Shoes make your feet stink. How to get rid of foot odor. Additional tips on how to get rid of sweaty feet at home

If feet sweat and still have a specific odor, people feel discomfort and problems with communication. Sometimes they don’t know what to do and who to contact. Let's try to figure out the cause of the problem and consider methods to get rid of it.

Why do my feet sweat a lot?

The production of sweat helps the body maintain normal body. But it happens that people have increased sweating. Excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis.

There may be several reasons for excessive sweating:

  • Thick shoes made from non-natural materials.
  • Socks made of synthetic materials.
  • Lack of normal foot hygiene.
  • Excitement.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Problems with the endocrine system.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.

Sometimes it is enough to wash your feet with soap several times a day to solve all problems. If you have health problems, then only effective treatment will help.

Strong odor from feet - what is the reason?

One of the reasons for the unpleasant odor is the presence of fungus. Should get rid of of this disease as fast as possible. Another reason may be that a person has a disease. In certain diseases, bacteria multiply. Those, in turn, cause a terrible smell.

An unpleasant odor can also appear in people who do not suffer from the disease. It's connected with excessive sweating. If a person moves a lot and wears shoes made of unnatural materials, this will contribute to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

The particles on the feet wear out very quickly. If dead particles are not removed in time, these areas of the skin will serve as a habitat for bacteria.

In children, the smell can be even stronger than in an adult. This is due to the fact that the metabolism in children's body happens faster. And since children love to wear sneakers and sneakers, their feet begin to sweat a lot.

Treatment for sweaty feet

There are several methods for treating sweating of the extremities:

  • Take 1 liter of water, add 100 grams of oak bark. Boil on the stove for half an hour. Soak your feet in the broth for 7 days in a row.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of salt to a glass of boiling water. Stir and cool. Wash your feet in this solution and rinse with water.
  • Place 20 laurel leaves in a container. Add 3 liters very hot water. Wait until the solution becomes warm and sit for 15-20 minutes with your feet in it. This procedure should be done before bed.
  • Pour 3 tablespoons of chamomile into 1 liter of hot water. After an hour, add a tablespoon of soda. The resulting solution is used to rub the feet.
  • While taking a bath, add 5 drops of pine, sage and eucalyptus oils to the water.

What to do to prevent your feet from stinking

As mentioned above, the first thing you need to do is maintain hygiene. You should wash your feet morning and evening. The temperature can be gradually lowered. When washing, it is better to use antibacterial soap. It will help fight odor-causing bacteria. It is recommended to monitor the condition of your nails and trim them in a timely manner. Dead skin particles are removed using pumice or special files.

Here are some more ways:

  • Periodically make foot baths using vinegar, tea or salt.
  • In addition to maintaining hygiene, you can use. As for armpits There are deodorants for feet. Potato starch is also used. This product is used to treat dry feet, especially the skin between the toes.
  • It is recommended to treat your feet with alcohol. This will help get rid of bacteria.
  • Use a cream that reduces sweat secretion.
  • Rub your feet with lavender overnight. Then put on socks. Allergic reactions may occur when using lavender.
  • Choose shoes and socks made from natural materials.
  • Change your socks every day. When washing, turn them inside out so that skin particles are washed out.
  • Wash shoes if possible.
  • Dry your shoes well. Remove the insoles and dry them separately.
  • If possible, take off your shoes and socks. When you walk around in your socks, bacteria accumulate in them.

If none of the remedies help, you should consult a doctor.

General hyperhidrosis against the background bad smell legs - quite natural phenomenon. Moreover, most people do not suspect that Not nice smell legs and increased sweating in general are two interrelated processes. Of course, many people write everything off as a joke about dirty socks, but that is not the reason at all.

If we approach this issue from a medical point of view, then, although everyone has individual anatomical features, determining the level of sweating, the amount sweat glands on the feet of men and the fair half of humanity is approximately the same. And yet, even despite this conditional “equality”, the level of sweating is different for all people, and accordingly, not everyone’s feet smell bad. So, let's try to figure out what the cause of these problems is.

Why do my feet sweat and smell bad?

The causes and treatment of bad foot odor are related in the same way that the smell is related to the overall level of sweating. Therefore, the problem lends itself to the comparative method of solution.

