Proper storage of soap and soda solution in medicine. How to prepare a soap solution. Cleaning the premises How to properly make a soap and soda solution

Soap and soda are widely used in everyday life, kindergartens, schools and hospitals for disinfection, washing and even for the treatment of certain diseases. Soap and baking soda are enough on their own active substances, but in combination they enhance and complement each other’s action.

To use the properties of soap and soda with maximum benefit, you need to properly prepare a soap-soda solution.

What soap is suitable for preparing a soap-soda solution?

To prepare a soap-soda solution, it is best to use laundry soap. Regular laundry soap has a simple natural composition without harmful chemical impurities. Laundry soap is the basis of other types of soap and detergents.

Thanks to its alkaline base, laundry soap has antibacterial, antifungal, and cleaning properties.

Soap-soda solution based on laundry soap safe for humans.

It is used to treat skin and nail fungus, for washing purulent wounds and other skin damage in the absence of medications. If the soap-soda solution is prepared taking into account the correct dosage and used in accordance with the instructions, it will not cause harm and can be widely used in household and medicinal purposes.
The concentration of soap and soda in a soap-soda solution will vary depending on the purpose for which the solution is made.

How to prepare a soap-soda solution for disinfecting premises

Nowadays, stores offer a huge selection of detergents and disinfectants. Many of them contain chlorine, which negatively affects health. It is possible to treat rooms with chlorine only in the absence of people. But even after such treatment, chlorine vapor remains in the air and enters the respiratory tract.

This is especially dangerous for children and people with allergies.

Soap and soda solution for disinfection is safe for health. It is recommended to be used for cleaning premises in children's institutions, hospitals and kindergartens. Toys and other common items are treated with soap and soda solution. This is especially important during epidemic periods.

At home, you can also wash floors, toys, and furniture with a soap-soda solution, especially if one of the family members is sick with a viral infectious disease.

An important quality of a homemade soap-soda solution is its low price. This is perhaps the cheapest disinfectant available in every home.

Depending on the degree of contamination of the room, prepare a one- or two-percent soap-soda solution.

To prepare a one percent soap-soda solution you will need:

  1. 10 liters of water;
  2. 100 g laundry soap;
  3. 100 g soda.

To prepare a two percent solution of soap and soda, take twice as much for the same amount of water. Instead of regular soda, you can use soda ash to wash floors.
Premises in kindergartens are cleaned at least once a day. Treatment of floors at home should be carried out after contact with a sick person or once a day during epidemics.
The following soap and soda solution is recommended for treating children's toys:

  1. 50 g soap;
  2. 2 tbsp. spoons baking soda;
  3. 1 liter of warm water.

After treatment, toys are rinsed in weak solution baking soda and wipe dry. Shared toys are washed every day. It is recommended to treat toys at home with soap and soda solution during epidemics and after contact with sick people.

There is a recommendation on what to do if a mercury thermometer breaks. First, the mercury is collected with a syringe or a rubber bulb for douching. The container of mercury is then sealed in an airtight container and services are called to dispose of the mercury.

The floor is treated with a soap and soda solution of the following composition:

  1. 60 g soap;
  2. 60 g soda ash;
  3. 2 liters of water.

Soap and soda solution for washing dishes

For dish washing, gas stove and other kitchen utensils, you can prepare a soap-soda solution that is not inferior in cleaning properties ready-made dishwashing detergents and is safe for health.

For such a solution you need:

  1. Grate 100 g of soap on a coarse grater;
  2. put the soap in 2 liters of water, heat and stir until dissolved;
  3. cool the solution;
  4. add five tablespoons of soda and one spoon of dry mustard;
  5. bring to a boil, but do not boil.

Using soap and soda solution for medicinal purposes

Soap-soda solution is used as home remedy for the treatment of nail fungus. You should not use soap and soda solution to treat children. Adults can try treating the fungus with a soap and soda solution in addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Before using solutions, you should consult your doctor.

Here is one of the popular recipes:

  • Dissolve one tablespoon of soda in 50 ml of water;
  • add 50 g of grated laundry soap;
  • add a soap-soda solution to two liters of hot water and lower your feet;
  • take a bath until the water cools down.

After taking foot baths with soap and soda solution, you need to remove the softened keratinized areas of the skin and nails. Then apply antifungal agents prescribed by a doctor. The products will penetrate the skin and nails better and the treatment will proceed at a faster pace.
In addition, foot baths with soap and soda solution help remove calluses and corns, restoring the beauty of your feet. Remove softened calluses with pumice stone and lubricate your feet with a rich, nourishing cream.

Using a soap-soda solution for washing children's clothes and linen

Housewives often use a soap-soda solution to wash children's clothes and linen.

The washing properties of such a solution allow you to effectively wash dirty clothes.

