Indications, instructions for use of cromoglin nasal spray and eye drops, analogues, reviews. Cromohexal: effective analogues

Registration certificate:

P N015765/02

Tradename drug: CROMOGLIN ®

International generic name(INN): cromoglicic acid, disodium salt

Dosage form:

nasal spray

Compound medicine:
15 ml of solution contains:
cromoglicic acid, disodium salt 300.00 mg
Excipients: sodium edetate, sodium hydroxide, water for injection.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

antiallergic agent (ATC code R03BC01).

Pharmachologic effect:
Sodium cromoglycate is an antiallergic agent whose action is based on the ability to block the entry of calcium ions into mast cells, thereby preventing cell degranulation and the release of mediators of allergy and inflammation: histamine, bradykinin, the “slow reacting substance” of anaphylaxis and other biologically active substances.
After intranasal administration, absorption of the drug from the mucous membranes is about 7% and depends on the amount of mucus secreted. As mucus production increases, the degree of absorption decreases.
If accidentally swallowed, the drug is absorbed from gastrointestinal tract in a minimal amount (less than 1%). It is excreted unchanged from the body with urine and bile in approximately equal quantities.

Indications for use:

CROMOGLIN ® is used for the prevention and treatment of seasonal or year-round rhinitis of allergic origin.


The drug KROMOGLIN ® is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to cromoglycatunodium or other components of the finished product. dosage form.

Warning: If you suspect an allergic reaction to the use of CROMOGLIN ®, repeated use of the drug should be avoided.

A teratogenic effect in humans, even with long-term use of sodium cromoglycate, was not observed. Despite this, the use of the drug CROMOGLIN ® in the first trimester of pregnancy is possible only after a thorough assessment of the benefit/risk ratio by the attending physician. The same applies to the possibility of using the drug with more later pregnancy. Sodium cromoglycate passes into human milk in very small quantities which probably pose no risk to infants. However, the use of the drug CROMOGLIN ® during breastfeeding is possible only after a careful assessment of the benefit/risk ratio by the attending physician.

Directions for use and dosage:

Typically, adults and children are recommended to take 1 dose in each nasal passage 4 times a day. The frequency of applications can be increased to 6 times a day (1 dose). This dosage should not be exceeded. 1 dose (the amount of liquid entering the patient’s nasal passage) is equal to 0.14 ml of solution (=2.8 mg of sodium cromoglycate).
In order to achieve it as quickly as possible therapeutic effect In the first 1-2 days of using the drug CROMOGLIN ®, it is advisable to additionally use nasal drops to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane. In some cases, it is advisable to additionally assign short term antihistamines.
When a therapeutic effect is achieved, the intervals between doses can be increased. If contact with allergenic agents remains, treatment is recommended to continue even if the symptoms of rhinitis disappear.
For long-term treatment (longer than 2-4 weeks), consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Side effects:
Sometimes mild transient phenomena of irritation in the nasal mucosa may occur, rarely headaches and changes taste sensations.
IN in some cases observed bleeding from the nose, ulceration (ulceration) of the nasal mucosa, swelling of the tongue, cough and suffocation. In addition, it is impossible to exclude the occurrence in some cases of laryngeal edema and hoarseness of the voice, Quincke's edema.

Interaction with other drugs:

To date, interactions with other drugs have not been described. Therefore, the simultaneous use of CROMOGLIN ® with other drugs is considered safe.


To date, no cases of overdose have been described. Specific treatment overdose of the drug is not known. Therefore, no special measures are required, with the exception of routine medical supervision.

Release form:

A plastic bottle with a cone spray nozzle and a cap containing 15 ml of the drug; 1 bottle along with consumer information in a box.

Storage conditions:

Store in normal conditions in a closed bottle.
Keep out of the reach of children!

Best before date:

3 years.
Do not use after the expiration date!

