Are Husky dogs suitable for hunting or not? How to hunt with a Siberian Husky dog ​​and is this dog suitable for hunting? Is it possible to train a Siberian Husky to hunt various game and animals? How to properly train and train a Husky to do

All over the world, the Siberian Husky breed is known and glorified as a sled dog, but few people know that many hunters in the Far East successfully use huskies as a hunting dog. A very highly developed hunting instinct and passion, directed in the right direction, reveals the unique ability of the husky to be not only a sled dog, but also an excellent hunting assistant, like a husky. Persistence, endurance, well-developed instinct, ability to accept independent decisions, as well as adaptation to cold climates are some of the few advantages that a good hunting dog should have. The above qualities are generally quite characteristic of the Siberian Husky breed, thereby showing their close relationship with the aboriginal dogs of the North.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the ancestors of modern Siberian huskies, living in Kolyma, Chukotka, Kamchatka, were taken from the northern regions of our homeland, where these dogs for thousands of years performed a wide variety of work: pulling sleds, hunting, herding herds of deer. The indigenous peoples of our north have never divided their huskies into hunting, sledding and reindeer herding, as is customary today. All these primitive or bestial dogs were of similar origin, with a highly organized psyche, and had much in common in their exterior characteristics. Also, the use of these dogs was universal, thanks to their ability to perform various jobs. Interesting examples are given in the article by B.I. Wide “Our Northern Dogs”:

“...we should not divide our northern dogs into hunting, sledding, and reindeer herding dogs. Thanks to the ability to perform various works, taiga fishermen value them for their hunting qualities (although they sensitively guard the estate), coastal residents often need such dogs as transport dogs (but are also used for hunting), and reindeer herders need them both for herding reindeer, and for hunting, and in order to somehow diversify and brighten up your solitary life.
There are many examples of successful, versatile use of our northern dogs. Also M.G. Dmitrieva-Sulima (1911) wrote about huskies that “they are spoken of in military circles as material for a military dog, they are used for police service.” Referring to the works of Stefanovich’s expedition, she notes that “near the Tungus on the Stanovoy Ridge, the husky carried notes and parcels over long distances.” And the dogs of the Great Patriotic War? How many of them (mostly these were dogs of Siberia and the North, especially in the early years) went nowhere when they destroyed tanks, rescued the wounded, found mines, transported people and military cargo, and provided communications.

And very recent examples. West Siberian Laika White was the best among representatives of many service breeds at the rescue courses in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Not inferior to him was the male Kamchatka sled dog, which belonged to the dog breeding instructor and the first Russian female sled dog racer Elena Panyukhina. Among the best rescuers was Nina Tranbenkova’s reindeer spitz from our factory “Nick Kinos”. Our male Tony of the Chukotka sled dog breed, having in his foreseeable ancestors only sled dogs of Chukotka, and in terms of appearance and breed, the best of the hundreds of dogs examined by us during canine examinations of dogs in the North-East, in the fifth year of his life he became acquainted with the Transcarpathian forest, where he showed work on squirrels and marten, no worse than the work of a specialized factory hunting husky. There are countless examples like this.”

Since the Siberian Husky is directly related to our northern dogs, it is not surprising that we also have countless positive examples of their successful use in hunting. The husky's main passion is hunting ungulates. Two or three dogs follow the fresh trail of roe deer, wapiti or wild boar, like a pack of wolves. The relatively low weight allows the husky not to get stuck in the snow, and its excellent instincts and tenacity allow it to drive the animal to the last. There is an opinion that Siberian Huskies are not barking dogs, but rather howling ones. We cannot agree with this statement, since our dogs speak quite clearly when holding an animal, and simply never bark. They voice with a howl in the upper register, informing the hunter about the location of the animal. In many ways, hunting with a husky for animals is reminiscent of hunting with a husky, but unlike the latter, huskies have become famous as faster, more persistent and hardy dogs.

Many hunters and even game experts who took puppies from us give preference to Siberian Huskies, and testify to the versatile use of these dogs in hunting. There are examples of huskies’ excellent work on upland and swamp game, and even on furs. A few more advantages of this breed over the husky, which are appreciated by hunters who do not have a country house and an enclosure for keeping a dog, that huskies are perfectly kept in a city apartment. Unlike huskies, the Siberian Husky does not have the smell of fur, massive molting, and endless barking, which is very tiring for neighbors. Thanks to all these valuable qualities, our kennel has been successfully and purposefully maintaining a special line of hunting Siberian huskies for more than five years.

