from dirty hands during masturbation. Symptoms of vulvovaginitis: itchy, swollen labia and pain when urinating and walking, there is noticeable redness. An unpleasant-smelling, yellowish-green discharge may be present. 2. Thrush, also known as candidiasis. This disease affects the mucous membrane of the labia and vagina. The causative agent of this disease, the yeast-like fungus Candida, is normally a natural inhabitant of the microflora of the vagina and other human organs (gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity, excretory system). But if, due to the action of some internal or external factors, the number of Candida microorganisms becomes prevalent in the microflora, candidiasis develops. Symptoms of thrush: the labia are irritated and sore, after sex and during sex there is pain inside the vagina, there is noticeable redness of the mucous membrane, discharge appears - leucorrhoea - with a characteristic cheesy texture and sour odor. The affected mucous membrane burns, itches and itches. 3. If pain in the labia is concentrated at the entrance to the vagina, it may be vulvodynia. However, this difficult to diagnose disease can affect all genitals. Painful sensations are caused by constant inflammation of the nerve endings located in the vulva. This painful condition can be caused by an infectious disease, chronic candidiasis, or long-term treatment with antibiotics. Determining that it is vulvodynia is quite difficult; diagnosis is complicated by the similarity of symptoms with other diseases. If the diagnosis is inaccurate, a woman may suffer psychological trauma if her disease is diagnosed as an STD, or even unnecessary drug treatment. Symptoms of vulvodynia: chronic inflammation and pain in the labia, any touch, whether using pads or tampons on menstrual days, cycling, sex, causes severe burning and pain. 4. Inflammation of the Bartholin glands. Bartholinitis affects the large gland of the vaginal vestibule, causing swelling and pain in the labia. Blocked and inflamed Bartholin's glands are a pair of organs, one on each of the labia. Bartholinitis interferes with the normal functioning of the glands - the secretion of lubricant. Doctors find it difficult to give a definite answer to the question about the reasons for the development of bartholinitis; its occurrence is attributed to the influence of various microorganisms - gonococcus, staphylococci and others. Symptoms of bartholinitis: mainly with this disease, the labia hurt after and during sex. Even during the process of increasing sexual arousal, the patient feels a throbbing pain that does not leave her for several hours. Near the vagina, lumps may be clearly visible on the labia. 5. Gardnerellosis. One of the types of vaginal dysbiosis caused by the microorganism Gardnerella vaginalis. The main characteristic sign of the occurrence of gardnerellosis is what is popularly called the “smell of herring” - a discharge in the form of foam or a clear liquid with the smell of decaying fish. It is caused by trimethylamine and cadaverine vapors released by anaerobic bacteria. Symptoms of the disease: itching and pain in the vaginal area and its entrance, discharge from transparent to gray-green, difficulty urinating. Specialists who help get rid of pain in the labia:

  • Dermatovenerologist
  • Gynecologist


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Why do the labia swell?

Knowledge is never superfluous. And, before going to see a doctor, it would be a good idea to get acquainted with the reasons that can answer the question why the labia are swollen? The reasons that provoke swelling of this intimate area can be quite extensive, and before you begin to relieve the problem, you need to correctly determine the source, since only by eliminating it can you get rid of the unpleasant symptoms.

  1. One of the most common diseases that provoke a tumor of the labia can be considered bartholinitis. This is an inflammatory process caused by an infection that has entered the woman’s body, occurring in the Bartholin gland and aggravated by purulent foci. The gland is located directly at the “entrance” to the vagina. A cyst that had previously formed in the gland and began to fester can also provoke such a manifestation.

Symptoms of this disease include hyperemia of the epidermis, located in close proximity to the exit duct of the gland, as a result of ongoing inflammation. Swelling of the labia is observed, their area becomes painful, the discomfort is especially aggravated when walking and sexual intercourse. Bartholinitis can be aggravated by purulent abscesses and cysts. If the disease is diagnosed early, the result of therapy is quite favorable, possibly even self-healing. Otherwise, bartholinitis comes to an abscess. The ongoing inflammatory and purulent process often causes an increase in body temperature. The task of the Bartholin gland is to produce “lubricant” (special mucus). If its operation malfunctions and mucus production decreases, this causes dryness of the reproductive organs, which brings discomfort during coitus and injury to the genitals.

  1. The second reason that causes swelling of the labia is vulvovaginitis (an inflammatory process in the tissues of the labia). The reason for its appearance may be: irritation of the labia through mechanical contact or due to vaginal discharge, which has undergone a complex adjustment due to insufficient or lack of hygiene of this intimate area. With this pathology, a woman may observe swelling of the genital organs, experience itching and other manifestations leading to discomfort.
  2. Candidiasis (or it is also known as thrush), which gives similar symptoms, is also quite common. A distinctive feature of this disease is: cheesy vaginal discharge, an unpleasant sour odor, itching, pain symptoms inside the vagina directly during sexual intercourse.
  3. Pain in the intimate area, and directly in the labia, their swelling, the cause of which is quite difficult to establish, may be a consequence of progressive vulvodynia, which is provoked by prolonged use of antibiotics or in the case of chronic candidiasis.
  4. If the labia are swollen, but in addition there is painful urination and unpleasant, foul-smelling greenish-yellow discharge, and the skin itches, such symptoms may indicate the presence of one of the diseases such as vulvitis (inflammation of the external genitalia) or vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina). This pathology could be provoked by a lack of hygiene of the reproductive organs, abortion, injury, frequent change of sexual partner and many others.
  5. The cause of swelling may also be an allergic reaction of sensitive skin in intimate areas to the friction of underwear or the material of the product.

