The concept of daily individual accounting of employee work. Weekly accounting method. Methods for monitoring and recording labor time

Total recording of working hours (exact term in the Labor Code "") used in cases where, due to objective reasons, the normal length of the working week is not observed, for example, during shift work. The nuances of calculating time worked and the principles of calculating wages when using summarized accounting are discussed in the article.

Summarized accounting of working hours according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The legislator normalizes the duration of an employee’s work. The main criteria are (1) the amount of working time for (2) the established time interval. The Labor Code generally defines the normal duration of work, which is also the maximum, as a 40-hour work week (Article 90). The employer is obliged to take into account the working time of employees personally, separately recording the actually worked hours of each person in the time sheet.

For the working time recording form and how to fill it out, see “Working time sheet - form T-13 (form)” .

As is known, a significant number of organizations use a work schedule whose daily duration goes beyond the traditional 8-hour work day. These are organizations engaged in serving the population (medical, trade, service sector, transport, etc.), or producing products with a long production cycle. The concept of “long production cycle” means that the technological length of the production process is greater than the standard length of working time regulated by law.

To ensure the maintenance and production process in such cases, the employer introduces shift work schedule . Often, with this regime, it is impossible to maintain the established, standardized duration of weekly or daily work. For example, one week workers have overtime, and the next week they have free time. In the normal accounting of working hours, overtime should be paid as overtime . But to prevent this from happening, the legislator allows the employer to use it (Article 104). This means that the time worked is calculated not for a week, but for a different period (two weeks, a month, three months, etc.).

The period of time adopted by the employer to calculate the number of hours of work for the purpose of standardization is called the accounting period. The duration of work duties during the accounting period should be no more than a normal week, multiplied by the number of weeks in the accepted accounting period. The maximum length of the accounting period in the general case is 1 year (Article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Summarized working time recording can be introduced by the employer both for all personnel and for individual groups of workers engaged in providing certain technological processes and working on a shift schedule.

For the working time schedule and the procedure for compiling it, see “Working time schedule for 2018 - download form” .

So, summarized working time recording It is advisable to carry out in those areas of work where, for objective reasons, it is not possible to maintain the normal duration of work per week, in order to compensate for deviations in the duration of one work week in subsequent ones over a longer period. Usage summarized accounting of working hours of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides, in particular, for shift work (Article 300 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), flexible working hours (Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and work in shifts (Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Remuneration for summarized accounting of working hours - examples of calculation

As a general rule, when considering time worked, a time-based wage system is used. There are two commonly used payroll calculation methods:

  • The base value is the monthly official salary;
  • The base rate is the hourly tariff rate.

The method of calculating the amount of wages, when the salary is taken as the base value, is convenient for an accounting period of 1 month. As you know, the salary is set for performing work during a month of normal working hours. Within an accounting period equal to a month, the time worked for each working week may be more or less than the established norm of 40 hours (in general), but in general, during the accounting period, the total duration of work performed corresponds to the norm of hours according to the production calendar of that month.

When the duration of the accounting period is more or less than one month, using the salary calculation method based on the monthly salary is inconvenient and incorrect. If the reference period is, for example, several months, the length of working time is very likely to differ from normal in each month. But in general, during the period under review, the duration of working hours actually worked is equal to the norm. If salary is taken as the basis of calculation, then a situation arises where remuneration for labor in the same identical amount, equal to the salary, is paid for a different amount of labor, which is proportional to the amount of working time.

Therefore, to calculate wages for an accounting period other than a month, the hourly tariff rate is used. It is calculated based on the normal (according to the production calendar) number of hours in a particular month or year, subject to a 5-day working week (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2009 No. 588n).

As an example, let’s calculate the standard working time for a 5-day, 40-hour week in December 2018, which has 21 working days:

40: 5 × 21 - 1 = 167,

The norm in December will be 167 working hours.

What if the shifts fall on weekends or holidays?

Shift workers have their own days off. Therefore, the general rules about increased pay for work on days off do not apply here. But there are some nuances when it comes to changing holidays. Read about them in this article .

What to do if, at the end of the accounting period, there is a rework?

Overtime based on the results of the accounting period is overtime. For them, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation also has its own rules, which also apply to shift workers. Read about these rules .

What to do if an employee has not worked the entire accounting period?

