How to make a drip. Assembly of the system for intravenous drip infusion

Droppers are an indispensable method of treating many diseases. The effectiveness of such administration of drugs exceeds any other methods of treatment many times over.. But intravenous infusions of drugs are used not only in therapeutic purposes. Droppers to improve the condition of the body are useful for reduced immunity, vitamin deficiency. They are made for the purpose of cleaning. internal organs, as well as to maintain beauty and youth.

Vitamin droppers

It is impossible to achieve the perfect balance of vitamins in the body when eating foods.. Several factors prevent this - an insufficient amount of vitamins from food, slagging of the intestine, which interferes with normal absorption, impaired functionality of the gastrointestinal tract ( hyperacidity), in which substances are not absorbed.

With the help of a dropper, groups of vitamins can be delivered directly to the bloodstream, and from there they will enter the internal organs and tissues. After such a procedure, a person's condition objectively improves.

Indications for vitamin droppers:

  • intense physical activity associated with sports or difficult working conditions;
  • exhaustion chronic diseases, elderly age;
  • weakening and loss of strength due to malnutrition with low social status;
  • internal diseases associated with a large loss of energy - chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, hepatitis, psoriasis, insomnia, migraine.

Vitamin cocktails, when administered intravenously, act at the cellular level, improving the condition of each structural unit.

Vitamin drips give energy, improve performance skeletal muscles relieve muscle spasm. Therefore, they are actively used by people leading healthy lifestyle life and sports. After physical activity lactic acid is produced in the muscles, causing hypoxia ( oxygen starvation). In this case, additional intake of vitamins and minerals is necessary.

The composition of vitamin droppers includes such substances (based on saline or glucose):

  • B1 - thiamine. Focused on skeletal muscles, liver, kidneys, brain, is involved in metabolic processes proteins, fats, carbohydrates.
  • B2 - riboflavin. Participates in redox processes, hematopoiesis, regulates reproductive function and activities thyroid gland. Necessary for the beauty of skin, hair, nails.
  • RR - a nicotinic acid. Participates in all chemical reactions in the body, lowers cholesterol levels, improves microcirculation in the capillaries, removes toxins from the body.
  • WITH - ascorbic acid. An antioxidant essential for muscle and connective tissue. Provides the synthesis of hormones, neutralizes cholesterol, strengthens the immune system.
  • E - tocopherol. Protects all cells from oxidation, participates in the synthesis of proteins, increases defenses, reduces the risk of developing cancer.

Droppers for health promotion

Restorative droppers are shown to people with the syndrome chronic fatigue, before surgical treatment and after surgery
. Also, manipulation is prescribed for hypoxia, chronic intoxication with alcohol or drugs. Droppers to strengthen the body are prescribed to patients with metabolic disorders, a violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the blood. They are appointed at mental fatigue, frequent stressful situations, energy depletion of the body.

To avoid such conditions, droppers to strengthen the body are prescribed not only with therapeutic purpose but also preventive. Returns to normal after the procedure psycho-emotional state improves overall well-being.

The advantage of a general tonic dropper is a quick and accurate replenishment of nutritional deficiencies, trace elements, salts. This eliminates the possibility of overdose or the appearance side effects from the internal organs, the development of complications.

The action of such droppers is versatile, and the volumes of drugs administered are large. Useful properties of the procedure:

  • restorative - promotes cell division and rapid tissue regeneration, provides the body with energy complexes;
  • detoxification - remove toxins, poisons (endogenous and exogenous) metabolic products, free radicals from the body, improve metabolic processes;
  • general strengthening - delivers the missing minerals, vitamins, trace elements, salts, amino acids to the body;
  • antianemic - saturates the blood with substances that prevent the development of anemia, lack of hemoglobin - iron, potassium, provides prevention of hypoxia.

Drip of glucose

Glucose is universal remedy with many pathological conditions organism
. Her beneficial features undeniable. In what cases is a glucose dropper prescribed:

  • saturation of the body with fluid during dehydration or increased blood viscosity;
  • recovery normal operation internal organs, improvement of metabolic processes in them;
  • the need to increase daily diuresis, for example, in case of poisoning;
  • replenishment of carbohydrates after heavy physical exertion;
  • physical exhaustion, loss of strength;
  • dystrophic lesions of parenchymal organs (liver);
  • decrease in BCC (volume of circulating blood) with blood loss;
  • a sharp drop in pressure, the development of shock;
  • hypoglycemia is a decrease in blood sugar levels.

