Why do cats trample? Different versions of why cats trample us with their paws

Almost all people have noticed that the cat, having jumped on the owner, begins to walk around him, as if dancing, marking time in one place. He always starts out carefully, then speeds up, moves more sharply, then seems to forget himself and, at this time, can release his claws. Many people wonder why a cat tramples you with its paws and what this ritual means, does it have any meaning for the pet or for the owner?

Of course, no one can accurately answer the question of why a cat tramples you with its paws. People have only some assumptions why she does this:

  • Childhood memories. According to natural data, in order for a kitten to receive mother's milk, it is forced to put pressure on the mammary glands. This is how stimulation and release of nutrition for the baby occurs. Childhood memories settle in the kitten’s mind, and already in adult life, in moments of calm, out of inertia, he performs similar actions. After all, he experiences the same warm feelings for his owner, and the cat is rewarded with such signs of attention only by his loved ones, and not by everyone living in the same house with him.
  • The next assumption why cats trample is a natural instinct. In ancient times, when cats were wild animals, they made their own den. To do this, they trampled down the vegetation, thereby giving it softness, and at this time they walked in a circle. Now they do not need such movements, but the instinct is passed on from generation to generation.
  • Another version is a sense of ownership. Zoologists claim that cats have special glands in their paw pads that secrete sweat, with such a subtle odor that only cats can smell it. In a similar way, the pet marks the owner from other cats, thereby saying that he is busy.
  • Another idea why cats trample is to check the territory. That is, with such movements they check whether everything is in order for comfort. It is with their paws that pets check for cold and sharp objects.
  • Another version of why cats trample, which people really adore, is that a person and his pet understand each other so well that they feel the emotional mood, whether there is any disorder or even depression. If cats trample us with their paws, then in this way they want to improve the internal state of the owner. During these actions, the pet releases a hormone of joy: endorphin, which has a calming effect on the owner and pet.
  • Another assumption is that the cat at this time feels a hormonal surge and the need for a cat. Neutered cats also suffer from this; their needs for the opposite sex do not go away immediately, but after some time.

How to behave when cats trample on the owner's body

Many do not understand how to behave if cats trample on a person with their paws, when they jump on us with a tender face, position themselves like a master and begin to trample, as if kneading dough. Moreover, cats can calmly release their claws at this time, but their reaction shows that these actions were not part of their plans.

Sometimes we have an ambiguous reaction to this, especially if sharp claws are pierced into a soft part of the body. There is no need to drive your pet away; you must remember that in this way he shows trust and love. If you drive the cat away at this time, it will receive emotional stress, and may even harbor a grudge.

When cats, trampling with their paws, put their claws into the owner's skin, then for safety reasons you can try to trim their nails. It is better to carry out this procedure by a specialist so as not to injure the animal. You can also use a special machine for this, which trims the claws a little, literally by 1-2 mm. It is better to carry out this procedure together so as not to injure the animal.

When the owner knows that his pet is prone to actions that cause him discomfort, then some tricks can be used to calm the animal's ardor. When a cat begins to trample the owner with its front paws, you need to hold them back a little and try to distract the pet with affection or a toy. Another maneuver during unwanted behavior is to gently pull the cat down. This way he will calm down and go to sleep. An option to distract from unwanted cat actions is to change the timbre of the voice; when the owner changes the intonation slightly, the pet becomes alert and changes its behavior.

Popular opinion

Traditional healers, when asked why a cat tramples on its owner, give a different interpretation. It is likely that the mustachioed magician finds a place that has fewer vital energy. By performing a massage with their front paws, they seem to be treating us, bringing energy balance. When a cat seems to enter into a role, trampling on a person’s body, it seems to be in a misunderstanding of what is happening at this moment. It is at this time that the exchange of bioenergy occurs between the animal and its owner.

Eastern sages, studying this phenomenon, claim that cat energy is closest to human energy. This phenomenon does not occur in any other animal. During bioenergetic contact, healing occurs. Eastern medicine claims that 15 minutes of cat massage can relieve depression, and it’s not at all scary when a kitten digs its claws into the skin, thereby stimulating the active zones of the body. They act like needles during acupuncture.