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Directions for use:
1. Remove the protective cap.
2. Before first use, press the piston device several times until a uniform aerosol stream is obtained.
3. Insert the spray head into the nasal passage and press the piston device (1 dose). The device remains ready for subsequent dose delivery.
4. Place the protective cap on the spray head.

ratiopharm GmbH, Ulm, Germany


Merkle GmbH, Blaubeuren, Germany

Representative office of the company:
103001 Moscow, Vspolny lane, 19/20, building 2

Cromohexal is an antiallergic drug. The active substance is cromoglycic acid. It has several dosage forms: solution for inhalation, nasal and,.

The solution and drops are considered the most effective not only for the treatment of hay fever and other types of allergies, but also as a preventive measure. Excellent help to cope with bronchial spasms, if they have not caused irreversible consequences. The drug in the form of eye drops is used for lacrimation. Nasal spray and drops work well against conjunctivitis, which is the result of allergies.

Use of cromoglycic acid


The main indications for the use of Cromohexal depend on the dosage form.

Nasal spray and drops:

  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • manifestations

Eye drops:

  • lacrimation;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • irritation and .

Solution for inhalation:

  • infectious asthma;
  • asthmatic manifestations;
  • chronic bronchial asthma, including.


  • children under five years old;
  • with the development of polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • with acute liver and kidney failure;
  • women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Mode of application

The method of use depends on the form of the drug:

  1. Spray used intranasally. To treat adult patients and children over the age of five, doctors prescribe one dose (2.8 milligrams) in each nostril at least four times a day. In difficult situations, the dosage is increased to six times a day. At the first positive results the frequency of use is reduced by half or the drug is used only in case of necessary contact with the provoking allergen.
  2. Inhalation solution. The entire course of treatment should not last less than one month. If the dynamics are positive, the drug is not discontinued abruptly, but within one week. Almost always, doctors prescribe inhalations six times a day, one tube at a certain time interval. In order to quickly open the medicine, you need to carefully break off its top with the marked icon. The procedure is carried out using a special inhaler.
  3. Eye drops. Allowed for use by adults and children over two years of age. At the first dosages, experts prescribe one drop in each conjunctival sac eye, only four times a day with a time interval of no less than four and no more than six hours. If necessary, the number of dosages per day is increased up to eight times. Immediately after receiving effective therapeutic action Doctors are reducing the frequency of instillations.

Side effects

When inhaled, the medicine may contribute to the development of irritation. respiratory tract, it is quite possible that short-term bronchospasms may occur, and in rare situations, a decrease in basic functions upper paths breathing.

With intranasal administration, at the very beginning of therapy, irritation of the mucous membrane, nasal passages may occur, and occasionally nose bleed and allergies.

When using eye drops For some, the percentage of vision decreases for a while, a feeling of itching and redness appears eyeballs. There is a risk of allergic reactions such as skin rashes and joint pain.

special instructions

Eye drops significantly reduce the need for other ophthalmic agents, which contain hormones of plant and animal origin.

Do not wear eye drops during the entire treatment period. contact lenses, V in rare cases There may be restrictions when wearing. When instilling the medicine, you must be extremely careful; you do not need to touch your eyes with the pipette or any other parts of the bottle. When managing any vehicle you need to be especially careful, just like with any other work that requires attentiveness, quick reaction and accuracy.

The inhalation solution is not intended to relieve acute attacks bronchial asthma.

If long-term treatment is required, you need to strictly monitor the functioning of your kidneys and liver.

If serious side effects you need to stop using Cromohexal and consult a doctor to replace it with another drug.

Interaction with other drugs

Cromoglycic acid, which is part of the product, can significantly enhance the effect of H1-histamine blockers. Cromohexal in the form of a solution does not need to be inhaled together with Ambroxol or Bromhexine.


“I bought the medicine Cromohexal at the end of summer, when seasonal allergies to pollen appeared. My nose stopped breathing completely, I was constantly crying and sneezing endlessly. Before Cromohexal, I regularly used Naphthyzin to relieve nasal congestion, but its effect did not last long, and also caused dryness. The doctor prescribed Cromohexal for my allergies, and it helped me relieve the signs of allergies. It suited me very well as a remedy for allergies."

