Why do my breasts hurt so much before my period? If there was pain, but no menstruation. Blood supply, innervation and lymphatic system of the mammary glands

Why do my breasts hurt before my period? The consequences of the influence of the menstrual cycle on a woman’s body include a condition in which the chest hurts severely before menstruation. In the absence of pathologies of the mammary glands in women, immediately before ovulation there is a slight increase in breast sensitivity. This change is accompanied by a rush of blood to the mammary glands, certain changes in structure and an increase in tissue density, which can cause pain.

In addition, changes in tissue density and blood supply can cause discomfort in the form of mild nagging and aching pain, pain due to increased external sensitivity, hardening and swelling of the mammary glands.

Causes of chest pain before menstruation

The main reason why breasts hurt before menstruation is the hormonal changes in the body associated with the preparation of the latter for possible pregnancy and childbirth with further lactation. Breast volume increases due to the fairly rapid growth of specific mammary gland tissues. Such enlargement or swelling of the breasts is especially noticeable at the very beginning of pregnancy. In the absence of pregnancy, atrophy of the newly formed glandular tissue occurs, which causes the complete disappearance of all painful manifestations after the end of menstruation.

Thus, cyclic polyphenomenon - the growth and atrophy of new mammary gland tissue during menstruation - is a normal physiological phenomenon for any woman of reproductive age. Typically, manifestations of cyclic polyphenomenon in healthy women do not cause severe, acute or prolonged chest pain and are tolerated quite easily, causing only minor discomfort.

Slight pain in the area of ​​the mammary glands may appear 5 to 7 days before the onset of menstruation, and it is usually classified as a physiological phenomenon that is considered normal. The symptom of pain in the mammary glands a week before menstruation is called mastodynia and also does not belong to the category of pathologies.

In cases where the sensitivity of the mammary glands is quite low, compaction, proliferation and atrophy of tissue in them, or a rush of blood to the breast may not cause any negative sensations in a woman. In this case, pain does not occur and mastodynia does not develop.

Severe chest pain before menstruation as a consequence of various pathologies

The swelling and growth of the mammary glands at the beginning of the menstrual cycle is mainly hormonal in nature. Deviations in hormonal balance, in turn, can cause structural disturbances in tissue composition during cyclic proliferation. This is expressed in the fact that the normal ratio of glandular, fatty and fibrous tissues in the mammary gland can be disrupted, leading to various diseases and pathologies.

An excess of female hormones, in particular progesterone, can lead to the preferential proliferation of glandular tissue of the mammary glands, causing coarsening and hardening of the breasts. In this case, increased blood flow to the mammary gland before menstruation can cause excess tension in hardened tissues that have lost elasticity, and, as a result, severe and prolonged pain.

Similar phenomena with the occurrence of severe chest pain before menstruation can occur with a functional disorder of the ovaries, as well as with some gynecological diseases. In some cases, chest pain can radiate to the shoulder girdle, under the shoulder blade or into the armpit. The moments of the onset of painful attacks in the mammary glands can vary greatly; the pain can be constant and not depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

More about mastopathy

The next answer to the question of why breasts hurt before menstruation is mastopathy. This disease develops as a result of progesterone deficiency, excess estrogen (hyperestrogenism) and increased prolactin levels.

Mastopathy is characterized by the proliferation of connective tissue in the mammary glands and the formation of compactions of various sizes due to this.

Different forms of mastopathy: diffuse, nodular or mixed - can subsequently cause the development of a malignant breast tumor, i.e. cancer. A woman’s attentive attitude to her health, constant self-examination of the mammary glands, and regular medical examinations with a gynecologist and mammologist will help to avoid this. This is especially important for middle-aged women.

This is due to the fact that at a young age, the onset of mastopathy is asymptomatic, without causing any concern to the woman. And after reaching 40 - 45 years of age, the disease begins to progress. Therefore, it is extremely important to detect the symptoms of an emerging disease in time. In the early stages, the disease is cured much faster, mostly without requiring surgical intervention.

Mastopathy must be treated with conservative, surgical or other methods, depending on the form of the disease, the size of the lumps that appear, the general state of health, age, hormonal status of the patient and many other indicators. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate! This can be extremely dangerous for the health of the entire female body.

