After a strong cough, the chest hurts. Chest pain when coughing: causes. What to do? When you cough it radiates to your left chest

When your chest begins to hurt during a cough and similar sensations appear constantly, you should consult a doctor for advice. If this is not done, then there is a real threat of missing the development of pathology, the treatment of which can take a lot of effort and time.

Causes of pain

The causes of pain can be ailments that a person has never suspected and perhaps never heard of. Often patients do not pay attention to such symptoms until they become too intense.

Painful sensations when coughing in the chest area often occur against the background of a common cold. They signal that the mucous membrane, lung tissue or pleura is damaged.

The causes of pain are:

  • Pleurisy– inflammation of the double membrane (pleural layers) that surrounds the lungs and lines the chest. This pathological condition significantly complicates the functioning of the lungs. Pleurisy aggravates the course of many ailments in cardiology, phthisiology, pulmonology, oncology and rheumatology. Inflammation often accompanies pneumonia. Even a slight cough causes a painful tingling sensation in the sternum.
  • Thoracic injuries. As a result of impacts, cracks, rib fractures, and dislocations of the shoulder joint are possible. Pain is felt not only during coughing, but also with slight turns of the body and when walking.
  • Dry pericarditis– inflammation of the outer lining of the heart (pericardial sac, pericardium). One of the reasons for its development is a strong blow to the heart area, damage during injuries and operations. Chest pain is quite noticeable and becomes even more intense when a person coughs. At the same time, there is a violation of the depth of breathing, and shortness of breath increases.
  • Contraction of the interpleural ligament- accompanied by constant coughing. It makes my chest ache. The cough gets worse when a person talks or exercises.
  • Intercostal neuralgia– irritation of the nerves located between the ribs, or their compression. The disease is accompanied by periodic or paroxysmal acute and piercing pain. It intensifies with coughing, sneezing, and slight changes in body position. It is important to distinguish the disease from a heart attack, since the symptoms are very similar.
  • The appearance of a tumor in the lungs, during the development of which uncontrolled cell growth occurs and the tumor spreads to neighboring organs.
  • Tracheitis- one of the ailments that affects the upper respiratory tract. The disease may appear during ARVI, influenza, laryngitis or pharyngitis. Tracheitis often develops independently. It can be caused by various allergens, staphylococci and streptococci. There is pain in the chest, which intensifies when coughing. Both symptoms disappear with treatment of tracheitis.
  • Bronchitis- a disease of the respiratory system in which the inflammatory process penetrates the bronchi. The disease is accompanied by chest pain and burning when coughing.
  • Tuberculosis is a dangerous infectious disease caused by Koch bacilli. A prolonged cough is one of the classic symptoms of the disease. It is wet or dry and increases chest pain.
  • Crick– probably the most harmless cause of pain in the chest area with a dry cough. A correctly prescribed course of treatment will relieve painful sensations. They quickly pass without a trace.
  • During an attack of renal colic the focus of pain is concentrated under the right hypochondrium and spoon. Gradually, its wave spreads over the entire surface of the abdomen, radiating to the shoulder blade and shoulder. It increases not only with coughing, but also with a slight sigh.
  • Intervertebral osteochondrosis– a possible cause of chest pain when coughing and inhaling. The disease develops due to curvature or injuries of the spine, large loads on the spine.
  • Pneumothorax– an acute condition in which air accumulates in the space between the chest wall and the lung. It penetrates the layers of the pleura. As a result, the lungs cannot expand sufficiently when inhaling. Breathing shortens, pain appears, which is especially noticeable when coughing. Pneumothorax often occurs after trauma to the chest or as a complication of a viral disease.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. They can also cause pain when coughing. Among these diseases: arrhythmia and angina pectoris; cardiac ischemia; peripheral vascular diseases; hypertension and stroke.

When the cough is accompanied by pain in the chest area, it is necessary to consult a therapist, pulmonologist, or neurologist.


The specialist will begin treatment only after a thorough examination, during which the true causes of pain in the sternum will be identified and a diagnosis will be made. Research consists of:

  • general blood test and for the presence of infection;
  • detailed X-ray of the lungs (in several projections);
  • sputum culture;
  • electrocardiograms;
  • tuberculin test.

To exclude oncological diseases, a sample (puncture) of lung tissue is taken and a histological examination is performed.