If an employee did not fully work the accounting period (for example, was sick, was on vacation, quit), a reduced standard is calculated for him. To do this, the missed time is subtracted from the general norm. If this truncated standard is exceeded at the end of the period, they pay overtime If, on the contrary, less time was worked, they are paid for the work after the fact. The employee is not required to work hours/days missed for valid reasons.


Summarized working time recording used for shift work, rotational work, and flexible working hours. The payroll system depends on the length of the accounting period and can be based on a monthly official salary or an hourly wage rate.

For time tracking to be effective, you need to know the intricacies of this process. In this article we will talk about them in detail.

You will learn:

  • Why do they keep track of working hours?
  • What types of accounting are there according to the Labor Code?
  • How to properly keep track of hours worked, how to automate it.
  • What advice do experts give on recording working time at an enterprise?

Employee time tracking is an important management function that allows you to control the work process, calculate wages or maintain work discipline.

Why do you keep track of working hours?

This is done in order to correctly distribute job functions and responsibilities during time periods - shifts, work hours, etc. Despite the fact that the Labor Code regulates the duration of working hours per week - 40 hours (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the schedule must be drawn up based on the characteristics of the enterprise and employee. Individual scheduling methods need to be applied to different positions.

All this makes the accounting of working time at an enterprise objectively reflecting the ratio of the time worked by an employee to the actual benefit that he brought to the enterprise.

There are many reasons that affect a person's time worked. This may include human factors or unforeseen circumstances: illness, accident or traffic jam. There may also be objective reasons. For example, in a production facility whose operation depends on electricity, its shutdown will cause downtime.

What improves at the enterprise where records are kept:

  • Increased discipline. All lateness, correspondence on social networks or coffee breaks will not be included in working hours, so responsible employees will correct themselves, and irresponsible ones will leave.
  • Increasing the quality of work. People will understand what is required of them in a certain period of time. This way they will stop leaving work for tomorrow and will complete the task on time.
  • Reducing costs. There is no need to pay a person for unproductively used time due to his fault. Determine these criteria when concluding an employment contract with an employee. Thus, you will reduce the labor costs of the enterprise.

To avoid disagreements with employees in the future, you need to draw up a schedule and plan accounting correctly. This will preserve the working atmosphere in the team and increase the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

Types and methods of working time recording

The state strictly regulates the types of recording of working time at an enterprise. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation speaks of 3 types. But you choose the one that suits your organization. Let's look at each of them.


If work shifts at an enterprise differ in duration, then this type of accounting is most preferable. With its help, you can more accurately record the hours worked by employees at the end of the month or week. This way you are always aware of how much money will be spent on wages, and if the budget limit is exceeded, you vary the length of the working day.

Also, daily recording of working hours is relevant for organizations where benefit or other groups of the population work. It can be:

  • Minors. For citizens under 16 years of age, the working day cannot exceed five hours, from 16 to 18 – seven hours.
  • Disabled people. For them, the duration of work shifts is set individually and depends on the disease and doctor’s recommendations.
  • Freelancers. For athletes, representatives of creative work and remote workers, it is necessary to select an individual schedule.


Specialists who are responsible for recording working hours at an enterprise must keep weekly records of working hours. This is done to avoid violations of the law, since at some enterprises the length of the working day may change. Weekly monitoring will prevent this.

Also, such accounting helps to determine the general operating mode for the enterprise and the individual operating mode for each employee. Knowing how much a person has worked, you can adjust his schedule so that the person works the appropriate amount of time per month.


This is another form of working time recording, which is used in enterprises where it is not possible to correctly keep daily and weekly records. This may be due to the nature of the activity or the presence of night and day shifts, for which the hourly rate is different.

The use of this type of accounting is regulated in Article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The essence of this process is that the employer can calculate the hours worked per month, quarter or year. And based on this, conclusions are made about the hours of production.

This type of accounting would be ideal for enterprises where employees work on a staggered schedule. On different days or even weeks, a person has a different load. If you correctly draw up internal regulations and timely record working hours in accordance with the Labor Code, you will comply with all legal norms.

How to learn to manage time

To accomplish more in less time, people have always wanted to work with four hands. Or better yet, at eight. However, evolution did not respond to human aspirations, and the problem had to be solved not physiologically, by multiplying limbs, but technologically.

In the 20th century, the concept of time management became a panacea for constant underachievement and overload. Self-organization at a professional level is the ultimate goal of the principle of saving time. However, despite the fact that dozens of books are devoted to time management and its application is discussed at hundreds of seminars and trainings, in Russian companies it is more of a fashionable topic of conversation than a reality. What time management techniques can you actually use?