To successfully get rid of mastopathy, not only a well-defined course of treatment is important, but also careful adherence to the correct lifestyle and diet. It is absolutely necessary to give up nicotine and alcohol, exercise regularly, devote enough time to sleep, rest and walks in the fresh air, and lead a calm lifestyle that excludes irritation and stress.

Treatment of pain in the mammary glands

If severe chest pain occurs, you should contact a gynecologist, and if you receive the appropriate referral, contact a mammologist or endocrinologist.

During the examination, it is important to pay special attention to hormonal balance, the absence of malignant tumors in the breasts and genitals, and the general condition of the pelvic organs and ovaries.

In the absence of pathologies, hormonal abnormalities or tumor diseases, treatment and prevention of mastodynia will consist of maintaining hormonal, water and salt balance in the body and normalizing physical activity. If possible, animal fats, spicy-salted and smoked foods are excluded from the diet, and liquid intake is limited.

2 weeks before menstruation, it is necessary to exclude coffee and strong tea from the diet. In addition, you should avoid wearing rough, rigid and tight clothing, lifting heavy objects, and also avoid making sudden movements.

As drug therapy for mastodynia, weak painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal contraceptives, as well as drugs that reduce the production of the female hormone prolactin are used.

To reduce painful effects related to the mechanism of cyclic polyphenomenon - structural changes in breast tissue associated with the menstrual cycle, herbal infusions and infusions are considered quite effective. For their preparation, St. John's wort, nettle, celandine, peony, string, tartar, dandelion root, and plant estrogens are used.

Plant estrogens are used as a means of regulating hormonal balance in a woman’s body; other herbs, depending on the composition of the collection, can have a calming, analgesic and anti-swelling effect.

Breasts are that part of the female body that undergoes continuous changes. Appearing in girls at the age of 8-9, it completes its formation by the age of 15 and is one of the most sensitive “barometers” that respond to any changes in the state of the body.

Of course, the cycles characteristic of female physiology (menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding) greatly affect her condition. Estrogen, progesterone, prolactin and other specific hormones that maintain a woman’s hormonal balance are concentrated in the excretory ducts and tissues of the mammary glands, and therefore changes in their balance can lead to pain, itching and other unpleasant sensations in the breasts.

When does sensitivity increase?

Painful sensations in the chest that accompany some periods of the menstrual cycle are practically the norm for most women. According to statistics, 60% of women in the world experience chest pain before menstruation.

The sensitivity of the mammary glands worsens in the second stage of the cycle and can last about a week. The pain disappears 2-3 days before menstruation. Usually, minor pain and engorgement of the nipples occurs before ovulation, sensitivity often persists after it. The breasts may become slightly thicker and swell as blood rushes to the mammary glands.

Why do my breasts hurt before my period, even if there is more than a week left before the discharge starts? The time when the breasts begin to become engorged signals the beginning of ovulation.

The female body prepares for conception by releasing an egg into the world that is ready to merge with sperm. Conception is a normal and logical process, and therefore the body begins to prepare for the formation and growth of the embryo, which is reflected in the breasts. After all, she is directly involved in feeding the baby, and over the long nine months she will change even more.

That is, for a woman of childbearing age, there is nothing unnatural in the fact that some time before her period her breasts begin to ache - on the contrary, this means that the natural mechanism of starting the lactation process is triggered.

Hypersensitivity and cycle

If, after ovulation and the death of the released egg, conception does not occur, the glandular tissue formed due to a “false alarm” gradually begins to atrophy, and after the end of the cycle, all sensations disappear even more.

In this case, why do the breasts hurt before menstruation when conception has not occurred? The process of removing glandular tissue itself can be quite painful, but it is not dangerous.

Proliferation, as the process of formation of new breast tissue is also called, as well as the subsequent death of this tissue within one cycle, is a normal, constant phenomenon in any woman capable of conceiving and giving birth to children.

You should also know that breast pain is not the same for everyone; in some it manifests itself more, in others less, or even goes unnoticed. Heredity, the presence of diseases, the general condition of the body, and, of course, breast size answer the question of why breasts hurt before menstruation in different ways.

The phenomenon of breast tenderness is called mastodynia, which, unlike well-known mastopathy, is not considered a pathology and is recognized as the norm.

Alarming symptom

It also happens that breast pain does not go away even before menstruation; a woman continues to suffer from pain the day before and on the day the discharge begins. In this case, the nature of the pain should be recorded.