In this case, it is advisable to use fairly hot water, above 60 degrees. This solution costs practically no money; laundry soap and baking soda are the cheapest substances in the house. The only drawback of this solution is the length of time it takes to prepare it and the need to grate the soap. For those who prefer natural detergents, but do not want to spend time making them, we recommend Chistown children's washing powder based on natural soap.

Dear Yana!

There are several ways to disinfect used children's furniture, but you should understand that unless you took the crib from the infectious diseases department of the hospital, it does not need to be treated with aggressive disinfectant solutions. It will be enough to rinse all accessible places special liquids, suitable for treating painted or varnished wood surfaces, or household cleaning products.

Soap and soda solution

Soap and soda solution has long been used to disinfect rooms, toys and dishes in children's institutions. It is prepared as follows: bar soap must be crushed, dissolved in hot water and add the calculated amount of soda ash to it, stirring the components until completely dissolved. To treat a baby's crib, it is enough to use a 100-gram piece of 75% soap and 100 g of soda per 10 liters of water. This disinfectant must be applied to the surface for 30 minutes and then rinsed off warm water and wipe the surface with a dry, clean cloth.

Disinfectant sprays

To quickly disinfect hard furniture, you can use antibacterial sprays, which are easily applied to the surface and kill up to 99% of bacteria. These include Dettol sprays and gels. However, it should be remembered that they cannot be used on lacquered furniture.

For home cleaning in a children's room, products from the Babyline series (Belgium) are also suitable. The products of this manufacturer can be used for washing toys, pots, strollers, cribs, dishes and furniture, i.e. surfaces of any material. This line is specially created without the use of alcohol, chlorine, dioxides and other harmful substances that may pose a danger to a small child.

The disinfectant spray for the children's room "Our Mother" has similar antiseptic characteristics and a more economical price. The product contains herbal ingredients, which quickly decompose and at the same time perfectly clean any objects and surfaces without leaving marks or streaks. The spray contains water, 5 - 15% surfactant, trimesulfate, a complexing agent, a proportion of nut and soap tree extract and a preservative. Look at the range of other manufacturers of cleaning products for children's rooms: "Ushasty Nyan", "World of Childhood", organic products "Ecover", etc.

What should you not wash your baby crib with?

Babies put everything in their mouths, especially during teething, so it is not recommended to use it for washing children's furniture, toys and household items. household chemicals type "Domestos" and industrial aggressive detergents such as "Avansept", "Aquaminol", etc., which contain chlorine and its derivatives. Their fumes are harmful to the child, and chemical substances react with paint and varnish products, and the result of this interaction cannot be predicted.

Whatever product you use, remember that after treatment, the surface must be thoroughly washed and the room must be ventilated.

Best regards, Ksenia.

Compositions in which the main ingredient is sodium bicarbonate - baking soda - have been used for many centuries as a substance that has an effect in the treatment of diseases, as well as as a wonderful household remedy. Ingredients are often added to soda-based products, which on their own can have a weak one-sided effect, but when combined with soda, it turns out to be strong and active agent. This combination is typical for a mixture of soap and soda.

To achieve a good result when using this composition, you need to know exactly how to prepare a soap-soda solution correctly.

Range of application of the solution

Soap-soda solution is used:

  • as a disinfectant;
  • for cleaning at home;
  • for baths and trays for cosmetic purposes.

Laundry soap is anti-allergenic, made from environmentally friendly products of modern chemistry. The composition of laundry soap is very simple. It only includes fatty acid and sodium salt. Based on it, other types of soap are made by introducing chemical dyes and fragrances. Since the soap contains alkali, in combination with baking soda for disinfection and treatment of fungal diseases, this is the best local remedy. To prepare solutions, use laundry soap with 72% fat content, without impurities and fragrances.

When combined with baking soda, the antibacterial, alkaline, antiseptic, and cleaning properties of products with laundry soap increase. The drying properties of soap have beneficial effect in the treatment of open skin lesions and purulent wounds. Soap and soda solution is safe for human health if you follow correct dosage and know the instructions on how to prepare a soap-soda solution.

Also in Soviet times, when people were not spoiled by such a huge assortment of detergents and cleaning products, laundry soap and soda were used for disinfection in hospitals infectious diseases hospitals, in preschool institutions for disinfecting toys and cleaning premises. Today the range of applications soap-soda solutions has expanded significantly - they are used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes for external use.

How to prepare solutions for disinfection

To disinfect a home, especially when there is a patient with an infectious or viral disease in the house, you need to know how to prepare a soap-soda solution for disinfection. It is imperative to take into account the proportions of the solution per square meter of area when it comes to floor treatment.

Exists standard instructions How to prepare a soap-soda solution for disinfection at home:

  1. To prepare a 1% soap-soda solution, dilute 100 g of laundry soap and 100 g of soda ash in 10 liters of water.
  2. The preparation of a 2% solution involves a mixture of components in the amount of 200 g of each per 10 liters of water.
  3. The solution is prepared immediately before use.