“Perhaps every person has suffered from allergy attacks at least once in their life. To put it mildly, this business does not bring joy. I always have an allergic reaction that manifests itself in different ways (rashes, nasal congestion, the appearance of red spots), as well as swelling. The main thing is to realize it in time and start treatment, eliminate any contact with the allergen and take antihistamines. Cromohexal suited me well for this purpose.”

Compare with Lecrolin

Some patients are interested in which is better of two anti-allergenic drugs - Lecrolin or Cromohexal. It is impossible to understand this without information about Lecrolin. This is an antihistamine, has wide application in ophthalmology, used only locally. Active ingredient The product is the same – cromoglycate. As excipients, the drug contains: sodium edetate, water base, sodium chloride, benzalkonium chloride.

Lecrolin is produced in the form of drops in special plastic bottles, each with a volume of 10 milliliters. Enhances the medicinal effect of glucocorticosteroids, for this reason it helps to quickly suppress the signs of chronic allergic reaction, as well as eliminate the manifestations of conjunctivitis that has developed as a result of the action of allergens. Excellent for treatment and prevention chronic conjunctivitis and tearfulness.

The duration of use and dosage are determined only by the doctor; you should not self-medicate. Prevention must begin even before the plants bloom.

Lecrolin and Cromohexal are two drugs that are identical in composition and action and have the same effect on the body. You can only judge which one is better by personally using each one.

Analogues: affordable and not so

The cost of Cromohexal starts at approximately 76 rubles. The price is low, but this product is not suitable for everyone. In this case, select suitable analogues Cromohexal. Some of them are cheap, but the main thing you need to pay attention to is their effect and composition.

Name Short description Cost (in rubles)
Cromoglin (drops, spray) The active element is cromoglycic acid in the form of disodium salt. Not used for acute attacks of bronchial asthma. 100
Intal (aerosol) French production. Used in the treatment of obstructive respiratory diseases. The active substance is sodium cromoglycate. 650
Crom-allerg (drops) Romanian production. The only thing active substance– sodium cromoglycate 54
Lecrolin (eye drops) Membrane stabilizer mast cells. The main substance is sodium cromoglycate. 76
Ifiral (eye and nasal drops) The active ingredient is cromolyn sodium. Indicated for patients with year-round and seasonal allergies, which is expressed in allergic rhinitis, rhinoconjunctivitis. 667
Cromogen (aerosol, drops, spray) The main component is Cromoglic acid. Mast cell membrane stabilizer 555
Kusikrom (drops intended for the eyes) The main substance is Cromoglic acid. Has a membrane-stabilizing effect. Greater effectiveness is observed with prophylactic use. 670

Cromoglin is a drug that suppresses the body's allergic reactions by blocking the movement of calcium into mast cells. Greatest efficiency shows during treatment allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

Instructions for use

When using Cromoglin, the process of degranulation and the release of active mediators when interacting with allergens are stopped. The active elements responsible for the onset and development of the body’s allergic reaction do not enter the blood.

When administered nasally, less than 10% of Cromoglin enters the bloodstream. If the amount of mucus and secretion is large enough, absorption is reduced.

At inhalation method about 11% of admissions go to lower sections respiratory tract, where the drug is completely absorbed. If accidentally swallowed, only 1% of the medicine will be absorbed by the body, the rest will be excreted through the gastrointestinal tract.

The drug is eliminated by the urinary system.


Indications for use are determined by a physician. Cromoglin drops or spray are prescribed for the following diseases:

Mode of application

When using the nasal spray for the first time, you need to remove the plastic cap and apply several presses. Next, you need to clean your nose from accumulated secretions, place the sprayer in sinus and press once while inhaling the drug into yourself. Next, wipe the sprayer with a clean handkerchief and place the cap on top.

