Placement of IVs. Home drip: step-by-step instructions. Preparing instruments for the procedure

In such a situation, when it is not possible to use the services of a medical professional, but infusion therapy is necessary, you can carry out the procedure yourself.

How to place an IV at home correctly? How to quickly learn how to perform a procedure without having a medical education? To do this you need to comply a certain sequence actions.

Please note that if you have no experience infusion therapy resorting to self-medication is unacceptable. The need for intravenous infusion medicines Only a doctor can determine it, and a nurse with experience can perform the procedure.

Droppers are widely used for intravenous administration of medications, saline solution or vitamins. The droplet route of entry of any substances into the body allows them to be absorbed faster and eliminates the likelihood of developing complications from the gastrointestinal tract.

Features of the procedure

Before you put an IV on yourself, you need to go to the doctor and get examined. The specialist will prescribe a series of laboratory tests.

Despite the fact that infusion therapy is gentle, it has a number of indications and contraindications that should never be overlooked.

Most often, the need for home drips arises to remove hangover syndrome, to saturate the body with vitamins and for the purpose of antibacterial therapy.

In some cases, there is a need for drip administration of saline, which is a fairly effective measure for dehydration of the body.

The medicine or vitamins used are absorbed by intravenous administration 100% The effect of the procedure is noticeable almost instantly.

People who have the skills to conduct infusion therapy can quickly put loved ones and themselves back on their feet.

If there are no skills in performing infusion therapy, then there is Great chance is that when a puncture is made it will be damaged skin covering and the vein is injured.

This will lead to the fact that the injected drug does not enter the bloodstream, but accumulates under the skin. In this case, a small bump will appear in the area where the needle was inserted, which will cause a pronounced burning sensation.

Types of infusion therapy depend on the solution used:

Sequence of procedure and necessary equipment

How to place an IV correctly? In order for infusion therapy to bring only benefit and no harm, certain recommendations should be followed during the procedure:

A prerequisite for installing an IV is sterility. Before carrying out the procedure, you need to wash your hands with soap and wear disposable sterile gloves.

You can regulate the rate at which the solution enters the vein using a special wheel, which is found in all drip devices without exception.

After all the medicine has been administered, you need to turn off the supply of the solution and remove the needle from the vein. Place a cotton swab soaked in medical alcohol on the puncture site.

The patient should hold it tightly with his arm bent at the elbow.. This will help stop the bleeding faster and prevent the possibility of bruising.

Give yourself an IV yourself

Only a doctor can determine how many IVs can be placed in a row.

If a preliminary consultation is not possible, then the solution should be administered once. This eliminates the possibility of overdose, which can lead to adverse reactions and complications.

Which arm is the IV placed in? If you perform the procedure on yourself, it is better to insert a needle right hand for right-handed people, and left for left-handed people. This increases the likelihood that the needle will hit the vein exactly and not injure the skin.

When administering infusion therapy to another person, you can place an IV in either arm, because it does not matter.

Is it possible to put an IV in the leg? This option for administering the drug is possible if the veins on upper limbs poorly visible. Indications for administering the solution intravenously in the area lower limbs is thrombophlebitis of the venous structures in the arms.

In order to place an IV, you do not need to have medical education. It is important to consult your doctor first to the right choice medicine and calculation of dosages.

To carry out the procedure correctly, you must first study the sequence of actions and purchase all necessary tool. Please note that by placing an IV on yourself or another person, you take responsibility for the consequences.

That is why it is best to seek help from medical worker who has all the necessary skills.

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All information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a guide to action. Before using any product, ALWAYS consult your physician. The site administration is not responsible for the practical use of recommendations from articles.

  • How to install a drip
  • How to drill a bottle
  • What is a dropper for?
  • - tripod;
  • - a bottle of medicine;
  • - ampoules with drugs;
  • - syringe;
  • - 70 degree alcohol;
  • - sterile gloves;
  • - scissors;
  • - adhesive plaster;
  • - infusion system;
  • - cotton wool;
  • - tourniquet;
  • - small pillow;
  • - sterile napkin.

  • DIY dropper crafts

After wiping the rubber cap of the solution bottle, insert a needle into it from the dropper system until it stops. Stick an air needle nearby and remove the cap from it.