Most often, when a problem is discovered, people complain to shoe factories, saying that their feet smell bad and sweat because of low-quality shoes. I must say, there is some truth in this - there are a lot of shoes made from synthetic materials on the market, and most middle-class residents prefer cheap manufacturers to shoe companies that make shoes from natural materials. This is largely explained affordable price, however, even for a lot of money it is difficult to find high-quality shoes, for example, made from natural suede.

Still, let's delve into the essence of the issue and consider real reasons foot odor

  1. A fungal infection that can be easily picked up in places where people share slippers, towels or tools. A swimming pool, sauna or beauty salons fit this criterion. The diagnostic symptoms are quite simple. The fungus manifests itself as a sharp burning sensation on the feet and itching between the toes. On top of that, an unpleasant strong odor from the feet and the quite expected hyperhidrosis later appear. Note that according to similar reason bad smell may also come from groin area in representatives of both sexes.
  2. It happens that profuse sweating And Strong smell the legs indicate irregularities in work endocrine system. In this case, a change in the amount of sweat is quite natural.
  3. Change hormonal levels in women during menopause, for example, it promotes increased sweating and possible emergence foot odor In this case, it would not be a bad idea to go for a consultation with a gynecologist, especially if the shoes in your wardrobe are made primarily of synthetic materials. A similar remark applies to stockings. You should remember the banal rules of hygiene and foot care that should be applied to avoid fungal infections. The cause of foot odor in women is often said to be the presence of a fungus, accompanied by itching and deformation. nail plates, which crack and acquire a dirty yellow tint. In addition, sweaty and foul-smelling feet often indicate tumors and possible infections. This also includes stress and physical overload.
  4. In children, the causes of unpleasant foot odor can be mainly in shoes, since otherwise the child is always under the strict supervision of his parents. And due to the fact that the growing body is quite strong, the baby’s immune system can cope with microorganisms on the feet on its own. If over time a lot of sweat appears and the smell cannot be eliminated by usual hygiene methods, it is necessary to take the child to the pediatrician. An endocrinologist and a dermatologist can also have their say - one way or another, if this is a question of hyperhidrosis, then sooner or later you will still have to visit these doctors.

Despite all diseases, the most common cause of foot odor is lack of attention to skin hygiene. Since women usually take more care of their skin, taking a variety of baths, visiting manicurists and pedicurists, and generally paying more attention to self-care, this problem occurs less frequently.

Preventive measures against foot odor

The first thing you need to watch out for to avoid bad odor and fungal infections is general hygiene and changing socks or tights. You need to wash your socks every day, and when choosing stockings, choose natural fabrics with a minimal synthetic content.

Even if it seems to you that your feet are fine and you don’t need a shower, you still need to wash them every day with soap or any other caring cosmetic product, because bacteria multiply and therefore create the ground for an unpleasant odor.

For foot hyperhidrosis, the first treatment is to take a foot bath with baking soda and soap. Sometimes sea or table salt is added there for the same purposes.

To prevent fungal infections and excessive sweating, it is recommended to take such a bath at least once a month, and after steaming your feet, remove dead tissue with a pumice stone. To avoid overdrying, after taking a bath, your feet can be lubricated with a rich cream.

Perfume manufacturers have created deodorant products not only for the armpits, but also for the legs. These products not only help cope with sweating, but also mask the unpleasant odor.

In order for the shoes to at least be ventilated, it would be good to have two pairs for the season. Note that insoles need to be washed just like socks, although not as often.

Homemade foot cream

Of course, cosmetic stores today offer a huge assortment of a wide variety of cosmetic products, but why not try the old “grandmother’s” recipe as an experiment? For homemade cream you will need cornstarch, shea butter and baking soda. Take all the ingredients one teaspoon at a time and grind them in a mortar. The bulk mixture is necessary massage movements rub into feet and toes. If you want to add some zest, aromatic oil is a good choice.

The recipe for foot powder is no less simple: you need to mix a glass of rice in a coffee grinder until it is ground into powder. In the resulting mass we place the soaked aromatic oil tampon. It is necessary to let the future talc brew for a day in a tightly closed container. After this, we pour the powder into socks and go to bed in them, and the next morning we enjoy clean and pleasantly smelling feet.

If foot odor or excessive sweating causes serious reasons for anxiety, you can try traditional medicine.