If it is necessary not only to disinfect the floor and painted walls, as well as tiles, prepare the following solution:

  1. Mix 50 g in 10 liters of water detergent(powder), 200 g soda ash. The solution is stirred until foam forms and the soda dissolves.
  2. Often used for this purpose is a 2-3% solution of soda ash, mixed with a 1-2% solution of soap in equal quantities.
  3. When treating the floor and wall surfaces with the solution, you must use rubber gloves and open a window or window (in the summer).
  4. The frequency of room treatment depends on the duration of the disease. Treatment is carried out once a day.

In addition, there is a recipe for how to make a soap-soda solution if a thermometer was accidentally broken and mercury ran out onto the floor. For this purpose, take a bulb for douching or a syringe without a needle, paper and carefully collect mercury with their help. It is closed in a container with a lid and the Ministry of Emergency Situations is called.

The floor on which mercury was scattered is treated with a special soap and soda solution:

  • For 1 liter of water add 30 g of soda ash and 30 g of liquid soap.

A soap-soda solution is often used in kindergarten for disinfection of plastic toys. To prepare a solution for treating toys, prepare a mixture of 50 g of liquid soap and 2 tbsp. l. baking soda diluted in 1 liter of boiled water. After treatment with the solution, the toys are washed in a weak soda solution and wiped dry. Disinfection is carried out daily.

Soap and soda solutions for household purposes

Some housewives, as an alternative to store-bought cleaning products, prepare a soap-soda solution for washing dishes. It is not difficult to prepare such a product, but it does take a certain amount of time. Despite this, you will get an excellent washing paste, with which dishes and other kitchen utensils will acquire their original shine, cleanliness and beauty.

Cooking method

  1. Grind a bar (100 g) of laundry soap on a fine grater.
  2. Place the resulting substance in 2 liters of water and dissolve it over low heat.
  3. As soon as the solution has cooled slightly, add 5 tbsp. l. baking soda, stir well. Add 1 tbsp. l. dry mustard and bring to a boil.
  4. Divide the composition into separate containers. Once cooled, it will take the form of a paste that can be used to clean dishes and the kitchen stove as needed.

Stainless steel dish cleaner, as well as burnt surfaces of irons, can be cleaned using the following household product:

  1. Grate 100 g of soap, add a glass of water and dissolve it in a water bath, stirring.
  2. After obtaining a liquid mass of sour cream consistency, add 1 tbsp. l. dry mustard, 1 tbsp. l. castor oil and 1 tbsp. l. baking soda. You can add a few drops essential oil.
  3. To clean porcelain, add vinegar to a soap-soda solution in a 1:1 ratio with soda and soap.

Soda and mustard are excellent degreasing agents. To improve the smell of the product, you can add 10 drops of essential oil to the finished cooled composition. If this product is intended only for washing stoves and facing tiles, sinks and hoods, then soda ash is added to the composition.

Using solutions to treat fungus

The bactericidal properties of soap-soda solutions have a strong therapeutic effect against fungal diseases, due to negative influence baking soda for Candida fungus, which is main reason fungal infections. The preparation of a soap-soda solution for the treatment of nail fungus is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp into 50 ml of water. l. soda, stir well until the powder dissolves.
  2. Add grated soap (50 g) to the resulting solution and stir again.
  3. Pour 2 liters of hot water into a basin and add the resulting soap and soda solution for the feet. Place your feet in a bath with a tolerable solution temperature.
  4. The procedure is carried out until the product cools completely.

Thanks to such procedures, not only does the nails affected by fungus soften, but also they and the keratinized layers of skin on the heels are disinfected. Using tweezers and a file, carefully remove the nails and the layer of dead tissue on the skin. The frequency of such baths continues until new nail plates grow.

It should be remembered that foot baths with soap and soda solutions are not used as remedy, but as a local remedy that helps make therapy with antifungal drugs most effective. If your health allows, there are no contraindications, you can improve therapeutic therapy use the method telling how to drink soda according to Neumyvakin.

Cosmetic properties of solutions

In order to maintain the beauty of your feet and hands, use soda solutions that help remove calluses on your feet:

  1. A soap-soda solution for feet is prepared from 50 g of baking soda, 1 liter of water and 50 g of soap.
  2. Soap and soda are dissolved in water. The water temperature should not be more than 40 degrees.
  3. Lower your feet for 20 minutes, and then use pumice to carefully remove the rough layer on the calluses.
  4. Feet are washed with warm water, dried and lubricated with nourishing cream.

Soap and soda solutions have received a second life today. They are used often and in almost all areas of our lives. But regardless of the fact that the components of this product are completely harmless to health, before using them for external treatment, it would be a good idea to consult a dermatologist.