The test results will tell you what causes pain in the chest when coughing. They will help determine how deeply the inflammatory process has penetrated into the respiratory system, whether there is damage to the lung tissue and what is the degree of its severity. It is possible that the reasons lie in diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Help with chest pain

When the cause of pain when coughing is muscle tension, you can use any warming ointment. With its help, muscle swelling is relieved. The ointment, penetrating under the skin, will relieve pain as it normalizes the contraction of muscle fibers. If the body temperature is normal, you should use compresses or mustard plasters.

Rubbing with agents that provide local anesthesia, such as menovazine, is also effective.

To reduce the intensity of cough, appropriate medications are used in the form of tablets or mixtures. They are able to reduce the number of attacks by blocking the cough center. But it should be taken into account that such drugs can be used only when there is no need for sputum to form and pass away. They are relevant for diseases of laryngitis, pharyngitis, and acute respiratory infections.

When the bronchial tree, lung tissue and trachea are affected, sputum is necessary in order to clear the respiratory tract of pathogens and various products of their vital activity. Therefore, drugs that help block cough should be taken only once, before bed. This is necessary so that the patient can sleep normally. During the daytime, medications are used to dilute mucus and increase its production.

The doctor prescribes antibacterial and antiviral drugs aimed at treating the underlying disease and helping to reduce intoxication in the body. They will help the cough go away and eliminate the source of the disease.

Great importance is given to the drinking regime. It is advisable to drink more liquid, including milk and mineral water with a weak alkali content.

If you have intercostal neuralgia, therapeutic exercises will help get rid of chest pain.

Only a specialist can determine the cause of the discomfort that occurs in the chest when a person coughs. Therefore, prescribing treatment on your own is dangerous and unacceptable.

There are many reasons for chest pain when a person coughs. It is possible to prevent painful sensations by leading a healthy and active life. Regular exercise, eating healthy foods, and giving up bad habits help improve immunity. This means that the body will be able to resist any illness and avoid many pathologies.

A coughing attack is often accompanied by pain in the chest. There are many reasons for this condition. Chest pain when coughing may be a sign of a severe inflammatory process occurring in the lungs or in the pleural area. But diseases of the respiratory system are not the only cause of possible pain in this area. Also, such a symptom may indicate problems in the cardiovascular system, etc.


Let's look at the most common reasons for chest pain when coughing:

  • ARVI, seasonal flu, etc.
  • Bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia.
  • Pleurisy.
  • Diphtheria.
  • Epiglottitis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Foreign body.
  • Pulmonary embolism.
  • Rib fractures.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Tumors of various origins (benign and malignant).
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.

Let's look at some diseases in which a similar symptom occurs in more detail.


The pleura is a serous membrane that covers the surface of the lungs and the inner wall of the chest. Thus, there is a pleural cavity between them. When the pleura becomes inflamed, the disease pleurisy occurs. It can be exudative, with accumulation of fluid in the pleural space, and dry.

The following symptoms are characteristic of pleurisy:

  • Dry cough, chest pain, shortness of breath.
  • Weakness and excessive sweating, usually at night.
  • The temperature is low-grade and rarely rises to high levels.
  • If the patient lies down on the affected side, the pain decreases slightly, as breathing movements are limited.

With exudative pleurisy (in case of fluid accumulation), shortness of breath increases. And if pleurisy becomes purulent, the temperature rises sharply.

To treat this disease, antibacterial therapy is used, and in the case of purulent contents, it is recommended to remove the fluid by pleural puncture.


With this disease, chest pain when coughing is also typical. Especially if lobar pneumonia develops affecting a lobe or the disease usually begins with a sharp rise in temperature. It can reach up to 40 degrees. Pain in the chest also appears when taking a deep breath. The patient experiences shortness of breath from the first days.

The patient's condition worsens. In addition to the described symptoms - chest pain, cough, fever - red spots may appear, which are noticeable on the face from the side of the lesion, as well as cyanosis (blueness) of the lips, if the cardiovascular system is involved in the pathological process. Palpitations and heart rhythm disturbances may occur.

After a few days, sputum begins to cough up, at first transparent, then it becomes the color of rust.

Symptoms may worsen over two weeks. Then, with proper treatment, the crisis passes, and gradually the patient becomes better. - this is a very serious disease. It is treated only with antibiotics. Sometimes several antibacterial drugs are used at once. Before the advent of antibiotics, this disease was very often fatal.


