Why you shouldn't eat lazy oatmeal for weight loss in the morning. How to cook rolled oats for weight loss, four healthy recipes. Is steamed oatmeal healthy?

It's time to talk about how oatmeal is cooked in water - the cooking recipe may seem slightly unusual, precisely because there is no cooking as a process and in fact the result is steamed oatmeal, not boiled. However, this particular oatmeal is great for weight loss.

First you need to buy the right cereal. Instant oatmeal is absolutely not suitable for us; we need to choose only oatmeal that requires long cooking. Before cooking oatmeal in water, make sure that the flakes are purchased correctly.

How to cook oatmeal in water: 2 steaming recipes

To prepare one serving we need 50 grams of dry flakes. The amount of liquid depends on what consistency of porridge you like best. I like it thinner, so I can add a lot of water to oatmeal - a little more than 150 grams. For porridge of normal consistency you need 100-150 grams of boiling water. In any case, I suggest experimenting on your own to see what you like best.

Recipe No. 1

Steam the flakes by pouring boiling water over them. Leave the rolled oats to stand under the lid. It takes 10 minutes for the flakes to swell. During this time, the oatmeal should be stirred once or twice so that it is evenly saturated with water.

Recipe No. 2

Pour cold water over the oatmeal in the evening and heat it on the stove in the morning. While heating the oatmeal, it must be actively stirred until it becomes snotty. This is an optional step. But be careful, the porridge must be heated, not brought to a boil and under no circumstances boiled.

Now comes the fun part. Do you know how to make a culinary masterpiece from ordinary oatmeal using water? That's right, with a variety of additives.

10 recipes for adding oatmeal to water

  1. Oatmeal with dried fruits. You can add 2-3 pcs to steamed oatmeal. chopped dried apricots, up to 10 pcs. raisins, 3-5 chopped nuts. The set of dried fruits is given as an example, you can come up with your own that best suits your taste.
  2. Oatmeal with nuts and frozen berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries)
  3. Oatmeal with cinnamon, banana or apple. If the sweetness is not enough, you can add a little sakhzam or a drop of honey.
  4. Oatmeal porridge steamed with boiling water with dry goji berries and ground nuts. I only take proven Goji berries, these ones.
  5. Pour boiling water over the flakes, add a little bran, sweetener and dry peanut butter from iHerb.
  6. Oatmeal in water with a fresh apple and 1 teaspoon of honey.
  7. Mix rice and oatmeal flakes, pour boiling water, let stand for about 5 minutes. Break 1-2 cloves of dark chocolate (75-99%) into small pieces and stir into hot oatmeal.
  8. Delicious vitamin supplement. Grind dried apricots, prunes, walnuts, lemon, cranberries and honey in a meat grinder (I use

Oatmeal is an extremely healthy product recommended by many nutritionists to maintain beauty and youth. With its help you can also lose weight well. To do this, you should eat a small portion of oatmeal every day at night or in the morning for breakfast. It is quite simple to prepare and the process does not take much time.

Benefits of oatmeal

This cereal contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can replace meat for humans. It is not for nothing that oatmeal is included in the daily menu of vegetarians and people of low income. Due to the huge content of iron and calcium, this product can prevent the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia, as well as ensure the health of the musculoskeletal system, hair, teeth and nails. Among the vitamins, the largest amount belongs to the following elements:

  • Vitamin E of youth, which protects the body's cells from the action of free radicals and also stimulates their renewal.
  • B vitamins, without which it is difficult to imagine a healthy nervous system. In addition, they ensure the full functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Vitamin PP not only strengthens the walls of blood vessels, but also cleanses them of cholesterol.

In addition to iron and calcium, oatmeal also contains phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. This product also boasts a fairly decent amount of zinc, which has an extremely beneficial effect on the reproductive system of both men and women.

Medicinal properties

Very often, users are interested in: can I eat oatmeal at night? In fact, boiled cereal eaten before bed or in the morning for breakfast helps prevent gastritis and stomach ulcers. Liquid porridge, cooked in water, envelops the walls of the stomach and heals damage to the mucous membrane. This dish stimulates gastric motility, thus helping to get rid of toxins and feces. Thanks to this property, congestion in the rectum disappears, which has an extremely beneficial effect on the health of the pelvic organs.