Glucose is the main source of energy for the body and the only nutrient for the brain. Droppers are shown to office workers with great mental stress and in a sedentary manner life. They are also prescribed for the elderly, premature and underweight children.

For intravenous administration use 5% glucose solution. A single dose is a liquid in a volume of 400 ml. Once in the body, the solution breaks down into atoms of water and carbon dioxide, while energy is released.

Glucose drips are not for everyone. They are contraindicated in diabetes Type 1 (insulin-dependent), individual intolerance, acute mental disorders, strokes and brain bleeding, cranial injuries.

Beauty drips

Droppers to maintain beauty and youth today are a popular procedure in beauty parlors and clinics of aesthetic medicine.

Such procedures replace traditional methods rejuvenation - the use of Botox injections, contour lifts and other manipulations.

The composition of solutions for intravenous administration includes all necessary for the body nutrients
. Their action from the inside provides a quick effect, 100% absorption. The result is aesthetic correction appearance does not make you wait.

After beauty droppers, the condition of the skin and nails improves, the hair becomes stronger and silky. General state becomes stable, the emotional background normalizes. This is facilitated by the complex effect of specially designed drugs.

Droppers to improve well-being and stabilize physiological processes are indicated at any age.

A dropper at home is done under adverse conditions, when there is a need for the procedure, but there is no way to contact a qualified physician.

Tip: at the slightest opportunity, get a doctor at home who knows how to do it right intravenous injections and put droppers - use it. Intravenous injections have their own specifics and are fraught with serious complications (necrosis, infiltrates, blood clots).

Preparatory stage

Initially, you should prepare a workplace:

  • the procedure is performed in a clean room;
  • the surface where medicines and instruments will lie should be disinfected;
  • you need to wash your hands thoroughly.

On the prepared field lay out:

  • vials with prescribed solution and medicine;
  • syringe;
  • tripod. In its absence, use any hook and a plastic bag or a hook with Velcro (adhesive tape);
  • ethanol;
  • cotton wool;
  • scissors;
  • patch;
  • sterile gloves;
  • device (system) for intravenous infusion;
  • catheter;
  • tourniquet medical.

Tip: make sure that all prepared preparations are as prescribed, they have not expired, the liquid in the vials does not contain sediment, and the color is as described in the instructions.

System assembly

  • Prepare a tripod or other vial suspension device.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and put on sterile gloves.
  • Open the solution vial. Treat the rubber cover with cotton soaked in alcohol.
  • Open the syringe package, assemble it (the needle is put on the cannula), put the instrument back into the package (its interior is sterile).
  • Print your medication. Draw it up with a syringe and put it into a vial with a solution. Remove the tip of the syringe from the cap.

  1. remove the tool from the package;
  2. bring the regulator wheel to the opposite position - the lumen of the tube will be pinched;
  3. you need to find the end where the needle is;
  4. stick its tip into the lid of the solution bottle;
  5. in the bag with the dropper there is another needle, it is stuck next to the bottle cap;
  6. you need to find an extension of the system (in shape it is a cylinder), where you need to strongly squeeze 2-3 times. This part is designed to control the rate of drug administration. After squeezing, it will fill up to about the middle with a solution;
  7. put the free end of the device back into the package;
  8. move the dispenser wheel up;
  9. let the solution fill the system;
  10. when the liquid begins to pour out from the free end, lower the dispenser wheel down;
  11. inspect the device - it is necessary to make sure that there is no air in it. Use the wheel on the regulator to drain some of the solution along with the air bubbles;
  12. insert the free end of the dropper into the second free needle, which is inserted into the cap of the solution vial.

The system for the "home" dropper is ready for use.


A bottle with a solution rises up to a height of at least 1.5 m - mounted on a tripod or suspended in another way available at home. Prepared tools should be within reach.

Tip: The best place for self-administration is in the crook of the elbow or front side palms. It is easier to find veins there, because the needle should clearly enter venous vessel. Vienna lower extremities use is not recommended due to increased risk the occurrence of thrombi.