Chest pain when coughing can be caused by colds caused by viruses or bacteria. Such diseases include:

  • ARVI.
  • Flu.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Bronchitis, etc.

These diseases are characterized by the following symptoms: cough, chest pain, runny nose (this may not be present with bronchitis and tracheitis). In addition, the patient is worried about weakness, chills, and an increase in temperature, sometimes up to 38-39 degrees and above. Patients often say that they feel as if someone is scratching their chest from the inside. With the start of treatment, these sensations gradually disappear. With bronchitis, the patient often suffers from chest pain, which intensifies.

Antiviral therapy is used for influenza and ARVI. If you have a runny nose, vasoconstrictor medications (drops, sprays) are used. Antibiotics can be used to treat bronchitis and tracheitis.

Intercostal neuralgia

This disease is characterized by pain in the chest, which can occur as sharp exacerbations in the form of shots. They intensify with deep inspiration and can be unbearable, according to patients.

With intercostal neuralgia, it is important not to confuse this disease with angina attacks or other heart diseases.

Chest injuries

These include bruises and painful sensations are pronounced and intensify with any movement. It is important not to confuse them with pain due to osteochondrosis. For this purpose, a chest x-ray is taken. Injuries to the shoulder joint (subluxations, dislocations, fractures) sometimes give similar symptoms.

With fractures of the lungs or other injuries (knife or gunshot wound, etc.) of the chest, pneumothorax can sometimes occur - this is the penetration of air into the pleural space around the lungs, which compresses the lung and prevents it from expanding when inhaling. This condition usually requires surgery.

Sometimes a small spontaneous pneumothorax may occur; it resolves on its own and does not require treatment.

Lungs' cancer

With this tumor process, uncontrolled growth of pathological cells occurs in the lung tissues. The process can also affect nearby organs. It is important to identify the pathology as quickly as possible and take immediate action. Therefore, all citizens are recommended to undergo fluorography or x-ray examination of the lungs at least once a year.

Statistics show that of all cases of lung cancer, 85% of patients are smokers. The remaining 15% are patients with a family history, living in environmentally unfavorable areas, working in hazardous industries, etc.

Pain in the chest due to lung cancer is tingling and sharp. They can encircle the entire chest or be located only on one side, extending to the neck, arm, or shoulder blade. If the process has gone far, and metastases penetrate into the spine or ribs, then the patient suffers from very strong, literally unbearable pain in the chest area, which intensifies with any movement.

If such symptoms occur, you need to identify the cause of discomfort and pain. To do this, you need to seek medical help. Only a specialist will determine their true cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

With a mild form of a cold, pain in the sternum rarely occurs. Most often, this is a sign of more serious diseases, the onset of complications or the transition of the disease to a chronic or acute form. This condition is extremely dangerous and requires immediate medical attention.

Why does chest pain occur?

Chest pain that occurs with, but is not associated with, a cold is rare and may be caused by an abnormality in the structure of the ribs or thoracic spine. But still, if the pain is constant, aching, and appeared only after infection, then most likely the cause is a viral or bacteriological infection. A cough often appears, and the temperature increases, this is most likely the consequences of a worsening cold.

Causes of pain

  1. Inflammation in the tracheal area, provoked by acute respiratory diseases or chronic infections. Accompanied by a severe cough and difficulty swallowing saliva and breathing. Wheezing may be present.
  2. Bronchitis, an inflammatory process that occurs in the mucous membranes of the bronchi. Characterized by chest pain, cough, high fever, bubbling breathing and copious sputum. If you do not consult a doctor promptly, swelling or blockage of the airways with mucus may occur.
  3. Hypothermia in the sternum area, which is what caused the cold.
  4. Pneumonia (pneumonia), predominantly of viral or bacteriological origin. Appears due to the inability of the immune system to cope with infection, which spreads to the lungs and affects the alveoli. There may be acute signs of illness, high fever and persistent cough. But it may also have a sluggish clinical picture, similar to a lingering cold with a gradually rising temperature.
  5. Inflammation in the pleural cavity. Pain occurs when breathing deeply, due to the fact that when the lungs open, they press on the pleural membrane. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the amount of serous fluid may increase, due to which one of the lungs will not be able to function normally.
  6. Entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract.
  7. Problems with the heart, kidneys or liver also cause chest pain.
  8. Allergy to room dust or medications.