You should not diagnose yourself; only a qualified specialist can diagnose the correct one. The diagnosis is made on the basis of a complex of gynecological examinations and examinations, bacterioscopy. Only after this, a treatment protocol is prescribed for a specific reason, including antibacterial and immunomodulating drugs, special medical procedures and other necessary measures.

When do the labia minora swell?

Everything in the human body is harmonious; not the least role in a woman’s life is played by the labia minora, which begin to grow and develop during the girl’s puberty, along with her breasts. In Western countries, they are of the opinion that it is not correct to divide this organ into labia minora and labia majora, since in thirty percent of women the so-called labia minora are larger in size than the labia majora. Therefore, there you can find the phrase inner labia - internal, outer labia - outer labia. If you are worried that the labia minora are swollen, you should not immediately panic. The first thing to do is to understand the cause of this swelling. It is inherent from nature that the labia minora swell during sexual fantasies, direct mechanical stimulation of a woman’s reproductive organs, or in the case of direct sexual contact - and this is the absolute norm. Such swelling is not dangerous and subsequently, when sexual arousal subsides, the size of the labia minora returns to its original state and dimensional parameters. If the labia minora are swollen during arousal, then this is not only safe, but also brings certain benefits, preparing the owner for further intimate life. This natural physiological process usually dies down after an hour or two after peak excitation; sometimes such regression drags on for four to twelve hours. Increased swelling of the inner labia can already be observed in an adult woman during coitus itself, and the reason for this may be rubbing them with the partner’s genital organ. As a rule, in this case, the use of a special anti-allergenic lubricant is sufficient. Some girls are worried about the dangers of masturbation. It’s worth calming them down right away. If during the process of arousal a woman does not have a harsh effect on her organs that damages the epidermis, then there is nothing to worry about. Due to self-satisfaction, if the above is fulfilled, the skin does not become rough or reddened, and there is no change in its original size. All gossip and speculation are associated with simple ignorance of physiology. Now it’s worth figuring out in what case you need to sound the alarm and seek advice from a doctor.

  • If there is a change in the consistency, smell or color of vaginal discharge.
  • If a woman begins to feel discomfort in the genital area, itching (in such a situation, it is first necessary to make sure that the delicate skin is not damaged by cracks or scratches, which are easy to get when removing hair in the intimate area).
  • If, upon palpation, previously unobserved compactions are felt.
  • The appearance of various types of neoplasms on the skin.

In such a situation, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication; such self-confidence can be quite dangerous and lead to undesirable consequences. It would be more reasonable to undergo an examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist and get his consultation, which should not be postponed.

Causes of swelling of the labia majora

If a woman feels that her big lip is swollen and this brings some discomfort, you should not leave everything to chance, watch, maybe you will be able to independently determine the cause of the swelling.

Therefore, if the pathology does not go away, you cannot do without the help of a specialist. And you shouldn’t put off going to the doctor “until later.”

Causes of itching and swelling of the labia

The skin in the labia area is particularly sensitive, so if a woman begins to feel itching and swollen labia in the intimate area, then it is definitely necessary to pay more attention to this problem. These two combinations can be symptoms of quite unpleasant diseases, but only a doctor can determine the correct cause of the pathology. Therefore, if the irritation persists and did not arise, for example, after shaving the intimate area and can disappear on its own, you need to contact a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct a visual examination and prescribe a series of diagnostic tests, only after which can we talk about an adequate diagnosis and the prescription of effective therapy. A medical problem when the labia are itchy and swollen, and which needs to be solved with medication, may be the following pathology: Vulvovaginitis - inflammation that occurs in the external genitalia. It can develop due to irritation caused by rubbing with underwear (the size or model is not suitable) or due to an allergic reaction of the girl’s skin to the material of the underwear itself or its trim (lace, rolls, elastic bands). Vulvovaginitis can also develop as a result of active, rough, skin-damaging masturbation. Mostly it occurs in teenagers. Pathology can also appear due to infection, wearing dirty panties, or failure to comply with basic rules of intimate hygiene. In addition to the symptoms already indicated, this disease is also marked by the following manifestations:

In addition to the already known symptoms, this pathology differs:

  • The appearance of pain in the genitals and groin area.
  • There is painful urination.
  • The discharge becomes watery, acquires a foamy character, and the color becomes grayish-green. The liquid has an unpleasant smell of rotten fish.

To summarize the above, it is necessary to focus on the fact that the result of treatment largely depends on how early the patient sought help from a doctor and how correct the treatment was.