Find out 6 ways to effectively manage your working time from the article in the electronic magazine “Commercial Director”.

How to properly record working hours

How to register

It doesn’t matter what your organizational and legal form is, according to the Labor Code you must maintain document flow for recording working hours. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not strictly regulate documents. The exact procedure for recording working time will be determined within the company. These may be labor regulations or a collective agreement.

These documents define the most important aspects of the labor relationship with the employee:

  • how long will the shift last?
  • how many breaks will there be, when, what kind;
  • from what time and until what time will the shift be;
  • weekends, work on holidays;
  • procedure for receiving and duration of leave.

The records themselves are kept in special books or in electronic format. When registering, the main task is to correctly take into account labor hours. It is always necessary to pay attention to and correctly reflect in the time sheet overtime work, employee absences on holidays or night shifts. It is also necessary to take into account the person’s illness and his presence on a business trip.

Optimization methods

The correct method should be determined independently, taking into account many factors. The most important thing is the specifics of the work and functioning of the enterprise. It is also necessary to focus on the level of discipline of employees. If there was weak discipline at the enterprise, then the introduction of strict recording of working hours will only do harm.

There are several ways to optimize this process:

  • Create a control point and issue a personal access card to all employees. Hire a watchman to record what time a person arrives or leaves.
  • Install an automated access control system. Passing through a special turnstile, a person will scan a personal card, and the program will record the card owner and the time.
  • Install video surveillance over the work process and track where staff are and what they are doing. Special monitoring can be done before working hours, during lunch and at the end of the working day.

Any of these optimization methods makes it easier for management to monitor compliance with the work schedule. It also increases the personal responsibility of each employee, thereby increasing the overall level of discipline.

What are the rules for recording working hours?

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the time sheet must be filled out daily. This does not depend on what type of filling you have chosen - daily or weekly. After all, unforeseen cases may arise: loss of information, dismissal of the employee responsible for maintaining the journal, etc. Not all obligations are documented, so in the future the employee may have claims regarding the time worked.

You can record only complete exits or absences from work, or you can record absences from the workplace. A person may be absent for several hours due to being late or taking time off, so the second method is more preferable, although it requires more control.

Each type of absence is assigned a code. For example, a person was absent because he was on training (P-12), or was on a business trip (P-13), and so on for each type of absence from the workplace. If the company is small, you can easily keep timesheets manually. In medium and large businesses, it is better to use automation programs.

At the end, the timesheets are sent to the accountant, who, based on the data on days worked, calculates wages. Usually, to reduce the chance of error, work with timesheets is carried out first using automatic programs, and then checked manually.

Labor Code and working time recording

To keep track of working hours according to the Labor Code, there are timekeeper functions. Usually a person combines these responsibilities with his main ones. Although in large corporations there is a separate position for these purposes. The employee fills out the time sheet, submits it to the accounting department in a timely manner and participates in checking this information.

The heads of divisions or departments must control the productivity and quality of working hours. But decisions about vacations, time off and overtime should be in the hands of the personnel officer.

Keeping records of working hours is the responsibility of the employer and is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If you do not have time sheets or you keep them with significant violations, then you may be held administratively liable. For this, a fine of 50,000 rubles is provided.

Automation programs

We studied the main programs with time tracking capabilities and compiled a small comparison table.



Types of time

Grouping by departments

Advanced Statistics


Notifications of violations

Productivity Analysis

Personal productivity

Yes, extended


Productivity Analysis

Yes, extended


Productivity Analysis

Expert opinion

Emma Forstreter,
Labor Lawyer, Lecturer at the Ministry of Finance of Russia

All employee benefits depend on the work mode you choose. Therefore, it is necessary to pay great attention to the operating mode. During a certain period, it is necessary to correctly distribute working time, not only from the point of view of compliance with the law, but also from the point of view of productivity and comfort of workers.

All agreements must be written down in the contract. General rules for the enterprise must be recorded in internal documents: staffing schedule, collective labor agreement. In the employment contract with the employee, important points must be taken into account and recorded. How long will the work week be and what will it be like: five days, two days a week or a schedule with floating days off.

For employees working in any way other than on a rotational basis, the company must provide days for rest. According to Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, there must be at least 42 hours between the end of the last working day of the week and the beginning of the first working day of the next week.