All of these diseases cannot be cured on their own, and they have a significant impact on a person’s life. These diseases can appear due to anything, and chest pain with a cold is only the initial symptom.

Most often, such diseases occur due to a weakened immune system in the respiratory tract and lungs. This appears in the autumn and winter, when there are cases of hypothermia due to wet or unsuitable clothing.

What to do if pain occurs

When your chest hurts during a cold, this is an alarming sign of the development of the disease. It is impossible to cure this on your own, and you need to see a doctor immediately. Only a qualified physician can prescribe treatment after conducting a thorough examination, which may even include x-rays. The sooner help is provided, the less likely it is that complications and chronic consequences will occur.

If chest pain due to a cold has appeared recently, and it is minor, then you can wait for your local therapist. But when it is strong and acute, it is necessary to call an ambulance, otherwise this condition can be life-threatening.

The appearance of any pain symptoms in the chest area is a sign that the infection in the throat has begun to spread. It is urgent to stop treatment and seek qualified help.

Sometimes the patient may feel chest pain when coughing. Not everyone pays due attention to this condition, but such pain can indicate the presence of serious diseases.

It can also be painful to cough not only when you have a cold, but also in case of heart disease, then the pain appears on the left side or in the middle.

Modern clinical equipment can easily determine what exactly is causing the symptoms.

After the doctor diagnoses the disease, it is necessary to begin treating chest pain when coughing so that the disease does not become chronic.

Chest pain when coughing can be due to a cold, diseases of the respiratory or cardiovascular system. There are also many other reasons that contribute to pain on the left or right side.

The most common reasons are:

  • Injury;
  • Spinal diseases;
  • Inflammation;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Intercostal neuralgia;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Tumor development;
  • Muscle pain.

Typically accompanies pneumonia. During breathing, faint pleural friction sounds may be heard. Additionally, the patient’s temperature rises to more than 37 degrees, chills and weakness appear. If you lie on the affected side, breathing will become much easier.

When a dry cough appears on the left or right side during running, talking or other physical activity, this may indicate shortening of the interpleural ligaments.

The appearance of a tumor is characterized by stabbing and sharp pain. Usually pain occurs in a certain place, sometimes the pain spreads to the neck and arms.

A dry or wet cough at the slightest physical exertion signals tuberculosis. In addition to chest pain, a person experiences difficulty breathing.

What diseases can cause pain when coughing?

Injuries to the ribs or chest on the left or right side are the most obvious reasons why there may be chest pain when coughing. Also, pain occurs in diseases of the spine in the form of dry pericarditis. The pain is periodic and sharp; it appears during movement of the rib cage.

In the human lungs and chest there is a membrane, which during the development of the inflammatory process can cause pain when a person coughs. In the case of influenza and other viral illnesses, the trachea often becomes inflamed during a cold, causing the patient to feel pain in the chest.

If you have a cold, chest pain on the left or right side is accompanied by a scratching sensation, your doctor may diagnose tracheitis.

In the case when the disease is acute, there is no fear of developing serious complications. However, acute tracheitis is often accompanied by:

  1. rhinitis,
  2. laryngitis,
  3. pharyngitis.

This disease can be caused by bacterial or viral infections. A severe cough and chest pain from a cold can be caused by bronchitis. Additionally, the patient experiences symptoms such as a burning sensation in the chest area and migraine.

When intercostal nerves are pinched, severe chest pain may occur when coughing or making sudden movements.

A disease such as tuberculosis contributes to the appearance of a cough; when it intensifies, pain begins in the chest area. With the development of tumor-like formations in the lungs, the patient may constantly cough, this complicates the breathing process and causes pain in the chest. In this regard, if a dry cough lasts for a very long time, while pain persists, you should seek medical help.

When muscle tissue becomes inflamed or sprained due to intense physical exertion, mild chest pain may also appear. When the patient begins to feel pain when coughing, it is necessary to undergo examinations and find out the cause. If you start treating the disease in time, the symptoms will disappear at the first stage of their development.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region can lead to pain in the chest and back when coughing.

This disease develops after injury to the spine, scoliosis, kyphosis, and also as a result of prolonged debilitating loads on the spine.

How is chest pain diagnosed when coughing?

When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor and undergo a detailed examination. Only in this case will the patient be able to make sure that there is no reason to panic and begin the necessary treatment in a timely manner.