How to put a drip:

  • drag your hand 10-15 cm above the elbow bend with a tourniquet, clench your hand into a fist and place your hand on a hard surface. Feel for the most prominent and largest vein. Disinfect the injection site.
  • Set the system in working position - press down thumb left hand selected vein (fix it) below the intended injection site. With your right hand, take the needle that is installed at the second end of the system, point its cut up and pierce skin covering parallel to the vein, and then the vein itself at an angle of 45º. When you hit the venous vessel, you will feel a “failure”. Fix the device with a band-aid where it connects to the vein. If it is necessary to administer drugs intravenously for a long time, vein catheterization is performed. In any case, you need to find a suitable place and install the catheter;
  • check the accuracy of the hit - dark red venous blood should appear from the other end of the needle;
  • lower the adjuster wheel to the optimum feed rate. If there are bubbles in the vial, reduce it;
  • dissolve the tourniquet, unclench your fist. If swelling forms at the injection site of the dropper, close it immediately and remove it from the vein.

At the end of the procedure, the regulator wheel rises, the device is removed from the vein. The injection site is wiped with cotton wool soaked in alcohol and sealed with adhesive tape.


How to put a drip and not hurt yourself:

  • work should only be done with newly opened sterile gloves;
  • do not administer drugs near areas affected by purulent inflammation;
  • if thrombophlebitis is diagnosed, the procedure is prohibited;
  • during the drip it is better to lie down, but you can’t sleep - you should monitor the operation of the system and its integrity;
  • after a dropper, it is advisable to lie down for some more time (30-40 minutes), it is impossible to get up abruptly.

Tip: to properly inject intravenously, nurse experience is needed. A rookie who is about to make his debut as a medic also needs a senior buddy who can follow the procedure and explain how the staging should go in order to avoid problems.

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Modern medicine has a wide range methods and means of introducing into the human blood drugs, various kinds chemical compositions And biological fluids, but most effective way than to do it through infusion therapy does not exist. How to put droppers correctly will be discussed further.

A drip is an infusion system designed for intravenous infusion of blood, plasma, or medications. Standard set consists of transparent flexible tubes, a fluid flow rate regulator, a dropper and two needles (for veins and rubber stoppers in vials). You need to put a dropper as prescribed by a doctor, self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Preparing the system and accessories

Before putting a dropper, you need to prepare everything you need:

  • Install drip tray. It is a mobile rack with hooks on which bags or vials with the drug to be administered are hung. Its height usually exceeds 1.5-2 meters, which ensures sufficient pressure
  • Check fluid containers. It is necessary to check with the doctor's prescription the volume, type of drug, time of administration, expiration date and other significant indicators
  • Choose the right system. There are several types of droppers designed for different purposes, but all of them can be conditionally divided into 2 varieties: micro and macro sets, which differ in the diameter of needles, tubes and speed
  • Decide on the size of the needle. It is inversely proportional to the number, the fourteenth is the largest needle, the twenty-second is the thinnest
  • Prepare related accessories. You will need a tourniquet to find the vein, an antiseptic liquid (alcohol is usually used), cotton wool and a band-aid to fix the needle in the vein

Having everything you need available, a nurse with special knowledge, skills and sufficient practical experience will put a dropper at home in a matter of minutes, without causing pain to the patient. Bruises, scratches and others visible damage after work, a qualified professional also does not remain.

What to prepare before the procedure

For the system to function correctly, it is necessary to carry out a number of simple manipulations:

  • Connect the kit to the bag or vial of liquid. This is done by integrating the needle into a rubber/polymer stopper, previously wiped with alcohol-soaked cotton, which is provided in all containers intended for the storage of intravenous fluids.
  • Hang the dropper on the stand. The tripod is equipped with hooks, with their help it is easy to fix any specialized container
  • Get rid of air in the system. This is done by filling the tubes and the drip chamber with liquid (the latter is filled by a third or half)
  • Check the sterility of all elements of the system. If it is violated, it is strictly forbidden to inject liquid into the patient, this can lead to blood poisoning and other dangerous consequences.

Execution technique

Before starting the process, experts recommend acquainting the patient with the sensations that he will experience under the influence of a dropper in as much detail as possible. Each drug has an individual effect on the body and certain side effects. Knowing about them, a person is not afraid when they occur. The procedure does not take much time, it is performed in the following sequence:

  1. It is necessary to take a comfortable position (sitting or lying down). The second option is preferable, but if a person wants to do an infusion while sitting and feels good, you can safely do it this way
  2. The specialist washes his hands and puts on gloves. The insertion site of the catheter is thoroughly disinfected. The arm in the biceps region is pulled with a tourniquet, so it is easier to find a suitable vein with inside hands
  3. The needle is inserted into the darkest and most voluminous vein on the arm, which is secondary for a person. This is done at an angle of 34-45 degrees with respect to the vein. After the appearance of blood in the catheter, its position is made as parallel to the arm as possible and fixed with adhesive tape
  4. The tube of the system is connected to the catheter. Then the tightness of the connection is checked and additional fixation with a plaster is carried out. Auxiliary drugs can be injected later with a syringe without stopping the infusion process
  5. Fluid flow rate is adjustable. This is done by moving the wheel on the regulator. On some systems, it is equipped with a scale with the number of drops indicated on it, which greatly simplifies the task of counting them.
  6. The person is being monitored. TO anxiety symptoms(if not indicated in the instructions for the drug) include an abnormal increase in the number of heartbeats, blood pressure and/or body temperature

Infusion therapy (or treatment using a dropper) is considered one of the most effective ways administer fluid to the patient, whether it be blood, water, or medicine. Putting a drip is a skill that everyone who works in the medical field should master.


Preparing everything you need

    Prepare the drip stand. This is a large stand on which a bag of liquid is fixed in preparation for the installation of a dropper and during the very process of taking the medicine. If you don't have a stand but have an urgent need to put an IV in, you will need to hang the bag over the patient's head so that gravity forces the fluid into the vein.

    Wash your hands. Turn on the faucet, lather your hands. Wash your palms first and then the backs of them. Don't forget to wash the areas between your fingers. Then you need to thoroughly wash your fingers and wrists. Finally, rinse off the soap and pat your hands dry.

    Make sure you are going to put the right medication on the drip. Before starting the installation of a dropper, it is important to double-check the doctor's prescription. Giving the patient the wrong medication can lead to a life-threatening situation.

    • Check if you need to put a drip on the right patient, if you do it at the right time, and if you have the correct volume of the drug package.
    • If in doubt, check with your doctor first so you know exactly what to do.
  1. Decide which kit you will use. The set is a tube and a clamp with which the amount of liquid is regulated. If the drug is to be delivered to the blood at a rate of 20 drops per minute (i.e. 100 milliliters per hour), a macro kit is used. As a rule, adults are given a drip in a macro kit.

    • The microset is used if 60 drops per minute should enter the bloodstream. Infants and young children are usually given a microset.
    • The diameter of the tube and the size of the needle usually depend on the purpose. If the situation is critical and the patient urgently needs to receive the necessary fluid, large needles and tubes are usually chosen so that the fluid, blood or drugs get into the blood faster.
    • For non-urgent situations, thinner tubes and needles may be used.
  2. Take a game of the right size. Oddly enough, the larger the number of the needle, the thinner it is. 14 is the largest needle and is commonly used to relieve symptoms of shock and trauma. 18-20 is a common needle that is used in the treatment of adults. 22 is a fine needle that is usually used when working with children (infants and young children).

    Prepare all other tools. You will need a tourniquet (to find the vein), a band-aid or medical glue (to fix the IV in place of the vein puncture), cotton and alcohol (to sterilize items), stickers (to fix the start time of the procedure, the type of fluid and your name).

    Place all tools on a cart or tray. When it comes time to put the patient on a drip, everything you need will be collected in one place. This will allow you to put the dropper as simply and quickly as possible.

    Dropper preparation

    1. Take the medicine bag. Find the connection point (it is located at the top of the bottle and looks like a cap). This is where the macro or micro set will be inserted. Wipe the joint and adjacent parts with cotton soaked in alcohol.

      • If something is not clear, use the instructions that are usually placed on the packages.
    2. Connect the dripper to the bag and then hang everything on the rack. Make sure the drip chamber is not missing (this is the part of the drip that collects the fluid that the patient then receives). At this point, the dropper can be disconnected and reconnected, if necessary.

      Get rid of bubbles in the system. The drip chamber should be half filled. Adjust the dropper so that the liquid reaches the end of the tube (this is necessary so that there are no bubbles left). When the liquid has passed the entire tube, pinch the end.

      Make sure the tube is not touching the floor, as there can be a lot of bacteria on the floor. The dropper is sterile (and free of harmful microorganisms). If the tube touches the floor, the drip cannot be inserted as harmful microorganisms can enter and infect the patient.

      • If the tube touches the floor, you will need to prepare a new drip, as the contaminated substance may harm the patient. Hold the handset up so it doesn't fall to the floor again.

      Installing a drip

      1. Approach the patient. Be polite, introduce yourself and say that you will be installing an IV. It is best to explain the whole process to the patient - the injection will not be painless. Try to describe the process so that the person knows what is ahead of him.