This cleansing property of flakes is often used for weight loss purposes. After all, oatmeal has a lot of fiber. Therefore, even after eating a small portion of porridge, a person does not feel hungry for a very long time. He has the necessary energy and efficiency.

Oatmeal for weight loss

This product can be eaten throughout the day, but the greatest effect can be obtained by eating porridge for breakfast or dinner. How to steam oatmeal overnight for maximum benefits? In order to lose weight, flakes are most often poured with boiling water, after which they are eaten almost immediately. The antioxidants contained in the cereal saturate the skin and hair with beneficial substances throughout the night. As a result, your facial skin looks more toned, fresh and rested in the morning. Many women notice the disappearance of fine wrinkles and age spots.

During sleep, the body spends a lot of energy digesting slow carbohydrates contained in oat flakes, which is why energy taken from subcutaneous fat is consumed.

To maximize the benefits of overnight oatmeal, it is not recommended to mix it with sugar, jam, butter or sauce.

On the water

This method of brewing oatmeal overnight is not particularly popular, as the flakes become quite hard and almost tasteless. To prepare real medicinal porridge, only whole “Extra” or “Hercules” flakes are suitable. Ready-made mixtures for quick brewing are not suitable, since they contain milk powder, sugar and other additives that improve the taste of the product. As a rule, they proceed as follows: pour a few spoons of flakes with cold water and leave to infuse for several hours. The ratio of water and oatmeal is taken in arbitrary quantities and depends on the taste and desire of the person. It should be borne in mind that the longer the flakes stand in the water, the softer and tastier the oatmeal will be.

Some of the starch will gradually dissolve into water, which can later be drained. Thus, the glycemic index of oatmeal is noticeably reduced. Soaked in water overnight, it becomes less caloric and more healthy. If it is difficult to get used to the taste of flakes soaked in water, then you can add finely chopped dried fruits or honey to the porridge. They should also spend some time in the water. Typically, their residence time in oatmeal does not exceed 30 minutes.

Recipe for weight loss

Various products are often added to porridge to help burn fat or speed up the metabolic process. In the first case, cinnamon is perfect. This spice is used in powder form. You can buy a ready-made bag or grind a small stick in a blender. The cinnamon should sit in the liquid for some time along with the flakes. Thus, they acquire the taste and aroma of the seasoning, and also receive the beneficial substances contained in cinnamon.

This dish is sometimes called "lazy oatmeal." It is very often consumed by athletes before training, as the flakes give energy and help build muscles. Oatmeal contains carbohydrates and proteins, which are necessary for any person visiting the gym.

In the bank

Oatmeal soaked in milk overnight will be an excellent morning breakfast. Overnight it will infuse, become soft and completely ready for use. For convenience, use a glass jar instead of a plate. Sometimes fans of healthy eating take a whole jar of oatmeal with them to work or school as a snack for lunch. As a rule, they do it as follows: pour a few tablespoons of cereal with cold milk and add dried or fresh fruit. In 8-10 hours, a healthy breakfast will be completely ready.

Milk can be replaced with water if you are lactose intolerant. However, nutritionists do not advise giving up this healthy and nutritious product. Milk contains vitamins A and D, as well as a fairly large amount of calcium and amino acids. This breakfast not only energizes you for the whole day, but also saturates the body with substances so necessary for its functioning.

The jar should be small. If it holds about 500 ml of liquid, then you don’t have to fill it to the very top, but leave a third of the container for fruit. Bananas, strawberries, kiwis, sweet plums, and so on are most often used as additional ingredients.

Usually overnight, the oatmeal is soaked in fruit juice and becomes even more delicious. After the jar is closed with a lid, the mixture is shaken and stored in the refrigerator. Porridge can be refrigerated for three or four days without losing its taste. Some people believe that the present porridge becomes even tastier than on the first day of preparation.