Managers should also know what irregular working hours are. With this schedule, the length of the working week is increased. The work is paid as usual, but the employee is given additional days of vacation. The number of these days is negotiable, but usually it is not less than 3. When you keep track of time, there is no need to record extra hours on your timesheet. This information is unnecessary and is duplicated in the employment contract.

Novikova Tatyana
HR Director, Infomaximum

Organizing time tracking is an important thing. Lack of accounting can be very costly for a business. For example, over the course of a year in Russia, losses from the use of time by employees who were at work for purposes other than its intended purpose amounted to about 300 billion rubles. These losses are not only financial, but also image. To control the process of recording staff working hours, we use automation systems.

When choosing them, you need to be guided not only by the popularity of a particular program. They differ in specialization. Some programs help calculate general or personal productivity, while others simply spy. Also, various programs reveal how an employee spent time at work. Choose programs that can be customized as much as possible for your company.

For large companies and businesses, time tracking software must be able to analyze large amounts of data, calculate departmental statistics, and compare information. This is necessary functionality, since most managers do not care how much time an employee spent on VKontakte; it is important for him to know productivity indicators throughout the entire enterprise.

Another important criteria are a simple interface and advanced functionality. Working with an accounting program should not take much time, and an ordinary accountant should be able to understand it. Additional options will also be an advantage. For example, some services have violation notifications. The manager does not need to check the correctness of the accounting every time; in case of violations, he receives notifications by email.


To control work and personnel relationships with employees, it is important to keep constant records of the organization’s working time. A systematic and correct process makes the team more disciplined and responsible. As a result, the quality of work will increase.

Depending on the size of the organization, its structural features, as well as the duration and parameters of work shifts, one or another type of reporting should be chosen. This can be daily, weekly or general accounting.

Accounting must be legitimate and useful. To do this, you must comply with the requirements and rules of labor legislation. Accounting will be effective if you use rules and ways to optimize the process, and also implement automatic accounting systems.

E.A. answered questions. Shapoval, lawyer, PhD. n.

We keep total records of working hours correctly

The specifics of the activities of some organizations are such that their employees do not work five days a week, but go to work according to a schedule. Moreover, their working day can be more than 8 hours. At the same time, in a week there are sometimes more than 40 hours, sometimes less. e Art. 91 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In such a situation, summarized accounting of working hours is used. And Art. 104 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The rules for maintaining summarized records are not clearly stated in the legislation. And our readers have many questions about its use.

If the standard working time for a week cannot be met, you need to enter summarized accounting

K.I. Panina, Novgorod

Our organization works seven days a week. Days off are provided to employees as scheduled. In addition, the length of the working day varies. It may happen that in one week the employee worked 35 hours, and in another - 45 hours, with the norm being 40 hours per week. Do we have to introduce summarized working time tracking?

: Necessarily. If it is impossible to maintain a 40-hour workweek for each employee Yu Art. 91 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you need to enter a summarized accounting of working hours. This will allow you to meet the standard working hours for a longer accounting period.

We warn the manager

If it is impossible to maintain a 40-hour work week for each employee, you need to introduce a summarized recording of working time. Otherwise, all overtime during the week will have to be paid as overtime at an increased rate.

The fact is that with summarized accounting of working time, overtime during a week is not overtime work if it is compensated by underwork during other weeks within the accounting period - from a month to a year A Art. 104 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If you do not enter summarized accounting and do not pay overtime during the week as overtime at Articles 99, 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then the labor inspectorate may fine you when checking b Part 1 Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • organization - 30,000-50,000 rubles;
  • manager or entrepreneur - 1000-5000 rubles.

When working on a “every three days” schedule, it is better to set an annual accounting period

EAT. Khromova, Ekaterinburg

Our employees work on a “every day or two” schedule with a standard of 40 hours a week. Which accounting period should we set?

: You'd better choose an annual accounting period d Art. 104 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Accounting period of shorter duration (quarter or month) )Art. 104 Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not allow compliance with standard working hours without employees working overtime under such a work schedule. Of course, you can create a work schedule for a month without overtime, giving the employee an additional day off.

For example, let's take an accounting period - a month. When working in the “every three days” mode in February 2011, the schedule includes 7 days off to work for 24 hours - 168 hours. According to the production calendar in February 2011, with a 40-hour working week, the standard working hours is 151 hours. That is, according to the schedule there are 17 hours of overtime work. And in March 2011, the employee also had 7 days off to work for 24 hours - 168 hours. But according to the production calendar in March 2011, with a 40-hour working week, the standard working hours is 175. That is, according to the schedule, there are 7 hours of shortage.