To do this, mix a liter of water with a 9% vinegar solution in an approximate ratio of 1:9. The resulting mixture must be heated, then pour the contents of the container into a basin and enjoy the foot bath. It is noteworthy that it is better to cover the basin with a towel and soak your feet for about 20 minutes for better absorption. After taking a bath, you need to traditionally wipe your feet dry, put on light socks (preferably cotton) and go to bed. One procedure will not have an immediate effect, so it is better to carry it out in a course of 4-6 times, depending on the degree of sweating and odor.

This soap has excellent antibacterial properties and washes perfectly. It has a pungent smell, not very pleasant, but much nicer than smelly feet.
After water procedures You need to thoroughly dry your feet, especially between the toes, with a clean cotton or bamboo towel. It is important that the towel is cotton or bamboo, because cotton and bamboo absorb moisture very well. A synthetic towel is not suitable for these purposes and do not buy synthetic towels at all.
The towel must be really clean, one that has not yet been used after washing. I mean, the towel that you hung in the bathroom yesterday or earlier and wiped your infected feet with it at least once will not work, because you need a clean towel.
After you have dried your washed feet, under no circumstances put on your infected slippers; it is better to walk barefoot. I'll tell you what to do with the shoes later.
Just before bed, when you are about to take horizontal position and you will sleep, you need to do one more procedure.

Another procedure

You need to carefully treat your feet with the product you see in the picture below.

This is a proven product, it works well, but for some reason it’s cheap, don’t let that scare you.
Due to your geographical location, you may not find it in a store near your home, but it’s better to find it anyway. Do everything as expected and you will be fine desired result.
If you still don’t find this product, then find something similar based on tar and oil tea tree.
You need to do the procedure just before you go to bed.
It is very important to thoroughly treat the entire surface of the feet, especially between the toes and under the nails, do not skimp on the cream/gel/or whatever this substance is properly called. So if you haven't cut your nails yet, do it right now.
The product you see in the picture can be found in many stores and pharmacies. It works very well if you do everything as I say. Its disadvantage will be a sharp, not very pleasant, but tolerable smell, which will seem much more pleasant to you than smelly feet.
In the morning, your feet will need to be washed with the same soap that you already saw in the picture even above.
The next day in the evening, simply wash your feet with the same soap and treat them before going to bed with the same product, and so on for at least 3-4 evenings in a row.
Further, for the purpose of prevention, simply wash your feet conscientiously every evening and treat your feet with this product from a tube once every 1-2 weeks before going to bed.
If you are a military man, a fireman, a cop, or someone who wears shoes every day for a very long time, then do this procedure once a week.
Preventive measures you need to do it regularly and be sure to do it.
If you let this go and your feet stink again, then wash your socks and wash your feet as much as you like, they will still stink, because microbes will settle in your shoes and it will be most difficult to destroy them there.
Therefore, after solving the problem, it is important to put this matter under control and not neglect it. Don’t wait until your feet stink again, but simply follow the rules of personal hygiene and do preventive procedures.

For those who have not yet reached the point in the pictures above, better take care of your feet and keep things in order before your feet begin to decompose.
Next, you need to regularly follow the rules of personal hygiene and do the preventive procedures that I mentioned above.
It is important not to wear someone else's shoes, because this is often how smelly germs, fungi and similar troubles are transmitted. It is important not to let anyone wear your shoes. Even if that same person claims that his feet smell nice.
If you are visiting, then if possible, go barefoot or bring your own slippers, or demand clean slippers for guests))).
If you receive guests, then have special slippers for guests, which are thoroughly washed after each guest, or let guests walk barefoot in your home, or even let them bring their own slippers if you are too lazy to allocate slippers for guests.
Many people live their entire lives with smelly feet and have already come to terms with this, this nuance often scares other people away from them, oddly enough, families even collapse on this basis.
If you know someone who has stinky feet, just let them read this article and the world will smell better and just be a better place.
If your feet don’t stink, but you would like to play it safe, then these procedures are perfect for prevention.
If you already know all this, but your feet still stink, then take off the handbrake and simply follow the instructions, which I have “chewed” in detail for people like you. Your feet don’t care what you know and what you don’t know, they will only react to what you do. As they say, “Do it normally, and it will be fine.”

Feet become terribly sweaty and stink when a person becomes infected with a fungal infection. The symptom causes a lot of inconvenience and prevents one from living and working normally. To fix the problem you need to start as soon as possible complex therapy aimed at getting rid of the cause pathological condition and its signs.