If they are weak enough and do not recur in the next cycle, the matter is due to minor deviations in the hormonal balance; you should not worry about them.

But if the pain is quite severe and is present all the time, and not just when pressing on the chest, this may be a signal about the presence of some disease in the body. Circumstances worsen if the pain is accompanied by engorgement of the nipples and the formation of lumps in the chest.

In this case, only a gynecologist can give competent advice on health status. You may also need to visit an endocrinologist and a mammologist.

The pain described may be the result of a hormonal disorder, interruptions in the functioning of the ovaries, the presence of inflammation or infection, or cancer. Therefore, it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor, because only timely detection of abnormalities can increase the chances of successful treatment.

Let's look at what it is, why this happens, is it dangerous for a woman's health, and how to deal with it?

Causes and factors of pain

The female mammary gland consists of glandular tissue with tubules, fibrous ligaments and fatty tissue, which makes up most of the breast volume. The main reason why a woman may experience mastalgia before menstruation is an imbalance in the hormonal system, namely, an increase in the level of estrogen in the blood as the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle ends. The resulting menstruation leads to a rapid drop in estrogen, which relieves the woman of discomfort. Many may have a logical question - so why do I have chest pain, but my friend does not? The answer is simple - it all depends on a person’s genetically determined susceptibility to the development of this syndrome and a number of external factors.

Factors that can cause this pathology include:

  • Losing weight too quickly.
  • Excess weight (estrogen is partially synthesized in fatty tissue; the more fiber, the more estrogen).
  • Stressful situations.
  • Incorrect diet (one or two meals a day, fatty fried foods, lack of plant fiber or vitamins in the diet).
  • Medical abortions.
  • A burdened hereditary history (if the mother or grandmother had the same manifestations).
  • Smoking, alcohol, excessive caffeine consumption.
  • Irregular periods.
  • Pathological menstruation in late menopause.

Mastalgia can be a symptom of more serious diseases

In most cases, women have breast pain before menstruation due to premenstrual syndrome (hereinafter referred to as PMS), which, according to statistics, occurs in approximately 85-90% of women of reproductive age. In addition to chest pain, during PMS a woman notices general malaise, irritability, depressive symptoms, headache, nausea, and in some cases single or repeated vomiting may occur. Menstruation is not always the end of premenstrual syndrome.

Premenstrual syndrome does not entail any serious dangers for the body - it is only a manifestation of an imbalance in the nervous and endocrine systems of a woman.

In more rare cases, chest pain can be caused by an organic pathology, such as fibrocystic mastopathy.

You may have a question - why can’t you self-medicate? The most unfavorable cause of mastalgia is a benign or malignant breast tumor. That is why doctors do not recommend self-medication even for banal pain before menstruation, but advise consulting a doctor for advice. Using subjective and objective research methods, an obstetrician-gynecologist can identify the causes of the disease, exclude a malignant process, and prescribe adequate therapy to get rid of premenstrual pain.

Sometimes pain in the mammary glands before menstruation can indicate fibrotic changes

Clinical picture of chest pain

The manifestations of this pathology are very individual and can vary significantly among different women, and menstruation plays a decisive role in this. In one, the breast increases in size slightly, does not hurt much, and all this lasts only a few days, when in another the gland increases by 1-2 sizes, there is a sharp feeling of fullness, and any impact on the chest, even rubbing against underwear, causes severe pain. In some cases, the breasts may take on a hyperemic hue (turn red), or small moving nodules may be noted (don’t be afraid, these are just enlarged mammary glands). In the rarest cases, a liquid similar to colostrum may be released from the nipple. As a rule, the pain is bilateral, and in some cases only one gland hurts. Sometimes pain occurs not only before the onset of menstruation, but throughout the entire month.

Most women note...

...reduction or complete disappearance of pain as soon as menstruation occurs. In more severe cases, pain begins 2-3 days before menstruation and continues 4-5 days after the onset of menstruation.

How doctors treat breast pain before menstruation

Breasts are normal and with changes before menstruation

Once again, it is worth noting: if you constantly have chest pain before your period, it is better to contact specialists who will help you find out the cause and prescribe adequate therapy, rather than self-medicate, because you can aggravate the process or miss more serious illnesses.