Experts believe that there is no difference whether a purebred pet or a barn cat does the massage. The main thing is that the pet warms up to the owner, so that he likes the person. Cats have amazing ability lie down and massage the area where there is a problem.

Are there cats that don't have this habit?

Artificially raised kittens that have never fed their mother's milk are deprived of this habit. For this reason they did not develop conditioned reflex. Sometimes when a mother cat has a large number of milk and few kittens, then her babies also have no need to trample a person, because they receive food in abundance. They had no need to obtain additional food.

There are many versions of this question, but the only ones who can reliably answer it are our tailed pets. But they don’t allow people into their secret world yet.

Many of us have a cat living in our house, which means the situation is close when every evening she jumps onto her lap and begins to methodically step from paw to paw. The question arises - why does a cat trample you with its paws?

There are several answers, but one thing is clear, none of them are 100% true.

This cat behavior is observed when the owner is resting. Jumping onto his lap, she first rubs her hands, and then licks them, and only then begins her ritual of massaging the owner’s body. This is how the animal releases fatigue from its breadwinner, negative energy, negative emotions, improving his condition at the moment of relaxed rest, leading state of mind to harmony with the surrounding world.


Cat breeders have identified several reasons for this behavior:

Why does a cat trample his paws and purr?

There is no difference between the behavior of a cat and a cat. Cats, like cats, love to get their dose of happiness and tranquility while sitting on the laps of their owners. They also move their paws and purr.

But there is one peculiarity - the cat chooses only one family member for a mutual relaxation session.

How to behave during a cat massage

Many people enjoy cat massage. But it happens that, carried away by trampling, a cat begins to release its claws and cause some pain. In this case, it is appropriate to slightly trim your pet’s claws by literally one or two millimeters, using special tools for this.

You can place a thick towel or small pillow on your lap so that your cat cannot reach your body.

If this cat behavior irritates you, then there are several techniques to force the animal to stop stomping. As soon as the cat climbs onto your lap, gently but firmly force her to lie down immediately to prevent her from scratching. Or hold her front paws with your hand to discourage the first impulse of trampling.

The distraction technique works well. A cat, as an animal, is very curious and playful. Distract her from the massage by showing her her favorite toy or simply offering her something to eat.

You can also change the position to make it uncomfortable for the cat to lie down. Or speak to her in a stern, somewhat rude voice. The cat will calm down and go to sleep without a massage.

Interesting video:

But no matter how you feel about cat massage, with approval, or vice versa, all these reasons are only an assumption and it is not known for certain why the cat tramples you with its paws. Just be with pet tolerant and affectionate.

The cat was and remains man's most beloved pet. Even in ancient times, people believed that cats have a connection with the other world and can feel both positive and negative energy. To this day, the cat is considered the keeper of comfort and peace in the owners’ house, their protector from various kinds failures.

Every person who has a cat at home knows that this is a sweet and good-natured animal, ready to reciprocate his care with affection. Although he is independent and independent, he shows signs of attention to his owner in different ways.

Why does a cat trample you with its paws?

Many people notice that their pet, jumping onto its knees, crushes them with its front paws. At this time, the cat purrs, receiving great pleasure from it. Sometimes she gets carried away with this procedure to such an extent that she can lose control and release her claws more than necessary, causing pain to a person.

Eat several versions of the reasons Why does a cat trample with its front paws?

  • Bed arrangement.
  • Relaxation.
  • The cat is the owner.
  • Felinotherapy.
  • Expression of feelings.

Bed arrangement

Cats, when they were still wild and lived in the forests, did not have soft bedding, but slept directly on the ground. Therefore, to make it more comfortable for them to rest, they raked dry leaves into a pile and crushed them with their paws for a long time, thus making themselves a mattress. Since then, they have had a reflex: before they lie down more comfortably, they stomp.