How to use the nasal spray:

  • Children over six years of age;
  • adults and elderly - one or two injections into each nasal sinus.

You can do an average of five approaches per day. The maximum threshold is sixteen doses per day.

Treatment with the spray should be stopped by slowly reducing the dosage of the drug over several days. The following scheme is used: one tenth of the dosage for seven days. During this period, hoarseness, a decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood, blood escaping through the throat and dermatitis may be observed.

In order for the product to take effect on time, its use must begin before the upcoming interaction with the allergen ( Poplar fluff, dust, pollen, animal hair, etc.).

How to use eye drops:

  • One or two drops into both conjunctival sacs several times a day. Minimum - four times, maximum - eight times a day.

If the connection with allergens is constant, Cromoglin is used even after the symptoms disappear. Maximum duration taking the drug - four weeks. You should seek advice if there is no improvement after two weeks of using the drug.

Long-term use of the drug Cromoglin reduces the number of attacks of bronchial asthma, the need to take bronchodilators gradually decreases, and the patient's condition improves. After a few weeks of use, noticeable progress occurs. The effect of cromoglycic acid with a single dose is limited to 5-6 hours.

Release form, composition

The medicine is available in the form of a nasal spray, powder, solution and eye drops. The spray is a 15 ml bottle with a spray system and a protective cap.

The drops are placed in a 10 ml bottle; on top it is equipped with a convenient dropper, which, when pressed, releases one drop of the product. IN cardboard box There is one bottle with paper instructions.

  1. Spray composition: cromoglycate 300 mg. Approximately 3 mg per dose active substance.
  2. Composition of drops: cromoglycic acid 200 mg.

Auxiliary elements: sodium hydroxide, specially prepared water, sodium edetate. These components maintain an optimal environment for the active substance Cromoglin.

Interaction with other drugs

Cromoglin interacts well with any medications and does not change their effect on the body. Cromoglin spray is safe when driving a car, during activities that require precision and increased attention. Cromoglin drops may temporarily impair visual function, immediately after instillation you should not drive a car or engage in activities that require special concentration.

Side effects

Cromoglin drops and spray may have some side effects:

  • dry mucous membrane;
  • irritation and burning in the eyes;
  • the appearance of ulcerative formations in the application areas;
  • migraine, dizziness;
  • change in taste sensations;
  • slight shortness of breath, coughing fits;
  • dyspepsia;
  • secretion of tears;
  • low pressure;
  • redness of the skin;
  • individual reaction (Quincke's edema, stye, swelling of the eyelids and lips, tickling in the throat, swelling, "shallow" voice).

It is extremely rare for the kidneys to stop functioning normally. This is accompanied by symptoms: difficulty urinating, spasms in the bronchi. IN isolated cases Nosebleeds begin and vomiting occurs.


Cromoglin in any form is contraindicated if you are allergic to any of the components. In pediatrics, the drug is used with caution, for children younger age(up to four to five years) the use of drops or spray is not recommended.

Under the supervision of a doctor, Cromoglin is used by people with kidney and liver pathologies.

During pregnancy and lactation

The drug should not be used in the first three months of pregnancy. Over the next months, use is possible, but under the supervision of a specialist.

At breastfeeding Before using the drug, you need to assess the need for treatment and make a decision together with your doctor. Some young mothers prefer to temporarily stop breastfeeding. Cromoglycic acid in small doses can be excreted in mother's milk; this has almost no effect on the baby.


There were no cases of significant excess of the dose. No special algorithm of action is provided in these cases.

Storage conditions and periods

The bottle with the drug must be securely hidden from children. Storage location is dark, dry and cool. Temperature environment- no higher than 25 degrees. The medicine, stored in sealed form, can be used within 36 months from the date of release. The expiration date is printed on the bottle and on the cardboard box.

If the bottle is opened, the drug must be used within four weeks. After this period, the effectiveness of the drug decreases significantly.


The drug Cromoglin has average price. Sold without a doctor's prescription.