What is this article about?

How to get rid of foot odor?

Sweating is inherent in every person and this is the norm. If there is no pathology, sweat has no odor and does not cause severe discomfort. For health problems sweat glands begin to work hard, the humid environment becomes ideal condition for reproduction pathogenic flora. It is the bacteria that provoke the appearance of a specific odor.

A huge number of bacteria live on the feet; their waste products cause stench. The more bacteria, the stronger the smell. The problem can be aggravated by fungal diseases of the feet, which long years may occur unnoticed by the patient.

My feet stink and sweat, what should I do? If the unpleasant odor and excessive sweating are associated with a fungal disease, except therapeutic measures the patient must adhere to certain rules. Feet should be washed several times a day, morning and evening, as well as every time after visiting the street. After washing the feet are doused cold water, let them dry on their own.

You should regularly get rid of rough skin; all kinds of scrubs, pumice stones, and peelings are well suited for this. After water procedures, do not forget to dry the skin in the spaces between the fingers. It is equally important to wear hosiery made from natural fabrics; they must be made of cotton; a minimal inclusion of synthetic threads is allowed.

When your feet constantly stink and sweat, it is important to reconsider your approach to choosing shoes. Shoes must be made of quality materials:

  • leather;
  • textile;
  • suede leather.

Shoes should fit as closely as possible. If you are predisposed to sweating, doctors advise buying exclusively new pairs, since someone else's shoes can be dangerous in the form of microspores of a fungal infection.

It is important to learn how to care for your shoes and periodically treat them with special antiseptic solutions.

A solution of potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide are good for this.

Foot products

What can I do to prevent my feet from stinking? At increased sweating It wouldn't hurt to use deodorants sold at pharmacies. Such aerosols must be used on an ongoing basis. On doctor's recommendation you can purchase medicine from sweating and odor. Additionally, deodorants will need to be sprayed on shoes.


Exist various means To eliminate odor, the pharmacy offers: antiperspirants, fragrances, medicinal sprays. Preparations are produced in the form of gel, spray, talc, cream. For foot fungus, antiperspirants stop the activity of the sweat glands, for this reason it is not advisable to use them around the clock. The skin must breathe.

Medicinal deodorants do not allow reproduction pathogenic bacteria, help remove the causes of the specific smell of sweat. Similar drugs Also, you should not use it constantly, bacteria quickly develop resistance to the active substances.

Regardless of the form, deodorants are applied to previously washed, cleansed skin. After use, the product is allowed to absorb and dry; excess can be blotted with a paper napkin. Optimal time use - evening before bed.

Against the symptom fungal disease Dufta and Dry Dry products work. First remedy:

  1. does not have a pronounced odor;
  2. contains exclusively natural ingredients;
  3. Suitable for treating pregnant women.

The second remedy is a deodorant aimed at stopping the activity of the sweat glands at the site of application. The patient can count on no sweat odor for a week straight away.

Lotion, cream

Creams and lotions help fight sweating and odor due to foot fungus and interdigital mycosis; they can be applied frequently. If the cream is chosen correctly, it additionally nourishes the skin well, softens and moisturizes.

Lavilin has received positive reviews; it is made in the form of a cream without alcohol and aluminum salts. The composition of the drug does not interfere with the activity of the sweat glands and does not cause harm. Due to the absence of odor, Lavilin is ideal for both men and women.

Deo-control cream has a softening effect, the product:

  • eliminates bacteria, fungi;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • dries fabrics.

When used wisely, the cream helps restore the skin.

Mycologists suggest using a remedy under the interesting name Five Days. It comes in the form of sachets of white powder. The drug is poured into shoes before going outside, the course is 5 days.

After completing a course of therapy, you can forget about sweating feet for about six months.

Pharmacy drugs

To prevent your feet from stinking, you should use pharmaceutical products. They often become part of complex antifungal therapy. As an independent remedy, the medications discussed help only at the very beginning pathological process when the fungal infection has not penetrated deep into the integument and has not spread throughout the body.

Pasta Teymurova

This remedy will be a real salvation if the patient is very bothered by sweating. The paste dries well skin, thanks to the presence of boron and salicylic acid, zinc and talc can disinfect the skin.