Why are the labia swollen and itchy?

In light of the many fungi and infections that exist in the world and are ready to “settle” in the human body, any discomfort in the intimate area should alert a woman. After all, there are pathologies that for the time being do not manifest themselves, and they can only be detected by undergoing a preventive examination by a gynecologist. Therefore, you should not neglect this opportunity, because some lesions are treated quite simply, while others require more attention, effort and time. Therefore, if a woman notices that her labia are swollen and itchy, immediately consult a specialist. Only a certified doctor can determine the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. It is worth noting that such symptoms cause significant discomfort to the owner. The desire to scratch an itchy place leads to the formation of ulcers, which not only cause pain, but are also a “gate” through which various infections freely enter. The desire to scratch an intimate place can also be met with psychological discomfort, especially when a person is in a public place or the climatic features of the area of ​​residence pose an obstacle.

Why do the labia become swollen after sex?

Some still inexperienced girls are frightened by the situation when their lips are swollen after sex: she is panicked and frightened. In fact, nothing terrible happened, because a woman’s labia are equipped with a large number of venous and arterial vessels and nerve endings. Since one of the erogenous zones of the female body is located in this place, their increased sensitivity leads, with any caress or simple touch, to irritation of the nerve receptors and a rush of blood, which provokes swelling of the lips of the genital area. The quantitative increase in their size depends on the individual characteristics of the body of the fair sex. But still, one should not discount the pathological lesion. If the change in the size of the labia is directly related only to coitus, then there is no need to worry, but if the swelling does not go away even after 12 hours after intercourse, you should think about visiting a doctor, since the cause may also be a disease.

Causes of swelling of the clitoris and labia

In most cases, there is nothing wrong with a situation where the clitoris and labia are swollen - this can be the result of natural sexual arousal caused by sexual fantasies, caresses of a partner or masturbation. During the period of sexual pleasure, a woman’s genitals, including the clitoris, receive blood flow, which causes them to swell. This is a natural process that allows a woman to prepare for intercourse. Therefore, there is no need to worry about a swollen clitoris and labia. The swelling will subside on its own some time after sexual intercourse is completed. Another question is if these symptoms persist even after 12 hours. If there are also concomitant pathological symptoms, then there is a direct path to an examination by a gynecologist, and you should not postpone this visit, since such manifestations can be caused by both a bacterial infection and an imbalance in the vaginal microflora caused by a malfunction in the ratio of various microorganisms.

Causes of swelling of the labia during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life, which is caused by a significant restructuring of the expectant mother’s body, which also affects the woman’s genital area. The fact that the labia are swollen during pregnancy can be detected by both the woman herself and the obstetrician-gynecologist examining her. This is especially noticeable during the second and third trimester. During this period, blood flow to the uterus and to the labia increases, which makes them more swollen. This situation is absolutely normal and due to physiology. Blood flow is the transport of nutrients and microelements so necessary for the normal growth and development of the fetus. The mother’s body is preparing for childbirth and blood flow is an important fact in this preparation, designed to facilitate the process of childbirth. But you shouldn’t take control of the condition of your intimate places. If swelling is associated with unnatural discharge and an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to notify the obstetrician-gynecologist, because such symptoms can be caused by an infection. Other reasons may also affect the size of the labia. During the period of bearing a child, the activity of blood circulation in the area of ​​​​certain organs decreases, as they succumb to the pressure of the uterus and the growing fetus, which compress the blood arteries. The consequences of such exposure can be dark ball-shaped seals (varicose veins of the labia). A third of pregnant women experience this pathology, but during normal pregnancy after delivery, varicose veins resolve on their own. Sometimes such a ball may burst, causing bleeding. Swelling of the labia during pregnancy is not an indication for a cesarean section, however, in some cases, an obstetrician-gynecologist may take such a step. In order not to complicate the situation, you need to wear comfortable underwear made of natural material. The expectant mother should rest normally, sleep only on her side, allowing blood to circulate unhindered. But the cause of swelling can also be an infectious disease. In this case, other unpleasant phenomena are added to the swelling. For example,

  • Rash in the form of blisters.
  • Itching and scabies of the labia.
  • Unpleasant discharge.
  • Erosive - ulcerative lesion of the mucous membrane.
  • Increased body temperature.

If at least one of the accompanying symptoms appears, you must notify the doctor managing the pregnancy. He will examine the pregnant woman and take a smear on the flora. Do not forget that some infections are quite dangerous, especially during pregnancy. Such a lesion can lead to premature birth, miscarriage, death of the nascent life in the womb, as well as lead to genetic changes in the fetus and its subsequent disability. Other infections may pose less of a threat to the life and health of the fetus, but their development should not be tolerated.