A diagnostic examination is necessary if:

  1. With coughs and colds, the temperature rises to more than 37 degrees;
  2. Coughing attacks are getting worse every day;
  3. The cough continues for more than a week, with pain in the chest;
  4. The patient gets tired quickly, has no strength, and feels unwell;
  5. The color of the skin of the face changes noticeably;
  6. With a strong cough, a person cannot fully breathe and move;
  7. When you cough, you produce blood or unpleasant mucus.

In order for a doctor to accurately diagnose a disease, the patient must describe in detail what he feels. After this, all necessary tests are taken. With the help of special medical equipment, it is possible to find out the exact cause of chest pain that occurs during coughing.

Such symptoms are treated by a general practitioner, pulmonologist or neurologist, depending on the type of disease. After the examination, the patient will have to undergo a general blood test, fluorography, electrocardiogram or magnetic resonance therapy of the chest.

If there is a suspicion of tuberculosis, the doctor takes a tuberculin test. If cancer is suspected, a puncture of lung tissue is performed. All these measures will help you quickly and accurately find out the cause of pain in the chest during coughing.

Since pain in the chest can be caused by a variety of diseases, there is no need to self-medicate. It is important to find out why chest pain occurs, determine an accurate diagnosis, measure the temperature, consult with your doctor, and only after that can you begin treatment for a specific disease.

Otherwise, you can seriously harm your health and cause serious consequences in the form of complications and chronic diseases. So, in the case of an aortic aneurysm, it may rupture.

If the patient does not immediately pay attention to acute chest pain, internal bleeding will occur or problems with the cardiovascular system will arise. With thromboembolism of the pulmonary arteries, the complication can lead to respiratory or heart failure.

In this regard, if pain occurs, you do not need to do anything on your own; it is important to undergo an examination at a medical clinic. Usually the doctor prescribes complex treatment after laboratory tests. Additionally, it is allowed to carry out treatment using proven methods of traditional medicine.

  1. If the cause of pain is associated with inflammation of muscle tissue, the doctor will prescribe the use of special warming ointments. Such drugs relieve swelling of muscle tissue, promote normal contraction of muscle fibers, as a result of which pain in the chest will disappear. If the patient does not have a high temperature, you can apply mustard plasters, medical cups or compresses.
  2. For a cold or a viral disease, when the temperature rises to 37 degrees or more, the patient takes antiviral medications and syrups that eliminate the source of the disease and stop the cough. Antitussive syrups block the cough center, which is why coughing attacks are reduced to nothing. Such medications are used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, laryngitis, acute respiratory viral infections, and pharyngitis. If the trachea, lung tissue, or bronchial tree are affected, there is no need to use the medicine more than once a day.
  3. When intercostal neuralgia is diagnosed, therapeutic exercises help relieve pain, so it is recommended to do light exercises. Due to the fact that the disease is caused by a pinched nerve that causes chest pain, special exercises help increase the intercostal spaces and reduce pressure.
  4. If cancer is detected, the patient may be prescribed a course of chemotherapy.

If it occurs after smoking, and there are no other symptoms of the disease, you should try to give up the bad habit or minimize the number of cigarettes you smoke per day.

In the case when the patient coughs heavily at night, the pillow should be tilted correctly. The horizontal position causes mucus to flow down the back walls of the larynx, which leads to irritation of the pharynx.

To reduce a dry cough during a cold and get rid of a fever, it is recommended to drink hot tea or warm milk as much as possible. As a result, mucous secretions increase and the cough goes away quickly.

If severe chest pain does not stop, you must call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, to prevent the patient from losing consciousness due to painful shock, a painkiller tablet is placed under the tongue. It is also important that the person takes a comfortable position and relaxes as much as possible.

Thus, after the first painful symptoms of a cold or other disease appear, you should stop self-medicating and undergo a full examination. As you know, it is better to treat any disease at the initial stage, when there are no complications, than to carry out a long treatment process afterward.

A specialist will tell you what to do if you have a severe cough in the video in this article.

Cough accompanied by chest pain is a symptom of numerous diseases that are very difficult to diagnose. The causes of pain can be pathologies that have never been diagnosed in a person and he does not even know about them. Some people do not pay attention to cough for a long time, considering it an ordinary manifestation and thus trigger the disease, consulting a doctor only when the symptoms become intense. Painful sensations in the chest that occur during coughing can be symptoms of a common cold or signal more serious pathologies.