Thus, if the accounting period is a year, then overtime in one month can be compensated by underwork in another during the year and, if necessary, additional days off can be distributed more evenly.

For drivers, the accounting period is always a month

A.N. Zhukova, Krasnoyarsk

For drivers, our organization uses summarized working time tracking. Can we give them an accounting period of one year?

: No you can not. The rules for applying summarized accounting for drivers are enshrined in legislation m Art. 329 Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Regulations on the peculiarities of working hours and rest time for car drivers, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated August 20, 2004 No. 15 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations). The established duration of the accounting period for them is 1 month ts clause 8 of the Regulations. And you cannot increase it. That is, overtime on some days during the month must be compensated by underwork on other days of the same month. And do not forget that the daily work hours of drivers cannot exceed 10 hours (except for cases where it can be increased to 12 hours, in particular for international transport )pp. 9, 10, 11, 12 Provisions.

The accounting period can be increased to 6 months only if your organization is engaged in transportation related to servicing seasonal work. T clause 8 of the Regulations.

When summarizing accounting, night hours are taken into account separately

T.A. Alexandrova, Pskov

We use summarized working time tracking for certain categories of workers (drivers, security guards). Part of the working day (less than half) falls on night hours. Moreover, this is not shift work or six-day work. Do we understand correctly that night hours need to be taken into account separately?

: Right. Hours worked at night (from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.) must always be taken into account separately. O Art. 96 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. After all, for every hour of work at night you need to pay the employee at least 20% more than for an hour of work during the day m Art. 154 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;. You always need to pay extra, that is, regardless of the wage system or type of working time recording.

We warn the manager

Even if our organization has introduced summarized recording of working hours, work at night (from 22.00 to 6.00) in any case must be paid at an increased rate.

To be reflected in the working time sheet (form T-12 or T-1 3approved Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1) hours worked at night, use the letter code “H” or the numeric “02” indicating the number of hours worked at night I Art. 96 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia told us how to correctly set the tariff rate for employees working at night.

From authoritative sources

Deputy Director of the Department of Wages, Labor Safety and Social Partnership of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia

“The Labor Code requires payment for each hour of work at night at an increased rate compared to work under normal conditions Art. 154 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The amount of such additional payment cannot be less than 20% of the hourly tariff rate (hourly part of the salary )Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2008 No. 554. At the same time, there is no direct indication in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation that it is necessary to establish separately additional payments for work at night and separately - the tariff rate. Therefore, when setting an hourly tariff rate, it can be calculated taking into account the surcharge for night work. At the same time, this option of establishing an hourly tariff rate is not very convenient, especially if the employee is hired to work not only at night. In addition, in case of inspection by the labor inspectorate, each time you will have to confirm the fact of increased payment for work at night by calculation. Therefore, it is more convenient to set a separate tariff rate and a separate additional payment for night work.”

It is better to communicate the work schedule to employees in advance

A.S. Smirnova, Lipetsk

Our salespeople work 12 hours a day. Summarized accounting is maintained. The accounting period is quarter. How many days in advance should we notify employees about the work schedule for the next quarter?

: In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there are no requirements for the timing of communicating the schedule to employees in this mode of work. Therefore, the timing and procedure for communicating the schedule to the employee can be fixed in the internal labor regulations. The main thing is to set a deadline in order to have time to hand over the schedule to all employees before the start of the next quarter.

Overtime cannot be included in the schedule

S.I. Somova, Volgograd

Our organization works from 10.00 to 20.00 without breaks and weekends. Normal working hours are no more than 40 hours per week. The accounting period is a year. We are unable to draw up a schedule for the year so that the number of working hours does not exceed the standard hours according to the production calendar for the same period. How do we make a good schedule?

You can view the production calendar for 2011: section “Reference information” of the ConsultantPlus system

: It turns out that when drawing up your work schedule, you included overtime work. After all, the number of working hours according to the schedule for the accounting period should not be greater than the number of working hours according to the production calendar for the same period d Art. 104 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, you are violating the procedure for inviting employees to work overtime, since you do not obtain their consent to do so. e Art. 99 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Therefore, for including overtime hours in the work schedule, the labor inspectorate may fine your organization and manager during an inspection for violating labor legislation under Part 1 of Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Most likely, to create a schedule initially without overtime, you simply need to hire more workers.