Causes of swelling of the labia with thrush

There are microorganisms that live in us constantly, without showing their presence. And only a confluence of certain factors can become a catalyst for their reproduction. These microorganisms include Candida, which provoke the development of candidiasis. This pathology poses less of a threat to pregnancy, but still causes a lot of unpleasant moments. Swelling of the labia with thrush is one of the symptoms of this pathology. Its accompanying symptoms are necessarily an unusual white, curd-like, copious discharge. This irritating factor begins to cause itching in the genitals. You always want to scratch them, which in turn leads to even greater swelling, hyperemia and the appearance of small wounds, which can become additional “gates” for another infection. During coitus and after it ends, a woman may experience pain in the vagina and at the exit from it. If you experience similar symptoms, you should consult a specialist and undergo the necessary examination. Modern therapy for thrush with antifungal drugs is quite successful and takes only a few days.


If intimate problems arise, not every woman immediately consults a doctor. The reason for this is indecision, embarrassment, fear. Swelling of the labia is one of these reasons. In some cases, symptoms such as redness, painful sensations, vaginal discharge, genitals itching. First of all, you need to find out the cause of these unpleasant manifestations and eliminate it. What to do if the labia are swollen?

Factors causing swelling

Why do the labia swell? There may be several reasons:

  • Allergy. Very often this is the reason that leads to swelling. An allergic skin reaction in the vaginal area can occur to both underwear and cosmetics.
  • Bartholinitis. The most common cause of swelling. Bartholin's glands are located at the entrance to the vagina. When an infection enters the female body, inflammation with purulent foci may occur in the glands. Also, a cyst can form and fester in the Bartholin gland. The labia swell and the area becomes painful, especially increasing discomfort during sex or when walking. Purulent abscesses and cysts aggravate the disease. With early diagnosis of the disease, even self-healing is possible. If you start bartholinitis, it threatens with an abscess.
  • Vulvovaginitis. It can occur due to mechanical irritation of intimate areas or due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. In this case, the lips become swollen, there may be itching, and a feeling of discomfort.
  • Vulvodynia in a progressive stage. Pain in the labia area and swelling are symptoms that are caused by long-term treatment with antibiotics or chronic candidiasis.
  • Vulvitis and vaginitis. With swelling of the lips, as well as greenish vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, and pain when urinating, there may be inflammation of the vagina or external genitalia. The causes of these pathologies may be frequent abortions, trauma to the genital organs, lack of hygiene, and promiscuity.
  • Candidiasis (thrush). Symptoms of this pathology: vaginal discharge, its consistency is very similar to cottage cheese, a sour smell, pain during sexual intercourse, the external genitals itch.

Only a doctor can make a diagnosis, based on the results of a gynecologist’s examination and research. When the cause is established, the doctor will individually select treatment.

Why is the labia minora swollen?

What can lead to puffiness and swelling:

  • Allergic reaction (synthetic underwear, condoms, hygiene products).
  • Swelling after sex. If the swelling goes away after some time, nothing needs to be done. During sex, a woman experiences arousal, blood flows to the nerve endings and vessels in the labia minora, causing them to increase in size.
  • Pregnancy. Hormonal changes in the female body contribute to a more active flow of blood to the genitals, which also causes swelling.
  • Tight underwear.
  • Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and endocrine system can also cause swelling.
  • Infectious diseases. In this case, without a visit to the doctor you will not be able to cope with the problem on your own. Thrush, vulvitis and other sexually transmitted infections can enter the genitourinary system if intimate hygiene rules are not followed. If the labia minora is swollen, itchy, or there is a cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor from the vagina, this indicates the presence of an infection.

Why do women's genital organs become swollen?

Factors that cause swelling of the labia majora:

  • Failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules.
  • Allergic reaction to personal care products or latex.
  • Synthetic and low quality underwear.
  • Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, endocrine system.
  • Strong sexual arousal.
  • Inflammation or infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

What to do if there is swelling?

If your labia are swollen, no matter how large or small it is swollen, it is better to consult a doctor. Perhaps the cause of this phenomenon will go away on its own, but consulting a specialist will not be superfluous. In most cases, swelling is caused by natural physiological processes in the female body. In this case, the swelling will go away on its own, without any treatment. If you follow simple recommendations, you can minimize the risks of genital diseases:

  • Strictly adhere to the rules of intimate hygiene.
  • Wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics that does not restrict movement.
  • Underwear must be clean.
  • Proper nutrition. The presence of certain foods in the diet can cause an allergic reaction, which is expressed in swelling of the labia and itching.
  • Avoid stressful situations, be less nervous.
  • If a woman has many sexual partners, this increases the risk of contracting infections.
  • If, in addition to swelling, other symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, and after determining the cause, follow all his recommendations.
  • Try to eliminate abortions.
  • If the vaginal mucosa is dry, it is recommended to use special intimate gels to protect the intimate area from injury during sex.
  • Use white pads to reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction.
  • When caring for the bikini area, use only your own machine. If severe irritation occurs, you need to use an antiseptic.
  • Regular examinations by a gynecologist should become the norm; you should not ignore them.

Women should take care of themselves, their health, especially intimate health. If unpleasant symptoms appear, a favorable result is possible only if you consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations. It is important to know!

If your labia hurts, you can’t expect that the discomfort will go away on its own. Any unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the labia and vagina should serve as a signal to go to the doctor.