Cough accompanied by chest pain- This is an extremely unpleasant, but common phenomenon. It causes physical discomfort and causes serious concern for one’s health, because such symptoms are characteristic of many diseases, some of which threaten human life.


Often the causes of cough and pain in the chest are:

Neuralgia of the chest

Neuralgic syndrome appears due to irritation of the intercostal nerves. Its manifestations are very similar to the symptoms of gastritis, angina, bronchitis. But neuralgic syndrome can be recognized by certain signs. What makes it different is that you can find a body position in which the pain is significantly reduced. Also, if you press your fingers on the intercostal spaces, you will feel a sharp pain along the nerve (lower edge of the rib).

Dry pericarditis

This is an inflammation of the pericardial sac, the pericardium, which developed as a result of a strong blow to the heart area. A person constantly experiences chest pain, and when coughing they intensify. With pericarditis, additional symptoms are shortness of breath and impaired depth of breathing.


This is an inflammatory process in the membrane that surrounds the lungs, lining the chest. Pleurisy greatly complicates the functioning of the lungs, aggravating cardiac and oncological pathologies. It often accompanies pneumonia. With the development of pleurisy, even a slight cough provokes pain and tingling in the chest. Dry pleurisy is accompanied by a feeling of friction under the ribs, and exudative pleurisy is accompanied by shortness of breath, which occurs due to the compression of the lung by the accumulating fluid, and heaviness in the chest.


Pneumonia is often accompanied by a dry or wet cough and chest pain. If the cough is wet, then the symptoms are complemented by tingling sensations in the area of ​​inflammation. At dry cough the pain occurs close to the sternum, where the bronchi are located, suffering from drying sputum. Additional signs include increased body temperature, inability to take a deep breath, shortness of breath, the appearance of red spots on the face, and bluish lips. At first, clear sputum is coughed up, which gradually becomes rusty in color.

Heart diseases

A cough that causes pain may indicate the presence of cardiac pathologies. If the cough is accompanied by a burning sensation and pain in the chest, this indicates an attack of angina. If the pain radiates under the left shoulder blade, collarbone, there is a lack of air, fear of death, increased heart rate, most likely a myocardial infarction has occurred. In both cases, urgent medical attention is required.


Lung cancer often develops asymptomatically, manifesting itself only in slight weakness and increased fatigue. Cough and pain in the chest begins when bronchial structures are involved in the pathological process. Compression of the bronchi by the tumor leads to respiratory dysfunction.

Tracheitis (inflammation affecting the upper respiratory tract)

With the development of tracheitis, pain is felt in the chest, which intensifies during coughing. This disease is accompanied by a constant, incessant dry cough, which causes pain in the lungs and a severe burning sensation in the chest. Additional symptoms include fever and runny nose.

Inflammation of the interpleural ligament

The ligament is located between the inner and outer membranes of the pulmonary membrane. When inflamed, it contracts intensely, which causes coughing attacks and severe chest pain when trying to breathe. A distinctive feature of the condition is considered to be increased coughing when doing physical exercise or during an emotional, loud conversation.


One of the most dangerous infectious pathologies, the classic sign of which is a constant dry or wet cough, in advanced cases accompanied by bleeding. With the development of tuberculosis, coughing, the patient experiences severe, tearing pain in the chest.

Bronchial asthma

Cough is the main companion of this disease, along with difficulty breathing and chest pain. When trying to take a breath, an asthmatic experiences a burning sensation in the chest due to the inability to fully fill the lungs with air.


Fractures and cracks of the ribs, damage to the shoulder joint - these injuries lead to pain in the chest even with a deep breath, and not just when coughing. A severe bruise or blow can cause the bones of the chest to crack or break. Such damage often provokes chest pain with the slightest movement of the person and when breathing. In most cases, such injuries affect the pleura and lungs, which makes it difficult for the patient to cough up. As a result, accumulating phlegm provokes stagnation of mucus in the bronchi, and even a common cold can lead to pneumonia.

Anaphylactic shock

This is a life-threatening condition that causes swelling of the face and larynx, leading to suffocation. Cough and chest pain appear only at the very beginning of the development of anaphylactic shock.