Cost of the drug in the form of a nasal spray in Russian pharmacies can reach 260 rubles. The exact price of Cromoglin eye drops must be checked in pharmacies.

In Ukraine the price of Cromoglin nasal spray varies between 40-65 hryvnia. The cost of the drug in Kyiv is slightly higher than the price for the same medicine in other cities of Ukraine.


Among Cromoglin analogues are the following drugs:

If you are allergic to Cromoglin, you can replace it with another remedy.

Allergy is a dangerous disease. Not only does the body experience stress, but its health worsens. It can disrupt numerous plans, ruin your mood for a long time and cause discomfort.

This medicine successfully combats seasonal or year-round manifestations of rhinitis based on allergic origin. It helps to reduce the negative manifestations of bronchial asthma in its various manifestations and Chronical bronchitis, up to broncho-obstructive syndrome.

Prevents asthmatic reactions if an allergen is nearby and inhaled, or the irritant does not have allergenic properties.

If it has been proven by the method laboratory tests that the patient has a food allergy, then Cromoglin will help get rid of serious condition. Use the medicine if treatment of proctitis or proctocolitis is necessary, but only as a combination therapy.

The antiallergic properties of the drug are based on the fact that the sodium cromoglycate it contains blocks the entry of potassium ions into mast cells.

This means that cell degranulation is prevented, and mediators of allergy and inflammation, that is, leukotrienes, histamine and some other substances, are not released.

Composition and release forms

It was decided to produce this drug in several forms. Eat eye drops, there is a spray used nasally. Their descriptions are almost identical.

Carefully! The drops contain benzalkonium chloride. It must be remembered that it affects the clouding of contact lenses.

The effect of the drug is given by sodium cromoglycate. Medicinal action noticeable a few days after the start of treatment.

The product is sold in a plastic bottle in a convenient form suitable for quick application in the form of a dropper. Its volume is 10 ml.

The nasal spray is packaged in a plastic bottle with 15 ml of medication. It has a nozzle that acts as a sprayer. It has the shape of a cone.

The drug Cromoglin (nasal spray instructions for use are included) is sold without a prescription.

Instructions for use

In nasal spray form, you will need one dose at a time. It should be used 4 times a day for instillation into the nasal cavities. If the disease progresses, you can increase the dosage, after consulting with your doctor, up to 6 times a day, but also one dose at a time. However, it is no longer worth increasing the medication intake - this is dangerous to health.

Per dose of this drug is 0.14 ml of solution, which is equal to 2.8 mg of sodium cromoglycate.

Important! To make the treatment last longer in a gentle way and had a greater effect, doctors advise additional instillation of the nose using drops.

This way the swelling of the mucous membrane will subside and discomfort will decrease. Sometimes on initial stage treatment requires the use of antihistamines.

During treatment, when relief has already arrived, you can increase the periods of taking the medicine.

But if it is impossible to get rid of contact with the allergenic agent, then therapy usually lasts until the symptoms of rhinitis disappear and even longer. TO long-term treatment You can estimate the period from 2 to 4 weeks.

The drops are intended to relieve allergy symptoms and are prescribed only by an ophthalmologist. Its components block the entry into cells of those enzymes that can cause allergic manifestations.

In this way you can get rid of:

  • kera-, conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis, if it is of an allergic nature;
  • allergies caused by animal fur, chemicals, cosmetics;
  • conjunctival sac of the eye;
  • relieve eye fatigue after exercise.

It should be instilled 4 times a day, but no more than two drops into the eye. IN extreme cases maximum dose per day can be increased to 8 times a day. During the ophthalmic procedure, it is advisable to blink so that the medicine can be better distributed.

This aerosol spray is strong and reliable means when therapy and prevention against allergies, bronchial asthma, rhinitis caused by allergies are required. Can cure a common runny nose.

Spraying is quite simple:

  • the cap is removed;
  • presses several times on a special movable device to distribute the stream of liquid evenly for treatment;
  • the spray head is inserted into the nasal cavity;
  • pressed just once on the mobile device.