In your case, provided that a vacation of 28 calendar days accounts for 160 hours (4 weeks x 40 hours), in 2011 you need two employees per workplace (365 days x 10 hours / (1981 hours - 160 h)).

When setting weekends in your schedule, remember that weekly uninterrupted rest cannot be less than 42 hours V Art. 110 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If you draw up a schedule in such a way that the employee, on the contrary, will not work up to the norm, then there will be no complaints from the inspectors against you.

If an employee is sick, he does not have to work off the shortfall.

T.A. Aleshina, Perm

Our accounting period is one year. At the end of the year, some employees worked less than normal due to illness. Should they work out the shortcomings?

: Should not. If an employee is absent from work for a valid reason, including illness, the missed work hours must simply be excluded from his normal working hours. That is, the standard working hours must be reduced by the number of scheduled working hours during illness. In this case, you will pay him for the actual time worked. And any overtime in excess of this new, reduced norm is overtime. th Art. 99 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

For example, according to the employee’s schedule in April 2011, 14 working days of 12 hours each - 168 hours. The accounting period is a month. The standard hours according to the schedule correspond to the standard hours according to the production calendar in April 2011 for a 40-hour working week. The employee was sick for 10 calendar days, which included 2 working days of 12 hours each. Taking this into account, the standard working hours in April 2011 for an employee is 144 hours (168 hours - 12 hours x 2 days).

For new employees, the standard hours in the accounting period are reduced

ME AND. Kalinina, Stavropol

Our normal working hours for all employees are 40 hours per week. The accounting period is quarter. We hired an employee on February 1, 2011. How to determine the standard hours for the accounting period?

: If an employee does not come to work from the beginning of the accounting period, then you determine the standard working time for him only for part of the accounting period from the first day of his work until the end of the accounting period. In your case, these are February and March 2011. This means that the standard working hours according to the production calendar will be 326 hours (151 hours in February + 175 hours in March).

Work on scheduled holidays is included in the standard working hours

Z.I. Kulikova, Irkutsk

Our organization works 7 days a week, 24 hours. According to the schedule, some employees work on holidays. When determining the hours worked by an employee, should the time worked on such days be included in the standard working time of the accounting period or should it be taken into account separately as overtime work based on the results of the accounting period?

: This time must be included in the standard working hours of the accounting period, since you have an organization with a continuous cycle of work s clause 1 Explanations of the State Labor Committee of the USSR, the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 08.08.66 No. 13/P-21; Art. 423 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This type of work is not overtime.

However, you need to pay it double (like work on a holiday), but not at the end of the accounting period, but based on the results of work for the month, since this is work on a non-working holiday b Art. 153 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If an employee quits, overtime is determined at the time of dismissal

I.A. Lukyanova, Ivanovo

Our organization has a continuous cycle of work. The accounting period is a year. The employee quits on February 28, 2011. Based on the results of January - February 2011, he is scheduled to overwork hours in comparison with the norm according to the production calendar. Should it be paid as overtime?

: Need to. All hours that he worked in excess of the norm according to the production calendar in January - February 2011 must be paid at an increased rate: the first two hours - at one and a half times the rate, the rest - at double rate m Art. 152 Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Letter of Rostrud dated August 31, 2009 No. 22-2-3363.

But if upon dismissal there are shortfalls in hours according to the production calendar, then you simply pay for the actual time worked.

The concept of “working time” means the period during which an employee performs work duties. The concept is enshrined in Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The length of the period depends on the terms of the employment contract, working hours and internal company rules. The law does not prohibit the use of employees to perform professional duties at other times.

To optimize the work process, increase labor efficiency and meet deadlines for completing tasks, you cannot do without clear planning and control of the use of working time. A clear organization of working time is equally necessary for both the manager and the subordinates. Control by the employer or manager maintains work discipline in the team and guarantees fair wages.

Leaders of large organizations with a large staff do not have time to personally monitor each subordinate. In addition to the control function, the manager, department head or project manager also performs other duties. During work, unforeseen difficulties or circumstances arise that were not provided for in the plan, and even time management leaders cannot fully predict and plan the work process.

Simultaneously with the increase in staff and the number of projects, tasks multiply, so that personal control of working time becomes impossible. One of the options for solving the problem is proactive management, which helps reduce the number of difficult situations in the work of an individual employee and contributes to the successful performance of work duties.