Presented with some abbreviations


The air of an enclosed space is often saturated with dust, which, penetrating into the child’s body, causes great harm his health. Therefore, all measures must be taken to prevent dust in the children's room.
For this purpose, when entering the reception and changing room, you must have a wet rug for wiping your feet in dry weather, and a dry grid rug in damp weather.
When entering the premises, children and staff must change their shoes to indoor ones. The rug and grille need to be cleaned and washed every time after the children arrive in the morning or return from a walk.
Brooms, brushes and other devices for cleaning outerwear and shoes should be cleaned and washed in warm water with soda and soap at least once a decade.
It has been established that up to one million dust particles enter the air every day from human clothing, a significant portion of which contain microorganisms.
Prof. A.I. Shafir discovered that in clothes and bedding Many pathogens of infectious diseases remain viable for weeks and even months: streptococci, staphylococci, diphtheria bacilli. Dust from clothing and bedding (when cleaning beds) rises in significant quantities into the air and infects the room.
With systematic use of a vacuum cleaner, A.I. Shafir points out, the dust content in the indoor air, as well as on clothes and bedding, becomes 2-4 times less than when cleaning rooms manually. This cannot but have a positive effect on the prevention of airborne infections. Therefore, it is very advisable to periodically (in winter) clean individual, in particular soft, items with a vacuum cleaner, of course, in the absence of children.
Bacterial dust in a closed room settles on horizontal surfaces and concentrates mainly on the floor. Therefore, when sweeping with a dry brush or broom, dust is driven from the floor into the air that children breathe and onto the objects around them. Such “cleaning” leads to a deterioration in the sanitary maintenance of institutions and can harm the health of children.
According to existing sanitary rules and instructions in children's institutions, cleaning should only be carried out wet method, for which they use hot water, soap, soda. It is necessary to clean and at the same time ventilate the premises in the absence of children.
For proper sanitary maintenance of the premises, each group must have equipment, washing and disinfectants, necessary for wet cleaning of premises: floor brush, broom, dustpan, buckets, rags, soap, soda, disinfectant solution.
You must always remember that for the kitchen, isolation room, and toilet, equipment must be specially allocated and marked accordingly. It is not permitted to be used for cleaning other premises.
In children's institutions, it is recommended to wash wooden floors, painted floors, and those covered with linoleum 1-2 times daily, being sure to move the furniture away. In the music room and gymnastic exercises Wet cleaning and ventilation are carried out after each group's classes.
In addition, when dirty (for example, after eating), you should sweep with a brush wrapped in a damp cloth, or, better, put a damp flannel bag over the brush; Wipe parquet floors twice a month and sweep them daily three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening) with a brush wrapped in a rag moistened with turpentine.
It should be noted that it is not advisable to have parquet floors in children's institutions. Children, especially small ones, when playing on a polished parquet floor, often fall, hurt themselves, and stain their hands and clothes with mastic. In addition, when cleaning polished floors, sanitary rules may be violated and dust-binding agents may not be used regularly.
Washing floors with hot water gives good results in the fight against airborne microflora. The water temperature should be at least 50° and maintained at this level throughout the cleaning. Washing floors with water at the specified temperature led to a decrease in the number of microbial colonies in the air by 69%, while when washing floors only with warm water it decreased by 8.8%.
Walls in rooms usually get more dirty in those areas that are closer to the floor. This level contains significant amount microorganisms.
This obliges you to monitor the cleanliness of the walls while cleaning the premises. Walls coated with oil paint should be washed monthly. Plastered walls and ceilings must be coated with adhesive paint once a year and vacuumed monthly (in the absence of children).
Doors and window frames painted with oil paint should be washed with warm water, adding a tablespoon of ammonia (per 1 liter of water). Soda and soap make the paint dull, but water ammonia completely removes dirt and adds shine to the paint. After washing, the frames and doors are wiped dry, otherwise yellow spots will appear. Need systematic cleaning and heating devices(radiators), the bacterial contamination of which is very significant.
Furniture painted with oil paint, heating radiators and stoves should be wiped daily with a damp cloth and washed once a month. Furniture coated with varnish is wiped with a cloth moistened with vegetable oil, and then wiped dry.
Metal beds are wiped daily with a damp cloth and washed once a month. Oilcloth or linoleum covering playpens, dressing tables, as well as lining oilcloth must be washed twice a day with a hot soap-soda solution. Dust from window sills, window frames, and doors must be removed daily using a wet method.
It is necessary to keep the window glass clean and wipe it at least once a week.
To free the glass from ice (in winter), you should wash it with a strong salt solution. This causes the ice on the glass to quickly thaw. It's washed away cold water, then wipe the glass and window sills dry. With the onset of warm days, window glass should be washed not only from the inside, but also from the outside.
The toilet room should have a special tank with a lid or a tightly closing bucket for collecting dry waste. Every day the garbage is thrown out, the tank is washed and dried.
It is advisable in children's institutions to do without carpets, curtains, napkins, which absorb a lot of dust, or to limit their number.
If there are carpets in the kindergarten, they should be small, light, and used only when children play on the floor. The carpet should be vacuumed or beaten out in the yard daily. The floor under the carpet must be wiped daily.
If infectious diseases appear in a children's institution, the carpet should be taken to a disinfection chamber or thoroughly disinfected on site as directed by the sanitary authorities.
Long curtains and tall plants on the windows reduce the natural light in the room, which is so necessary for the growing child’s body. Thus, curtains made of rare tulle absorb from 18 to 22% of light, those made of denser tulle absorb up to 40%, and those made of fabric absorb up to 50-85%. In addition, it should be taken into account that curtains make it difficult to thoroughly clean window glass, and the loss of light from dirty glass can reach up to 50%.
If curtains are still hung on the windows, they should be short, made of transparent, easily washable material. It is better to place them so that only a small part of the curtain (10-15 cm) falls on the window opening. Curtains should be regularly removed and shaken out (in the air).
They are washed and ironed as needed, but at least once a quarter.
Shading a window by only 20% of plants leads to a significant reduction in natural light (up to 23%). Therefore, it is better to place flowers in the walls (or niches) on stable stands. The niches are illuminated with fluorescent lamps.
Care indoor plants should not be limited to watering; You need to periodically wipe the leaves with a damp cloth and, in addition, wash them under running water.
Lamps and fittings also require regular maintenance. They become contaminated quite quickly. Therefore, they should be wiped at least once a week, and more often if necessary.
Blankets, sleeping bags, mattresses and pillows should be shaken out, beaten out and aired at least 1-2 times a month.
Washbasin sinks are washed with soda and soap daily, and during the day they are tidied up as needed.
Tanks of bulk washbasins (in rural nurseries and country cottages) should be washed 1-2 times a week, metal parts should be wiped or cleaned daily.
Children's potties, if there is running water, after each use should be emptied and washed from the tap over the drain with special brushes, and then with a clarified solution of bleach (0.5%), and then rinsed with water.
The bucket for draining flush water (at bulk washbasins) should be emptied as it is filled (no more than 3/4 of the bucket), after which it should be washed with hot water. At the end of the day, the bucket is washed and dried in the utility room or, better yet, in the open air.
Tanks or other receptacles for temporary storage of children's laundry early age After handing it over to the laundry, you should wash it daily with soap and wipe with a disinfectant solution.
The good sanitary condition of children's institutions is ensured not only by thorough daily cleaning of the premises and equipment. From time to time there is a need to carry out the so-called general cleaning of those objects that are not subject to routine cleaning. daily cleaning(for example, washing panels, furniture, sweeping ceilings, cleaning curtains). Periodic cleaning, depending on the object, is carried out in different terms- once a week, a month, a quarter.
After cleaning group rooms, bedrooms, verandas, and reception areas, rags should be rinsed and dried or constantly stored in a 0.2 percent clarified solution of bleach and rinsed in hot water before use.
After cleaning the sanitary facilities of the group, the rags should be soaked for 2 hours in a 0.2% clarified bleach solution, then rinsed and dried or constantly stored in a disinfectant solution (0.2% bleach solution or 0.2% chloramine solution ). The solution must be changed after each use of cleaning material.
Cleaning equipment must be strictly separate for sanitary facilities (restroom, potty room) and for other rooms and marked accordingly. It should be stored in a special utility cabinet located in the toilet room.
At the top of such a cabinet there should be a shelf for storage. disinfectant solutions, soap, soda, brushes and dustpans are hung on hooks on the inside of the door. For rags in the closet you need to arrange crossbars, put buckets at the bottom. Openings are made in the cabinet walls for air access.
To reduce airborne microflora, the following methods are recommended: mechanical, chemical, physical. IN Lately for this purpose it is used ultraviolet irradiation air, furniture, toys. However, long-term use may adversely affect children.
For example, observations conducted by the Moscow Pediatric Institute showed that as a result of a 1.5-2 hour combustion of two quartz lamps with reflected irradiation, i.e. when the flow of rays is directed towards the ceiling, the number of microorganisms in the air is reduced by 40-50%, but at the same time an accumulation of harmful impurities occurs in the air. Therefore, the use of this method of air disinfection is possible only in the absence of children and in combination with vigorous ventilation.
It is most rational to irradiate the air in the upper zone of the room. This can be done in the presence of children and long time. When the upper zone is irradiated, a significant effect is observed: bacterial air pollution decreases and the incidence of certain infections in children (flu, sore throat) decreases.