Despite the fact that the Siberian Husky breed has become famous precisely as a sled dog breed that is able to quickly and tirelessly cover long distances, hunters Far East and other northern regions use their pets as hunting dogs. Huskies have a very well-developed sense of smell, an excellent sense of smell and a hunting instinct, and energy, endurance, courage and passion, directed in the right direction, allow them to determine the exact location of the prey. The dogs are excellent at tracking, can easily identify the burrows of fur-bearing animals, find and bring back shot game, and are adapted to working in a pack. In addition, representatives of this breed of dogs are very smart and are able to make decisions on their own, especially if something arouses the animals’ interest. Tireless temperament, perseverance and excellent working qualities, which are necessary for hunting dogs, make Siberian Huskies indispensable hunting assistants.

A little history

Siberian Huskies were bred from aboriginal northern dogs by sedentary tribes that inhabited the northern regions of our country - Chukotka, Kamchatka, Kalyma. Dogs were adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of the North and have performed a wide variety of work for thousands of years. Thus, huskies were sled dogs that, without fear of severe frost, icy winds or snow storms, could cover long distances, while transporting quite heavy loads from fishing grounds to settlements. Huskies herded herds of deer, were irreplaceable hunting companions, and thanks to their cheerful and kind disposition, mothers were not afraid to leave their babies next to their pets. The only thing is that northern dogs, thanks to their natural friendliness and complete absence aggressive dogs were not used as guard or guard dogs.

It is worth noting that the northern peoples never divided their dogs into herding, sledding or reindeer herding dogs, since thanks to their high organization and stable psyche, the dogs coped well with any task assigned to them. In the summer, when the snow melted and there was no work, the northern dogs were released from their leash, and they hunted, obtaining their own food.

Hunting with a Siberian Husky

Modern representatives of the breed have inherited many qualities from aboriginal northern dogs. Most of all, Husks like to hunt ungulates - roe deer, mountain sheep, wild boars, kulans. Three or four dogs are able to quickly find and pick up a fresh trace of a roe deer that has strayed from the pack. A muscular, strong body, compact dimensions and light weight allow the dogs not to get stuck in the snow, but with perseverance and energy to go on without losing their tracks and chase their prey until their last breath.

There is an opinion that huskies are a very “quiet”, non-barking breed of dog. Indeed, they will not shout once again and without reason, but during the hunt, according to experienced hunters, they voice when they lead the animal along the trail or howl, thus informing the hunter about the location of the prey. Hunting with a Siberian Husky can be compared to hunting with a Laika, but Huskies have greater speed, endurance, intelligence, tenacity and energy.

Siberian Huskies are quite versatile dogs when hunting and are successfully used for any type of hunting. Huskies work well for swamp and upland game, as well as fur-bearing animals. Dogs fearlessly attack any prey, including ferocious bears or angry boars. The only exception is wolves, perhaps due to their close relationship with these predators. Huskies have no feeling of fear or pain when attacking wild animals, and they do not react at all to what is happening. They have a goal that must be achieved.

Of course, if a dog of this breed is not used for hunting, over time the hunting instinct becomes dulled, so huskies get along well with other pets, including cats. But, if your pet accompanies you on a hunt, it is very important to instill the correct manners of education and obedience on the street, since the dog will constantly show interest in the neighbor’s cats, small dogs or birds.

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He is distinguished by his friendliness and exceptional devotion. A strong, hardy dog ​​with a huge amount of agility.

The article describes the main diseases of representatives of this breed.

From the moment a puppy appears in the home, breeders must know how to feed puppies correctly and what foods should form the basis of their beloved pet’s diet.

If a dog of the so-called “hunting” breed is of little use when directly participating in this very hunt, then its owner can only blame himself. Huskies have enormous potential, which may not be realized in inept hands or with insufficient training. Therefore, the upbringing of these hardy and persistent animals must be approached competently.

It is pointless to argue with the fact that without paying due attention to raising a puppy, you can raise naughty dog. And if it is necessary for a husky puppy to be raised as a hunting dog, then the appropriate upbringing must begin from the very beginning. early age. The basis must be respect and obedience to the owner.

Since huskies are pack dogs, they great importance has a hierarchy in the pack and its own place in it. For example, such a seemingly insignificant nuance as the order of returning to the house. If the owner lets the dog go ahead, then it thinks that it is the leader, which means it will not obey its two-legged subordinates. There are other features too many to discuss in this article.

First hunt

And then the very moment came - the first hunt with a husky. The first and most important thing to teach such a dog is to make a voice when holding an animal. Representatives of this breed will not bark on their own.

There are no dogmas in such upbringing - it is individual. However, it is obvious that the Voice command must be learned at this stage. And then, either in the form of a game, or directly during the hunting process, the owner’s task is to connect in the dog’s perception the voice and the caught animal.