Features of using the drug for pregnant women, lactating women, and children

Most dangerous during pregnancy when using various medicinal drugs there may be a teratogenic effect that provokes the development congenital pathologies. But no such danger was observed when using Cromoglin. But still doctors warn that everyone female body individual. Therefore, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, only a doctor can decide whether it is worth taking the medicine in this period. In the later stages of pregnancy, if treatment with Cromoglin is so necessary, the attending physician, again, based on the patient’s observations, has the right to prescribe this medicine.

Lactation is a significant period in life. infant. Therefore, if a nursing mother has aggravated allergic manifestations during this period, and it is necessary to urgently take Cromoglin, then in small doses it does not threaten the baby’s health, since it passes into the milk in a very small proportion. But it is still necessary to warn the attending physician about this method of treatment so that cromoglin nasal spray does not cause harm.

  • from 2 years of age, treatment by inhalation using a solution, capsules with powder is possible;
  • for 5 year old age group and older, you can spray inhalations using an aerosol.

The drug should be discontinued if hypersensitivity to cromoglycic acid occurs.

Contraindications, side effects

The drug Cromoglin should not be taken if the body reacts negatively to any component, and if negative manifestations, re-occurrence is contraindicated.

Treatment should be carried out with caution, under constant medical supervision, if you have kidney or liver disease.

Because , Since every organism is individual, the reaction to Cromoglin may be unexpected. Therefore, sometimes patients may experience some pathologies that are not so pronounced. This is first of all:

  • irritation of the nasal mucosa, its ulceration;
  • nausea;
  • headaches and short-term dizziness;
  • changes in taste sensations;
  • sudden onset of cough;
  • nasal blood flow;
  • hoarseness.

Less frequently, but still, cases were recorded when the tongue or larynx swelled, signs of suffocation and even Quincke's edema appeared, and joints began to ache.

This drug has a strong positive impact. But when treatment takes place with:

If accidental ingestion of the drug occurs, and Cromoglin nasal drops are not intended for this, doctors do not believe that this is not very dangerous. The fact is that the medicine is absorbed in the smallest dose - up to 1 percent. – from the gastrointestinal tract. It is excreted almost unchanged in urine and bile.

Cromoglin analogues in eye drops, nasal aerosols

Not all sick people therapeutic therapy Cromoglin is suitable, but there are substitutes in pharmacies. Most often, you can replace the medicine with “Vizin”, “Taufon”, “Visoptik”, “Travatan”, “Cromohexal”, “Lecrolin”.

Interaction with other drugs

When studying the medicine, observing patients who use Cromoglin in parallel with other medications, no health abnormalities were found. Therefore, this medicine is considered safe in combination with others. However, it may not be compatible for some patients. For example, this is bromhexine, ambroxol.

The medicine in spray form can be used with various forms GCS (then the dose of GCS can be reduced, but it is advisable for the patient to be under medical supervision, since the reduction should take place in a gentle manner - no more than 10% in 7 days) and adrenal stimulants in the form of oral forms and inhalers, with methylxanthine derivatives, antihistamines. In these cases, a potentiation effect may be observed.

When using Cromoglin eye drops topically, preparations containing corticosteroids will no longer be required.

Attention! If a person takes bronchodilators, then only before Cromoglin inhalation is done.

Which is better: Cromohexal or Cromoglin: reviews

Cromoglin, as many patients say about it, has helped them a lot. But there is also an opinion that the drug did not have the expected effect, so I had to switch to other drugs, including Cromohexal. Therefore, before being treated using Cromoglin, you will need a professional consultation with a doctor.


You should try to block allergy attacks faster, because good remedy should always be there. And Cromoglin is a faithful, reliable medicinal assistant for both adults and children.

pharmachologic effect

Antiallergic agent, mast cell membrane stabilizer. Inhibits the release of histamine, leukotrienes and other biologically active substances from mast cells. It is believed that the delay in the release of mediators occurs as a result of an indirect blockade of the penetration of calcium ions into cells. It has been established that cromoglycic acid suppresses the migration of neutrophils, eosinophils, and monocytes.