A condition in which the labia (or both) are swollen and painful can be caused by the following reasons:

1. You have developed inflammation of the labia, or vulvovaginitis. It occurs for various reasons related to tissue irritation caused by rubbing of the external genitalia with underwear, irritation from discharge, or infection from dirty hands during masturbation.

Symptoms of vulvovaginitis: itchy, swollen labia and pain when urinating and walking, there is noticeable redness. An unpleasant-smelling, yellowish-green discharge may be present.

2. Thrush, also known as candidiasis. This disease affects the mucous membrane of the labia and vagina. The causative agent of this disease - the yeast-like fungus Candida - is normally a natural inhabitant of the microflora of the vagina and other human organs (gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity, excretory system). But if, due to the action of some internal or external factors, the number of Candida microorganisms becomes prevalent in the microflora, candidiasis develops.

Symptoms of thrush: the labia are irritated and sore, after sex and during it there are painful sensations inside the vagina, there is noticeable redness of the mucous membrane, discharge appears - leucorrhoea - with a characteristic cheesy texture and sour odor. The affected mucous membrane burns, itches and itches.

3. If pain in the labia is concentrated at the entrance to the vagina, it may be vulvodynia. However, this difficult to diagnose disease can affect all genitals. Painful sensations are caused by constant inflammation of the nerve endings located in the vulva. This painful condition can be caused by an infectious disease, chronic candidiasis, or long-term treatment with antibiotics. Determining that it is vulvodynia is quite difficult; diagnosis is complicated by the similarity of symptoms with other diseases. If the diagnosis is inaccurate, a woman may suffer psychological trauma if her disease is diagnosed as an STD, or even unnecessary drug treatment.

Symptoms of vulvodynia: chronic inflammation and pain in the labia, any touch, be it using pads or tampons on menstrual days, cycling, sex, causes severe burning and pain.

4. Inflammation of the Bartholin glands. Bartholinitis affects the large gland of the vaginal vestibule, causing swelling and pain in the labia. Blocked and inflamed Bartholin's glands are a pair of organs, one on each of the labia. Bartholinitis interferes with the normal functioning of the glands - the secretion of lubricant. Doctors find it difficult to give a definite answer to the question about the reasons for the development of bartholinitis; its appearance is attributed to the influence of various microorganisms - gonococcus, staphylococci and others.

Symptoms of bartholinitis: Basically, this disease causes pain in the labia after and during sex. Even during the process of increasing sexual arousal, the patient feels a throbbing pain that does not leave her for several hours. Near the vagina, lumps may be clearly visible on the labia.

5. Gardnerellosis. One of the types of vaginal dysbiosis caused by the microorganism Gardnerella vaginalis. The main characteristic sign of the occurrence of gardnerellosis is what is popularly called the “smell of herring” - a discharge in the form of foam or a clear liquid with the smell of decomposing fish. It is caused by trimethylamine and cadaverine vapors released by anaerobic bacteria.

Symptoms of the disease: itching and pain in the vaginal area and its entrance, discharge from transparent to gray-green, difficulty urinating.

Specialists who help get rid of pain in the labia:



Pain in the vagina. Why does the vagina hurt? Pain in the vaginal area is by no means the last place in the list of the most formidable threats to a woman’s health. In addition, the cause of such pain is often quite difficult to identify, and inaccurate diagnosis, self-medication, or even ignoring this very sensitive problem can lead to irreversible consequences and even greater health problems. The nature of pain in the vagina can vary greatly. It can be:

Pain occurs along with itching and discharge. In this case, the cause most often is infection of the genitourinary system.

Pain that occurs during or after sex.

Pain that worsens during bleeding or, conversely, during menopause.

Pain, the real epicenter of which is in the rectum, and the sensations indicate that the vagina hurts.

Pain that arises from psychological problems.

What is vulvovaginal pain?

The concept of vulvovaginal pain (Vulvar Pain) includes a number of fair definitions. Vulvovaginal pain is defined by:

Vulvodynia- a disease accompanied by vulvovaginal pain for no apparent reason.

Pain in the vagina and the areas of its vestibule, which are not associated with sexual intercourse and appear with vulvovaginitis, tumors, injuries and dermatological diseases in the vagina and vulva.

Vaginismus, that is, painful spasms of the muscles of the vagina and its vestibule accompanying the insertion of a penis, vaginal tampon or finger into the vagina. These pains at the entrance to the vagina are conditioned reflex in nature and are not a consequence of pathology of the female genital organs.

Dyspareunia(dyspareunia), that is, pain in the vagina and vulva during sexual intercourse, as well as before and after it. Strictly speaking, dyspaurenia is only a clinical manifestation of a variety of diseases, including the above: vaginismus and vulvodynia.

Pain in the vagina during sex in most cases, they are accompanied by serious problems directly related to gynecological or even psychological diseases. At the same time, regardless of the reasons causing the pain, the woman loses the desire to continue having sex. In turn, the result of refusal to have sex is resentment and quarrels, broken relationships and families.