Before raising a husky and preparing it for its first hunt, it is worth considering that this northern breed’s ability to search for prey is very good: their ancestors were forced to track and overtake game in the winter. Thereby this breed when hunting, it is characterized by tenacity and endurance, even often surpassing huskies in these qualities.

However, such an innate feeling of a hunter can play a cruel joke in urban conditions. For example, if such a dog did not communicate with cats as a puppy, then as an adult, it can choose a cat as the subject of its personal hunt. This act of hunting can become a serious problem in disputes with the cat’s owners.

The obvious solution to this situation is, if possible, to introduce the puppy to a member of the feline family under owner-controlled conditions.

Each dog has a direct purpose for which it was once bred, but it is believed that the hunting instinct is to some extent inherent in all descendants, that is, dogs.

People often wonder if their Husky can be used for hunting. Dispute between hunters and dog breeders Experienced hunters recommend taking special equipment with you when hunting. trained dogs. There are many breeds that were bred to track and chase various animals, which makes the hunting process more effective and spectacular.

Pros and cons of using a Siberian Husky for hunting

A dispute arises between hunters and lovers of the Husky breed over the advisability of using this breed as a hunting breed. Breeders of the breed recall the history of its origin and point out that although it was bred as a sled dog, northern peoples used huskies for hunting.

Therefore, she has retained her hunting instinct, and this breed is especially effective at tracking and pursuing animals in a pack.

Hunters object that the hunting instinct may be developed in the husky, but it is very difficult to teach it the rules of hunting. She, as a rule, pursues him, but it is not easy to bring to her consciousness the need to bring prey to the owner. Hunters ask a reasonable question to lovers of this breed: is there any point in spending a lot of time and effort teaching huskies hunting skills if there are more suitable breeds for this?

Moreover, if a husky is competing in sledding competitions, her hunting skills may ruin her career as an athlete. Running in a harness at speed can be ruined by a random hare running by, followed by a husky.

Husky hunting experience The fact that the Siberian Husky is a hunting dog can be proven by example, having achieved good results, but this is a personal matter for each person. In principle, if you think about it this way, then any dog ​​can be used for different functions

It all depends on the purpose for which you got a Husky. If you are an avid hunter, but you really like this breed, then you can try your hand at a Husky. There are many examples of huskies hunting swamp and forest game, furs and various ungulates. Moreover, there are specialized nurseries that breed a line of huskies intended primarily for hunting, and not for sledding.

Therefore, debates about whether huskies can be used for hunting will most likely always be conducted with varying degrees of success, because each side will find a lot of evidence of both hunting and sporting achievements husky

Each dog has a direct purpose for which it was once bred, but it is believed that the hunting instinct is to some extent inherent in all descendants, that is, dogs.

People often wonder if their Husky can be used for hunting. Dispute between hunters and dog breeders Experienced hunters recommend taking specially trained dogs with them when hunting. There are many breeds that were bred to track and chase various animals, which makes the hunting process more effective and spectacular.

Pros and cons of using a Siberian Husky for hunting

A dispute arises between hunters and lovers of the Husky breed over the advisability of using this breed as a hunting breed. Breeders of the breed recall the history of its origin and point out that although it was bred as a sled dog, northern peoples used huskies for hunting.

Therefore, she has retained her hunting instinct, and this breed is especially effective at tracking and pursuing animals in a pack.

Hunters object that the hunting instinct may be developed in the husky, but it is very difficult to teach it the rules of hunting. She, as a rule, pursues him, but it is not easy to bring to her consciousness the need to bring prey to the owner. Hunters ask a reasonable question to lovers of this breed: is there any point in spending a lot of time and effort teaching huskies hunting skills if there are more suitable breeds for this?

Moreover, if a husky is competing in sledding competitions, her hunting skills may ruin her career as an athlete. Running in a harness at speed can be ruined by a random hare running by, followed by a husky.

The fact that the Siberian Husky is a hunting dog can be proven by example, having achieved good results, but this is a personal matter for each person. In principle, if we think about it this way, then any dog ​​can be used for different functions: as a hunting dog, a guard dog, a sled dog, except, of course.

It all depends on the purpose for which you got a Husky. If you are an avid hunter, but you really like this breed, then you can try your hand at a Husky. There are many examples of huskies hunting swamp and forest game, furs and various ungulates. Moreover, there are specialized nurseries that breed a line of huskies intended primarily for hunting, and not for sledding.

Therefore, debates about whether huskies can be used for hunting will most likely always be conducted with varying success, because each side will find a lot of evidence of both hunting and sporting achievements of huskies.

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