The sanitary maintenance of the catering unit is of great importance, which is largely determined by the organization technological processes cooking. The food unit must be built on the principle of moving products from raw materials processing (a process associated with large contamination of hands and equipment) to thermal processing and then to distribution of food to groups. Crossing of the specified streams is not allowed. This leads to disruption the most important condition- prevention of secondary bacterial contamination of prepared food.
The premises, as well as the catering unit equipment, should be kept in good technical condition and the strictest cleanliness.
During operation, the food unit can become contaminated with food waste, fuel debris, containers, as well as dust penetrating from outside.
Therefore, for proper maintenance of the catering unit, it is necessary to comply with certain sanitary and hygienic requirements.
First of all, unauthorized persons are prohibited from entering the catering unit. Before entering the kitchen, food service workers take off their outerwear, change their shoes and put on a clean white coat.
The kitchen should be kept in exemplary cleanliness: every day you need to wipe off dust with a wet method from windows, transoms, window sills, doors, radiators, wash stoves and floors with hot water, soap and soda, and wash the panels at least once a week.
Window glass and light fixtures should be kept absolutely clean.
Steam and contaminated air must be constantly removed from the kitchen using special ventilation units and ventilation through windows, transoms, and vents.
Work areas are cleaned at the end of each production process. General cleaning is carried out at the end of the working day and the complete distribution of all dishes (afternoon snack or dinner).
At least 1-2 times a month, it is necessary to completely clean the premises, equipment and production equipment, sweep the walls, ceiling, wipe the window glass, lamps, wash the doors and panels. Food and utensils must be taken out or carefully covered during cleaning. Regularly, at least once every six months, you need to whitewash the ceilings and paint the walls.
For washing kitchen utensils large sizes you should install metal - made of stainless steel, aluminum, duralumin, etc. - two-cavity bathtubs (80x80x50 cm) with hot and cold water supply to them.
The kitchen sink should have two side folding grates, on one of which the dishes to be washed are placed, on the other - clean ones. The temperature of the water supplied to the washing taps must be at least +75°.
Kitchen utensils must be washed in hot water (at least + 45, + 48°) using brushes and approved detergents, rinsed with boiling water and dried on wire racks above the sinks.
Metal utensils should be annealed in the oven after washing. Napkins, gauze, sieves through which vegetable broths are filtered should be thoroughly washed in hot water each time after use and boiled before use. After washing, small wooden objects are scalded with boiling water.
Cutting tables and boards are washed with hot water (+ 50°) with soda or lye, scalded with boiling water, and then dried. Brushes, brushes, sponges and other dishwashing items should be washed daily in a 2% soda (baking soda) solution and boiled for 10 minutes, dried and stored in a sealed container.
To maintain cleanliness in the catering department, special equipment is allocated (brushes, buckets, rags, soda, soap), which is stored in designated cabinets. Garbage and waste should not be kept in the kitchen, but during the day, as it accumulates, should be disposed of in the general waste receptacle on the site. You can temporarily store waste only in special closed containers (buckets, bins with lids), but not in the main premises of the catering department. When they are filled no more than 2/3, and also every day at the end of work, buckets and tanks must be cleaned, washed with a 2% soda solution, rinsed with hot water and dried.
The sanitary maintenance of the kitchen to a certain extent depends on correct placement work force. If there are two people working in the kitchen, division of labor should be recommended. One of the catering workers may be involved in receiving food and preparing it for storage, which is associated with significant contamination of hands and surrounding objects. Another kitchen worker will be busy with cleaner work.
If there is only one employee, you must adhere to a certain sequence: first do all the preparatory work using one overall, and then during cooking - another, clean one.
Food prepared in the kitchen must be delivered to the group carefully and hot. Food is usually served through a serving window so that staff from groups do not enter the kitchen. The nanny receiving food must first thoroughly wash her hands, change her robe, put on a clean apron and carefully tie a scarf around her head.
To avoid creating queues at the distribution point to receive food, and also to avoid contact with service personnel different groups, a schedule for distributing food to each group should be introduced.
To deliver food from the kitchen to the group room, it is advisable to purchase special enamel or aluminum containers with lids. After use, these dishes must be thoroughly washed, dried and stored in a place inaccessible to contamination.
It is not permitted to use boats for other purposes. When placing the food unit in a separate building on the area for carrying food to winter time It is recommended to use thermoses (up to 10 l).
When cooking essential have meat grinders, in particular their number and care for them. Due to the danger of secondary bacterial contamination of finished products (boiled meat, vegetables, etc.), it is unacceptable to use the same meat grinder (as well as chef’s knives) for processing raw and cooked or non-cooked products.
You must have at least two meat grinders: one for raw meat and fish, another for boiled foods (meat, fish, vegetables). Meat grinders are installed on different tables. After use, they must be completely disassembled, cleaned, washed thoroughly, doused with boiling water and, disassembled, dried and calcined on a hot stove. Only after this can the meat grinder be assembled. It should be stored in a dry place, inaccessible to dust and flies.