But nowadays, not a single cat rakes leaves to sleep, but simply looks for cozy comfortable place. Another variation of this theory is that cats have tactile receptors on their paw pads. They use them to check whether it is necessary or not to lie down in this place.

When a cat tramples, endorphins are released at this time. This procedure helps relieve her stress. Also, these methodical movements calm her down.

Cat owner

A cat has glands between its toes that secrete a specific substance. With the help of this smelling substance, cats leave marks, although humans cannot smell it. This is one of the reasons why cats trample. They want to leave their scent on their owner, blanket or favorite soft toy. By this action they claim their rights.

It has been noticed that, as a rule, it is mainly dependent, affectionate and insecure animals that trample. This partly confirms the version: cats, leaving their scent marks, feel much calmer and are less stressed.


Cats have long been credited with various mystical abilities, including human healing. IN Lately Scientific research show that feline therapy is effective.

Many owners of four-legged friends notice the strange ability of their pet to trample with its front paws exactly on the place of the body where it would later a health problem is discovered.

There is even scientific evidence confirming that cats detect cancer and feel a pre-infarction state. If your cat is trampling on your stomach, maybe you should see a doctor? Suddenly it’s not about your pet, but about a deterioration in well-being.

As for treatment with these pets, cardiologist A.I. Lavrushin claims that a cat, trampling on the chest of an owner suffering chronic disease hearts, trying improve blood circulation. Doctors, listening to the stories of many patients, how animals massage their problem areas, marking time in this place, cannot put forward another version.

Why does a cat trample on a fellow tribesman who has been hit by a car or on an owner who is dying from heart attack? There are not only eyewitness accounts, but also video materials and photos that confirm the facts when four-legged pets come to the aid of the sick and to injured owners and fellow tribesmen.

Expressing feelings

From birth, a kitten's behavior is governed by instincts. He receives food with great pleasure, although this procedure makes him work. The kitten has a well-developed sucking reflex, which allows it to receive healthy mother's milk.

To satiate faster and overcome the resistance of the mother's flesh, the kitten begins instinctively massage the cat has a belly. He spreads his paws wide and alternately presses with them. These actions help to quickly obtain milk, giving the baby great pleasure.

Growing up, cats develop an instinct to knead their paws and get pleasure from it. Therefore, the cat, being on your lap, feels joy and instinctively begins to trample with his front paws, although, of course, he is not expecting milk. With these actions, she expresses her trust, seeing in you her mother, with whom she felt safe and calm.

This version really confirms that cats in childhood move their front paws when feeding. But there are also objections to it:

  1. Why does a cat, before going to bed, trample with its paws a sofa, chair, carpet, soft toy, etc., although there is no owner there?
  2. Even animals that are taken away from their mother immediately after birth have the habit of trampling. They were artificially fed using a pipette or syringe, and therefore there is no need to finger paws.

What to do if you don't like cat trampling

When trampled, cats release their sharp claws. And no matter what the reason is for a cat to trample you with its paws, it can be unpleasant. In addition, the cat can take puffs on a blanket, upholstered furniture or bedding.

Veterinarians say that when cats release their claws, you should not scold them, as they still will not understand why you are angry with them. It's better just trim their claws, but this needs to be done in the clinic, since you can touch the part of the claws where the capillaries are located. But this method is not suitable for cats that go outside. For example, if a dog attacks, they will not be able to escape from it by climbing a tree.

In fact, cats can understand everything and the same method will work with them as with children. If the child is still in infancy bites, then sometimes the mother copes with this peculiar method: she bites him back.

Applying the same technique to a cat can produce results. Taking her paw and pressing on the pad to stick out her nails, you need to run them over the cat herself so that she feels how unpleasant it is. Do this several times and your cat will understand that when trampling claws cannot be released.

Which statement is more reliable - why does the cat trample? It most likely depends on the situation, but cat massage is only possible if furry pet trusts you. There is no need to scold and drive the cat off your lap, but simply cover them with a thick blanket so that four-legged friend could enjoy the massage.