Prevents immediate and delayed asthmatic reactions after inhalation of allergens and non-antigenic irritants.


The degree of absorption of the active substance depends on the route of administration.

Plasma protein binding is 65%. Not metabolized. T1/2 is about 1.5 hours. It is excreted unchanged in the urine and bile in approximately equal quantities.


Bronchial asthma (atopic form, asthmatic triad, exercise asthma), chronic bronchitis with broncho-obstructive syndrome. Prevention and treatment allergic conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis. Prevention of seasonal and/or year-round rhinitis of allergic origin. Food allergy (with proven presence of antigen). As part of combination therapy for UC, proctitis or proctocolitis.

Dosage regimen

Individual. For inhalations - 1-10 mg (depending on the dosage form used) 4 times a day.

Orally for adults - 200 mg 4 times/day, for children aged 2 to 14 years - 100 mg 4 times/day.

When used in ophthalmology and ENT practice, the dose is set depending on the indications and the dosage form used.

Rectally applied in the form of microenemas.

Side effect

For inhalation administration: possible irritation upper sections respiratory tract, cough, short-term bronchospasm; in some cases - severe bronchospasm with a decrease in external respiratory function indicators.

For intranasal administration: at the beginning of treatment, irritation of the nasal mucosa is possible; in isolated cases - nosebleeds, allergic reactions.

At local application in ophthalmology: There may be a temporary disturbance in the clarity of visual perception, a feeling of heat in the eye.

Allergic reactions: in isolated cases - skin rash, joint pain.

Others: in isolated cases - nausea.

Contraindications for use

I trimester of pregnancy, childhood up to 5 years (for inhalation use in the form of an aerosol), up to 2 years (in the form of capsules with powder for inhalation and solution for inhalation use); hypersensitivity to cromoglycic acid.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Cromoglicic acid is contraindicated for use in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Use in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy is possible only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Excreted in small amounts from breast milk. Use during lactation is possible only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the baby.

Use in children

Drug interactions

When using cromoglycic acid with oral and inhaled forms of beta-agonists, oral and inhaled forms of corticosteroids, theophylline and other methylxanthine derivatives, antihistamines a potentiation effect is possible. The combined administration of cromoglycic acid and corticosteroids allows you to reduce the dose of the latter, and in some cases, completely cancel it. While reducing the dose of GCS, the patient should be under close medical supervision; the rate of dose reduction should not exceed 10% per week.

In inhalation solution, it is pharmaceutically incompatible with bromhexine or ambroxol. Bronchodilators must be taken (inhaled) before inhalation of cromoglycic acid.

When applied topically in ophthalmic practice, cromoglycic acid reduces the need for the use of ophthalmic drugs containing corticosteroids.

Use for liver dysfunction

Use with caution when concomitant diseases liver.

Use for renal impairment

Use with caution in case of concomitant kidney diseases.

special instructions

Not used for cupping acute attack bronchial asthma.

Use with caution in case of concomitant diseases of the liver and kidneys.

IN exceptional cases when bronchospasm develops with inhalation of cromoglycic acid with a decrease in respiratory function indicators, reuse Not recommended.

In the treatment of UC, proctitis or proctocolitis, cromoglycic acid is the drug of choice in patients with hypersensitivity to sulfasalazine.

Bromhexine and ambroxol should not be used simultaneously in the inhalation solution of cromoglycic acid.

At food allergies should be used in combination with a diet that limits antigen intake.

In children under 2 years of age, the dose of cromoglycic acid for inhalation use in the form of powder and solution has not been determined.

In children under 5 years of age, the dose of cromoglycic acid for inhalation use in aerosol form and for intranasal use has not been determined.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

For some time after instillation into the eyes, you should refrain from performing work that requires increased attention.

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