Concept and legal basis for recording working hours

Working time monitoring is tracking the activities of personnel during the working day and monitoring compliance with work schedules. Monitoring belongs to the group of preventive measures that help maintain discipline and prevent abuse of the employer’s trust. This method is primarily aimed at identifying violators who are resolving personal rather than official issues.

Control and recording of working time is carried out within the framework of the Labor Code. By law, employees have the right to breaks, days off and vacation.

Why keep track of working hours?

Control as part of working time monitoring allows you to solve several problems:

  • Record the time of arrival to work in order to calculate those who are systematically late and absent.
  • Check the employee’s timely return after the lunch break and presence at the workplace throughout the day.
  • Determine the end time of work.
  • Identify truants.
  • Divide paid periods of working time into hours actually worked, vacation, sick leave, downtime due to the fault of the employer, etc.

In practice, managers often face such a problem as failure to meet deadlines for completing work. Calculating the timing is simple: the standard working time according to Article 91 of the Labor Code is 40 hours per week. The norm is compared with the qualification reference book or the functional responsibilities of the employee. The result is a rational scheme for distributing staff time.

A significant drawback is that the scheme does not take into account:

  • human factor, for example, constant smoking breaks, sick leave, tardiness, personal matters during paid time, etc.
  • force majeure: emergencies, natural disasters, accidents, delays on the part of counterparties, etc.

All this leads to a difference between the time spent and the work actually completed.

The introduction of methods for monitoring temporary performance indicators is necessary first of all for the employer. This will allow you to pay for the time actually worked, and not for being late, smoking breaks and computer games in the workplace. Analysis of the collected data, on the one hand, and written reports and explanations from employees, on the other, allow the manager to make informed decisions about the rational use of the working period and calculate wages accordingly.

Working time control methods

The employer is interested not only in the timely appearance of employees at the workplace, but also in the productivity of the team. Productivity directly depends on what an employee does in the workplace.

An employee can hardly perform his duties if he spends time on social networks, texting with friends, watching the news, reading books or surfing the Internet. Methods for monitoring employee working time include recording:

  • completed tasks in the period between turning the computer on and off;
  • telephone conversations with clients, partners and contractors;
  • desktop screenshots during work using specialized IT solutions;
  • content of corporate correspondence, including email correspondence;
  • presence on site during working hours using video surveillance.

Before applying control methods, personnel should be notified in advance. To do this, the additional agreement specifies ways to monitor the use of working time; changing the conditions is allowed only with the consent of the staff. Moreover, it is illegal to install surveillance cameras in offices without notifying employees.

Monitoring data on the use of working time forms the basis for analyzing staff performance. Performance metrics include:

  • final- assessment of the results of the completed project as a whole;
  • intermediate- control of the work done within the specified period;
  • periodic- summing up after a certain period of time;
  • electoral- irregular selective monitoring of individual employees at the discretion of management.

Any monitoring methods are aimed primarily at assessing how effectively and efficiently an employee distributes working time, and at the same time assessing the level of professionalism.

Ways to control working time

The way staff time is monitored, recorded and assessed has evolved over time, yet organizations, especially government agencies, adhere to traditional approaches.

For example, they appoint someone responsible, a watchman or a duty officer, for keeping a log of working hours. The person in charge records the time of arrival and departure and systematically prepares reports for the manager.

Another option is to introduce an administrator position onto the staff, who will be located in the same room with colleagues or in a separate office and control the continuity of the work process.

Another way is for employees to keep personal records, independently control and record the working time spent. The method helps to evaluate the work done from the point of view of the performers and develops independence.

A more common way is to install an access control and management system using passes or fingerprint scanners. Information for each employee is saved in a file and is available for viewing at any time.

A reliable, but expensive method of monitoring and recording the working hours of company personnel is a video surveillance system. You will need to spend money not only on the purchase and installation of video cameras, but also on the salary of an individual employee, whose responsibilities include continuous monitoring of personnel activities and recording violations of internal labor regulations. In addition, the introduction of a video surveillance system causes psychological discomfort in employees from constant surveillance. Therefore, the installation of cameras is most often a special measure that will be used at critical facilities.

IT solutions for working time control

Controlling the work of a small team manually is a feasible task for the immediate manager or one dedicated specialist. But if the company’s staff numbers more than one hundred people, who also work in branches or remotely, only automation can cope with such a task.

In addition, monitoring the work of personnel is needed not only to record the performance of an individual employee, but also to ensure the safety of the enterprise. IT solutions perform two tasks simultaneously to monitor productivity during working hours. Automated systems record information, conduct analysis and generate reports.