Good-natured and attentive creatures who are ready to bestow their owner with boundless love and tenderness. Each cat displays its attitude differently. Some people wonder why a cat tramples us with its paws, and do not find clear answers. Perhaps this is one of the manifestations of tender feelings for a person so close and dear to the cat?

Many owners have repeatedly observed how their beloved cat, jumping onto a person’s lap, begins to lazily purr and knead the skin with its paws, gently trampling from paw to paw. This action brings her incredible pleasure. Sometimes forgetting herself, she can release her sharp claws from the pleasure she experiences. You should not punish or scold the animal. There are several versions of the origin of such ambiguous pet habits.

5 main reasons why a cat tramples you with its paws

The cat performs such rituals only in moments of complete relaxation and absolute calm on the part of the owner. By licking, trampling with her paws and purring, she takes away accumulated fatigue, negative energy, and bad emotions. In return, the pet will give you peace, tranquility and spiritual harmony.

1. C early childhood The little fluffy ball was under the protection of his mother, who fed him milk. At the time of feeding, the baby lightly pressed and kneaded the mammary glands with his paws, stimulating the production of a sufficient amount of milk.

For a mature kitten, a loving owner replaces the mother, but the habit of “trampling” remains and is transferred to the person. In the process of trampling, the cat’s childish reflexes are triggered: it will settle down under the owner’s side, stretching sweetly and arching its back, lightly purring, moving its paws, and drooling. These manifestations are absolute trust in their caring owner.

2. Ancient instincts. Since ancient times, cats were wild animals living in wild thickets and forests. They hunted and built their homes without human help. To go to bed, they had to get rid of hard objects by trampling the grass in a circular motion. They performed this ritual regularly until the resting place became soft and comfortable.

Perhaps this instinct of arranging one’s own territory is working at the present time. A domesticated pet tramples a person’s back and knees, purrs, returning to the past and using the instincts of its ancestors.

3. Feelings of possessiveness. The cat is a real owner and tramples only its owner with its paws; it never does this to other people. On pads cat paws are sweat glands. At the moment of trampling, the production of special secretions secreted by the glands intensifies. They have a specific smell that other animals sense. Thus, the cat marks her owner, showing that he belongs only to her, and no one else has a right to him.

4. Showing self-care. A pampered pet will not settle down to sleep in a bad place. To do this, she needs to check everything carefully, knead the surface with her paws (it doesn’t matter if it’s a sofa, an armchair, a pillow or the body of the owners).

Sharp corners, a hard bedspread, a cold blanket - she will recheck everything and trample it with the pads of her tender paws.

5. Psychological release. A beloved pet, just like a person, is capable of experiencing emotional stress, stress. Trampling on the owner helps to find harmony. This is how a cat copes psychological problems. Having stomped around and settled comfortably next to her beloved owner, she calms down and stops being nervous.

Other reasons

A cat is a special creature that, with certain gestures characteristic only of it, attracts the attention of its owner. She may ask to eat, want to play, show that she is in pain, uncomfortable. Such actions may indicate impending danger, that she is frightened by something.

Purr, lick and trample the owner - highest degree trust and complete satisfaction, contentment and tenderness, disposition and peace that comes from your cat. If she does this, it means she trusts and loves infinitely! If you liked the article “Why cats trample their owners,” share it with your friends.

Video of a cat trampling:

Cat lovers know that sometimes a cat begins to trample its owner or a toy with its paws, while its eyes are closed and it purrs loudly. Sometimes cats trample each other in this way. Not everyone understands why a cat tramples you with its paws and behaves this way? What is the meaning of this cat behavior? Why does a cat massage with its paws and why does it give it pleasure, because it is quite obvious that your cat is very happy at the same time.

Everything is very simple. This behavior of a cat is easily explained and is the norm for a cat. The owner should know about this.

Why do cats trample us with their paws?

From birth, instincts govern the behavior of a living creature. Kitten activity is no exception. Immediately after birth, the instinct of a newborn animal makes it look for its mother. A blind newborn kitten finds milk by smell. From this moment his life begins outside the womb. Now he must feed himself and gradually learn to be independent. But for now, during the first weeks of its life, the kitten is under the protection of its mother. Nice cat very attentive to her children.