For the purpose of group isolation for each age group It is necessary to have separate tableware and teaware. It should be clean not only in appearance.
Bacteriological studies of swabs from washed and ready-to-use dishes often revealed coli, which indicates poor sanitary treatment or contamination during or after washing.
Dishes can become infected through the hands and mucous membranes of the mouth when washing infected and uninfected dishes together without subsequent disinfection. This confirms the need for the most thorough sanitization tableware and teaware after each use.
To wash dishes, you need to have a special bath with two, or even better, three compartments. Tiled tiles and metal are allowed as materials for bathtubs. If there is running water, hot and cold water must be supplied to the bathtub.
When installing a bathtub for washing dishes, it is necessary to provide an air gap in it with the sewer pipe, preventing sewer water from entering the bathtub, which can happen if the sewer is clogged. To prevent the flush water from stagnating, there must be a slope at the bottom of the bath.
After each dishwashing, the bathtub is thoroughly washed with hot water and soap using a special brush or washcloth, and then doused with boiling water. If the dishes were washed not in a bathtub, but in some other vessel, it is washed, dried and put away in a specially designated place (in a closet, on a shelf), inaccessible to dust, flies, splashes, etc. Use bathrooms and utensils replacing them for other purposes is strictly prohibited.
When washing tableware and tea utensils, the following order must be followed. First of all, it is mechanically cleaned of food residues using special devices- brushes, spatulas, ruffs (after each use, they must be boiled in a 2% solution of purified soda for 15 minutes and dried; they are stored in a sealed container).
After removing food debris, the tableware is washed in the first wash with hot water mixed with mustard or baking soda (for better degreasing of the dishes); in the second, it is rinsed with hot water, and in the third, the dishes are disinfected by immersing them for 30 minutes in a 0.05 percent solution of chloramine or a 0.2 percent solution of clarified bleach, and rinsed in hot water.
The best way to disinfect dishes is boiling. Bactericidal effect high temperature very effective. Microbes of the intestinal group are known to die within 15-20 minutes at a water temperature of 60° and within 3 minutes at a temperature of 70°. In boiling water, most pathogenic microbes die within a few minutes.
Observations we carried out in children's institutions confirmed that boiling dishes, previously cleared of food residues and washed in the usual way, gives very good results. But at the same time, some conditions must be observed. The water in which the dishes intended for boiling are placed must actually be brought to a boil. This can be easily checked with a thermometer. Such control is not only useful, but also necessary.
The dishes should be kept in boiling water for at least 15 minutes. It is very important that the dishes are completely immersed in boiling water during disinfection.
IN in some cases, especially during the stay of the child care institution outside the city, as well as in rural child care institutions, where technical reasons It is not always possible to boil dishes; instead of boiling, you can wash the dishes at least twice in hot water and pour boiling water over them for 2-3 minutes.
To avoid accidents, the place for boiling and scalding dishes with boiling water must be strictly isolated from children. The method of treating dishes with only warm water, sometimes used in children's institutions, is absolutely unsuitable and should be strictly prohibited.
It is not recommended to dry dishes with a towel. After processing accordingly, it should be immediately put away in a special closed cabinet (cupboard).
If there is a problem in a child care facility infection, tableware and teaware must be disinfected with chloramine (0.05-0.01 percent solution) or bleach (5-10 g per 1 bucket of water). These chemicals are used only after the dishes have been thoroughly cleaned and rinsed.
Disinfection of dishes is carried out as follows: clean water (preferably warm) is poured into one of the chambers of the dishwashing bath, and if it is not available, clean water (preferably warm) is poured into a tank, a bucket or a basin, the appropriate amount of disinfectant solution is added and everything is stirred. The washed dishes are immersed in a disinfectant solution prepared in this manner and left in it for half an hour. It is possible to extend the period of time the dishes remain in the disinfectant solution, but it cannot be shortened, since 30 minutes is the minimum time during which the dishes are disinfected at a given concentration of the solution. After this, the dishes should be thoroughly rinsed with hot water and dried (without using a towel).
Chemical disinfection is effective only if certain rules are followed:
1) sufficient concentration of disinfectant,
2) its complete dissolution in water,
3) complete immersion of the object in the disinfectant solution and sufficient stay in it.