  • System for intravenous administration of the drug, disposable diaper.
  • where to make an IV

In such a situation, when it is not possible to use the services of a medical professional, but infusion therapy is necessary, you can carry out the procedure yourself.

How to place an IV at home correctly? How to quickly learn how to perform a procedure without having a medical education? To do this, you need to follow a certain sequence of actions.

Please note that in the absence of experience in infusion therapy, resorting to self-medication is unacceptable. The need for intravenous infusion of medications can only be determined by a doctor, and the procedure can be performed by an experienced nurse.

IVs are widely used for intravenous administration of medications, saline, or vitamins. The droplet route of entry of any substances into the body allows them to be absorbed faster and eliminates the likelihood of developing complications from the gastrointestinal tract.

Before you put an IV on yourself, you need to go to the doctor and get examined. The specialist will prescribe a series of laboratory tests.

Despite the fact that infusion therapy is gentle, it has a number of indications and contraindications that should never be overlooked.

Most often, the need for home drips arises to relieve a hangover, to saturate the body with vitamins and for the purpose of antibacterial therapy.

In some cases, there is a need for drip administration of saline, which is a fairly effective measure for dehydration of the body.

The medicine or vitamins used are 100% absorbed when administered intravenously. The effect of the procedure is noticeable almost instantly.

People who have the skills to conduct infusion therapy can quickly put loved ones and themselves back on their feet.

If there are no skills in conducting infusion therapy, then there is a high probability that when making a puncture the skin will be damaged and the vein will be injured.

This will lead to the fact that the injected drug does not enter the bloodstream, but accumulates under the skin. In this case, a small bump will appear in the area where the needle was inserted, which will cause a pronounced burning sensation.

Types of infusion therapy depend on the solution used:

How to place an IV correctly? In order for infusion therapy to bring only benefit and no harm, certain recommendations should be followed during the procedure:

A prerequisite for installing an IV is sterility. Before carrying out the procedure, you need to wash your hands with soap and wear disposable sterile gloves.

You can regulate the rate at which the solution enters the vein using a special wheel, which is found in all drip devices without exception.

After all the medicine has been administered, you need to turn off the supply of the solution and remove the needle from the vein. Place a cotton swab soaked in medical alcohol on the puncture site.

The patient should hold it tightly with his arm bent at the elbow.. This will help stop the bleeding faster and prevent the possibility of bruising.

Give yourself an IV yourself

Only a doctor can determine how many IVs can be placed in a row.

If a preliminary consultation is not possible, then the solution should be administered once. This eliminates the possibility of overdose, which is fraught with unwanted reactions and complications.

Which arm is the IV placed in? If you perform the procedure on yourself, it is better to insert the needle with your right hand for a right-handed person, and with your left hand for a left-handed person. This increases the likelihood that the needle will hit the vein exactly and not injure the skin.

When administering infusion therapy to another person, you can place an IV in either arm, because it does not matter.

Is it possible to put an IV in the leg? This option for administering the medicine is possible if the veins in the upper extremities are poorly visible. The indication for intravenous administration of the solution in the lower extremities is thrombophlebitis of the venous structures in the arms.

In order to install an IV, you do not need to have a medical education. It is important to first consult with your doctor to correctly select the drug and calculate the dosage.

To carry out the procedure correctly, you must first study the sequence of actions and purchase all the necessary tools. Please note that by placing an IV on yourself or another person, you take responsibility for the consequences.

That is why it is best to seek help from a medical professional who has all the necessary skills.

Many people firmly believe that the treatment of any disease cannot be done without pills. If the specialist prescribed big list drugs, which means he is treating correctly. There is also an opinion that a dropper should be used only in the most severe cases when pills alone cannot solve the problem. In fact, administering the drug through special system can significantly speed up the healing process.

Why is an IV needed?

Each method of taking medication has its own advantages and disadvantages. Method of drug administration by drip can be applied in many cases. And it doesn’t have to be any disease. Why do they put in an IV? For example, in order to saturate the body with vitamins when exhausted. However, this does not mean that this method of administration can be used at any opportunity. The appointment must be made by a doctor.