Chocolate oatmeal

To make oatmeal delicious, sometimes several ingredients are used at once. The flakes are mixed with yogurt, cocoa powder, honey, finely chopped bananas and milk are added. The finished dish takes on a rich brown color with the smell of chocolate. The ingredients should be taken in the following ratio: for half a glass of oatmeal you will need 2/3 glass of milk, 100 g of yogurt and two tablespoons of cocoa (powder), honey and bananas - to taste. After all the products are mixed in one jar, the container is placed in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning the mixture is eaten for breakfast.

With cherries on kefir

Overnight oatmeal cooked with yogurt or kefir with the addition of cherries and chocolate chips is extremely tasty. The fermented milk product is taken with a low fat content. This is good for health, since milk fat contains vitamins A and D. In addition, the taste of kefir with low fat content is more pleasant than that of a low-fat product. Considering that cherries add sourness to the dish, a sufficient amount of honey is added to the porridge to balance the taste. It is recommended to use dark chocolate. It is grated on a fine grater and added to porridge in the morning half an hour before meals.

Oatmeal with oranges

This is another popular overnight oats recipe. Porridge with the addition of orange jam and pieces of citrus fruit turns out to be unusually tasty and original. To prepare, you will need the following products: a few spoons of oatmeal, sugar-free yogurt, warm milk, natural honey and orange jam. You should also definitely add slices of grapefruit, oranges or tangerines. The porridge should be brewed in the usual way, as in previous recipes. Finely chopped citrus fruits, a tablespoon of jam and honey are added on top. However, additives can be used in any quantity. Everything will depend on individual tastes and preferences.

The oatmeal will sit well in the refrigerator overnight and will acquire a citrus flavor and aroma. A jar of porridge can be stored for three days. It is recommended to eat it for breakfast, since this dish is quite high in calories for dinner.

With banana and cinnamon

Banana itself is considered an excellent complete breakfast. This fruit contains all the necessary nutrients that will charge you with energy until the end of the working day. In addition to banana, the recipe includes applesauce or finely chopped apples. You can purchase the puree ready-made or make it yourself. Oatmeal is mixed with warm milk, a small amount of kefir or yogurt is added, as well as a banana and applesauce. After letting the flakes sit overnight, add honey and ground cinnamon to the jar. If desired, they can be added at the beginning of cooking along with the main ingredients. The resulting porridge has a relatively short shelf life, so it is recommended to eat it within 48 hours.

In short, there are many recipes for preparing this popular product. Ingredients are selected according to taste and food preferences. Almost all fruits, berries or spices can be combined with oatmeal.

Hello, dear friends!

Everyone probably knows about the benefits of oatmeal and many people eat oatmeal in the morning.

But some people don’t like the taste of such porridge, and often in the morning we don’t have time to prepare it.

Until recently, I didn’t like or eat oatmeal; I couldn’t bring myself to do it, even knowing about its benefits.

I'll tell you how to cook oatmeal with water. It turns out very tasty, and it is also quite quick to prepare.

Benefits of oatmeal

Let's start in order. Let me remind you why oatmeal is useful.

Oatmeal is rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, it contains vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, E, PP, H, minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron.

How to cook oatmeal with water and love it

Usually oatmeal is cooked in water or simply poured boiling water over it and allowed to stand for a while. You can add milk, butter, fruits, and herbs to the porridge. Many people love this porridge.

But my body refused to accept it and I know I’m not the only one.

My friend Galina advised me to pour cold water over the oatmeal, not hot, and add a little milk and honey. The result is not porridge, but a muesli-type mass.

I tried this dish and not only did I like it, but I loved it from the first spoon! If before I didn’t have breakfast, but only drank a cup of tea, now every morning starts with oatmeal. And this is very good, because you need to have breakfast. But often in the morning I don’t feel like eating. And oatmeal and oatmeal are very easy to digest, do not cause any heaviness in the stomach, you are satisfied with it and then do not feel hungry until lunch.

If you love oatmeal, but don’t have time to prepare it, these recipes will also come in handy, this oatmeal is prepared in 2 minutes.