After use, linen and diapers should be collected in a bag or bin with a lid and kept in a place away from children until washing.
Bedding and personal items must be boiled for at least an hour when washing. They wash the laundry in the laundry room, in dishes specially designated for this purpose, after which the laundry is boiled and then rinsed in a clean trough or bathtub (but not in the one where it was washed before boiling). Linen contaminated with feces must be rinsed before washing.
A laundress who deals with dirty linen (receiving linen, counting and sorting it, soaking and rinsing dirty linen, putting it away for washing and washing dirty linen before boiling) must wear a special robe, an oilcloth apron and a scarf.
Having finished working with dirty linen and moving on to clean linen, the laundress thoroughly washes her hands and changes her robe, apron and scarf. If two laundresses work simultaneously, it is advisable to distribute labor between them so that one of them deals only with dirty linen during the day, and the other with clean linen. It is important that washed and boiled laundry does not come into contact with dirty laundry.
Every laundry needs to have sufficient quantity and good quality equipment. It must have at least two baths (or troughs): one for soaking and washing clothes before boiling, the other for washing and rinsing clothes after boiling. It’s even better if there is a third bath that serves specifically for rinsing clean, boiled laundry.
Washing clothes in wooden troughs is unacceptable. Wood, due to its porosity, retains and retains traces of all kinds of contaminants for a long time, which contributes to the long-term survival of bacterial microflora on it (especially if you take into account elevated temperature and laundry humidity).
It should also be remembered that all equipment, in particular racks, must be used strictly for their intended purpose. To wash the hands of staff, you must have a sink, soap, a brush and a towel.
In the laundry room, it is necessary to carry out regular and thorough cleaning of the room and equipment. Special cleaning equipment is provided for this purpose.
To prevent steam and odors from the laundry room from penetrating into children's rooms, the door to the laundry room should be kept closed.
For the same purpose, ventilation of the laundry room through a common corridor should not be allowed.