Cysts and neoplasms in the mediastinum

Almost 100 different tumors and cysts can develop in this area, causing a cough (usually dry) and chest pain. The disease affects young people (up to 40 years of age), is often diagnosed in children, and in addition to chronic cough, shortness of breath, pain in the chest, fatigue, and rapid heartbeat are observed.

Intercostal neuralgia

The inflammatory process of nerve endings that are located in the intercostal spaces, or their compression. With intercostal neuralgia, chest pain is so intense that many people mistake it for a heart attack. The pain intensifies with a sudden change in body position, sneezing, coughing, or taking a deep breath.

Renal colic

When kidney stones begin to move, pain occurs under the right hypochondrium, gradually spreading throughout the abdomen, radiating under the shoulder blade and into the chest. Even a small sigh and a slight cough increases the pain throughout the body several times.


Pneumothorax is the accumulation of air between the chest wall and the lung, resulting from trauma to the chest or due to an illness caused by a viral infection. Due to pneumothorax, the lungs cannot expand normally when inhaling. There is a problem with breathing, pain appears when inhaling, which is especially felt when coughing.


Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also cause coughing and pain in the chest. In particular, this is esophagitis - a disease associated with inflammatory processes in the esophageal mucosa. Esophagitis develops due to the constant entry of acidic contents from the stomach into the esophagus. As a result, the mucous membrane is injured by gastric juice with a high content of hydrochloric acid, which causes burning pain in the chest, aggravated by coughing. The distinctive symptoms of esophagitis are heartburn, bad breath, nausea, worse after eating.

Overfatigue of the intercostal and diaphragmatic muscles resulting from constant coughing

Coughing constantly strains the muscles surrounding the respiratory organs. Because of this, excessive irritation of the muscle fibers occurs, a large amount of lactic acid accumulates in them and pain appears.

This is one of the most harmless causes of chest pain, as they are caused by colds. Pain sensations arise behind the sternum, that is, in the middle of the chest (projection of the trachea), radiate down the chest cavity, where the diaphragm is located, and spread to the intercostal spaces. The pain can be so intense that it becomes difficult to breathe.


There are many reasons that cause cough and chest pain. The doctor chooses a therapeutic course only after establishing an accurate diagnosis. To do this, the doctor needs to conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient.

Typically, the doctor prescribes the following diagnostic measures:

  • blood test for the presence of infectious agents;
  • sputum culture;
  • tuberculin test;
  • X-ray of the lungs in several projections;
  • histological sample of lung tissue (if necessary to exclude oncological diseases).

Based on the test results, it is determined what causes the cough and chest pain, how dangerous the disease is, and whether there is damage to the lung tissue, heart and other organs.


After making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment, which will depend on what caused the cough and pain in the chest area. If pain when coughing is caused by overstrain, sprain or inflammation of the muscles, treatment consists of using warming ointments and patches, which eliminate swelling, reduce the inflammatory process, and muscle fibers restore their contractility.

If a persistent cough that causes pain in the sternum is provoked by colds, medicines, tablets, cough syrups and bronchodilators are used. Thanks to them, the cough center is blocked, sputum is removed, the cough stops and, accordingly, chest pain stops on its own.

The doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, expectorant medications. In the presence of cardiovascular pathologies, chest injuries, tuberculosis, pneumonia, treatment is selected strictly individually in each specific case, depending on the patient’s condition.

Self-medication in any case is absolutely unacceptable, because it is not only impractical, but also dangerous.

When is urgent help needed?

Sometimes a cough accompanied by pain in the chest is not a symptom of a serious illness. But in some cases, immediate medical attention is required.

You should immediately consult a medical professional in the following cases:

  • a high or low-grade fever (37-38 degrees) lasts for several days;
  • severe cough and pain do not go away for more than a week and the symptoms increase every day;
  • weakness, apathy appeared, general health worsened;
  • coughs up mucus with traces of blood;
  • chest pain intensifies;
  • The lips constantly turn blue, and the face becomes unnaturally pale.

Particularly noteworthy are the conditions when temperature remains normal or increases slightly, but the cough does not go away. In this case, immediate consultation with a doctor is required, especially if unpleasant symptoms such as burning and chest pain are added.

Cough accompanied by chest pain are symptoms that some people often ignore for a long time, wasting precious time. The exact cause causing such symptoms can only be determined after a thorough diagnosis. If a cough persists for several days and chest pain is felt, it is necessary to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment (if necessary), since its absence can lead to disastrous consequences.

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