Basic recipe for oatmeal with water

  • 5 tablespoons of oatmeal - those intended for cooking (less is possible, then reduce the amount of water accordingly)
  • 5 tablespoons cold raw filtered water, you can also use boiled water, but always cold
  • 1 tablespoon milk or cream
  • 1 teaspoon

If you buy oatmeal by weight, you need to wash it first.

Mix all the ingredients quickly (no need to give the oatmeal time to swell) and that’s it – the dish is ready!

This way you can quickly prepare oatmeal for breakfast.

It turns out especially delicious with cream. I sometimes add dry cream. And sometimes I cook without milk, using the same water, but with different additives.

You can experiment with a variety of products.

How to cook delicious oatmeal

I only came up with sweet recipes, although I know that you can add cheese and cheese to oatmeal, but I haven’t tried it yet.

But when I made oatmeal with cottage cheese for the first time, I... wanted some extra stuff. I make this delicious oatmeal very often.

If you add a spoonful of bran to your oatmeal, your intestines will work like clockwork.

As you can see, all of these oatmeal recipes are without cooking.

More than a year has passed since I started eating oatmeal soaked in cold water. But apparently my body was full and became indifferent to this method of preparation. And then a miracle happened! I fell in love with oatmeal poured over with boiling water, which I categorically did not accept before! I make it with the same additives: apple, nuts, etc. This oatmeal is more tender, but due to the additives it’s not a mess at all, but very tasty!

Harm of oatmeal

In addition to the benefits, oatmeal also has a downside. The fact is that oatmeal, when consumed very often in large quantities, can wash calcium out of the body. Therefore, when consuming it, do not forget to take calcium in the form of milk, kefir, cottage cheese or even.

You know how to quickly and deliciously cook oatmeal for the morning, I hope that you will also like my recipes.

Of course, how to cook oatmeal - in cold water or cook porridge - is a matter of taste. But you gotta love oatmeal! Just like other natural products that we forget about or don’t give them due attention.

Oat pancakes

You can also make very tasty oatmeal pancakes that everyone will love. It's very simple:

  1. pour a glass of oatmeal into a cup, pour in hot water so as to just cover the flakes, leave to swell for 20-30 minutes;
  2. add 1 egg, 1 grated (or cut into small pieces) apple, a little sugar, mix;
  3. Fry the pancakes on both sides in a frying pan in vegetable butter.

After I learned about the dangers of vegetable oil and the ingredients it contains, I no longer buy it or use it for frying. Now I cook everything with melted butter.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the benefits of oatmeal. Normalization of metabolism, stimulation of digestion, prevention of anemia and cardiovascular diseases, cleansing the body of toxins: this is only a small part of what systematic consumption of oatmeal can provide. However, in order to get the maximum benefit from this valuable product, you need to master some rules for its preparation and consumption.

Which oatmeal is healthier?

When it comes to the benefits of oatmeal, it turns out that most people mean boiled or steamed Hercules flakes. Oats, like any oats, are a covering shell (bran), an intermediate layer of grain (endosperm) and a germ. Oat bran contains proteins, fiber, iron and B vitamins. These representatives also occur in the endosperm, but the main supplier of vitamins and minerals is still the embryo.

Oatmeal is also healthy and nutritious, but during the steaming process some of the properties inherent in whole grains are lost. In a healthy, nutritious diet, it is recommended to cook porridge from grains. It is clear that they take longer to cook, but you can buy crushed oatmeal.

Many people wonder how to cook oatmeal healthier: with milk or water. Simply steaming the cereal, as is done with cereal, will no longer work. Experts say that the healthiest porridge is cooked in water without adding salt or sugar. Especially when it comes to dietary nutrition. After all, oats will have to process milk fat first and only then in the human body. Its effectiveness will be reduced.

Oatmeal in the diet: only in the morning or 3 times a day

Fans of oatmeal enthusiastically tell everyone around them how much their condition has improved since they started eating it every day. Those who want to lose weight go on an oatmeal diet and consume oatmeal three times a day. Complex carbohydrates keep you feeling full for a long time, and the biotin contained in oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it smooth and velvety to the touch. An oatmeal diet can even help cope with dermatitis. No wonder many women love the oatmeal face mask.