Pain inside the vagina accompanying foreplay before sex or sexual intercourse itself is often characterized as “cutting” and “burning.” They are divided into several types:

Superficial pain- pain in which the entrance to the vagina and the areas of the outer and inner labia hurt during sexual intercourse. This same type of pain in some cases can be so severe that the woman suffering from it feels significant discomfort during the insertion and removal of a sanitary tampon, when sitting on a hard surface and riding a bicycle, during a gynecological examination. During the latter, the doctor, unwillingly, when probing the painful area with a damp cotton swab can even initiate pain of the same intensity as the pain that occurs during sex. Superficial type of pain in the vagina is more common than others.

Deep pain- pain in which the vagina hurts after sex or during it somewhere in the depths, in the lower abdomen and which, often, spreads to the rectum, sacrum, and also to the perineum. Deep pain has a pressing, burning and dull nature; most patients describe it as the appearance of a painful obstacle deep in the vagina during the insertion of a penis, vaginal tampon or finger.

Postpartum pain- pain that occurs in the vagina for no apparent reason, most often in women who are breastfeeding and women who have given birth for the first time. Postpartum pain in the vagina, according to various researchers, can be observed for 3 to 12 months. Its average duration is 5.5 months. Why does the vagina hurt, and what diseases can accompany this pain?

Causes of pain in the vagina can be:

1. Venereal diseases

Pain in the area of ​​the vaginal opening can be a reaction to the development and course of inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the body and cervix, its appendages, vagina and vulva, which in turn were caused by local urogenital infections:






Genital herpes viruses;

Others. The tissues of the inflamed areas of the genital organs are injured even from slight friction, which causes noticeable discomfort and pain in the vagina. In addition, inflammatory processes in the tissues of the genital organs can also manifest themselves as itching and burning in the vagina and vulva, copious mucous discharge from the genital tract, sometimes mixed with pus and, at times, unpleasant

2. Inflammatory diseases

Stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, which is often accompanied by inflammatory processes in the genital organs, is the reason why the vagina hurts after sex. In the vast majority of such cases, you can forget about completing sexual intercourse with orgasm.

3. Injuries and surgeries

Pain in the area of ​​the vaginal opening can occur due to injuries to the perineum and vagina or be the result of operations on the external genitalia during childbirth.

Injuries to the perineum, vagina, and cervix, namely their rupture, quite often occur during labor, when the muscles of the perineum and vagina, which directly make up the birth canal for the passage of the fetus, are subject to a particularly large load. In a fairly large number of cases of dangerous rupture of the perineum and ligaments during childbirth, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention - dissection of the perineum.

Often, in cases of rupture during childbirth of the ligaments supporting the uterus, pain occurs in the lower abdomen at the time of insertion of the penis into the vagina.

4. Lack of vaginal lubrication

Discomfort during sexual intercourse, which may be accompanied by pain, may be the result of insufficient vaginal hydration during menopause and during hormonal changes.

In the vast majority of cases, hormonal changes, characterized by insufficient production of estrogens (female sex hormones) during breastfeeding, occur after childbirth. In this case, dystrophic changes or weak lubrication of the vaginal mucosa may be observed. The vaginal cavity does not respond to stimulation, remaining narrowed and not elongated. This reaction interferes with the normal course of sexual intercourse.

5. Psychological problems

Psychological tension associated with personal fears, negative sexual experiences, irritating behavior of a partner, defective perception of concepts related to sexuality and sex, as well as an elementary lack of stimulating and relaxing factors before the act of intercourse lead to insufficient lubrication of the vaginal mucosa. In this case, friction of the penis causes irritation of the mucous membrane, accompanied by pain in the vagina.

Women with psychological problems can get caught in a vicious circle. The expectation of pain from having sex already causes tension in the vaginal muscles and the body does not respond to pathogens, that is, vaginal lubrication is not produced. This again leads to more irritation and pain in the vagina during intercourse.

Another significant cause of vaginal muscle tension can be vaginismus. The result of this, again, is pain in the vagina during sex. The development of vaginismus can be based on both psychological and physical factors.

Who should I contact for pain in the vagina?

For the answer to the question: " Why does my vagina hurt?"You should contact doctors such as:


Sexologist Psychiatrist

However, even for these specialists, it can be quite difficult to accurately determine the initial cause of pain in the vagina. In some cases, for diagnosis it is necessary to resort to the services of related specialists:




Other doctors

A joint analysis helps to make an accurate diagnosis and select the most effective treatment program aimed at eliminating the true cause of pain in the vagina.

Why does the clitoris hurt? Causes of pain in the clitoral area

The clitoris hurts for a number of reasons; pain can be caused by the following diseases:

1. Mechanical damage to the clitoris, caused by sharp actions with the hand or rough touches with the mouth, can cause pain in the clitoris. This is because excessive pressure may cause slight bleeding in the area. Swelling occurs and a small but very painful hematoma appears.