The skin stops itching if you anoint your feet and do not wipe with a towel, try to wait until the product dries on its own.

Teymurov's paste is rubbed into the skin between the fingers and feet with light massage movements.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil is another great option against the symptoms of foot fungus and stinky feet. The oil is used for baths, take a little for cooking warm water, add 5 ml of the product to it.

To achieve maximum effect, the oil is diluted in the base liquid, and only then added to water. The bath is taken every evening, the procedure lasts at least 20 minutes. With advanced onychomycosis and mycosis, you can steam your feet more often.


Formidron contains formaldehyde; on the one hand, it works as an effective antiseptic and deodorizes the skin, but on the other hand, it is harmful to health. Please note that an overdose causes:

  1. dry feet;
  2. appearance of cracks;
  3. development of itching.

The condition for recovery will be to use the solution once a day, carefully rubbing it into thoroughly washed, dried problem areas. If used wisely, your feet will quickly stop sweating and stinking.

Benzoyl peroxide lotion, gel

According to the instructions, the medication is used to treat acne, but the remedy may be excellent option to combat unpleasant foot odor caused by fungi. Basics active substance– benzoyl peroxide, which can inhibit the reproduction of anaerobic flora.

Apply with light movements, once a day is enough. The space between the fingers is treated with gel; the course lasts from one to three months, depending on the severity of the problem.

Burnt alum

The medicine contains potassium-aluminum alum - a natural sweat adsorbent. The substance neutralizes fungal infection, reduces the functioning of the sweat glands. A rapid anti-inflammatory effect is also noted.

Alum is good as a powder; the powder is sprinkled on cleansed skin in the morning after waking up. In the evening, the residue is washed off with warm running water. The procedure is carried out every evening.

Boric acid

Widely used in the fight against sweating due to its powerful antiseptic effect. The product must be poured into socks, carefully spread over the entire surface, then the socks are put on clean, dry feet.

When acid is used, feet are washed thoroughly, socks are washed at a temperature of at least 60 degrees. Within 7 days boric acid use it day after day, and then be sure to take a break. With the doctor's permission, you are allowed to repeat the course.

What does traditional medicine offer?

If your feet and shoes constantly stink, how to get rid of the smell?

Among the recipes alternative medicine One can distinguish treatment methods based on the use of lemon peels, sea salt, oak bark, starch, and laundry soap.

Decoctions and infusions are also used effectively medicinal plants, Apple vinegar, iodine, tar soap.

Lemon peels

The peel of citrus fruits contains many essential oils that dry the skin and give it a pleasant smell. As a bonus, you can count on the destruction of fungal microspores.

The peel is separated from the lemon so that the essential oil is released. It will need to be applied to problem areas of the skin. No less effective in in this case will essential oils eucalyptus, cypress.


The product is used if the patient has no other means to combat unpleasant symptom. It is applied as a powder to dry feet, then put on cotton socks. Starch removes excess sweat and prevents unpleasant odors from appearing. Naturally, starch is not able to cure fungus, but it reliably relieves sweating.

Oak bark

Suitable for preparing infusions, tannins constrict sweat glands, quickly dry out the skin. The optimal dosage is 2 tablespoons of raw material per liter of boiling water, the product is infused for 20 minutes, then added to the bath. The procedure is carried out every evening, the bath is taken for 10-15 minutes or until the water cools down.

Sea salt

Suitable for baths sea ​​salt, the product deodorizes, dries the skin, removes bacteria and fungal infections. Take two tablespoons of salt per liter of warm water; after completing the procedure, your feet must be dried in a natural way without using a towel.


Ice baths are helpful, but such techniques must be practiced carefully. Long procedures are prohibited; feet are immersed in ice for just a few seconds.

The recipe is ideal for people who are adherents healthy image life and is engaged in hardening the body.

With regular use, good results can be achieved.

Prevention of excessive sweating of the feet

To prevent excessive sweating and fungal diseases, doctors recommend systematically changing socks and wearing shoes only made from natural materials. Shoes should always be selected according to the season; in summer it is advisable that they be open-toed.

To avoid foot odor, you should be careful about your hygiene. Shoes, if washable, should be washed at least once a month. Boots should be stored in a bright room with adequate ventilation. After wearing it, it is useful to put juniper branches in it. It is equally important to purchase hygroscopic insoles; they are dried after each use.

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