It must be said that the process of obtaining food gives the kitten great pleasure, although it forces him to work hard. A well-developed sucking reflex allows healthy kitten quickly receive warm and optimally suited mother's cat milk. In order to quickly get enough and overcome the resistance of the mother's flesh, the kitten instinctively begins to massage the mother's belly, thus receiving more milk.

The most active kittens spread their paws wide and alternately press strongly with their front paws on the mother's stomach. This behavior is accompanied by faster milk production, which gives the kitten great pleasure. In the future, this relationship: massage with paws - receiving pleasure, is firmly fixed in the kitten’s mind. As cats grow, the habit of trampling their paws does not go away. On the contrary, they happily massage you with their paws, trample on your favorite soft blanket, closing their eyes and purring loudly.

Milky step

This behavior of cats is called the “milk step”, i.e. an instinct established from the moment of birth, when stomping helped the kitten to receive mother's milk. The milk step lasts for a cat's entire life. Cats love to massage their beloved owner, or a soft toy, or their playmate if there are several animals in the house.

Milk step in a cat - special shape confidential communication between the owner and his pet. If the cat trusts you, he will trample you with his paws, purring enthusiastically. This behavior is not always understandable to cat owners. Some people don't like it. This is due to the fact that some cats like to massage their owner's chest or neck with their paws. At the same time, they release their claws and leave marks and even scratches on the delicate human skin. But you should not scold a cat for showing love. If the cat is practicing the milk step on your skin, then at this moment he needs to be carefully moved to a blanket or the arm of the sofa, where he can calmly continue his trampling and will not harm you. At the same time, the cat gets great pleasure, you should not interfere with this, much less scold the cat for taking a milky step. At this moment, he feels like the same little and beloved mother’s kitten, who is fed, satisfied and completely protected from the vicissitudes of fate.

Love your cat correctly, allow him to show his natural instincts, including the milky step. A cat that is scolded for trampling may become nervous and aggressive. Such a cat will stop trusting you if you pull him back when he is trampling with eyes closed. The milk step for a cat is a kind of psychological release. A cat can practice the milk step several times a day. This is considered normal and does not require adjustment. Some cats love to climb into their owner's arms and stomp on his stomach or chest. Most owners are delighted with this display of love and happily hug and stroke their cat while it stomps and purrs. This cat is truly happy. He knows that he is loved and appreciated, and calmly shows his owner that he can give him pleasure.

At the same time, there are cats that do not have a milk step. This may be due to artificial feeding kitten or with it psychological characteristics. Just as there are cats that do not purr, there are also those that do not remember the milk step and do not trample their owner. This is also normal behavior your cat. All animals, like people, are individuals. You need to respect their habits, know the peculiarities of cat behavior and not allow unforgivable mistakes in their content. A cat whose voice is raised, pushed and kicked will be nervous and will begin to defend itself, showing aggression and doing things that will be unpleasant to its owner. But misbehavior cats are the result of misunderstanding by their owner. That is why, before getting a cat, you need to learn more about its psychology and the characteristics of a particular cat breed.

By the way, there is an opinion that when a cat tramples you with its paws and purrs, you also calm down and your worldview becomes more harmonious. For example, in Britain, there is even a service, communication with a cat for a fee, when a city resident is brought a good, calm, sociable cat, which actually, according to this agreement, works for the customer as a cat: she purrs, tramples him with her paws, talks to him as best she can, thus most calming and putting him in a favorable mood. At this time, thoughts are organized, a person begins to treat everything more thoughtfully and calmly.

A person needs a cat to work as a cat and help film Negative consequences urbanized lifestyle. Affectionate, trusting cats - excellent medicine from stress. At the same time, a cat is always a hot living heating pad that will be next to you as soon as you lie down. Love your cat, pamper her, pet her and pick her up. Then both you and your cat will be healthy and happy.

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