The preparation and storage of disinfectant solutions must be carried out in accordance with approved instructions.
The chloramine solution should be stored in a dark glass container with a well-fitted (preferably ground) stopper. Under such conditions it can be kept for 15 days.
The preparation of bleach solutions is carried out as follows: to obtain a basic 10 percent bleach solution, take 1 kg of dry bleach, grind it in an enamel bowl (in a bucket), first pour a small (about 1 liter) amount of water into it, grind the mixture with a wooden spatula until a uniform mass is formed, and then add the rest of the water (9 liters).
The contents are mixed, shaken until a uniform composition is formed, then the bucket with the solution is closed with a lid or oilcloth and left in a dark, cool place for 24 hours.
After this, the clarified solution is carefully drained or filtered into another dark glass container with a stopper and stored in a cool place, away from drugs, food and out of reach of children.
From the basic solution of bleach 1 prepared in this way, working solutions of the required concentrations are made. To obtain a 0.2 percent solution of bleach, take 200 g (1 glass) of a 10 percent solution and dilute it in 10 liters (1 bucket) of water or 20 g in 1 liter of water. At proper storage The basic solution is valid for 10 days.
To prepare a 0.5 percent solution, take 500 g (2.5 cups) of a 10 percent bleach solution in a bucket of water.
The preparation of basic disinfectant solutions is the responsibility of the nurse. A doctor at a child care facility must periodically monitor the correct dilution and use of disinfectants.
For the production of basic disinfectant solutions service staff is not allowed, but he must be well aware of the proportion in which it should be diluted. Nurse is obliged to teach maintenance personnel the rules for using disinfectant solutions and monitor their compliance on a daily basis.


Products both in the kitchen and in the pantry should be protected from rodents, and in the summer from flies and mosquitoes.
The main remedy against insects and rodents is maintaining cleanliness in the catering unit and the area adjacent to it. The most radical measure to combat flies is to prevent the accumulation and open storage of garbage, garbage and waste, where flies could breed.
To prevent flies from entering the room, it must be treated in a timely manner, and opening windows, vents and doors must be sealed with a metal mesh that is easy to clean. Treatment of premises should be carried out in accordance with existing instructions: irrigation of surfaces with preparations in the form of aqueous emulsions (1.5-2 g per 1 m2 of surface) and repeated treatments 2-3 times a season.
Walls, ceilings and window frames are subject to such irrigation.
Processing should be done upon completion of work. At the same time, all food products and utensils are removed from the catering unit; After thorough cleaning and airing, everything is put back in place.
Flies that fly into the premises are destroyed different ways(sticky paper, fly traps, etc.). Food products are stored in closed cabinets and cupboards.
To remove mosquitoes from a room, you need to pour a little camphor into a hot frying pan. Camphor smoke, which is harmless to humans, will cause mosquitoes to fly away immediately.
In order to combat rodents and cockroaches, food in the pantry and catering unit should only be kept closed.
In the kitchen and pantry areas there should be no cracks or holes in the floor, ceiling, walls or cabinets. Food should not be stored on tables, drawers or shelves.
When cockroaches appear, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and apply peretrum or borax (use freshly burnt borax mixed with potato or pea flour in a 1: 1 ratio or concentrated solution boric acid is poured into flat plates).
Rodents are destroyed by the disinfection bureau at the request of the institution. In cases where deratization is carried out in the catering unit, all precautions are taken.
In case of careless and careless use various means to exterminate rodents, poisons may accidentally end up on food products. To combat rodents, you can also use mechanical means extermination (mousetraps).
Storing toxic salts and liquids in food storage areas is strictly prohibited, as they can be mistaken for food substances.

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