What should you remember?

Before placing an IV at home, you need to seek help from a specialist, undergo an examination, and undergo a series of tests. There are certain indications for administering drugs through the system. In this way you can quickly relieve a hangover, saturate the body with vitamins or antibacterial agents if infection is present, restore water balance.

Another significant advantage of this method of administration is that the medicine is absorbed 100% and the effect can be observed almost immediately. Those who know how to place IVs can quickly get their loved ones back on their feet.

How to determine whether an IV is needed?

If necessary in short time get on your feet and there is no opportunity to take advantage of medical care, it is quite possible to use the drip method of administering the medicine. In this case, you need to be sure that the drug is selected correctly. If relatives know how to place IVs, this is a huge plus. The procedure must be performed skillfully, otherwise the skin will be injured and the drug will not enter the vein.

How many IVs can you put in? Only a qualified specialist can answer this question. Without prior consultation, it is advisable to administer the medicine one-time in this way. This will quickly improve the patient’s condition, eliminate loss of strength, and lower the temperature. Next, you should definitely seek help from a doctor.

Types of droppers

Depending on the purpose of the medicine, there are several types of droppers. Detoxifying techniques are aimed at removing harmful substances and toxins from the body in case of poisoning, infectious diseases, alcoholism. Restorative droppers are used to normalize organ functions. With the help of medications, it is possible to normalize blood pressure, improve liver function, and saturate the body with glucose. You should definitely know how to properly place an IV for people suffering from hypertension or diabetes.

If significant, anti-anemic droppers are used. Patients are given medications containing iron. Additionally, restorative medications may be administered. Most often, this technique is used to restore immune system body after a long illness. Droppers can also be prescribed to pregnant women when various types anemia.

For prevention and treatment cardiovascular diseases anti-cholesterol drips are used. This treatment method helps restore lipid profile. This means that after therapy, the patient’s body begins to independently produce cholesterol in the required amount.

There is another type - cosmetic droppers. Drugs are introduced that quickly restore the health of hair, skin and nails. Droppers can be used for premature aging, disorders of skin secretion, acne, acne.

How to place IVs?

If there is no qualified specialist nearby, you can try to administer the drug yourself. To do this, you must comply special instructions. The method of administering the drug by drip consists of several stages:

All actions must be carried out under sterile conditions. Before performing manipulations, be sure to wash your hands with soap.


Before using IVs, you should consult your doctor. If a specialist prescribes such a procedure, you should not be afraid of it. If you have minimal skills, you can administer the medicine at home.

Filling a disposable drip system

1. Treat your hands with a disinfectant solution.
2. Wear sterile gloves.
3. Open the sterile package containing the system.
4. Remove the system from the package without removing the caps from the needles.
5. Remove the middle part of the metal cap covering the rubber stopper of the bottle.
6. Treat the cork with a 96% alcohol solution 2 times, changing the gauze ball.
7. Remove the protective cap from the needle.
8. Insert the needle through the rubber stopper.
9. Secure the outlet tube with adhesive tape parallel to the wall of the bottle.
10. Turn the bottle upside down.
11. Mount the bottle on a tripod at a height of at least 1.5 m.
12. Gradually fill the dropper filter 1/3 full, turning it over and holding the end of the tube with the cannula above the inverted dropper.
13. Turn the dropper to working condition(vertical).
14. Remove the cap from the cannula and expel the air
15. Liquid from lower section systems.
16. Use a clamp to adjust the frequency of drip injection of liquid.

How to determine the frequency of fluid drips?

To calculate the required drop frequency, use the formula K=V/3xt
where K is the number of drops per minute,
V is the volume of infusion fluid,
t - time, in hours.

Unfortunately, too many owners live with remorse that they “didn’t have time.” Indeed, most tragic stories loss of pets is based on absence or untimely professional help pet in an emergency. The “average” owner, seeing that his pet is “fading away,” is capable of much, but when it comes to intravenous injection or a dropper - falls into a stupor, especially when it comes to the administration of Calcium Chloride. The topic is painfully relevant, so let’s consider the order and step by step instructions How to install an IV for a cat.