At the moment, doctors recommend treating mastalgia in combination with treating PMS by avoiding risk factors: quit bad habits, avoid stress factors, fight excess weight, normalize your diet, and so on. The effectiveness of using therapy using the method of therapeutic massage, reflexology, physiotherapeutic manipulations, barotherapy, reflexology, some variants of electrophoresis, galvanization has been proven. The female mammary gland is very sensitive to any manipulation, so all of the above procedures should be carried out only by specialists.

Some studies prove the normalization of hormonal levels and the disappearance of pain in the mammary gland before menstruation through the normalization of sexual life (regular, with a regular partner, 3-4 times a week).

In more severe cases, you need to switch to drug therapy, starting with weaker and commonly available drugs:

  1. Vitamins of groups B, A, E, C;
  2. Mineral complexes: Zn, Cu, Se;
  3. Phytotherapy;
  4. Nootropics.

If ineffective, stronger therapy is prescribed:

  • Neuroleptics (Thioridazine).
  • Tranquilizers (Diazepam).
  • Diuretics (Veroshpiron, Torasemide).
  • Hormonal drugs (Norkolut, Utrozhesan, Bromocretin, Bimekurin, Non-Ovalon and others).

As you can see, women’s health depends on a very large number of factors, both the external environment and the body itself. In most cases, menstruation relieves discomfort and chest pain. Self-medication can not only be ineffective, but also cause irreparable damage, so it is better to contact an experienced mammologist who will find the cause and prescribe adequate therapy.

Many women are concerned about the question of why their breasts hurt before menstruation and whether this is normal. Mastalgia - the so-called soreness in this area - occurs in a large number of women, but the manifestation of unpleasant sensations can be of varying strength.

Many women are concerned about the question of why their breasts hurt before menstruation.

As a rule, mastalgia is accompanied by the fact that the mammary glands increase in size, they become engorged, and the woman feels discomfort during physical activity.

Painful sensations in the breasts before menstruation can manifest themselves as:

  • feeling of fullness;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • feeling of heat;
  • swelling;
  • pain when touched.

The reasons why breasts may hurt before menstruation are divided into two groups: those that depend on the menstrual cycle (cyclic mastalgia) and those that develop under the influence of other factors (acyclic mastalgia).

  1. PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Gynecologists and mammologists in a number of conditions in which mastalgia is observed first call PMS. Premenstrual syndrome occurs in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, a few days before the onset of menstruation, and stops immediately upon its onset. PMS is characterized by disruption of endocrine processes, deterioration of the general physical and emotional state of a woman. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, women experience a change in hormone levels: an increase in estrogen and progesterone deficiency, which causes fluid retention in the body, including in the glandular tissue of the breast. The accumulation of too much fluid causes breast tissue to stretch and cause pain.
  2. Puberty period. In addition to very strong physiological changes and psycho-emotional fluctuations, during puberty girls begin to complain that their breasts hurt before menstruation. During this period, the development of the reproductive system occurs as a consequence of endocrine processes that prepare the body to perform the reproductive function. Girls develop a regular menstrual cycle and breast growth occurs under the influence of steroid sex hormones. The mammary glands mature over the course of 4-5 years, and discomfort may persist throughout this period.
  3. Premenopause. The last 1-2 years before the body completely loses its reproductive function and the onset of menopause is called premenopause. During this period, the menstrual cycle still persists, but becomes unstable due to a decrease in the level of the hormone progestin, which is responsible for the regulation of menstruation. When talking to a doctor, women aged about 45 note that their breasts hurt a lot before menstruation, although previously the pain in the second phase of the cycle was weaker or did not exist at all. During premenopause, such pain is caused by changes in the composition of fatty acids under the influence of hormones, as the fatty tissue of the mammary gland begins to replace the glandular tissue. By the onset of menopause, women's breasts for these reasons change their size and shape. Pain in the mammary glands ceases during menopause.
Women over 40 years of age need to undergo preventive examinations with a mammologist, even with minor or no chest pain, in order to maintain their health.