        • Also say that the installation of the drip will take no more than five minutes.
      2. Ask the patient to assume the desired position and put on gloves. The patient can lie or sit on the couch - let him do as he pleases. You can wash your hands again before putting on gloves.

        • The lying or sitting position calms patients and reduces pain. In addition, in this position, a person will not fall if he becomes ill from the sight of a needle.
      3. Find a site for the catheter. The catheter is a small tube that is inserted along with the needle and remains in the vein after the needle is removed. It is best to use the veins on the hand that the person does not write on. Choose long and dark veins that will be clearly visible during the installation of the drip.

        • The dropper should be installed on the veins that are located on the inside of the bend of the arm at the elbow. They are usually the easiest to insert catheters into.
        • You can also use veins that are located below the arm or even on the back of the hand. It will not be scary to make a mistake on these veins if you fail to put the drip correctly the first time. If you decide to try a vein a second time, you will need to move up your arm, so if you see a noticeable vein, it's best to stab it lower.
      4. Tie your hand with a tourniquet over the future puncture site.

In situations where it is not possible to visit a doctor, you can use a dropper yourself. How to put a dropper without the help of a specialist? How long does infusion therapy take? The technique of setting a dropper, described in the article, will help to understand these issues.

At home, it is impossible to put a dropper without proper experience and consultation with a doctor.

How to put a dropper at home: step by step instructions

If you do not have any experience in the use of intravenous drip, then you cannot resort to self-medication.

How many droppers can be put per day, the attending physician determines. Without his consultation, the use of infusion therapy at home is impossible.

The main rule in the use of infusion therapy is the observance of sterility and accuracy in manipulations. At home, before setting the dropper, the skin at the puncture site, the instruments and the room in which the procedure is performed are disinfected.

The floors are thoroughly washed with water with the addition of whiteness, or the room is treated quartz lamp and ventilate. The infusion system and drugs are sold in individual packages, they are completely sterile before use.

To set up a dropper you will need:

  • gloves;
  • solution for infusion (water for injection);
  • tourniquet medical;
  • adhesive plaster;
  • drug for intravenous administration;
  • cotton wool;
  • tripod;
  • syringe with a needle;
  • sterile wipes;
  • antiseptic;
  • infusion system.

Before starting the procedure, hands are washed with antibacterial soap, processed medical alcohol then put on gloves.

The metal cap is removed from the bottle with the infusion solution, the surface of the rubber stopper is treated with cotton wool soaked in alcohol.

With a disposable syringe, the drug is drawn up and injected through the stopper into the solution. The infusion set is removed from the packaging. Using a needle at the end of the dropper next to the cylinder, the system is connected to the vial. The thick stopper of the bottle is pierced through with a needle.

The wheel that regulates the supply of the drug is scrolled all the way so that the system tube is pinched. Bottle with medicine suspended at a height of 1.5 m from the floor, fixed on a tripod. Cut 2 strips from a wide adhesive plaster, place them near the needle insertion site.

Open the air valve on the system, press the cylinder so that it is half filled with medicine. Remove the needle from the other end of the dropper, turn the adjusting wheel and completely fill the tube with the drug.

The liquid must be drained until air bubbles disappear in the tube.

When the system is filled with medicine, the tube is again clamped with a wheel, and a needle is put on its opposite end

Comfortable position during the procedure - sitting and lying down. If you put a dropper on yourself, then all manipulations should be carried out right hand(for lefties - left).

A small pillow is placed under the elbow bend, covered with a sterile napkin, a tourniquet is put on the forearm. In order to feel for the central vein, you need to tighten the tourniquet and work with your fist, quickly squeezing and unclenching the brush.

When the vein becomes visible, treat the skin at the puncture site disinfectant solution. Remove the cap from the needle and insert it at an angle of 45 degrees. At correct introduction dark red blood will appear in the tube.

Fix the needle with a plaster, remove the tourniquet, turn the wheel, opening access to the medicine into the vein. After the procedure, it is recommended to remain calm for 30-60 minutes.

How much is the drip? The procedure time is from 40 minutes to 3 hours or more. It all depends on medicinal product, since each of them has its own speed of introduction. For more information about intravenous drip, you need to ask your doctor.

A dropper at home is carried out according to the same rules as in the clinic. However similar procedures it is better to carry out in a hospital to avoid unforeseen complications.

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