The cost of implementing an automatic working time monitoring program is covered by minimizing the employer’s costs associated with the absence of personnel from the workplace: absenteeism, tardiness, long breaks. IT tools record and analyze data, on the basis of which management encourages the “leaders” of the office, thereby motivating the entire team to work more productively and disciplinedly.

Automated IT systems allow you to identify:

  • violators of discipline - employees who are systematically late or go home earlier than expected, heavy smokers or coffee drinkers whose “five-minute” breaks exceed the duration of work.
  • workers who, during working hours, decide on personal matters, read news and social network feeds, conduct friendly rather than official correspondence in instant messengers, and play on the computer.
  • employees who are so overloaded with work tasks and are forced to constantly stay late at work, which threatens professional burnout and, in extreme cases, a nervous breakdown.
  • employees who are not satisfied with their position on certain issues and are busy looking for a new job.

Automated monitoring of working hours is not limited to the installation of specialized software and also includes the installation of control equipment at the entrance/exit of the building; equipment of checkpoints; use of a personal identifier system for each employee; recording the movement of personnel while working on the territory of the enterprise using GPS beacons.

An integrated approach to monitoring working time involves analyzing the work of specialists according to control points: staffing, work plan, deadlines for completing tasks, territory for performing duties, production schedule.

How to choose an IT solution for working time control

When choosing software for monitoring working time and assessing staff performance, it is worth considering the specialization of the solution and immediately answer the question for what purpose the program is being installed: only to collect data or to analyze staff performance.

Next, you need to decide whether a program that provides quantitative reports on the arrival and departure of an employee is sufficient for the purposes of implementation, or whether a solution is required that will record exactly what the employee did during working hours. A useful option is the ability to take screenshots according to a predetermined schedule or when certain processes are launched.

Managers are interested in the effectiveness of not only an individual employee, but also the entire team. Most often, top management is not interested in information about exactly what games the employee was distracted by or with whom exactly he corresponded, but in the total amount of time wasted. Therefore, an additional advantage of the program is the ability to generate not only detailed, but also summary reports.

Special cases of working time control

If the company has employees who work on a special schedule, so that it is not possible to control them according to the general scheme, individual conditions are included in the employment agreement.

For example, contracts with remote personnel include additional clauses: strictly established time for communication, deadlines for completing tasks, the obligation to warn about force majeure, etc.

In any case, the manager or employer does not have the right to force staff to work overtime. Additional hours of work are fixed in the employment contract along with compensation in the form of a salary increase or time off. The enterprise administration discusses the issue with each employee individually within the framework of labor legislation.

A flexible work schedule, which gives the employee the opportunity to independently control workload and workload, can increase labor productivity and reduce the employer’s hourly wage costs.

Working hours must be recorded in every company, regardless of the adopted schedule. Time management methods increase productivity, discipline staff and reduce costs.

The use of automated tools for monitoring working time and labor efficiency facilitates record keeping in companies with a large staff of employees, provides an objective assessment of the work of each employee and facilitates the adoption of motivated management decisions.

The legislator provides for the obligation of the employer to keep records of the time actually worked by each employee. The main document confirming such accounting is time sheet.

There are the following types of working time recording: non-cumulative (daily, weekly) and summarized. Daily accounting is used in cases where the employee has the same working hours every day. Weekly accounting is established if the duration of an employee’s daily work may vary, but during the week he produces the same standard of working time (36 hours, 24 hours, etc., but not more than the established 40 hours). Summarized accounting is used in cases where the duration of working hours per day and per week may be different. Overtime on some days is offset by shortfalls on others. In this case, during the accounting period (month, quarter, year), the employee must work the established hours.

For violation of the obligation to record working hours, the guilty officials bear administrative liability imposed by the federal labor inspectorate.

Before starting work, the employee is obliged to mark his arrival, and at the end of the working day, to mark his departure in the manner established by the organization. Time boards and other accounting means should be open for access half an hour before the start of work and immediately after its completion. The employer is obliged to ensure control over the correct recording of attendance at work and departure from work. There should be a clock near the recording site that correctly indicates the time.

Deviations from productive use are indicated as absenteeism, unauthorized absence from the workplace, use of working time, equipment, and means of production to resolve personal issues. Disputes in the application of standards affecting the working time of employees are sometimes caused by the method of payment for certain periods of work, as well as special working time standards established for certain categories of workers.

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