Warning! No text or video can compare with practice! If an IV is the last chance, and there are no alternatives, act! However, every prudent owner needs to contact a veterinarian in advance, who will clearly show all the nuances of the process in a clinic setting.

The main instrument of the IV is a needle, which is inserted into the vein, and the entire system is connected to it. The pharmacy will provide you with:

  • Systems with conventional hollow needles.
  • Butterfly needles are essentially the same needle, but with a smaller diameter. Designed for injection into small veins, which is important for the treatment of cats. At the base of the needle there is a “butterfly” made of flexible plastic - it allows you to securely fix the system; the “wings” are bent to the paw and wrapped with adhesive tape.
  • Intravenous peripheral catheters(brownules) - a mini-system made of plastic. A flexible, thin latex tube is inserted into the vein, and the catheter itself is fixed to the skin - a device into which a needle attached to a syringe with medicine is inserted. Of course, administering medications through a catheter is easier and more convenient, however, the system can only be installed by a doctor.

Note! At proper care, the catheter can remain in the vein for up to 6 days, infusion with a simple needle is performed only once!

Read also: Stronghold for kittens: instructions for use

Before placing an IV on a cat at home, you need to take into account that the container with the medicine should be located 40–50 cm above the animal, think in advance where to attach the bottle. From what you have at hand, a cellophane T-shirt bag is suitable, make a hole in the bottom, thread the neck of the bottle, tie the handles above the bottom, and hang it by the resulting loops. The structure of all systems is similar; the infusion set contains:

  • Collection needle or bag– the needle is inserted into the bottle of medicine, the bag is filled with liquid for infusion.
  • Intake chamber– equipped with a filter, designed to separate oxygen from the liquid.
  • Dispenser– equipped with a plastic slider wheel that regulates the speed of liquid falling. Before infusion, you need to know exactly how to administer the drug - drip or jet.
  • Cannula– most often, it is located on a rubber bag in front of the needle, which is inserted into the skin. If necessary, additional drugs are injected into it using a regular syringe.
  • Flexible latex tube-conductor.

Note! In addition to the sampling needle, you must insert another needle (included in the kit) into the bottle to “suction” air, otherwise the liquid will not fall into the tube. In droppers with bags, a hole for air intake is most often provided.

Putting an IV on a cat

Let's make a reservation right away, in the process emergency assistance may be needed intravenous injection, but believe me, giving an injection is easier than putting a drip on a cat at home - we are considering the most difficult option:

  • Remember to be sterile and use alcohol.
  • We attach the bottle in any convenient way. We unseal the system and insert the sampling needle into the rubber stopper of the bottle. We insert a second needle into the cork to allow air to flow. The temperature of the drug should not be low, at least room temperature.
  • We move the dispenser to a place convenient for you and pinch the conductor with the adjusting wheel. If you skip this step, air will get into the tube!
  • We squeeze the plastic container (collection chamber) several times, the medicine will be filled into it.
  • We open the system slightly (lower the wheel) until the drug begins to drip from the cannula or needle and again press the tube with the dispenser.
  • We put the cat in a comfortable position, and if necessary, shave the hair on the front leg - the area between the elbow and wrist. The needle can also be inserted into a vein hind paw, it all depends on the convenience and obedience of the animal.
  • We pull the paw with a tourniquet closer to the elbow. If necessary, squeeze and unclench your fingers, bend and straighten your wrist - you should see how the veins become convex and clearly visible under the skin.
  • We treat the skin with alcohol and the most interesting thing is that carefully, progressively, slowly, we insert the infusion needle parallel to the paw. Be careful and calculate your strength; it is more difficult to pierce a vein than a muscle, especially if the animal is dehydrated (the skin is more elastic).
  • We fix the needle with adhesive tape in several places. We hold, calm, and entertain the pet until the end of the procedure. Remember that a drip for cats is a considerable stress and discomfort, do not leave your pet alone, watch your breathing and general health pet.

Note! Constantly check the area of ​​skin where the needle is inserted. If you notice a slight mild swelling, the medicine goes under the skin and the needle needs to be reinstalled. Even a calmly lying cat, with deliberate contractions of the paw muscles, can “remove the vein” from the needle.

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