2. Irregular hygiene procedures can lead to irritation and pain in the clitoral area.

3. In terms of its structure, the clitoris has some common features with the male penis, in particular, it is also covered by a small fold of skin - the foreskin. During sexual intercourse, this fold constantly moves. In some cases, the foreskin is too large, and smegma accumulates under it - tissue particles, gland secretions, etc. Because of this, irritation occurs, redness and pain in the clitoris are observed. Doctors recommend circumcision for such patients, which is performed in the same way as for men.

4. Often the clitoris hurts only in the area of ​​the head, this is also due to the smegma accumulated under the hood covering it. To prevent such conditions, a woman should carefully rinse the clitoral area with clean water, slightly lifting its hood.

5. Pain in the clitoris can be caused by a sexually acquired disease, such as herpes. Thrush (candidiasis) also causes pain.

6. After childbirth, some women also complain of pain in the clitoral area. Most often, this does not require medical intervention and stops after a few weeks.

7. The clitoris contains many nerve endings, making it extremely sensitive. In such a delicate organ, you can cause pain even during cunnilingus by pressing too hard with your tongue.

If you experience pain in the clitoris, you should consult a gynecologist.

Vulvovaginitis – the occurrence of a tumor of the labia

There are various reasons for the appearance of tumors of the labia. The most common of them is rubbing underwear against the delicate tissues of the female genital organs, which in turn leads to subsequent irritation. Infections of the labia during and after masturbation are also common. The main signs of vulvovaginitis are itching when walking and urinating, yellowish discharge with a specific odor, redness and swelling of the labia.

Thrush or candidiasis
The causative agent of this disease is candida (yeast-like fungus). Every woman’s natural microflora contains this type of fungus. It can be located in the genitals, excretory organs, and in the oral cavity. An increase in the number of candida in any of the listed human organs leads to disease. Symptoms of thrush: discharge of a curd mass with a specific odor, painful sensations in the vagina, both during sexual intercourse and after. Sometimes there is itching of the genitals and redness and/or enlargement of the labia.

This disease is difficult to diagnose and is accompanied by pain at the entrance to the vagina. Inflammation of the nerve endings located in the genital organs is the main cause of the disease. The occurrence of vulvodynia is mainly associated with the transfer of an infectious disease, chronic thrush, or with prolonged exposure to antibiotics. The main signs of vulvadynia disease: severe itching of the genitals when interacting with foreign objects (pads, tampons, etc.), prolonged pain in the vaginal area, intense burning of the labia during sex.

This is inflammation and damage to the so-called Bartholin glands located at the entrance to the vagina. It can lead to swelling of the labia and pain in the genital area. The disease affects the functions of the glands, clogging the tubules and preventing their normal functioning. Very little lubricant is released. Today, doctors cannot confidently name the causes of the above-described disease. Although it is generally accepted that pain in the area of ​​the vagina and labia is caused by microorganisms such as staphylococcus, gonococcus, etc.

Symptoms of bartholinitis are mainly associated with sexual activity. During arousal, a woman may feel intense pain in the vaginal area, which does not go away some time after sexual intercourse. There may also be lumps in the vaginal area.

This disease has a second name - dysbiosis of the genital organs. As a rule, it manifests itself as gray-green discharge, which has a characteristic smell of “decaying fish,” itching and pain in the vagina. The causative agent is the microorganism Gardnerella vaginalis, which, when it enters the human body, begins to develop in the microflora of the vagina, causing pain in the labia and other symptoms.

Varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy
It is not uncommon for the labia to itch during pregnancy. A woman may also experience swelling and tenderness in her genitals. First of all, this is due to the fact that the fetus compresses the arteries of the genital organs, and this leads to a deterioration in blood circulation. There are also cases of varicose veins of the labia in pregnant women. This is a fairly common disease during this period. In some pregnant women, varicose veins of the labia occur both before and after childbirth.

If you find one of the above signs of any disease, immediately contact a gynecologist or dermatovenerologist. Do not wait until the disease gives complications, because they can be very deplorable.

Pain and itching of the labia minora

Asked by: Anya

Female gender

Age: 20

Chronic diseases: No

Hello. About four days ago (05/31) I had sexual intercourse with my husband. During the act, I felt pain in the vagina. Obviously there was not enough lubrication and I began to rub and as if something was “clinging” to the penis in the vagina. After that, I felt pain in my labia minora. At that time, everything hurt: my labia, inside the vagina, and this entire area. During hygiene, it stung very strongly on the outside. The next day (June 1) the main pain subsided. It only hurt inside the vagina in one place, exactly in the same place that was “clinging”. And between the labia (the line between the lips that goes from the clitoris to the vagina, with small “pimples”, I don’t know what it’s called) there was also pain and something stabbed, it felt as if a needle was being sharply stuck into it. That same evening (June 1) I put the Depantol candle on for the night. In the morning (June 2), when I woke up, I did not feel any discomfort or pain until I sat down on a chair. By evening it started to hurt a little more. After evening hygiene with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, it became a little easier. Today (June 3) it doesn’t hurt as much, but it’s still difficult to sit. Swelling, rashes, redness, etc. No. Everything looks as usual. There are no allocations either. I can’t get to a gynecologist yet, because many doctors are on vacation/sick leave, and it’s difficult to get in without an appointment. Registration wait 2 weeks. What could this be and how can I relieve the pain? We have been living with my husband for 3 years, sexual intercourse is very rare (1-2 times a month). I’ve had chafing before, sometimes quite severely, but it all usually went away the next day. I tried to write as detailed as possible. Thanks in advance for your answer