Why do your breasts hurt before your period (video)

Causes of acyclic mastalgia

  1. Taking contraceptives. When starting to take contraceptives, some women notice that their breasts hurt before menstruation. Moreover, these pains are not very pronounced, nagging in nature. The principle of operation of oral contraceptives is based on a specially selected combination of the hormones estrogen and progestin, which on certain days of the cycle will prevent fertilization of the egg. indicate that a woman’s body is responding to hormonal changes. Sensations of such an unexpressed nature will cease over time if this drug was selected by a doctor taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman.
  2. Pregnancy. Sometimes women of reproductive age note that their breasts become sensitive, swell and hurt a week before their period, although they have not experienced such sensations before. This sign may indicate conception, and if menstruation does not begin on the due day, a test or analysis should be done to determine pregnancy.
  3. Abortion. After termination of pregnancy in the early stages, the menstrual cycle is restored, as a rule, within a month. During this period, a woman may notice that her breasts become very painful. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. As soon as pregnancy occurs, not only the uterus, but the whole body prepares for the birth of the child. The mammary glands, which have already begun to grow, return to their previous state after an abortion, which is accompanied by pain.
  4. Mastopathy. This is a benign formation of the mammary glands, which is characterized by the fact that the epithelium and connective tissue of the organ begin to develop unevenly due to metabolic disorders. Women of reproductive age are more often susceptible to mastopathy. With this disease, women complain that their breasts hurt a lot before menstruation. The disease is caused by metabolic disorders occurring in the body, stress, and other gynecological diseases. Mastopathy at an early stage responds very well to conservative treatment. The appearance of lumps noticeable to the touch indicates the next stage of the disease, in which mastalgia is more pronounced.
As a rule, mastalgia is accompanied by the fact that the mammary glands increase in size, their engorgement occurs, and the woman feels discomfort during physical activity.

If a woman not only has pain in her mammary glands, but also develops symptoms such as fever, nausea, changes in the size of the areola (the dark area around the nipple), and discharge from the breast, this is a very compelling argument to see a doctor.

The reasons must be sought in the peculiarities of hormonal levels and increased sensitivity of the breast. How to diagnose yourself and what medications you can take.

Women are also told about the approach of menstruation by their mammary glands. Discomfort in the abdomen is understandable - changes occur in the uterus, depending on the presence or absence of a fertilized egg. If conception does not take place, the reproductive organ rejects a certain inner layer and bleeding begins.

But what does breasts have to do with it? Why do the mammary glands enlarge 5–10 days before the onset of menstruation and bring suffering to its owner, not joy? Let's figure it out together.

The nature of chest pain before menstruation

Menstruation, pregnancy and lactation are interconnected. These processes affect the tissue and functions of the mammary glands. The hormones estrogen, progesterone and prolactin affect a woman’s well-being during the menstrual cycle.

Within 4–5 weeks, the body prepares for conception, and accordingly, the mammary glands are adjusted to pregnancy and natural feeding. The breasts swell and enlarge due to the proliferation of glandular tissue.

Changes in the upper part of the figure do not escape the attention of women and others. The mood changes dramatically during the day, the abdominal area becomes slightly tense due to the enlargement of the uterus. My chest starts to hurt and... If the egg remains unfertilized, the mammary glands restore their shape. The pain disappears because the glandular tissue becomes incapacitated.

Some women think that the appearance of breast pain before menstruation depends on the uniform development of the glands. Breast asymmetry is a common phenomenon. But different sizes and shapes of breasts in one woman cannot be to blame for soreness. The reason should be sought in the peculiarities of hormonal levels.

The mammary glands are finally formed by the age of 20. Their tissues are modified under the influence of progesterone. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle before ovulation, breast sensitivity increases. This is explained by the fact that proliferation occurs rapidly in the ducts and lobules of the glands, i.e., the epithelium grows. The process causes engorgement and slight enlargement of the breasts.

Shortly before menstruation, women perceive increased breast sensitivity as a sign of impending bleeding. If your health is normal, the discomfort is mild and goes unnoticed.

Severe breast pain before menstruation - is it mastodynia?

Chest pain in women a few days before menstruation is defined in gynecology as mastodynia. Let us remember that during the entire menstrual cycle, the reproductive system is actively preparing for childbirth, and the body builds up glandular tissue in the mammary glands. In the absence of pregnancy, this tissue atrophies. Her self-destruction causes pain on the eve of her critical days.

Thus, mastodynia is diagnosed by the presence of chest pain. Some people have very strong breast pain before menstruation, while others have very minor discomfort.

It is best when PMS does not cause any discomfort and the breasts only increase slightly. But ideal situations don't happen often. Investigating the causes of mastodynia, doctors usually discover predisposing diseases, “bad” heredity and unsatisfactory condition of the body.