Despite all the positive

Few people know that oatmeal can be prepared not only by boiling. To prepare delicious oatmeal, you can do without cooking over a fire. In this case, you get steamed oatmeal. And such porridge will be useful for those who want to lose weight. Today we will talk about how to cook steamed oatmeal and look at several recipes for its preparation.

To properly prepare steamed oatmeal, the first step is to choose the most suitable oatmeal. For steamed porridge, you should choose long-cooking flakes. Instant cereal will not work here.

You should also pay attention to the size of the flakes. The flakes should be as large and thick as possible. This is due to the fact that if you eat porridge made from thin and small flakes, you will feel hungry much earlier than if you eat porridge made from thick flakes. And when dieting, it’s better when the feeling of hunger occurs as rarely as possible.

2 ways to steam oatmeal

Steaming oatmeal is very easy. There are two steaming options - fast and slow.

Slow-cooked oatmeal is usually prepared for breakfast. To do this, fill it with water in the evening and leave it like that overnight. In the morning, the porridge is simply heated. When heating the porridge, you need to stir it thoroughly, although this is not necessary. Some even heat it up in the microwave. You can pour porridge not only with water, but also with any other suitable liquid - milk, kefir, yogurt. For those on a diet, porridge should be filled with water. Pour oatmeal in a 1:1 ratio. The disadvantage of this method is that it is impossible to prepare liquid oatmeal this way.

A faster way to prepare oatmeal is to pour boiling water over the oats. In this case, the steamed oatmeal can be eaten within 10 minutes. To ensure that the flakes are evenly saturated with water, you need to stir them for 10 minutes 2-3 times. In this case, you can prepare porridge of various consistencies. For thinner porridge, oatmeal and water should be taken in a ratio of 1:3, for thicker water you need less.

It is clear that such “empty” oatmeal will delight few people. Especially children. Therefore, you can add various fruits, vegetables or nuts to the finished porridge. And below we present several recipes for steamed oatmeal with various additives.

10 recipes for steamed oatmeal in water with additives

1. Pumpkin oatmeal. To prepare it you need to take 2/3 cup oatmeal, 2/3 cup milk, 2 tbsp. pumpkin puree (fat or baked), a pinch of ground nutmeg and cinnamon, 1 tbsp each. muesli and honey, 2-3 drops of vanilla extract. The flakes are mixed with pumpkin puree, vanilla extract, honey and spices. Everything is filled with milk and left in this form until the morning. In the morning, muesli and nuts are added to the prepared oatmeal.

2. Oatmeal with dried fruits. The flakes are steamed using one of the indicated methods. Add chopped nuts, 2-3 chopped dried apricots and up to 10 raisins to the finished porridge.

3. Add frozen berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries) and nuts to the steamed oatmeal.

4. The flakes are mixed with cinnamon and steamed. An apple or banana is added to the finished porridge. To sweeten the porridge, you can add a little honey or sugar.

5. Steam oatmeal, mixing with ground nuts and goji berries.

6. Tropical oatmeal. Mix oatmeal with brown sugar and steam in milk. Add toasted coconut flakes and slices of kiwi, peach, mango and pineapple to the finished porridge.

7. Steam oatmeal in water. Add pieces of fresh apple and honey to the finished porridge.

8. Mix oatmeal and rice flakes and pour boiling water. After five minutes, add pieces of dark chocolate to the porridge and stir the porridge.

9. In the evening, pour oatmeal with low-fat yogurt. In the morning, add raisins or dried apricots and chopped nuts to the porridge. Dried fruits can be replaced with frozen berries, and nuts with pumpkin seeds.

10. Mix oatmeal, goji berries, bran and sugar in the evening. Fill everything with low-fat kefir.

And at the end there is one more video recipe

These are some interesting recipes for steamed oatmeal. In fact, there are many more recipes. And each of you can come up with even more. For those who want to lose weight with steamed oatmeal, we can say that a diet based on it is very effective. In a week you can lose up to 3 kg without any problems.

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