3 answers

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AsadziTyan 2014-06-03 17:29

If possible, I'll clarify a little. Now I examined and felt everything more carefully. It hurts not exactly where I wrote (for some reason it seemed so to me), but those lips (I also don’t know what it’s called, or whether they are lips at all) that cover the entrance to the vagina. It hurts right there. And it hurts, stings and itches at the same time. I apologize for the confusing description of my problem. Unfortunately, I don’t know medical terms and names.

Hello! It is difficult to evaluate everything unambiguously. You need to do a flora smear and get tested for STIs to rule out infections. If this does not happen, then there was simply not enough lubrication, so it “rubbed”. In addition, if you constantly have problems with lubrication, then estrogen deficiency may have an effect, which makes it necessary to donate blood for estradiol (on days 21-22 of the cycle). Yes, and an inspection is needed to understand what was “clinging” there. You cannot treat blindly, you can only alleviate the symptoms. You can wash yourself with a chamomile solution (maybe Rekutan), this will relieve irritation. You can use Bepanten as an ointment, which will not affect the tests. Also externally, if it’s really bad - Fenistil, Pimafucort

Discomfort and pain in the genital organs in women can be caused by a variety of reasons. These can be both sexually transmitted infections and various pathologies of the urinary system. Even the difference in determining the location where painful sensations are grouped may indicate various diseases and pathologies.

Thus, pain in the groin in women on the right may indicate both the presence of infections of the genitourinary system (endometritis, proctitis, parametritis and adnexitis) and a developing hernia.

Pain in a woman's left groin may accompany an attack of renal colic or appendicitis. Inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages that provoke pain in the left groin in women also include salpingoophoritis. However, such inflammations are also characterized by a sharp increase in temperature and a general deterioration of the condition.

Pain in the vagina

Pain in the vagina is most often aching or cutting in nature. The cause of pain is often difficult to determine. Among the diseases that cause such pain, there may also be diseases that threaten human life. If you notice such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Common causes of pain:

  • A nagging pain in the vagina during pregnancy can be caused by herpes or thrush infections.
  • Stitching pain in the vagina after sexual intercourse appears due to inflammation, which often develops in the period after childbirth against the background of decreased immunity.
  • Pain at the entrance to the vagina, which sometimes occurs during sexual intercourse, indicates insufficient lubrication.
  • Pain syndrome can be caused by psychosomatic factors, for example, unpleasant memories or fear of pain.
  • Also, such pain can be the consequences of recent injuries or surgical interventions.

Pain before menstruation

In the period before menstruation, pain in the groin begins to bother the vast majority of women. This occurs due to the dilatation of the cervix, which thickens and drops slightly. Also at this time, the risk of infection becomes greater, leading to painful sensations.

In addition, pain in the vagina before menstruation can be caused by the natural process of enlargement of the ovaries. This only indicates the increased sensitivity of some women; there is no pathology in such sensations or its likelihood is extremely low.

Pain in the vagina during menstruation is provoked by a decrease in hormone production, which leads to detachment of part of the endometrium - the inner mucous membrane of the uterus. There is no need to worry about this; as a last resort, the problem can be discussed with the gynecologist during the next scheduled visit. However, if the pain does not go away or intensifies with the end of menstruation, then a visit to the doctor should still take place.

Pain in the labia

Pain in the labia or lips can be either constant or only bother you during sexual intercourse. If the skin of the labia has become infected, itching or burning may also occur.

Causes of pain in the labia area:

  • Vulvovaginitis is an inflammatory process in the vagina and appendages, accompanied, among other things, by inflammation of the labia. They can be irritated due to menstruation, as well as unclean or improperly fitted underwear.
  • – a fungal disease due to excessive proliferation of Candida fungi. They are always present in small quantities in the body of a healthy person, but when the balance is disturbed, a disease occurs, also known as thrush. Candidiasis sometimes leads to painful sexual intercourse, after which a nagging pain in the labia may occur.
  • Vulvodynia is the definition of undiagnosed chronic pain in the vulva and vagina. With vulvodynia, the pain of the labia and vulva is explained by inflammation of their nerve endings, and a burning sensation may also appear. This diagnosis is difficult to make, since such pain is easily confused with signs of other diseases.
  • Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the Bartholin glands located on the labia. They are responsible for producing lubrication during sexual intercourse. The disease is characterized by the fact that the glands become swollen and painful when inflamed.
  • is a specific vaginal dysbiosis caused by an imbalance of microbes in the microflora of the genital organs.

If you experience prolonged pain in the genital area, you should seek help from a specialist (gynecologist or dermatologist-venereologist), who will develop a scheme for taking the necessary tests and subsequent treatment.

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