It happens that the mammary glands hurt even on the days of menstruation and after their end. In this case, the doctor must carefully analyze the situation and give recommendations to eliminate the discomfort. If the glands do not cause severe pain, and the discomfort is not permanent, there is no reason for concern. Most likely, the pain is associated with hormonal imbalance.

Severe pain in the chest before menstruation that persists for some time is always a reason to consult a specialist. You should hurry to see a doctor if the mammary glands become hard or constantly hurt without pressing on the skin of the breast.

Pathological causes of mastodynia may be:

  • Serious hormonal imbalance.
  • Neoplasms.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Improper functioning of the pelvic organs.
  • Inflammatory processes in the ovaries.
  • Polycystic disease.
  • Mastopathy.
  • Nerve inflammation.
  • Thyroid dysfunction.
  • Infection of the reproductive system.

Since the menstrual process always puts a strain on the body, it is important not to miss the symptoms of a developing disease. If you have breast pain before your period, watch for accompanying symptoms. Record whether you have:

  1. Nausea and vomiting.
  2. Loose stools.
  3. Strange smell of discharge.
  4. Sharp / nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  5. Any discomfort in the abdomen and hypochondrium.
  6. Colic in the back, lumbar region, heart.

Interesting video:

Diagnosis of chest pain before menstruation

If every month on the eve of menstruation a woman notices that her breasts are swollen and sore, she can try to independently diagnose by feeling the mammary glands with her hands. She will be able to identify nodule-like compactions or “balls” that are painful when pressed with fingers.

In the worst case, liquid will be released from. This will serve as a signal about blockage of the glandular ducts and the development of mastopathy.

Hormonal imbalance provokes mastopathy. The pathological process affects sensations, causing tingling, swelling and other discomfort. Some women feel pain in the shoulders, shoulder blades or axillary area. The condition can be worsened by headaches, digestive system disorders and increased irritability.

If mastopathy is detected at an early stage, it is enough to limit the consumption of salt and sugar and increase the content of bran, fiber, berries and wheat germ in the diet. Daily water consumption should be increased to 2 liters.

Breast pain before menstruation: what to do

A balanced diet will help reduce chest pain before menstruation. On the eve of critical days, it is useful to eat low-fat dairy products, fruits, vegetables, seafood, and whole grain bread. These foods improve metabolism, mood and well-being. Portioned nutrition will help reduce heaviness in the stomach. Seeds, soy and any nuts can gently correct the hormonal balance.

What else can you do if your breasts hurt before your period? Doctors suggest saturating the body with vitamins E and B6, minerals, calcium, magnesium and multivitamins. It is better to avoid coffee, chocolate, alcoholic beverages and fatty foods on the eve of menstruation. The lack of energy obtained through these products is best compensated by physical exercise. Brisk walking, aerobics and a healthy lifestyle in general greatly relieve women from premenstrual syndrome.


Knowing why breasts hurt before menstruation, you need to learn how to relieve unpleasant symptoms using medications. Without a doctor's prescription, pharmacies dispense painkillers such as:

  • Tylenol.
  • Acetaminophen.
  • Naproxen.
  • Aspirin.
  • Ibuprofen.

Taking medications for chest pain before menstruation is recommended for severe pain, when the discomfort is difficult to bear. Usually the pain disappears with the arrival of menstrual periods.

For intense chest pain during menstruation, the doctor may recommend taking medications such as Danazol, Tamoxifen, Bromocriptine. They are rarely prescribed due to the high risk of side effects.

When the mammary glands regularly hurt and become enlarged before menstruation, you can try to correct the situation with oral contraceptives. They relieve PMS, including increased breast sensitivity. However, if a woman is already taking birth control pills, breast pain may be a side effect of using them.

Magnesium supplements will help effectively relieve chest pain before menstruation. It is recommended to take them in the 2nd half of the menstrual cycle (about 2 weeks before the new menstruation). Magnesium serves as a preventive substance against many.

In folk recipes for the treatment of mastopathy, garlic tincture is listed. To prepare it you will need 10 heads of medium-sized caustic vegetable and 10 lemons. The garlic is peeled and the lemons are used with the peel.

The components are finely chopped and poured into 3 liters of settled water. After 24 hours of infusion, the product is taken 3 times a day after meals, 1 tbsp. l.

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